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S31.E08: You Call, We Haul

Tara Ariano

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Basically, yes to all the above. Why the devil wasn't the split vote brought up, especially since the majority alliance split votes at the previous Tribal Council? Did they get overly cocky or something?


It was a very good gut play by Kelley, of course, but it shouldn't have come to that really. The majority alliance blew it, and Savage's story gets cut quite abruptly.


Kass - blech, again.

  • Love 5

I was hoping Fishback would be voted out, but Savage sort of deserved it for giving Joe all the "swear on my kids lives" crap and then not fighting for him at all.

Joe should join the 3 women on the bottom and try to bring a couple of others with him. Otherwise he is doomed as soon as he loses a challenge.

Very dumb by all the strategic geniuses to not split the vote. I am glad Wentworth was able to take advantage.

  • Love 12

I feel like both Keith and Spencer lost the challenge because of Probst's narrating about Joe's balls moving. My guess is they lost their concentration for a split second watching to see if his ball would fall and in these kinds of challenges, that's all it takes. You actually saw Keith look slightly sideways right before his ball dropped. I like Joe just fine but man, Probst's man-crush on him is really becoming insufferable.


I was really hoping the other team would win the reward challenge just for how annoying Probst was being - "Joe carrying an entire box on his own, that's how you win and play this game." Um okay, except Jeremy carried one on his own moments later so it's clearly not only possible by Joe the God. And yes I noticed Jeff sounded less than impressed by Jeremy's doing it. I also felt like he kept making it sound like the other team was doing a lot worse than they actually were. The worse was when Spencer was barely in the water a few seconds trying to get the box and Probst goes, "Spencer FINALLY gets the box..." like he'd been there for minutes. 


Speaking of Spencer, I find it amazing that after two tribal switch-ups that put him automatically at the bottom and so many thinking he needed to go immediately, he's somehow managed to worm his way into this invisible position. No one's mentioning his name even though two challenges in a row he's proven how strong he is in them even if he didn't win. And yet suddenly no one's talking about him. I find that very interesting. 


I knew it was Savage the minute Wentworth and Ciera realized the plan to blindside Fishbach had changed and they were talking about all writing the same name. By the way I cracked up at Wentworth saying that Joe was now dead to her because he had no balls. I honestly am not even sure why Wentworth was in the bottom with Ciera and Abi since I swear she voted against them last tribal council. 


I think Ciera is incredibly annoying and I am more than ready for her and her juvenile eyerolling to be gone but I cannot lie, I enjoyed Savage's boot immensely. Abi's "well you made the jury" was gold, coupled with Savage's flipping her the bird. Geez, what is with people flipping people the bird this season. And both times it's been by people way old enough to know better. Savage and Kass could practically be grandparents. Not classy people, not classy at all. And Savage deserved that Abi dig since he along with Tasha kept her around like all the others who should have gotten rid of her a long time ago. 


Back to Ciera, she can pontificate all she wants and Savage is annoying but he is right, she would not be acting the way she is if she wasn't on the bottom which okay, you're fighting and playing the game. But don't make it seem like it's because no one else is and you're just enlightening them to that. Because if that were really the case, how easily she jumped on the Fishbach blindside when that seemed likely because she was just glad it wasn't her. She didn't try to float Savage's name which is clearly who she really wanted out.


No, she was wiling to go with Fishbach, even after she was willing to work with him to go for Joe, because that's where the numbers were at the time and it meant she was safe. So isn't that what people like Spencer, Keith, Tasha, etc. are doing? And she decides it means they're not playing. Girl can't get booted fast enough as far as I'm concerned. 

  • Love 23

I hope that all the tribals are as interesting as the last two have been.

I think I kind of understand what Ciera is saying about "big moves" and I think some of them in the alliance did too.


I feel like Ciera is really just frustrated with people like Wigglesworth and Kimmi who are obviously on the bottom of the majority and will be in danger soon. We didn't see Ciera talking to them, but I assume she has tried and they aren't willing to change. 

  • Love 14

Kimmi seems loyal to Jeremy and I have a feeling she will not flip from him.  If Kelley/Ciera/Abi need numbers, I don't think they are going to get them in Jeremy/Tasha/Spencer/Kimmi.  Kelly Wigles, Joe, and Keith might be open votes.  Now that someone actually was able to make a move, this might propel Stephen to try again.  He needs to not overplay and take his focus off Joe, look elsewhere.

  • Love 8

LOL that was awesome! I have no problem with Kelley and Ciera at tribal. They are right, there was a tight four and everyone else wants to believe that they are five. Keith, Spencer and Kelly are floating along. Stephen is hung up on Joe and Joe is hung up on Stephen. If the large alliance wants to coast and get rid of easy folks that is their perogative but why should Abi, Ciera and Kelley accept their fate?

The board was pissed with Hali, Jenn, and Joe for their game play last season when they were in the same situation. They were too passive even though everyone watching knew Dan, Will, and Sierra were not going to do squat. So go for it Ciera and Kelley. Play the damn game.

