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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Got thru the show quickly today, by FF'ing the Eric and Katie scenes.  I was such a fan of Heather Tom when she was Victoria on Y&R.  Took a while to accept a new actress playing Victoria. I liked her at first on B&B, but now she's such a busybody along with her sisters. 

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14 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

I was such a fan of Heather Tom when she was Victoria on Y&R.  Took a while to accept a new actress playing Victoria. I liked her at first on B&B, but now she's such a busybody along with her sisters

Hell, there are people who STILL haven't accepted Amelia Heinke as Vikki and she's been in the role longer than HT was!

It's a shame that she was so throughly ruins by being an absolute killjoy, often for no other reason than to act out for the attention she never got (which is so unrealistic for youngest children that as an oldest daughter left to my own devices more often than not makes me want to scream, on top of her manipulation about her transplant).

18 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Does every child go to boarding school? 

Historically, no, at least not on B&B. I think it's a thing to work around keeping as few kids on the show as possible. That being said, as annoying as Will can be, it seems wildly out of character for Bill or Katie to ship him away, given how they both cherish parenthood deeply.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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11 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Hell, there are people who STILL haven't accepted Amelia Heinke as Vikki and she's been in the role longer than HT was!

(I haven't accepted Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott.  "O.G. Jack" Terry Lester all the way!)

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he's acting like he has no recourse and has to accept Eric's proposition, instead of asking Quinn to leave Eric to be with him.   He accepting being the fuckboi and doesn't think they're doing anything wrong.  

But it seems like Quinn wants to have her cake and eat it, too.  She wants the lifestyle with Eric, her portrait on the wall, while having Carter as her sidepiece. 

And I am out again. These writers just suck. A pairing with actual chemistry which is far more than you can say for most of the couples on this show (and to be fair the more long term couples lack some chemistry these days because they've been triangled to death or broken up/gotten back together so many times) and this is what they do? THIS? Nope. It's just a big nope from me. I was hanging in for a while to see if anything would improve but it hasn't. Nope, nope, nope.



(I haven't accepted Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott.  "O.G. Jack" Terry Lester all the way!)

I loved Peter Bergman on All My Children and while I accept him as Jack - I think Jack has been turned into a far less compelling character during his time. Jack was a force during those Terry Lester years. But then again, the show was written a million times better too.

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Terry Lester was well before my time. Even in the 90s, I only remember Bergman and even though I enjoy the 80s clips I find, he's one of the few Y&R actors from that time that I can't vibe with. But I'm a minority opinion on that and I miss the days when I felt that strongly for any given actor or character to support them like that on this show.

Edited by Anna Yolei
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Just got caught up on the past two days, and just.....no, no, no, no, NOOOOO!

Mr. Low Rider's going on about "What Steffy wants". Dumbass, that sends clear signals to your psycho mom. And your gonna stand with you wife? How about you stand with yourself and tell momma to disappear because that is what you want?

There is no doubt Sheila will go into full vengeance mode now. 

Carter and Quinn handled the whole thing wrong. Instead of begging Justin, they should have been calling the police and reporting him for breaking and entering. Instead, they acted like two deer caught in the perpetual headlights. Dummies; you never show fear to a fucking bully. You are two grown ass people and don't owe nobody nothing, not even an explanation. And certainly not to a man who just broke into your house. 

Katie and Ridge just don't understand when to back the hell up. Eric said for about the four hundredth time that he wants them to butt out of his personal business. 

Katie going on about how she thought her love would change Bill, then in the next breath saying all the things she wanted to change is why she fell in love with him in the first place. Huh? You know, I have a problem with someone wanting to "change" someone else. Now, if you are serial killer, or a career criminal, or an addict; I get it. But I don't agree with trying to make someone what you want them to be just because that is what you want. Also, only a fool would have taken Bill back after his relationship with Brooke busted up. Katie knows that men never fall out of love with her sister. It is all about the power of the Golden Cooter. 

And now Eric is going to confess to Katie? Why? My ick meter is at the overload mark with these two. 

