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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Ivy is beautiful and the whole package. She is just looks very happy all the time unlike Hope and Steffy. Hope does nothing for me but I could get lost in Steffy's eyes and mouth and would have to tune out everything else.

Brooke it was just a slap. Thank your lucky starts that was all she did. I would love to see Quinn go bat shit on Rick because of the way he treated Wyatt. Rick would justify his action by saying he is the CEO and Quinn would comeback with mother trumps CEO and stick Maya's necklace up his ass.

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Ivy could do better.   Boy is she gorgeous or what?  When the camera zooms in on her I am struck by her old hollywood Elizabeth Taylor glamour and beauty.


My UO is that Ivy is deathly boring.  She's got a plain, dull personality.  While Steffy's smug, forced and inaccurate "I'm fun!" persona is tedious and stupid, at least she brings some energy to the table.  Ivy is just a bowl of plain oatmeal.  Made with water.

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My UO is that Ivy is deathly boring.  She's got a plain, dull personality.  While Steffy's smug, forced and inaccurate "I'm fun!" persona is tedious and stupid, at least she brings some energy to the table.  Ivy is just a bowl of plain oatmeal.  Made with water.

I'm not crazy about Ivy, and I do agree that she's dull.  However, I'll root for her any day just so smug hypocrite Steffy doesn't get what she wants.  Same reason I rooted for Hope...well in that case I wasn't as much pro Hope as anti Steffy. 


I really wanted to smack Steffy in her puffy face yesterday.  I do not like Ridge & Caroline as a couple.  However, for Steffy to sit there and whine and pout "But she's my aaaaaage!!!", just after she tried to get daddy to make Liam take her back, it makes me want Ridge and Caroline together just to make her botoxed head explode.

Edited by ByTor
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You know, I generally like Ridge and Caroline as a couple, but I'm over the paint. Enough with the paint.


"Sex makes my fingers swell up?" Oh hell no. Dialogue like that should be punishable by a wet halibut to the face.


I can only echo what everyone else has said. Deacon as the prize in a love triangle? No.

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"Sex makes my fingers swell up?" Oh hell no. Dialogue like that should be punishable by a wet halibut to the face.

I haven't seen today's show yet but whichever character uttered that line might want to consider having themselves and their partner tested for STDs. Because ick.

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When Quinn told Deacon something like " I don't want you to get a job, I just want you to be around" I fell in love. I've waited my whole life for someone to say those words to me.   

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I'm trying to hang in there but I'm bored. WTF happened? This show was going so good and has IMO been completely derailed. It's becoming unwatchable.

Honestly? Too much bong-loving for the Bell. That's all I got, man.

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Well, OK. Now I know. What people in May-December relationships talk about. I was completely waiting for him to say, "Yeah, and back in the day I had to walk 10 miles each way to school. Barefoot. And in the snow."


I wouldn't have minded hearing Ridge's rendition of the Rick/Phoebe car accident. It would reiterate what Rick's all about.

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Does this mean the Spencer takeover is null and void? I certainly hope so, cause it was all kinds of ridiculous, not to mention full of gaping holes. It also means I won’t be seeing any more of Steffy. She was becoming uber annoying, with all her talk about history, and connections; so self assured in her arrogance. But Liam didn’t take the bait, even after Steffy was willing to pimp out her shares of FC’s to ensure a future with him, he wouldn’t budge. So much for what Steffy and Liam had, and the best part of it all, was that Ivy didn’t have to do a thing.


Brooke doesn’t want Deacon. And she doesn’t want Ridge. After Ridge rejected her, and she was toasting all her men, her first thoughts were of Bill. There was a full montage too. But Brooke wants Katie to be happy; she doesn’t give a fig about Quinn or Caroline, other than showing them who has the stronger relationship with Deacon and Ridge. Even so, it looks as though Brooke is going to start remembering, and romanticizing, her and Deacon’s affair, in order to start some kind of B/Q/D triangle. Brooke is looking more pathetic by the day; the humiliated sister; ex-lover of her brother-in-law, who is alone and using a drunken haze to wallow in her self pity.


