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S01.E03: Fight Or Flight

Tara Ariano

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This is my first episode of the show and I am already seeing so so SO many problems...to list a few:

-Why is Kara wearing skirts and blue sweaters at work? Does she want them to know she's Supergirl?

-The show wants to focus on Kara, but is already creating a lengthy history for Superman to draw from in the writing of future episodes. Doesn't having this entire storyline be essentially about Superman's mistake weaken Kara's involvement in it? Hey look - its that Superman villain with that grudge against Superman! This is a job for.... Not Superman? She should be creating her own villains and relationships and conflicts.

-Three episodes in and they are already having Superman appear even though he cannot speak or be seen clearly because it would reveal him to not be Henry Cavill. Sigh.

-Reactron?! What an idiotic name. I don't even think this guy is from the comics...

-She already has four or five people gathering around her doing all the detective work? What a hero...

-Maxwell Lord is now a developer of some kind? Could they make him more clearly a villain?

-Kara organizes a party but doesn't show up until the whole thing is already done? That makes no sense.

- Calista Flockhart is a better actress then what she's turning in here...so why can't we see that? Oh right, because the dialogue is making this character so incredibly cliche and unlikable...

-We are only in episode three and already this show has more vapid inspirational words of encouragement to prop its untested hero than Season Ten of Smallville. Not good.

-How is she going around her workspace talking about this stuff?! That just pisses me off to no end...

-Toyman just found out Clark's secret offhand because...? How many folks are going to casually learn the Big Secret?

-The cutaways of her flying are well done but we are already seeing three of them in one episode. Padding much?

I like the guy playing Jimmy Olsen - he was great on Desperate Housewives - and I think the sets are good, but otherwise there is not much here that I can endorse. Which is a real shame. We were long overdue for a series about a young heroine in a cape.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 3

As I said previously, I like that Kara has a learning curve. She's facing powered baddies, she's not going to ace it first time out.


Reactron?! What an idiotic name. I don't even think this guy is from the comics...

They know, which is why they lampshaded that bit.


Previews: They literally said, "Can Supergirl have it all?" I need to see the opthamologist, I think I tore a muscle from my severe eyeroll.

  • Love 3

Not as good as last week but still better than the pilot. I'm bummed they reverted to the more childish, "plastic" feel from the pilot--I thought the more mature tone of last week really worked for the show, but alas, it was nowhere in evidence tonight. The best scene was with Kara and Alex at the end. When MB and CL are given even halfway decent dialogue, they have really great sisters chemistry--forget Kara and the boys, I want to see the sisters hanging out and busting each other.


In contrast, the romance stuff was very forced this ep. Let it simmer, show. Ad I include the Cat/Max Lord dance in the middle--that was just weird. Cat was better this episode, though, and I thought the discussion of feminism was better for being more subtle.

Agree that this episode was a bit awkward in the treatment of Superman, but I liked him and Kara messaging each other at the end.


This show is frustrating. It has all the pieces to be better than it is.

  • Love 4

This is my first episode of the show and I am already seeing so so SO many problems...to list a few:

-Why is Kara wearing skirts and blue sweaters at work? Does she want them to know she's Supergirl?

-The show wants to focus on Kara, but is already creating a lengthy history for Superman to draw from in the writing of future episodes. Doesn't having this entire storyline be essentially about Superman's mistake weaken Kara's involvement in it? Hey look - its that Superman villain with that grudge against Superman! This is a job for.... Not Superman? She should be creating her own villains and relationships and conflicts.

-Three episodes in and they are already having Superman appear even though he cannot speak or be seen clearly because it would reveal him to not be Henry Cavill. Sigh.

-Reactron?! What an idiotic name. I don't even think this guy is from the comics...

-She already has four or five people gathering around her doing all the detective work? What a hero...

-Maxwell Lord is now a developer of some kind? Could they make him more clearly a villain?

-Kara organizes a party but doesn't show up until the whole thing is already done? That makes no sense.

- Calista Flockhart is a better actress then what she's turning in here...so why can't we see that? Oh right, because the dialogue is making this character so incredibly cliche and unlikable...

-We are only in episode three and already this show has more vapid inspirational words of encouragement to prop its untested hero than Season Ten of Smallville. Not good.

