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S08.E04: Rocky Boat Horror Show

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I agree that Cynthia overreacted, but Porsha, WTH? Girl, you just got your peach back. Now you're going to be all violent again? I can see making that mistake once, but now that she's done it again an argument can be made that she has a *pattern* of violent behavior. Bravo might never hire you again.

Edited by Silo
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I really liked Kim and her underwear-spurning, cleavage-scorning, library-book-reading, loud-sex-having, own-snack-bringing self! She's not like anyone we've seen before and I look forward to seeing more of her.


I *did* think Phaedra was full o' shit, haranguing Tootie about how she couldn't possibly be happy just hanging out with her family, working, and enjoying both. Women aren't all the same and not everyone needs to get away by themselves for "me time", or at least not in the way Phae defines it (i.e., hitting the salon/spa--again, pretty nails and hair are not everyone's idea of fulfillment or even relaxation). I thought Kim seemed very genuine when she said she loved getting up in the morning and seeing her kids, and it was only after Phaedra's insistence that she broke down into those, I thought, rather baffling tears.


Tammy is messy as hell.

Edited by bref
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Ok, that ridiculous woman on the boat got me curious with "Drop Hey, Turn Up, Turn Up...."  So I spent time tonight and found this.  I need to do better.


Yeah, that's just what I expected it to be like. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


She ran with the quickness didn't she!  LOL!  And did I hear her say it doesn't have floors yet?  What the what?  Don't they usually put in floors and things before finishing the outside of a house?

I am sure that was no accident.


To me, Cynthia was the aggressor from the very beginning.  Even after she walked away, the others convinced Porsha to go over and try to make peace, but Cynthia wasn't having it.  Porsha did apologize at first, but Cynthia made light of it and started the whole thing again by belittling Porsha and calling her dumb.  Yes, Porsha should have just walked away at that point, but from the very beginning Cynthia was loaded for bear and went for Porsha like she had called Peter a bitch.

I think it was mostly Porsha's fault for continuing to antagonize Cynthia after she made it clear she was not interesting in talking to Porsha and that starting that non-apology with "I don't need to apologize...".

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Maybe I'm still in a soul train awards high but that scene was really cute and fun to me. Most of the episode/boat trip was too. But they had to eventually earn their paychecks I guess.

I'm really enjoying Kim. Her normalcy is refreshing.

I also thought kenya and Sheree running around was fun and lighthearted. Their light teasing about the houses had just enough shade for a laugh without getting nasty.
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... but why was Tammy's description of her own spouse as "nazi white" such an outrage? Tasteless & awkward, yes, but more than that, I don't get - enlighten me, please.

Many people would not consider the term "Nazi white" as merely tasteless nor awkward. It's a racist term. The Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, believed in white supremacy (see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy ) which is why they committed mass genocide against anyone considered non-white, and therefore undesirable.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
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Many people would not consider the term "Nazi white" as merely tasteless nor awkward. It's a racist term. The Nazis, under the leadership of Adolf Hitler, believed in white supremacy (see: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_supremacy ) which is why they committed mass genocide against anyone considered non-white, and therefore undesirable.

Her comments about her "Nazi white" husband makes me wonder how she really feels about him and if she's a bigot.
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Her comments about her "Nazi white" husband makes me wonder how she really feels about him and if she's a bigot.

And what did her husband think of her comment when he heard it.  If anyone ever called me Nazi white I would be extremely offended and pissed!

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My take on this episode...


I really liked Phaedra and Kim's play date visit.  I believe they bonded because they both have kids and want their kids to have a normal life.  I believe Kim gravitated towards Phaedra because of their desire to not involve themselves in the asinine drama that the others engage in.  As for Phaedra's statement about the girls showing their boobs, well while she has attempted to look sexy at times, she did it more appropriately than the others who took it to a more slutty level.  I believe they understand each other and they both have so much in common


The meeting with Porsha and Phaedra was kind of a cute girls day out thing.  I did feel bad that Duke ghosted Porsha when she was trying to connect and I am glad she listened to Phaedra's advice afterwards.  Phaedra is about the only person Porsha can feel comfortable talking candidly to.


Kandi listening to Cynthia lamenting about her marriage was ackward at best.  Even though they have the connection of each having a daughter, I cannot forget how Cynthia blasted Kandi to Kenya and the group after Kandi went to her for advice.  It is obvious Cynthia is really searching for that comradery she had with Nene and it does explain why they are back to being friends again.  Cynthia is hurting but no one in this group is going to be that ear to listen and be a true friend.  Case in point, the fact that Kandi relayed what Cynthia told her to the other girls and the fact that Kenya was using Cynthia's pain to showcase herself


Speaking of Kenya, the girl is a certified nutcase.  If you did not invite or want someone to be at your little swaree, then just tell them up front and send them packing.  The fact that she had the girl come on board and then go out of her way to belittle and show her distain for the girl was just juvenile and wrong.  The whole showcasing to the group then asking the skipper to throw the girl off the boat was just so stupid and childish that it was unbelievable. 


Sheree, sweeping the front of a locked house just when Kenya shows up was so contrived, it just looked absolutely phony.  The whole exchange was unnecessary.  Plus, Kenya used every opportunity to shade Sheree as much as she could but it was obvious Sheree wasn't buying into the bull.


Tammy.   What a screwed up piece of work.  Her comments about her husband was so off color and random and made no sense at all.  Her practically demanding that Kandi set up a session for her son when they know absolutely nothing about each other was Kenya level crazy.  It was just way too funny how everyone moved away from her and Kandi realized she was the only one still there and then got the heck out of dodge.


I also know that when Phaedra decides not to show up for an event, RUUUNNNNNN!!!!!


I honestly believe that the mean girls (Kenya and Cynthia respectively) go after Porsha for two reasons, they think she is an easy target based on viewers opinions and the fact that Porsha is hands down just more beautiful than either of them.  Plus being the youngest of the housewives is another thorn in their side as well.  Porsha reminds them of just how old they really are.