I even liked Abi at tribal tonight. Andrew is arrogant and I am thrilled to see him gone. I only wish they had targeted Jeremy so he could have gone home with an idol in his pocket.

  • Love 19
I was hoping Fishback would be voted out, but Savage sort of deserved it for giving Joe all the "swear on my kids lives" crap and then not fighting for him at all.



Not to mention calling Stephen "disgusting" for daring to play the game.  I don't remember Andrew being so insufferably smug last time around.  (Of course, last season he played in, Rupert and Burton were around so the bell curve of self-satisfied smugness was skewed all to hell.)

  • Love 22

I hope Ciera's parting words if/when she's voted out are directed at people she knows will be joining her in the jury in the next few days-and that her first words at Ponderosa are 'I told you so.'  I'm glad she isn't keeping quiet.  Only one person is winning this game.  Only 2 other people are making the final 3.  If people don't care that they are on the bottom, then vote themselves out and let people who want to play and will fight to stay in the game stick around.  That's why I'm saying, I hope this wakes people up and makes something happen.  If Ciera/Abi/Kelley are among the next to go, this will become a pretty boring season. 

  • Love 13

I am still smiling reading all the comments. This is turning out to be one of the best season of Survivor ever.

Something was mentioned at the end of the episode that they were looking for the hidden immunity Idol in the wrong place when it was right in front of them at the challenge. Does that mean that there has been a hidden immunity Idol at every challenge and we just didn't know it because nobody had a clue?

  • Love 6

I'm just sad that "At least you made the jury" couldn't have been the title of the episode.

Ciera is right when she says there are people who aren't playing. It's self-serving, but entirely correct. Most of the people left are just waiting to be voted out. Even the "players" aren't doing much. Piling all their votes on Wentworth when they have 12 people left? That was weak. They deserved to have that backfire on them.

  • Love 22

I am still smiling reading all the comments. This is turning out to be one of the best season of Survivor ever.

Something was mentioned at the end of the episode that they were looking for the hidden immunity Idol in the wrong place when it was right in front of them at the challenge. Does that mean that there has been a hidden immunity Idol at every challenge and we just didn't know it because nobody had a clue?


Jeff Probst mentioned in an interview that they had only been hiding them at challenges if someone found a clue.  


But that may change now that one has been played and it's an individual game.



. And yes I noticed Jeff sounded less than impressed by Jeremy's doing it. I also felt like he kept making it sound like the other team was doing a lot worse than they actually were. The worse was when Spencer was barely in the water a few seconds trying to get the box and Probst goes, "Spencer FINALLY gets the box..." like he'd been there for minutes.


And Spencer falls in water for a split second and Jeff screams:  "DISASTER..... As Spencer falls in."  Seriously?  Disaster?  He didn't die.  He immediately got back in the boat.

  • Love 16

I'm not sure why they all go for Wentworth in this situation.  I mean, if you are going to be dumb and not split it, Ciera is more disruptive and has  the bigger mouth.


 Which means no one will align with her.  Would you risk even talking about jumping ship and going with her if she's proven she'll blurt it out in the most public, disruptive manner if it suits her game (or whim)?

  • Love 5

I'm just sad that "At least you made the jury" couldn't have been the title of the episode.

Ciera is right when she says there are people who aren't playing. It's self-serving, but entirely correct. Most of the people left are just waiting to be voted out. Even the "players" aren't doing much. Piling all their votes on Wentworth when they have 12 people left? That was weak. They deserved to have that backfire on them.

It was probably the smart move for the 9 people who were voting for Wentworth.  They were going with the numbers and what they thought was an easy boot.  Wentworth's play shows exactly why you should never reveal your idol to anyone at all, as she was able to engineer one of the most beautiful blindsides ever.

  • Love 17

That was one of the most satisfying episodes of Survivor, ever! Wentworth found that idol ages ago, and nobody even had a hint! I love it when something like that plays out so far down the road. Imagine if she hadn't played it? 


I was afraid that Ceira's eyes were going to roll right out of her head! I kinda like her, though. She's little but feisty. She could have so easily been a goner tonight..I wonder what made them choose Wentworth, and why they didn't split the vote? Foolish people..just because you don't know there's an idol, does' mean that there isn't one.


Who has the other one..Jeremy? I think i remember that, but am not sure. He is really playing a stealth game..notice how quick he was to deny that he was in the Power Four? "What, who, little ol' me?" 


That was so fun. Bye, bye Savage! Enjoy the jury.

  • Love 7



I was afraid that Ceira's eyes were going to roll right out of her head! I kinda like her, though. She's little but feisty. She could have so easily been a goner tonight..I wonder what made them choose Wentworth, and why they didn't split the vote? Foolish people..just because you don't know there's an idol, does' mean that there isn't one.



Yes, I am wondering if they didn't think of the split vote at all or did and decided that there was no way one of the girls could have the idol and decided against splitting. With such a big group they shouldn't be taking chances like that. 

Edited by dkb
  • Love 2
I still dislike Ciera.  Not hate like Kass, just dislike.  I don't like her.  What does her body language remind me of?  Is it a praying mantis?  Kermit the Frog?  


