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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I vote baby manatee.  They're adorable, and they can just keep it in the pool and toss in heads of lettuce every day.  I think Ridge is just about up to that level of parental responsibility (and when he starts getting lazy, Pam will take over). 

Edited by KerleyQ
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Oh, so that's what Ridge meant when he said that Caroline has wanted to have kids for so long. After all, it is September.


LOL, actually, there was a conversation between Ridge and Caroline last December where Ridge mentioned that Caroline always said she's like to start a family.


This is what she said on August. It might not believable to some, but it was believable to me.

I think just the accident really put things in perspective for me, you know? I'm just so grateful for every day and for every little moment, you know? But... before you know it, five years passes by and then -- and then 10 and... and I think that's when you start thinking about, like... the things that you wish you would have done and how much you wish you would have had, and I know, for me...that's a family.

Edited by Callie
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I vote baby manatee.  They're adorable, and they can just keep it in the pool and toss in heads of lettuce every day.  I think Ridge is just about up to that level of parental responsibility (and when he starts getting lazy, Pam will take over). 


What's a manatee?

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So.. BB is borrowing from YR when Dru was doped up on flu? meds and Malcom came in and kocked her up with lily? With a slight twist that its father and son instead of brothers? Yeah I'll pass thanks.. I haven't watched BB in weeks and I'll pass on the weepy caroline demanding to know what happened from Thomas. Sigh seriously writers and you wonder why american soaps are dropping like flies. I watched a Telenovella the other day on Telemundo and I was HOOKED it had super hot latin men who took their shirts off often and the stories were GOOD. I'll check back with y'all next week to see if i need to start watching again.

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They're super cute (and HUGE) marine mammals...


I live in Florida and there is a manatee festival right where I am because they all end up near this springs during the winter. The water in the springs is very warm all year around. They are really cute!



It might not believable to some, but it was believable to me.


I liked that speech and I guess it does make her sudden baby rabies make more sense but still it seems fast to me!

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So much word to your post, RuntheTable.


I was taking Brooke to task initially for butting her nose in where she didn't belong but someone had to be the voice of reason with Ridge.


She warned him to tell Caroline the truth from the moment she (Brooke) learned of it and she was absolutely in the right where this secret was concerned.


Ridge had no right to plan a future with Caroline, knowing all the while she wanted a family and have the fact that he, at present, could not father a child nor a guarantee that his vasectomy could be reversed be kept hidden from her.


They were in a committed, serious relationship with talk of a long-term future and marriage and Ridge didn't think that this meant coming clean about something this life-changing? He didn't think Caroline deserved to know the truth and decide whether or not being a mother was more important than being with Ridge forever? Nope. He chose for her, dumping her, sending her into a downward spiral where she could be taken advantage of, if not outright raped, by his creepy, predatory son. (As an aside - just because Caroline is describing it as something different now doesn't change a thing for me with the rape argument. Many a rape victim has recanted for a myriad of reasons. Their denial of it after the fact doesn't change what happened previously).


Then, he has an OMG-I can't lose her so, sorry, dear, for breaking your heart, please take me back and will you marry me? What is he, sixteen?


Clearly though, this man has learned nothing in all his years. No wonder he and Caroline are perfectly suited for each other - in terms of maturity, they're exactly the same age.


Ten to one, if he HAD been able to successfully reverse the vasectomy, Caroline would have been none the wiser and that speaks volumes about their relationship. 


And now the repercussions of Ridge's deceit are coming home to roost, in a big way.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Manatees are sweet, gentle creatures and I just can't see the spawn of any of these characters being sweet and gentle.  Can you imagine the animal equivalent of the spawn of Liam and Steffy?  Maybe a Velociraptor, one of the nastiest, meanest predators in history.  

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 Sigh seriously writers and you wonder why american soaps are dropping like flies. I watched a Telenovella the other day on Telemundo and I was HOOKED it had super hot latin men who took their shirts off often and the stories were GOOD. I'll check back with y'all next week to see if i need to start watching again.


