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S06.E12: A Boy or a Girl


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I just love how much all the wives love the oldest children.  I do think the early days were a lot more idyllic.  Meri's face was just glowing when listening to Hunter's phone call and teasing Madison about Caleb.  There's real love there.  And Logan is absolutely idolized by all the adults.  That kind of thing could turn a kid into a major asshole, but Logan has his head on straight.


Unsurprising. Janelle panders to Kody. She refuses to stand up for her kids when the adults criticize or attack them. What mother does that? Meri and Robyn would never allow the adults to ridicule their children. Unsure about Christine.


Janelle has always been this way.  I know she loves her kids, but she just said an episode or two ago that she'd rather be at work than spend time with her kids.  I think she's also embarrassed because she's the wife least in control of her children.  I think Janelle's kids listen to Logan and Christine, the two that actually did the bulk of the raising.


I guess I'm actually kinda glad they don't want the older kids disciplining the younger for the simple fact that they aren't making them brother/sister moms... But I'm pretty sure they just don't want the males to parent, because the girls seem to frequently be in charge of the you see kids, but that whole freak out strikes me as odd. I just don't get it, was Garrison supposed to wait for him to actually hit someone to respond? We know who wears the pants in that family. This is just speculation, and I'm curious to see if anyone agrees or if I'm reading too much into things, but I kinda get the feeling that out of the boys Garrison is the least favorite. Obviously he's still favored above the girls (except maybe Robyn's) but it kinda seems like he's always in trouble. When I think about it, Logan is the original golden child, Hunter has wrestling in coming with Kody, Dayton is Robyn's child, Soloman runs the whole house, and I think that just leaves Garrison and Paedon (I may be forgetting someone) and Paedon we don't hear much about either way. It could be editing, so im not willing to say outright that Garrison is shunned or anything... But he definitely doesn't seem to be on the favored list. Well and then there's that they kept a saying this was the last time they'd be together as a family blah blah blah, but Hunter wasn't there.


I would be more impressed with Garrison's indignation if he wasn't one of the kids bullying Robyn's kids to the point that blood was shed and Meri had to intervene.  And Garrison wasn't a pre-schooler at the time.  Solomon wasn't anywhere near to hitting Gwendlyn, and Gwen didn't seem the least bit concerned that he would hit her.  If she was worried, Gwen is fourteen, has a loud and empowered mouth, and looks six feet tall.  The original recipe Browns have always been rough and tumble with their kids.  Remember when all the children were up climbing on the boulders and Robyn was panicking about the safety?  Janelle practically laughed in her face and talked about how laid back they were and how tough their children are.   We've seen several instances of the boys getting into fist fights.  Garrison going off about Solomon probably had little to do with Solomon himself, and more about Robyn's preferential treatment. 


Solomon may be a little brat (I don't know), but I don't think he's much different from Truely.  The Browns are just very lax about discipline.  I don't think Garrison is the least favorite child.  First off, he's a boy.  Second, Janelle's kids seem to get the bulk of Kody's attention, because they are mostly boys, and because they're athletic.  If anyone's the least favorite it's Paedon.  It's been acknowledged that Christine's kids see Kody the least.  But I imagine Paedon falls before most of the girls.

  • Love 2

Right?  I'm 10 years older than my sister, and if I saw her hitting when she was little, I was expected to tell her to stop.  Part of being in a family is teaching right from wrong.  King Solomon should be taught not to hit.  That kid is already so spoiled, it's ridiculous.  I think it's safe to say that he is Kody's overall favorite.

Yeah, absolutely. And notice how Truely is considered to be losing her mind and having a meltdown when she quietly went to play with her toys when she didn't win the gold mining challenge? But Solomon can throw a punch and no one can say boo? Also, that scene was edited really strange; anyone notice? Rather than just showing the scene, they showed it as a flashback, with commentary from the adults straightaway. I'm convinced this was done because if we had just been shown the scene without commentary, we'd think, "wow, Solomon's a brat!" And we can't go thinking that about The King.

Why did Kody deny the Native American trail guide access to his daughters? Cause he was old? So what? I thought love should be multiplied, not divided...

And, because this is a huge pet peeve of mine and I can't stand Kodouche, I cringe (ok, who am I kidding--I yell at my TV), "it's great that you want to know the gender of the baby, but what about the sex???"

Of course Hunter's first phone call to his family had to be about the--cough--"gender" of Robin's baby. Because I'm sure that was foremost on his mind.

  • Love 3
Really, Logan already HAS been a dad. He was there daily, helping Jenelle with the younger kids. We've seen him making breakfast for his siblings, being there to give advice. He was the one holding Savannah's hand on the walk through the forest. I bet most of them look up to him more than Kodouche.

Was he the one who took his younger sister to a Father-Daughter dance a few seasons back? 

