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S06.E12: A Boy or a Girl

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In the previews they show Kody alone with Caleb and Caleb saying he wants to talk about Maddie. Then Kody in a TH says he could see Caleb was nervous. I really doubt it. Caleb is what? 28? If I were him I'd say be thinking ,"All I have to do is wait 1 year and then Maddie will be 18 and I can take her away from all this BS."

Maddie actually just turned 20.

I get the impression that Maddie and Logan participate in the show for their mom's financial sake because God knows the show would be even more boring without the older kids around.

Edited by DakotaJustice
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I'm really disappointed to hear Logan was there and that he brought his girlfriend. I had hoped he had decided to remove himself from this crap. He lives near them but hadn't been that involved on the show for a while and now not only is he back, but his girlfriend is there too both front and center for the camera. I really like Logan. I hope the lure of TLC isn't catching him. 


As far as the grocery bill, I don't believe TLC is paying for the trip (aside from it being their paycheck), but even if they did I think this  exorbitant cost represents how they spend money at home. Meri bought a bunch of Fiji water because she buys Fiji water at home. They bought the same brands and quantities they do every day. I've always believed they waste a lot of food. Whenever I see them buying pizza for the family there are always 15 or more pizzas which is crazy for a family that size. Maybe this is how the women save their grocery money for vacations. They have a ginormous budget in the first place. 

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What a shit show. Good for Garrison for speaking up and correcting the boy and for not giving a shit if it damaged Kody's precious ego. There was so much obvious resentment of how Robyn's kids get away with a lot of shit there. I love how all of Janelle's older kids see right through him. And good for Logan and Michelle--they seem really cute and healthy and happy together.


My jury is still out on Madison and Caleb. I love Maddie and she's actually my favorite Brown kid (with Logan a close second) and I hope this relationship turns out to be a good one and what she's expecting and hoping for. I thought the story of how they met was a little odd in that---how long was she in his presence? The uncle that died and Caleb live in Montana, so presuming she traveled there with some (but clearly not all because there were obviously kids -- older ones like Paedon or Garrison even-- that hadn't met Caleb before) of the family to see the uncle in the hospital and for the subsequent funeral. But she couldn't have been there more than what? A week? In that time they went from not liking each other to going on private 4-wheeling rides where deeper feelings suddenly developed? And then what? Was it a long-distance relationship, since she's been in school in NV and he's working in Montana? I don't know, it seems a bit odd. It also didn't seem like the family really knew Caleb all that well just in general. But here it is, the first time he's met most of them and he's already going to ask Kody for her hand in marriage?! Really?


Bah, I was hoping for Maddie's sake, that she'd meet a nice guy totally free and clear of any weird family ties, without the baggage of a long-distance relationship or a huge age gap or anything else like that. Ah well, hopefully it works out. 


The grocery shopping is ridiculous, just like every other mention of money and spending on this show. Even if TLC isn't "paying" directly by handing over a producer's credit card off screen, the Browns themselves make a sizeable income from doing this show now--so of course, they think they can afford a $3000 shopping spree. They can... for now. I thought Kody's comment about "so this is what shopping is like" was so telling. He helps out with NONE of the household chores. He has no concept of what it is to shop for that many people because he clearly never has to do it.


I was shocked to see him actually hugging Christine for one brief moment while they were packing. 


My favorite part was probably in the previews when Caleb makes Robyn hurl with the salmon. Ha ha. Best. He gets bonus points just for that. I'm sure his conversation with Kody will be so awkward as well. Neither he nor Maddie has any time for Kody's bullshit, as it should be. 


And speaking of bullshit--I was actually shocked to see the previews that Meri actually even talks about a "he" who fed her a line of bullshit. Even if they don't go into the whole Jackie thing and maintain the ruse that it was actually a male that targeted her somehow for nefarious reasons...that's more than I expected already. But man, it was the most pitiful thing ever when she said, sobbing, "I just wanted to talk to someone. I never have anyone to talk to." That was so painfully obvious from all the texts/voicemails. No one deserves to feel so alone, regardless of their bad choices born out of naivete, both then and now. Girl, you in so much danger. Get help.

Edited by taragel
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While I agree with his assessment of Christine, I think it was unfair of him to marry her if he didn't like her.