As a latina who grew up watching Telenovelas I can proudly say this is all true.   There is something about a telenovela that that American soaps just can't capture.   Imo, they are written with much more heart and you always get the satisfying end of the villains losing and the hero/heroine finally getting the happily ever after.  It's a long road with twists and turns and fans are usually tortured along the way, but you do get the pay off before it wraps up.    Beautiful actors, locations and awesome sets.  Yes...the men are very handsome and may I add the kisses and love scenes..are FIYAH! 


American soaps are just torture and most villains never pay (see Victor Newman).  It's a huge turn off and eventually you just tune out, because you already know what the end game is going to be and it won't be your couple. 

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Pretty much. Basically Wyatt is paying for who Bill chose to bang 20+ years ago.

I wish the writers would let Wyatt have a screw him attitude and look for another way to start a fashion house.

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Wow I proudly admit I watch some telenovelas even though my spanish is poor. I remember i was so hooked with a Colombian telenovela called Amar y temer. It tells the story of a young woman struggling for freedom and female rights, in the 1950s, a time when Colombia is marked by the bipartisan violence and the emergence of peasant guerrillas. I loved this novella for high quality performance, adventure, storytelling, production and soundtrack.


I heard lot of things about Ridge Forrester, the golden boy, womanizer, deserter and rapist etc. However the guy I watched on my tv screen today was so lost, vulnerable and remorseful. Had Ridge ever act like this around a woman before? Certainly not with Katie.. Anyway, this is one of the moment I wished TK could play a new character instead of Ridge Forrester. 


LG and TK never cease to amaze me and they are continuing to surprise me! I feel like I am watching a supercouple. They can convey emotions without even saying a word.  The way Caroline held her belly as if to prevent herself from throwing up, just the mere thought of Peewee Herman with skinny pants could be the baby's father made her skin crawl. The way Ridge said I betrayed you (why didn't you confess to her earlier, damn the writers for being bunch of torturous bastards). The way Ridge start saying "I, Ridge Forrester..." and Caroline stopped him from removing the ring. The unbearable pain in their eyes and the way they are fighting back the flood of tears, this is real emotion!  There are so many things I would like to say about them but I am afraid it is gonna be a long essay lol. So I am gonna make it shorter.  (Despite age difference) LG and TK seem to have this unique and strange connection on screen that they understand each other on an intuitive level. Perhaps this is what some calls that actors having real chemistry.


Let me this straight, the wannabe Margaret Thatcher, with the support of her balless husband terminated her cousin's employment and then agreed to write her a letter of recommendation.  This is not a clever move to hide secrets from public eyes.  Given the fact that Ivy's fired from a full-time position, she's eligible for EI regular benefit.  If Ivy decided to apply for EI, they will ask her the cause for her termination of employment. And they will contact FC for confirmation. 

Edited by sweetautumn
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Is it my imagination or has the flashback of Thomas and Caroline changed as did the video of Steffy and Aly? Steffy was made to look like she struck Aly for no reason and now they are making Caroline look like she was more complicit in Thomas' actions.

I call BS to Bill being more in favor of Liam because of his mother. It's still Bill's lust for Steffy that is the driving force. After seeing Katie today, you resize how much more of a schmuck Bill is. Katie is much prettier and has a much better body. The only thing that Steffy has going for her is those gigantic lips which is only useful for one thing and I don't mean kissing.

Liam, the jellyfish, and Steffy is going to need a new bag to carry Liam around are great quips from Wyatt and Quinn. Quinn is no dummy, she knew right away that Bill's lack of support, for Wyatt is because of her. Bill's theory doesn't hold water that not condoning a new fashion house will bring the brothers closer. It's just the opposite.

TK and LG scene are fantastic together. No wonder LG broke up with RA. After seeing his act today, on Y&R, I wouldn't want to be associated with him either.

Where was Thomas' obsession with Caroline when they first met? He gave in to Rick like a puppy with a tail between his legs. Why didn't Thomas come running back when Rick was obsessed with Maya or right after Rick divorced Caroline?