I knew Rick didn’t mean a word of it, but why is Ally his target? Is it because he knows she is mentally shaky? Which I would find beyond the pale, or is it because he knows he can push her because she wants a shoe line? I guffawed when Maya was making those little mewish, tweeky noises about “that’s enough Ally”, but Ally was all like “oh no, it’s ok…..now with this design.......”, and just kept rubbing away. Guffawed I tell you. In any event, where are the floating heads of deceased parents when you need them? I think Floaty Darla Head needs to make an appearance pronto, and gaslight the hell out of Rick and Maya.


A Ridge and Caroline sighting! So exciting, particularly when we got to see some more action. I was so happy when Ridge told Steffy to shut it and butt out, as if that twenty something twit knows a thing about relationships or commitment.


Next to Ridge and Caroline; Deacon and Quinn are becoming my favorite couple. They are so unexpected, and so unique; I find them a breath of fresh air in their quirky weirdness. Even so, after Quinn smacked Brooke, instead of offering to help her up I wish Quinn had jumped on top of Brooke and started kissing her. That would have been hella more exciting than most of what we have gotten this week. Two beautiful women testing the waters? Maybe it would be good for Brooke to swim upstream for a change. Just sayin.

Edited by RuntheTable
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I kinda liked this.


To be honest, I forgot she was a twin, too. Mainly because the two of them shared exactly two scenes together before the idiots killed off Phoebe for cheap angst. I mean, she'd been just as squandered as every other young character is today, but what was the big payout besides yet another reason to bash Rick?

But that said,I'm pleased that the writers didn't blow that history off during all of this drama the past few months. I just wished the original story wasn't so flat.

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I can only echo what everyone else has said. Deacon as the prize in a love triangle? No.

This is officially the best thing I've read all day. It needs repeating.

You know what else bears repeating? The fact that Deacon was always Brooke's rebound man, the one who was closest after she divorced Thorne and went chasing after a very happily married Ridge. And after Taylor's fakeout death,she was more than ready to keep that affair under the rug.

The better question to ask would be,given Hope is now (in the legal sense only) an adult, why Deacon would want anything to do with Brooke.

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Shira quote

Because I hang on every word out of TK's sexy mouth, I can tell you that he's in that loft because he said he's already had the mansions and the fast cars but they never really made him happy.


Translation: The Bn'B production budget doesn't allow for anything posh, so let's put together a dark bohemian artist loft to go along with the nascent artistic inclinations of Ridge 2.0. 

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RuntheTable quote

Does this mean the Spencer takeover is null and void? I certainly hope so, cause it was all kinds of ridiculous, not to mention full of gaping holes. It also means I won’t be seeing any more of Steffy. She was becoming uber annoying, with all her talk about history, and connections; so self assured in her arrogance. But Liam didn’t take the bait, even after Steffy was willing to pimp out her shares of FC’s to ensure a future with him, he wouldn’t budge. So much for what Steffy and Liam had, and the best part of it all, was that Ivy didn’t have to do a thing.


Liam and Ridge still have the desire to go ahead with the hostile takeover (or so they say), but collectively don't have the means with Steffy and Thomas' shares out of play. They could call a shareholders meeting and try a vote of no confidence with Rick. It will be an uphill battle with the bottom line looking so plush and Eric so confident in Rick's management. 


Brooke doesn’t want Deacon. And she doesn’t want Ridge. After Ridge rejected her, and she was toasting all her men, her first thoughts were of Bill. There was a full montage too. But Brooke wants Katie to be happy; she doesn’t give a fig about Quinn or Caroline, other than showing them who has the stronger relationship with Deacon and Ridge. Even so, it looks as though Brooke is going to start remembering, and romanticizing, her and Deacon’s affair, in order to start some kind of B/Q/D triangle. Brooke is looking more pathetic by the day; the humiliated sister; ex-lover of her brother-in-law, who is alone and using a drunken haze to wallow in her self pity.