Justin just had to do it, didn't he? And now we have Batman and Robin off to save daddy from his evil, philandering wife. For the love of God; I absolutely cannot with these two. Once again, Carter handles it wrong. It is your place man, don't open the door, but since you did, tell those two nosey nellies to bugger the hell off! 

Paris and Zende were talking and kissing or something.......

Edited by RuntheTable
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2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Mr. Low Rider's going on about "What Steffy wants". Dumbass, that sends clear signals to your psycho mom. And your gonna stand with you wife? How about you stand with yourself and tell momma to disappear because that is what you want?

Truly some weasel shit as I've ever seen. 

I mean, isn't this the same behavior that everyone loathes in Liam? What's even the point in sticking Steffy with a new guy if he's cut from the same cloth? Brad didn't create a new product, he just created new packaging.

Apart from the Sally/Flo mess, the thing I like about Wyatt is he can stick up for himself and what he wants and has told off his mother when she broke boundaries. I found some old Amber and Rick clips where Rick had to do the same thing with Brooke (I legit forgot that her over investment in her children's lives didn't start with Hope). 

Finn has a mother that he's all but forgotten about.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Katie going on about how she thought her love would change Bill, then in the next breath saying all the things she wanted to change is why she fell in love with him in the first place. Huh?

I don't get it either but neither am I shocked that she hasn't learned a damn thing. Bill ain't shit for his affairs with Steffy and Brooke, but he's made clear who he is and what his values are and no amount of nagging and prodding and poking is gonna change that. I mean, Brooke is the woman I believe he loved the most and he let her walk over a skyscraper and a vendetta against a young woman who got in his way of that.

All that being said, I'd rather she stay with Bill than to get with Eric. I didn't think a more chemistry-free couple than Kringe Kridge existed in the entire B&B canon but this one definitely edges that out. At least with 'rona we'll be spared any love scenes.

2 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Dummies; you never show fear to a fucking bully. You are two grown ass people and don't owe nobody nothing, not even an explanation. And certainly not to a man who just broke into your house.

Quinn's reaction is particularly baffling given that she has tried to kill at least two men on two separate occasions without blinking but she acts like a school girl who got busted making out with her boyfriend in the back of a Honda Civic?

If there was ever a time for Quinn to go back to her roots, now would be it.

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Whoever upthread called this SL leading into a larger question of Eric's judgment and Ridge's resulting efforts to take over FC was right on the money.  Feels like that's what's about to happen.  Katie may have compassion for Eric and stick her nose where it doesn't belong and side with Eric.  Ridge and Brooke will have no choice as it'll be for the "good of the family/company".

And you just know, despite banging Quinn repeatedly and betraying Eric, Carter is going to be asked to "draw up the papers".

Dumb show.

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Never have I ever seen a show where practically nothing happens, but the characters sit around for weeks and months talking about each other, and also meddle in and judge each other on shit they probably have done themselves.

Edited by seasons
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33 minutes ago, seasons said:

Never have I ever seen a show where practically nothing happens, but the characters sit around for weeks and months talking about each other, and also meddle in and judge each other on shit they probably have done themselves.

Essentially the template for a Bell soap!  Back in the day Y&R used to do this so well.  Jill and Kay would have an argument on Monday, Jill would talk about it with Jack on Tuesday, Kay would talk about it with Nikki on Wednesday, Jill would talk about it with Liz on Thursday, Kay would talk about it with Esther on Friday.  The plot would move forward incrementally, but everyone's POV and motivation was clearly spelled out.

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All the screaming today was too much. 

Where's Bill? Katie's all about obsessing over Eric's marriage instead of her own life. 

Brooke and Ridge rub around talking about an old man's sex life day after day and now Justin is too. This whole story needs to end. 


Edited by Artsda
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23 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Fair enough on all points. It's certainly worth asking what the hell Carter gets out of this arrangement and being satisfied with this half-assed shit that only Quinn benefits from. He left Zoe AND Maya for their inability to fully commit but he accepts this edict from his boss? 

