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S02.E07: I Want You To Die

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"It's him"?! So what does that mean?! Is Wes AK's son?? And why does it make AK a good person for protecting him? They better revisit this soon!

Asher sticking his foot in his mouth once again, and look at Bonnie suddenly growing a pair. Although I don't think they'll have it be her who shoots Annalise, since they already had her kill Rebecca (and now the prosecutor!!!!!), but they made her look like a good suspect. Then again, so does Wes, with the gun.

AK was so incredibly manipulative of Bonnie, though. They have such a toxic relationship and I can't tell what AK actually thinks/feels/believes when it comes to her.

I laughed pretty hard at AK telling Frank to kill the prosecutor, and then the look on his face. I'd love to find out more about the backstory in their relationship.

OLIVER!!! I didn't quite follow the part where they decide it'll be Connor that goes instead, but I guess we can assume he did it to protect Ollie. And then that scene at the end...my guess is that Oliver is kidnapped but I can't imagine why Philip would want him alive unless it's to use Ollie as leverage to get AK off his back, but that seems pretty far-fetched.

And then of course, the awesomeness of Eve. I love every scene she's in. I even like Nate when he's in scenes with her. She was a touch too much like Annalise for my liking with Nate's most recent court case, but I can ignore that because (imo) she's so great otherwise. I would love for her to show up again. And again. And again. And perhaps become a regular.

I'm sure upon re-watch I will have more thoughts (and hopefully more coherent thoughts), but I don't think that will happen tonight!


*Edited to remove spoiler tags*

Edited by secnarf
  • Love 4

So they made Asher not part of the rape, but have him downstairs drunk to do much of anything. Oy to the double oy. Such a thing I would see on a daytime soap opera. I did feel bad that they had Oliver pull up the frat boy tape on Asher and they're laughing about it with the exception of Connor. I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want Oliver pulling up anything embarrassing on them.


Yes rape is an ugly thing but Bonnie please, you murdered someone. Yes, she did us a favor by killing off stank ass Rebecca but nevertheless, she took a life. Bonnie's indignation is as ridiculous as Nate's when he said Anni took him from his wife. I'm sure Asher wouldn't look at her the same if he finds out that she's a murderer on purpose and nothing but a big liar about Sam's death. I could be wrong but it looks like she pushed the DA off the roof. Not exactly sure if she did but if she did she is ridding the show of annoying ass characters, maybe Laurel should be next for next season.


Working with Anni is tearing Connor apart now. He's not the same as he use to during season 1. I can see why he doesn't want Oliver to stick his neck out like that. When Oliver was doing it from behind a computer it's fine but physically going out and getting himself involved in a murder case with someone who's possibly a murderer, I would have reservations as well, plus Oliver catfished the guy.


If they have something happen to Oliver and he's dead I will be so upset with this show.


Frank and Laurel are right there in the foyer making out and the remaining Keating 5 don't hear it. I can hear heavy breathing and lip smacking, unless they were just ignoring it.


I did like when Anni told Wes to basically get off his ass and do what she told him to do.


I like Anni & Eve, she's much better when she's around her then she is when she's around everyone else.


The COTW I really care less about really, it's just a really low B story for me that I rarely find interest in.

  • Love 4

"You think this is a democracy?"




Laurel was really reveling in Annalise's machinations in this episode. And she was deeply thirsty for Annalise's approval.


It is a futile exercise to ship anybody on this show, but I can't help it with Annalise and Eve. It is nice to see Annalise smile a genuine smile of happiness.


So, the K4 are at odds with each other on the Night of the Fancy Mansion - at least at first. Interesting.


That Annalise/Oliver moment was cute. He was starstruck meeting her-lol


I'm scared for Oliver!

  • Love 5

Again, most of the hour, especially the COTW, I could have ignored.  But once again, the last 10 min. snared me.  I continue to have trouble getting attached to any of these characters--they have to be the most unethical, damaged human beings gathered together in one show.  But the last 10 minutes always suck me in again.  So maybe I start watching Elementary and then switch over for the end . . . naw, I'll be back.

  • Love 3

Seriously, what is this show? What am I watching? How does so much insanity always get packed into these less than an hour long episodes? HOW?!?! 


