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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Thomas is still disturbing, and I just realized that I hate his eyebrows.



I've never been a fan of any Thomas, but this version I despise.


He showed up with a mission to squeeze himself into the design group and get Caroline back. Thomas deliberately insinuated himself into her desire to create Happy Family, particularly after Ridge tore up the first design he presented. After he worked on Caroline's sympathy, he had her ear on all things Ridge the faithless lover/ design help/ Ridge the not so fantastic father/ Ally Death Video/ sniffing the air around her, and she shared her relationship problems/ intimate issues/ future family struggles with him.


Then everything comes to a head -- Ridge breaks up with Caroline, she flees to a hotel and eats a couple of anti-anxiety pills of Pam's, Thomas calls her and comes to commiserate with "I told you my father was a louse," pat her limpid hand and assist in drinking two bottles of wine with her, all the while moving in on her when she's crying over Ridge, wooing her with a better offer of love and fidelity he has to offer ... and it's Rape Night!


Thomas has been apologizing, bowing and scraping, reassuring Caroline he's "not that kind of guy," "if I had known," vowing to keep That Night buried forever, and he's got her believing That Night was an isolated incident of too much wine and too many pills ... 


It's great being on the good end of a bad deal to make you feel like you should take a second bite, eh, Thomas?


Sure she married your father, but she embraced you like all is forgiven, talking about the promise you made to never speak of Rape Night again ... Yet, Caroline brought up the subject and is talking about it again ... She must be thinking about That Night ... like I am ... over and over in her mind, just like me ... That Night ...




You just can't stop your mind from returning to That Night ...

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But it does amuse me how quasi-incestuous this show is.

Someone on another message board (TWOP I think) suggested that they open a "swinging Forrester commune" where they can all get together and drop the pretenses.

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Except Eric has never had a business tycoon mentality. Even before he was reduced to two brain cells (the ones not inside his skull, I might add), Eric was big on having his children work at FC. So the entitlement between the Eric Forrester spawn that's popped up with every one of his brats besides Bridget is something he's fostered their entire lives.

Bill to his credit is paying lip service it the idea of not coming between his grown kids. But still, Wyatt's "You owe me" attitude stinks to high heaven. I don't ever remember Liam wanting or needing anything from Bill, at least not as blatantly. IIRC, Liam only got that house he lives in now after his marriage to Steffy.

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Totally OT (sorry mods) but been meaning to tell y'all, if you're interested in space the ISS is visible here in N. America till Oct 1.  Go to the website, type in the closest big city and all the times come up.  We are early risers and we watch every morning about 5:30-6:00 (comes at various times).  Take tour binocs and if you catch it at the right time you can make out the detail.  Mostly looks like Venus but it moves.  Way cool.  Enjoy!


On topic......like you guys I find Thomas uber creepy the way he obsesses about Caroline.  I hope Ridge finds out and kicks his ass.  But you know the baby drama WTD sl is coming. 


Where is Eric?  He needs to know about Steffy's shit.  I don't think he would be very happy.  And come to think about it does Ridge know yet?  My DVR ate parts of a couple of shows so I may have missed it.

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Except Eric has never had a business tycoon mentality. Even before he was reduced to two brain cells (the ones not inside his skull, I might add), Eric was big on having his children work at FC. So the entitlement between the Eric Forrester spawn that's popped up with every one of his brats besides Bridget is something he's fostered their entire lives.

Bill to his credit is paying lip service it the idea of not coming between his grown kids. But still, Wyatt's "You owe me" attitude stinks to high heaven. I don't ever remember Liam wanting or needing anything from Bill, at least not as blatantly. IIRC, Liam only got that house he lives in now after his marriage to Steffy.


 I have serious issues with Wyatt. From the first time he appeared to mack on an unconscious Hope, I haven't much liked him. A few times he has been the better choice to Liam because Liam's a tool as well. He was instrumental in the takedown of the Bully twins at Forrester by screwing over Nicole for the Spencers so he may be entitled to some payback IMO

Given that Wyatt was raised by an insane woman who believed the sun rose from his ass, his entitlement is not extreme.