  • Love 3

The Browns really got lucky with their kids turning out so well (so far). If Garrison's mild anger issues - compared to what I see out there, it's still mild - are the worst they have to contend with, they are very fortunate. He's a good kid - I didn't like to see him singled out for so long during that scene.


Also ... how much would it suck to be enjoying some alone time on a scenic nature trail and be accosted by Kody Brown bragging about his four wives?! I'd be tempted to try to buy a daughter too, just to fuck with him.

  • Love 4

I had a thought, but I'm not sure how accurate it is. When they go around proclaiming their plyg-hood... It seems to me that they proclaim that there are 4 wives and 17.5 children, but they never say why. If it's an aspect of their religion, you would think they would say "we are xyz, and as a part of our religion we practice polygamy" (disclaimer* I know they are affiliated with AUB, the reason I didn't quote a specific religion is because they seem to have made their very own special sect and I'm not sure they are truly practicing any religion other than the great harum of Kodouche-nozzle, so I don't want to link them to another sect and sully their name). Maybe it's editing, maybe I'm just not remembering clearly... But it seems to me like it's always "I have 4 wives... Huzzah" cue awkward silence because it was a server that Kody just proclaimed this to, and they were just asking for the drink order. I admittedly don't know much about Mormons, or polygamy, so I can't speak to whether anything is right or wrong when it comes to the tenants of their faith where polygamy is concerned, but it doesn't make me question how much of their lifestyle is religion vs Kody just wanted 4 wives, when there isn't more explanation given. Like I said it could be edited... But as many times as we have seen the scenario I feel like it may have been shown at least some of the time if he gave a religious explanation, but if he never gives one then it can't ever be filmed, sh who knows.

  • Love 4

The way he looks at her when she is on couch getting animated and loud is like he is totally disgusted.


Kody looked like he would just as soon smush a grapefruit in Christine's face as look at her.  And he makes no effort to hide it anymore, either. 


Didn't Christine once say that Kody was bothered by Gwendolyn being so loud and boisterous?  You'd think she would realize she needed to dial it back herself a couple of hundred notches when she is around him.  Not that she should have to, of course.  


Man, it must really suck to have your husband just dislike your basic, core personality.  I don't know how you fix that.  Christine can't really get a new personality.  Maybe she should get a new husband, hmm, there's an idea.   



How about the store brand 36 pack for $5, Browns?

To be fair, they had one of those, too.


I wonder who is going to have to drink the cheap water? I am guessing Christine.  http://wompwompwomp.com/

  • Love 9

The Browns really got lucky with their kids turning out so well (so far). If Garrison's mild anger issues - compared to what I see out there, it's still mild - are the worst they have to contend with, they are very fortunate. He's a good kid - I didn't like to see him singled out for so long during that scene.


Also ... how much would it suck to be enjoying some alone time on a scenic nature trail and be accosted by Kody Brown bragging about his four wives?! I'd be tempted to try to buy a daughter too, just to fuck with him.

this time, and the last occasion though I can't remember the details, I think Garrison's over-reaction was shame for being reprimanded in front of his tribe AND on television.  He dug in his heels.  They really should try to respect his personality and keep it private.  Then it probably would blow over.

  • Love 5
Mmmmmhmmm. Really, Logan already HAS been a dad. He was there daily, helping Jenelle with the younger kids. We've seen him making breakfast for his siblings, being there to give advice. He was the one holding Savannah's hand on the walk through the forest. I bet most of them look up to him more than Kodouche.



This reminded me of one of the very first episodes of the show, where they showed Logan as the one in charge of getting the small children up and ready for school. Like, he had one on his hip while he was making scrambled eggs. I felt so sorry for him. That's why I think it's selfish and wrong to have this many children. They don't get quality time from their parents and the older kids are forced to play the parenting role.

  • Love 5


No need to fear about not hearing all of the catfish story before next season.  I'm sure Tamron Hall will get right to the bottom of it!   lol


I think if they know there's going to be another season,  think TLC won't allow the "rest of the story" to be revealed yet. Also, when Meri was first reeled in by the catfish, she believed she was in communication with a man--I don't know when she got suspicious or how she found out Sam Cooper wasn't real, so I wonder if that part of the story will be held back for next season.


I'm holding out hope that at the end of the story (either next week or after the first ep or two next season, if they have one) that we see Meri get up, say something along the lines of "I'm done", remove the mic and walk out! Probably won't happen--she does have a house and bills, and her daughter's education expenses that she won't have paid if there's no TLC paycheck. 


I plan to tune in to see what happens (and to see Robyn run for the toilet to upchuck! LOL)

  • Love 2

The Browns really got lucky with their kids turning out so well (so far). If Garrison's mild anger issues - compared to what I see out there, it's still mild - are the worst they have to contend with, they are very fortunate. He's a good kid - I didn't like to see him singled out for so long during that scene.