-How is she going around her workspace talking about this stuff?! That just pisses me off to no end...

-Toyman just found out Clark's secret offhand because...? How many folks are going to casually learn the Big Secret?

-The cutaways of her flying are well done but we are already seeing three of them in one episode. Padding much?


Add to all that the fact that the CGI is really sub-par, accompanied by really crappy wirework.  And I'm pretty sure they keep re-using the same clip when Supergirl flies into the foreground of the shot, pauses, and then takes off again.

I see that Supergirl has the same problem as the Flash.  She managed to damage Reactron at the beginning and he flew off.  Naturally, she just stood there gawking rather than giving chase.


Hey, it looks like Superman actually cares about his cousin.  Although it sure seemed like he only needed a few minutes to fly from Metropolis to National City.  It's a good thing he did show up since Kara was down for the count there. 

  • Love 1

Reactron is in fact from the comics. 


And Jimmy can be quite the smooth guy when he wants to be.  Totally get why Kara's all dippy over him.


I actually very much appreciated Kara pointing out that she was supposed to be taking care of Superman, not the other way around, and it was really interesting that Jimmy resorted to calling in Superman and how she responded to that.  Some of the feminist attempts are trying a little too hard, but I think this episode really did present her struggle more uniquely and interestingly.  Into it.


However, just because your IT guy is your sidekick, Kara, IMing Superman at work or anywhere seems like a terrible, terrible idea.

  • Love 6

Supergirl doesn't want Superman's help ... but she has assembled a whole team of helpers, has a secret command center at work (?), gets about four pep talks per episode, and even has another secret government team helping her.

At this point, it seems like the whole show is about everyone helping Supergirl and propping up her super low self-esteem. ...

And now a girl who can fly is intimidated by her boy crush's ex girlfriend. ... please. ..

I sort of get what they are going with the show, but there are a ton of other problems Kara could have instead of typical rom-com problems.

Edited by shrewd.buddha
  • Love 6

I don't know. I think this show is really cute and I'm enjoying it. I like all the little jokes and the references to things like Homeland. I guess I'm an easy audience. 

I really like that this is all not coming easily for her. And I also don't mind that she has a team..it's unique for a superhero to not be fighting the lone fight.


Thank goodness they know who she is..I get so tired of watching the lame excuses for why nobody recognizes these superheroes when they are in the most transparent disguises. I do like the explanation that Cat will never recognize her because she never actually looks at her assistant..just talks at her. 


Hmmm..maybe her "pierced" earrings are actually magnetic, and part of her disguise. Though I don't think magnetic earrings really work.

  • Love 9

At this point, it seems like the whole show is about everyone helping Supergirl and propping up her super low self-esteem. ...

And now a girl who can fly is intimidated by her boy crush's ex girlfriend. ... please. ..

I sort of get what they are going with the show, but there are a ton of other problems Kara could have instead of typical rom-com problems.

Actually, Kara being intimidated by James' ex is like the one thing in this scenario that rings true to me. It doesn't matter how accomplished you are, or how much better than an ex on paper you are, if you get dismissed by someone you're crushing on hard in favor of a sexy ex, it's going to hurt. And especially if you have low self-esteem to begin with.


That said, I agree that the romance was OTT and forced in this episode in general. Also, I agree that I'm tired of seeing Kara be torn down in the first half of an episode only to be built up in the second. I don't mind a learning curve, but there's a learning curve and then there's repetitive structure that oddly begins to feel like a kind of punishment, and tonight tiptoed toward the latter. Really hope they're done with this structure for the foreseeable future.

Edited by stealinghome
  • Love 9

I know Kara is Kal-El's cousin but is she publicly Clark's cousin? The world now knows Superman has a cousin but for the last fifteen or so years was anyone outside of the family and James aware Clark Kent does?


I actually like the way they are doing Superman. He is essentially the most important man in the world. He should be talked about a lot. However, since this is Kara's show she is and should be the focus. I do agree they should also primarily keep her fighting original villains, or at least not too many of Superman's castoffs. There are plenty of DC villains not belonging exclusively to Superman. 


