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S27.E12: We Got A Chance, Baby!

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Plus (and I say this as a straight woman), I thought Logan looked hot with the black eye make-up - from my point of view, she's the only one that pulled it off. And still shallow, but she's gorgeous when she smiles, she has the best body of all the remaining female contestants, and she seems to have so a self-awareness/weird sense of humour that I find strangely appealing. Yeah, maybe some of my friends are like her, in a more muted way, but she did make me smile often. And while on the shallow, Kelsey runs in a very bizarre way that I had never seen before, in real life or on TV.


For the most part i have been only half watching this season while playing on my tablet because i thought most of the teams were either boring or annoying . I finally it down this episode, and this was the first time i really noticed how hot both Kelsey, and surprisingly Logan really were.
  On 12/12/2015 at 7:45 PM, meep.meep said:

Or, we can take a different perspective and say that Kelsey and Joey won because they had the skills to win over their cab driver.  Might have been money, might have been what they said.

Not being an asshole to people is an important skill to develop.

  • Love 5

I too have watched since the beginning and spoiled myself so I wouldn't have to watch a Justin win. I just want to say Yaaaaaayyyy! Aside from their not being Justin, I was really happy that Kelsey and Joey won. I feel like we didn't get to know them because the producers spent most of their time on Justin and Diana. They were smart and cool and composed, supported each other. My 10-year-old pointed out how easily they decided Kelsey would pilot the skidoo -  she said if it were Justin he'd demand to do it since he thinks he's great at everything. And I think it's sweet that he wants to pay off his parents' mortgage. Nice people. Good for them.


Logan and Chris were just...awful and awkward. That mat speech was cringe-inducing. I guess we'll stay together, I won't move out. Yaay, us?

Edited by mookster
  • Love 8


From where I sit, Justin and Diana got lucky with transportation a lot of the times and weren't particularly good at the tasks.  They got ahead by luck and this time they fell by luck.

Exhibit A:  They were extremely lucky that the Cheerleaders sucked at the water show task, so lucky, in fact, that they were still able to squeak by even though they (Justin and Diana) had a penalty.


Couldn't stand Justin from the first minute.  He's the embodiment of all things New York (like the Jets and Yankees) that we Boston fans loathe.

  • Love 5
  On 12/12/2015 at 5:01 PM, Liqidclark said:
And how unsatisfying that I'll always wonder if the best racers came in second because the winners had less offensive personalities... Is it a race about skill and endurance and team work? Or is it just a popularity contest? I wish Justin & Diana had been bad racers, and lost for that reason, rather than because they were annoying and a sensitive cab driver decided to fuck them over.


I don't believe Justin & Diana were the "best racers".   They got lucky coming in first at at time where subsequent legs did not involve bunching due to flights or schedule issues.   They were adequate racers, but no better than many of the other teams.  They got lucky.  They even had luck looking for an operating cell phone.  That's the kind of task that is not skill dependent. Their good luck propelled them in the same way that bad luck (bad cabdriver, traffic, physical limitations,etc.) have screwed over some very good teams in the past.  In the end Justin was hoisted by his own petard and that was based upon the very same behaviors that this forum and others indicate to have made him unpopular in the first place. 


My opinion, I know...

  • Love 11

Maybe I'm getting soft, but the more I think about it, I wouldn't wish Justin's fate on anyone.   Life is hard enough all on its own.   I can't imagine carrying that kind of regret around, thinking about it every day you go to work or every time you wonder about your kids' futures.  How you almost realized your dream and had a million dollars if not for your own hubris.   Justin was a big jerk, but not so terrible that he deserves that kind of life sentence.   I hope he can forgive himself at some point.

  • Love 3


Re the Great Justin and the Cab Driver Battle, one is charged a flat fee to go from Kennedy to any of the boroughs.  $50 + tolls is the rate to Manhattan, so the cabbie wanted something more for his waiitng time and the new fare going forward.  It was a typical and, by NY standards, reasonable request.  He wasn't extorting Justin.  Justin was willing to pay him the $50 he was already owed (without tip) plus another $50 to wait and take them to the next destination. I didn't hear any mention of what was in it for the cabdriver.  Had Justin said, wait here, I'll pay what I owe, plus the fare going forward and will give you a $50 tip for your help, he probably would have stayed.  Justin tried to lowball him and the cabbie knew it.  Not giving a tip just confirmed the cabbie's suspicion.  (Wasn't Justin the only contestant who opted not to give all of his money to the orphange until Phil shamed him into it?)  And I agree with an earlier poster who said that Justin probably crowed to the cameras all of the way from Kennedy that they were about to win a million dollars.  This is NY- no one breaks their ass for a stranger unless there's something in it for them.  Some may see this as selfish, but it's the opposite.  It's understanding the value of your own labor and the understanding that you need to share the wealth if you want someone to go out of their way for you.  Finally, Mr. New Yorker also apparently is unaware that most, if not all, taxis have EZ Pass so the toll (at the lower rate) would have been added to the fare.  You'd want to avoid the cash lane at all cost, because they are fewer and more crowded. 