Also ... how much would it suck to be enjoying some alone time on a scenic nature trail and be accosted by Kody Brown bragging about his four wives?! I'd be tempted to try to buy a daughter too, just to fuck with him.


I used to think this too but I think we are starting to see that these kids might not be as wonderful as we think. Garrison's racist comment certainly makes me rethink how good of a kid he really is.

  • Love 1

Did anyone else notice Garrison's joke about Logan's girlfriend and her love of black coffee? When he added his punchline about her liking her coffee like her men he fake gagged. I rewatched to make sure we were watching an edited version of that, but no. That was disappointing. Not nice.


I saw it and it made me double take.  I'm hoping he was gagging over Logan's girlfriend talking about Logan being her type.

  • Love 3

Kody is such a narcisstic ass. Everything is about him. His way of "bonding" with Caleb was telling him a story about him and Robyn? His way of laying ground rules was talking about his rules during Robyn's courtship? And then after, he's like, "it was fun, I enjoyed giving Caleb a hard time..." Can't he just say, "I hope Maddy and Caleb had fun together".  Why does it have to always be about him?


Not sure how I feel about Caleb. He's good looking. He's not buying Kody's shit. So that's a plus.


Savannah is adorable making a list of what she needs to pack. She's just like her mom.


I've always loved how Janelle's boys have always kind of hated Kody. They got his number. When Garrison said he doesn't want Soloman to be a self-centered narcisstic kid, he knew he could turn out just like Kody.

It's all Kody 24/7, but knowing Maddie was one of the more vocal kid about not liking how Robyn and her dramatic girls came on board, i'm sure she loved hearing a courting story. Oh, and Kody, maybe, just maybe, you didn't 100% go 'all the way' with Robyn pre-marriage, but you admitted to kissing her (cue up Christine's tears), and we all suspect a whole lot more, so STFU about a 30some year old divorcee's dad's rules.


Love how the older kids are the Greek Chorus who sees through the BS and knows exactly how insane their parents are.


I feel better about Maddie's guy now. The age gap, and the history of men taking advantage of women in this family/culture, had me concerned, but he seem ok. I was wrong.


Anyone playing the "take a slug every time Christine mentions polygamy" drinking game is probably passed out on their couch right now.


Christine's a polygamist? Who knew? She never, ever mentions it. SNARKSNARKSNARK

Interesting that Garrison labelled Sol as a little narcissist.  He's obviously been reading the internet and knows what we think about his dad, the ultimate narcissist.

Yup. Hello, Garrison - when you read this, know that in my huge family, you would have been more out of line NOT to correct the kid acting out. Your narcissim assessment was 100% valid. 


Garrison was my favorite part of this episode

I agree. He was just a teen being a teen - asserting independent thought, challenging authority, but I don't think he was disrespectful or out of line. He's not the parent, but he was right. Solomon misbehaved and needed corrected, not coddled. Garrison wasn't trying to beat him or scream at him.


Caleb is a "mining equipment repairman".

That could mean anything from a skilled diesel mechanic ($$$$$$ income) or a guy who tinkers with cars. Let's hope it's a mechanic.

Meri and her Fiji water. She's so selfish. Could she not trade her Fiji for a cheaper brand while she's sharing her grocery dollars with the family?

No. Meri does not share anything. Except Kody's dick.


Not nice, but also not surprising. The Mormon church now claims they are an inclusive religion, but their organization is very much racist from the research I've done and based on conversation I've had with members of the LDS church. Which is why it irks me when they go on mission trips to convert black people in other countries. Ugh.

Sad to say I'm surprised that any kid of this generation would feel that way, but the Mormon Church (LDS and the offshoots) have a history of being racist. The mainstream LDS has changed its official doctrine, but old traditions die hard, and there is a lot of racism still around. The church used to teach that black people were the offspring of Cain, and marked by God with dark skin as punishment for killing Abel. They were lesser than white people and could not hold the priesthood (be members) until the late 1970s. Not sure how the AUB feels about this, but Logan's comment was racist and rude. 


This reminded me of one of the very first episodes of the show, where they showed Logan as the one in charge of getting the small children up and ready for school. Like, he had one on his hip while he was making scrambled eggs. I felt so sorry for him. That's why I think it's selfish and wrong to have this many children. They don't get quality time from their parents and the older kids are forced to play the parenting role.

I agree. He had a whole lot of responsibility thrust upon him at an early age. 


'Trap queen'? Is Kody a drug dealer? Lol

I think Robyn is the 'bottom bitch.' Janelle left, so she's not 'ride or die' but maybe the others are (although I think Meri is pretty ambivalent at this point).

Wait, what? I thought a 'Trap Queen' was like Cookie from Empire - tough loyal to her man/pimp, but to the point where she'll use and abuse anything and everything to keep his loyalty. Hmm that may have been Meri until Robyn took over.