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Why is Liam a lap dog and a jelly fish because he supports the woman he loves? Steffy is president of Forrester and was the one being tormented by Ivy.Also, as I've said a million times, Ivy has no rights to work there just because she shares that last name. Her father had nothing to do with the company and it was Davis or whatever Stephanie and Pam's middle name is money that started that company. Did John Forrester ever even actually work or just have adventures?


I haven't seen today's show yet, but Wyatt gets on my nerves because every time he sees Bill he's got his hand out and the way he used Nicole to get info on Maya is despicable.Bill and Liam actually talk about stuff other than what Bill can provide. I'm not in the mood for Quinn's overly protective mother crap.

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Ugh, every time I see Steffy's huge Loretta Lynn head pop up on my screen I just want to punch it. 

She's such an insufferable selfish self righteous bitch.  Did I mention that I hate her with the intensity of a thousand suns?  I HATE her.


How is it that you can hit someone with a tire iron and they fall and hit their head and that's the end of discussion for the authorities.  I'm sure this was discussed way back on here, but wouldn't Ally have shown some sort of injury from the tire iron?  All of this is just lazy writing and I'm beyond bored with the Steffy/Ivy feud.   It's clear that Steffy will always win.  She's gotta really be Victor Newman's daughter. 


On another note,  I thoroughly loved watching Ridge/Caroline today.   LG/TK really know how to save an episode and If it weren't for them I would have tuned out.   I'm really invested in their story and though I hate that Thomas is involved in it, at least I'm not bored by the whole thing.  I have this sinking feeling that Thomas is going to play dirty and say that Caroline was fully aware of what was happening and wanted him.  I can see this weasel doing whatever it takes to keep Caroline and Ridge apart.   I'm hoping there is a twist and the baby is really Ridge's. 

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 It's a long road with twists and turns and fans are usually tortured along the way, but you do get the pay off before it wraps up.

Here's where the problem with the standard soap opera formula is. They're not made to end so it's just endless torture.


Aly's case will be worked on right after they wrap up the joint investigation with the Mexican authorities on the Montemayor case.


On the shallow end, Heather Tom in lingerie. Wow!

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So, um, Wyatt is the inferior son because he emerged from the wrong birth canal? Stay classy, Bill.

Thomas has officially creeped my mother out, and my mother has a high tolerance for douchebaggery. She's a fan of Victor and Nick Newman on Y&R and Abigail on Days. I may be adopted. I dunno. I asked if Eyebrows did anything particularly egregious today, and she told me no, but sometimes he gets a look on his face like he's thinking of stealing Caroline's panties to add to his shrine. Yeah.

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TK and LG scene are fantastic together. No wonder LG broke up with RA. After seeing his act today, on Y&R, I wouldn't want to be associated with him either.


Meant to comment on this earlier because it cracked me up. Noah is THE worst and shiftless to boot. Does his character have any ambitions whatsover? This guy is the worst actor ever. Kind of Peter Pan-ish. 


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If Bill really doesn't want to pit brother against brother, why doesn't he sell his Forrester shares to Eric and use the money from the sale to fund Wyatt's idea? Liam could then resign from his VP position at FC and return to his job as president of SP. Both brothers would be working for the same company. There. Problem solved!

That was some strange logic coming from Bill, though...he feels guilty because Liam *could* have had the nuclear family? Wyatt never would have been born if Quinn had listened to Bill. No guilty feelings there?

Edited by Snaporaz
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LG and TK never cease to amaze me and they are continuing to surprise me! I feel like I am watching a supercouple. They can convey emotions without even saying a word. The way Caroline held her belly as if to prevent herself from throwing up, just the mere thought of Peewee Herman with skinny pants could be the baby's father made her skin crawl. The way Ridge said I betrayed you (why didn't you confess to her earlier, damn the writers for being bunch of torturous bastards). The way Ridge start saying "I, Ridge Forrester..." and Caroline stopped him from removing the ring. The unbearable pain in their eyes and the way they are fighting back the flood of tears, this is real emotion! There are so many things I would like to say about them but I am afraid it is gonna be a long essay lol. So I am gonna make it shorter. (Despite age difference) LG and TK seem to have this unique and strange connection on screen that they understand each other on an intuitive level. Perhaps this is what some calls that actors having real chemistry.