I think it was cruel to marry her if he didn't like her. I guess she thought she could love him enough to make him love her in return, but it didn't turn out that way. I think Meri probably thought that she could change Kody's mind about the polygamy stuff once she married him and loved him enough. I think Meri, Christine and Janelle need to leave this mess. Sure it would be hard on the kids, but the older ones are starting to leave.  They could live in the same town and arrange play dates for the younger ones.  I seem to be the only one who doesn't like Janelle.  She divorces her husband who is Meri's brother, and then "marries" Meri's husband. I just see that as some type of hostile take-over even if supposedly Meri was okay with it. Meri was probably as okay with that as she was with Kody's plan to live a polygamous life. My other problem with her is that she was raised non-poly ( but I guess was LDS) but chose it. And her mother was one of Kody's dad's extra wives which makes her own mother her MIL.  I do like that Janelle worked. I give Christine a pass on the polygamy stuff; she was born into the thick of it and seems to be there for religious reasons as well. Also I think she did a reasonably good job raising 12 children. I think part of Christine's hysteria may be that she is finally realizing she bought into a lie which Janelle and Meri realized years ago.  I think watching last season and this season maybe tipping Christine over the edge as she observes Robyn taking over.

Did I mention that I really cannot stand Robyn?

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awww.  all the teasing on Meri revealing the catfish THIS week, and all along it was next week's promo.  Boo.


I'd rather have Garrison's advice about Solomon than Kody's.  You don't hit.  That needs to be taught.  The parents need to teach that, but it looks like they don't want to teach Solomon much of anything.  What is going to happen when Solomon is no longer the baby? 


How on Earth did they afford going to Alaska, which is expensive, PLUS that massive grocery bill?  And where did they store the food?  I know all that cold food did NOT store itself in one refrigerator.  Was there an outside cellar or something?


Either the network paid for the trip to Alaska, or the Alaska tourism board did.  


As far as the groceries, they probably didn't pay a cent out of pocket because they were advertising the store.  If they were doing legit grocery shopping they would have probably gone to a much cheaper store or a Costco/Sams club and not have taken all of the kids.  

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I have to be honest. I think Christine's behavior is horrible. I think that she always acts like a child that had too much sugar. Even though I think she acts like a horse's ass most of the time, I feel sorry for her. Kody is obviously embarrassed and turned off by her. Based on his previous comments, he has always felt this way. While I agree with his assessment of Christine, I think it was unfair of him to marry her if he didn't like her. There is someone out there for everyone and Kody was not the one for Christine. He got in the way of her meeting a person who would have enjoyed how she acts.

I haven't seen this episode, but probably don't need to to get a visual on Christine's antics--she's always played the part of uber-ditz. She was pretty young when they married, and I think she had a vision of herself as the perky, happy-go-lucky wife. It worked for her for a long time and now it's like she twisting that role for all she's worth in her desperate bid for relevance. It's so sad for her, really. In plyg terms, she's the only wife who has been 100% true to Kody, to the family and to the principle. Yet here she is, manically tap dancing for approval. Kody picked her up on the rebound after the teenager he and Meri were circling turned them down, and she's still treated like the family booby prize.

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Even though I thought Garrison behaved like an absolute brat, I laughed out loud when he mouthed off to Kody!!

I thought he was an absolute brat, too. It irks me when children talk back to their parents in the manner he did. That would have never been tolerated by my father so yeah, I'm not used to that and I won't applaud it either. No, Solomon should not be coddled for raising his fist in an aggressive motion, but I also thought Garrison was too intense to handle the situation properly.


Christine freaks me out now. She constantly shrieks like a 10 year old who has had way too much Halloween candy and it is very off-putting and weird.

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So being that any plaque, picture or even concrete slab must show Kody Brown family and not just Brown family and that the Mytmos watched a mini marathon of Escaping Polygamy earlier in the day we think the family should be called Korder; Kody + The Order

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Well, I normally watch my DVRed 90 Day Fiancé on Monday mornings, but with the promise of Meri's catfish story I watched Sister Wives instead. I was catfished haha. Maybe we might start to hear a little of the story next week, but looks like lots more Alaska. $3,000 worth of food? And right, I saw that Fiji water. How about the store brand 36 pack for $5, Browns?

Loved that Logan and Maddie were holding their significant others hands and Kody didn't pull his awkward hormone crap. I agree, a more legitimate story to tell Caleb may have been how he courted Janelle, not Robyn. I feel so bad for the other three wives at this point, the Robyn and Robyn's kids obsession is real right now.