Oh - one more comment - Christine is the Queen of Backhanded Passive Aggressive Land - why did she feel the need to bring up the Dark Maddie skit and go on and on to Maddie's boyfriend about Maddie almost going down a bad road, making bad decisions, etc? She made it sound like Maddie was a meth head or something. Christine - are you jealous that Maddie is young and in love, and you have a horrible, awful, terrible, husband? Are you jealous that it's not one of your girls getting serious? That was just too weird. 


While we're on the passive aggressive note, Meri being so quick to coddle Solomon and call out Garrison was telling. Would she have done that if Meri, or one of Robyn's kids, or even one of Christine's corrected Solomon. Doubt it. She STILL has it out for Janelle and Co., and even though Robyn has ousted Meri and Meri is being tossed to the curb, she STILL sides with Robyn over Janelle. If Meri had a lick of sense, she'd 1) leave or 2) align with Janelle and Christine, and dig a big ole hole in the dessert for Robyn and Kody. 


Last one (probably not) - Aurora - OMG SOMEONE SMACK HER. When she had to be told to let Maddie greet Caleb first - that is bizarre. Why on earth would she think she can 'claim' him or that he'd even know who she is and want to have her fling herself upon him. That girl is going to end up in a bad situation one way or another. She just has no control and flings herself at any man coming or going. 

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 9

I think it embarrasses Janelle when her boys are defiant on camera and shows her lack of control over them. I dont think she really disagreed with Garrisons opinion so much as "ignore that little shit. .he ain't our problem, you will be gone soon and who needs to be yelled at in public by Kody?"

I think there is plentttty of discussion at Janelles by the older kids and their momma about this fucking shit show and they just play along for the paycheck their mom collects.

Someone mentioned that scene where Meri gave the boys shit for being mean to Dayun...honestly, while its not right or fair..i remember spending a heathen of a summer with all my cousins at the lake. We had a prissy tattletale cousin who got us all in trouble on the regular. .lol

She got hers ..on the sly. .away from the parents. .until she proved herself and then she was one of us too! Kids are soooo Lord of the Flies..haha

Dayun gets along fine now with the other boys. He was perhaps a bit soft being raised in a house full of girls..i prefer to think that rather than straight up bullying. I think most of those kids are good kids. Not mean.

Show us some of the girls bitchy nasty little fights..i can guarantee they have them! Don't just focus on the rowdy testosterone filled teenage boys.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 8

Yeah i didn't get a racist vibe from it either cus I have heard my kids and friends kids say that one and none of them are racist.

My oldest once came out with how he likes his coffee like he likes his women. .cold and stored in the freezer. That generation likes the shock value and is the least racist generation so far. .its their way of pointing out how ridiculous it is to even think like that.

Edited to share that my black aunt used to yell that she was gonna smack the salt right off us crazy crackers and nobody batted an eye.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 8

I don't think any of these kids have demonstrated any truly mean or hateful behavior that would make me think they'd bully Dayun. They may have tried to include him in the wrestling and horseplay, and didn't quite factor in that he wasn't used to that. I do think Meri absolutely wanted to go off on Janelle and Christine's boys, and show that she was defending Robyn's, just like she did with Sol this week. 


I also have a cousin, who as teens and preteens, was a lot like Meriah, and if she didn't get her way, would whine to the adults that she was being bullied. Usually, the rest of us would just disengage and lose interest in whatever my cousin was trying to control (she had to be in charge of everything), and to her, that was cruel bullying. Nobody was mean, everyone was always included, but it was just not fun when she always had to be the leader and have the best of everything.

  • Love 2

I always get the feeling Janelle isn't very connected to her kids and that's why she seems so exasperated with them when they act up. Personally, I don't think either Solomon or Garrison did anything that horrible. Solomon is a toddler, someone should gently tell him that's not nice, but no reason to make a big deal of it either. 


Logan seems like a nice guy, but all of the kids do really. Robyn's daughters seem a little hyper, but none of them seem like bad kids. I always think Logan is only one in my opinion who looks like Kody. Every single other one looks like their mother. I wonder how King Kody feels about that?


I was happy to hear that both Logan and Mariah are going on to graduate school; I think in these huge plyg families, education isn't always a priority. Robyn's big announcement was pretty dull and routine, they have heard this 18 times before. Agree Christine has seemed cray cray lately.

  • Love 1

Yeah i didn't get a racist vibe from it either cus I have heard my kids and friends kids say that one and none of them are racist.

My oldest once came out with how he likes his coffee like he likes his women. .cold and stored in the freezer. That generation likes the shock value and is the least racist generation so far. .its their way of pointing out how ridiculous it is to even think like that.

Edited to share that my black aunt used to yell that she was gonna smack the salt right off us crazy crackers and nobody batted an eye.