This. They elevate each other's performance. You can definitely see a difference when they are in scenes with others. That spark in both of them is missing. I adore CaRidge.

I know the "H" word is verboten, but I would KILL to have Brooke walk into Steffy's office holding a laptop and hear "Don't get too comfy, Steffy. I could come back and have him just ::snap:: like ::snap:: that! ::snap::"

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It's obvious that Liam is Steffy's lapdog. All she needs to do is shake her ta-ta's and his brain disappears. Case in point today----Liam was starting to defend the idea that Ivy just might be trying to gain Steffy's trust, but as soon as he started, Steffy whomps a kiss on his face, and he totally backs down, just like an old gas station mutt that's been kicked to the curb too many times.

Best line of the day was when Wyatt said that Steffy's going to need a new bag to carry Liam around in. Truer words were never spoken.

Caroline will lie and say she's been artificially inseminated. Voila, the cover up for her snacking on Thomas.

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Heather Thom in her frilly lady garments. YOWSA, please may I have another? Has Bill been rolling around in powdered cheese and baby oil? Was he super orange or was that my tv settings? He looked like a wet traffic cone.

I have nothing to add to the general discussion, as I have stopped watching regularly and only catch it once in a Blood Moon Eclipse.

Is Steffy's hair now its own character?

Edited by smartyshorts
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Don Diamont is in great shape but he was all sorts of different colors today. The body makeup was all over the place. It was a combination of Diamonts natural tan, orange self tanner, brown self tanner and some body hair. He's getting up there in age but there does come a time when you can't be the young pool boy like was back in the day on Y&R. He's in 20 times better shape than others guys in his age. I wasn't sure how much longer he was going to be able to stick his stomach in while Heather Tom was prancing around in her awesome after having a "kid body" shape. Simply WOW!!!!!!!!

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Have not been watching for about 10 days--just come here and read and I have had a house guest who is a long time soap watcher but she cannot deal with B&B---she tried last May when we were painting a bedroom and I had it on and had to explain about Rick and Maya---she is so not a fan of whatsit Young from other places----reading here has been very depressing---hate the story with TK (not ridge to me) and Caroline and especially icky son who will never be anything but horrid to me---hate what they have done to Ivy and LOATHE Steffy and the weasel she calls a boyfriend---was so looking forward to another fashion house but Bill ruined that now too---UGH---still trying but not watching much

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Man, Ridge just disgusts me.  Poor Caroline trapped between a narcissistic douche and his creeper son, and somehow she's the one apologizing?  Makes me want to vomit.  LG killed it today, though.


I totally didn't get Bill's argument.  He loved Liam's mom, so he owes Liam something, but Quinn's a crazy nutjob he would have never married in a million years, so Wyatt is trash?  At least Liam has a foundation of knowing he came from a loving relationship.  Wyatt on the other hand knows Bill wanted him to be aborted.  But Bill thinks he needs to make something up to Liam?  Does he hear himself?


FTR, I don't think Bill owes Wyatt a fashion house.  But he's kidding himself if he doesn't think his actions are pitting his sons against each other in a much more fundamental way than being business adversaries.


UO, but I don't actually hate Liam.  I just hate how he is with Steffy.  And I hate how Bill constantly props him, often at Wyatt's expense, and then acts surprised when Wyatt resents it.

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Ugh, every time I see Steffy's huge Loretta Lynn head pop up on my screen I just want to punch it.

She's such an insufferable selfish self righteous bitch.  Did I mention that I hate her with the intensity of a thousand suns?  I HATE her.


I, too, HATE her with a burning passion. Too bad the Salem strangler/killer can't make a stop at Forrester Creations.