Another crappy moment with "queen" Kenya was when she tried unsuccessfully to shade Kim on her age when Kim looks almost as young as Porsha.  When the winds shifted and Kenya got shaded she reacted in typical Kenya fashion and invoked her high school bully/victim mode


As far as the altercation, Cynthia was drunk and wanting to snap at someone - ANY one but then like Clawdia before her she had to weigh her options.  Kenya was running around calling herself Cynthia's BFF (which you could see Cynthia wince at that statement) so it could not be her, the two new girls were mostly unknowns and one she personally had invited so they could not be targets.  Phaedra was not there plus Cynthia had to eat crow and apologize for her Chocolate fiasco so she couldn't go there either.  Then there was Kandi who she confided in so it wouldn't work with her either so who is left?  Porsha!  Yes, Porsha, the anointed "dumb one"  the young one, the one most likely to invoke an emotion from.  So even the slightest perceived infraction was going to be her chance to attack and BOOM, that's what she did.


There was no question how much out of left field that attack was coming from and it almost threw Porsha for a loop.  one minute they are laughing an joking. and yes everybody was calling everybody a bitch so there was no real reason for Porsha to have been singled out by Cynthia for any reason.  Honestly I really feel that Kenya and Cynthia planned this attack to discredit Porsha as she has always been seen as the enemy by both Kenya and Cynthia.  it is like they just cannot understand why "stupid" Porsha is still going strong and even earned back her peach when their partner in crime was sent packing clean out of Atlanta.  I also believe Kenya mainly encouraged Porsha to go and "apologize" knowing full well everything was going to escalate.  I swear this smelled of a setup to "get" Porsha" because there was no reason whatsoever for Cynthia to go in on Porsha considering that they were totally friendly just minutes before.


In my Phaedra voice "Something in the milk is not clean"

Edited by Aging Goth
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Cynthia is obviously a very messy drunk.  I think she just became very reactionary and emotional and Porsha was the first one to put herself there.  It happens, and Porsha should have just left her alone.


With regards to the extra guests, it was a party for Cynthia, (supposedly), so Cynthia may have been allowed to bring a friend from outside, and atthe very least Kenya knew about her before they got to the boat.  Porsha should have at least let Kenya know that she was bringing an extra person.  It seems like Kenya had pedicure stuff set up (or did I imagine that), and it would make things super awkward at any real party, if there was an extra person but there was only a set up for pedicures for the planned number of guests.  So from that light I can see how Kenya could get annoyed at an extra person.  That being said though, Phaedra didn't show up, handle it with class.


So while I agree Kenya was being shady about Kim's age, I'm not gonna hyperbolize and say Kim looks so much younger.  They look about the same age, and I think they should both be happy about their looks.  I do agree with everyone that Kim is a burst of fresh air. I like her, like her kids and her husband and love her library book. Hopefully she can remain above all the silliness that goes on. Who woulda thought.....Regine Hunter!

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I used to despise Porsha but have grown to love her (mostly because of Dish Nation).  She's a lot of fun.  And she had the higher ground in that fight, until she went at Cynthia physically.  Porsha seems violence prone and quick to get physical, which is weird, because she seems so happy go lucky.  Cynthia irritates me, but I hope Porsha doesn't lose her job over this.  She needs to keep her hands to herself, no matter who 'provokes' her.


Not a fan of Kim so far.  All of her lip service about how awesome and devoted as a mom she is, and she wants to bring class back.  The way to be classy is NOT to join the RHOA.  You are thirsty like the rest of them Kim, and talking about the carpool doesn't make you any better than Kenya.  And enjoy your new bestie, Phaedra, who married an ex con who is currently back in jail.  Classy.


Why aren't Phaedra's kids on the show anymore?  I prefer not seeing them but curious if Apollo barred her from filming them as a way to get at her.  When you take the kids away, some of the housewives lose their human side (like Brandi, who never got to show off her maternal side on RHOBH).

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I used to despise Porsha but have grown to love her (mostly because of Dish Nation).  She's a lot of fun.


I actually dislike Porsha more because of Dish Nation.  Had i not seen her on Housewives before I might have bought her act.  But she comes across as so knowlegeable, articulate and witty on Dish Nation, and I know she's not that it makes me realize that every single line on that show must be written for her, and that makes me mad. We all know good and well that Porsha knows nothing about politics, history or current events other than what she is directly interested or involved in.  And I can't buy the image of her that they're trying to see on Dish Nation.


But back to the episode I forgot to mention also that I liked everything Kandi wore in this episode, which is a first for me.  I think her pregnancy style is better than her regular style.

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Pissy Cynthia just makes me want to pat her on the head, squeeze her cheeks and say "look at you trying to act all indignant". 


Probably not the effect she's going for....


For real, I just can't with Cynthia trying to get all buck with Porsha.  And lol at her clearly not being all that into Kendra.  


Kim Fields grew on me a lot this episode, particularly when she snapped back at Kendra.  

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Why aren't Phaedra's kids on the show anymore?  I prefer not seeing them but curious if Apollo barred her from filming them as a way to get at her.  When you take the kids away, some of the housewives lose their human side (like Brandi, who never got to show off her maternal side on RHOBH).

They were on there, in the play date scene. Phaedra chastised Ayden - "You can't sword-fight everybody!" (I think he was whacking people with a pool noodle.) He said something back to her, I can't remember what. And they showed the little one too, although he didn't say anything. 

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And she had the higher ground in that fight, until she went at Cynthia physically.  Porsha seems violence prone and quick to get physical, which is weird, because she seems so happy go lucky.  Cynthia irritates me, but I hope Porsha doesn't lose her job over this.  She needs to keep her hands to herself, no matter who 'provokes' her.



Why aren't Phaedra's kids on the show anymore?  I prefer not seeing them but curious if Apollo barred her from filming them as a way to get at her.  When you take the kids away, some of the housewives lose their human side (like Brandi, who never got to show off her maternal side on RHOBH).


Porsha is definitely prone to hitting or pulling hair, it's been shown on this show twice now. I don't care who started it, when you lay your hands on someone, that's grounds for dismissal. 


As for Phaedra's kids, I love those boys to death.... so cute.... but she might have come to the realization that having them on the show isn't such a good idea. My hairdresser is friends with Ayden's pre-school teacher, and she says he acts out a lot. A LOT. It might be that Phaedra needs to rein the boys in so that they don't get in trouble like their poppa.

