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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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5 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

I agree. I have never like Sheila, but I have always loved Deacon. But there is a certain easy, natural, ebb and flow to these scenes. They are actually speaking real dialog, like two grown up adult people.

I agree!  And in these scenes Sheila and Deacon are being their nasty selves, not the facades they present to the Forresters/everybody else.  

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I’d rather watch Deacon get shut down by waitresses, or read the phone book, or just sit on a barstool with his dirty hot self, than hear 3 seconds of  Ridge whine about how Quinn is taking advantage of Eric’s ED.

They seriously need to recast Taylor, & bring her back. Steffy taking the high ground on how Sheila is psycho, & Deacon is a loser, when Dr. Taylor shot $Bill, Kelly’s grandpa, & left him for dead, is on course with Brooke dissing Deacon’s morals, to their shared daughter, who could’ve also been Brooke’s step-granddaughter, & Deacon’s sister-in-law. Take a seat.

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11 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

I don't know .... isn't the whole family worse for actually listening?!?!

Plus if you have to hate on Deacon I feel like him having an affair with his wife's mother and getting her pregnant is a whole lot worse!

Right! They could've hung up the minute they realized Bridget couldn't hear them. They did that one to themselves.

But I think the one thing that hasn't been mention is how often the folks on this show use Deacon for their own means. The whole reason he is in their lives to begin with is because Amber was going to marry CJ to raise baby Eric with him and Rick looked him up to buy his paternity rights. Only when Deacon showed up to crash the wedding, he was like "Lol no, I want baby now" and to actually get to know his kid. And now I'm really glad Rick is currently off the canvas because I couldn't stand having him heap on the shit too.

1 hour ago, RuntheTable said:

And all three of these stupid fucks are making it out like Deacon orchestrated something; flat out ignoring Hope when she tells them it was her idea. 

In Ridge's case, that's entirely consistent to his character. Remember, he didn't even respect his favorite pet Steffy when she told him her Stallion Ride was consentual and he yelled to the roof tops to anyone who'd listen that it was anything but.

We been knew he couldn't care less about Hope, but it's all about his insecurities with his Logan and the fact that their was one of the only relationships he had that he couldn't run interference on....albeit because he learned after the fact, but the whole affair began because once again, Ridge chose Taylor.

At any rate, I miss the way old Hope was written. She had a spoiled brat mentality rivaled only by Steffy but when she felt she was in the right you were gonna know about it and wild horses couldn't stop her. I'm glad she can pick her battle--will never fault her for the way she persued custody of Douglas--but her family is complete trash for this.

Can she join Bridget in NYC and get away from these people?!

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On 10/10/2021 at 9:48 AM, hypnotoad said:

I did enjoy the Sheila/Deacon scenes but ...

Why does this show always have to go the most obvious route? Why can't Deacon actually just want to get to know his daughter and maybe find romance someone at least semi-nice. I know Sheila and Deacon plotting to take down the Forrester's (as if that will happen) doesn't necessarily mean romance but of course it will because these writers lack imagination.

I wish Deacon could stick around as a sort of bad boy character who loves his daughter and just enjoys the hell out of getting under the skins of Liam, Brooke and Ridge. As opposed to plotting with Sheila. Sorry I just find that blah. Plus, I find Deacon far more interesting. I think they've kind of overdone Sheila and I just don't care about her or her dull son.

Hear! Hear! Hear!

Granted, I've only watched bits and pieces in the last couple of days...but why does Deacon need Sheila?  From the parts I saw, Hope is standing strong in the face of Brooke/Liam's opposition. So if Hope wants to have Deacon in her life and will go against her family to do so, why would Deacon need Sheila's help to get to know Hope and Beth (as Sheila said)?

Of course show will drag this crap out instead of having Hope clearly/unequivocally tell Deacon she wants him in his life - no matter who says otherwise. Then, Deacon can see that he doesn't have to be involved in Sheila's shenanigans to get what he wants. 