 An idle Cooter is the Devil's workshop ... Brooke never really needs much convincing when she's in a dry spell. That fetid pit of desperation in her character usually finds relief at someone's expense.



Next to Ridge and Caroline; Deacon and Quinn are becoming my favorite couple. They are so unexpected, and so unique; I find them a breath of fresh air in their quirky weirdness. Even so, after Quinn smacked Brooke, instead of offering to help her up I wish Quinn had jumped on top of Brooke and started kissing her. That would have been hella more exciting than most of what we have gotten this week. Two beautiful women testing the waters? Maybe it would be good for Brooke to swim upstream for a change. Just sayin.


I like them, too. They make sense together. They fit together. They are believable and affectionate. They make Wyatt twitchy and uncomfortable -- Good enough for me.

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What people in May-December relationships talk about. I was completely waiting for him to say, "Yeah, and back in the day I had to walk 10 miles each way to school. Barefoot. And in the snow."

"With a sore on my foot."

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My lawd, there is truly a gif for every occasion! Marvelous!

I want to like Quinn and Deacon, but I have a sinking feeling about where their story will go. We'll have yet another tired "woman loses mind over man" plot stirred into a vomit like slurry of "poor drunken lonely Brooke is a victim of psycho Quinn." I liked when Deacon talked Quinn down from the ledge and showed her real support. Why, he seemed to be on the verge of human decency. I fear the show is going to have Deacon revert to the same pig who shamelessly knocked up his wife's mother, and I'll be expected to gobble it up like he and Brooke have some grand romance.

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i can't wait until fucking Rick gets his. He's such an asshole. Technically Ally has more right to be in that house than his ass. It's her grandparents home, and her father's home and Rick really shouldn't be there even if Eric is his father because he's the product of a whole other family. Go to Brooke's and do that shit.


Is Eric now written as an old goat with no sense going to tolerate his granddaughter be abused that way?


And NOW Maya has a conscience? I can't wait till karma bites her ass, too.


Wyatt: shut the fuck up. Even though Hope was the worst wife ever and you stalker-married her, that doesn't mean that Deacon doesn't love Quinn.


This show sucks. 

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In the dictionary, next to the word "douchenozzle" is a picture of Rick. Load up that salsa with cilantro, girls. Mwah ha ha.


Weird camera work in the Quinn/Brooke scene. It made me a little dizzy. 

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Gosh, Rick, what does being a nice guy get Thorne? I don't know, friends? The ability to sleep at night and look at himself in the mirror? The fact that the people around him don't want to bathe him in seal's blood and throw him at a polar bear? Sounds horrible, this being nice stuff.


But Rick is right about one thing. When you bully, I mean exercise your authority over employees, they don't want to stab you in the back. They want to stab you in the front and dance on your grave. Dum-dum.


Aly and Ivy, you don't, in fact, have to accept being treated like servants. You don't have to cook him a damn thing nor do you have to give up your room in a giant house that no doubt has empty rooms aplenty. Tell him to go pound sand and find a nice studio apartment in Ridge's building. Rick will starve emotionally without victims to feed on; he'll turn his nastiness on Maya, and she will wise up and leave him. Bullies will move on to the next warm body when deprived of their targets.


Brooke, you can't forbid adults to get married. Your daughter is a grown-up, sort of, so fuck off with this nonsense about caring what her deadbeat daddy does. I hate this whole plot so much.

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Did anyone else notice Maya's top change from the scene prior to the opening credits to the scene after?  In the opening scene, her top has embroidery under her throat.  In the next scene (still the same time and place), her top has now been turned around so that the embroidery is on the back instead of the front.

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Gosh, Rick, what does being a nice guy get Thorne? I don't know, friends? The ability to sleep at night and look at himself in the mirror? The fact that the people around him don't want to bathe him in seal's blood and throw him at a polar bear? Sounds horrible, this being nice stuff.

But Rick is right about one thing. When you bully, I mean exercise your authority over employees, they don't want to stab you in the back. They want to stab you in the front and dance on your grave. Dum-dum.