Reactron is the kind of name for a villain a twelve year old with come up with. And you shouldn't need a tech expert to figure out you should aim for the big glowy thing on his chest. Kind of disappointing there, Kal. Still, radiation is one of the things that could conceivably have an effect on Kryptonians so I suppose it makes sense Superman would have had a hard time with him. So long as nobody thinks to hook him up with some kryptonite. 


Kara and James getting together was pretty much a foregone conclusion but yeah, I do think they may be going a little fast. Still, I have to admire James' guts, to first date Lois Lane's sister (and thus Clark's sister in law, assuming L&C are married here) and then to go after his cousin.


Keeping Up with the Kryptonians sounds like a sitcom I would very much enjoy. 

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 2

Oh, dear.  This is only the third episode: I so don't want to already be having romance shoved down the throat.  We continue get more of Winn's one-sided crush, and now they have suddenly ramped up Kara having a crush on Jimmy.  Of course, once Kara finally decides to do something about it (thanks to Alex practically having to shove her out the door), his ex magically appears.  Who happens to be Lucy Lane, sister of Lois (and in real life, Channing Tatum's wife!)  Oh, goodie.  I guess I should keep an open mind, but the track record for these type of shows has not been good lately.


On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the Kara/Alex scenes, and I hope we get more of them.  I think Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist are pretty good together.


Reactron (sorry, Jimmy, but that is a lame name) is here, and we get the subplot that was destined to happen: Superman has to briefly bail out Kara's ass (off screen, because Henry Cavill ain't cheap!), so that leads to her being all upset that because she feels everyone thinks she can handle it, especially Jimmy, after she finds out he was the one who signaled him.  But now she defeated Reactron, so it's all good.  Sure, it required assistance, but it sounds like Clarke considers it a win for her.  I did like the instant messaging bit, although Clarke using a smiling emoticon sure was something.  Just picturing the humorless Supes from Man of Steel doing that...


Henshaw is still being helpful for now, so I wonder what his deal will end up being.


Since I'm not familiar with his comic background, Maxwell Lord comes off like one of those Tony Stark-type characters: rich, smart, but also arrogant and cocky.  Only I'm guessing he'll end up being more of a bad guy instead of Iron Man.


Kate actually did make me chuckle at times, so that is an improvement.  Still find her to mainly be an asshole though, but I guess that is on purpose.


The CGI really is pretty shoddy.  I'm not expecting movie quality, but I'm kind of surprised that the shows on the smaller CW are doing better then big old CBS.

You know, I did notice that the lessons that Kara has learned the past two episodes have carried over to this episode. Her fighting, especially in her first fight scene this episode, was well done because it showed what she learned from Alex last episode. Plus, it's not like she loses two seconds into the fight, so thank god on that. 


I'm really glad pretty much everyone but Kara's boss from the main cast knows her secret. It's very refreshing. Plus, I am strangely buying why Kara wouldn't be recognized, at least not right away. Her Supergirl look and her human girl look are different enough that it's not easily recognizable. 


The writing is super tropey and contrived, and the special effects are noticeable enough, but I still like the show. It has enough charm, and I like the majority of the characters where I want to stick around.


Ok, so Maxwell Lloyd is seemingly evil, but I kind of still like him, as he willingly sacrificed himself for his employees. Any usual villain would not be like that. Honestly, since he does sound like he could turn to be a villain, I'll try not to grow attached, but I like him because he's entertaining and Peter Facinelli has always been a fan of mine. 



Supergirl doesn't want Superman's help ... but she has assembled a whole team of helpers, has a secret command center at work (?), gets about four pep talks per episode, and even has another secret government team helping her.

At this point, it seems like the whole show is about everyone helping Supergirl and propping up her super low self-esteem. ...

And now a girl who can fly is intimidated by her boy crush's ex girlfriend. ... please. ..
I sort of get what they are going with the show, but there are a ton of other problems Kara could have instead of typical rom-com problems.


For me, I don't find this a big deal. She didn't approach most of these people to help her. She only asked Winn for help, because she knew she couldn't start this alone. She didn't know about the DEO, and James came to her. She also didn't assemble the secret command center and her being jealous? Again, just for me, it shows that she has human-like qualities, especially since she has all but told someone about her crush on James.  I also like how she has a team, because it's different from the 'I'm a superhero who needs to be alone...until I REALLY need a team' mantra. Her gaining a team would have happened eventually, so I'm glad they cut through the crap and got there right away. 