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Hypocrisy, thy name is Steffy "Fauxdilox" Forrester-Finnegan.

She was spouting some serious bullshit today.

For starters, upon learning about Deacon being back in Hope's life, she has the gall to say this: "Hope could have been really messed up with Deacon as her dad, but, thankfully, Dad took on the father role with her."

Does she realize how fucked up this is?

Ridge was never any kind of father to her. He made noises in that regard, but the second any of his REAL kids pulled rank, it was "Hope, who?" at best or "that stain" at worst.

We also had Steffy bitching about Hope calling Ridge, "Dad." I have the receipts:

Hell, you can see Steffy shitting all over that relationship in Season 23.

Ridge set the tone in a scene I will never forget when he learned about Hope's paternity and he told Brooke, holding baby Hope, "take your baby and GO." Asshole!

Although I didn't feel all that sorry for Brooke then as she could have had an amazing life with Deacon, scandal be damned, she's dodged it before, for a much lesser man (Ridge), but she just had to come sniffing around Ridge again when Taylor was off taking Dirt Nap #2.

Hope never had any kind of a father figure, except Nick for a few years, so it is a testament to Hope that she thrived in spite of the absence and having to contend with her mother's shenanigans, including learning the origins of her conception.

So put a sock in it, Steffy!

But she's not finished yet. 

When Finn gently suggests that he can understand Hope's feelings, Steffy snits back "Deacon disappointed her and lost his place in her life." Then the kicker..."Hope has kids now and needs  to set boundaries to keep Deacon away just as I did with Sheila."

Remind me, folks, who was it that shot $Bill in cold blood because he slept with Steffy, a consensual encounter? 

Oh, that's right. It was TAYLOR.

Remember the shit-fit Steffy threw when Hope questioned Taylor being around Beth, considering said attempted murder. 

So it appears Steffy is cool with her whackadoo mom having full access to her kids (and I know she is offscreen but the point still stands) but it's different standards for Deacon. I won't argue with her about Sheila because she makes Taylor's actions seem like child's  play, but where Deacon is concerned, make it make sense!

Speaking of hypocrites, Liam can shut his trap about Deacon as well, considering all of $Bill's acti0ns that he has apparently hand-waved because it's HIS dad. I mean, he forgave Bill for punching him out, trying to kill him via blowing up SF, and fucking his wife. 

Him blaming Deacon for what went down in Italy had NOTHING to do with Deacon. That was pretty much all Liam, who was ready to shove Hope into a gondola himself to get to Steffy.

I wanted to throat-punch him when he said, "It's the way this has to be."

Who died and made you God, Liam?

The only difference between Ridge and Bill vs Deacon is that they had $$$ and could buy their way out of trouble. 

And man, does Liam listen to himself? Like ever?

Because much of what he was whining about er go Deacon, especially the propensity to break Hope's heart, could have boomeranged right back to him.

This from him made me want to laugh and cry and punch him in the face: "I think it’s ok, to tell some people, you’re out of chances. You’re not welcomed."

But of course, these hypocrites will be proven right when Sheila/Deacon team up and just say no to Sheila, Deacon. I mean there is a part of me that would love for them to stick it to Steffy, Liam, Ridge, and Brooke, but not at the expense of Hope or Deacon.

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Does Liam now have Brooke/Ridge syndrome?  Hey Liam, do you have a perfect father?  Should Hope try to keep you away from Bill. Should Finn try to keep Brooke/Ridge influence from Stuffy and Hayes. Hays might grow up to be an elitist judgement piece of shit like them the same way you influence Stuffy into being an elitist judgmental woman. 

Liam, you would have been a hell of a lot better if you were raised by Bill. If you were you would have been a sniveling waffling ping pong ball with the spine if a jelly fish. Liam, STFU and trust Hope to know what she is doing. 

