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Robyn Brown: She wanted the family, but got stuck with the man.

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It depends on the state.

In Oregon support ends at 18 or up to 21 if the child is attending school.

And in Oregon (and Washington), if you are divorced you can also be compelled to pay college tuition. Curiously, you cannot be compelled to pay college tuition if you are not divorced.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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16 hours ago, Absolom said:

Emancipation is usually a concept for minors.  So the kids becoming emancipated would normally end child support.  

Here's a nice discussion. including when child support may continue beyond 18 or high school.  Depending on the state it can be very difficult to get after the age of majority and is not common.  One occasion does not invalidate the general rule.  It's unlikely even Dayton would get support since he's shown himself capable of working and successfully attending college.  

https://www.findlaw.com/family/child-support/when-does-child-support-end-.html#:~:text=In most states%2C child support,the child has special needs.

Apparently the person (whose personal experience I'm referencing) must have had a very high profile divorce attorney because her husband wound up paying child support until the "child" graduated from college and got a full-time job. Only then was the "child" considered fully emancipated by the judge (at that time).

Edited to add: The "child" in question was NOT special needs. The mother simply had the word "emancipated" put in her custody agreement as it related to child support.

Edited by Soapy Goddess
added add'l info
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15 hours ago, Ms.Lulu said:

It depends on the state.

In Oregon support ends at 18 or up to 21 if the child is attending school.

And in Oregon (and Washington), if you are divorced you can be compelled to pay college tuition. Curiously, you cannot be compelled to pay college tuition if you are not divorced.

Every state is so different. 

In my state child support ends after undergraduate college( up to age 22) on the condition that as long as the child is still enrolled in an undergraduate program, dependent on you for a home, etc when they are not living at school. 

Edited by zamp33
fixing a sentence
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My daughter is a family law specialist.  Yes, she has cases where college is agreed to be covered even though it isn't required in California.  My own college was covered in my parents' divorce.  It was not "child support."  My father paid me directly.  Many times an educational trust is created.  That is not vindictive, but making sure the child doesn't suffer from the divorce.  It's a long way from saying Robyn could make Kody pay forever because her kids stayed at home. Currently it would be completely dependent on Arizona law and the agreements between the parties for the Browns. People can always agree to be reasonable parents and not try to stiff their own children.  I'm pretty sure there were qualifiers on the child being supported until they had employment also.  

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Just read the posts about child support and I wonder the word “child support” is (maybe incorrectly?) used for all forms of financial support? A bit like what @Absolom tried to explain? Not that it matters what it’s called. If a parent is ordered to pay he or she will have to, whether it’s college funds or costs of living. 

As for Robyn’s eldest three… iirc, no one out here has ever found any official proof of the adoption. The scene in the courtroom seemed very fake and it is strange that a father would willingly sign his kids away when he is still in touch (they have been known to regularly visit their bio dad) I have wondered whether the adoption was legally real, or more of a spiritual adoption like Kody’s marriages? If he has never legally adopted them, I doubt Robyn could claim anything…that leaves just the youngest two. But kody has never paid for any of his kids, so I doubt he’ll willingly do so here, unless he was forced. Just my thoughts on a hypothetical situation…

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

Just read the posts about child support and I wonder the word “child support” is (maybe incorrectly?) used for all forms of financial support? A bit like what @Absolom tried to explain? Not that it matters what it’s called. If a parent is ordered to pay he or she will have to, whether it’s college funds or costs of living. 

As for Robyn’s eldest three… iirc, no one out here has ever found any official proof of the adoption. The scene in the courtroom seemed very fake and it is strange that a father would willingly sign his kids away when he is still in touch (they have been known to regularly visit their bio dad) I have wondered whether the adoption was legally real, or more of a spiritual adoption like Kody’s marriages? If he has never legally adopted them, I doubt Robyn could claim anything…that leaves just the youngest two. But kody has never paid for any of his kids, so I doubt he’ll willingly do so here, unless he was forced. Just my thoughts on a hypothetical situation…

I remember that court scene. At the time many of us commented that the adoption scene would probably not have been allowed to be filmed. Many some of our amazing internet sleuths can continue to investigate. 

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One of the reasons stated for the adoption was that if anything happened to Robyn her kids could remain with the Brown family. Now some have aged out and the youngest two are Browns anyway. Also, there is no “Brown family” to go to since Christine and probably Janelle are gone. Maybe that’s what Meri is hoping for, to raise Robyn’s kids with Kody. 

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On 10/28/2022 at 8:15 AM, Midwestern Lady said:

Robbyn's permanent frown tells me all I need to know about her.  How does your face get stuck with that upside down smile unless you are a miserable person 24/7.   She is apparently raising her daughters to be just as awful.  Their rude, entitled comments in Jannelle's trailer were too much.  