I feel for Meri in a lot of ways. I have not been catfished online, but I have gotten emotionally close to people I shouldn't have because I "just wanted someone to talk too." That is what she said in the preview for next episode. Wonder if she will reveal it was really a woman? Plus, I am sure the whole infertility thing and living with 3 fertile women her entire reproductive life has really beat her down. I can't imagine being Meri and having a constant supply of pregnant women around her. Is it cheating now that she's merely a "Spiritual wife"? This episode next week better deliver!


I also missed how they traveled to Alaska. At one point they appeared to be loading up a tour bus type of vehicle. I was thinking, "great another cross country drive episode." Then bam! they were in Alaska. It would have taken several days for them to get to Alaska I would think, knowing how they travel and make a ton of stops. Did they fly on the TLC chartered plane?

Edited by CourtneyCourt
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Did I mention that I really cannot stand Robyn?


I have to know.... is there anyone besides Kody who does like her? I find her horrible as I think pretty much everyone here does. It seems that the majority of the family thinks she's Lucifer. It's possible that Kody doesn't even like her. He just sees her as his young booty call. 

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I feel for Meri in a lot of ways. I have not been catfished online, but I have gotten emotionally close to people I shouldn't have because I "just wanted someone to talk too." That is what she said in the preview for next episode.

Me too, and ended up regretting it.  Big time.


Which is why I initially felt bad for Meri, and still do a bit even though I've lost a bit of that sympathy since the details started filtering out.

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Did anyone else notice Garrison's joke about Logan's girlfriend and her love of black coffee? When he added his punchline about her liking her coffee like her men he fake gagged. I rewatched to make sure we were watching an edited version of that, but no. That was disappointing. Not nice.

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The grocery shopping is ridiculous, just like every other mention of money and spending on this show. Even if TLC isn't "paying" directly by handing over a producer's credit card off screen, the Browns themselves make a sizeable income from doing this show now--so of course, they think they can afford a $3000 shopping spree. They can... for now. I thought Kody's comment about "so this is what shopping is like" was so telling. He helps out with NONE of the household chores. He has no concept of what it is to shop for that many people because he clearly never has to do it.





Him running around looking for Almond milk was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in my life. He gets more and more self centered by the week. 

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The fact that the grocery bill was so high comparatively tells me that this was yet another TLC all expense paid vacation.  I doubt that even they would blow more than twice as much as they had to on groceries unless it was not on their dime.  The way they went on a spree through that store made me think it was with found money.


Sure, Garrison was a brat, but he's probably tired of Solomon getting away with murder when he himself was probably slapped on the wrist for that kind of behavior and told he needed such discipline so he wouldn't grow up to be a "spoiled narcissist".  I'll just bet he learned those words from his parents.  He's just calling them out for being hypocrites.  He knows King Solomon is a privileged child, born to a privileged wife.


Christine acts like that pathetic girl in high school who thinks that if she kisses up to her crush it will make him like her and go out with her.  Meanwhile he's dating someone else and totally uninterested, plus acting that way only makes her look more pathetic to him.  She doesn't respect herself with that behavior and he respects her even less.  It's mortifying to watch.  I think it's telling that Kody thinks she grew up sheltered because she really is that unaware of the non-polyg world.  I think that's a window into why Kody isn't that into her in the first place.  I agree that Kody should never have married her if he wasn't that into her, though.  But of course it was all about him adding another womb to his "harem" back in those days, and now he's got to live with that.  Of course he's not mature enough to try to make it up to her, like he should.  In fact, just the opposite.


I can't have that much sympathy for Meri because it doesn't look like she's owning up to wanting to meet another guy for a romantic relationship, not just another "person to talk to".  I don't think Kody will admit to any responsibility for her feelings, either.  It's all too easy to blame the catfish for being the "bad guy" and not take any responsibility for Meri's vulnerability.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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I haven't seen this episode, but probably don't need to to get a visual on Christine's antics--she's always played the part of uber-ditz. She was pretty young when they married, and I think she had a vision of herself as the perky, happy-go-lucky wife. It worked for her for a long time and now it's like she twisting that role for all she's worth in her desperate bid for relevance. It's so sad for her, really. In plyg terms, she's the only wife who has been 100% true to Kody, to the family and to the principle. Yet here she is, manically tap dancing for approval. Kody picked her up on the rebound after the teenager he and Meri were circling turned them down, and she's still treated like the family booby prize.