 In an odd twist I think Liam is far more likeable, at least if you are not dating him, than Wyatt. But that's a really low bar.

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  $Bill's refusal to support Wyatt's fashion house because it might cause problems between Wyatt & Liam is noble, even commendable, but it's also fucking boring! Given Wyatt & Liam's relationship, chances are there's always going to be issues between them whether Bill had backed Wyatt or not, so while Bill's doing the right thing in theory, in practice, not so much, from my perspective. Wyatt may have a sense of entitlement, but IMO so does Liam and Steffy's interference makes it and him worse.  Wyatt shouldn't have played Nicole, but Nicole shouldn't have let herself get played by a guy she barely knew at the time in the first place.


  Because it can never, ever, ever be said enough- STFU, Brooke!

Edited by DollEyes
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Because it can never, ever, ever be said enough- STFU, Brooke!


Seriously!!! Good lord, I'm cringing through every scene with her now. It's just so pathetic and she is WAAAAAAY out of line going to Caroline to give her these ominous little warnings. It's gotta suck being KKL on the show now, where she was once the romantic leading lady, and now she's been reduced to a bitter, lecturing shrew. Spoilers say

she keeps it up all week!


I also hate the supposed "B" stories that aren't even B stories, just the other characters sitting around discussing the "A" story. Man, it sure looks like the rest of the cast hates it too, because that group on the roof today was totally phoning it in. Snoozers! And this Zende character cannot act at all. I wasn't watching when he first showed up, so I have no idea where he even came from, but he's boring me to tears. He makes Lawrence St. Victor look like a fireball of emotions in comparison.


I had to laugh when Caroline and Thomas were in Ridge's office today making small talk and on my TV set, Thomas's head wasn't even completely in the shot. He's really freakishly tall.


Also had to laugh when as soon as Ridge ended his phonecall with Caroline, he told the doc he was ready for the fertility test. That wasn't even a sexy call and he was begging for the specimen cup. LOL!

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This is probably because I'm an old lady, but I think that look needs to go away. And get off my lawn!!!

I'm shaking my cane right next to you.


We get it - she's a tiny little thing just like I was when I was in my twenties and could eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's every night and never gain an ounce - but stop with the every-day mid-drift outfits. It's becoming cartoonish.

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Wyatt totally gets on my nerves with his jealousy of Liam, who, sorry everyone, I actually like, even if he is a bit of a dullard. I don't like the way he acts like Liam never worked for anything, because that is not true.And if he's wondering why Bill may actually care a bit more about Liam, Wyatt should consider the fact that a) they've known each other longer and have formed a bond and b) he's not always gimme, gimme, gimme.


So, Ivy can design clothes now? Quel surprise. She needs to leave her entitlement at the door, too. What Steffy did was mean but she shouldn't be surprised after weeks of calling her a murderer. And yes, Ivy is a Forresta, but she's not from the branch that entitles her to a job at the company. 


Brooke is such a fucking busybody and Ridge needs to stop sharing his secrets with that shrew. If I were KKL, I would be hating my job right now. 


Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. As I've said a million times before, he is a fucking predator. What was up with kissing Nicole? He is seriously gross.

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Did Quinn graduate with an degree in Psychology? Her psychoanalysis kinda make sense. 


I am very disappointed that Ivy was not present at the short celebration today. Caroline and her used to be friends of sorts.  If there is one person who I'd see as Caroline's girlfriend, confident and maid of honor in Ridge and her wedding, Ivy is my only choice.


Steffy and Crocodile tears. I used to be suspicious that she has an ulterior motive for being hell-bent on removing all traces of Ivy's recording of Ally's death. She is possibly masterminding this manipulative plot for a while to completely remove Ivy from Forrester Creations. Ridge and Caroline's wedding and honeymoon is her perfect timing to deliver the final blow. She is probably aware that the newlyweds won't have time for this since they are busy with starting a new chapter in their lives. 


Brooke's lecture is completely unnecessary. Is she upset with Caroline because she no longer has it all?  