Yeah, no dice.

It's crazy how long this guy has been on the show and yet so useless.  He's apparently supposed to be some kind of amazing lawyer who knows everything there is about every kind of law... so if this were real life, the guy would have left the company ages ago and found a better job with less drama.  It's ridiculous that nobody sees the conflict of interest of him serving as company COO/whatever when he also happens to be carrying on an affair with the boss' wife which the boss knows about.  JUST QUIT ALREADY.  This storyline has dragged on for far too long.

23 hours ago, Waldo13 said:

Eric’s secret would have been out anyway after confiding in Katie. Katie is the third fastest way of communication. Telephone, Telegraph, Tell Katie. (Yes,I know that saying is a little dated). 


20 hours ago, Kimboweena said:

Got thru the show quickly today, by FF'ing the Eric and Katie scenes.  I was such a fan of Heather Tom when she was Victoria on Y&R.  Took a while to accept a new actress playing Victoria. I liked her at first on B&B, but now she's such a busybody along with her sisters. 

I'm sure that Heather Tom is wondering when it's going to be her turn again to shine.  For years she was written as the lead actress, where she could submit a scene of her ripping a fart and she would win yet another Emmy.  Now the only work she gets onscreen is to be a constant busybody.  Classic Bradley... he has his favourites and goes overboard in focusing on them at the expense of everyone else.  I wonder how she likes being relegated to being "everyone else" for once.

This show sucks.  Quinn/Carter/Eric is not interesting.  Steffy/Finn/Paris is not interesting.  At the center of both of these boring triangles is a guy who cannot act at all and is only kept around to take off his shirt.  Does Finn even work anymore?  All he seems to do is lounge around at home half dressed.  Why don't they make him a lifeguard at the beach or pool to at least justify his shirt allergy?

Edited by blackwing
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19 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

I loved Peter Bergman on All My Children and while I accept him as Jack - I think Jack has been turned into a far less compelling character during his time. Jack was a force during those Terry Lester years. But then again, the show was written a million times better too.

I have no idea why I still recall this soooo many years later, but Bergman was interviewed after he was in the role of Jack for a short while. The story goes:

Bergman was in a Broadway theater (part of the audience, I think) when some folks recognized him and kept saying "Hi there, Smilin' Jack Abbott!, Hey there Jack" and so on. Finally, someone else in the audience yells out: "His name's not Jack - it's Cliff"  [which I guess was his name on All My Children].   🤣


On another note: what gets me is why don't Steffy/Finn/etc. throw it in Sheila's face that SHE LIED!  Sheila told Finn & Jack that she just wanted to see/hold Hayes once and then she'd be out of their lives. Now here she is trespassing AGAIN and AGAIN claiming she just wants to be a part of her son/grandson's life.  They can tell Sheila you've lied yet again, so why should we ever trust you?!  [Well, besides all the crimes she committed!]

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So Ridge and Brooke are complicit with Justin once again breaking the law. So in essence they are accessories after the fact.  By the way it’s not adultery if Eric gave his permission for Quinn/Carter.  

Ridge and Brooke need an attitude adjustment and I think they are not going to get one no matter what Eric says. 

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Watching Ridge and Brooke today, the only thing I could think about was Brooke not being able to tell the difference between her husband’s penis and Oliver’s. That’s not even in her top five greasiest moments.

As for Ridge, maybe he’ll fall down a flight of stairs and give the rest of us a break. 

Eric’s secret barely lasted longer than his last erection. I was almost 95% certain that when he hugged Katie, she was going to say, “Is that a roll of quarters or are you just happy to see me?”

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Trying to figure out why Katie is involved in this storyline with Eric and not Donna??  Why did Eric tell Katie about his ED when he wouldn’t tell someone closer?  And of course Katie confirms to Brooke that it is all true…so much for not breaking Eric’s confidence. She shouldn’t have confirmed it.  

I found Brooke and Quinn to be so shrill and it went on and on and on and on…..had to turn the volume down!  

Carter is a jellyfish!  