I absolutely agree that the constant pep talks are getting old, though. I know the show is still finding its footing, but I'd like for something new to happen story-wise, and no love triangle stuff or the same villains episode after episode. That, I absolutely think, will grow old quite soon. I won't say yet because it's only episode three. 

  • Love 7

Thank goodness they know who she is..I get so tired of watching the lame excuses for why nobody recognizes these superheroes when they are in the most transparent disguises. I do like the explanation that Cat will never recognize her because she never actually looks at her assistant..just talks at her. 


Who is 'they'? Outside of DEO those who know Kara is Supergirl were told of the fact. Winn was told by Kara herself, Olsen by Superman, Alex by her parents, their parents by Superman and so on. No civilian manages to recognize her on his / her own.


My question is how Winn knows Clark Kent.


I wonder why people are surprised to know that Superman is Supergirl's cousin. They wear the same pentagonal 'S' logo, they wear matching outfits and they have the same power.

I'm a big Superman fan and like anything to do with this universe.  And I liked the first episode especially Melissa's innocent portrayal of Kara and Supergirl. 


But, I thought that episode was lame.  Cliches and silliness all throughout....oh my, where to start...


Supergirl should have been able to dispatch of Reactron much quicker.  She has the speed element which she barely used.  In both fights, she just stood there and let him hit her and blaze bolts at her.  It reminded of professional wrestling when they let the other guy hit them without much resistance. 


And way too much Kara angst at everything.  The Clark Kent nerd persona of Superman was supposed to be just that, but now we have Supergirl who is really like that.  Wow, she has trouble dealing with her boss, her co-worker, her gov't boss, the bad guy, the rich soon to be bad guy and even rival girl for her new crush.  Yikes, that was a lot of angst for one episode. 


She has super powers yet she's taking hints from the military on how to defeat Reactron.  Hey, use your xray vision a little earlier.


Calista Flockheart continues to be wasted and is a way over the top total bore.  And all her conversations with Kara are just lame and painful.


I thought Flash was a little cheesy when it started, but this show is three times as bad. 


And the plot pacing reminded me of the old Batman TV series. 


I'm probably in it for the season, but I hope it improves a lot because that was disappointing.

  • Love 1

Getting a little bored with it. I like Melissa Benoist, but something's just keeping me from feeling totally invested here.


Also, I think if they're going to reference Superman this much they probably need to bring him on as a character. But of course if they do that then it's guaranteed that the audience will immediately be more interested in him, because he's, you know. The one you REALLY want to see. Maybe there's an inherent problem with a character who's this much of a knockoff of someone else. They should have done a Wonder Woman show.


Although I'd be tickled if they managed to get Tom Welling as Clark.

Edited by Ruby25

Reactron (sorry, Jimmy, but that is a lame name) is here, and we get the subplot that was destined to happen: Superman has to briefly bail out Kara's ass (off screen, because Henry Cavill ain't cheap!), so that leads to her being all upset that because she feels everyone thinks she can handle it, especially Jimmy, after she finds out he was the one who signaled him.  But now she defeated Reactron, so it's all good.  Sure, it required assistance, but it sounds like Clarke considers it a win for her.  I did like the instant messaging bit, although Clarke using a smiling emoticon sure was something.  Just picturing the humorless Supes from Man of Steel doing that...

It wouldn't be Cavill OR the humorless Supes from Man of Steel.  They've shown in a number of ways this can't be the same universe, I think.

  • Love 3

Henry Cavil isn't Superman in this verse. DC doesn't share the tv and movie universes. Now if they can get Tom Welling to play Supes, I can get on board with that. 


Kara's really a giant dork, which I guess is okay and I suppose they tried to show her as a dork on Krypton when she immediately space googled Hellgrammite's after her mom told her about them. But her social awkwardness is what is bothering me, was she home schooled? Did she not interact with humans outside her adoptive family? She's one of the most powerful beings on Earth, what does she have to be awkward about?


Also way to go spill Clark's secret, Jimmy. For that you get to be called Jimmy, that's a rookie mistake. You've been calling him Superman this whole time. Why would you suddenly switch to Clark? 