Aly and Ivy, you don't, in fact, have to accept being treated like servants. You don't have to cook him a damn thing nor do you have to give up your room in a giant house that no doubt has empty rooms aplenty. Tell him to go pound sand and find a nice studio apartment in Ridge's building. Rick will starve emotionally without victims to feed on; he'll turn his nastiness on Maya, and she will wise up and leave him. Bullies will move on to the next warm body when deprived of their targets.

Brooke, you can't forbid adults to get married. Your daughter is a grown-up, sort of, so fuck off with this nonsense about caring what her deadbeat daddy does. I hate this whole plot so much.

Was Rick ever a nice guy? I don't think so. Give it a try it may surprise you. If I was Ally and Ivy, I would have either spit in the food or go to the bathroom and not wash my hands. Not only is Rick going to make Ally give up her room but do her wash, make her bed, rub her feet, and wipe her ass. Ivy can go to Liam's but Ivy won't leave because Rick has her believing she has a chance with her shoe line. I doubt that will happen and by leaving they shouldn't feel that their jobs are in jeopardy because there is no way for Rick to be able to justify this to Eric.

Quinn, you won and you should just leave it alone but Quinn has to be Quinn. Brooke, is forbidding the wedding anything like snapping your fingers?

Edited by Waldo13
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This show...I haven't really watched in days, but it's a snow day...so yay. So Rick and Maya are puzzling, but I was kind of happy with Maya today. She seemed over Rick's mean girl antics towards Ivy and Aly (I don't even understand why he's still doing it...it's stupid). However, I don't get her sister thing...unless this stupid show will make her actually Nicole's mother...which I don't think they would do either because I'm not sure they want to go down that road with Maya again. 

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Technically Ally has more right to be in that house than his ass. It's her grandparents home, and her father's home and Rick really shouldn't be there even if Eric is his father because he's the product of a whole other family. Go to Brooke's and do that shit.


I think it gets a little tedious when you try to talk about rights to homes.  No one has a right to anyone else's home unless it's stipulation in a will or something.  Rick didn't have a right to it when he moved in and Aly has no rights to it now.  It's Eric's.  If dummy Eric wants to give Rick his home, then it's Rick's.



Did anyone else notice Maya's top change from the scene prior to the opening credits to the scene after?  In the opening scene, her top has embroidery under her throat.  In the next scene (still the same time and place), her top has now been turned around so that the embroidery is on the back instead of the front.


Karla talked about that a couple of days ago.  They had the shirt on backwards in the first scene.

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Was Rick ever a nice guy? I don't think so.

You've got a point. The version of Rick from the early 2000s wasn't a mustashio trilling (sic?) villain like Kyle Lauder's Rick or the gossipy mean girl like now, but nearly every fight with Amber involved him to calling her trailer trash. Amber was hardly Wife of the Year material by any stretch of the imagination but class elitism is not a good look.

If the only thing Brooke can use to split Deacon and Quinn apart is Hope.....epic fail. I think Hope would've been far more upset if it were Ridge or Nick marrying Quinnsane because,you know,they raised her. Hope never even met Deacon till two years ago, and they barely have a relationship.

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I was so irrationally mad at Brooke for size-shaming Quinn's ring that I almost hit a cat on my way back to work after I saw the show at lunch (I didn't, cat is fine)! Um, Brooke, the size of Quinn's ring has far more to do with what Deacon, you know, the guy who purchased it, can afford than it does to what Quinn can afford. If you feel that your money and status entitles you to judge the size of the ring, perhaps as you’re looking down your nose, you could browse the “help wanted” ads for Deacon so he could afford something more to your liking. No matter if it was a Kimye-sized ring (gag), or a red string of commitment, you are the last person who should be judging another person’s commitment or symbol of said-commitment, considering you slept your way through the often-married-at-the-time Forrester men and a good chunk of your sister’s/daughter’s men. Ugh, I wish she'd dance right on back to wherever she was on her much-welcomed-by-me sabbatical.


Yeah, I’m kinda ragey today; lack of sleep for several days with a teething baby has set me right into bitch mode, and she earned my ire today! Happy Friday!