I also think the paps cab scandal is much ado about nothing.  They probably didn't realize that the teleprompterists hadn't paid their fare.  If it hadn't been resolved so quickly, they probably would have either been required by the rules to relent or would have relented because they couldn't pay the fare owed.  I'd be interested to hear the post mortem comments from the paps after watching the episode.  As for Joey, I would have done the same thing.  That cab would have had to have rolled over my body to leave with the paps, or dragged me along as I held onto the door handle. 


And why did production say, fly to Long Island? when they went from Kennedy directly into the city.  I thought they were going to have to transfer to Islip, which didn't make any sense.  Okay, Kennedy is technically on Long Island, but not to anyone remotely familiar with NY.

[Justin] was better with the chairs... just made one mistake... wonder if he would have got it perfect if he had focussed more on what he was doing rather than trying to rattle the reporters?

I think editing made it look like it was just one chair to try to add some drama.  They looked like they were putting them together much more sloppily than the reporters.


Any thoughts as to why their cab driver left after waiting around for a period of time?

My guess- the cabbie was not happy to go all of the way out to Belmont (he would have just learned this when Justin and Diana reappeared) and not get a fare back.  He also would have seen Justin stiff his cabbie and knew the other cab was being paid for waiting while he wasn't.  So, it already wasn't too good of a deal for him.  I think he just decided he was better off heading back to Manhattan than what was on offer, which probably included incessant nagging about getting there quickly, interspersed with having to listen to them bicker between themselves.  There's no way he didn't know where Belmont is.  And he had GPS even if he didn't.  He just decided it wasn't worth his while to hang around. 



So ... no likable teams by the end, and the final leg is decided by moody taxi drivers. I like the question someone else posed upthread: What if that driver wanted $1000 bucks? What if that driver literally said to them, "Hey, I know this is TAR, and you need me desperately. I want your girlfriend to take her shirt off right now." At what point are we allowed to be bothered by that kind of thing?


And how unsatisfying that I'll always wonder if the best racers came in second because the winners had less offensive personalities... Is it a race about skill and endurance and team work? Or is it just a popularity contest?

I don't think those other scenarios are comparable.  I think most viewers and even the racers would be very unhappy if something like that transpired.  But, as I pointed out above, nothing of this sort occurred.  There was nothing in that exchange that did not fall within local custom, a custom that Justin should have been familar with.  Just as the teams must acclimate to the taxi customs in each country they visit.  The most comparable experience on the race was the taxi driver who stole the belongings of the rock promoters in Russia.  No one accepted that as ordinary course.  It was a terrible incident that cost a team the race.  And most viewers, I would imagine, thought that was really bad (even if some may think it would have been wiser not to open oneself to that possibility given the local issues). 


It is a race about all of those things.  I actually find the incohate issues- like being likable, using one's brain to problem solve in travel and tasks, as well as the racers' effectiveness in communicating effectively with people (especially when there are language barriers) to be the most compelling aspects of the race.  It is well-established that younger, fitter racers have advantages in physicality and endurance.  I would hate a race that relied exclusively on those skills because we'd see an even more homogenous group of contestants.  Being likable is just as valid a talent as being strong.  And I would argue that Justin's effectiveness during the race was attributable, at least in part, to his being pushy and demanding with cabs, etc.  People from cultures where that behavior is not customary are likely to accede to demands out os politeness or simple shock.  (Trust me on this- I have colleagues who have badgered airline staff and cabbies in foreign countries.  They get their way, but create a lot of bad will in the process.)


Being likable is as important a skill as being able to muscle lobster nets out of the ocean, in both life and the race.  I don't find it problematic in the least that these skills are a component of the race.  I would argue that the more plenary the skills required to race effectively, the better the viewing experience.


I'd happily watch a race with competitive, solid racers who don't come across as assholes most of the time they're on screen. Everyone has a bad day/moment and makes an ass out of themselves, but some people just live like that. Watching them compete for a million bucks isn't particularly satisfying television - except when they lose, but that's never a given.

Agree wholeheartedly.  I just watched TAR Asia season 1 and found it extremely enjoyable that most of the teams were extremely pleasant, kind, and polite.  We don't have to be presented as a culture of boors, production.  Perhaps it's the attitudes of the industry folks seeping into the production. 


