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S12.E08: Things We Lost In The Fire

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MIDSEASON FINALE! (no new episodes until January 28)


As the rumor mill around the hospital continues to spiral out of control, Grey Sloan Memorial is flooded with injured firefighters from a nearby wildfire. Maggie struggles to keep things with Andrew professional at work; meanwhile, Jo questions Alex’s priorities.



Um, I might be completely off-base, but were we supposed to infer Nathan Riggs is transgender? Because if so, didn't they basically do this exact same story two seasons ago with Ben?

Yep and its so bad, Owen can't talk about it and his mother has to say things behind closed doors. I was waiting for Amelia at the bar to go: "So, why the hell does Owen hate you so much and why can't anyone tell me about it?" 

I hate. hate, HATE Amelia. I nearly stood up from my chair and cheered the fuck out of Meredith telling her that she is NOT her sister and to get the hell out of her house. I hate all of the Shepherds, but now that Derek is dead, Amelia has moved to the front of the line. She's such a child. Meredith doesn't owe you shit. Have a whole stadium of seats you epic fail character.

Edited by admiralrodcocker
  • Love 18

Well, that wasn't as cliff-hangery as I expected. I was happy to see Jo and Stephanie become friends again, and even happier to see Alex propose, since that might mean that Jo and Alex will be getting a storyline rather than six seconds here and 12 seconds there.

And bravo to Meredith for telling Amelia off. But the scene at the bar with Amelia and Riggs looks like trouble. Did I hear her orderlng a vodka tonic? So I predict she'll get drunk and wind up in bed with Riggs, which will wreak all manner of havoc with all the relationships in her immediate vicinity.

DeLuca is growing on me; Maggie is not. I love Webber as Arizona's buddy. And I'm glad Jackson confronted April, but I think he's going to say he loves her and wants to make it work, since that's the established formula of this show -- people saying the opposite of what the other person expects to hear.

All in all, I thought it was a decent episode.

  • Love 2

The whole episode was ridiculous. Grey-Sloan is being run by adolescents. The only bright spot was Jo and Stephanie acting like adults and apologizing to each other. 


Well, at least we know why Meredith was such a bitch to Jo - in this episode, at least. That doesn't explain  Meredith's past bitichiness, though.


So we have three months to stew on the transgender vs. brother-in-law cliffhanger. Thanks, ABC ... not.

  • Love 3

Are we supposed to be sitting here wondering if they mean Nathan is transgender or that Nathan is Owen's brother-in-law? Because if it wasn't meant to be ambiguous, they didn't do a good job of making it semi-clear. Or maybe I just don't care enough to think any harder about it. Or both. Definitely both. All the hush hush conversations and vague references and talking behind closed doors - they are milking this "mysterious secret" thing well beyond my give-a-fuck threshold.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 5

I assumed that Nathan was married to Owen's sister (which is why he could have called Owen's mom "ma") and that the sister passed away and Owen blames Nathan for her death (either he caused an accident or he made some sort of medical decision that resulted in her death).

This is what I thought too. Nathan and Sis were a couple, maybe had children and all were lost except Nathan?

  • Love 1
I assumed that Nathan was married to Owen's sister (which is why he could have called Owen's mom "ma") and that the sister passed away and Owen blames Nathan for her death (either he caused an accident or he made some sort of medical decision that resulted in her death).

I think so as well. It makes Riggs the perfect match for Meredith. The widower and the widow come together.


Amelia was awful with her shrieking but Meredith acting all condescending towards her because she asked was irritating too. 10 minutes before she was gossiping about Riggs maybe being a sibling and how she had them pop up so get off your high horse when Amelia asked.


I love Alex, Jo and Jolex but I don't want them getting engaged right now. Jo wasn't speaking about one day or that week. Its been ongoing for a couple of years in Grey's world time. I want them together but after some time apart.


Now that Amelia tumbled off the wagon I won't be surprised if she hooks up with Riggs just to make Meredith hate her more.

Edited by maasa
  • Love 2

I never for a moment got the impression Riggs was Owen's transgender sister. It's not likely that a sister he grew up with would have a Kiwi accent. I'm going with ex-BIL.