Thomas does his best pretending to be nonchalant when Caroline is immersed in blissful feeling of love.  It must hurt as hell seeing his object of obsession who can barely stop gushing over another man. Is that look of anger I see in him when she mentioned, "I have Ridge too." Then again, he probably masturbate to the magazine cover of Caroline once a week to work it off. 

Edited by sweetautumn
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Since when is the paragon of virtue and the defender of truth, justice, and the American way. Wasn't she the one who kept her pregnancy from Bill and tried to get Eric to say that the baby was his. Didn't she keep the fact that she was in love with Bill a secret. Once again I say she is nothing more than the turd in the punch bowl. Which is also what Nicole is becoming. Who the f... Is she and why does she even exist.

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Brooke is such a buttinski and THIRTSY as hell it's not a good look. I find myself rolling my eyes in her scenes basically since she returned from her business trip.

I wanna insert a gif of "Get your own GODDAMN man!" At all her bullshit. She made vague play for Ridge, then Eric, then drunkenly Wyatt for the love of God, then Deacon, & now it seems she has designs on Ridge again. Each guy politely passed or pretended to miss those signals. It needs to stop.

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Zende at least had a funny "Rrr?" look when he heard Nicole say that Thomas kissed her today, but other than that he was just there.  Charlie and Pam were far more interesting.


It can not be said enough:  STFU Brooke


Break out the pantsuits, broaches, and sensible shoes Brooke - you are becoming Stephanie.


I both love and hate that Brooke is taking over as Queen Yenta; as B&B's current grande dame she deserves better, but as one of its remaining original characters she's almost literally been everywhere and done everything.  (Even some minor yenta-ing, in fairness, thanks to her kids.)  OTOH, it's still Ridge; she's meddled in his life, and him in hers, for almost literally a generation in real-time.  We can't really be surprised, just annoyed, that she's not stopping now.

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Quinn probably got her psych degree from the University of Honduras.  


As much as I hate to say it, I want Hope back.  I want her to go upside of Steffy's head and fight for Liam.  Steffy is going to become the female version of Victor Newman---pulls tons of shit and never has to pay the price.  


Has anyone seen the newest "designs" from Kanye?  Every single one of them looked like night of the living dead.  Totally awful and unwearable.  But it doesn't surprise me seeing how he dresses his wife.  She always looks like, and I quote my 87 year old father on this, a "busted Ass".  

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I never thought I'd say this, but Thomas and Brooke need to find a boinkberry bush, pluck it clean, and get busy. They both have way too much time on their hands to obsess over Caroline and Ridge.

I really don't need to be privvy to this level of detail about Ridge's plumbing.

Re: Liam and Wyatt. I am biased because I can relate to Wyatt's being the low-priority child. You can tell your parents prefer your sibling, but you can't figure out why. I can see Wyatt not necessarily feeling entitled to Bill's stuff, but feeling like getting material things is better than nothing at all. When Liam first came on, he was a tech guy, and I'm not sure how that entitles him to lofty positions at publishing and fashion houses.

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I felt like I was watching The Jolly Green Giant today which would have been a great memory for KKL!  Thomas is indeed tall with all the little people surrounding him especially when Ridge looked up ..way way up and the camera panned up too!  LOL

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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eh--I skipped today--did not need to see Brooke-Thomas-bad-actor Zende---sigh---I really wish that Bill had greenlighted a fashion house but the rest is just beyond boring and I agree with anyone who sees Steffy in the mold of Grampire aka Victor Newman---they never have to pay for anything--UGH

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Huge chortle when Quinn was opining that perhaps Brooke feels threatened by the thought of a new Ridge spawn because it will mean that Ridge will spend less time with RJ. Lady, it just ain't humanly possible for Ridge to spend any less time with RJ.

Did my ears mishear, or did Ridge say he was happy because his "only son" was going to be working with him?

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Did my ears mishear, or did Ridge say he was happy because his "only son" was going to be working with him?

I wouldn't be surprised if he did. The way he was acting like a petulant kid with the doctor, methinks Caroline is rubbing off on him.
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It can not be said enough:  STFU Brooke


Break out the pantsuits, broaches, and sensible shoes Brooke - you are becoming Stephanie.