ETA:  In an earlier comment, I complained that the editing which made Kelsey and Joey essentially invisible took enjoyment out of the race.  Upon reflection, I understand the editing choice.  It was clear from the minute they left Randalls Island (at least to this NYer) that no one would be able to catch them.  The memory tasks were extremely easy for any observant racer.  (How did the paps forget, from the capitals challenge to the flag challenge that there were two African countries.  They got the capitals, but then completely forgot them in the next task.  That cab bickering must have done them in.)  Without the diversion of begging and pleading for Justin to lose, this would have been another let down of a finale (the one recurring, unsolvable problem with the race).  The editing saved us from this result.  Better to go out with a bang.  So, I think they made the right choice.  The ending will create much more of a reaction than another obvious cakewalk for the leading team could have done.

Edited by BarneySays
  • Love 6
  On 12/12/2015 at 8:27 PM, ichbin said:

I don't believe Justin & Diana were the "best racers". They got lucky coming in first at at time where subsequent legs did not involve bunching due to flights or schedule issues. They were adequate racers, but no better than many of the other teams. They got lucky. They even had luck looking for an operating cell phone. That's the kind of task that is not skill dependent. Their good luck propelled them in the same way that bad luck (bad cabdriver, traffic, physical limitations,etc.) have screwed over some very good teams in the past. In the end Justin was hoisted by his own petard and that was based upon the very same behaviors that this forum and others indicate to have made him unpopular in the first place.

My opinion, I know...

I agree Justin and Diana were good, but not great racers. They made their share of mistakes and had a lot of good luck.

They were extremely lucky to make the final 3 after not reading the clue last week and getting the penalty.

  • Love 4

I didn't know how badly I wanted Justin & Diana to lose until I realized how tense I was throughout that finale.  The problem I have with Diana?  She defers to Justin's douchey behavior way too often.  She should've intervened in the cab negotiation instead of allowing the big, bad, New Yorker to diminish their chances over a few dollars on the last leg. 


Those tasks were brutal.  The cheerleaders would've been screwed with those lobster pots.


Did Chris really sit his ass on that SeaDoo and tell Logan to PUSH HARDER?!  I just can't...

  • Love 2
  On 12/12/2015 at 9:47 PM, DB in CMH said:


Video from the mat with bickering over the taxis. I'm now a bit surprised by Justin's talking head blubbering. He's dry faced here.


So, maybe when L/C were complaining that "they took our cab" they thought Justin and Diana took their cab?  Still, they complained about this but then tried to steal the K/J's cab?  


And, Logan, there is no way you would have won if your cab was still there.  No way.  

  • Love 6
  On 12/12/2015 at 6:21 PM, needschocolate said:


Weeks?  Probably months? I don't know what sort of job Justin has, but I picture him standing next to the water cooler, eyes still red from the crying, repeating his tale of woe, while all of his coworkers keep cases of water bottles under their desks so they don't have to go to the water cooler for a drink.

Justin is that guy at work that makes you find work to do.

  • Love 14
  On 12/12/2015 at 6:23 PM, J-Man said:

Did any of the teams still have any bags left? I think most racers in recent years have ditched their backpacks (or left them at the final airport) in order to be able to move faster on the final leg.


Joey was being awfully unrealistic about his plans for the winnings. First, he has to split it with Kelsey, then there are both Federal and California income taxes. And he works (and presumably lives) in one of the most expensive cities in the US (Santa Barbara). So that money is not going to go very far toward paying off a mortgage and buying another house. 



SB strikes me as one of those places where there are richie rich people, and there are other people who are mid-income and have just owned their home since the dawn of time (or just for a long time) and so she may not have as high a mortgage.  


I thought reporters made a good salary, but it doesn't exactly sound like they do....

  On 12/12/2015 at 7:45 PM, meep.meep said:

Or, we can take a different perspective and say that Kelsey and Joey won because they had the skills to win over their cab driver.  Might have been money, might have been what they said.

I think there is truth in that.  Apparently the guy was just going to run the meter and hadn't even gotten paid yet.  If that task had taken 4 hours he would have been totally screwed!

As other people have mentioned the fare from Kennedy is a flare rate $50 plus tolls plus tip. There is no set rate for waiting time other than to tell the cab to start the meter and let it run. The driver has no obligation to stay and wait for anyone. So he can ask for what he thinks is fair. I've honestly never known anyone to not pay the tolls because the passenger is obligated to pay them. <br />I have no idea what the fare to Belmont would be. We usually take the train.<br />

  • Love 3
The problem I have with Diana?  She defers to Justin's douchey behavior way too often.  She should've intervened in the cab negotiation instead of allowing the big, bad, New Yorker to diminish their chances over a few dollars on the last leg.