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1 hour ago, CountryGirl said:

For starters, upon learning about Deacon being back in Hope's life, she has the gall to say this: "Hope could have been really messed up with Deacon as her dad, but, thankfully, Dad took on the father role with her."

Is she talking about the same Dad that Steffy was so quick to remind Hope that she had no kinship with in the 2010s? ಠ_ಠ

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Him blaming Deacon for what went down in Italy had NOTHING to do with Deacon. That was pretty much all Liam, who was ready to shove Hope into a gondola himself to get to Steffy.

Yep, and Deacon didn't force him to go make up with Steffy because Hope was a little bit late thanks to the insane amount of work Bill put into keeping her away from the wedding. 

2 hours ago, CountryGirl said:


And man, does Liam listen to himself? Like ever?

Because much of what he was whining about er go Deacon, especially the propensity to break Hope's heart, could have boomeranged right back to him.

This from him made me want to laugh and cry and punch him in the face: "I think it’s ok, to tell some people, you’re out of chances. You’re not welcomed."

And Liam proves once again why fans consider him the true villain of this show. Although "villain" implies a level of agency that he's never once demonstrated in over a decade.

I wouldn't even wish him or Paris or Flo at this point.

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Lame and Steffy seem to be Shrek and Fiona 2.0! And wow hypocrite!Steffy and Revisionist Historian!Steffy has decided to show herself after a too short hiatus! The whole circus is here guys!   

Steffy your hateful ass should be over the moon that Hope is trying to get to know her bio dad, after all it was you who threw in her face that Deacon Sharpe was her father and not Ridge. Bitch. 

I hated the way Steffy's dialogue was written as she's some sane sage of wisdom, and "if Hope is smart" this and "it's not about her" that. Like....shut. the. fuck. up! It's not about your opinion Steffy. Who the fuck asked you? Beth and Douglas aren't your children, if Thomas and Hope are okay with Deacon being around then simply piss off.

Steffy needs put her clown shoes, wig, and nose on because her Logan-hating, bratty mouth (as well as Brooke's manipulations when Hope was a baby) set this all in motion long ago by alienating Hope from Ridge, and verbally browbeating him into being her enabler. (Although Ridge was more than willing to jump on her bandwagons.) 

In all seriousness she needs to go see a doctor to get her abnormal memory loss checked out, she's way too young to have dementia. Or if she's doing Crack because prescription pills don't get her high enough anymore. 

And Lameass just needs to have an infinite amount of seats. I so want Hope to cast Bill out their lives too now, not because she's still mad cos she's not, but because she shouldn't have to live with such a blatant double standard. But we all know she will because Brad Bell fucking hates Hope's guts apparently...

17 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Hays might grow up to be an elitist judgement piece of shit like them

And coming from all the bloodlines he does, that's the best case scenario.

17 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

And Liam proves once again why fans consider him the true villain of this show. Although "villain" implies a level of agency that he's never once demonstrated in over a decade.

19 hours ago, CountryGirl said:

Ridge was never any kind of father to her. He made noises in that regard, but the second any of his REAL kids pulled rank, it was "Hope, who?" at best or "that stain" at worst.

^^^^*Chef's Kiss* 

Edited by TeamGabi
Just added some things here and there
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On 10/11/2021 at 8:59 PM, Snaporaz said:

Oh, Deacon is awesome and I'm so glad he's back.  I just can't with Sheila, though.  She's a cartoon character at this point, like those un-killable horror movie villains.  Why doesn't she look like Y&R's Phyllis anymore?  Did she go back to the plastic surgeon and say, "okay, undo everything you did the first time you changed my face."?

She has a Hall of Faces like Arya's old friends on GOT



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5 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Liam sucks, to be sure.  But this "my way or the highway" stance of his seems pretty out of character.  He's never been a lay-down-the-law kind of guy.  Feels like crappy, plot-driven writing.

