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Janelle Brown: Smarter Than Your Average Brown (Maybe)

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This is a thing?  Pop up IV hydration?  I cannot see how that is even legal!  These people will try anything for a quick fix at a price.  Drink some of the water you have delivered,  you moron.

53 minutes ago, deirdra said:

Over-hydration or air bubbles in your veins can kill you.

Over hydration can indeed be dangerous for a number of reasons but probably not from a single liter bag of fluid unless it's run full open and the person has a heart condition. Or it's D5W which is gluces and should be used carefully with a diabetic.

The old air bubble myth makes good theater in murder mysteries but is actually a myth.  It takes a huge amount of air given directly into a large vein (like the subclavian and I'm talking 50cc or more) to cause an air embolism.  Little bubbles in the IV line are harmless.

I wonder with the "other good things" might be.  Maybe they spiked it with a little Plexus for good measure.

The mind boggles with this crap.

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We should have seen this coming. Getting an IV is less work then getting up off the couch, walking 4 feet to the refrigerator, pouring some water into a glass, then drinking it. She’s taking lazy to a new level. 

A couple of summers ago routine blood work indicated my electrolytes and B-12 were very low. The solution? Drink Gatorade every day, and a take 2500mg of B-12 (I did have to get several B-12 shots). No IV needed. 

Edited by MargeGunderson
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Good heavens, this woman falls for every crackpot thing out there.  This thread title is in desperate need of changing!  Next we'll hear about her enema in a tent somewhere, which will work like magic.  NOT!!

She spreads this shit around like she has a clue, which we know, she doesn't.  Crazy.

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Last weekend my husband wasn't feeling well and we ended up in urgent care. He was having a lot of digestive system upset. The doctor told us he has seen three people in the last couple months with the same symptoms - due to taking too much Vitamin C. A lot of people are loading up on the vitamins lately trying to stave off COVID and the flu but are inadvertently making themselves sick taking too much.

No healthy person needs an IV for hydration. Drink water. It doesn't take long for it to "go through your digestive system." This whole thing is crap.

Agree.  She needs to buy one of those bottles from Amazon that has different times of the day marked on them.  When It get's to that time, drink the required amount.  

I work in a hot factory in Texas it's often over 100 in the building.  I drink at least 3-4 liters  of water a day, plus about 12 ounces of gatorade over the course of my shift.  If she thinks she is dehydrated she just needs to drink more water (plain water) and a small bottle of gatorade.  If she feels like it was bad enough to need an IV she probably should have gone to the doctor.  

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Three "thin cut" pieces of chicken have 6 sides instead of two and can absorb more pan grease before Janelle eats them all.

Perhaps she should ask Tony for his "Chicken Corden Blew" recipe. The real thing involves pounding chicken with a mallet to get it really thin.

Edited by deirdra
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She has been drinking Plexus.  From what I understand, no one knows how much of what ingredient is actually in that stuff.  I don't think it is specified on the label.  I have read that there have been issues with people having problems with unbalanced electrolytes while using it. Who knows what her labs would show; her levels could be way off.  This IV thing is just stupid, as well as dangerous.  Worse yet, she is trying to convince other uninformed people to follow her example.  I am gobsmacked that anyone would do this.  DRINK WATER.  If you want a different taste, get a Soda Stream and make bubbly water.  You don't have to add any syrup, just plain water.  I love mine, and I don't have any trouble getting my water intake.  And I live at altitude.  Non medical IV???    No way.

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Hyponatremia is a real thing, but there's no way this woman drinks enough water to make that happen. It's very common in the desert, but it's not like she's out exercising in 100F weather. And if it does happen, it can usually be solved with salt or salt tabs, a sports drink or potassium tablets. Like others have said, if she needs an IV for hydration she's very sick and needs to see a medical professional.

Ah, who am I kidding. She probably chugs plexus and hunts down big animal vets for ivermectin when the tractor supply runs out.

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10 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

They are called cutlets, Janelle, and they are nothing new.  

I feel like Janelle goes to the grocery store and once in awhile she takes a deep breath and takes a hesitant stroll down an unfamiliar aisle that doesn't sell Doritos and chip dip and is fascinated by what she sees....thin sliced chicken.  Cabbage that doesn't come in a can.  Prepackaged salad mix.  And each time, she stands there dumbfounded, wondering if anyone else has discovered these odd yet fascinating items - and imagines what would happen if she coated them in peanut butter and put them in her Instapot.

As for the IV - what can we say anymore.  Just another unfounded health claim posted on a site where unfortunately, some people take her word and run out to try whatever she's trying...and there are people just like that, all you have to do is read a few comments on her stupid posts.  She is NOT A HEALTH COACH, and she is dangerous.

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I was just about to say the same thing @Roslyn, she is just lazy but then winds up spending double due to that. Interestingly enough, I brought a 2 pack of knives at Ikea, one a pairing and a much larger one in the set for 2.99 for the 2, they are amazing. Cuts my chicken cutlet so easily as I tend to make chicken milanese quite often. Next Rockstar thing she will "find" will be premade burgers at the store...haha

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I’m a bit surprised that she hasn’t used the excuse that there isn’t enough room in the RV to prep vegetables or meals. I would be a bit more sympathetic to that because it must be difficult to get used to such a small space. But no, she’s too busy getting an unneeded IV to chop some vegetables. 

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4 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Of COURSE Janelle bought a $5 package of pre-cut veggies.  But I suppose a woman who prefers a mystery IV cocktail infusion over a glass of water would shudder at slicing a whole vegetable all by herself. 

She really does take the word "Lazy" to an impressively high level.