Seeing how well it worked in the previous episode when Diana tried to point out what a jerk he was being to

the Cabbie I can see why she wouldn't say anything. He didn't care then, I doubt he'd care now. I do

wonder why she puts up with his behavior in the first place.  

  • Love 5
  On 12/12/2015 at 8:51 PM, millennium said:

Maybe I'm getting soft, but the more I think about it, I wouldn't wish Justin's fate on anyone.   Life is hard enough all on its own.   [...]  Justin was a big jerk, but not so terrible that he deserves that kind of life sentence.   I hope he can forgive himself at some point.


Normally, I would tend to agree with you.  But I don't have a lot of sympathy for people suffering from self-inflicted wounds.  And Justin's losing the race was entirely Justin's fault.  He brought it on himself, without any help from anyone else.


Also, I try to think of myself being in the position he was in.  I have (somehow) been invited to run the race.  Do you think the $1M would be of great importance to me?  Naturally, I would like to walk away at the end with a million in my pocket.  But just running the race would be the best possible good fortune!  For an Uber-Fan of TAR, being able to say "I ran the race, all the way from the start to the final mat!" should be hugely rewarding in it's own right.   The fact that he has enjoyed a privilege that very few people in this world can claim, seems to be lost on him.  All that matters is he didn't take home the money, and he didn't bead Dave/Rachael's record, and he isn't The Best Racer Ever.  


Once again, these are not qualities that make me feel any sympathy for him.


  On 12/12/2015 at 10:10 PM, scowl said:

Can a true TAR fan explain something? I remember (sort of) Maya having to go back in the last leg to return a protective suit that she forgot to take off after jumping through a window. Wouldn't that also apply to Chris who walked away wearing pants and boots from the fire department?


I think it really depends upon the instructions in the clue.  Sometimes they leave wearing the tutu and sometimes they have to return the boots.  I remember teams racing on foot through some mountain hamlet (in the Alps perhaps?) to the pitstop, all dressed as kangaroos or something, from the previous challenge.  Obviously they weren't instructed to return the outfits.   And the unforgettable memory of Charla in a mini-suit of plate armour, clanking up to the pitstop is also a strong memory. Honestly I'm surprised they (Paps) were allowed to leave the FDNY training facility with the trousers and boots.  Perhaps a penalty would have been awarded, if this were not the final leg, and they last to the mat.  We've had a penalty awarded at the final mat in the past.  Dave/Rachael had to go back and (re?)do something, before being allowed to check in.

  • Love 6
  On 12/12/2015 at 11:26 PM, andromeda331 said:

Seeing how well it worked in the previous episode when Diana tried to point out what a jerk he was being to the Cabbie I can see why she wouldn't say anything. He didn't care then, I doubt he'd care now. I do wonder why she puts up with his behavior in the first place.  


I will cut Diana some slack.  They are on a tv show racing around the world for $1 million.  They have won many legs and seem to have a good chance of winning the whole thing.  He is a hot head and would rather blame you than try to calm down.  This is not the time to "poke the bear."


But if she stays with him, it is another story.   

  • Love 6
  On 12/12/2015 at 3:22 PM, truthaboutluv said:

As Logan was screeching loudly to Chris, they got out of the cab. Joey and Kelsey never touched them or assaulted them. Yes they ran the cab down and said it was theirs but they never physically attacked them so I disagree that Logan and Chris got unfairly screwed. I wouldn't pay much attention to Joey's posturings after they already got the cab. Also, I have a feeling what really convinced Chris to get out was Kelsey's saying they hadn't paid the driver yet.

I don't think I said or even implied that anyone was screwed re: the taxi. I said I didn't care for Joey's macho swaggering and pontificating. I do pay attention to the swaggering. Joey is the biggest and strongest guy at this point. I get angry and frustrated a lot, and I never start bragging that I almost put my hands on people and left them in a pile on the ground. Kelsey said nothing in response, so I'm sure she wasn't crazy about what he said. I hope he's proud watching the show and seeing himself bragging that he would have become physical with a small woman and a man who's shown he's not very strong.

Perhaps this is why the reporters edit was so blank. I would have loved to see him follow through on his threat and be removed from the game. Better yet, the paps may have been removed as well, leaving perennial team #2 with exploding heads as green wins.

I don't like any of the remaining teams. I refuse to root for K/J by default. If we can hold Justin and team paps accountable for things they've said, then I can do the same for team white bread. Many have noted that Justin's behavior when losing is significant. Well I feel the same about K/J and how they acted while winning. I didn't care for it. I guess I'm happy for Joey's mom and her emancipation from his laundry.