The delivery is out of character, but not the messaging. There's been other times he's tried to demand things that were well out of pocket--i seem to remember him asking her to quit HFTF because he was insecure about Wyatt and back when Hope had a pregnancy scare in 2013-'14 or so, he showed his ass up to the appointment unannounced and very much uninvited. 

Even if it was wholly out of character, I'd be irritated because of his long, documented history of never showing an iota of understanding and sympathy towards either her or Steffy. He didn't look back when Steffy said she fucked Bill--after he kissed another woman in what he thought were his last moments, no less--but he was sure quick and ready to blame Hope for HIS actions.

I can't even with Lame, even less than I can with Bridge. At least they've had moments of trying to be better people in the past but not even losing their child and Hope in that process made a dent in Liam's behavior. As much as I like Scott Clifton, I would not be sad in the least to see the character disappear. Maybe show up on Y&R and try waffling between any of Victor Newman's descendants. He'll be lucky to get away with getting his ears boxed Stephanie Forrester style--you got that? :P

Edited by Anna Yolei
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15 hours ago, Cool Breeze said:

Liam sucks, to be sure.  But this "my way or the highway" stance of his seems pretty out of character.  He's never been a lay-down-the-law kind of guy.  

And the delivery by the actor is hysterical.  Is there an actor on B&B with more little dick energy than Scott Clifton?

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Why can't anyone ever learn from their mistakes and/or actively hide their cards so that they don't let people know what they're about  - and by anyone I mean Liam - so that we don't get the same judgmental, self-involved crappy characterization and some actual GROWTH.

How about instead of Liam coming down on Hope like a ton of bricks, he lets her tell her side of things re Deacon, he then nods and says 'I won't lie that I'm concerned given his past, but I'll support you in anything you want to do -including giving Deacon a second chance.'

And then Liam sits back and watches, waits, supports his wife, and makes open offerings of leaving the past in the past with Deacon for Hope's sake.

But he also hires his own investigators to check up on Deacon and what he's been up to since leaving prison and watches and waits for Deacon to screw up or maybe he doesn't.  But having Liam look like a raging asshole chump AGAIN after the crap of Hopequinngate is stupid.

Maybe he teams up with Wyatt who is looking into Deacon and when they cross paths, Flo happens to catch his eye and Deacon targets her -despite Bethknapping or maybe because of it - and basically sets out to ruin her life to get revenge for Hope and in the process breaks up her and Wyatt - maybe even knocks her up.  Hope then has a baby sibling coming through her cousin! LOL

But I digress. All I'm asking is for Liam to show a *little* growth, awareness, and the capability to scheme to protect his family in a non-Lame way. Is that too much to ask?

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I have had it up to HERE with Liam and his attempts to deny Hope any agency in her own life.

She went through enough hell with thinking Beth had died and being parted from her for most of her first year because those in the know cared only about saving their own asses. Except Emma, who died when she tried to do the right thing and immediately jumped in the car to get to Hope with the truth.

I know Liam went through this as well but this is barely in the rearview mirror and the scars and the trauma of that will likely be with Hope forever. 

Liam himself took away Hope's agency when he chose to believe she would ever kiss Thomas after all he had put her through and was out and out pissed that that the woman who was kissing Thomas was not only NOT Hope but a fucking mannequin. Never forget how he told Steffy their drunken night of revenge-fucking was beautiful and not to be regretted for a moment. He all but blamed Hope for his cheating. 

Then, he removes agency from her yet again with the Vinnie debacle where he lets her think his whining and moaning was about his cheating with Steffy when he didn't give a shit about cheating. He was worried he was going to jail. And Hope, in the dark once again, took such pity on him that by the time she learned the truth, she insta-forgave him for the cheating, she was so scared of losing him. Which, Hope, he is not a big loss. 

So for him to dare to tell her "how it's gonna be" now?


To make his wife feel like utter dogshit for wanting to try again with her father after all the horrific things his own father has done and he's given a pass?


FUCK HIM in every orifice he has, starting with his big fat mouth that needs to shut it and shut it good.