Edited by Sakura12
  • Love 1

I think the show is trying too hard to fit into the Superman mold.  Berlanti's other shows (Arrow and Flash) adapt comic book canon if something better can be done (e.g. the creation of Diggle and Felicity) but Superman is such an iconic figure that I wonder if it's that they're intimidated or if CBS is sending them notes not to go off comic book script.

I know Kara is Kal-El's cousin but is she publicly Clark's cousin? The world now knows Superman has a cousin but for the last fifteen or so years was anyone outside of the family and James aware Clark Kent does?

I doubt that anyone knows other than James and Lois.  Most people you work with don't know that much about your family unless they've met them ("This is my cousin Linda. I'm showing her around the building.") and it seems like Supes kept pretty distant from Kara during her stay on Earth.


Reactron was kind of a lame villain but still interesting with his Superman baggage.  Now that it's three episodes in, I think the show needs to spend more time on the Villain of the Week and less time on establishing the relationships.  Kara/Alex is great but that's it.  Normally I hate characters that come on just to keep the OTP apart but I'm glad Lucy Lane showed up because Kara/Jimmy was so fast, not even Mechad Brooks could spin it.


I liked the Cat/Lord convo because it made her less of a one note character.  I think the writer's block was supposed to as well but she was such a bitch about it, it fell flat for me.


Dear Greg and Andrew:  never, ever mention Bulletproof coffee again.  Thx.



I wonder why people are surprised to know that Superman is Supergirl's cousin. They wear the same pentagonal 'S' logo, they wear matching outfits and they have the same power.

 And if they're not related, he could sue for copyright infringement.

Edited by statsgirl

"Keeping up with the Kryptonians" Ha!


I enjoyed the episode.


Kara looked great in the green dress.


I am thoroughly satisfied right now with Clark texting Kara if that's all we get right now.


Since I'm not familiar with his comic background, Maxwell Lord comes off like one of those Tony Stark-type characters: rich, smart, but also arrogant and cocky.  Only I'm guessing he'll end up being more of a bad guy instead of Iron Man.


Maxwell Lord is from one of the great Justice League runs from the late 80s written by Keith Giffen and J. M. DeMatteis, with art by Kevin Maguire that had a more humorous tone featuring Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner and Booster Gold. Lord was an amoral businessman that financed that version of the team until he was turned into a straight up villain in the 2000s.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 3

I'm gonna go against the tide here (which seems to have turned on the show this episode) and say that I quite liked this episode a lot. There are nits I could pick, but most of them can be fanwanked without too much pain (for example the "why doesn't she use her speed" question, can simply be wanked with "inexperience/lack of tactical thinking"). 


Melissa Benoist's personality continues to sell the character, both as Kara AND as Supergirl. Really its refreshing to have a hero character/protagonist who's totally likeable, 100%. Sure we could bemoan some of her angst, but she's really got only 10% of the angst of the leads on MOST action shows (muchless TV superhero ones). Even down in the dumps over JimmyJames, it's not like the show wastes tons of time on that, but shows it as a passing mood. She's a sunny person, and I'd say the split on hating or loving that is going to pretty much follow the split of who likes to see that in people in the real world, and who hates it. But for an action character/superhero?  That's damn rare.


I thought Reactron was well done. Not a Superman A lister, but not a nobody either. A solid character that only hardcore comic fans would know, so not overexploited in Superman films and TV, but a solid credible threat too. And I liked the balance of Villain of the Week and Personal Life. I saw a few complaints upthread saying VotW needed more, but I know that if it got that we'd get complaints the other way instead. 


I also think that Superman was handled... okay. I really think they HAVE to do it this way to avoid franchise conflicts, but also to not ignore him and get bricks tossed at them for THAT.


The dialogue continues to be a bit hoary at times, but if that's the biggest weakness I can live with it.

Edited by Kromm
  • Love 16

Let me stand with you against the tide Kromm because I also liked this episode.  It wasn't as good as last week but it was no dealbreaker for me either.  I didn't find Kara too angsty or too whiny because I understood where she was coming from throughout the episode. I understood her frustration at what Cat Grant wrote about her.  I also understood Cat's point as well.  I understood Kara wanting to take down Reactron on her own and not wanting help from her cousin and also being angry at Jimmy for calling him. I also understood why Jimmy did what he did.