  • Love 2
  On 12/12/2015 at 11:46 PM, Netfoot said:

Normally, I would tend to agree with you.  But I don't have a lot of sympathy for people suffering from self-inflicted wounds.  And Justin's losing the race was entirely Justin's fault.  He brought it on himself, without any help from anyone else.


Also, I try to think of myself being in the position he was in.  I have (somehow) been invited to run the race.  Do you think the $1M would be of great importance to me?  Naturally, I would like to walk away at the end with a million in my pocket.  But just running the race would be the best possible good fortune!  For an Uber-Fan of TAR, being able to say "I ran the race, all the way from the start to the final mat!" should be hugely rewarding in it's own right.   The fact that he has enjoyed a privilege that very few people in this world can claim, seems to be lost on him.  All that matters is he didn't take home the money, and he didn't bead Dave/Rachael's record, and he isn't The Best Racer Ever.  


Once again, these are not qualities that make me feel any sympathy for him.



I don't feel sympathy for Justin.   I feel pity.


Believe me, when he started cat-calling the Reporters during the Adirondack chair challenge, I wanted the Reporters to stroll across the sand and bash his skull in with the chair parts.   That's how much he got under my skin.


I cheered when it became obvious he wouldn't win.


But I regret that anyone should have to live with such a personal defeat.   It wasn't even like losing a sporting event where you're defeated because even though you gave it everything you had, someone else was faster/stronger/more agile.    He lost because of a personality flaw.  He lost because of Who. He. Is.  


I don't know how you make your peace with that.   Embrace it as an opportunity to change?   To become a better person?   If you can do that, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. 

Edited by millennium
  • Love 6

That mat chat is gold! Phil and the other racers had the look of "okay, here we go again" with Logan. I admit to feeling a wee bit sorry for Chris. I also thought it was pretty telling that C&L eventually made nice and hugged/congratulated K&J while Green Team just stood there awkwardly, though they eventually hugged the paps.




Perhaps this is why the reporters edit was so blank. I would have loved to see him follow through on his threat and be removed from the game. Better yet, the paps may have been removed as well, leaving perennial team #2 with exploding heads as green wins.


We see enough verbal abuse/sparring among and between teams on the race that I don't want to see any of it manifested physically. And Joey admitted on the mat chat that he wouldn't have physically removed Logan from the cab when she called him on it. I think his statements, while unfortunate, were mainly adrenaline-fueled at the time. I didn't like all the racers, but I never saw anything this season that would make me feel that any of them were capable of real physical violence (though someone upthread noted Chris was slapping at Logan at one point; I missed that). I do believe they would have crammed in the cab with Chris and Logan if the paps hadn't given it up. They may not have been able to get the paps out of the cab, but I believe that cab wouldn't have pulled away without Kelsey and Joey.


And even if they'd shared the cab, there's no way Chris and Logan would have won because they fell too far behind on the flag challenge. It would have been HI-LARIOUS to see that cab pull away with everyone but the Greens, particularly if the Greens watched them leave. Cue the tears.

  • Love 2
  On 12/12/2015 at 10:47 PM, rose711 said:

As other people have mentioned the fare from Kennedy is a flare rate $50 plus tolls plus tip. There is no set rate for waiting time other than to tell the cab to start the meter and let it run. The driver has no obligation to stay and wait for anyone. So he can ask for what he thinks is fair. I've honestly never known anyone to not pay the tolls because the passenger is obligated to pay them. <br />I have no idea what the fare to Belmont would be. We usually take the train.<br />

I think the flat rate is from JFK to Manhattan. I'm not sure if the flat rate applies from Queens to Queens. (Queens and Manhattan are part of NYC). To me it looked like the flat rate didn't apply and the meter was running. By not paying, the meter continued to run at $.60 per minute or $30 per hour. Since the meter was running, the cab belonged to Kelsey and Joey. Let's say that the paparazzi took the cab. Would they have to pay for the cab ride from JFK to Randell's Island? In addition, would Kelsey and Joey be penalized for not paying for the cab ride? Also, should the paparazzi be penalized for not returning the firefighter equipment? They were the only team not to do so.

Justin, who lived in NYC for 20 years, should have known that the FDNY's motto is not the Greatest, as he said to his trainer, but the Bravest. Justin should have been eliminated just for that. The temp, in the burning building, bearly got over 100 degrees while hot for them, the FDNY trains at almost 500 degrees. I'm quite sure that they were not subject to the heat for more than a few minutes. A lot less time than the heat they were subjected to in Africa and India.

I do have to give kudos to the green team because they seemed to make up quite a bit of time since they were both at the last challenge at the same time but editing could have made it look closer than it actually was.