One of my four adult sons loves to say "I like my coffee like my women: cold and bitter." I love Airplane.

  • Love 1

I always got the vibe that Hunter.Paiden and Garrison had bully type personalities

I always sensed a real sweetheart in Hunter--he would tease and joke around, but his tenderness with Solomon and Truely always made me feel really good about him. Those middle boys--Garrison, Gabriel, and Paedon--definitely tend toward strong friction, but some brothers just can't NOT do that. The younger two of my four sons were FOREVER in a struggle. Unless an outsider picked on one of them--then their brother pact kicked in. :)

  • Love 6

I think if Meri wasn't catfished and the whole online romance was real, she would be so out of there. Now she has been exposed, she has embarrassed the family in front of the world and she probably feels totally trapped now more than ever.  She wanted out and thought she found a new love to help her get out. Now she is playing the victim.  I can't imagine the conversations between the adults behind closed doors regarding this mess.   They can try to spin it in Meri's favor in public all they want but you know they must be PISSED!                                                                                    


I can only imagine Meri's life is a living hell right now with no way out.  No matter what she does it will be criticized or sensationalized.  Even if she got up the nerve to flee that toxic relationship with Kody it would be publicly discussed all over the tabloids and the internet and she'd have to live with herself for doing it, which she obviously can't do.  But if she stays in the situation it will only be more hell.  She's spinning it now that she was just looking for someone to talk to when I personally think it was more than that.  She was looking for a relationship to give her the courage to leave that family since she can't seem to work it up on her own.  But it didn't work out as planned so now that the episode came out she has to whitewash herself as a victim to save herself from any responsibility.  And of course she has to keep up appearances as to her continued membership in the family to be consistent with that story, when we all know what she really wants to do deep down.  She will also have to endure the disapproval and possible rejection from the other wives and Kody himself.  They may all put on a face of unity to the public (and even to some degree with each other), but behind closed doors it could turn into a totally toxic situation for Meri.  I only hope it makes her get up the courage to finally leave.  I can't imagine that leaving could be any worse than what she'd endure if she stays, but she has to live into that conclusion herself.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

Did anyone notice the typo? When the Alaskan Tour Guide (who Kody was certain he wanted to be a 5th wife) asked Kody if he was a Mormon, the subtitle said, "Morman". I figured Christine was in charge of typing the subtitles.


Then Robyn is obviously a plig. She goes to look at the stream in the back and says, "Look! A crick!"


God these people kill me.

  • Love 1
This reminded me of one of the very first episodes of the show, where they showed Logan as the one in charge of getting the small children up and ready for school. Like, he had one on his hip while he was making scrambled eggs. I felt so sorry for him. That's why I think it's selfish and wrong to have this many children. They don't get quality time from their parents and the older kids are forced to play the parenting role.

I felt sorry for him too. Two "extra" parents and they still had to take on roles of parenting. Christine has

always needed her older daughters to help her with her kids. Its really crappy of their parents. All of

their parents. Not just Janelle and Christine. Kody, who can't be bothered to take be a real dad to his


     The whole speech about 'let the parents be parents' thing to me reeked of therapy-handbook stuff. That's what I got from Janelle joining in the 'hey that's not your job, Garrison' thing- because that sure was the thing back in Utah, with like another poster mentioned, Loga making breakfast for the younger kids.  Not sure if the show presents everything in the order that stuff actually happens, but if they were still trying to adopt the other kids, they may have heard or read plenty about how to be  'parentally correct' and one of the things you hear so much about is when parents don't do their job and act more like friends than parents.


You know, like when kody was telling his 'bro tale' about when he was after robin, he doesn't even get umm hey doofus, wouldn't you have told the story about Janelle since it is her daughter that Caleb is dating rather than just whoever was last on board the goodship kodypop? That was just so ugh. Caleb and Maddie don't want to hear that stuff, it was probably bad enough having lived it and Maddie likely doesn't want her dad to not only leave out her own mother, but to draw parallels between she and Caleb and kody and robin especially because Maddie doesn't seem to be on board with the plyg lifestyle. Talk about ick factor.


As for Christine and her craziness, I'm starting to wonder if the show isn't encouraging it, just to add some drama, because it just seems too weird to be real.  Like maybe it started as real, but became sorta costco sized because of TV.  Also noticed Truly did one of the Christine shrieks after something she said, which shows she is copying mama. 


It was also kind of strange when it appeared as though kody was mocking Maddie saying "I love you" on the phone to Caleb. You'd think he would think it was sweet and not sound like he was making fun of them. I don't actually give two hoots about the fiji water- we don't know if someone needs bottled water to drink because of medication or if Meri was just putting it in the basket but really it was for robin being careful about water because of being preg, who knows.  Shopping trip, kinda a big yawn.  At least nice scenary though in Alaska.