The insinuating and simpering Brooke is no match for the Royal Pantsuit. She will never wear the brooch and become matriarch of Forrester Creations at this rate.

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I just think its terrible lazy writing.  No one's questioning it because the writers can't be bothered.  Just like GH is the writers telling a story without actually having to tell it.

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The insinuating and simpering Brooke is no match for the Royal Pantsuit. She will never wear the brooch and become matriarch of Forrester Creations at this rate.

Brooke can't be matriarch, that title belongs to Maya :)
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Come to think of it, Ridge is aware RJ still exists. After all, he did say who cares what RJ thinks about him marrying Caroline!

He said, after using RJ as an excuse to bust up the Brill wedding.

No matter the new face, Ridge Forrester sucks.

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No matter the new face, Ridge Forrester sucks.



I DVR the show everyday, but if the episode description mentions Ridge, I delete.  I'm a big TK fan, loved him on OLTL and Smash, I think he's an awesome actor.  But not even a good-looking awesome actor cannot redeem such an atrocious character like Ridge Forrester.  I'm not going to post a laundry list of offenses, but suffice to say, for over a quarter of a century this entitled momma's boy has done the most awful things in the most awful ways but still manages to be the object of a young ingenue's heart.  Unwatchable.

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Thanks for the clarification that Ridge said "eldest".  I guess I wanted to hear "only" and still have issues with his muddled accent.


I, too, cannot stand the character of Ridge.  I loathed Ronnnnnnn Mosssss, but I don't care for this incarnation either.  His personality still stinks.  And I just have a really really hard time accepting that the world famous fashion designer Ridge Forrester would look like he just rolled out of a dumpster looking like he had eaten nothing but cake for a month.  He needs to lose weight, cut the hair, and shave.

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Why is this show trying to make Nicole happen?  She's phenomenally annoying, immature, unjustifiably smug and she looks like she's about 14.  The dancing, dance/modeling, Debbie Gibson-lite?  No.  And I hate when characters insert themselves into another character's orbit.  Nicole barely knows Thomas.  But she can "read" him?  She's getting in his face about Caroline?  And now she's going to be in a triangle with Thomas and Zende?  Please, no.  Go away now.

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ITA about trying to make Nicole a thing.


TPTB should stick to pairing her with that cutie, Zende, with as little screen time (especially if it involves be-bopping or whatever the hell she's doing) as possible, and certainly far, far away from that creeper, Thomas.


Brooke, Brooke,  Brooke...girl, you know you are my boo since day one, but seriously? I want to slap you right in the squinter right now. Could you (channeling Chandler Bing) BE anymore desperate? 

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lets just say,this weeks shows are probably going to be DVRed and erased most of this week!!!  If bringing in nicole and zende and making Brooke a squawking parrot is the best the writers can come up with, then they need to be fired. I just don't feel the Ridge Caroline connect that was earlier. Thomas is behaving like a pervert and I agree that he and Brooke need to find some more of those boinkberries. Where there hell is Deacon?????

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Thanks for the clarification that Ridge said "eldest".  I guess I wanted to hear "only" and still have issues with his muddled accent.


I, too, cannot stand the character of Ridge.  I loathed Ronnnnnnn Mosssss, but I don't care for this incarnation either.  His personality still stinks.  And I just have a really really hard time accepting that the world famous fashion designer Ridge Forrester would look like he just rolled out of a dumpster looking like he had eaten nothing but cake for a month.  He needs to lose weight, cut the hair, and shave.

Sometimes I really have hard time with reading posts about kicking actors to the curbs because of his/her looks. Not everyone has the look of angelic beauty, you know.  Morgan Freeman, Anthony Hopkins, Jodie Foster and many others are not what you considered "pretty faces", but they continue to please fans with their talents. So who cares about their looks?

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Geez Louise, I love Ridge (correction: THIS version of him), but this is WAY too much information about his sperm. Enough already with the sperm chat!