  On 12/13/2015 at 12:40 AM, Maysie said:

That mat chat is gold! Phil and the other racers had the look of "okay, here we go again" with Logan.

Wow, watch that clip and just watch Phil's face -- he alternates between "Can I please get the [bleep] out of here and start drinking for a month" and a high school principal's expression of "I'm very, very disappointed in you." 

Happy that Justin didn't win although I don't actually hate him or Diana. I just felt he was too much in the face of the others and way too convinced that he both could and should win it all. I do wish the editors would allow the race to unfold a little more and not worry so much about 'creating a story'. It was pretty obvious about half-way through, that the team that always made second place would win and the crazed super fan would not. I have never felt that any of the results were rigged (and there are too many variables to make that happen), but I believe that various 'moments' have always been created to provide drama.


For example, when the surfer girl was on (Bethany), I was pretty sure the surfing challenge was created so America could watch her surf. Not so she would win the leg or even excel at the task, but they sure as hell weren't going to have "soul Surfer" on without us watching her surf. This season they had the super fan moments from Justin, and if would have been a little bit of a nicer person, we would have seen more of his personal race type stuff. He screwed himself. I believe he was not a nice person from the get-go and that is why teams like the Texans were against him.


I didn't really like the chair task at the end. It just seemed kind of a blah task for the final before the race to the mat, and those guys with the yellow scarfs just looked silly. YMMV of course. Didn't really mind Joey and Kelsey, and didn't mind Logan and Chris that much either. They seemed to have genuine affection along with the constant bickering. I do believe they are a couple; people  who were just co-workers would be more polite. So onward to the video season!

  On 12/13/2015 at 3:42 AM, Madding crowd said:

I didn't really like the chair task at the end. It just seemed kind of a blah task for the final before the race to the mat, and those guys with the yellow scarfs just looked silly.

Those were not scarves!  Those were sweaters, tied around their necks.  Very Hamptons/preppy, and a nice touch!  (Even though I think this was in August, and the amount of sweat from the Racers suggests the sweaters were ornamental only!) 

  • Love 1

Production had helicopters, dune buggies, etc. to avoid road transportation nightmares for most of the leg.  They had to use taxis twice during the finale...and grabbing a cab at JFK is not that difficult, even if you're headed to Randall's Island.  You could actually say they only needed to secure one cab, and negotiate with him to stay with them.  Many of us have moaned and groaned in the past  when it's been obvious the cabs were hired in advance and waiting for the teams.  We felt it was too easy.  I'd say part of the challenge of this final leg was testing their ability to see the big picture regarding transportation.

Edited by sinycalone
  • Love 1
  On 12/12/2015 at 9:47 PM, DB in CMH said:


Video from the mat with bickering over the taxis. I'm now a bit surprised by Justin's talking head blubbering. He's dry faced here.

Oh Logan.  Just shut up.  Shoulda, woulda, coulda.  You didn't.   Get over it.  Just because you fantasize that one scenario is changed,doesn't mean everything else remains the same in that 'fantasy'.  Maybe you should have studied the flags.....

  • Love 8
  On 12/13/2015 at 12:54 AM, Waldo13 said:

I think the flat rate is from JFK to Manhattan. I'm not sure if the flat rate applies from Queens to Queens. (Queens and Manhattan are part of NYC). To me it looked like the flat rate didn't apply and the meter was running. By not paying, the meter continued to run at $.60 per minute or $30 per hour. Since the meter was running, the cab belonged to Kelsey and Joey. Let's say that the paparazzi took the cab. Would they have to pay for the cab ride from JFK to Randell's Island? In addition, would Kelsey and Joey be penalized for not paying for the cab ride? Also, should the paparazzi be penalized for not returning the firefighter equipment? They were the only team not to do so.

I think you're right about the flat rate maybe only applying to Manhattan - but Randall's Island is technically part of Manhattan, not Queens. I think what happened is that Kelsey and Joey paid the driver the flat from JFK, and THEN asked him to run the meter and wait. Once the meter was running, they owed him that $$, so yeah, had Chris and Logan actually stolen the cab they would be responsible for the entire fare from the time the meter began. Of course, that's a moot point because I don't believe the driver would have taken them (unless Kelsey and Joey were ALSO in the cab, and I guess had L&C refused to budge that may have been the result). 