It's a shame because Christine would be a great partner for someone. She's very loving and likes to have fun. Instead she is just wasted begging for scraps of douche Kody's attention.

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When I was in the Navy, I lived in a VA Beach rental. Next door was a group of vacation rental condos. Every Sunday night/Monday morning the cleaning people would haul tons to uneaten food to the trash/curb. So many people buy groceries at the start of a vacation with the idea "if we don't eat at restaurants, we'll save so much money" but end up eating out anyways. Polygamists are just like us boring monogamists.

It's a shame because Christine would be a great partner for someone. She's very loving and likes to have fun. Instead she is just wasted begging for scraps of douche Kody's attention.

Yes. Christine is what the kids call "ride or die", "trap queen" or "bottom bitch." Too bad her love and loyalty is wasted on Kody. She'll make her 2nd husband happy though.
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Somehow I manage to hate Kody more with every episode that airs. Loved how Garrison called out his insufferable, arrogant prick of a "father."

I love how, as a whole, it seems like Janelle's kids seem to do the most eye rolling and polite disagreeing with how their family operates, and their parents' choices.  Especially since Janelle birthed 4 of the 7 sons that Kody prizes so much.  Christine's girls also poke some fun at their dad, but in a very light hearted, good natured way.  Sobyn's kids wouldn't dare mock High Priest Kody.

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Kody telling his weird-ass story about Robyn? Awkward. And totally not applicable. And not how you "roll out the carpet" for future talks with your future son-in law. Or set ground rules. Which means what anyway? Maddie doesn't live at home and Caleb is nearly 30. They are doing their own thing, Kodster.

Kody trying to send some sort coded message to Caleb with a story about courting Robyn was I think, lost on everyone. His story made no sense with whatever he thought he was saying in his TH's. Like you said, Maddie does not live at home and Caleb is in his late twenties. They are doing their own thing. I wonder if Caleb heard any gossip from his sister or Kody's brother about Kody.



In the previews they show Kody alone with Caleb and Caleb saying he wants to talk about Maddie.  Then Kody in a TH says he could see Caleb was nervous.  I really doubt it.

Kody cannot read a room or pick up on social cues. He description of how he thought Caleb was nervous and some of his other TH insights about his kids seem so very off from what is actually shown. He sees what he wants to even if that doesn't vibe with what is shown.

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 Christine is what the kids call "ride or die", "trap queen" or "bottom bitch." Too bad her love and loyalty is wasted on Kody. She'll make her 2nd husband happy though.


This is the best thing I've ever read.  Poor Christine is such a bottom bitch. 

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Just as they paid for Kody and Robyn's lavish wedding and reception, rest assured TLC is footing the full bill for the Alaska trip. And since their road trips are the only way to force the entire family into close proximity, they definitely want to make a spectacle of things like grocery shopping. Look! Isn't this zany?!

Excuse me, but Meri? Bottled water has become a literal scourge on the global environment. Stop doing that! How hard is it to carry and refill a water bottle?? Most bottled water is actual tap water anyway, and even the stuff that comes from natural springs creates an end result of billions of plastic bottles deposited into landfills and into the ocean--it's a truly awful problem. (http://response.restoration.noaa.gov/about/media/how-big-great-pacific-garbage-patch-science-vs-myth.html). For crying out loud, Browns, you're not in South America anyway. You're in freaking Alaska. The water is not going to make you ill. The tap water is probably straight off a damn glacier.

Oops, my bad. AS IF this family cared about the relative health of THIS planet, when we all know their only true concern is Kody's afterlife planet. Fine. Go pollute that one--leave ours in peace.

The catfish reveal will be Meri admitting only that she was victimized and that she exposed her family to a bad, bad person, boo-hoo, sob-sob. The spin is already out there in the teaser...she was lonely and a dastardly person took advantage. Which is true, but does not address two elephant-in-the-room questions: why did you allow it to evolve into outright flirtation, and if you were lonely, WHY DIDN'T YOU CHAT WITH YOUR VAUNTED SISTER WIVES??? Isn't that companionship one of the fabulous perks that you all are constantly claiming about plural marriage? One of those glorious benefits we poor benighted monogamists will never enjoy?

They are ignorant, arrogant, deceptive, self-absorbed, money-grubbing attention whores. After six seasons, that's my takeaway about the Brown family adults. Way to represent, team.