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Is it my imagination or has the flashback of Thomas and Caroline changed as did the video of Steffy and Aly? Steffy was made to look like she struck Aly for no reason and now they are making Caroline look like she was more complicit in Thomas' actions.


As far as the Caroline/Thomas flashback is concerned, it's the same as the original scene.

The only thing that was added in some flashbacks, was Thomas' voiceover "It would be great if I could just show you" or something like that.

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So, um, Wyatt is the inferior son because he emerged from the wrong birth canal? Stay classy, Bill.

Thomas has officially creeped my mother out, and my mother has a high tolerance for douchebaggery. She's a fan of Victor and Nick Newman on Y&R and Abigail on Days. I may be adopted. I dunno. I asked if Eyebrows did anything particularly egregious today, and she told me no, but sometimes he gets a look on his face like he's thinking of stealing Caroline's panties to add to his shrine. Yeah.

Bill pissed me off with that comment, too, and his logic is faulty.


Both men grew up with mothers who loved their sons (Quinn's almost too much although not quite the "I loved you more than any man" Stephanie Forrester brand of obsession), but somehow Liam was more lacking?




If anything, considering Bill's loathing of Quinn, he should be that much more compassionate for Wyatt, having been raised by a she-wolf (Bill's view, not mine, of course). Plus, Liam has had the benefit of Bill in his life for how many years now while Wyatt has had far less time.


Bill needed to call a spade a spade and just admit that he favored Liam because he actually cared for Liam's mother and was just a horny teenager with Quinn. Again, that is not the fault of either of his sons but it's pretty shitty of him to treat Wyatt like the gum on the bottom of his show. He doesn't even attempt to hide the favortism and just expects Wyatt to lap up the crumbs after Liam is done feasting at papa Spencer's table.


I hope Quinn puts Bill in his place and makes him see the light like no one else can (plus it would piss Katie off LOL if Quinn gets him onboard). It's a win-win for Bill. He can compete with the dressmaker on the same playing field and give both sons the opportunity to make their place in the world. It will also force Liam to actually grow a set and do his damn job, which contrary to his and Steffy's belief, isn't his being her beck and call boy.

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Here's where the problem with the standard soap opera formula is. They're not made to end so it's just endless torture.


There used to be some end point to stories, in some fashion.  We'd get the big splashy "finally!" weddings, the bad guy would lose (at least for a decent stretch of time), things like that.  Now, we get quickie weddings with like 4 people in attendance that are only a checked off item on the list of getting to the next plot point.  Or the bad guys end up winning, somehow, and everyone in town needs to kiss their asses.  The shows themselves never end, but we used to get movement and not just the same shit over and over and over.  


That Thomas continues to fantasize and obsess over the woman who he now knows would have never knowingly slept with him is beyond creepy.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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Did they ever say what happened to the Hope diamond?  Does Wyatt still own that?   That would be one way for Wyatt to get his house.  Plus it would be without Bill's input which means Wyatt wouldn't have to answer to him.


I would love to see a story come out of this where characters that have been backburnered actually get some screentime. 


And random observation - WTF was up with Quinn talking to Deacon on the phone without actually seeing Deacon?  Christ, he gets 2 minutes every 3 weeks as it is.  Now they are taking the crumbs away?

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Did they ever say what happened to the Hope diamond?  Does Wyatt still own that?   That would be one way for Wyatt to get his house.  Plus it would be without Bill's input which means Wyatt wouldn't have to answer to him.


I would love to see a story come out of this where characters that have been backburnered actually get some screentime. 

The Hope Diamond and Boo have served their purpose never to be seen or heard of again. Montemayor who?

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As a latina who grew up watching Telenovelas I can proudly say this is all true.   There is something about a telenovela that that American soaps just can't capture.   Imo, they are written with much more heart and you always get the satisfying end of the villains losing and the hero/heroine finally getting the happily ever after.  It's a long road with twists and turns and fans are usually tortured along the way, but you do get the pay off before it wraps up. Beautiful actors, locations and awesome sets.  Yes...the men are very handsome and may I add the kisses and love scenes..are FIYAH! 