I swear to God, you better not hurt Oliver, show. I will fight you on this one. And poor Connor. This is just one more nail into that nervous breakdown coffin. 


So, Wes is totally Annis son, right? 


I jumped when the body dropped down. Not going to lie. 


Seriously, this show makes me yell "wait, what?" at the TV like 8 times every week. In a good way. 

  • Love 19

This show just keeps showing why it is the true Must See TV Show on Thursday.

I Flove Frank. He is the man to have in your corner. You certainly wouldn't want him as an enemy.

Love the show throwing the theory that Wes is Annalise's son back on the table. Although there was enough generality for it to be spun another way. I actually hope they are not mother and son because no one, not even Annalise at her worst deserves Wes as a son.

They better not kill off or otherwise hurt Oliver. He and Frank are my absolute favorites. Love Viola , and while I hate everyone blaming her for their ish (yes, you too Bonnie Bonkers), I don't know that I can look at the character as lovable, but then she is not supposed to be.

Still not feeling Laurel. She can exit stage right anytime.

Asher gets to stay because the more I see of him, the more I'm convinced the character is supposed to be a constant reminder of white, male, privilege and entitlement, hence his uber douchness.

  • Love 9
So, Wes is totally Annis son, right?

My friend speculated that Annalise did something shitty to his parents - that got them killed or sent to prison or something else, and she is now making up for that by looking out for him.


Still, Eve's pregnant pause after Annalise said "It's him" certainly hints strongly that he's Anni's son or some other relative (nephew? half brother?)

Edited by Gillian Rosh
  • Love 7

Asher gets to stay because the more I see of him, the more I'm convinced the character is supposed to be a constant reminder of white, male, privilege and entitlement, hence his uber douchness.


He is, even all the other characters remind him of it.


They better not kill off or otherwise hurt Oliver.


From the promo, it's implied that he's been kidnapped and they don't know where he is.

  • Love 1

I think Wes is definitely Anna's son. At one point they went back to the night where she was with him in his apartment and they were talking about his mom and then flashed back to current day. Why show just that flashback and then what she said to Eve.  I think they will finally have her say the words but it won't be for a few episodes. If Oliver dies I am going to be a fucking wreck! I laughed so hard when Oliver said something like "Anna isn't as scary as you said she was". I loved Frank and Oliver's interaction. Bonnie has gone off the deep end. I'm not surprised she is the one who killed the prosecutor. The prosecutor created the domino effect that Bonnie was feeling. I think Asher is going to say he did it to protect Bonnie because I think he loves her and wants to prove to her that he does care about her. At first I thought Eve was throwing the case so that Anna and Nate would be done for good but I was wrong. I don't know if Anna truly loves Eve but Eve seems to make her smile a lot. I like Eve. I loved Laurel flirting with the doorman it was too funny. This show is just SO damned good and Thursday can't come fast enough!!!

  • Love 3


Asher gets to stay because the more I see of him, the more I'm convinced the character is supposed to be a constant reminder of white, male, privilege and entitlement, hence his uber douchness.

He may have started out that way but I think he has become the moral compass of the show. He seems to be the only one who knows right from wrong.

He and Laurel have become my favorite characters somehow.

And did Bonnie through the DA off the roof?

  • Love 5

God, I'm so confused.  I'm not used to a TV  series moving so fast but I love it.


It's seems that they want us to believe that Wes is A's son but I don't trust 'them'.


I'm confused on the Bonnie story.  Who was responsible for what happened to Bonnie when she was a child?  I thought I heard in A's and Eve's conversation that it was Sam?  Can anyone clarify?  Is that why A protecting Bonnie and her statement of loving Bonnie? 


Please, please don't let anything happen to Oliver......

  • Love 1

I don't think that Annalise is Wes' mother. From what Eve said, I think that when they were young lawyers, they somehow encountered his parents. Annalise is trying to make amends or to right a wrong by protecting Wes. From almost the start, I have felt that her primary motivation in helping cover up Sam's death was to protect Wes, protecting the other three was incidental..


I was glad that Laurel called Annalise to stop the ridiculous plan, but unfortunately it was too late to prevent the guy from catching Oliver. Too bad Laurel did not call Annalise on the night they decided to break in her house and ended up confronting Sam.