Also I'm glad that the only person who's being lied to is Cat Grant and the one big secret by one character was gotten out of the way in the pilot. I'm really getting tired of the "keeping secrets from those closest to you for whatever bullshit reason" thing on the other Berlanti shows. I'm sure that'll change somewhere down the line but so far it's a breath of fresh air here.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 8

I don't know why but I liked this episode less than I liked episode 2.  The fight scenes were okay but kind of awkward in some way.  And I didn't like Kara getting mad that James called Superman.  I get that she wants to stand on her own merits and not as a lesser Superman, but James made the right call.  She would've been killed if Superman hadn't stepped in to fight Reactron.  I really liked seeing Superman even though it was just a few blurry frames though I wish DC would allow CBS to show his face.  Have him be played by Brandon Routh to throw the fans into real confusion!  I thought Cat was too harsh to Supergirl in her article.  Unless there was more to the interview than what we saw, Supergirl didn't pontificate on her ideals, she merely answered Cat's questions about where she was before she was being a superhero.


It was kinda careless of James to spill Superman's secret identity to Winn like that but I liked how blown his mind was by learning Superman was Clark Kent.  It was a clever way for the writers to show that even Winn knowing about Kara's alter ego still couldn't deal that someone as ordinary as Clark could be a superhero.  It makes Kara hiding her identity more believable.


I thought Kara and Alex together in the cafe together and in the end in her apartment were cute.  I liked Kara's appetite being huge and her laughing at James' lame joke while Alex raised her eyebrow at Kara's behavior.  Good sisterly moments and women bonding moments.

Edited by lion10
  • Love 3

Wow, I dunno guys. I watch a lot of superhero shows, and to be honest it's mostly out of habit. This is actually the first superhero show in a LONG time that I actually really find myself enjoying! Even The Flash, which I think is very well done, I will start, and then end up drifting off and doing something else, only watching with one eye. I don't have any COMPLAINTS about the show, it just doesn't quite grab me for some reason. I do the same with Arrow, Agents of Shield, iZombie, and, for a little while, Gotham. I consider them "background" shows for getting other things done. I kind of plan to do the same thing for Supergirl, but once it starts I find that I am totally engrossed! I don't know what it is. Superman is even my least-favourite hero, so I had no plans to even watch the show until I found a few good reviews of the pilot and decided to give it a shot. I'm loving this show! I find Kara very likeable. I find her allies interesting. I actually really like Calista Flockhart's character, and don't find her one-note at all. I also like how so far the show isn't terribly formulaic. I suppose it is, when you break it down, but it builds nicely on what it's done, and it just doesn't feel like it's doing the same thing over and over again. It feels like an ongoing struggle, rather than a repetitive villain of the week story. (That may change over time, but so far it has got me!) And I like the way that belief in Supergirl, in her capability and her heroism, seems to be contagious among the characters in a very energizing way as she is finding her place in the world. Like everyone is still figuring everything out, but you just know they're all on the right track.


The only thing that takes me out of it sometimes is the fight mechanics. Isn't Supergirl/Superman supposed to have super speed, like Flash-style speed? She sure just stands there and takes a lot of hits that she should be easily able to avoid. And I'm talking about physical punches, not just weapon blasts that might hit someone else if she ducks them. The show seems to really focus on Kara winning fights through determination and brute force, when speed is more realistic and would make more sense, if that's a tool at her disposal. Especially against a non-Kryptonian villain like Reactron, who has super strength from a suit, but human limitations in other areas, such as speed. But I'm willing to suspend my disbelief, because I find the show so wildly entertaining otherwise! Despite myself, I am in!

  • Love 5

Also way to go spill Clark's secret, Jimmy. For that you get to be called Jimmy, that's a rookie mistake. You've been calling him Superman this whole time. Why would you suddenly switch to Clark? 


Especially after he just got done telling Kara's sister that he's really good at keeping secrets.


Apparently only when he's consciously trying to keep them. :p

  • Love 1
Kara's really a giant dork, which I guess is okay and I suppose they tried to show her as a dork on Krypton when she immediately space googled Hellgrammite's after her mom told her about them. But her social awkwardness is what is bothering me, was she home schooled? Did she not interact with humans outside her adoptive family? She's one of the most powerful beings on Earth, what does she have to be awkward about?