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Quinn, you won and you should just leave it alone but Quinn has to be Quinn.

Yeah, I didn't understand why Quinn wasn't satisfied with hearing Deacon declare that he was committed to her. So Brooke trashed her to Deacon - Deacon didn't join in and reaffirmed his devotion to Quinn.


I cannot get over how much Brooke drinks. Drink, get somewhat sober, drink more, pass out for an hour, drink. At least the lushes on Y&R pace themselves.


Yes, Rick has always been a raging douche, but picking on Aly is particularly egregious to me, like pitting a coked up mongoose against a baby. She may very well flip out and chase him around Forrester Manor with an axe, but it won't be comfortable to watch him push Aly to that point.

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I enjoyed that bonus clip.It was like watching Caroline explain what goes on in a Kardashian mind, but then she used and understood the word 'vapid' and put herself a rung above them. 


I can't help but think that original recipe Maya would have been disgusted enough with this Rick that she would have dumped him.

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See that's what gets on my nerves with Rick, he's being fairly nice to Nicole BECAUSE she's Maya's sister, but he's being an ass to Aly (who is at the very least very, very naive and weird). Also, why not keep in the scenes of that Rick instead of the a-hole Rick. 


Also, I have a feeling that whatever Nicole knows is going to piss me off. 

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Brooke, who apparently has the legal power to forbid marriages, has no business saying "after what she did to our daughter" to Deacon since she was going to marry Bill. And Tiny Dick Rick, I hope you choke on a tortilla chip and die. Aly needs to grow a spine. If you have talent, you will eventually get your shoe line. Nothing is worth being treated like a piece of shit in your own home. At the very least, make some pasta for the Little Dictator, boiling the fettuccine in urinated in toilet water then toss some ground glass in the Alfredo sauce.

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I cannot get over how much Brooke drinks. Drink, get somewhat sober, drink more, pass out for an hour, drink. At least the lushes on Y&R pace themselves.

As I said in the retro thread once, B&B means never having to say "Too subtle." This show has always taken a hack saw when only a fine chisel is needed,which isn't as bothersome when the result makes for unintentional comedy....like Taylor's alcoholism or the Ridge versus KL!Rick scenes that routinely made their way onto The Soup on VH1.

This OTOH? Just no.

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Hi everyone---I just came over from the Y&R thread to see what you had to say---I see a lot of familiar names---I haven't really watched Bold and the Beautiful closely for years but am somewhat familiar with the stories and the actors---our local affiliate in Seattle has decided to beach the show over at 3pm to make way for a "full hour of LOCAL news at noon" so I have started watching a little when I remember to turn it on---why has Eric put that little twit in charge?---YUCK---I see Jacob Young is now playing Rick as JR Chandler or maybe it is JR Chandler with even more obnoxious attitude---who knew he had even more slime to dispense---why doesn't that Ally (not clear on who she is) tell him to stick it where the sun doesn't shine---take her shoe line somewhere/anywhere else. Nothing is worth that crap he was shoveling at her the last few days---I think I will try to keep tuning in for awhile unless I feel the need to crawl through the TV machine and throttle Rick.

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I am feeling mired in stuff I can't believe.  Deacon in the throes of passion with Brooke to the point that he MUST kiss her, even though he is in love with Quinn?  Is she that much of a passion magnet?  No, I'm sorry to say it because I like KKL, but no.  And Brooke with her haphazard drinking, just strange.  And with Deacon trying to force kisses on her, and she's still on the bottle trying to forget she's got no man?  Put the stupid bottle down, Brooke, I don't believe you.  Rick inviting Maya's sister to live with them, totally ignoring all kinds of signs Maya is uncomfortable, doesn't look at her to see if she feels the same?  You would think he was being passive aggressive if he had shown any signs of trying to irritate her.  And, as somebody has already said, Deacon producing an engagement ring when he has no job, no place of his own to stay, and Quinn doesn't question that?  Like, "Where did you get the money to buy this, or did you steal it?"  Deacon, the abstainer, looks like he's had more to drink than Brooke, who seems to sober up real fast when she has some meaningful dialog to say. 