Again Brooke in a huge belt cutting her in half and not in a good way. Quinn’s hair looked great!

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5 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Absolutely, Quinn needs to push someone in the Seine.

Or the 405 during rush hour.

I'm not picky which.

3 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Back in the day Y&R used to do this so well.  Jill and Kay would have an argument on Monday, Jill would talk about it with Jack on Tuesday, Kay would talk about it with Nikki on Wednesday, Jill would talk about it with Liz on Thursday, Kay would talk about it with Esther on Friday.  The plot would move forward incrementally, but everyone's POV and motivation was clearly spelled out.

While that's always been the William J Bell template, it helped that there would be at least two or three concurrent storirs and if he hasn't planning on making a huge push in a particu story, he'd either give it a rest for a couple weeks or let the characters do other sit.

I can even use B&B as an example: when I started watching in 1999, Brooke was a front burner who was not only having her romance with Thorne but was a pretty active antagonist to Amber about her marriage to Rick, while alo having work related plots in between both of these events. Occasionally, there was overlap on all three of these things. Nowadays, you just get Brooke spending six months of a season bitching about Thomas, another six months bitching about Quinn and occasionally pushing her daughter to stay with a jackass.

12 minutes ago, Waldo13 said:

Ridge and Brooke need an attitude adjustment and I think they are not going to get one no matter what Eric says.

Nope. :|

I'm reminded of that time after Ridge and Quinn got busted and Ridge--a grown ass man well into his 50s--had the sheer fucking hubris to blame Eric and Steph spoiling him for the reason he cheated with her. As if he hadn't fucked Brooke  while married to Eric, raped Caroline when she was married to Thorne, tried coming between Thorne and Taylor the first time they were together and generally been an entitled, insufferable ass for most of the show's history before that.

But honestly? Looking back at the way the way they've let him run ramshot over everyone with few checks, the chickens have certainly come home to roost here. Eric has a long history of poor judgement and thinking with his small head, but he's no more senile here than he has been at any other point in his horny goat life.

18 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Trying to figure out why Katie is involved in this storyline with Eric and not Donna??

Oh, we know why. 🤮🤢

Just now, Cool Breeze said:

Loved Quinn walking out while Brooke was mid-screech.  

Exactly what she deserved. 

Blessed content 👏👏👏👏

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35 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Again Brooke in a huge belt cutting her in half and not in a good way

Yeah, I had a hard time concentrating on what Brooke was saying because I kept being aghast at her ugly clothing. The belt for sure, but also the weird ruffles on the blouse and the asymmetrical cut of the skirt.  Nothing worked for me.

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2 hours ago, nasir jones said:

Watching Ridge and Brooke today, the only thing I could think about was Brooke not being able to tell the difference between her husband’s penis and Oliver’s. That’s not even in her top five greasiest moments.


Man the way Hope dragged the both of them for that was lit. 

And the saddest part is she's STILL more tolerable than most of the cast currently.

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At this point the gang may be better served calling a press conference, getting a billboard, or renting a by-plane with a sign flying behind it saying "Eric Forrester has ED and wants his wife to fuck the company COO". 

This SL, which only had the tiniest of legs from the start, has completely derailed and become a campy monstrosity. We now have 6 people discussing a grown ass man's marriage, personal business, personal choices, and his sex life. It is beyond ridiculous. Why does anyone owe Ridge or Brooke an explanation for something that is none of their business? For obvious reasons, I have always been in Brooke's corner when it comes to Quinn, but with this situation? Nah, I wanted Quinn to stop explaining and tell those two to fuck off, and get out of her and Eric's personal shit. Brooke can love and care about Eric, but she cannot run his life or make his damn decisions. 

I want Eric to really be angry and disgusted with Ridge. I want Eric to strongly call his son out for hiring Justin behind his back, and for telling Justin to follow Quinn. Ridge has no room to be flapping his lips about anything Quinn has done, since he was a big part of one of her worst betrayals. He was also firmly on board with Shauna and VegasGate. So a tool needs to zip it real quick and in a hurry. 