Justin is not only unpleasant, he is dumb. For someone who has lived here for 20 years, he should have known to do exactly what K&J did - have the cabbie run the meter if they couldn't agree on a waiting time. The $100 that J&D's driver was asking for may have seemed excessive, but they had no idea how long they'd be gone. Running the meter would be the only way to ensure neither the cabbie nor the racers got screwed. And if the meter was running and the racers didn't pay, the cabbie has the right to call the cops. That cabbie would have been smart to stick around and chill with the meter running. Justin either refused to allow the meter to run, or simply pissed the driver off enough that he wanted to peace out anyway. I mean... this is someone for whom winning this race apparently means EVERYTHING. And he must know you cannot just hail a cab on Randall's Island. What did he ACTUALLY think would happen when his cab peaced out? IMO he figured he'd be first to finish the task and planned to steal another team's cab all along. He didn't even seriously try to negotiate with the driver, he literally seemed like he wanted to ARGUE. I hope he's still weeping.


I think if there was a penalty for not returning the firefighter gear it would not have been shown as it didn't matter for the third place team. 


Chris and Logan's bickering was actually really funny to me, and I usually hate that shit on the race. Maybe it's because I don't actually think they are a real couple. Chris is not straight.

  • Love 4
  On 12/12/2015 at 10:10 PM, needschocolate said:

So, maybe when L/C were complaining that "they took our cab" they thought Justin and Diana took their cab? Still, they complained about this but then tried to steal the K/J's cab?

And, Logan, there is no way you would have won if your cab was still there. No way.

Logan is truly a despicable human being.

She acts as though they gave up the million dollars by taking the high ground. She tried and failed to steal the cab.

Even if they had succeeded in stealing the cab, Justin and Diana would have beating them because Logan didn't know that Africa isn't a freaking country.

  • Love 5
  On 12/13/2015 at 5:41 AM, yankee1151 said:

I think you're right about the flat rate maybe only applying to Manhattan - but Randall's Island is technically part of Manhattan, not Queens. I think what happened is that Kelsey and Joey paid the driver the flat from JFK, and THEN asked him to run the meter and wait. Once the meter was running, they owed him that $$, so yeah, had Chris and Logan actually stolen the cab they would be responsible for the entire fare from the time the meter began. Of course, that's a moot point because I don't believe the driver would have taken them (unless Kelsey and Joey were ALSO in the cab, and I guess had L&C refused to budge that may have been the result).

Justin is not only unpleasant, he is dumb. For someone who has lived here for 20 years, he should have known to do exactly what K&J did - have the cabbie run the meter if they couldn't agree on a waiting time. The $100 that J&D's driver was asking for may have seemed excessive, but they had no idea how long they'd be gone. Running the meter would be the only way to ensure neither the cabbie nor the racers got screwed. And if the meter was running and the racers didn't pay, the cabbie has the right to call the cops. That cabbie would have been smart to stick around and chill with the meter running. Justin either refused to allow the meter to run, or simply pissed the driver off enough that he wanted to peace out anyway. I mean... this is someone for whom winning this race apparently means EVERYTHING. And he must know you cannot just hail a cab on Randall's Island. What did he ACTUALLY think would happen when his cab peaced out? IMO he figured he'd be first to finish the task and planned to steal another team's cab all along. He didn't even seriously try to negotiate with the driver, he literally seemed like he wanted to ARGUE. I hope he's still weeping.

I think if there was a penalty for not returning the firefighter gear it would not have been shown as it didn't matter for the third place team.

Chris and Logan's bickering was actually really funny to me, and I usually hate that shit on the race. Maybe it's because I don't actually think they are a real couple. Chris is not straight.

I agree with everything except about Chris and Logan. They bicker exactly like a married couple. Chris does have some speech patterns and mannerisms that are a bit effeminate, but there are a lot of straight men that share them.

  • Love 5
  On 12/13/2015 at 6:04 AM, Bryce Lynch said:

I agree with everything except about Chris and Logan. They bicker exactly like a married couple. Chris does have some speech patterns and mannerisms that are a bit effeminate, but there are a lot of straight men that share them.

I don't know, even watching Logan and Chris kiss on the mat was uncomfortable.  It seemed more like they both were staring at the camera, they knew that they had to do something sweet and so they manufactured that kiss.  It just felt strange.  I don't know what the deal is, I truly don't.  Maybe they must be a couple, because they barely seem like friends sometimes.  Their conversation with Phil on the mat was cringe worthy.  Much, much, much worse than Phil constantly trying to make a love connection happen last year.

  • Love 3
Believe me, when he started cat-calling the Reporters during the Adirondack chair challenge, I wanted the Reporters to stroll across the sand and bash his skull in with the chair parts.   That's how much he got under my skin

Have we ever saw a team heckle another team so close to the finish line before?  That was pretty rude and once again Justin used up precious time and energy by always looking at the other team.


OMG!  Did Justin cut Phil off while he was talking?  Let's hope that Phil can say, "Nope, not going to do it, no Justin...".  I loved watching the reactions of the other teams.  Justin must have been a real ass the whole race.