I know Savannah would have never said it, but I would have looked at them and said.  Well maybe if ya'll weren't living in a million dollar house, my dad could afford to help my mom get a place to live.  As it is he is supporting three grown adults, who should be out of the house.  According to him anyone who is graduated from high school should be on their own.  Like the rest of the Brown kids.

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On 10/28/2022 at 9:15 AM, Midwestern Lady said:

Robbyn's permanent frown tells me all I need to know about her.  How does your face get stuck with that upside down smile unless you are a miserable person 24/7.   She is apparently raising her daughters to be just as awful.  Their rude, entitled comments in Jannelle's trailer were too much.  

This! That frown! ☹️ That’s Robyn these days. 

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On 10/29/2022 at 3:58 PM, LilyD said:

Just read the posts about child support and I wonder the word “child support” is (maybe incorrectly?) used for all forms of financial support? A bit like what @Absolom tried to explain? Not that it matters what it’s called. If a parent is ordered to pay he or she will have to, whether it’s college funds or costs of living. 

As for Robyn’s eldest three… iirc, no one out here has ever found any official proof of the adoption. The scene in the courtroom seemed very fake and it is strange that a father would willingly sign his kids away when he is still in touch (they have been known to regularly visit their bio dad) I have wondered whether the adoption was legally real, or more of a spiritual adoption like Kody’s marriages? If he has never legally adopted them, I doubt Robyn could claim anything…that leaves just the youngest two. But kody has never paid for any of his kids, so I doubt he’ll willingly do so here, unless he was forced. Just my thoughts on a hypothetical situation…

If memory serves, chatter back then was the potential that in real life there was an official guardianship given to Kody and that is what all the signing of papers actually was, with all the stuff on camera being set up for the storyline.  I know what always stood out to me was how the cameras were behind the judge instead of in the back of the courtroom, because they were focused on the "stars" of the show.

Also there was a lot of discussion that it isn't that easy to just sign off on your parental rights and that is usually something that people had to go to court to do, not just being served papers and signing them in a lawyers office.

...I'm not a lawyer...just things I remember being talked about at the time.

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Just going by my one experience with this is ...

My friend's ex was allowed to just basically sign off on custody because her child was going to be adopted. And the courtroom for the adoption(s) (there were others) was very relaxed, everyone was free to take pictures and *videotape if they chose to. 

*obviously, not with a camera crew

Edited by GeeGolly
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I can believe that Robyn’s kids were actually adopted. Step parent adoption isn’t rare, nor is it rare to induce the bio parent to sign off in exchange for the back child support being forgiven.

If there’s someone who WANTS to adopt your child, it’s not difficult to do that (if all parents consent, and if the child is old enough to consent does so). What’s hard to get parental rights taken away due to misbehavior or absence. We often only think of adoption in the cases of infants but that’s not always how it happens (when older kids are adopted it’s often by step parents). 

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Catching up on this thread - so many incredibly insightful posts about Robyn, I can't quote them all!  And I have been thinking the same things.  I think Robyn is a case of "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it".  To which I would add, "In spades and then some!"  I'm torn between thinking she is completely clueless about her role in the family breakup to thinking she is acting like the innocent bystander who "just wants everyone to get along" when in fact she's home doing the evil grin and the "Muah-ha-ha" laugh.

Also, I wasn't aware that parents were obligated to pay a child's college tuition.  I wonder if that was a thing way back in the 1970s when I went to school.  I see that New York is on the list so it might have been.  My parents didn't like it that I went to a private university - they wanted me to go to a lesser expensive city school, which at the time was not a very good option for several reasons (this was NYC in the bad old '70s).  No one ever told me I could take my parents to court to force them to pay.  Not that I would have because that was not something I would have ever done.  But considering what a hardship it was for me to take out and pay back student loans on what was actually for the time a very reasonable tuition but still a lot in today's money and for my income level, it does make me look at this differently.

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7 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Catching up on this thread - so many incredibly insightful posts about Robyn, I can't quote them all!  And I have been thinking the same things.  I think Robyn is a case of "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it".  To which I would add, "In spades and then some!"  I'm torn between thinking she is completely clueless about her role in the family breakup to thinking she is acting like the innocent bystander who "just wants everyone to get along" when in fact she's home doing the evil grin and the "Muah-ha-ha" laugh.