Whoever put Brooke in that frumpy garment needs to be shot. 


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The show missed an opportunity to allow Hope to commiserate with Finn today about her own issues with growing up without her father in her life and how she felt about wanting to get to know him. She could have shared her experience that it didn’t end up being the way she fantasized it when actually did show up. I’m glad Finn and Hope have become friends, but please don’t let this be a chem test for these two to become more. 

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24 minutes ago, Angeleyes said:

The show missed an opportunity to allow Hope to commiserate with Finn today about her own issues with growing up without her father in her life and how she felt about wanting to get to know him. She could have shared her experience that it didn’t end up being the way she fantasized it when actually did show up. I’m glad Finn and Hope have become friends, but please don’t let this be a chem test for these two to become more. 

The show seems very invested in Faris so I think we're safe for now. As little as I want that, I want Hope and Steffy fighting over another boring waffle even less.

5 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

This SL, which only had the tiniest of legs from the start, has completely derailed and become a campy monstrosity. We now have 6 people discussing a grown ass man's marriage, personal business, personal choices, and his sex life.

I forget if it was here or Reddit where I said this but I thought the show peaked with the infamous Deacon/Bridget deflowering where everyone howled over it, but boy does this shoot waaay past that. I mean, they all went about Bridget the wrong way but I can wrap my head around parents being worried about a gross older man manipulating their kid at the core.

But Eric has been an old codger from literally his first appearance on the show and if I were his kids, I'd be letting him fall on his ass at this point.

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On one hand, Eric's revelation of his loneliness and why he's open to this compromise was heartbreaking. John McCook made me turn away from my laptop and watch him work. And TK really does come alive as Ridge and Eric's son when they have moments like this. When Eric threw at him 'You left!' TK stopped and reacted. Ridge's absence when Stephanie was dying has continued to inform a lot of the gulf with Ridge and Eric in the aftermath of her death. I get Ridge just could not watch the most important woman in his life die - not after Caroline 1.0 and Taylor's second demise.  It wasn't in him to endure that and Eric understood it but still left him all alone to endure Stephanie dying. Eric felt he couldn't count on Ridge and is grabbing for anyone he can to fill the hole in his life. I get it.

But on the other hand, old man, Donna 'Honeybear' Logan is just aching to take away your pain, is true blue loyal to you, wouldn't care you couldn't make love to her the old fashioned way, and is literally the answer to your prayers. Her laughter would fill that house, her granddaughter Rosie would be running up and down those stairs, she'd listen to you play and sing along and basically be all that you could want.  This holding on to Quinn is stupid when you have Donna right there waiting.

Finn now confiding in Hope reads less like a chemistry test and more like a way to pull in Hope and thus Brooke into Sheila's sights.  If this show has Sheila accidentally kill Hope or put her into a coma so that Liam is a single dad to Beth with Steffy sniffing around him because she's miffed with Finn for not taking care of this Sheila business, I'll be so annoyed.  As it stands, I do like them expanding the Sheila story beyond her dipping into Cliff House.  Let her terrorize other people so her menace isn't so isolated.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Stupidly once again in Stuffy and Liam going to the park with Kelly and not the rest of the family. Wasn’t it just a little while ago that they all went to the beach?  

I guess that who scene, with Finn and Hope, was for Finn to pour his heart out, to Hope, about how he really feels about Shiela. 

How many days does Dr Finn get for paternity leave?  It seems that his days of healing the sick doesn’t seem that important to him

Did I tell you how much I dislike Brooke and Ridge. Katie is getting right there with them. Projecting their hate for Quinn on what Eric is feeling. They know better what’s on Eric’s mind than Eric. Ridge go fuck yourself.  That would probably bring you more satisfaction than Brooke could bring you. 

Arguing with Ridge is like arguing with a Zombie not to eat your face off. 

How does Shiela afford anything but a flea bag hotel in LA?  If the hotel has conventions it has to be well over a couple of hundred a day. 

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13 hours ago, TobinAlbers said:

This holding on to Quinn is stupid when you have Donna right there waiting.