Edited by Unwarranted
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Quinn recently complained about not having any work yet apparently bought Deacon a car since he drove away while she was lurking outside Brooke's house. Aly has to give up her room to Nicole? Don't they live in a mansion? What mansion only has 3 rooms?

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As I said in the retro thread once, B&B means never having to say "Too subtle." This show has always taken a hack saw when only a fine chisel is needed,which isn't as bothersome when the result makes for unintentional comedy....like Taylor's alcoholism or the Ridge versus KL!Rick scenes that routinely made their way onto The Soup on VH1.

This OTOH? Just no.

I'm waiting for Brooke to do something really cringeworthy to make it all worthwhile. She's just warming up right now.

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In the dictionary, next to the word "douchenozzle" is a picture of Rick. Load up that salsa with cilantro, girls. Mwah ha ha.


Weird camera work in the Quinn/Brooke scene. It made me a little dizzy.

I was also wondering about the weird camera angles for these Quinn/Brooke scenes and decided it was the device Show is using to demonstrate that Quinn hase become unhinged again.

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politichick quote

i can't wait until fucking Rick gets his. He's such an asshole.


Rick still dogging Aly and Ivy with unreasonable personal and professional demands -- Check


Rick is rewriting his 'difficult' up-bringing by taking real or imagined slights out on his family and employees to toughen them up -- Check


Maya going along with Rick's capricious behavior -- Check


Eric MIA -- Check


Brooke drinkin' and feudin' with Quinn, MIA -- Check


Ridge and Caroline bodypainting and boinking beyond Rick's influence -- Check


Aly admitting she's sucking up to Rick and Maya to boost her non-existent design career -- Check


Rick arbitrarily gives Aly's bedroom to Nicole, and she has to double-up with Ivy (Who knew the mansion was a 3 bedroom rambler in the 'burbs?)-- Check 




As Rick escalates his autocratic 'rule,' particularly against Aly -- the most insecure and desperate Forester -- the worse their final conflict will be. It will end with the board stripping Rick of his position at FC and at the manse.


Yeah, Rick's a first class asshole and is going to get it in spades ... or with the working end of a spade.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
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Anna Yolei, on 06 Mar 2015 - 8:52 PM, said:


As I said in the retro thread once, B&B means never having to say "Too subtle." This show has always taken a hack saw when only a fine chisel is needed,which isn't as bothersome when the result makes for unintentional comedy....like Taylor's alcoholism or the Ridge versus KL!Rick scenes that routinely made their way onto The Soup on VH1.

This OTOH? Just no.


SweePea59 quote

I'm waiting for Brooke to do something really cringeworthy to make it all worthwhile. She's just warming up right now.


Quinn can't get out of her own way, and Brooke is full of 60 proof and emotionally debilitating vanity. The two of them will have a showdown, dragging Bn'B and everyone down with them ... as usual.

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Why is KKL/Brooke delivering her lines that way?

It's like this awful stagey singsong quality with exaggerated intonation and mannerisms. It's very "lah di dah."

The labels on Ridge's beer he as Caroline were drinking. Was that Guiness?

Ridge is looking good.

He looked pretty Sexy in bed with Caroline today. To the posters who stated upthread I agree he looked like he lost a few pounds, firmed up, and trimmed and styled his hair differently. He really lights up in scenes with Caroline.

Where did perpetually unemployed Deacon got the ring, was it the one he used to propose to Brooke with before she went Italy a couple months ago? Since Quinsy made a suspicious joke I bet it was Brooke's or Nikki's.