With it just being her and her daughter, the package are fine.  No sense in wasting fresh veggies.  Would be different if she were feeding more people.  Depending on where you live those peppers can be very expensive.

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1 hour ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

Did she ever post pictures of food she made from her haul at the farmer’s market a couple weeks ago?  None of that was prechopped which probably means straight to the trash!  

Or still sitting in the fridge as a bag of green & black slime.  Savanah may have the sense to throw it out. But they probably have to haul out their trash or put it in Robyn's bins when she's sleeping in.

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I've begun buying chopped veggies due to my fingers becoming slightly stiff as I grow older.  Too, when on hometime I have so little time to get everything done and friends and family seen or contacted it's just faster for me. That, and cooking and freezinh 21 dinners and breakfasts for the road, sheesh, I feel I live in the kitchen at times.  Need to set myself up a cot.  😉

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4 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

The amount of sodium in those seasoning packets is astronomical. She might as well eat a bag of chips lol. Meh it’s her $. 

Also seriously she never seen thin chicken cutlets? Jeez.

My thoughts exactly.  I can't eat many of these prepackaged mixes due to the high sodium content.  It would put me on the hospital.  As big and as old as Janelle is, I'm shocked that she can get by with it.

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On 10/4/2021 at 6:48 AM, laurakaye said:

I feel like Janelle goes to the grocery store and once in awhile she takes a deep breath and takes a hesitant stroll down an unfamiliar aisle that doesn't sell Doritos and chip dip and is fascinated by what she sees....thin sliced chicken.  Cabbage that doesn't come in a can.  Prepackaged salad mix.  And each time, she stands there dumbfounded, wondering if anyone else has discovered these odd yet fascinating items - and imagines what would happen if she coated them in peanut butter and put them in her Instapot.

As for the IV - what can we say anymore.  Just another unfounded health claim posted on a site where unfortunately, some people take her word and run out to try whatever she's trying...and there are people just like that, all you have to do is read a few comments on her stupid posts.  She is NOT A HEALTH COACH, and she is dangerous.

IVs are stupid unless you’re sick—but hey it’s America, let’s do fashion IV therapy (people have the right to do it, but I have the right to call it stupid 😂). It’s also possible to get too much vitamin C. 

Janelle would probably be one of those patients to request an IV if she needed assistance on a hike. Well, we rarely stuck dehydrated, tired people in the backcountry unless they couldn’t keep liquids down or had a medical problem. We gave them powdered Gatorade in their water if they needed it and also made them hydrate with plain water. If they improved, we sent them along and if not, we’d stick them and evacuate them. But most of the time it was drink this, eat that, rest, and continue down towards the bottom. 

I’m at a loss for words any more with Janelle. She definitely should not be advising people what to do or use because she looks for gimmicks, not a healthy lifestyle. She acts like a child every time she finds something new (to her, the rest of us are like “yeah that’s old news”). She floats from gimmick to gimmick and can’t seem to stick to grounded, tried -and-true practices for better health—whole food, lean protein, less sugar, more exercise—*consistently*. 

Janelle should NOT be a “coach”, she is irresponsible and has zero actual knowledge in the subject. 

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3 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

I’m at a loss for words any more with Janelle. She definitely should not be advising people what to do or use because she looks for gimmicks, not a healthy lifestyle. She acts like a child every time she finds something new (to her, the rest of us are like “yeah that’s old news”). She floats from gimmick to gimmick and can’t seem to stick to grounded, tried -and-true practices for better health—whole food, lean protein, less sugar, more exercise—*consistently*.

This is why I think her issue is depression. And it has gone on so long she thinks it is just how normal life is.

Janelle has stated subtly on the show how she wants to be a part of the big, loud buzzing family.  She wants the big house because she benefited the most from it in the past. If she is only part of the whole then she can settle into her happy place as a cog in the wheel vs having to make all those micro decisions that fills a normal day.  She quickly becomes bogged down with even the smallest life task/decision and looks to find a distraction to deflect how overwhelmed she is.

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35 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

This is why I think her issue is depression. And it has gone on so long she thinks it is just how normal life is.

Janelle has stated subtly on the show how she wants to be a part of the big, loud buzzing family.  She wants the big house because she benefited the most from it in the past. If she is only part of the whole then she can settle into her happy place as a cog in the wheel vs having to make all those micro decisions that fills a normal day.  She quickly becomes bogged down with even the smallest life task/decision and looks to find a distraction to deflect how overwhelmed she is.

But how can she not see that she’s just REALLY BAD at the health profession? Why can’t she put it aside as a business and get help for herself? How can someone not see how uneducated they are on a subject, despite their efforts? I can empathize a bit as an autistic person—sometimes decision making paralyzes me, but I still know what I’m good at and what I’m not good at. 

I’m not great at geometry. I can get by, but I’ll never be good enough to educate other people on the subject. Unlike Janelle, I know better than to start a tutoring business and fake my way along. I can’t believe she keeps bumbling along with her Strive shit, giving bad—and possibly dangerous—advice. 

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I typically ate the same ~dozen vegetables, so one summer I decided I would try a new one each week.  The first one was jicama.  I had eaten it in restaurants but had never made anything from it myself.  Each week I looked around to see what I might choose the following week. That way I could google recipes and ideas so that I could buy only as much as needed also make sure that I had the necessary herbs, spices & other ingredients on hand to go with it (otherwise veggies just wilt in the "crisper"). Very insightful. I now prefer very thin slices of jicama instead of crackers (or other processed carbs) as a base for dips & canapes. Janelle should try it, though it involves getting off the couch.

Edited by deirdra
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