Also, I wasn't aware that parents were obligated to pay a child's college tuition.  I wonder if that was a thing way back in the 1970s when I went to school.  I see that New York is on the list so it might have been.  My parents didn't like it that I went to a private university - they wanted me to go to a lesser expensive city school, which at the time was not a very good option for several reasons (this was NYC in the bad old '70s).  No one ever told me I could take my parents to court to force them to pay.  Not that I would have because that was not something I would have ever done.  But considering what a hardship it was for me to take out and pay back student loans on what was actually for the time a very reasonable tuition but still a lot in today's money and for my income level, it does make me look at this differently.

A child cannot take their parents to court to force them to pay their college tuition. A judge can compel a non custodial parent to contribute toward tuition expenses in a custody agreement/divorce settlement. My parents were never married, but as a part of a support order, my father was obligated to send funds to me until I graduated from undergrad at age 21 (I used that as my “living money”); given that both my parents are physicians the judged considered that equitable since my Mom was paying my college tuition and I was enrolled in school full time. His income and education level was taken into consideration. 

I couldn’t have forced him to do that. If Christine wanted she could go to court and compel funds wards Ysabel’s education. Buy Robyn would fight that tooth and nail!(to keep it on topic)

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Robyn is a step mom , not a sister mom   I don’t doubt her saying she wanted plural marriage , but she wanted to be hbic. Christine raised the kids because the other moms worked.  Why would she need to raise Robyn’s ?   Robyn was young enough and at home and is too much of an overprotective mother.    Her words do not match her actions   Plus her schedule would be a nightmare to work around for the other wives 

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On 11/1/2022 at 5:34 PM, dariafan said:

Robyn is a step mom , not a sister mom   I don’t doubt her saying she wanted plural marriage , but she wanted to be hbic. Christine raised the kids because the other moms worked.  Why would she need to raise Robyn’s ?   Robyn was young enough and at home and is too much of an overprotective mother.    Her words do not match her actions   Plus her schedule would be a nightmare to work around for the other wives 

And we should not forget that Christine offered Robyn to babysit her kids which Robyn obviously didn't want. That was the cherry on top of all their bullshit cake. And reading now that Robyn says that Christine and Kodys relationship was already bad in Vegas is not true makes me so angry. Everybody could an still can watch in old episodes how the relationship was getting worse and Robyn really has the nerves to deny that. Unbeliebable. She and Kody are really a living definition of toxic people.

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1 hour ago, LilyD said:

Is it just me, or is Robyn's neck becoming bigger every single week? I know we've discussed this before, with lots of us thinking there may be a medical issue like a thyroid problem. When I look at Robyn now, her neck is almost as 'wide" as her head. It's scary and definitely not healthy.

I’ve definitely noticed. I don’t wanna speculate but it’s scary looking. I can’t imagine Kody wanting something bad to happen to Queen Robyn, hopefully she’s been seen for it. 

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If Robyn actually had a health condition she'd be reminding the entire world about it daily.  Robyn's always been quick with excuses about why her children need more, why she needs a 7 bedroom house, etc. Everyone was so hyped up about her having a full time nanny and if she actually needed one because she's ill she would've spoken up about it and I think most people would be understanding about it.  But even when she first joined the family and was young and thin and more energetic she needed a nanny for her children.  Christine sent Mykelti to LIVE WITH ROBYN to nanny her children because, for whatever reason, Robyn just can't deal with her own kids. Robyn has been nothing but a drain on this family in every possible way from Day 1. 

Edited by WhatsUpDummy
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5 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

If Robyn actually had a health condition she'd be reminding the entire world about it daily.

Very true. And I also agree with @TurtlePower about Kody not wanting anything bad to Robyn. There is of course the possibility that they are aware of a medical issue and that she is being treated for it: A thyroid issue for example can still make you feel miserable with a huge groiter, even when treated with medication and regular hospital appointments.  But, like you said, in that case we’d definitely know. Robyn loves that type of attention and Kody would milk it for the show….

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On 10/28/2022 at 10:39 AM, xwordfanatik said:

Sobbyn isn't raising her kids to be independent, so she can keep flat-ass Kootie's butt firmly planted in her million dollar house.  Those two snotty daughters of hers should be ashamed, but they've been so spoiled and doted on, they have no sense of boundaries or shame.  Entitled is right.

Aerosol (thank you, @Irate Panda, for that, love it!) is going to be just like those little bitches.  Kootie fawned over her at the party (that she DEMANDED) and I really felt for little Truely, who never got her sperm donor's attention or affection.  

In sum, I think Kootie and Sobbyn are both shit parents.

Maybe Kody will end up marrying the two of them. Hey they could even do a double wedding ceremony a la the Dargers.