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Don't they usually put in floors and things before finishing the outside of a house?


I worked part-time for a home builder for ten years and we customarily finished the exterior in summer to work on the interior in winter. If Atlanta has a rainy season, I imagine they would adopt a similar M.O.



Sheree, sweeping the front of a locked house just when Kenya shows up was so contrived, it just looked absolutely phony.


Except that if the roles were reversed, Kenya would have been sweeping her front porch in an evening gown. Sheree was wearing the kind of clothes you wear to do housework! I know, right?

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Cynthia way the hell overreacted.  I did not see her expression when Porsha came out with the Jamaican accent but as mentioned above, she picks the weirdest shit to get upset about at the weirdest times.   That having been said, I’m here for drunkCyn.  She told Porsha everything that was wrong with her spirit from her hair follicles to her toenail.   You’re rude, you’re disrespectful, you’re a dumbass.  Shit at one point I thought she was gonna lean over Kim’s shoulder and Celie-point Porsha’s ass.   Now.  She (Cynthia) was dead wrong for taking it over the top, but I’d feel hypocritical telling her that as I was eating Kim’s soggy snacks while being highly entertained by it all.   


Porsha.  I give her credit for going over there to apologize.  Thing of it is.  If you’re not going to use the words I’m sorry, find sufficient synonyms.  Do not walk over to somebody and state that you really don’t think you did anything wrong.  For real, get your ass on with that.    Where that went wrong for me was that Cynthia was still fully amped and at about a 9/10 so she wasn’t in hearing apology mode and told Porsha some more truth.   That would’ve been a good time for Porsha to get up and walk away, ex-specially because she’s already had a peach snatched out her hand.  But alas, and as one of you lovies has already said, our Porsha is not skilled in the de-escalation arts.   Wait, lemme tell ya’ll where it really got funky for me.  When Porsha saddown on Cynthia’s deck chair I told the tv, teevee, Porsha sitting too close.   Cynthia does have a handsy problem combined with her lack of awareness or lack of concern as to how long limbed she is.  So when she was like Porsha get your ass on and she put her hand up and over like:  bitch, shoo, I said uh oh.  The thing is it wasn’t in Porsha’s face or frankly anywhere near her, Cynthia was telling her to get away from her and then she gestured to *away* lol.   For me, it was Porsha who escalated that by doing that shit I hate where a woman who’s out of words says something repeatedly and each time emphasizes it by bringing her finger closer to your personal space.   Then she stood over Cyn.   Yo.  Even in polite circles, that will get you an anointing of fresh lumps.   The irony is that Porsha doesn’t realize Cynthia fucked with her for the same reason she gave as having dragged Kenya.  {{headtilt/gumpop}} Porsha you don’t remember that time when you had said she got in your face with the scepter?  Well. 


Giggled when they were at the naughty drawlz store.   Oh wait, sidebar, I’m hating on Porsha for that bodyodyody.  We never see her working out, do we?  And yet bam/pow/boom.  Anyway, Phaedra.  Look she’s got two under 5 and a hundred things to do so it must take a lot of effort to keep things where they belong, especially because she’s like 5’ nothing.  So girl you’ve done a formidable job of it all but the stretchy pant waist baring midriff is not a look you’re ready for.  Shit lemme tell the truth, it ain’t one we are ready for.    The man at the register and then later Duke, had no fux to give, I loved it. 
I loved Sheree’s dress on the boat, whole look actually.  Simple.  Top knot, beat face, giving Marilyn Monroe, that’s how you show up if you’re going to treat the word yacht like it’s a verb.  I also thought she responded as graciously as possible to seeing Tammy.   Ambush-a-no-no.  She’s messy, weird and strikes me as the type who tells all your damn business in one sentence.   I don’t know who called her Mylie Cyrus but I belly jiggled. 


Kenya’s in pretty good shape for a woman of a certain age, but that ass is a situation.  It is slowly but surely creating an identity of its own.  @Watermelon, are you here lovie, can you check to see if it has its own twitter page?    Speaking of Ambush a no-no, I hate that ya’ll keep making me defend Kenya, stop it! I don’t like her!  Ok look the reason she shaded Shamea and not Tammy is because Shamea had slick mess to say at the launch party AND she wasn’t invited.  Tammy wasn’t invited either, but she and Kenya don’t have a brief but already unpleasant history.   By the way, I agree with her, in a small setting, when only a handful of people have been given a personal invitation you do not add a plus one.  She didn’t follow etiquette rules because a) she has none and b) that heffa was already on her radar.  So I don’t mind her answering tacky with tacky.


Kim made me howl with laughter.  “I’m surprised at how much cleavage was just oooooooooout” lol.  Then the President of the itty bitty struggle titty committee was praising Jesus to have help.  I loved this episode. 


Just a word about the SAE thing.   We’ve had that discussion on the boards many times.     It’s not an indication of being inarticulate.  If anything, it’s more difficult for formally educated, articulate people to relax their SAE usage.   Bear with me for a minute, I’m sure a good number of ya’ll have heard of this but for anyone who hasn’t, DuBois wrote an essay called The Souls of Black Folks which explains this occurrence.  It’s called code switching.  His essay focuses on the duality of black people possessing the ability to calibrate their speech, and in certain instances, their actions, to match their environment.  You know the saying necessity is the mother of invention? Code switching was a prime historical example.  Survival created the talent of assimilation – slaves had to know enough to be valuable but not so much as to be considered a threat and simultaneously balance being available and invisible.  If you think about their circumstances, the ability to pull that off was actually a gift.  On Bravo’s Inside the Actor’s studio,  Dave Chappelle describes the same concept in comedic terms by saying black folks start out fluent in two languages (1) The Way In Which We Speak to Each Other and (2) Job Interview.    My problem – thank you for asking lol - is that we only ever have the conversation when people of color do it.   Personally, I don’t mind the conversation, some people have never heard this term.   But when George Bush is the highest ranking word mangler of all time or when episodes of Duck Dynasty have to be subtitled, I do mind having the conversation exclusive to one group.   As somebody above pointed out, Cynthia and Kenya (and Kim) do regularly speak well and properly, which is proof that they can.    Their grammatical laziness is no different than when your anglicized accent gets more pronounced around your {insert culture here} family.