Honestly? It's plain stupid regardless. Eric has been infuriating in all of this but even he deserves someone who is fully there for him too whether Donna was there or not.

Now that I think about it, Eric's never been truly alone at any point in 35 seasons, has he? He married Brooke as soon as he legally could, then got with Sheila before that divorce was finalized, ran back to Stephanie right after that in between or concurrent with a fling with Lauren, and then had Jackie pining for him while Stephanie was with Massimo. Then he separated from Stephanie again and hopped into bed with Donna, then hop back to Steph years later.

Ye Gods. O__o

Typing that up, Donna deserves better too. I don't seem to remember why she and Justin split up again. Just saying.

And Eric needs to learn better coping mechanism than using women like this. Years ago, he chewed Liam out for this exact behavior but is this any better than what he's been doing for the past decade?

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I have been so annoyed with Eric through this whole SL, but I was glad to hear him say he has used and manipulated both Carter and Quinn. It made his whole speech to Ridge seem very desperate and very real. However, he was far to accommodating to his nosey son, who feels he has the right to run his father's life and make his father's choices. I said in an earlier post I think Ridge will take the ugly root of trying to say his father is not of sound mind, and will try to move in and take over, and I feel that even more strongly now. 

Brooke and Katie are beyond tiresome. That is the problem with nosey nelly buttinski's; they don't get the facts before shooting off their busy body mouths. They have no idea the conversations that have happened between Quinn/Eric/Carter. 

Well, Finn just laid voice to his innermost feelings; he wants to get to know Sheila, but he can't because of his wife. I definitely see resentment on the horizon. All the same, I remain firmly in Steffy's camp here. People like Sheila never change, and the proof is right in front of dimwit's face. She barged into his wedding, she has now shown up unannounced twice at his and Steffy's home; bragging on the second visit how she would not let any security stop her from seeing her son and grandson. She has made a grandstand ploy by fake fainting; which Finn knows full well was an act whether he wants to own it or not. She lied when she told his father she would leave town if she had one moment with her grandson. And she continues to pursue him after he has told her repeatedly that he wants no relationship with her. How good of a doctor is this guy if he is missing these very clear signals? I realize he is a medical doctor and not a doctor of psychology, but he should have some understanding of mental illness. Personally, I think he is just a big clueless fuck. 

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Since Sheila has waltzed into Cliff house two or three times now...even WITH security...time for Steffy to pack up the kids and MOVE. And not to Eric's because Sheila has proven she can show up inside that residence whenever she wants as well.  Let Finn get to know his biological mother if he wants and she needs to be in an undisclosed location that Finn doesn't even know about.  Sheila has all but said she is fixin to  Steal Your Baby!

I feel utterly cheated that Show introduced the lovely Li as Finn's MOTHER, then quickly forgot all about her.  

Seems to me Eric made the big push to reunited with Quinn once he learned Sheila was back on the prowl.  He knows he can't trust himself not to get all up in that crazy.  Speaking of Eric the Limp...can we just stop this storyline?  I wouldn't even mind if it was one of those stories that just abruptly gets dropped with no explanation or resolution.  Because it is just gross for everyone, including viewers.  Watching Carter and Quinn telling Justin that Eric MADE them do it?  Just...ugh. 

Everyone trying so desperately trying to spare Eric's old man feelings...while spreading his embarrassing secret to anyone who even raises a questioning eyebrow?  Dumb.

Anyone anywhere caring so much about an old guy's Limp Biscuit in the first place (outside of his spouse) is just rage inspiring.  Just give him cancer or dementia or wherever this is ACTUALLY leading already so we can all stop talking about this "arrangement".



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10 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

Now that I think about it, Eric's never been truly alone at any point in 35 seasons, has he? He married Brooke as soon as he legally could, then got with Sheila before that divorce was finalized, ran back to Stephanie right after that in between or concurrent with a fling with Lauren, and then had Jackie pining for him while Stephanie was with Massimo. Then he separated from Stephanie again and hopped into bed with Donna, then hop back to Steph years later.