And yes, it's too obvious that Amelia will end in bed with him. I'm also confused about the alcohol. I know Amelia's addiction was narcotics, but many believe that when you're "clean", that means no alcohol. Not looking forward to her lapsing into addiction again, if that's the plan.

  • Love 5

I didn't even think transgender; I'm sure Riggs was in love with or married to Owen's sister and was the cause (or scapegoat) of a horrendous death. Probably in a fire, since this show has all the subtlety of a five-alarm blaze.

When Mer and Owen were talking outside at the end, I fully expected the ambulance driving by to blow up and trap them or something dramatic and potentially tragic. I've probably been watching too long; can't tell anvils from butterflies.

Edited by Artymouse
  • Love 4


Amelia was awful with her shrieking but Meredith acting all condescending towards her because she asked was irritating too. 10 minutes before she was gossiping about Riggs maybe being a sibling and how she had them pop up so get off your high horse when Amelia asked.

I'm fine with Amelia. I don't even know why she tries to have a relationship with Meredith. If I were Amelia, I would've told Meredith to fuck all the way off the minute she pulled the plug on my brother without waiting for his family. They're clearly just tolerating each other since Derek was the buffer, but Meredith is an asshole. She's going on as if Owen's mother randomly told her what was up. She was fishing for information as well. But to say that Amelia ain't shit because she's just her sister in law is fucked up.

  • Love 24

Yes, drinking is bad for Amelia. I know this is how she relapsed on PP, she thought she was about to drink water but it ended up being vodka. And then she drank more of it and it ended up in her relapse arc. Anyways..I


I wasn't even thinking transgender but then my mom brought it up. I don't think it is, mostly because one, I think they want Riggs and Mer together and two, the accent , and three they did that with Bailey's husband's brother who was turning into a sister. I think Owen's sister was in a car accident or something and Riggs had something to do with it. Owen said to Mer, "I just don't want him near my family!"


Jo is insufferable. Free Alex, show. He's the best character you still have on this show. Why do you ruin him?

Edited by WhosThatGirl
  • Love 1

I'm not enjoying Bailey as chief, and her arrogant insistence on taking all the burn patients angered me. "We're not turning away firefighters!" No one would be turned away, they would be diverted to facilities who could actually accommodate them, versus stockpiling them in a filthy cafeteria, and treating them bare-assed to the world. And the old firefighter is just allowed to die because the other patients need to be treated first. Maybe if he was diverted to a hospital who had time for him, he would have been properly intubated before he deteriorated into heart failure. Oh he knows he's dying - then they all walk away leaving him alone in the room.

It's too much to add Riggs/Owen as mortal enemies when we are already suffering through Meredith/Penny. And nothing convinces me that Riggs did not anticipate this problem, or would be willing to stay once it became intolerable. Meredith seemed to oppose him on principal alone, and a patient was placed in danger as Mer and Riggs circled and peed on him like a dog claiming his territory.

  • Love 16

Well that was pretty boring. 


I'm disappointed that Amelia broke her sobriety. As much as I'm enjoying Arizona and Richard's budding wingmanship, I wish that at the end Amelia called Richard to keep her from doing something she shouldn't. 


I was happy that Jo stood up for herself to Alex, even though I think he is very much sincere in his proposal but really does have crap timing. I do think she'll say yes, though. 


Also, I'm already tired of the Owen and Riggs mystery, I really wish they just laid it out there. The fact that the episode ends with Meredith revealing that Owen had a sister is not really gasp worthy. And so Riggs is probably a widow now, just like Meredith, and here is where they will bond and fall in love.


Contrived contrived contrived. This show is running out of interesting stories to tell. 


I did appreciate Dr. DeLuca's shirtless eye candy. 

  • Love 3

As a short woman, I loved the chief telling Bailey to go higher on the stairs. There's definitely a psychological disadvantage to being a short person when trying to lead others.

Just say no, Jo. Your relationship has problems a diamond won't fix.