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I agree that Christine has been super over the top lately. I think Christine has always been kind of a fun, upbeat, zany personality. I don't think Kody appreciated it. I think after Robyn came along and it became painfully clear how low Christine was on the totem poll, she was beat down a bit. She was not always happy and she would voice her displeasure. Kody then basically told her that he feels she doesn't support the family and that's a big issue for him. So now she's going overboard trying to convince everyone they are one, big happy family - and trying to convince Kody that she's on board with everything and hopes he'll start being nice to her again. It's really very sad to watch. 

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Welp, Solomon's middle name ain't Kody for nothing! I about died when Garrison said that Solomon would grow up to be a narcissistic. He will be no different than the man who failed to raise him. 


Kody ironic unintentional LOL moment of the episode saying: I am the parent and I will parent. Bwahhhh!!! 


Garrison, you are going on the list as one of the kids who seems to have their eyes wide open when it comes to daddy dearest. Good boy.


They don't have Costcos, BJs or SuperWalmarts in Alaska? Bulk or discount food shopping is the only way to go for this tribe. And seriously, Fiji water? And seriously, it looks ridiculous for them to be taking this big expensive vacays with all these people and inviting extra people to boot. 


Damn TLC and their bait and switch tactics!

part of my aforementioned Alaska trip was in Anchorage, where these people say they were.  I can attest that there IS a Wal-Mart...WITH FOOD.  I particularly noticed the red milk carton, it's Horizon Organic or something.  I don't know the actual name because I don't buy the expensive milk.  

Edited by Granny58
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When we lived in Fairbanks our milk and dairy brand was Matanuska Maid. Food was so expensive, but I didn't know any better because those were my first years of married life.

Meri and her Fiji water. She's so selfish. Could she not trade her Fiji for a cheaper brand while she's sharing her grocery dollars with the family?

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There is someone out there for everyone and Kody was not the one for Christine. He got in the way of her meeting a person who would have enjoyed how she acts.


According to what they wrote in their book, Christine's father received several offers for her hand, but Kody was the one she wanted.  Unfortunately, he didn't have any romantic feelings for her.  However, based on the fact that Christine is polygamy royalty, it appeared that Kody was "pressured" into marrying her.  In my humble opinion, Christine seems to be the sweetest, nicest and kindest of all the wives. 

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Someone other than Truly needs to be Solomon’s example of how to speak properly.

Oh, thanks for mentioning this, I had forgotten.  Kody said she is 5.  Is that a normal way for a 5 year old to speak?  I like Truely, this is not picking on her, but I'm not around any little children these days and simply don't know.  

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What was with Robyn's couch comment regarding Caleb, when she sat there with a smirk on her face and said that he had them in the palm of his hand (or something like that) and she was watching him? First of all, he is family to them and secondly, he seems like a good guy who really cares for Maddie. Nothing nefarious going on there, unlike YOUR situation, Robyn. Since when is she in charge of determining the worthiness of the other kid's significant others?

Edited by Galloway Cave
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Did anyone else notice Garrison's joke about Logan's girlfriend and her love of black coffee? When he added his punchline about her liking her coffee like her men he fake gagged. I rewatched to make sure we were watching an edited version of that, but no. That was disappointing. Not nice.


Yeah, I actually rewound 3x to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing. WTF?!?! Lost all his cool points with the Solomon thing over this.

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I have to know.... is there anyone besides Kody who does like her? I find her horrible as I think pretty much everyone here does. It seems that the majority of the family thinks she's Lucifer. It's possible that Kody doesn't even like her. He just sees her as his young booty call. 

He seems to like her, told by body language and the amount of time he spends with her.  However, she seems more shrewish and cranky than before and I have the feeling he will be tiring of her.  

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When we lived in Fairbanks our milk and dairy brand was Matanuska Maid. Food was so expensive, but I didn't know any better because those were my first years of married life.

Meri and her Fiji water. She's so selfish. Could she not trade her Fiji for a cheaper brand while she's sharing her grocery dollars with the family?

Meri and Mariah are entitled to the same 25% of the budget as everyone else!  The selfish thing would be to let that extra money go to waste.  She HAD to buy the Fiji water!