Don't die Ollie! You are so sweet and the only innocent person on the show.


I cannot take Bonnie or Wes or Connor's angst seriously. They are the ones who committed murders. Yet they act like they are Annalise's victims when in fact, she  has risked everything to protect them all. If she had thrown them to the wolves, she would be walking around free and would not be a suspected murderer.  

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 9


I'm convinced that Analise knew Wes' mother.  I think Analise either was responsible for things going wrong for her or Analise tried to help and failed Wes' Mom.

I could get behind this theory. I'll tell you what, next to cold blooded murder, suicide is a recurring theme: Nate's wife, although hers was assisted suicide, Anna talking about her own thoughts of suicide, Wes' mother's suicide, the COTW....

Edited by represent
  • Love 2

Did Connor murder someone?  I don't remember.


All this time I did not remember that Bonnie killed Rebecca.  I thought it was Frank!

Yeah, it gets so confusing.  Bonnie killed Rebecca but I still don't understand why.  Frank killed Lila because Sam told him to?  And Wes killed Sam to protect Rebecca.  Haha.  It sounded ridiculous when I just typed that but it really is a good story.  

  • Love 5

I had to ff through Bonnie's ridiculous indignation, she's a murderer, and she also lied about rape to destroy Sam's reputation a few episodes ago, yet now she brings up her own pseudo-love for the man (a person who killed his pregnant mistress, which she apparently has no problem with) as she confronts Analise?  She has legitimate survivor issues, but not with Asher, and she chooses to mire her present life in malicious lies, violence and abuse, so personally I want her character to die, or at least stfu.     


I don't remember ever seeing Oliver in the flash-forwards, I hope that doesn't mean anything bad happens to him.  That entire conversation about his dating profile was hilarious.

  • Love 5

Watching this show with someone who both doesn't keep up enough to have seen all the episodes and insists on talking/asking questions when you have no way of pausing the show is an incredibly frustrating experience.


Just needed to vent about that a little.

I had the same issue... you must also have a loquacious Gemini in your life.


I liked this episode. I was really saddened by the ugly conversation between Annalise and Bonnie. I was waiting for one of the characters to say the title in the episode, but was jarred to hear Bonnie utter that phrase to Annalise. That tear running down Bonnie's face, while she worked to remain steadfast in her anger and conviction was powerful.

  • Love 4

I could get behind this theory. I'll tell you what, next to cold blooded murder, suicide is a recurring theme: Nate's wife, although hers was assisted suicide, Anna talking about her own thoughts of suicide, Wes' mother's suicide, the COTW....



I agree. The "it's him" about AK's obvious extra connection to Wes coming in the episode about whether someone can make someone else commit suicide and assisted suicide seems like AK has some connection to or knows what happened to Wes' mother and feels badly about or responsible for it. Honestly, the "you're a good person" line from Eve makes more sense to me in that context than if AK were Wes' mother. Like, her protecting Wes for murdering someone (does Eve know that for sure, I forget) or even just taking him under her wing if she were his mother strikes me as deserving of some other type of response.


Also, I LOVED the Bonnie and AK scenes. Liza Weil blows me away more and more every week. I truthfully would like to watch AK, Bonnie, Frank, Oliver and a dash of Asher every week; all the others are free to leave.

  • Love 2

Guess I'm going against the trend here, but Eve works for me in small doses, and I really don't need to see that much more of her. I buy Anna's sincerity with her about as much as I do with Nate. (Which is to say, I think she cares some, but that only goes so|far with her.) And I just don't see Eve as the great love of her life, certainly no more so than Nate, so she isn't adding any depth to Anna for me there.


Basically, I think they've got two options with Eve. She's either an Anna-light (we saw hints here with evidence tampering), which I don't need diverting story time from the general madness. Or she's a putz who buys Anna's line, hook and sinker, in which case I don't respect her or want her. Nate is tied in to the story, and gave them an "in" to the police end of things (before they really wrecked that, but it might be revived as the flash forwards have been hinting with Nate in a cruiser), and seemed a lot more plot relevant. Consider this: the COTWs are frequently some pretty weak tea (which I forgive, because there's enough other stuff going on), and the last thing I need to see is another lawyer doing lawyerly-but-unrelated-to-the-arc things. So, please, no Eve as a regular. That would just chew up screen time better devoted to making AK's COTWs a little less weak. (Because forgiving that weakness isn't at all the same thing as welcoming it.)