I love Japril, so even though I hate the choices April has been making, I hope they work it out. They obviously still love each other, so I think they each owe it to themselves individually to see if it can be fixed.

I love when they show Jackson being a great doctor. I feel like that's a side of his character that doesn't get shown often.

I usually like Callie, but for God's sake, shut the front door. When everyone in the room is begging you to stop talking, get a clue. I know she has no problem with airing her laundry to anyone and everyone, but Jackson asked her - in private - about marriage counseling. That doesn't mean he wants it discussed in front of his resident, their patient, and every random person in the room. In the middle of a plastics emergency, no less. Sheesh!

  • Love 8

Jo's in a tough spot.  She loves Alex so would want to marry him, but she doesn't like the way Alex treats her.  She doesn't feel loved or respected.  So why marry a person if you don't feel loved and respected?  He minimizes her feelings about Meredith being his priority, as though this hasn't been going on.  Jo wants Alex to be her person, and he's busy being Meredith's.


Transgender never occurred to me.  Brother in law with tragic sister death that Owen blames him for is my guess. 


I thought Airzona had game.  Isn't that her back story...she had lots of girlfriends and lots of sex in the hospital, which Callie was surprised to find out at some point when Arizona kept running into them?  How is it that she's turned into an embarrassed teenager now?

  • Love 9

It's too much to add Riggs/Owen as mortal enemies when we are already suffering through Meredith/Penny. And nothing convinces me that Riggs did not anticipate this problem, or would be willing to stay once it became intolerable. Meredith seemed to oppose him on principal alone, and a patient was placed in danger as Mer and Riggs circled and peed on him like a dog claiming his territory.


It's a rehash of something that just happened and it was back to back with Penny and now Briggs.

  • Love 2
The fact that the episode ends with Meredith revealing that Owen had a sister is not really gasp worthy.


I think that's why my mind went to transgender, at least in a knee-jerk idea kind of way, because it would have been a real aha moment, given that this is the winter finale and given that they've been making such a big damn deal about Riggs's presence. The fact that Riggs is *drumroll* a guy who was married to Owen's sister - which means *drumroll* Owen has/had a sister! - is not particularly interesting nor worthy of all this rigmarole. When Mama Hunt recognized Riggs and embraced him and he called her Ma, I of course thought the big reveal was that Riggs was Owen's long lost brother/half-brother/adoptive brother or something. I would have preferred that, that Riggs was Owen's sibling. That he's not Owen's brother but was apparently married to Owen's sibling that we never knew about just doesn't interest me, even though there's obviously some painful history we have yet to learn with that. Yawn.

Edited by Chicken Wing
  • Love 2

Oh good, Amelia fell off the wagon. Because that storyline went so well on Private Practice.


I wanted Arizona to get a date with the female firefighter, they seemed cute together.


Now, I love Alex. And I like Jo, so I should want them to be happy together. But honestly, I agree with everything Jo said about Alex not being there for her. The excuse of Meredith just wanting to pass him the ring doesn't explain every other day of the year(s).  I'm really glad Stephanie and Jo made up, because I don't think Jo could have taken having absolutely no support.


I don't care about Owen and Nathan, but I'm going to assume Owen is in the wrong, since he seems to be acting like a bigger dick about the whole thing.

Edited by KaveDweller
  • Love 5
She's going on as if Owen's mother randomly told her what was up. She was fishing for information as well.


Yes. This, and as mentioned above, Meredith and Amelia were talking about it before Owen's mother arrived so I didn't find Amelia asking about it out of line. The escalation to yelling was out of line but not her approaching and asking.

Jo's in a tough spot.  She loves Alex so would want to marry him, but she doesn't like the way Alex treats her.  She doesn't feel loved or respected.  So why marry a person if you don't feel loved and respected?  He minimizes her feelings about Meredith being his priority, as though this hasn't been going on.  Jo wants Alex to be her person, and he's busy being Meredith's.


I agree. Jo saying yes won't change anything really. Alex appears to be blind to how Meredith has been treating her all this time. He never says anything, brushes it off if Jo says anything and runs off to Meredith over and over. I do think he loves Jo and sincerely wants to marry her but he needs boundaries in his friendship with Meredith.