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So here's my question.  I see a lot of people taking Porsha to task for not walking away from Cynthia when she was asked to leave.  Why isn't Cynthia taken to task for not keeping her hands out of Porsha's face when she was asked?  Porsha made it known a few times that she didn't like it and that if she stood up things would get serious.  But Cynthia kept it up and even stepped closer to her at one point.  

As a viewer, Cynthia pushed that altercation.  She kept up at Porsha until she got what she wanted, even after Porsha told her (several times) that she didn't mean it that way as well as all the other women stating they did not feel that Porsha was saying the word "bitch" seriously.  


From where I sit, the entire scenario was Cynthia's fault.  Yes, Porsha is responsible for putting her hands on Cynthia.  But that's it IMO.  

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That launch party was a hot mess, pun intended. It just proved, yet again, that Kenya is a pretender -- all fake, smoke and mirrors. And what was Kenya doing by saying out loud Porsha's friend wasn't invited -- what was that other than trowing shade.



Before Shamea even got on the boat, when she was walking up, Kenya whispered to Cynthia that she didn't invite her and was going to (and I quote) "shade her all day long." I know because I went back and rewound to make sure I heard what I thought I heard. Yet listen to her conversation with Kandi when Kandi calls her out for being shady to the girl and Kenya outright denies it and basically calls Kandi delusional/revisionist. This is why I can never warm up to Kenya. 


Did anyone see that right before the fight and the utterance of the b-word by Porsha, Kandi was actually the first to say something to the effect that Cynthia should go talk to Kenya since they were BFF's and Cynthia said "Shut up Kandi!" I died. I think it was actually even captioned. Cynthia really is feeling some type of way about being called and seen as Kenya's BFF. 


No it's not but it would be nice to, on this show, see an educated black woman who can speak well to on this show. Kenya and Cynthia speak the best, but they still sound ignorant and classless many times. 


Oh dear, this all took an unexpected left. I originally commented using double negatives to be stupid/cute, seems as if I just accomplished the former and I am an educated woman also. Didn't mean it and never foresaw it devolving into a proper grammar dispute. My bad. 




Ok, that ridiculous woman on the boat got me curious with "Drop Hey, Turn Up, Turn Up...."  So I spent time tonight and found this.  I need to do better.



Why do I click the link? Why do I always click the link? I just never learn. Who is even the lead singer in this thing? It is just a bunch of kids dancing and I don't see who is supposed to be the artist here but than I again I admit there was a whole lot of FF'ing. 


Is it me or did Phaedra have a lot of ass out for a playdate? I mean I get that it was a swim playdate and she was wearing a swimsuit and cover up but those bikini bottoms were clearly visible and were almost thongs. No bueno. 


I love the way Kim's eldest son seems so enamored of his younger brother. So sweet!! 

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So here's my question.  I see a lot of people taking Porsha to task for not walking away from Cynthia when she was asked to leave.  Why isn't Cynthia taken to task for not keeping her hands out of Porsha's face when she was asked?  Porsha made it known a few times that she didn't like it and that if she stood up things would get serious.  But Cynthia kept it up and even stepped closer to her at one point.  

As a viewer, Cynthia pushed that altercation.  She kept up at Porsha until she got what she wanted, even after Porsha told her (several times) that she didn't mean it that way as well as all the other women stating they did not feel that Porsha was saying the word "bitch" seriously.  


From where I sit, the entire scenario was Cynthia's fault.  Yes, Porsha is responsible for putting her hands on Cynthia.  But that's it IMO.  


Ok, I watched it twice and I will say that I don't absolve Cynthia.  I agree with the poster upthread who said this fight had so many earlier points at which it could've been squashed.   Cynthia didn't put her hands in Porsha's face it's the opposite.  When Porsha came over to nonpologize and Cynthia was like get away from me, Porsha - 3 separate and distinct times - said oh that's how you wanna handle it ?  - um yes, Porsha, clearly it is because that's how she's handling it.   When Cynthia made the shoo fly shoo motion, she grabbed her hand, which was nowhere near Porsha's face and kind of threw it away.  Then she punctuated each of her "this is how you wanna handle its?" by putting/pointing her finger closer and closer to Cynthia's face each time, then she got up.   So I don't know if there's a distinction for anybody else, but for me, it was clear that Cynthia was the agitator but Porsha was the aggressor.  Rules of engagement.  Cynthia never touched her. 

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Ok, I watched it twice and I will say that I don't absolve Cynthia.  I agree with the poster upthread who said this fight had so many earlier points at which it could've been squashed.   Cynthia didn't put her hands in Porsha's face it's the opposite.  When Porsha came over to nonpologize and Cynthia was like get away from me, Porsha - 3 separate and distinct times - said oh that's how you wanna handle it ?  - um yes, Porsha, clearly it is because that's how she's handling it.   When Cynthia made the shoo fly shoo motion, she grabbed her hand, which was nowhere near Porsha's face and kind of threw it away.  Then she punctuated each of her "this is how you wanna handle its?" by putting/pointing her finger closer and closer to Cynthia's face each time, then she got up.   So I don't know if there's a distinction for anybody else, but for me, it was clear that Cynthia was the agitator but Porsha was the aggressor.  Rules of engagement.  Cynthia never touched her. 


Right, but I didn't say Cynthia touched her.  


Before Cynthia moved to a different area of the boat, she got in Porsha's face several times.  Done while Porsha was seated and Cynthia was hovering over her as if to intimidate her further.  Which was when Porsha stated if she stood up things would get serious.

My point was that at that moment, Cynthia kept at Porsha when she had been asked and then finally warned to get out of Porsha's face.

Edited by CaughtOnTape
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No it's not but it would be nice to, on this show, see an educated black woman who can speak well to on this show. Kenya and Cynthia speak the best, but they still sound ignorant and classless many times.

As regards to Kim's surprise at the revealing nature of the ladies' dress….I w.