No wonder his dick wore out!  My head is spinning.  😵 

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6 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

No wonder his dick wore out!  My head is spinning.  😵 

You know, I've bashed on other characters like Brooke and Liam for being serial daters but really though? Even Brooke took a few months off in 2006 from chasing Ridge, but Eric I don't think has genuinely been single in his entire adult life before Stephanie died. And now, in his twilight years with increasingly limited options, he's clinging on to any available life raft.

The men on this show are absolute babies.

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On 10/2/2021 at 4:35 AM, Anna Yolei said:

Typing that up, Donna deserves better too. I don't seem to remember why she and Justin split up again. Just saying.

That's because Show didn't even bother to give them a breakup story. All we got was some throwaway line one day that they realized they didn't really love each other enough, or some such silliness. If you've only been watching the show for a few years, you wouldn't even know that Justin and Donna even know each other, let alone that they had a relationship as teenagers and they now share a grown son and granddaughter.

23 hours ago, smartyshorts said:


I feel utterly cheated that Show introduced the lovely Li as Finn's MOTHER, then quickly forgot all about her. 

Same here. I've actually been wishing that Finn's adoptive mother had been written as a character that had died when Finn was a teenager or younger adult. Instead, Show gave us Li, who seemed like a wonderful woman who could have made an interesting adversary to Sheila. Instead, it seems like she was just there to have someone be mad with Jack. And by the way, did she ever find out that Jack had an affair with Sheila and is actually Finn's bio-dad?  Come to think of it, when have we last seen Jack?

It's like she's just been dropped from the story. Finn doesn't even talk about her or defend his relationship with her. I heard him mention her briefly a few days ago, as if someone reminded the show writers to bring her up. And if it was going to be like this, why cast her in the first place?

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The slut from the valley is green with envy that Quinn can be the Forrester matriarch and bang a handsome man on the side. I wish someone would tell her to shut her nasally trap. Ridge needs a kick in the nuts. 
Finn should stand up to Steffy and make room for Shelia in their lives.

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10 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Finn should stand up to Steffy and make room for Shelia in their lives.

Huh??  After everyone he knows has told him the things she has done to them?? As a doctor he should be worried about her mental state if nothing else!

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Finn should stand up to Steffy and make room for Shelia in their lives.

I completely disagree. All it takes is some simple research to find out all about Sheila and it isn't good. Steffy certainly is no big prize but she's a straight up amateur compared to Sheila. Finn should be listening to his wife and honestly should be paying attention to the things Sheila does. She promised she'd only ask for one visit and now she's essentially trespassed how many times? She faked a medical emergency!

Furthermore, has a DNA test been done? How does Finn even know this woman is absolutely his birth mother?


It's like she's just been dropped from the story. Finn doesn't even talk about her or defend his relationship with her.

Bad writing as usual.


I was glad to hear him say he has used and manipulated both Carter and Quinn. It made his whole speech to Ridge seem very desperate and very real

Agreed but it's way past time for this storyline to end. I'm sick and tired of Ridge, Brooke and Katie all being obsessed with Eric's non-working equipment. It's ridiculous.

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29 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Huh??  After everyone he knows has told him the things she has done to them?? As a doctor he should be worried about her mental state if nothing else!

While I hope Steffy will show him the door in quick order for it, I really would rather see Finn take an active stand and say what he wants with his whole chest instead of this passive "You know how Steffy feels" crap. If losing his wife and child is worth having Mommy Dearest around knowing what he's been told about her, then so be it, but he needs to do something besides sneak around Steffy like a kid trying to get into the house after curfew.

2 hours ago, TVForever said:

I've actually been wishing that Finn's adoptive mother had been written as a character that had died when Finn was a teenager or younger adult. Instead, Show gave us Li, who seemed like a wonderful woman who could have made an interesting adversary to Sheila. Instead, it seems like she was just there to have someone be mad with Jack

And that's why his attachment to Sheila has made no logical sense. If he'd lost the bio-mom at a young age or had an otherwise shitty relationship with one or both parents I would understand why he'd grip onto this so hard. But instead, Li and Jack seem regular degular decent people. 