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I think if Meri wasn't catfished and the whole online romance was real, she would be so out of there. Now she has been exposed, she has embarrassed the family in front of the world and she probably feels totally trapped now more than ever.  She wanted out and thought she found a new love to help her get out. Now she is playing the victim.  I can't imagine the conversations between the adults behind closed doors regarding this mess.   They can try to spin it in Meri's favor in public all they want but you know they must be PISSED!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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The Garrison/Solomon thing was so weird. So the older kids can't help discipline the younger kids? Why not? What if they're babysitting, which I'm guessing they do a lot? I would think that would be one of the benefits for the over-extended wives of a large, plural family. I guess not. Not with King Kody in charge. Speaking of which, not only did Garrison openly bad-mouth his father ("Dad's all wise and powerful"/said sarcastically), but I noticed how the parents, as usual, made fun of him in their couch interviews, and honestly don't care about their kid's feelings.

Right?  I'm 10 years older than my sister, and if I saw her hitting when she was little, I was expected to tell her to stop.  Part of being in a family is teaching right from wrong.  King Solomon should be taught not to hit.  That kid is already so spoiled, it's ridiculous.  I think it's safe to say that he is Kody's overall favorite.

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Not to excuse these nutcases in any way, but I have gone on vacations where we buy food for a week, and I'm always shocked by the bill.   Alot of it comes from having to buy absolutely everything from condiments (which you always have at home), to aluminum pans, paper towels, soap, paper plates, cups, etc., so it's not just food.  $3000 for 22 people averages a little over $19 per person per day, or $6 per meal.  


It's fun to imagine what would have happened if Meri's online guy actually turned out to be a real person.  I would have loved to see the drama as Meri leaves the family.   Kody would be outraged, but trying to imagine how he would spin it would be so much fun.  

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Did anyone else notice Garrison's joke about Logan's girlfriend and her love of black coffee? When he added his punchline about her liking her coffee like her men he fake gagged. I rewatched to make sure we were watching an edited version of that, but no. That was disappointing. Not nice.

Not nice, but also not surprising. The Mormon church now claims they are an inclusive religion, but their organization is very much racist from the research I've done and based on conversation I've had with members of the LDS church. Which is why it irks me when they go on mission trips to convert black people in other countries. Ugh.

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I have to be honest. I think Christine's behavior is horrible. I think that she always acts like a child that had too much sugar. Even though I think she acts like a horse's ass most of the time, I feel sorry for her. Kody is obviously embarrassed and turned off by her. 

I know this is a weird thing to say, but I always felt like Christine acted like the stereotypical "baby of the family," because she was the youngest and newest of the sister wives, up until Robyn came.  And much like stereotypical babies of the family, she had a total meltdown when she wasn't the baby anymore.  It's a really weird dynamic.  I also feel bad for Christine.

It's fun to imagine what would have happened if Meri's online guy actually turned out to be a real person.  I would have loved to see the drama as Meri leaves the family.   Kody would be outraged, but trying to imagine how he would spin it would be so much fun.  

I always wonder how Mariah would have taken it.  I haven't really been keeping up as well as I would have liked to, so if Mariah has said anything, I missed it.  If Meri and Kody ever did really split up, it does put Mariah in a very weird and probably a very lonely spot.  I have always felt for her, because even though she is in a huge family, since she doesn't have a 100% full blood sibling, I can see where she would feel like a little bit of an outsider.  I think that's part of the reason why she always talked about wanting to be a polygamist because 1) her mom made it look pretty good and 2) because she was kind of sucking up, and showing that she really liked being part of that family and lifestyle.  Has she said anything lately about plural marriage?  I missed most of the episode last night!

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Do these people know how to vacation without just doing 100% tourist trap? One of my daughters was able to go to Alaska this summer (I am insanely jealous) and it is a really fascinating and educational place. The wildlife she encountered was amazing. Denali National Park was incredible. She learned things from Native Americans. She learned about all kinds of stuff. And she had a blast. It wasn't a "dull, educational' situation. The Browns go gold mining. I'm sure it was fun but I just can't help but think that if you are going to spend thousands and thousands of dollars to take all those kids to somewhere like Alaska and you should take advantage of the amazing things there that you can't find anywhere else. 

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Regarding next week's show, did I hear right that it's the season finale?  Based on all the stuff they plan to show, I am 99.9% certain that the catfish portion will not even be mentioned until the very last segment, and we will have to tune in next season for the rest of the scoop.  


What I want to know is - how much, if any, input do the Brown adults have in what TLC shows?  Some of what we've seen has been downright negative.  If I wanted to show my supposedly "happy" family and push how great my lifestyle is on the unenlightened public, there are lots of things I would want edited out of the show.  Of course, there's always the strong possibility that in their addled minds, the things we see as negative, they see as a great spin job.