TN cannot act his way out of a paper bag but if his Finn supports Hope, then by all means, let Steamless reunite and bring on Fope or Hinn or whatever 'ship name folks deem appropriate. Because Lope is just Dope at this point.

Elsewhere, I really hope Deacon stays strong with Sheila. You know what I'd like to see, Deacon stopping Sheila from kidnapping Hayes and turning her in. Let this anti-hero BE the hero for once. Stepping up as the father Hope has needed. And where are my Deacon/Beth scenes?

And shutting the traps of Liam, Ridge, and Brooke once and for all.


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Paris’ cleavage today with her jello boobs.  Loved the outfit though!

Liam barging in, GMAB.  And Hope was writing all those letters to her Dad and inviting hm to her house but all of a sudden does a 180 wanting to “take things slow”  “meet in a public place” and now wonders if he has changed??  


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Elsewhere, I really hope Deacon stays strong with Sheila. You know what I'd like to see, Deacon stopping Sheila from kidnapping Hayes and turning her in. Let this anti-hero BE the hero for once. Stepping up as the father Hope has needed. And where are my Deacon/Beth scenes?

Exactly. This would be a less obvious way to go. It would be awesome for Deacon to do the right thing and maybe get to stick around.

But will the writers actually do this? Probably not. The obvious thing is always easiest, so Deacon=bad .... Sheila = bad ... they must team up.

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1 hour ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

And Hope was writing all those letters to her Dad and inviting hm to her house but all of a sudden does a 180 wanting to “take things slow”  “meet in a public place” and now wonders if he has changed??  

You totally read my mind because that's the reason I came to this forum. I wanted to post the EXACT SAME THING!  Ugh - these effing writers!

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31 minutes ago, norcalgal said:

You totally read my mind because that's the reason I came to this forum. I wanted to post the EXACT SAME THING!  Ugh - these effing writers!

Are they really that short on money for sets so that people can have private conversations? I know COVID restrictions are likely still in play but this has been a problem for a long time before this. It's Los Angeles for crissakes--ypu telling me there's no place that they could do a location shoot for one day within 10 minutes of the CBS studio? Geez.

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Are you sure Bill is Liam’s father. He sounds a hell of alike Ridge. 

Zende you actually know nothing but hearsay about Deacon. So STFU. No Forester has the right to complain about Deacon. Deacon has done nothing personally to them. Nosey Rosy aka Paris once again has to be in the middle of things. Today Paris  is flashing her puppies to Zende and Lurch but more so to Lurch as they became more and more noticeable just in time for Lurch to find he’s not moving out. Fantastic move Lurch in getting Paris to live with you. 

And a big big fuck you goes to Liam. How many times has Liam hurt Hope. Let me count the ways but I don’t have enough fingers and toes to count on. How many times has Hope taken a gamble on Liam. Again too many to count. 


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8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

But I digress. All I'm asking is for Liam to show a *little* growth, awareness, and the capability to scheme to protect his family in a non-Lame way. Is that too much to ask?

B&B writers that lurk here after reading this comment asking for simple character growth: 


Edited by TeamGabi
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8 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

All I'm asking is for Liam to show a *little* growth, awareness, and the capability to scheme to protect his family in a non-Lame way. Is that too much to ask?

But if they did that, they wouldn't have an excuse to break Lope up. Because all that this really is is a poorly contrived way of putting Liam and Steffy on one side and Finn and Hope on the other so each pair can bond over how they agree about handling their respective in-laws and how their partner is totally unreasonable.

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1 hour ago, Waldo13 said:

Are you sure Bill is Liam’s father. He sounds a hell of alike Ridge.

Unlike the other late-in-life reveals of paternity, the test confirmed he came from Bill's nutsack.

Ten million sperm and that was the one who won. :\

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What was Paris wearing today? Did Joey just open her shirt because Chandler can’t handle bras? That’s seriously all I could think of. 