Probably being one of the most powerful beings on Earth. If she already had an awkward, dorky, not particularly confident personality on Krypton, I could see the constant needing to keep her powers under control/constant awareness that she is super duper different from her "peers" making her socially awkward. She probably spent her teenage years constantly thinking about how not like everyone else she was. A not-great relationship with her sister, as has been implied, wouldn't help either.


That said, I AM disappointed in the return of stammering, babbling, awkward Kara. It infantilizes the character and it doesn't play to MB's strengths as an actress.


I think the show is trying to hard to fit into the Superman mold.  Berlanti's other shows (Arrow and Flash) adapt comic book canon if something better can be done (e.g. the creation of Diggle and Felicity) but Superman is such an iconic figure that I wonder if it's that they're intimidated or if CBS is sending them notes not to go off comic book script.

It feels more to me like CBS is sending them notes basically telling them to be as generic as possible. "Fit in EVERY SINGLE SUPERHERO CLICHE you possibly can! Alongside a strong procedural element!" One or two shows excepted, CBS is the Land of Bland, and it feels like they're making this show, too, as bland as possible.

  • Love 1

It feels more to me like CBS is sending them notes basically telling them to be as generic as possible. "Fit in EVERY SINGLE SUPERHERO CLICHE you possibly can! Alongside a strong procedural element!" One or two shows excepted, CBS is the Land of Bland, and it feels like they're making this show, too, as bland as possible.


It would've been interesting to see this show on the CW given the pretty good job they've done on The Flash and Arrow, though it'd be a nightmare trying to explain why no one had mentioned Superman and the fact that the CW legally isn't allowed to mention Metropolis or Gotham in their shows.  Why is that?  Has the show Gotham mentioned Metropolis?  Of course there'd be a lot more angst and love triangle bullshit if Supergirl was on the CW.

Oh, dear. This is only the third episode: I so don't want to already be having romance shoved down the throat. We continue get more of Winn's one-sided crush, and now they have suddenly ramped up Kara having a crush on Jimmy. Of course, once Kara finally decides to do something about it (thanks to Alex practically having to shove her out the door), his ex magically appears. Who happens to be Lucy Lane, sister of Lois (and in real life, Channing Tatum's wife!) Oh, goodie. I guess I should keep an open mind, but the track record for these type of shows has not been good lately.

On the other hand, I'm really enjoying the Kara/Alex scenes, and I hope we get more of them. I think Chyler Leigh and Melissa Benoist are pretty good together.

Reactron (sorry, Jimmy, but that is a lame name) is here, and we get the subplot that was destined to happen: Superman has to briefly bail out Kara's ass (off screen, because Henry Cavill ain't cheap!), so that leads to her being all upset that because she feels everyone thinks she can handle it, especially Jimmy, after she finds out he was the one who signaled him. But now she defeated Reactron, so it's all good. Sure, it required assistance, but it sounds like Clarke considers it a win for her. I did like the instant messaging bit, although Clarke using a smiling emoticon sure was something. Just picturing the humorless Supes from Man of Steel doing that...

Henshaw is still being helpful for now, so I wonder what his deal will end up being.

Since I'm not familiar with his comic background, Maxwell Lord comes off like one of those Tony Stark-type characters: rich, smart, but also arrogant and cocky. Only I'm guessing he'll end up being more of a bad guy instead of Iron Man.

Kate actually did make me chuckle at times, so that is an improvement. Still find her to mainly be an asshole though, but I guess that is on purpose.

The CGI really is pretty shoddy. I'm not expecting movie quality, but I'm kind of surprised that the shows on the smaller CW are doing better then big old CBS.

People keep seeing Man of Steel in this but the movies have zero to do with this show. They are not connected and Cavill wouldn't be playing Superman because that's not we are seeing here.


The twinkly music they play in certain scenes at the job drives me nuts. Tone that shit down.

Superman type fights always suck to me. Even worse on TV.

I don't mind the Jimmy/Kara stuff until they start with the exes to delay shit. Stop it.