Sometimes the use of nonstandard American English is about having fun and being silly and using colloquial language among people you are comfortable with. My whole circle has advanced degrees and when we aren't at work, we use all the double negatives and whatever else slips out when we're comfortable. It boggles my mind that people complain about this on this show. With Nene I can see it a bit because it was clear she just didn't know how to conjugate, but the rest do it colloquially. That's one of the realist things about this show. But anyway...

Watched again and I agree that Kenya and Cynthia are mostly responsible for the nonsense. Kenya is such a passive aggressive little bitch. She planned to antagonize Shamea [whose body is SICK. Ain't no (hee hee) fat on that girl except in all the right places. Damn.]

And Cynthia with her projection about disrespect. Stfu. That's why her ass is getting dragged on social media now.

Edited by ridethemaverick
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What lingered to me was just the inability of Porsha to just say "I didn't mean it that way, but if I offended you I'm sorry."  Honestly, what's so hard about that?  At my last job I worked in a department with all women and the personal rifts between my co-workers based on their unwillingness to just say "I'm sorry" when they were dead wrong was just absolutely mind blowing to me.  Mind you, I don't think Porsha was wrong.  But still tho......   

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What lingered to me was just the inability of Porsha to just say "I didn't mean it that way, but if I offended you I'm sorry." Honestly, what's so hard about that? At my last job I worked in a department with all women and the personal rifts between my co-workers based on their unwillingness to just say "I'm sorry" when they were dead wrong was just absolutely mind blowing to me. Mind you, I don't think Porsha was wrong. But still tho......

Because by that time Cynthia has already called her a dumbass and a dumb bitch. I wouldn't have apologized after that either.

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Right, but I didn't say Cynthia touched her.  


Before Cynthia moved to a different area of the bus, she got in Porsha's face several times.  Done while Porsha was seated and Cynthia was hovering over her as if to intimidate her further.  Which was when Porsha stated if she stood up things would get serious.

My point was that at that moment, Cynthia kept at Porsha when she had been asked and then finally warned to get out of Porsha's face.


You're right girl, I'm sorry :D, I put that in there myself.   You said Cynthia pushed that altercation.  I simply always default to most wrong as the person who laid hands first.   I might be splitting hairs here for a second but Cynthia standing over Porsha - isn't actually the same as both of you already being in the seated position and then one of you gets up.  Cynthia was already standing and walked over to Porsha to start loud talking.  I agree with you in that she began an unnecessary argument and further fueled it with her drunken antics.

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I worked part-time for a home builder for ten years and we customarily finished the exterior in summer to work on the interior in winter. If Atlanta has a rainy season, I imagine they would adopt a similar M.O.



Except that if the roles were reversed, Kenya would have been sweeping her front porch in an evening gown. Sheree was wearing the kind of clothes you wear to do housework! I know, right?


Well...Christmas is coming and I'm wondering who's going to win that bet!!  Does anyone know if either Sheree or Kenya are in their homes yet?  

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Because by that time Cynthia has already called her a dumbass and a dumb bitch. I wouldn't have apologized after that either.



True.  But Porsha should have apologized from the beginning.  It really doesn't matter how she meant "bitch" to me.  It matters more how someone you call your "friend" receives it.  I kinda thought Cynthia called her dumb and stupid BECAUSE she didn't realize she should apologize.  

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I generally like Kenya, but sometimes she makes me SMH. It's like her basic human needs are food, shelter, water, clothing, and a fight with someone.

And I never thought I'd say this about a Cynthia/Porsha dust-up, but...Cynthia was wrong y'all. I think she was drunk and over sensitive and bracing for a fight. Porsha genuinely seemed confused and conciliatory. That being said, what did Porsha mean that, if she gets up, it'll be a whole different story?? Ugh, that girl goes from THOT to thug way too fast.


Bwahahaha!! You totally nailed Kenya (for this character she's playing.)


I'm in the "Porsha was being shady" camp. Yes, they had been tossing the "bitches" all day, but there was some stank edge on that last "bitch," and it came on the heels of some "Yeah, go get your best friend" shade. It was clear Cynthia was getting tight because she basically said "I'm going but there's plenty of (fake) best friends here, not just me" while heading off to chill Kenya out. Porsha's last "Who, bitch?" was not the juvial (hey, 'Pollo!) usage and I see why Cynthia said that.


LONG before it got to the point where she even walked away, she TOLD Porsha she didn't like what she said, and told her she hadn't disrespected her and called her out of her name. So it was very clear they were on different pages. Even though I DO think Porsha was being dismissive and sharp with her bitch, I also don't think she was looking for a fight with Cynthia. She was just running her mouth as always. And I also think Cynthia took it in a way Porsha didn't necessarily mean. Still, when someone tells you they don't like what you said, for whatever reason, and you're in a "friend" zone the response is not "what's wrong with you/I didn't say anything wrong/are you serious" it's simply "I'm sorry, I was just playing. I didn't mean to sound like I was serious." Boom. Done, finished. No following someone to explain why you DON'T owe them an apology, no fight, no being held down by security.


Porsha has a serious problem with saying "I'm sorry." She just can't seem to do it, like it's taking something away from her to say those words.


Phaedra gives me whiplash.  In one scene, she is playing her THOT role with Porsha.  In the next scene, she has her prayer cloth on her thighs (figuratively) and agreeing with Kim that there are too many boobs on display.  I am side eyeing Kim a bit over her "I lost myself" bit.  I did not believe Kim for a second in that fake cry she squeezed out.


Seriously. Both scenes had me talking back to the TV, reminding Phaedra that she bought new tits PRECISELY so she could air them out. And I also said "Kimmy" was doing a little too much with trying to make that tear happen. I also yelled at Kimmy to be careful about being so quick to call Phaedra a friend she could go out with - that she'd find herself somewhere with a man named ReDickulous stirring her drink without a swizzel stick.


Shamea needs to go. Trying way too hard, but she's a friend of Porsha, so I don't expect much of her behavior. That said, Kenya didn't have to mention not inviting her multiple times or go ask the captain about kicking her off.

I can see how Porsha was being shady with her comment. It wasn't the 'bitch' that they colloquially used all day. However, Cynthia has heard much shadier (and dished it), and completely overreacted. Porsha needed to leave her alone, instead of all that 'you're going through something' condescending bullshit. Of course she's going through something, much like you did in the past couple of years. You know how it feels, so let it ride a bit after explaining yourself. Once again, Porsha shows her trashy thug side, which makes me lose any consideration I had for her in the beef.