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Oh, thanks for mentioning this, I had forgotten.  Kody said she is 5.  Is that a normal way for a 5 year old to speak?  I like Truely, this is not picking on her, but I'm not around any little children these days and simply don't know.  

I was wondering about this myself. She sounds more like a 3 year old than a 5 year old. One advantage of lots of older sibs around should be that her language skills should be above average.

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This is the best thing I've ever read.  Poor Christine is such a bottom bitch.

A bottom bitch is the top bitch actually sooo Robyn is the bottom bitch. I learnt that on South Park. Yeah I did.

This was one of the most boring and useless episodes ever. Kody and Christine both need Ritalin and social etiquette classes.

Sobyn holding everyone hostage again over a damn gender announcement and hijacking the phone call from Janelle's son. How can anyone stand to be around her?

Next week's preview was interesting. I am willing to bet money that ten minutes of the show will be Meri telling her story and the rest of the episode will be Kody and Robbyn's reaction to it. Because Robyn.

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Him running around looking for Almond milk was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen in my life. He gets more and more self centered by the week. 

Maybe Kody rinses his hair in almond milk to give it that special frizzy bounce.


I don't know, I think this show is starting to steal some of my brain cells.

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I'm really disappointed to hear Logan was there and that he brought his girlfriend.


He may be using the show money to pay for college.  And I just like seeing Logan, who seems to see through all the BS and is a normal human being.

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A bottom bitch is the top bitch actually sooo Robyn is the bottom bitch. I learnt that on South Park. Yeah I did.

Oh, dear.  I can't keep up with these young kids.


I will say though that Christine is totally a side chick.  Yes, she's not being kept a secret, which sets her apart from the typical side chick mold, but she's relegated to the bottom of the totem pole.  And she's sure as hell not Kody's bae.

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I know this is a weird thing to say, but I always felt like Christine acted like the stereotypical "baby of the family," because she was the youngest and newest of the sister wives, up until Robyn came.  And much like stereotypical babies of the family, she had a total meltdown when she wasn't the baby anymore.  It's a really weird dynamic.  I also feel bad for Christine.


And I don't think it would have been quite so bad if a 4th wife had come along a bit earlier. But Christine was "the baby" for what? Sixteen years? I would have thought our family was complete at that point. But here comes Robyn waltzing in, when Christine is pregnant, and stealing all the thunder! 

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Next week's preview was interesting. I am willing to bet money that ten minutes of the show will be Meri telling her story and the rest of the episode will be Kody and Robbyn's reaction to it. Because Robyn.


Well, when were these episodes filmed? The adoption happened in June (June 17, 2015, according to the back of Kody's watch/gift) and I believe the Alaska trip was in August (read that somewhere but can't remember where), but all the school-aged kids except Hunter -are there so it must still be summer before school starts up again) - the catfish story hit the media in September -- so it wouldn't surprise me if we only get part of the story now and the rest as the beginning of the next season.


I feel bad for Meri, but I want to know why her sister wives weren't there for her. Even if there are bad feelings between family members, when one's hurting, everyone sets aside their differences and rallies round--but that doesn't seem to be the case with these sister wives. We know why Kody wasn't there for Meri--he's never there for anyone but himself (and Robyn).


I'd love to see Meri find it within herself to get out of this farce of a marriage and stand on her own two feet, but the truth is, the lure of the almighty TLC paycheck keeps her there in her misery and loneliness.

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Logan deserves the getaway to Alaska too. I don't get why the girlfriend had to come too. The free trip?


That was the part that had me worried as well. I like Logan. Sure I think he should be able to take a vacation with his family. I didn't mean to imply that the couldn't. But since he hadn't been really around for quite a while even though he was in the area, I had hoped it meant he was removing himself from the TLC train to disaster. But having him there with his girlfriend makes me worried that TLC (or the Browns) made them some kind of deal to become more involved. While I'd be happy to see Logan and Michelle, they are adorable together, I like them too much to hope that they get involved in the show because I'd hate to see them catch TLC disease.


Oh and a comment on Garrison's bratty behavior. It makes for great TV to have Garrison tell off his dad and call Solomon a narcissistic brat. I admit - I love that he did it. But it isn't acceptable behavior. This is behavior that is going to come back and bite him someday. He doesn't have any real authority figures and there are no consistent consequences for behavior. So he figures when something is stupid he can just mouth off about it. In his situation, I completely understand that. But that can become a habit and someday when he needs to keep his mouth shut, he's going to be disrespectful to a professor or an employer and he's going to find himself in deep doo doo.  

