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S06.E05: Now

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Episode synopsis: Following a number of setbacks, the mood in Alexandria grows grim for the sheltered citizens.

Here is your episode thread for S06.E05: Now, which will open at 10:00 pm on Sunday.

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Uh oh, Deanna, if you have a death wish, don't bring it down on the rest of the town.

Umm hole in fence??  Hello people???




If Rick Grimes came to my house for some ass my panties would be on the floor so fast it would make him uncomfortable.

LOL.  That whole "he killed the husband" is a little weird though.

Edited by raven
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It's taking the alexandrians forever to get a fucking clue as to what it means to live through an apocalypse.

Which might have been more believable if they were holed up in some pretty unaccesible area to both humans and walkers, rather than 15 min away from the nation's capital.

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Was that blood leaking in through the fence at the end and who was it coming from?

What the hell was Deanna up to?

Don't care about Rick/Jessie

All in all a rather boring episode.

However, I now want Aaron, Denise and Lil Sam to live. I guess I should hope Aaron'so boyfriend survives but I don't know his name

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"Zombies could bust through the gate at any moment."


"cool. Let's make out."

Not unless it's Michonne, Rick.

Oh well. I'll stomach it for now as long as Jessie (and Ron) are gone in 3 episodes.

Poor pregnant Maggie.

Except for Aaron, Olivia, and Sam, I hope the Alexandrians will die very soon.

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Yes while many will think Rick and Jessie kissing in a tree is worse than the Sewer Zombies -


However that zombie bleeding flesh blood through the walls - I bet it is Glenn.  Maggie I think you will be seeing Glenn again.

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This was a bit slower, but I liked it. I'm liking this season so far.


Totally called Maggie being pregnant.


The Doctor and Tara have potential for dorky cuteness.


The teen actors are all so bad, except maybe the girl who left.


I like Aaron but I thought his random involvement with Maggie was weird. Shouldn't he be with his boyfriend? Also, he had nothing to do with what happened to Glen, right?


There a are more Alexandrians left  that I thought there would be.


I guess next episode we won't know what happened to Gleen, either. *grumble, grumble*

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Poor Tara. Nurse Zoe macking on her. ugh. You know she was hoping for Rosita to look her way eventually.

Boring. Deanna looked like Patrick Swayze in roadhouse after he pulled the guys throat out. I guess that was interesting, though.

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However that zombie bleeding flesh blood through the walls - I bet it is Glenn.

I missed the blood part. Hmmm.



The Doctor and Tara have potential for dorky cuteness.


I thought that, now I think the show was just trying to soften us up for the Rick/Jessie kiss.

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I really couldn't care 2 fucks about Deanna.  Or her dumb-ass son.  Shallow note:  the actress playing Deanna is very unfortunate-looking.


I'm liking Jessie more now, but not with for Rick. 


I'm glad Maggie called off her suicide mission.  That was just dumb.


What's that Ron kid up to?  No way has he come around to Rick's side.

Edited by CouchTater
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Give the writers credit. I was expecting Porch Dick Jr to walk in on Rick and Jessie's makes out session.

"I killed your dad. I'm gonna bang your mom. But hey, remember the time I let you shoot a gun? We cool right?"

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My gods that was a fucking boring episode. 


Oh fuck off, show.  You can put Rick and Jessie together, but  Richonne is where it's at. They just stand in the same room together and have way more heat than the kiss between Rick and Jessie.  But seriously, Rick.  You're pissing me off here. Wake up, man!!!

Edited by catrox14
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I still think this episode was boring. I could say quiet and introspective, but I don't want to. I sill think this was ten times better than the Adventures of Morgan and the Cheese maker from the last episode. I adored the kiss between Tara and Denise; their chemistry was palpable. It was also quite delightful.



I loved Maggie and Aaron working together. I was really afraid for both of them. I was also incensed. If Maggie and/or Aaron had died in that episode, I would be all "REVENGE" Homer SImpson style and write the producers a nasty letter. I originally said I'd burn the Internet. I know I can't technically do that, but I can so wish for that power. This episode made me realize that Maggie is one of my "last straw" people. I'm not sure how Aaron snuck onto the list, but he did.