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On 11/10/2022 at 4:52 AM, LilyD said:

Is it just me, or is Robyn's neck becoming bigger every single week? I know we've discussed this before, with lots of us thinking there may be a medical issue like a thyroid problem. When I look at Robyn now, her neck is almost as 'wide" as her head. It's scary and definitely not healthy.

There has been so much talk about it by viewers, I would think she has checked it out by now.  Idk.  The people on tv who got warned by a viewer, like the guy from Flip or Flop, had a bulge on the front of the neck.  The whole thing wasn’t large, right?  I’m no expert. I suppose it could be anything or nothing.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

There has been so much talk about it by viewers, I would think she has checked it out by now.  Idk.  The people on tv who got warned by a viewer, like the guy from Flip or Flop, had a bulge on the front of the neck.  The whole thing wasn’t large, right?  I’m no expert. I suppose it could be anything or nothing.  

You’d think she’d have had it checked — she probably just isn’t talking about it.

A cousin of mine had one side of her neck swollen and it was thyroid cancer, caught in time (not speculating that’s what Robyn’s issue is). It’s certainly noticeable — if it were my neck I’d be freaking out and getting scans and blood work and all of it. I’m like Sheldon Cooper that way. 

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On the topic of wives and bankruptcy in the Kody thread:

I don’t think Robyn ever declared a bankruptcy, but I do clearly remember a scene where a sollicitor was sorting through her financial mess when she tried to qualify for a mortgage. That man specifically named her loans etc  being listed under three names with two being Sullivan and Jessop. But she also used the name Robyn Marck (Marck being her bio dad) Now why would you do that? And there are other sources claiming she also had things going on under the name of Fullmer (her mum’s maiden name) Which mean 4 different names/identities and lots of loans and credit cards. At this time, she had also started to call herself Robyn Brown, despite the fact that that didn’t legally change until later.

Now I’m very aware that married (or divorced) women can have stuff in more than one name which would explain the Sullivan and Jessop stuff. I’m not sure if she ever legally changed from Sullivan to Jessop or from Jessop back to Sullivan, though I can’t remember her ever calling herself Robyn Jessop on tv.
But what about the other two??There were no reasons to use them.  Unless….. it offered opportunities to qualify for more loans or cards and potentially a way to escape from your debts?? It’s not impossible to retrace people after name changes, but definitely more complicated. Especially when you used not 2 but 4 names!

I don’t know, but that whole bit really made me uncomfortable.Robyn really looked like someone who was running from her past. When that counselor confronted her with some of his findings, she looked shocked, as if she had not expected all that stuff to bite her in the butt. Some yes, but not all. And then later, she legally changed her name again. This time to Brown. From an emotional point I get that. The same name as the rest of the family. But it does also fits her habit of erasing and rewriting history (Kody as her kids’ dad and that awful drawing!) She did it with her husbands and kids, so why not use different names and then legally change it again to erase more traces?

Far-fetched: maybe. But then again, nothing in this family surprises me anymore.

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I think Robyn’s own big mouth proved Christine’s point that she’s Kodys favorite.

When they were sitting on Christine’s back patio and Robyn verbally attacked Christine and questioned her version of things and then called Christine a LIAR! she told me everything I need to know about who’s queen bee and who knows they can say whatever they want without any backlash from Kody.

Meri sat there silently, Janelle chose her words carefully but little Miss Favorite put Christine on blast and even accused her of shit she didn’t even say!  No way on gods green earth would Kody sit back and let any of the others attack Robyn the way she attacked Christine!

Hey!!…Robyn the Goblyn… the jig is up, the cat is out of the bag… you’re not fooling anyone.. you’re Kodys favorite and you’ve always been his favorite so go sit your boney ass down and SHUT THE FUCK UP!..Pinnochio!! 🤥

Go home and do the one thing you’re good at, wrapping that big mouth around Kodys tiny dick!

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IMO, not only does Kody prefer Robyn, but I, as many of you, think Robyn contributed to his favoritism. I don't think Robyn's goal was to break up the family, but I do think her goal was HBIC. Somehow Meri was able to navigate this role with more finesse (lol) than Robyn and not break up the family prior to Robyn coming on board.

Where Robyn 'went wrong' was she miscalculated Christine's tolerance for remaining the basement wife. When Meri saw what was going on with Robyn and Kody she tried to nope out before they noped her out. Janelle wasn't really bothered by it, but Christine was geared for a fight from the get go. She had put in 25 years and she was not going to stand for being pushed farther down the roster. 

Robyn messed with the wrong wife. If Robyn had pulled Christine in, and made sure Kody did too, IMO, this dysfunctional family would still be intact. Well except hanger on Meri.