I wish Amelia didn't start drinking again. I'm hoping that she didn't finish the drink. It looked like she had sparkling water when she was sitting there alone.  For those of us who watched Amelia on Private we already saw a full blown addiction story. I'd rather see Amelia get herself together, buy her own house and break up with Owen. Their relationship hasn't gone anywhere in the couple of years (GA time) they've been together and Owen won't talk to her but will talk to Meredith. 


Overall I thought it was a decent episode. I'm glad there was no sweeping tragic event with half of them in danger.

  • Love 3

Are we supposed to hate Owen?  He constantly does this, just overly aggressive and angry and it's old at this point.  I wish his character would just go away.  I have no clue if Riggs is in the right or wrong but due to Owen acting a fool, I'm siding with Riggs against Mer and Owen at this point.  I hope he doesn't get stuck with sleeping with Amelia and being dragged further into the suck that is Owen/Amelia.  


April can truly be insufferable but I am happy that Jackson pointed that out to her, that she is constantly pulling this shit and has since the beginning of their relationship.  As an aside, Jesse Williams is truly a gorgeous man, when they were fighting and he had his head tilted...too hot.


I don't Jo/Alex because I find Jo to be a sour personality that just seems to bring things down, but she was spot on about Alex and him putting Mer in front of her.  Also, she was right about the timing of the proposal.  I hope that they do break up because Jo needs to find herself and Alex needs to learn boundaries with Mer, and maybe to find a new girlfriend that I actually like.


Penny is still terrible.


Ben was adorable trying to keep things professional, not at Seattle Grace.


Bailey annoys me.  I wish they had hired the other doctor in the beginning and I can't wait for Catherine to come back and the constant back and forth that will occur then.

The blow-up scene between Meredith and Amelia was awkward in the kind of being caught in a dinner party and now forced to sit and watch two people drag it out in the most public in the most harsh way. I think both have a point in their argument. Amelia wanted to know, although why didn't she introduce herself to Owen's mother, why did she need a third party (Meredith) to do it for her? I feel like her relationship with Owen and Meredith sometimes come off as emotionally clingy even when she pushed Owen away because she didn't know how to define their relationship. It's like she needs constant emotional reassurances. She glomped onto Meredith as a sister way too easily, because I don't recall a moment where they bonded/clicked in a way that Meredith and Christina did, it always felt like (as Amelia said) she tolerated her.

But at the same time, Amelia was right when she accused Meredith of taking her grief out on Penny and being kind of distant and bitchy while at the same time milking the Grey halo. She should also yelled at Owen as well. If Amelia feels left out then take a proactive move and do something like confront Owen or his mother. The passivity is driving me crazy. But if she falls off the wagon (drinking that vodka is a bad road to start) she has only herself to blame. She could have at least asked Nathan what is going on? Why is everyone trying to be vague and dancing around the subject.


I love Alex, Jo and Jolex but I don't want them getting engaged right now. Jo wasn't speaking about one day or that week. Its been ongoing for a couple of years in Grey's world time. I want them together but after some time apart.



Yes yes yes! The emotionally roller coaster of running hot and cold between these two is giving me a headache. Also show, stop making every character here so needy it's cringeworthy, except for Ben, he's like the only one who wants to do his job without drama but knowing this show they'll slowly make him a neurotic mess as well.

Edited by redfish
  • Love 2

As an aside, Jesse Williams is truly a gorgeous man, when they were fighting and he had his head tilted...too hot.

So much this. He's really looking good with the longer hair, too. Hides his somewhat pointy ears. lol

I loved the Jo/Steph scenes. Their friendship is the one thing I've consistently liked about them both. Plus, it's nice to have a friendship on the show that's not a bunch of co-dependent "my person" crap.

  • Love 1

I guess I'm unpopular, I seem to be the only person who dislikes Jo. She seriously annoys. I also can't forget how she spent a whole entire episode this season gaslighting Alex about finding out he may have almost made a kid with Izzie. Which if it had actually happened, he would have told her before they started dating that he had a kid somewhere. And then she just freaked out. She's ridiculously overdramatic. I know most of these people on this show are, but she's the worst in my opinion. 