Any of those whiny wannabe looters could be Walker Chow, though. I wouldn't mind, honest.


I just want definitive proof that Glenn is dead. This coy bullshit is getting on my last nerve.

Yes while many will think Rick and Jessie kissing in a tree is worse than the Sewer Zombies -


However that zombie bleeding flesh blood through the walls - I bet it is Glenn.  Maggie I think you will be seeing Glenn again.

I say this with love and affection. "Get bit."

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Oh that was zombie Betsy that Jessie killed in the house.  The one that what's his name that got eaten was coming back for.


The ZA is really hell on relationships. 



and Maggie just giving up on Glenn???????

I don't think so - she erased his name from the wall of death.  She knows Abe, Sasha & Daryl are still out there, they know how to survive.

Edited by raven
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That was such a boring issue. The only storyline I cared about was Maggie's. I loved her with Aaron and I wish they had gotten out just to see more adventures between the two of them.

Where was Carol and Michonne tonight? I hated that tonight was all about the Alexandrians. I get that they were trying to build up these characters so when they get killed off when that Walker horde FINALLY breeches Alexandria's walls we care, but I don't.

I feel like this episode was so out of character for so many characters. I get that they were down major players (Glenn, Daryl, Sasha, Abraham) but really, we know Carol and Michonne are amazing too. Why weren't they trying to thin down the Walkers? I feel like they're building up to a season finale but destroying how the characters would have really acted.

It really bugged that we never saw Rick with his children. Or saw Rick escaped the RV. I hated that we are forced romance instead what we know Rick would have done. Hell, we saw Rick with Ron over his son. I really disliked that.

There are a couple of Alexandrians that I hope make it out of the season, like Tobin and the new doctor (Olivia?), Aaron and his husband and the two who were with Michonne before, but that's about it.

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Well.  Looks like Deanna wants to be awesome now.  Teach her well, Rick.  Better you than Morgan.  Lesser of the two evils, people.  Lesser of the two.  Plus, she was a hellcat with that broken bottle, ineffective as it was in killing the Walker.


Speaking of which, was that Walker the Wolf Morgan was talking to last episode?


I damn near retched when Rick said "Nicholas and Glenn are going to come walking through those gates" or something to that affect.  Never happened to me before, but those words made me a little sick.  Way to rub salt into the wounds, show.


Looks like Rick is adopting another teen son.  This will bode well with Carl, since he and the other boy got on so well together.


Could have done without that one girl (the one doing the medical stuff for the town and is now Tara's girlfriend - what's her name) drawing pus out of that unconscious guy's leg.


No Carol this episode.  Boooo!


I was confused.  Has Maggie given up on Glenn?  Has she not?  Her getting close with that one guy gave me bad feelings on Glenn's fate.


Next episode - no Glenn.  We do get Abraham and Daryl and John, I mean, Sasha.  Those three better make it back.

Edited by bmoore4026
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Glenn, oh how I adore you....waiting to find out his fate is almost torturous...then again I had to wait almost 2 seasons to find out what happened to Merle.

I wish Rick would grab his people, Tobin, Aaron and Eric and get the hell outta' Dodge...leave the people of Alexandria to fight over jars of pasta sauce.

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I am so sick of Deanna's anguished face and her twin sweater sets. Nothing good to say about this episode. Very little of Rick and the Gang and lots of the truly awful Alexandrians. The only interesting one is Aaron.

Rick and Jessie...knew it was coming but hate it all the same. And of course, Maggie is pregnant.

What was that last shot of the slats in the fences? Blood?

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I feel a bit cheated, we didn't even get to see how Rick made it out of the RV. One minute he's there, next minute he's running pell mell for the gate. And don't you wish zombies were like parrots? Like they could just close the black portion of the gate and the zombies would just be like, "Oh, they're gone now. Let's mosey on over this way". 


What the fuck was up with Deanna tonight? Nothing she did made any sense. I get that she's short, but did no one teach her you go for the HEAD? And then banging on the gates at the end? Is she going to pull a Nicholas, go completely crazy and take everyone down with her?