Girl pap - you still would have come in last even if you did steal that cab.  Delusional!

  • Love 5
  On 12/12/2015 at 10:47 PM, RCharter said:

I thought reporters made a good salary, but it doesn't exactly sound like they do....


While Santa Barbara is not that far physically down the road from Los Angeles, in terms of Local News Now, it's only the 121st largest local market in the country and with those kinds of markets, you're often making less than $30K a year. So you either have a spouse who has a higher paying job, or you work a second job in order to make rent. (And then work hard on getting a good highlights tape of your work so you can move up to a better paying gig in Tulsa where you only have one job and no roommate) I know a lot of people who bought tv sets from the weather guy at an area Panama City Beach tv station whose second job was at Circuit City.

  • Love 9
  On 12/12/2015 at 5:42 AM, Tunia said:

Hilarious thought!


That reminds me of a Customer Service rep that was helping me with a store return.  The item was $5.99 (non-taxable), so I put a penny on the counter with my receipt.  The CSR said "Oh, you didn't have to do that...I would have rounded it up because you've been nice about the spoiled product.  Every now and then, I have to count out $.99 in change <grin>."


Revenge can be sweet.



etagloh said:


When I read this, for some reason it immediately flashed to me that it would be freakin' insane if the cabbie was a TAR fan who has been watching the season and didn't like Justin any more than we do.  Do you think Production vets that in any way?


How would that have been possible, since the entire season finished filming long before the first episode even aired?

  • Love 1

So incredibly happy the obnoxious guy didn't win!!  I was so incredibly nervous that the results would be different, I don't care for Joey, but I like Kelsey, she is calm, has a nice personality, runs like the hunchback of Notre Dame, generic pretty. 


Chris and Logan, oy vey, what an uncomfortable abusive relationship, see y'all, THIS is how Blair and Haley from last season would have turned out had Blair responded to her treatment of him.  But yeah, I thought their dysfunctional relationship was much more funny.

  • Love 1
  On 12/13/2015 at 12:15 AM, millennium said:

But I regret that anyone should have to live with such a personal defeat.   It wasn't even like losing a sporting event where you're defeated because even though you gave it everything you had, someone else was faster/stronger/more agile.    He lost because of a personality flaw.  He lost because of Who. He. Is.  


I don't know how you make your peace with that.   Embrace it as an opportunity to change?   To become a better person?   If you can do that, you're a better man than I am, Gunga Din. 


What can change the nature of a man?


  Reveal spoiler
Edited by Merneith
  On 12/13/2015 at 12:31 AM, truthaboutluv said:

Which is probably why I never quoted you and my post was not in response to you. It was to Charlesman's post on page 3.

You are so right. Sleep deprivation is my only defense. My apologies.

Edited because I'm temporarily illiterate.

Edited by RedheadZombie

It did look like the winner was obvious once one got a cab and two took the bus, but I also remember that in the past, the memory challenges took some teams hours and hours to complete, and as it turns out, the bus was not so much slower that at least one team was unable to catch up. Given that Justin and Diana managed to get to the final task while Joey and Kelsey were still there, and Logan and Chris got to the lobster task in 2nd place but were still doing the flags long after Justin and Diana were well into completion of the chairs, I do think the leg allowed for shuffling of order based on performance outside of transportation. It was really the flags that did in the Paparazzi. And if Joey and Kelsey had also struggled with it, they might well have lost to another team despite having been the only ones to get a cab ride out of the fire/rescue task.


It drives me crazy that the show didn't use the "Kelsey is also a superfan" angle in their "story editing." I really thought the reporters had been recruited for some unknown reason, and had no idea until I watched "extra videos" that she had grown up watching, was a hardcore fan, and that she had Joey had been dreaming about being on the Race, had trained extensively even before they were cast, etc. Wouldn't "Battle of the superfans" be as good (or better) a story than "superfan vs the bland non-entities"?

  • Love 14
  On 12/12/2015 at 10:47 PM, RCharter said:

SB strikes me as one of those places where there are richie rich people, and there are other people who are mid-income and have just owned their home since the dawn of time (or just for a long time) and so she may not have as high a mortgage.

I thought reporters made a good salary, but it doesn't exactly sound like they do....


I think the reporters are relatively new to their careers. I just read their bios and was shocked that Kelsey is only twenty-five. And even though she said she's proud that she graduated early, unless she's a prodigy, she doesn't have much work experience yet.

I love how disparate couples can be. Kelsey's pet peeve about Joey is he can be impatient, and Joey's is Kelsey taking too long to get ready before they go out. Since the questions are game related, I thought Joey's response was a little silly.

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