  • Love 8


Riggs being trans didn't even occur to me. I was thinking brother in law too. I mean, owen is a massive dickhead, but I'm not sure shonda would have him viciously beating a transgender sibling -- that shit would be pretty dark.


Everyone was speculating what it could be and the last speculation I believe was that when two men are fighting, it's usually about a woman. So I'm going with the sister being biologically born a girl, as in, it's not Riggs.


Sounds boring or not that big of a deal?


Well yeah, and I'm not surprised, since ultimately this is going to be about Meredith and her new relationship with Riggs. 

  • Love 2

Transgender never occurred to me.  I'm going with brother in law and something happened to Owen's sister that he's blaming him for.  And it fits in with a romance between him and Mer. 


I just can't stand Mer this season. 


Yeah, Arizona had 'game' in the past but a breakup of a marriage can dissolve someone's confidence.  I enjoyed the scenes with fire fighter.


Finally, Avery tells April off.  I hope they don't get back together.  She's such a freakin hypocrite.


Jo and Alex?  I hope she says no.  He needs to find out that he 'needs' her.  He hasn't yet and nothing will change until he realizes this.  


Loved the signals to Bailey when she was giving her speech.   

  • Love 2

I assumed that Nathan was married to Owen's sister (which is why he could have called Owen's mom "ma") and that the sister passed away and Owen blames Nathan for her death (either he caused an accident or he made some sort of medical decision that resulted in her death).

That's exactly what I thought. Transgender never crossed my mind because I don't think Owen would punch his sister no matter what. I just don't see the transgender thing at all.

  • Love 1

It never occurred to me that Nathan is transgender because he was brought in to be Meredith's new love interest.  Not even GA would go there.  He was probably married to Owen's sister and did something to cause her death, something big enough to spark Owen's PTSD again,  but since the show is determined not to tell us what, I guess it's going to take to February to find out.


The whole episode was ridiculous. Grey-Sloan is being run by adolescents. The only bright spot was Jo and Stephanie acting like adults and apologizing to each other.

I said to my daughter they have the emotional maturity of 5 years olds.  It's season 12, shouldn't you have grown up by now?


I was glad that Jo got some closure though, and she knows that Alex wants to propose.  But once again, with Meredith holding on to the ring, Mer is in between their relationship too.


I don't know why this show wants me to hate Meredith but it's going a good job of it.


Meredith likes to own people and coupled with her lack of empathy, it makes it a bad situation if you have to be involved with her as Penny and Amelia are.  I wouldn't ever be able to forgive her if she had pulled the plug on my brother without giving me a chance to see him and I'm not even a top neurosurgeon. For the rest of her life, Amelia is going to be haunted by the idea that maybe she could have saved Derek if she had just been given the chance.


Meredith is also doing the same thing with Owen.   Cristina is her friend and Owen belongs to Cristina so she's going to get between Owen and Amelia, not matter what is best for Owen (which would be to have his girlfriend supporting him through this).  Maybe because if Owen moves on, Cristina is truly lost to her?


Meredith may not be completely wrong to keep Owen's confidence but she was to keep Amelia from getting close to Owen and helping him.


I hope they don't do an "Amelia falls off the wagon" arc.  They did it on Private Practice so let's keep a plug on it here.


I don't care about Owen and Nathan, but I'm going to assume Owen is in the wrong, since he seems to be acting like a bigger dick about the whole thing.


Nathan was a huge jerk the last episode so I'll call it a draw.  Either way, Nathan was coming on to Owen's territory so it would have been smart to talk to Owen first and work things out with him. Ooops, I forgot what show I was watching.


April, the problem is you. It's been you all along.

  • Love 3

I thought Airzona had game. Isn't that her back story...she had lots of girlfriends and lots of sex in the hospital, which Callie was surprised to find out at some point when Arizona kept running into them? How is it that she's turned into an embarrassed teenager now?

Despite the show's terrible job at generally remembering, Arizona suffered a disability as an adult which essentially snowballed into the dissolution of her relationship and general happiness and confidence.