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When Stephanie used to forbid things, or when she threatened to put a stop to something, you could pretty much count on that happening, but with Brooke it sounds like hot air and vitriol, with some 100 proof thrown in. And I was squishing my eyes and ears shut like I did as a kid at horror films, because Brooke was scaring me as she talked to Deacon about how he could be with Quinn after all she has done to Hope. WHAAA???? But, but, but.......Just a few months ago Brooke was on the verge of marrying a man who used Hope as cannon fodder in his quest to have his son marry the "right" girl, the "fun" girl. Of course, we all know that Bill actually wanted to tap that, but didn't, and was trying to get his jolly’s knowing Liam was getting the action. Very disturbing. And Brooke was willing to pledge herself to this man. Quinn has acted no differently than Bill, she just used different tactics. And she never did anything to physically hurt Hope, reserving those actions for Liam and Ivy. There is no doubt that Quinn and Bill have behaved badly and done some shady shit, but at least you can say Quinn was doing it for her son, while Bill was doing it for “Spencer Pride”.


So, Rick doesn’t like Cilantro? Fuck that, there would have been several “alternative” food choices in that salad; Herbs=Freshly prepped Greeners, Parsley=Freshly picked and dried Cannabis Sativa, Mushrooms=Freshly harvested Peyote, Dressing=Oil and Vinegar, with a finely crushed Percocet. After eating this, and having a few glasses of celebratory Champagne, I want Ally to go get one of those lovely, wooden, pointy shoe horns and just cram it right up Rick’s little behind. Go on girl, just like Ned Beatty in Deliverance, have him squealing like a pig.


Oooopsy! Does Ally’s room come complete with Floaty Darla Head? How awesome would it be for Darla to pop up and start chatting with Nicole about what is really going on at “Forrester House”. I just love it; sounds so Dark Shadows, with a little Upstairs Downstairs thrown in. Ally and Ivy should really just move into Bathtub Hut; maybe we would get to see Ally give Oliver a bath. Oliver has his limitations, but he is some nice eye candy, and in any event would be much better than watching Rick and Maya.


Ah yes, Rick and Maya. I guess we are now supposed to be seeing Maya as silently questioning Rick and his actions? Hmmm……..I really do have some issues with this. Maya is largely responsible for Rick conducting his business this way. I can’t put all the blame on her, because Rick has been years in the making, and many people have contributed to the cause. But when you tell your lover “well, they are your walls, so you can shoot them up, or do whatever you want to them Mr. CEO”, well, that is sorta enabling his bad behavior. At heart, Maya may not be a bad person, she didn’t come on the canvas that way, but she is certainly willing to push aside any decency she may possess in order to get what she wants. And look what it has gotten her. Oh yeah, she got the man, and she now has the big house, and she has Eric’s blessing, and she has all the finery and bling, but she is also living with a monster. Maya is no dummy, and Rick is already showing signs of testing her. By completely ignoring her feeble protests about Nicole moving in, he showed her that he will make the decisions and she will acquiesce, just like a good girl should. And Maya has seen what happens when you challenge Rick, whether he loves you or not, if you cross him, you are dead to him. Maybe she should have been thinking about this instead of initiating “Operation Doe Eyes”. Sorry, I just cannot feel bad for Maya. You reap what you sow sweetie.

Edited by RuntheTable
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Yeah, Maya's job title should be Lead Enabler instead of Lead Model. It'll be interesting to see how she lands when Rick is finally and somehow deposed from power. Wonder if--when push comes to shove--she really is "ride or die" or will her survival instinct override Rick's bad influence?

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I'm confused by Maya, too. Now that the dust from everything has settled, you'd think she would try to ingratiate herself with Aly and Ivy at least a little bit. Yes, they're friends with Caroline, but Caroline has moved on. They are Rick's family. Wouldn't it be smart to shore up some good will and support, not just for herself, but also for Rick and for the two of them as a couple? If she doesn't want to chastise Rick for behaving like an asshat, she could lighten up on them herself and try to repair her relationship with them. She may not approve of the way Rick treats them, but her silence makes her complicit in their eyes.

I have a feeling Aly and Ivy will become fast friends with Nicole, though.

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It'll be interesting to see how she lands when Rick is finally and somehow deposed from power. Wonder if--when push comes to shove--she really is "ride or die" or will her survival instinct override Rick's bad influence?


We saw how she behaved when she thought Eric was going to somehow "revoc" the irrevocable.  She was still ready to stay with him.  For how long, who knows.

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