6 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Furthermore, has a DNA test been done? How does Finn even know this woman is absolutely his birth mother?

With all the Y&R crossovers we've had recently, why has no one called Lauren? That was the first thing Stephanie did when she realized there was a connection to the two of them. Let her talk about how Sheila switched her child with a complete stranger's, how Lauren grieved that baby's death after he died of a genetic disorder (...I think?), and how it was over a year before she got her own child back.

I know paternity runs largely on the trust system in B&B--theres never been one for either Wyatt or Flo--but in this specific case, there's a definite need for one.

13 minutes ago, hypnotoad said:

Agreed but it's way past time for this storyline to end. I'm sick and tired of Ridge, Brooke and Katie all being obsessed with Eric's non-working equipment. It's ridiculous.

I have never been more over a story than I am on this. Gimme Flo's self righteous ass parading in hot pants, gimme Brooke focusing her hatred on Tom-ass once again or Will being annoyingly precocious or Zoe returning to snark at Paris, or a swerve back to Katie and Ridge trying to get back together and getting an actual engagement ring this time. Or it could just be dropped like half the plots from last year and never mentioned again.

I will take literally ANYTHING else. Yes, even the Triangle of Doom. Congratulations, Brad, you won this time.

Just end this.

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Was Ridge in tears over Eric’s loneliness or his penis problems? 
Quinn needs to quit acting shameful. Eric bad blessed her with a fine looking man to  have sex with. She should own it and tell Ridge to buzz off and tell old Brooke “na na na na na”

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3 hours ago, Anna Yolei said:

With all the Y&R crossovers we've had recently, why has no one called Lauren? That was the first thing Stephanie did when she realized there was a connection to the two of them. Let her talk about how Sheila switched her child with a complete stranger's, how Lauren grieved that baby's death after he died of a genetic disorder (...I think?), and how it was over a year before she got her own child back.

I think I remember baby Dylan dying of meningitis.  But yes, Lauren needs to make a trip to Los Angeles soon to check in on the new store Summer set up while she was fishing for dirt on Sally.  But Finn seems too dim to be phased even by Lauren's stories.   

Edited by Snaporaz
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22 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Was Ridge in tears over Eric’s loneliness or his penis problems? 

Knowing Ridge, it was probably the latter. To be frank, if we *had* to have an ED story, I wish it had been his pecker that went soft. Not that I trust Brad would do that any justice either but the irony of the show's leading man who was defined by his ability to attract women being unable to get it up is hilarious.

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Hey Brooke, how can Quinn sleep with Carter again?  Brooke, have you seen him without clothes?  He’s a hell of a lot more impressive than Ridge in every department. As for Katie, Bill might be the only male that can compete with Carter’s manhood. I’m waiting for the Logan witches to go to Eric, in Brooke’s Bedroom Attire, and try to get Eric’s soldier to snap to attention.  

Another ally in Finn’s quandary with Hope being able to see his side of having a relationship with Shiela. In my humble opinion, Brooke is only a half step above Shiela.  Stuffy, your mom, Taylor, isn’t all that virtuous either. 

Who died and left Ridge, Brooke, and Katie boss of Eric?  Ridge demands Quinn to leave but he’s the one that should leave.  Ridge and Brooke have the morrows of rabid dogs and yet they are judging Quinn. 

How can Katie be so judgmental of Eric with Brooke when she knows Brooke is the love or Bill’s life?  Katie realizes that  Brooke would be all over Bill if she had permission from Ridge.  

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So I guess the Paris/Finn thing didn’t work out for the writers so it appears they are now pairing Hope/Finn for a possible hook up.  Hope is saying the same things to Finn as Paris was.  

Geez I sure hope Sheila and the assistant manager aren’t going to hook up for sex!  He laid his hand on her shoulder and she looked a little too thoughtful when he left the room.  E.U.  That could mean another friggin’ baby for her!  Lol 

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