Phaedra and those struggle bitties and pregnant pickle sucking and tonguing Apollo down during a double date and ReDICKulous self fellatio loving had the gall to sit up on the lanai talking about bringing class back? Girl, bye.

I loved Kim and the book. She just knew she was about to have a kid free day, lounging in the sun.

I think Kandi is just trying to indulge Todd and make him feel like an entrepreneur/man of the house with the restaurant thing. She is nothing if not a reasonably shrewd business woman, and had to have researched the failure rate of restaurants. They'd be better off buying an already established place imo. As an aside, it seems that Don Juan has no idea of what his lane is, but then again, neither does Kandi.


All this.


Really. At least Claudia waited a few episodes and until she had some actual beef to go for Nene's edges. Shamea is just trying to do the most from the first "...and, action!"


I would have been Kim, book in my purse and ready to enjoy a sunny boat day. Until I realized I was on a show where gathering = fight.


More yelling at the TV "Todd supported your failure of a dream, a play based on your terrible relationship with your mother - and you're supporting his soon-to-be failure of a restaurant. That's not being a good spouse, that's being co-dependently stupid!!"


Don was a friend first, like most of Kandi's employees. So everybody feels they can say whatever because that's the business she runs.


I think it was shade.  She was doing the "that's your best friend" when the women were talking about Kenya kicking the uninvited guest off the boat.  She just tried to play all innocent because it went under the radar for most of the ladies.


With people who use words such as "bitch" freely, I believe tone for them is everything.  Yes, they use it as friendly banter, but they also use it when they are going in on someone.  The tone of Cynthia's and Porsha's conversation had changed when she was going on about Cynthia's relationship with Kenya, to Cynthia's displeasure.  Hence the upset when Porsha added the  "whatever bitch"


... and agreed.


Porsha is definitely prone to hitting or pulling hair, it's been shown on this show twice now. I don't care who started it, when you lay your hands on someone, that's grounds for dismissal. 


As for Phaedra's kids, I love those boys to death.... so cute.... but she might have come to the realization that having them on the show isn't such a good idea. My hairdresser is friends with Ayden's pre-school teacher, and she says he acts out a lot. A LOT. It might be that Phaedra needs to rein the boys in so that they don't get in trouble like their poppa.


There's just so many times one can try to explain away Porsha being justified in putting her hands on someone who hasn't hit her, because, because, because. Girl is in her mid-30s, that's just trifling. She needs to get that shit together.


I have no doubt Aedan getting a lot of attention because of this show and is getting quite spoiled by it. It's not his fault, but his mother needs to check that before he becomes Kylie Jenner.

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These women never know how to behave.

I wouldn't want Shamea on the boat either. She's forever throwing shade it's like every word out of her mouth is shade. Need to learn to do it in moderation. Kenya said she invited everyone but Shamea. If that was me I would've told her to go home, if not invited don't come if it hasn't been cleared by the host.

Cynthia was more than likely tipsy but she got away from Porsha "Violent Dumbass" Stewart. Porsha knew she was upset and was going to apologize but instead antagonized. She could have just been the bigger person and said sorry and left it at that.

Whoever that guest was bothering Kandi needed to sit her ass down and STFU. That's NOT how you set up a business meeting, having son's mommy do it and she's not even managing him or his agent. Have several seats you idiot.

If I was Kim I would've brought a book too.

Phaedra just needs to STFU as well with all the classy talk. She's so fake and phony. Kim might wanna stay as far away from her as possible but her pickings are so damn slim on who to be friends with on that show. She might wanna reach out to Queen Latifah, Erika Alexander, and Kim Coles for some friends.

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I feel like Cynthia consistently picks the weirdest things or wrong situations to get upset about or make drama over ( ex: blaming Nene for her marriage failures, Mr Chocolate, other more trivial shit) while the big issues are serious concerns she doesn't address.

So agree with this. That fight really had nothing to do with her being disrespected. She is obviously stressed out and lost it. But most times people have chaos in their lives, it will be something minor that topples them. I hope Cynthia can make some changes in her personal life as she seems very unhappy. Peter is dragging her down.

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Because by that time Cynthia has already called her a dumbass and a dumb bitch. I wouldn't have apologized after that either.

I wouldn't have followed Cynthia to tell her I wasn't apologizing.


There's just so many times one can try to explain away Porsha being justified in putting her hands on someone who hasn't hit her, because, because, because. Girl is in her mid-30s, that's just trifling. She needs to get that shit together.


I suspect Porsha has been spoiled all her life.

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I think Porsha did apologize, and it seemed heartfelt.  Cynthia got in her feelings and stomped away.  Then Kenya (kind of sensibly) told Porsha to apologize, and Porsha seemed ready to.  However - somewhere between the change of venue, Porsha seemed to switch from apology mode, to, "You know what?  Fuck that bitch!" and approached Cynthia aggressively.  Meanwhile, the whole time, Cynthia was being rude to her, calling her dumb, etc.  The fact that these two people just don't like each other bubbled to the surface while they were drunk.


Soooo... I see Porsha's perspective here and I feel like Cynthia was being rude, but - this is the second time Porsha has attacked someone and it's not okay.  Porsha is becoming my favorite character but she needs to use her words and not move to violence when she's frustrated.

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I wouldn't want Shamea on the boat either. She's forever throwing shade it's like every word out of her mouth is shade. Need to learn to do it in moderation. Kenya said she invited everyone but Shamea. If that was me I would've told her to go home, if not invited don't come if it hasn't been cleared by the host.


This here.  Thank you, if this is "real" I'm still bothered about this for the following reasons:  a) Porsha didn't even let Kenya know she was coming let alone ask her.  For that matter, Cynthia didn't let her know about Tammy, which is just as rude but Kenya also mentioned that in her TH.  Ya'll what'd she call em?  Tagalongs, Ridealongs?  something completely unflattering but giggleworthy but I can't remember now.   and b) Shamea.  If the only reason you're here drinking up my (Bravo's) liquor and eating my (Bravo's) catered vittles is talk greazy behind my back in front of my face and I'm the host, then yeah carry/swim/dive/row your ass away from MY party.  The hell you even doing here?