Liam and the Forresters need to shut it. I love Deacon and want him to stick around. That won’t happen if he gets involved with Sheila. 

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3 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Paris likes to let her girls get fresh air like Phyllis on Y&R did(does she still do that? I quit watching years ago.)

No one can outdo the Staf on airing the girls (and she unfortunately still does the last time I watched Y&R a few week back) 🤣

Paris can cover up when the occasion calls for it, like the Sinn wedding or when the weather falls below 60 degrees.

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Hope needs to find her voice real quick and in a hurry. She needs to find that voice and remind Liam that just a few months ago she was watching him go through a WTD situation with his ex-wife. An ex-wife he had fucked because his knickers were in a knot over something he thought he saw. Liam has zero room to say to Hope that she doesn't need Deacon in her life. Liam has zero room to say that Deacon has only hurt her and let her down. Deacon was absent most of Hope's life due to Hope's mother's efforts to keep them apart. Deacon has always loved his daughter, and wanted to be part of her life. Unlike your dad Liam, who actively conspired to make Hope's life a living hell. Oh, but all that shit is A fucking OK though, because that was all done by your dad. I guess I am struggling with this logic that says Hope should give you and your dad a hall pass for all past sins and machinations, and of course and by all means, give both of you second, third, fourth, and chances to infinity. But her own father doesn't deserve the same consideration because you Liam, as judge and jury, have decided that Deacon "will never change", and will only continue to hurt Hope. While you will fully be expecting forgiveness from your wife the next time you fuck Steffy. 

Deacon perfectly summed Sheila up; she gets obsessed about what she wants, and will go to any means to get it. Her tirade at the end of the episode should have been his clue to get out now. While he wants to take the sane route to a relationship with Hope, by trying to work through the issues; Sheila will just keep barging in and showing up and will eventually force Steffy's hand. I would love to see Deacon act like he is in, but is actually working to protect Steffy and Hayes. I have no doubt though that Brooke and Ridge would spin it to somehow being Deacon's idea. I mean, how to miss Brooke quickly shutting down Hope's talk about how Bill was the one that got Deacon involved in stopping her wedding. Oh no, can't have the truth out there; that Deacon was incarcerated and Bill offered him his freedom if he would fuck his daughter over. Bill just made the offer right? That doesn't make him a bad guy that was trying to hurt Hope. 

I wish all these morons would take a really long walk off a short pier. 

My three main takeaways from yesterday's show were:

Annika's incredibly beautiful skin

Thomas's man bun

And Ms. Boobyham's girls; but I did like the outfit 

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7 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Paris likes to let her girls get fresh air like Phyllis on Y&R did(does she still do that? I quit watching years ago.)

Phyllis, Summer, and Lauren air the puppies on a regular basis.  Sharon and Abby have their moments. 

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18 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Ok, granted, I don't watch every day, but where does Zende live?

I could be wrong, but doesn't he live in Eric's house?

19 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Why can't Paris move in with him or they get another place together?  

They can't create another set!

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For a minute there I was worried about my eyes because I was afraid they might roll out of my head.   I cannot believe Carter and Quinn acting like they had no choice but to agree to Eric's proposal.  They make it sound like there were no alternatives, that they had to do what he wanted.  

But wait.  Now I'm thinking that Eric put them to the test to see what they would do, in particular Quinn.  Now he knows that she didn't really want to resist his proposal and went along with it because she wants to be his "wife" and live the good life, but she's ok having Carter as her side piece.   He also knows that Carter has no integrity whatsoever.  

2 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I could be wrong, but doesn't he live in Eric's house?

Ok, you're probably right.  So why can't he and Paris just get their own place?  Surely they can come up with another set.  It certainly doesn't have to be a house, just a nice apartment.

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1 hour ago, Crashcourse said:

Ok, you're probably right.  So why can't he and Paris just get their own place?  Surely they can come up with another set.  