Second, it's very hard for me to see his inability to have children as some sort of epic tragedy, when they can, oh I dunno...ADOPT?! Once again, this show is painting adoption like it's the worst thing in the world and that really bugs me.

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Good God, no! Ridge does not need to have a hand in raising any more entitled brats, adopted or otherwise. He raised Rick and Bridget as young kids and look how they turned out. Also, Hope. :/

RJ may be better off in the attic with Judy Winslow and Chuck Cunningham than being around the two sorry excuses for human beings that spawned him.

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I don't even hate Nicole, but when Zende started puffing himself up over Thomas kissing her my brain went like this: "Okay, girl, decide: hair or eyebrows.  Choose wisely."


And apart from hearing the word sperm at least a dozen times today, the whole thing with Ridge turning out to be infertile made me wonder like crazy if it just makes it more likely that, when Caroline inevitably gets pregnant, the baby will be his.  Let alone how many years we'll have to wait for that to come out.  OTOH, allowing for temporal mechanics, maybe this is the show's way of backhandedly saying that they're really not supposed to be together after all and she can go ahead and get with Mr. Brow.  I honestly can't discount other option, although one thing keeps echoing through my head: in a general sense, no woman on this show ever has a child with the man they're with at the time...

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This episode of the Bold and the Beautiful is brought to you by SPERM, the premium man-seed that puts the tickle in testicle. Sip our luscious pants punch mixed into your favorite smoothie or cocktail, if you see what we did there. SPERM is the only nut nectar that can be used as a sauce, a lubricant, and an adhesive. That's not just versatility - That's SPERM!

Seriously though, I don't care if Caroline and Ridge have a litter of miracle babies; just please do not let her be knocked up with a creepy, rapey eyebrow baby. Put Thomas in a triangle with Nicole and Zende. It'll be boring as fuck, but it won't make my skin crawl.

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Brooke can't be matriarch, that title belongs to Maya :)

She who has the portrait has the kingdom.


Zende, you might need to dial back the jealousy a little bit, unwanted advances is just how the Jolly Green Giant rolls.



Enough already with the sperm chat!


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no woman on this show ever has a child with the man they're with at the time

Katie and Bill were together when they had Will, weren't they?


Ugh, did I really watch Zende and Thomas come at Nicole about something that was done to her in utter disrespect of her boundaries? And ew, Zende, whiny, jealous baby is not a good look on you, especially when you've been rather coy about your relationship status with Nicole. Put up or shut up.


I think Brooke being all up in Ridge's business is bad enough but her presuming to give life advice to Caroline is utterly repugnant to me. Caroline is going to feel like such a fool when she finds out Brooke knew about Ridge's condition even before the hasty wedding. I really don't get Ridge at all. (And, wonder if that fall out of a helicopter is what caused Ridge's infertility? His boys might have been good swimmers but not such good divers.)

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That guy who plays Zende gets a rotten tomatoes award on his horrendous acting. Could you picture a scene with him and Mushmouth? Ugh. 


I guess I'm one of the few who doesn't think that Nicole is all that. Certainly not worth fighting over. Those three bore the hell out of me. So who is Thomas going to get stuck in a triangle with? Zende/Nicole (Zendole?) or Caridge?


Isn't this the second time in one day that Brooke has dropped in on Caroline? Yeah. I'm seeing it, too. Caroline seems to be regressing to giddy teenager with her squeaky voice and girlish gushing. Make it stop.

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Was it just a few days ago I was actually excited by the possibility of Steffy/Liam getting their high & mighty arses handed to them by $Bill & the new Spencer Fashions??


Now its all little miss smuggy "I know something you don't know" Brooke sharing the wisdom of her years (ha!) with poor kept in the dark "wanna be a mommy" Caroline and Ridge's lil swimmers. Oh yeah, 3 more I don't really give a rat's behind about...Zzzzzzzzende & Nicole & Thomas.... and a bit of FF for that storyline.


Good grief...zero to 60 and then back to a dead stop. Great writing Brad. (That was in the sarcasm font of course.)

Edited by RedRockRosie
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