HEY!  I know we are all still vibrating from that tribal council, but there is absolutely no reason to disparage Kermit the Frog!!  Honestly!


As a comparson for Ciera, my mind went to Shelly Duvall as Olive Oyl.  I found both quite annoying.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 8

Andrew is such an ass (I refused to call him by his last name), giving the finger not once but twice in the episode (and in at least one other episode that I can remember).  So professional and articulate that when he's upset that's the only way he can respond.  Sheesh.  Wouldn't want to work with him.

Good on Wentworth.  She actually kept the idol a secret.  (Jeremy gets props for the same thing).


Bunch of idiots didn't even try to split the vote "just in case".  Arrogance was Andrew's downfall.

  • Love 15

Had to watch Arrow. Good episode, but the ending wasn't as epic as this one.


I have to say, this is not going to be one of the better seasons. Splitting the vote should have been a given with three women on the proverbial chopping block. With a massive nine-person vote, they wound up having a one-in-three chance of screwing it up. And they did. I think that has to be a record for most votes negated. I don't think much about Kelley-With-Two-E's, but I respect the heck out of her gameplay. And the whole thing blew up in Andrew's face, which was a nice bonus. I kept thinking poor Stephen would have gone out, and I have more in common with him than Andrew.


If Kelly-With-One-E is hated by the producers for a lack of soundbites, Keith has to be a close second. It's great that he's doing more than spitting, but driving the tuk-tuk must have left Burnett and Co. out of breath. What if he flipped it over? Huge disaster, and Probst would have no choice but to track down every single person who voted him into the game and beaten them up.


I want Joe gone. Tom Westman aside, I don't like overdogs. He's too pretty and he's a potential challenge monster. Nip that guy in the bud ASAP, before he stumbles into an idol.

  • Love 5

Poor Savage...if only they  had picked Cierra for the boot (which honestly after he dismal performance at the last tribal she should have been tghe natural choice) he's still be around.


Still all the smug celebrating by the bottom tier is completly stupid. Their opposition still has the numbers and the idol is gone now so there won't be much protection. Hopefully we will get a good old fashioned pagonging of the three witches.


All and all though I was ready for Fishbach to go home tonight. Both he and Cierra fancy themselves as some sort of masterminds but they are just a couple of flounderers whose days are ultimatly numbered.


At the reward banquet Kelly Wigglseworth managed to temporarily transform from the block of wood she has been all season to an actual participant.


In other news even a mute Kass manages to be an A-hole.


The ever awesome Tasha being the last woman out on the challenge was no surprise. Ms.Fox for the win!

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 9


all the smug celebrating by the bottom tier is completly stupid.


I don't have an issue with high fiving, fist bumping, and such, if they made it personal, then I would be bothered. I actually enjoyed seeing them celebrate, it was a fun moment. Has  their position changed? I don't know, Savage was the only one protecting Joe, so that's one thing that's changed with him gone, so who knows.

  • Love 15

During last week's episode, I was annoyed by Ciera's "play the game" speech, since it seemed to hinge primarily on her reaction to being on the wrong side of the numbers. The outcome of this week's episode, though, proved her, if not exactly right, rightish. Perhaps a more clarifying argument she could have made for someone like Spencer or Tasha would have been for her to say that she was frustrated that people refuse to count, rather than that they refuse to play the game.


Seeing Savage go was gratifying for a host of reasons. His unexamined social privileges have resulted in some sweeping moral judgments about players from "Skinny" Ryan Shoulders back in Pearl Islands to Jeff and, especially, Stephen this season. As he said, he's used to getting his way, so it was no surprise to see him act like a petulant child all the way to his very bitter end. Abi's parting shot was priceless.


And however much Stephen might want to believe that this season is seeing some kind of evolution in Survivor strategy-- as ever, the driving force behind most Survivor castaways is trying to make peace with their place in a season's narrative, and Stephen is clearly struggling with his place in this season's story-- the majority alliance made perhaps the most common mistake of all: Complacency. They didn't make a contingency plan for the one variable that could have upended their plan, and that failure sent one of their own packing. Whether it buys the minority group more than another few days or if it causes the majority alliance to fracture remains to be seen. But, whether or not the season is playing out with "heirarchical" strategy, that was something a group of 9 could have very easily planned for and avoided.


I've been in Wentworth's corner since episode one, so her sharp reading of the tribe dynamics and her glee at playing her idol at the right time made for a great tribal council. She's still in a good spot for the end-game if she can survive the next couple of rounds.

  • Love 22

I don't have an issue with high fiving, fist bumping, and such, if they made it personal, then I would be bothered. I actually enjoyed seeing them celebrate, it was a fun moment. Has  their position changed? I don't know, Savage was the only one protecting Joe, so that's one thing that's changed with him gone, so who knows.


I loved it, too.  They deserved to celebrate (and the sour pusses on the losing end of this vote deserved having it shoved in their faces).  I wish Kelley had flipped them all the bird on top of it.  The faces were all priceless, especially Stephen/Tasha/Savage/Jeremy.

  • Love 13

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