The side characters minus Jimmy do nothing for me. I was attached to Arrows and Flash side characters real quick.

I wish I could get a Monday show to be real excited about. Supergirl ain't it.

I'm going to stand up for the wirework in this episode because that stuff's painful, time-consuming, dangerous and expensive. Any superhero show that goes through the trouble of doing it gets my respect. Smallville did it as little as they possibly could and it was massively irritating considering their lead character was, oh gosh gee, Superman.

I don't buy for a second that Cat doesn't see who Kara is, considering she looks exactly the same and wears the same colors at work. Animated Kara rocked a brown wig, at least. Cat is supposed to be a reporter, right?

I really think this show would be working better if they had Clark and Martha appear in the pilot to at least establish exactly how many years after the movie version of Superman this show is set, and then maybe pop up a few times in the early episodes. I still haven't seen the pilot episode so forgive me if it was covered there, but I just feel like Agent Carter did a better job of transitioning a film property into a television show. They are clearly trying to tie into the Henry Cavill Superman, so it would have worked nicely if he was seen on the show, the same way Bradley Cooper has appeared on his spinoff series to help launch it. Otherwise, we'll be hearing about this invisible cousin and her non-existant relationship with him for the rest of the show.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 1

Yeah, I don't see the Henry Cavill in any way connect with this show. It's not just that they have very different tones. Krypton and it's society isn't the same as MOS  and in this universe Superman has been hero for many years and is generally admired, while it seems from the trailer for Batman Vs Superman he is both reviled and worshiped like an idol.

  • Love 2

Count me amongst the minority, too, I suppose, 'cause I liked the episode, too. Sure, I really could've done without the "Kara's-pining-for-Jimmy" subplot, but all in all, it was a good episode. Not a great episode, mind you, but Supergirl kicked some ass, Kara was mostly adorable, and the supporting cast was supportive, so it gets a thumbs up in my book. (And the way Henshaw knew that Alex was in the control room gave a little fuel to the

"Henshaw is Martian Manhunter"



Reactron?! What an idiotic name. I don't even think this guy is from the comics...

Not only is he from the comics, but

he actually debuted in Supergirl's own book. (Though he's seen more as a Doom Patrol villain, 'cause they teamed up with her in that issue, and she was retconned out of continuity just two or three years later.) She never had much of a rogue's gallery, and Reactron is pretty much the one who made the biggest impact, so it's not a big surprise that he turned up on the show.


It feels more to me like CBS is sending them notes basically telling them to be as generic as possible. "Fit in EVERY SINGLE SUPERHERO CLICHE you possibly can! Alongside a strong procedural element!" One or two shows excepted, CBS is the Land of Bland, and it feels like they're making this show, too, as bland as possible.

That's my take on it, too. They probably put it on CBS for bigger exposure (and to make sure the continuity was kept separate from the FlashArrowVerse), but I can't help but think it'd be better off on the CW. Then again, it's still only three episodes into the season. Way too early to tell if it's gonna sink or swim yet.

Man of Steel has as much to do with this show as Superman: The Motion Picture does. Or Smallville, or Lois and Clark, or the animated series, or the old George Reeves show. They're each their own separate entity, and except for a few character and location names, they really have nothing in common.

  • Love 4

They continue to make Kara very likable, props for that.  Also on the shallow end, she's the cutest most adorable character on television.


I've got to also mention Cat not selling out Kara.  When Maxwell Lord asked about the interview, Cat didn't once mention Kara.  That could be because she doesn't feel like sharing the spotlight, or it could be that she has a suspicion that Kara is Supergirl and doesn't trust Lord.  Even if she doesn't have that suspicion, she could still not trust Lord, and she's showing some human decency by not exposing Kara to any danger he might pose, just by telling Lord that Kara was the one that got the bank robbery pictures.


We got a scene with James Olsen and a bowtie, only it was Winn who was wearing it.

Edited by Jediknight
  • Love 3

I really like this show. It reminds me of the old days of Superboy and Lois & Clark. I think the flying scenes are really good.


I don't care for Jimmy "James" Olsen at all. He comes off too pushy and acts like he owns Kara just because he's Superman's BFF. And I'm not interested at all in his ex drama with Lucy Lane.


I'm finding Kat more and more entertaining.

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