Speaking of weak: Wes. Boy continues to suck. Please kill him next.


But I do like Laurel.


Asher's video was AWESOME. lol. Totally on the nose. He can stay. Also it was nice to see them laughing, even if they're dicks for treating a colleague like that. Seriously hostile work environment. And lethal, which I guess should matter more.


I wondered if part of Bonnie's meltdown wasn't due to the client they had. It must be tough working with a guy like that, especially with her background, but she kept it professional at work. And then I thought took things out on Asher and Anna maybe more than she might have otherwise. Like she feels forced to behave in a way at work in order to be the professional she wants to be, and that leaves her feeling maybe a victim of circumstance? Not sure how to describe it, but I got the feeling the client really pushed all of her buttons, but she felt she had to just take it, and that anger (that should have been directed towards him, and both society (inasmuch as it defines "success") and herself (for chasing that success) for putting herself in that position) leaked out sideways.

  • Love 3

Loved this:

Oliver catfishes the cousin with Connor's pic, but wants to send Connor to meet him instead because he's much "hotter than [him]."

Connor tells him "enough with the low self esteem."

Which Frank supports with a smirkworthy "Seriously. I'd spank you before Walsh."


Frank has really been bringing the quips this year, and I like it.


Edit: Also, Oliver singing "Bye, Felicia" as he's abducted? Too funny.

Edited by krimimimi
  • Love 12

Wow, this was a great episode. Great scenes between Bonnie and Analise and Bonnie and Asher. Even the creepy guy from the COTW was good. Bonnie is losing it.

I hope Frank saves Oliver! If anyone can, Frank can.

Not sure what's up with "he's the one". I thought son too at first, but now thinking another connection somehow.

I could watch that procecuter fall over and over. I really dispise that witch.

  • Love 3

Per usual this show has me trynna salvage what's left of my edges after being snatched by the previous episode. I stay looking like this y'all





See you ladies & gents next week.

You know you wrong!


I am leaning more toward Annalise knowing Wes's parents, I think because she's played her interactions with him a bit too sexual for me to be OK with him being her son.


All I want to do when Famke Janssen is on screen is cut her hair. She has too much hair, it drags down her face.

  • Love 6
Judging by the hotel room conversation between Annalise and Eve, Wes is really Annalise's son. I know many (including me) had that theory for a long time. I just didn't think the show would actually go there. It makes Annalise's flirting (or perceived flirting) last season extra icky.



Like others, I'm not buying that Wes is Annalise's son just yet. I think the writers certainly wanted the viewers to think so with that scene but I think they're still hedging their bets on that and probably haven't even committed one way themselves. But I think others' theory that Annalise knows or was involved in some way with what happened to his mother is probably more likely. 


Yeah, it gets so confusing.  Bonnie killed Rebecca but I still don't understand why.


She killed Rebecca because in her eyes Rebecca was a liability and a threat to Annalise and the others since she knew the truth about Sam's murder and Bonnie didn't trust her to not spill the truth. 


I had to ff through Bonnie's ridiculous indignation, she's a murderer, and she also lied about rape to destroy Sam's reputation a few episodes ago, yet now she brings up her own pseudo-love for the man (a person who killed his pregnant mistress, which she apparently has no problem with) as she confronts Analise?



While Liza Weil killed it in that scene, I couldn't fully appreciate it because I was just so baffled by Bonnie's rage. I get that being a victim of sexual abuse is not something one wants advertised and I'm sure it's something she tries every day to forget and not be a part of who she is. That said, her determination that Annalise told Asher purely to hurt her just made no sense.


And yes, as others have noted, she cold bloodily killed Rebecca, which Annalise of course has to cover up. And no one asked her to fall on the sword for Sam's murder, she chose to and then created a mess that she couldn't get herself out of. I just couldn't understand Bonnie's being so mad as to tell Annalise she wished she had been murdered in the house and not Sam because he wouldn't do that to her. Like really Bonnie, because I'm pretty sure they all believe that Sam murdered Lila. So she really thinks a guy who murdered a young girl to keep his cheating a secret would have been so loyal and protective of her and her secrets. Girl, come on now. 