I don't think creating a whole new set is that simple.  There was a time when Brooke, Stephanie, Thorne and Eric each had their own office.  Now there's only one or two offices at Forrester Creations.  The soap audiences are dying out, ratings are down, actors are agreeing to pay cuts, there's hardly any more remote shoots, and sets are dwindling.

Edited by sugarbaker design
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I really, really want Hope to get angry and to tell Liam to shut up about Deacon by saying he has no room to talk, and to bring up the Liam/Steffy WTD scare. Let Brooke and Liam explode. IMO would be soap gold. 

Hope glaring at them while not talking is complete nonsense.  Tell them to shut up or get out and mean it. Have them walk on eggshells around her. Change things up instead of 50 plus more scenes of Hope staring while they yammer on and on. Though that would cut my TV watching by several minutes as I FF or mute. One day recently, with FF I  got down to 5 minutes of actual show. Lol. 


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Katie and Ridge stop beating a dead horse. Eric made the decision but they have trouble understanding Eric’s decision. Katie it’s not your place to understand but it’s your place to support Eric’s decision as a “friend”. 

Ridge, if you look deep down in your minuscule brain you would realize that Brooke is drawn to Bill as Quinn is drawn to Carter but not sexually at THIS TIME. 

Did anyone notice that Paris’ puppies are more prevalent today.  Paris now has three men to eye fuck with Lurch being the latest. I will now refer to Paris as Paris the Eye Fucker. If all three of them were in the same room at the same time Paris the Eye Fucker would shrivel up from dehydration from all her hot sweats. 

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My guess is Paris is showing @6 inches of cleavage.   Can you imagine the skimpy outfits she is going to be wearing now that she and Thomas are roomies!

Nice to see Carter lose his temper.  Too bad he didn’t when Eric proposed it but he was too busy imagining himself with Quinn again.  


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Just now, madfortv said:

Let Brooke and Liam explode. IMO would be soap gold. 

I wish Liam and Brooke would fuck because maybe that will be the thing to  finally kill Lope for good the way the stupid but entirely accidental boink ended her and Oliver.

It's the nuclear option, but if that doesn't kill Lope or Bridge, I dunno what will.

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Did Zende invite Paris to live with him at Eric's mansion? I remember it being an odd swerve after the whole "let's slow this down" speech. How awkward is this going to be? So now, is it Paris' apartment and Thomas is rooming with her? This is so stupid. It makes Thomas look like an obsessive wacko again and erases all of the alleged "growth" he experience after his brain surgery. The thought of a Paris/Zende/Thomas ToD sounds awful. MA is too good of an actor to be saddled with those two duds. 

Bringing Shelia and Deacon in to just break up Lope and Sinn is pretty drastic and expensive if you ask me. It's also absurd. What are the odds that BOTH wayward parental units would arrive in L.A. at roughly the same time and at the ready to reconnect with two kids with disapproving spouses?

I don't mind Deacon being back really, but I don't think there is enough good SL to go around for both of them. Give him something interesting and redeeming to do instead of sitting around drinking and moping. I can see why Sheila is irritated by his defeatist attitude. 

Instead of paying KB or SK whatever they did to lure them back, I would much rather the money have gone to hiring a new actress for Thomas and maybe another middle-aged guy for Donna as it's pretty clear Katie is headed in Eric's direction. 

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Well, who couldn’t have guessed that Boobsy McBoobs would end up having to move in with Thomas. He’s so poor that he only had this ONE opportunity to buy a house! We could see this coming a mile away. Thanks again, writers. Stellar job, as always. And who dresses like THAT to go to work?!

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3 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

it's pretty clear Katie is headed in Eric's direction.

Was there NO other options for either of these two? Eric/Donna was always popular and one of the few pairings that wasn't competent trashed to the point of repulsion. 

Well Star Trek: Lower Decks just ended so I guess I can shut the P+ app down until next August cuz I'm sure as fuck not tuning in for that shit.