If it's not a real scenario, disregard lol.

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I keep forgetting Porsha is in her 30s because she acts like she's in her early teens. She's just ... not grown up. For sure she holds a good deal of the blame in that fight (in my opinion anyway) but Cynthia was just way out of line. She was clearly looking for a a fight because she's mad at Peter. She should address her issues with Peter instead of taking her aggression out on an easy target like Porsha.


I don't understand the "Nazi white" comment at all. It doesn't even make sense. I'm about the whitest person I know (my skin is the color of unbaked bread dough) and I have never once thought of describing myself as "Nazi white". Nazi is not a description of a skin color, it's a description of a way of thinking. If someone said something like that about me I would be very upset.


I thought Sheree looked very nice on the boat. Her dress was pretty. I  wasn't watching the show regularly when she was on the first time and I get the impression I missed a lot of her shenanigans but so far I'm enjoying her.


Kenya would be kind of funny if she would just stop trying so hard. In trying so hard to make fun of other people she just makes herself the (artificially enhanced) butt of the joke.

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Shamea was invited by production. Kenya knows this and is being extra as usual. She should be grateful that someone was there for her to fight with since that's the only "value" she has on the show.


LOL!!! Thank you girl, I'm officially climbing down off the ledge.

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Has Shamea been on the show before?  I only half watch but I didn't recognize her.  She was a bit over the top but I was also laughing at what she was saying.


Haha, I forgot about the Nazi White comment.  As another whitey, I've never heard that, and it was just a dumb comment... I think Miley Sr thought she was being funny and it just fell flat, poor thing.

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Well...Christmas is coming and I'm wondering who's going to win that bet!!  Does anyone know if either Sheree or Kenya are in their homes yet?  

I wondered that too. They have less than a month to go! The exterior of Chateau Sheree is gorgeous. It's waaaaaaaaaaay too much house for me, but it does look nice from the outside.


I suspect Porsha has been spoiled all her life.

No doubt. Porsha is what you get when you raise girls to be trophy wives. She does have a very young air about her, like she lacks basic life skills.


I did like her realization that Duke is not the guy, and that if she really wants marriage and kids that she needs to date men who are of similar mind-sets. That was one of the more mature displays from Porsha. As I said before, Duke would actually be the perfect rebound guy if she could look at him that way, but she was trying to force him into a role he didn't belong in.


Sheree did look great on the boat. I loved her dress.


Re: Tammy, someone sent me this link. It looks like we'll be seeing more of her as a friend of, unless Bravo is cutting her out.

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I really liked Kim and her underwear-spurning, cleavage-scorning, library-book-reading, loud-sex-having, own-snack-bringing self! She's not like anyone we've seen before and I look forward to seeing more of her.


I *did* think Phaedra was full o' shit, haranguing Tootie about how she couldn't possibly be happy just hanging out with her family, working, and enjoying both. Women aren't all the same and not everyone needs to get away by themselves for "me time", or at least not in the way Phae defines it (i.e., hitting the salon/spa--again, pretty nails and hair are not everyone's idea of fulfillment or even relaxation). I thought Kim seemed very genuine when she said she loved getting up in the morning and seeing her kids, and it was only after Phaedra's insistence that she broke down into those, I thought, rather baffling tears.


Tammy is messy as hell.

I didn't think it was that baffling. This is coming from a single woman, but I truly find it weird as hell that Kim says she has no friends. Hell, she has a little sister she could have easily named, but she said "husband and kids'...and that sounds...terrible tbh.  I'm surrounded by working wives and none of them are content to just be with their kid and their man. Who else do you talk to, who do you run possible hair colors by?  Who celebrates your birthday? No birthday brunch??? Really?!

Maybe Kim really is happy, but I don't find it odd that Phaedra found it odd.

I'm blaming Cynthia for the fight, just because before the "Who, bitch?" comment it was obvious Porsha was just wanting Cynthia to have a good time.


All that damn screaming about how dumb Porsha is...like...that's a lot, miss.

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I didn't think it was that baffling. This is coming from a single woman, but I truly find it weird as hell that Kim says she has no friends. Hell, she has a little sister she could have easily named, but she said "husband and kids'...and that sounds...terrible tbh.  I'm surrounded by working wives and none of them are content to just be with their kid and their man. Who else do you talk to, who do you run possible hair colors by?  Who celebrates your birthday? No birthday brunch??? Really?!

Maybe Kim really is happy, but I don't find it odd that Phaedra found it odd.


Girl stop it, you know the legitimate answer to this is: nobody.  lol!


Maybe that's why she climbed in her feelings, she realized just how isolated she sounds and is.   I get it. I don't belong to a sorority, my only sibling is a generation younger than I, my squad is spread out all over the country and my only kid goes to school away from home.  As soon as I say the word housewives, I can see my dude's eyes cloud over, so if I didn't talk to ya'll everyday.....?   {{sucksthumbandrocksinthecorner}}

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Someone else mentioned this but you can hear Porsha say "I was told it was open attendance" or something to that effect in response to Kenya's complaining. So yes Kenya was being extra. I wouldnt even mind it since they all have to act around the fourth wall but her insistence on being shady and then playing innocent got old two seasons ago.

I agree with those who like Porsha but wish she would handle these situations better. Because even when she's in the right, physical responses make her more in the wrong than the other person.

That said, she's the only one I would hang out with and not feel I had to watch my back all night. She's fun, carefree, silly, and gorgeous, and she seems genuine. With Phaedra there's fun but it's often put on. With kenya, well its obvious. The fun would last three minutes and then she'd be going in on your hair, age, clothes, partner, etc and giggling because it's all a "joke." Kim is cool and chill but not really fun. Yet. Kandi's only fun when sex talk is involved. I'm afraid of Marlo. And Sheree is cool but it could go left real quick. Cynthia is miserable and lame.

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Being trapped o a boat with a bunch of drunk, loud women.  I felt sorry for Kim Fields. She's adorable but does not fit in at all. This needs to be a one and done season for her. 