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

I think Robyn’s own big mouth proved Christine’s point that she’s Kodys favorite.

When they were sitting on Christine’s back patio and Robyn verbally attacked Christine and questioned her version of things and then called Christine a LIAR! she told me everything I need to know about who’s queen bee and who knows they can say whatever they want without any backlash from Kody.

Meri sat there silently, Janelle chose her words carefully but little Miss Favorite put Christine on blast and even accused her of shit she didn’t even say!  No way on gods green earth would Kody sit back and let any of the others attack Robyn the way she attacked Christine!

Hey!!…Robyn the Goblyn… the jig is up, the cat is out of the bag… you’re not fooling anyone.. you’re Kodys favorite and you’ve always been his favorite so go sit your boney ass down and SHUT THE FUCK UP!..Pinnochio!! 🤥

Go home and do the one thing you’re good at, wrapping that big mouth around Kodys tiny dick!

Oh, Robyn’s not bony anymore. She’s got some padding now like the rest of ‘em.

Meri sitting there silently made my blood boil. When Meri threatened to leave and was catfished, she received support. Now someone else is actually doing it and in the talking heads she has the nerve to say she’s ANGRY? Biiiitch. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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I came here to ask what was the dill with the Robyn in hospital scene?  I cannot recall what episode it was in and I only remember it as a teaser for what was coming. I know she and kody had covid. 
also I think production when they sent Robyn and Kody on that honeymoon to California after the “spiritual “ marriage and the one to Hawaii around the time of the legal one poked the family dynamic and contributed to the jealousy Christine and Meri felt. 

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17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Has anyone seen the very first or second episode recently? I think I remember pregnant Christine begging Kody not to leave for the weekend to see Robyn, who lived 5 hours away.

And Grody didn't care and left Christine for Robyn anyway. But, yeah, he made so many sacrifices to love her.. 

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2 hours ago, Elodia said:

And Grody didn't care and left Christine for Robyn anyway. But, yeah, he made so many sacrifices to love her.. 

And I suspect that the reason Robyn asks Meri to “hang on with me, we need to rebuild” is because Robyn owes her one: “Thank you for this opportunity to be pampered and taken care of. Since it was you who brought me into the family, Meri, the least I can do is keep you feeling like you’re close to me, because I’m the only one close to Kody.” 

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19 hours ago, Twopper said:

I came here to ask what was the dill with the Robyn in hospital scene?  I cannot recall what episode it was in and I only remember it as a teaser for what was coming. I know she and kody had covid. 
also I think production when they sent Robyn and Kody on that honeymoon to California after the “spiritual “ marriage and the one to Hawaii around the time of the legal one poked the family dynamic and contributed to the jealousy Christine and Meri felt. 

Also Janelle.  I think she was the most upset about the honeymoon.  I think of all the wives, she has done without the most to help support the family.

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19 minutes ago, Libby said:

Robyn is only 44 years old. She is not aging well. I think that she looks much older than she is.

She looks at least as old as the other women. 
And I am sure the older original children see her more as a stepmom than as a sister mom. I think a person like Robin would always be trouble, but she was added much too late to the family. Adding #4 should have been about a year after Christine.  What held everyone together was the original 13 kids, but it was probably going to fall apart anyway when they aged out and started their own lives.  

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55 minutes ago, Twopper said:

Adding #4 should have been about a year after Christine.

I thought that from the start.  That large of a gap and Robyn's saying she didn't get to have the sister wife experience that the others had.  With the exception of Christine, everyone else was done with having children.  If she wanted that, she should have married into a family with women her age and still wanting more children.  Like Christine, I think she was planning on being the last wife and hopefully never having to work a job to help support herself.

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Saw an article online this week, where Christine's daughter Gwendlyn confirmed that they all had to pack up and move to Flagstaff because Robyn's eldest (Dayton) was accepted at Northern Arizona University.  Robyn Mamabear would not let her Babybear move away on his own, so a whole pile of people had to sacrifice THEIR choices.

Yeah . . . no favoritism there.

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But they didn't have to move. They could have stood up to Kody and said no we are not moving.  Janelle and Christine folded like a couple of cheap suits because they couldn't be without the "wonderful man." I lost respect for them when they put Robyn's children above their own. Christine is only beginning to win back some of my respect. The jury is still out on Janelle. 

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49 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

But they didn't have to move. They could have stood up to Kody and said no we are not moving.  Janelle and Christine folded like a couple of cheap suits because they couldn't be without the "wonderful man." I lost respect for them when they put Robyn's children above their own. Christine is only beginning to win back some of my respect. The jury is still out on Janelle. 

But, the mountains. 😁🌄🙃

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