Happens more often than not.

  • Love 5

The only thing I find less interesting than Owen or Amelia or Riggs is an Owen/Amelia/Riggs alcohol & PTSD fueled "triangle" (omitting the word love as all of these characters seem to only love themselves).

It was stupid of Bailey to insist on all casualties. Why? It doesn't make you cooler to overload a system until it breaks, esp. when it endangers lives.

I sort of liked flirty Arizona, but not her hair. Call me shallow. I'd still head out for jalapeño poppers with her and Richard.

  • Love 3

I'm starting to like Maggie and her intern, he seems to act mature. 

I hope this is going somewhere good, but on this show I won't keep my hopes up at all.


So did Penny and Callie break up?


I was wondering that too...I remember Penny getting mad at Callie in the last episode, but it didn't seem like a relationship breaker.  Maybe in the intervening time Penny got tired of hearing Callie describe all the break up sex she and Arizona had....

Did I mishear? Since when is Mt. Baker "east of town" (Seattle)? Jeez, writers, couldn't consult a map?!

And, no, there's no way a Mt. Baker fire (heck, a Rainier fire) would cause that kind of smoke and ash in Seattle. Maybe in Rainier erupted...LOL. Season 13?

This is the same show that somehow had Derek driving seemingly hundreds of miles out of his way to avoid traffic on the way to SeaTac.  Someone on staff really needs to consult a map.  It's not like Seatte is so remote that the area is unknown.  


I guess I'm unpopular, I seem to be the only person who dislikes Jo. She seriously annoys. I also can't forget how she spent a whole entire episode this season gaslighting Alex about finding out he may have almost made a kid with Izzie. Which if it had actually happened, he would have told her before they started dating that he had a kid somewhere. And then she just freaked out. She's ridiculously overdramatic. I know most of these people on this show are, but she's the worst in my opinion. 

I cannot stand Jo.  She always responds like a three year old.  When Meredith told her to go away she did her patented stamp her foot and spin with extra pony tail flounce.  While Mer was rude, Jo also interrupted their conversation.  Unless she was dealing with an emergency for which she needed Alex's help, she should have at least said excuse me before interrupting.  She is right that Alex treats Mer as if she is more important, but that wasn't an example of it.  Every time she doesn't immediately get her way, she acts like a petulant child.  It's exhausting.  Alex deserves better. 

  • Love 4

I watched the last two episodes tonight, so this might be the wrong thread, but I can't keep it in.


During Amelia's multiple white privilege conversations, could she have BEEN any twitchier?  Geez, she mugged, she cringed, she winced, she grimaced, she curled up like a shrimp.  Yes, I know the actress was demonstrating her character's discomfort, but please. 

I wanted to hit her with a stun gun.


I'm so distracted by my dislike of Amelia, it didn't even occur to me she shouldn't be ordering a vodka tonic. 


So, goody, another storyline for Amelia.  She gets so little airtime.

  • Love 9

I got a kick out of the case of the week this week because I've worked at fire camp (catering crew, we're way less badass but we get way less sleep). So I finally got to be the pedantic tv watcher who plays spot the mistake. I didn't see many. But the ash falling as snow tickled me. That shit happens damned near every year where I used to live in California. And several of the wildfires in Oregon and Washington this year caused some serious smoke in town here in the pdx area this year. No clue of Seattle had the same dysfunction. I think the winds blew it all down to us.

I don't think transgender either because Shonda wouldn't have Meredith say "sister" if she was referring to Riggs.


Seriously cannot stand Amelia. I can't recall when I disliked a television character more than Amelia. Ugh. I was thrilled when Meredith told her to move out of the house. Perhaps she can go to an in-patient rehab program in another state?


Not too cracked about Jo either but I can sympathize with her feelings about Alex/Meredith as well as the "TPTB think Stephanie is a better surgeon" situation.


I remember Loanne Bishop, the doomed firefighter's wife, from General Hospital. Love seeing actors I haven't seen in awhile in bit roles. Also great to see Debra Mooney again.

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