So all of a sudden Porsha's relationship is over. That was so damn fake. Couldn't be any more scripted if I wrote it myself. 


I always thought Sheree's body was just average with a little too much chunk from the waist down. The other women are always saying how slammin' her body is, I just don't see it. 


Aside from the fact that I want to see Cynthia and Peter's marriage implode for good, I have no interest in this franchise at all. I don't think it has to do with Nene being gone, either. I can't put my finger on it, it's just not for me anymore. 

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I'm really enjoying Kim Fields on Atlanta and I wasn't sure I would. She brings a breath of fresh air and realness this show has been lacking. Please, Lord, don't corrupt Kim? Please? I like her. She knows who she is and where she fits in the world and has no problem telling others that as well.

Porsha, Porsha, Porsha. So self-centered. So self-Involved. It's Porsha's world and she just allows us to live in it. Her boy toy was busy working and she's bitching because SHE had to wait an HOUR (not all night, just an hour) before he could get a minute to face time her. She starts fights and refuses to apologize when proven wrong, but goes after somebody because me me me me me it's all about me and why aren't you bitches talking about me...let's fix that...

Note to self. Never ever ever invite Porsha to a party. She'll do or say something to ruin it if it's not all about and for her. Since this was a let's cheer up Cynthia, who's having a craptastic time right now party, Portsha of course decided to pick a fight with the guest of honor, making the party all about her again.

Maybe that's why she only dates gays and children. They can blend into the back ground or worship at her alter. For a minute.

Atlanta's the only Housewife (are any of them even housewives? Really?) Show I can stand to watch.

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Ya'll what'd she call em?  Tagalongs, Ridealongs?  something completely unflattering but giggleworthy but I can't remember now.





I don't think Cynthia was drunk so much as that her margaritas interacted with whatever mood stabilizer she's on.  


Who knew tupperware (with stuff in it) FLOATS?  (I'm sure the boat pulled around and fished it out, same as they would a hat.  


The clip of Porsha upwards humping that production guy trying to get him off her was pretty funny.  What's not funny is that she went to a place that production actually physically intervened to the point of tackling her -- they HAVE to have some kind of performance/behavior clauses in her contract.  


Kenya and Sheree have obviously made an axis alliance -- they won't come for each other, so they can each relax on that front.  Doesn't have anything to do with natural affinity (though oddly they may end up being friends) -- they just don't want the hassle of taking on somebody as skillful as themselves.  


Kim is obviously playing a bit of a rube role, but by design --- she has to explain her existence on the show as some kind of bizarre twist of fate throwing her among people she'd never otherwise associate with.  The best way to not get involved is to pretend you have no idea what these crazy people are doing.  But I have to assume that in the last 30 years she's dealt with a lot of bitchiness in showbiz -- these are not completely new personality traits to her.   I hope Phaedra takes her to have her hair done.  With the right hair she'd look amazingly young and vibrant.

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Sheree, sweeping the front of a locked house just when Kenya shows up was so contrived, it just looked absolutely phony.  The whole exchange was unnecessary.


I know it was just too obvious that it was set up, who sweeps the porch of an empty UNFINISHED house


2) I don't know whether "the mean girls" "pick on" Porsha or not. But she is DUMB enough to fall for whatever argument people try to draw her into. WHY didn't she come back mature enough to think -- I was in trouble for physical violence before -- you bitches are not drawing me into that again. But no….she's in yet ANOTHER physical incident.


3) I won't say Kim has lost herself in her family…I will say I think she has the kind of temperament that can in certain instances be "guided" and persuaded away from what she really feels. If she's been happy with her family…then WHY didn't she stick to her guns when Phaedra kept pushing the "nails and salon" thing ….say "NO, I'm not into that." Yes it'd be nice to have friends and go out (and I don't for a minute believe Kim has NOOOO friends) -- but I'm very happy with my life. But she let Phaedra bully her into Phaedra's point of view. I find that many shy people….tend not to stand their ground, even when that ground is perfectly valid and solid.


I HOPE Kim will be the woman on this show -- like Jackie is on "Married to Medicine" -- that does not debase herself.


I haven't seen the scene in slow-mo I think it was Cynthia who put touch to Porsha first. It was slight, and not a hit… they both had hands in front of them, and Cynthia reached closer to Porsha to sort of push her toward getting up and going away.


And it wasn't' so much that Porsha stood up to leave…she stood up and KICKED at Cynthia. It looked like the kick MIGHT have missed -- except that Cynthia -- naturally -- put her arm up to protect herself. At that point, the kick MIGHT have grazed Cynthia's arm….I don't think it missed altogether. And that's likely when the whole thing went waaay downhill. Because yet again Porsha didn't have the sense NOT to be the aggressor. Porsha is the one who could have stopped the entire thing from even happening. Why didnt she leave when Cynthia told her to several time. Not just leave -- but "get out of my face"…. course we'll have to wait to see what we're shown next week.


You could say If Porsha had stood up just to go and not kicked…If Cynthia hadn't moved her hands more in Porsha's face to shoo her away, if, if , if…. 

Edited by selhars
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RE: The "plus ones:"

Please, please, PLEASE let Shamea stay around. Anyone that bothers Kenya that much is alright in my book. Girlfriend "came for Kenya" at that mess of a launch party and Kenya had NOTHING to say. If she doesn't have time to calculate verbal jabs in her talking heads, the bitch is lost.

And Tammy needs to stay around for the sheer awkwardness she is bringing to each scene. I felt like I needed to watch her begging interaction with Kandi through my fingers. And she's shit-talking about Sheree??? I am salivating to see where this can lead!

I love Porsha. I want to hang with her. Phaedra too.

And finally, co-signing all the Kimmi love.

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Oh dear, this all took an unexpected left. I originally commented using double negatives to be stupid/cute, seems as if I just accomplished the former and I am an educated woman also. Didn't mean it and never foresaw it devolving into a proper grammar dispute. My bad. 

See Porsha? This is how it's done. Not "I wasn't TRYING to insult anyone so I really have nothing to apologize for."


Because by that time Cynthia has already called her a dumbass and a dumb bitch. I wouldn't have apologized after that either.


All that happened after the point where the apology should/could have been inserted.

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