Edited by 3girlsforus
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I will say, milk is the only thing I specifically buy organic, but not so much because it's organic, but because it takes me a while to finish milk and organic lasts longer, so I don't wind up wasting it as much.

It's funny after all of Robyn's crying about lack of excitement over the baby, that it was actually one of her own spawn that turned on her and Soloman was the one who wasn't over the top thrilled.

I agree about it being really weird about them bringing up the story of 2 Maddies thing, first I'm not checking, but I'm pretty sure it's probably on YouTube, so when they were like "too bad we didn't bring it" I gave some serious side eye (let's just assume my eyes are permanently fixed to the side during this show). I have a theory as to why they keep bringing up how everyone wasn't in board with the Las Vegas move, with Maddie being one of the most outspoken. I think they know that a lot of people see through their persecution story, and see it as selfish that they packed up everyone and moved. I think when they keep highlighting things like how Maddie wound up being happy, it's their way of being like "see, Maddie is ok with it" as maybe a way to justify what they are doing. But I'm pretty sure Caleb already knew how Maddie felt, I don't know why they wanted to bring up that god awful skit (where of course married Maddie is played by Robyn and Kody)I guess since we haven't gotten a skit or a song/dance this season they had to try to work it in.

Edited by leighroda
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First thing I noticed was in the beginning when Kody said Christine should wear the shirt that said "true till death" she seemed shocked and embarrassed. Also when he  was going to squeeze past her in the doorway, he had no intention of hugging her, she went for him and it seemed a bit awkward. The way he looks at her when she is on couch getting animated and loud is like he is totally disgusted.  It is becoming more and more obvious that it is all about Robin.  


I cannot get over how ridiculous Kody was telling Maddie and Caleb about his courtship with Robin.  Imitating her father's voice like he was reading a story about a   bear to a kid.  The look on Maddie's face was priceless.  He is an ass and an outright embarrassment. 


 Finally got a glimpse of Paedon, was wondering where he has been and where is Gabriel??? Doesn't Janelle have another son named Gabriel?  Truely could not be any cuter, she is adorable.  I thought Christine looked thinner.

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I wonder if Christine is on some kind of upper.  She’s always been bubbly, but the alternating hostility and boisterousness is screaming cocaine to me.  Not that I think she’s doing cocaine, but adderal?  You know, to deal with her “PMS”?


How about the store brand 36 pack for $5, Browns?



To be fair, they had one of those, too.


The Garrison/Solomon thing was so weird. So the older kids can't help discipline the younger kids? Why not?



I think they purposely gave the impression that Garrison had “corrected” Solomon, and I don’t think he did.  I think his crime was correcting Robin and/or Kody.  Solomon made a sort of bashing motion with a fist (as opposed to a punch, though I suppose it could be lack of coordination to actually punch at that age).  The girl he was swinging at, the girl standing behind the sofa and Meri (I think?) were also in the room immediately made the “Whoa, not cool!” face and told him he shouldn't do that.  Then there was a hard edit, and suddenly Garrison was being called to task for intervening in parental discipline.  Since they didn’t actually show Garrison doing anything, even though the cameras were obviously there and captured the “punch,” I suspect what he did was just bitch “don’t baby him!” or something when Sol got all crunchy faced from the mild rebukes from the women, and somebody cuddled him.  Then it became a matter of his “interfering.”  He just gave his parents attitude over coddling Sol in a way that they were probably never coddled (enter all the Golden Child jealousy).


And if he corrected Robin, then that REALLY explains why Kody got all up in it.


I recall “explaining” to my parents something they were doing wrong with my younger sister.  Their reaction was basically to laugh at me.  This was probably 1974.  Teenagers haven’t changed.  What’s different here is that Kody and Garrison obviously have some hostility going on.  Gee, Kody – why do you think Janelle’s son might resent you?


Loved Maddi’s happiness (and her spaghetti strap revenge!)  Also noted Logan’s hand frequenting his girlfriend’s thigh, then being pulled back self consciously.  I’m sure they’re in separate rooms on this trip, and I doubt they’re even doing the midnight sneak, but I fear Hormones Have Been Exchanged.

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