I didn't take what Janelle said about the kids growing up or missing Hunter as oh she just realized any of that like one poster mentioned upthread but more that she is the queen of neutral, tv empty phrases and stating the obvious. Oh wow time is going by. Oh wow, that gift is so cool.  Oh wow, look at that, my kids is far away, I miss him. Oh look a  river, looks like every other little creek I have seen everywhere else. I believe the word for how she is most of the time on the show is 'nonplussed' which is similar to being unimpressed, which has evolved into the phrase 'blank stare' or 'underwhelmed'. Gee I wonder how she got like that?


Kind of like how you might politely comment about something at work so you don't say anything that is going to start crap. Besides they needed all kinds of filler with all these kids since for all intents and purposes, Meri was probably somewhat out of commish for a while during parts of this seasons filming so they had to come up with something that would distract from that


.Not even looking forward to the catfish episode, not sure I want to watch Meri crying and the creepy fake-sad tv piano music in the background interspersed with what sounded like horror music in the previews. Jeeze talk about simultanously campy and depressing. 


You just know there will be yet another couch session, maybe kody will have a fit and walk off, Janelle will be all noncommittal  and say 'no comment' , Christine will  say she didn't know people could be so twisted and how she wants to hunt down the catfish.  Robin will cry and say in the middle of what looked like a girls-only lunch say "you gotta tell kody, or it will eat at your conshious, or I'll tell him for you".


Really hope kody grows up and realizes  there's a problem that needs to be dealt with, rather than just the typical ego tantrum or shunning , ignoring and putting it all on her.

  • Love 2

It occurred to me this episode--and maybe I'm miles behind the rest of you here--that maybe Kody is a polygamist for the SOLE reason that it makes him the center of attention of a very large group. I'm thinking that it's true.


The more I see him enjoy center stage, the more I realize that it's all an exercise in look at me. He's really a boor. I died while he was talking to Maddie and her beau. I don't think either of them cares what Kody thinks. They did their best to humor him, but it was clear they had no interest in any of his thoughts. What a tool Kody is. I mean, what a tool! It's clear to me that Caleb is more mature and that Maddie doesn't really think much of Kody.


And here's the reason Janelle's kids are smarter: genetics. I also think that they know their mom is much more capable than Kody, and they are still a family unit unto themselves. They have seen their mom provide for them and look out for their best interests. Now why Janelle married Kody? I just don't know. That was mistake number one. She could certainly do it on her own and probably would be much better off without him.


I am extremely bored with the Brown Clowns thinking that they are so wacky and crazy. Yay! We're fun! Not to me, they aren't. They just enjoy the attention they get from reminding everyone all. the. time. how many of them there are. You don't get a prize for being a big freaking family. Well, maybe you do. I mean, they did get a TV show, after all.


Oh. New drinking game: take a shot every time someone says "chaos."


Note to Meri: I was unaware that there is a foundation color named Oompa Loompa. My advice is to choose a different shade.


When you have a couple dozen children already, how important is the gender of the next baby? I mean, I can see if you have three boys and want a girl, but c'mon, people!



Edited by jennylauren123
  • Love 15

I was happy to hear that both Logan and Mariah are going on to graduate school; I think in these huge plyg families, education isn't always a priority.

We haven't heard Kody's thoughts on Logan and Mariah's plans for grad school. He doesn't seem like the type who is okay with his children becoming more successful than he is/was.

  • Love 6

It occurred to me this episode--and maybe I'm miles behind the rest of you here--that maybe Kody is a polygamist for the SOLE reason that it makes him the center of attention of a very large group. I'm thinking that it's true.


The more I see him enjoy center stage, the more I realize that it's all an exercise in look at me. He's really a boor. I died while he was talking to Maddie and her beau. I don't think either of them cares what Kody thinks. They did their best to humor him, but it was clear they had no interest in any of his thoughts. What a tool Kody is. I mean, what a tool! It's clear to me that Caleb is more mature and that Maddie doesn't really think much of Kody.


Given that most people see Kody as a raging narcissist, I think you are stating the obvious (and I don't mean that in a snarky way).  It goes with the territory for a narcissist to love to be the center of attention at all times and of course worshiped by all of his minions, not to mention being in charge of them all, at least in his mind if not in reality.  Most of the family lets him go off on his vain power trip and ignore him.  They engage in the private eye-roll and just do what they want anyway, which I love to watch.

  • Love 5

Team Garrison, all the way. If you don't want your kids parenting your other kids, then stop having kids when your oldest kids are old enough to be parents themselves, and don't create a situation where the kids probably saw dad once or twice a week growing up (as stated in a previous episode, some of the kids go close to a week without ever seeing Kody), and had to help mom with their younger siblings.