I don't remember ever seeing Oliver in the flash-forwards, I hope that doesn't mean anything bad happens to him.



Well they clearly went for the cliffhanger ending so I wouldn't expect them to show him because it would give away that he's fine. Also, judging by the promo, it looks like whatever happened, happens the same night Oliver goes missing, which would further explain why he's not in the flash forwards. 


I still think the creepy cousin is too obvious as the murderer. He might have murdered the aunt because he resents her for giving him away and so her death will turn out to have nothing to do with the parents' murder but I still don't fully buy Caleb and Catherine stories and think there is more to that case. Plus I still think that's why Annalise and company even ended up at their house that night. She or her and the others might have pieced something together. 

  • Love 6

This show...I'm getting whiplash trying to keep up.   Though I would be so down with an episode with Anni and Eve living it up in Paris.  It feels that she is the only one Anni can trust even though Eve also got screwed over by her.  As for Wes, I did think it was her son but I find it too much of a red herring to believe it.


As for Bonnie...girl.  The worst that Asher did was not do anything but he didn't know. You actually killed someone.  So...have a seat. 


The one thing that annoys me about Frank is always see him as Scott Foley with a beard.

  • Love 5

Quick takes:


- Wes is Annalise's son? It can't be that obvious right? Not on this show.

- Bonnie killed the DA? Again, it seems too obvious for this show.

- Welcome back Eve. I like you and you make Annalise smile.

- Laurel was great in this. Her eyeroll at the doorman's attempted flirting was funny.

- Frank is definitely that one dangerous friend you want in your corner. He's a fixer.

- Please don't kill Oliver show.

  • Love 7


While Liza Weil killed it in that scene, I couldn't fully appreciate it because I was just so baffled by Bonnie's rage. I get that being a victim of sexual abuse is not something one wants advertised and I'm sure it's something she tries every day to forget and not be a part of who she is. That said, her determination that Annalise told Asher purely to hurt her just made no sense.


And yes, as others have noted, she cold bloodily killed Rebecca, which Annalise of course has to cover up. And no one asked her to fall on the sword for Sam's murder, she chose to and then created a mess that she couldn't get herself out of. I just couldn't understand Bonnie's being so mad as to tell Annalise she wished she had been murdered in the house and not Sam because he wouldn't do that to her. Like really Bonnie, because I'm pretty sure they all believe that Sam murdered Lila. So she really thinks a guy who murdered a young girl to keep his cheating a secret would have been so loyal and protective of her and her secrets. Girl, come on now.


Yeah, I was torn too.  It was a great scene, but her outrage and hostility did not make sense. 


I hope Oliver is okay too.  I want to tell Shonda that its okay to have a relatively boring character on this show with so many morally corrupt characters on screen.


I don't think Eve and Annalise have any chemistry either.  Annalise had better chemistry with the Elizabeth Perkins character from last season.



All I want to do when Famke Janssen is on screen is cut her hair. She has too much hair, it drags down her face.


I think it ages her.

  • Love 2

While Liza Weil killed it in that scene, I couldn't fully appreciate it because I was just so baffled by Bonnie's rage. I get that being a victim of sexual abuse is not something one wants advertised and I'm sure it's something she tries every day to forget and not be a part of who she is. That said, her determination that Annalise told Asher purely to hurt her just made no sense.


I think what AK did with revealing that is take away her control. Bonnie's vulnerable and it looks like her self-worth is irredeemably compromised (which is probably a big part of why she stays with Annalise and says nonsensical things like 'Sam would never have done that') but that makes it all the more important to her to not appear weak and vulnerable. Hence the cold, dismissive attitude most of the time contrasted with the violent outbursts of self loathing. To Bonnie's mind AK removed any chance of her achieving that illusion of invulnerability with Asher ever again which is what made her so mad.


  • Love 12

Dude, what she did with the video was illegal. You can't casually keep child pornography on thumb drive, even if you are a lawyer. Much like drugs or murder weapons, that shit goes into police evidence. So it's super messed up that she even has something like that, not to mention how many levels that it's wrong to show its contents to someone else. You can go to jail for having and/or watching something like that.

Edited by Hamatron
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