American soaps are just torture and most villains never pay (see Victor Newman).  It's a huge turn off and eventually you just tune out, because you already know what the end game is going to be and it won't be your couple. 

Based on what I've seen from Roman/Diane (DOOL) and Duke/Anna (GH) online, American soap used to be awesome in the 80s. It was mix of romance, friendship, family, adventure, drama and suspense. Great actors, heartfelt parents/children and step-parent/children bonding moment, beautiful outdoor shoot and soundtrack (awesome 80s music themes).  Like KerleyQ said no bad guys pretend to be good guys, no mobsters end up winning and everyone in town needs to kiss their asses. 

Edited by sweetautumn
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  Kudos to TK & LG. They totally brought it in the scenes where Ridge revealed his infertility and Caroline didn't reveal her pregnancy. BTW, Show, I believe your claim that Caroline wasn't raped as much as I believe Bill Cosby & Josh Duggar. I know what I saw (a devastated, vulnerable Caroline incapable of rational thought & Thomas using it against her), what I heard ( Caroline saying that she still loved Ridge despite his dumping her & she didn't even think of Thomas in any way close to what happened between them) and what I didn't hear (Caroline saying that she loved or wanted Thomas). Now more than ever, Caroline must be honest with Ridge before it's too late.


    Shame on $Bill for punishing Wyatt for the sins of his mother, real or imagined. I'm not the biggest Quinn fan, but I hope she puts Bill on full blast for his blatant favoritism of Liam at Wyatt's expense. Bill's not obligated to give Wyatt a fashion house, but he is obligated to not make Wyatt pay for Quinn's mistakes.


  As always, Steffy & her bitch Liam needs to have many seats. Ivy's being forced to grovel to Steffy for her job back was bad enough, but Liam's not even trying to show even the slightest hint of disagreeing with her proves once again just how useless they both are.

Edited by DollEyes
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Apart from Ridge telling Caroline that he is sterile, yesterday's show was just stuff we have already seen over and over.  Ivy begging for her job again.  Puffy saying no again.  Beady Eyes misplacing his testicles again.  Wyatt complaining about being denied House of Spencer again.  Bill talking about denying House of Spencer again.  Thomas looking creepy again.


Why would Ivy even want to work for a spoiled witch like Puffy?  I get that it's her family's company, but still.  


I too, forgot all about that huge diamond.  I would presume that Hope still has it.  Maybe Wyatt can appeal to Hope for money to start his own fashion house.  She of all people should know what it's like to be treated poorly by Puffy.

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Wow.  Bill is a giant dick.  And a stupid one at that, since he thinks Liam is brighter than Wyatt.  I'm no fan of Quinn, but in this case I hope she goes full-on bitch and helps Wyatt find funding for his design house.


eta:  He goes on and on about how crazy and unstable Quinn is, but he's going to set her off by telling her he thinks her son is inferior and stupid because he has half her DNA?  Does he think that's going to end well for his favored waffle?  What an idiot.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
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We've all known that Bill is a giant, egotistical ass, but he went beyond ass today. His obvious dislike of Wyatt is beyond mean, and basically calling his son dumb, and saying Liam is highly smart, goes beyond believability. No parent,regardless of DNA, should ever call a child dumb, or not smart or however you want to term it. And I don't care why Bill said it, a parent doesn't verbalized that kind of thing.

I hope we see Quinn unleash all her wackiness upon Bill, Steffy and Lapdog Liam.

Boy, can you see the badly blended fake and real hair on Steffy today. Not a good look.

Edited by KLovestoShop
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Wyatt isn't as bright as Liam? ROFLMAO! An amoeba is brighter than Liam. When has Eggo ever been shown to be intelligent?

Yes, Bill was a straight up jackass today. I'm surprised he didn't tell Quinn that she should have aborted Wyatt when he gave her the money to.

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