I don't understand the guessing about the grocery bill. When you have 17 kids, don't you already have a good idea what your weekly grocery bill is? I would think budgeting would be huge in a family that size, especially one where the adults don't seem to have real jobs.


And yet another Brown child says flat out that polygamy is not for him, with no visible reaction from his parents. There's no way the Browns are truly religious. They just like living in a herd. Seriously religious people would be very upset if their kids left the religion completely, which is what turning away from polygamy is.


I wonder if the word "cheating" will actually be used next week. So far they've managed to avoid that word in all their public statements.

  • Love 5

So if next week is devoted to the catfishing incident, when is the Meri cancer(?) episode.


You know what, I think the dinner table confession from Meri is about the medical tests/'cancer' and not the catfishing.  This show is notorious for bait-and-switches.  As if Meri would bring up the catfish thing in the middle of a busy restaurant...  

  • Love 4


You know what, I think the dinner table confession from Meri is about the medical tests/'cancer' and not the catfishing.  This show is notorious for bait-and-switches.  As if Meri would bring up the catfish thing in the middle of a busy restaurant...


My DVR scheduler has an upcoming episode with a title of Meri Catfished. I think this is about the cheating.

I can only imagine Meri's life is a living hell right now with no way out.  No matter what she does it will be criticized or sensationalized.  Even if she got up the nerve to flee that toxic relationship with Kody it would be publicly discussed all over the tabloids and the internet and she'd have to live with herself for doing it, which she obviously can't do.  But if she stays in the situation it will only be more hell.  She's spinning it now that she was just looking for someone to talk to when I personally think it was more than that.  She was looking for a relationship to give her the courage to leave that family since she can't seem to work it up on her own.  But it didn't work out as planned so now that the episode came out she has to whitewash herself as a victim to save herself from any responsibility.  And of course she has to keep up appearances as to her continued membership in the family to be consistent with that story, when we all know what she really wants to do deep down.  She will also have to endure the disapproval and possible rejection from the other wives and Kody himself.  They may all put on a face of unity to the public (and even to some degree with each other), but behind closed doors it could turn into a totally toxic situation for Meri.  I only hope it makes her get up the courage to finally leave.  I can't imagine that leaving could be any worse than what she'd endure if she stays, but she has to live into that conclusion herself.



I've been thinking about the trailer for next week too, with Meri crying that she's protecting the family, they don't know what she's brought into the fold.  And I thought that was a weird way of looking at things, so I tried to put myself in her position.  IF the trailer is to be believed, then she's lying.  She is NOT concerned about protecting the family but needs to come up with a plausible scenario to (a) feed the public, and (b) feed them so they keep her.  If she gives an actual story I think it would more follow the line that "I'm devastated because this plural marriage is an emotional nightmare and I'm DONE!  I was lonely, vulnerable after being railroaded into a divorce, and planning my escape with my lover."  AND THIS WOULD MAKE SENSE and the whole viewing public would support her.  


"You just know there will be yet another couch session, maybe kody will have a fit and walk off, Janelle will be all noncommittal  and say 'no comment' , Christine will  say she didn't know people could be so twisted and how she wants to hunt down the catfish.  Robin will cry and say in the middle of what looked like a girls-only lunch say "you gotta tell kody, or it will eat at your conshious, or I'll tell him for you"   Close, but Robyn's take will be how the stress is bad for HER pregnancy.

Edited by Granny58
  • Love 1

I love how, as a whole, it seems like Janelle's kids seem to do the most eye rolling and polite disagreeing with how their family operates, and their parents' choices. Especially since Janelle birthed 4 of the 7 sons that Kody prizes so much. Christine's girls also poke some fun at their dad, but in a very light hearted, good natured way. Sobyn's kids wouldn't dare mock High Priest Kody.

Robyn's kids have learned that dads are replaceable. If they have any feelings for Kody, they may try extra hard to keep him happy so they don't lose another dad.

I imagine that Meri initially did get into the catfish mess because she was lonely, and her feelings escalated as she got played. I think a lot of people in affairs got there by surprise, in a way - not that many wake up one day and think, "hmmm, I feel like cheating." It so often develops out of another type of need.

That person who messed with Meri is loathsome. But I hope it awakened Meri to what she is missing in life, and that she takes steps to change things for the better.

And speaking of loathsome, if Kody were perfect in every other way, he is still an utter ass for telling the world his negative feelings about Christine. What a complete DICK. I wish she would have an epiphany, but off his stupid ponytail, shove it where the sun don't shine, and LEAVE. Who the hell is he to call anyone else unattractive, on ANY level??