Not that I'd mind if she took most of those ASZhats with her. You have to ration, people! Duh. 


Although, the best line of the night was definitely when the dude told Spencer to go back to watching the gate. BURN. 


So it was quite obvious Jessie had gone completely over to the Ricktatorship. Not because of her little speech or the stupid kiss with Rick - no, it was because she was suddenly sporting dark jeans and badass ankle boots. 


Well, my Eugene-Denise ship has sunk. Boo



Okay, honestly, not my favorite episode. A lot of it felt forced and unnatural. I'm having trouble composing my thoughts, but I just sensed an overall lack of motivation, as if stuff was written to move the plot in a certain direction, not because it was authentic or anything. But I did like the stuff with Maggie and Aaron. I felt badly for him, because I really don't see any of this as his fault. But it is admirable that he wants to try and atone for what he thinks he did. But it was just really cute and sweet when he suggested Maggie name the baby after him. 


Biggest disappointment? No Carol. I call bullshit on that. Put her in charge of the pantry, people will be living off of one can of beans for a week!

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If Rick Grimes came to my house for some ass my panties would be on the floor so fast it would make him uncomfortable.

Yup. Totally agree. He is one sexy man, espectially all scruffy.


Whole lotta navel gazin' this episode. I suppose they couldn't sustain the pace they were on.

Maggie's preggers! Who coulda seen that comin'?


I thought she mentioned she was a few episodes ago? Or did I read the speculation here?


That was blood pouring through the fence - the Walkers are crushing against the fence, I assume. Or it's one of the missin CDB.


Deanna is clearly losing her mind, like so many others before her (Rick included). And did Rick not tell you headshots?


So they are going to leave the corpses to bloat in the hot Georgia sun. Okay.


Aaron is the only Alexandrian I like. Doctor lady is okay too. Spencer needs to go - what a selfish ass (I guess he's losing it too).


None of the Alexandrians need to survive (save Aaron and the doctor lady) - they've already given themselves up for dead, and they have gone through NOTHING compared to what Michonne, Darryl, Rick, Carol or any of the others have gone through in surviving the last year or so. I mean, think of all of the crap they've gone through, on the farm, in the prison, Woodbury, etc etc. Instead, they decide to just raid the pantry for their "last meal" and assume they are as good as dead. Way to feel those survival instincts, idiots.

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 Sorry, but I don't get Rick's attraction to Jessie, other than she is likely the cleanest woman he has encountered for a while. When the hoo haa smells clean, Rick is on the team.  


My head!canon is that Jessie is Rick's transition woman between Lori and Michonne. I think he's scared shitless of much he really cares about Michonne so he's settling on someone for the moment who he doesn't really have much feeling or attachment too at this point.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Maggie being pregnant...Good job Glenn and Maggie. Guess she doesn't remember the stupidity of Lori's pregnancy in ZA.  Sigh. 

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Shallow note:  the actress playing Deanna is very unfortunate-looking.


Yes, Tovah Feldsuh hasn't aged well.


This was boring,  I kept switching back and forth from this to football.


At this point, I can honestly say that I really don't care who gets eaten, not even Sasha and Michonne.

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So where was Michonne, and the 2 Alexandria guys? They must not have made it back yet. I hope that the fact that they are behind the herd means that they can help lead them away somehow. The shouting at the gate to be quiet was just...no self-awareness there Rick. There is almost nothing to discuss, because very little happened.  We didn't even get to see Carol, Morgan, Judith. Come on, who is watching her Rick when you run around getting some? 

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I tuned it a bit late, so I assume we did not get to see Rick escape the RV?  If so, weaksauce show. 
Poor choice to now show that .


And am I correct that Michonne wasn't even name dropped in this episode?

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Give the writers credit. I was expecting Porch Dick Jr to walk in on Rick and Jessie's makes out session.

"I killed your dad. I'm gonna bang your mom. But hey, remember the time I let you shoot a gun? We cool right?"

You forgot: "And my son cock-blocked you and then shoved you down on your ass. Oh, and if you ever piss off your little brother, he's been taking lessons from Carol, so... yeah. I'm the man of the house, you're maybe the parakeet."

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