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5 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

I wish Liam and Brooke would fuck because maybe that will be the thing to  finally kill Lope for good the way the stupid but entirely accidental boink ended her and Oliver.

The more time passes the more I mourn for the Hope/Oliver paring because unlike Lame, Oliver had an immunity to Steffy's crotch. And no qualms (therefore had a spine) about telling her to piss off whenever she tried to seduce him.

It is truly a testament to how shit the writing is now vs then and how much the (new?) writers must dislike Hope that she was angrier about the accidental, one time boink between Oliver and Brooke, than the very many intentional, boinks between Lame and Steffy, that have been happening for over a decade, with one of the more egregious ones being mere months ago.    

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The befuddlement on Ridge's face when Quinn said she also had feelings for Carter. Because of course that can't happen; you can't love two people at once. Ridge, do you remember two ladies named Brooke and Taylor? And thirty years of ping ponging between them, and saying how they were both remarkable women, and how much you loved each of them. Yeah. just saying. Idiot. 

I like Thomas and Paris together, but that might be solely because it is new, and gets him away from Hope. However, I really don't understand why he doesn't just go on another house search. I am sure there are more houses for sale, even in Bell LA. But then we wouldn't have the dynamics of Thomas and Paris in close confines. Zende who? 

Edited by RuntheTable
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A few episodes back, Ridge made some kind of statement about "of all the women (or men) in L.A., you had to choose ... " (I think he was lecturing Carter.) I had to laugh because we ask that all the time on here when these is another tired quasi-incestuous or retread relationship.

I don't like Tharis. I wish the writers would stop trying to make her "happen." She's not leading lady material and I don't like her goody-goody pious behavior when I think she as much of a snake in the grass as her older sister. 


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One of the problems with Paris (I suppose, more accurately, the actress) is that she is terribly awkward and has no real screen presence.  Her physicality is so unsure and she comes across like a soft-spoken fifteen-year-old girl.  Makes her hard to watch.

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42 minutes ago, Cool Breeze said:

One of the problems with Paris (I suppose, more accurately, the actress) is that she is terribly awkward and has no real screen presence.  Her physicality is so unsure and she comes across like a soft-spoken fifteen-year-old girl.  Makes her hard to watch.

Well said! Totally agree!

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17 hours ago, TeamGabi said:

The more time passes the more I mourn for the Hope/Oliver paring because unlike Lame, Oliver had an immunity to Steffy's crotch. And no qualms (therefore had a spine) about telling her to piss off whenever she tried to seduce him.

Oh, I loooooooved that. The actor who played Oliver was no great talent but if TPTB was to recast the role and give them a second shot, I'd be down for it.

But looking back on all of Steffy's failed seduction attempts, Liam was the only fool out of the bunch to take her up. Bill kinda did but even then didn't close the deal until years later. And Owen didn't look twice at her for the three weeks that was a thing (Bridget was a much better choice to step out on his marriage with but even that was baffling, given how much he loved Jackie).

9 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

I like Thomas and Paris together, but that might be solely because it is new, and gets him away from Hope.

That's the only reason I'm here for it, to be quite honest.

5 hours ago, CharlizeCat said:

don't like Tharis. I wish the writers would stop trying to make her "happen." She's not leading lady material and I don't like her goody-goody pious behavior when I think she as much of a snake in the grass as her older sister. 

Is she, though? I've heard people say this across multiple platforms but she took herself out of the equation with Finn and Steffy before they'd even so much as kissed. I say this as someone who doesn't even care all that much for the character but if that's snake-in-the-grass behavior, everyone else on this show must be Voldemort and Dolores Umbridge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Plus, it takes two to tango. If Paris is shit for stepping out on Zende--who himself has a history of being less than honest--then so too is Thomas for backstabbing his cousin the way he's done his father and uncle. Fair is fair, and only one of them has a long documented history of criminal behavior in their persuit of romance.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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