  • Love 8

As far as Kody's boys showing bullying tendencies, I am actually surprised the kids don't go off on each other more than we see.  The middle boys are one of 17 children fighting for a shred of attention from their father.  They were young when Robyn entered the hive and from that point on, Kody probably checked out on them, as he was very busy wooing his new sweetie.  The two older boys, Logan and Hunter, not only had a little bit more of Kody's attention in the beginning, they also had Christine taking care of them and I think that's where they learned compassion and patience with the younger kids.  I don't think Kody had anything to do with how Logan and Hunter turned out.  I'm not sure Janelle had much to do with it, either.


His kids are turning out to be good human beings despite Kody's best efforts to turn them into younger versions of himself (Sol being the exception, of course).

  • Love 6

I always get the feeling Janelle isn't very connected to her kids and that's why she seems so exasperated with them when they act up. Personally, I don't think either Solomon or Garrison did anything that horrible. Solomon is a toddler, someone should gently tell him that's not nice, but no reason to make a big deal of it either. 


Logan seems like a nice guy, but all of the kids do really. Robyn's daughters seem a little hyper, but none of them seem like bad kids. I always think Logan is only one in my opinion who looks like Kody. Every single other one looks like their mother. I wonder how King Kody feels about that?


I was happy to hear that both Logan and Mariah are going on to graduate school; I think in these huge plyg families, education isn't always a priority. Robyn's big announcement was pretty dull and routine, they have heard this 18 times before. Agree Christine has seemed cray cray lately.

Let's get Logan and Meriah through regular college, then think about grad school. I don't think Garrison or Solomon did anything that outrageous, either, but it was a small situation that amplified the atmosphere as a whole = Robyn's kids can do no wrong, never 'challenge' Kody's authority.


I always sensed a real sweetheart in Hunter--he would tease and joke around, but his tenderness with Solomon and Truely always made me feel really good about him. Those middle boys--Garrison, Gabriel, and Paedon--definitely tend toward strong friction, but some brothers just can't NOT do that. The younger two of my four sons were FOREVER in a struggle. Unless an outsider picked on one of them--then their brother pact kicked in. :)

They all seem like good hearted kids. Even bratty Meriah. Logan and Christine's daughter who was in that tram car with her are the two most Kody-esque, in the "LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, I'm FUN CRAZY AND NEED ATTENTION", but they all seem tampered down a bit and not self-centered as Kody. 



Did anyone notice the typo? When the Alaskan Tour Guide (who Kody was certain he wanted to be a 5th wife) asked Kody if he was a Mormon, the subtitle said, "Morman". I figured Christine was in charge of typing the subtitles.


I noticed the MorMAN, too. It made me wonder -pure speculation here - does the mainstream LDS have the legal right/copyright, etc., to use the word 'Mormon' - Christine made some comment about how 'THEY' made sure people knew the Browns were fundamentalist Mormons, and NOT LDS.


That Alaskan guy was a hoot. He's the kind of tour guide you want - informative, but clearly enjoying his job, and fun without being annoying or invasive. Kody is an idiot (duh) - did he really think the Mormons are the only people, besides Bible patriarchs, who ever lived polygymously? Your're really not that special Kody. Polygamy just doesn't work 99% of the time in modern, first world society, so most people have dropped it.  


I love it when they go places and all go into the 'brace yourself, we're going to shock and awe you - we're.....drumroll......POLYGAMISTS.." and the response is "ok, No1CURR." Because really, except maybe some mainstream LDS, no one cares. The only care is when they're milking public funds and tax dollars. It's 2015, most people don't care who or what is in your bed, just don't mess with my money.

  • Love 9

Yes, Logan and Mariah need to finish regular school first. I'm just used to the polygamist types being against mainstream education so I am happy at any discussion of grad school. I hope Logan doesn't get married before finishing school. I was a little surprised at he and his girlfriend joking about "not letting him be a polygamist". I would think they are just casually dating.

  • Love 2

Better Kody's kids get raised by the other kids than by a raging narcissist.  Truthfully, I think they are better parents than he is.  They've all turned out so much nicer and more humble than he is.  That's refreshing to see today when a lot of kids grow up to be "special snowflakes".  Of course Mariah and probably Solomon are anyway, but most of the kids are not at all.


Garrison's stock just went back up with me now that I see he was making a joke reference to the movie "Airplane" - I do that all the time - I forgot about that particular line, though!

  • Love 3

Janelle seems to like arguing with her kids- she allows a banter of sort, instead of laying down the law and ending the discussion. I think Janelle is emotionally constipated and cannot deal with emotion of any kind- from love to sadness to anger. She looked embarrassed and almost stymied when she admitted she was looking forward to speaking with Hunter- what is the mystery J?! Of course you miss him and want to talk with him, what mom would t?! Garrison's little episode speaks volumes about what's really going on in that family. Obviously there is sibling rivalry, favoritism to Robyn's kids, and a surplus of resentment towards Kody. The way the Brown's portray everything as all rosy makes me love when things happen ( the Garrison outburst) that show all the ugly underbelly of their lives!

  • Love 5

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