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Brain Bleed: The Shows We Hate & The Reasons We Hate Them

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I dropped Quantico like a hot potato when it became obvious that Simon was only pretending to be gay. I've heard from others who continued watching that the show also made Rick Cosnett's actually gay character into a walking bundle of negative stereotypes and just had him commit suicide after being revealed as a terrorist, which moves me from disgust to nail-spitting fury. Jose Safran better pray he and I never ride in the same elevator.


Playing Gay Chicken with the viewers is perhaps the quickest way for a show to get on my bad side, though I'll admit that Da Vinci's Demons has gotten me watching again after nearly two years off with the return of Vlad the Impaler.

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I quit NCIS a handful of seasons back, even though the hubby enjoys it still.  I've had a crush on Mark Harmon since the mid-70s, but I was tired of Leroy Jethro Gibbs and his crew. There is comfortable and familiar and there is repetition. I felt it hit repetitive around season 5, but hung on for almost two more seasons.


As much as I enjoyed Gotham and it's spin on the story, I dropped it for Supergirl.  I keep up with the recaps and boards, but The Maid of Might won my attention for the timeslot.


I've dropped Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in favor of iZombie.  It's on after The Flash, and I've enjoyed the cast and (most of) the storylines. I am glad that AoS is chugging along strongly, but I don't feel a need to rush into a binge or something during the show's break. (Besides, that's what recaps are for. *g*)

I quit NCIS a handful of seasons back, even though the hubby enjoys it still.  I've had a crush on Mark Harmon since the mid-70s, but I was tired of Leroy Jethro Gibbs and his crew. There is comfortable and familiar and there is repetition. I felt it hit repetitive around season 5, but hung on for almost two more seasons.


Yeah, I cancelled that show too, a long time ago. I can't believe it's still on. It got to be so predictable and formulaic. I just couldn't with it anymore. I watched about one half of one episode of NCIS: LA, and I haven't watched a minute of NCIS: New Orleans. There's a crime. They investigate. Gibbs is reticent and brooding. Then he smacks Tony on the back of the head. Abby does some science. McGee does some techie nerd stuff. Then they catch the bad guy. Rinse and repeat. And this is occasionally interspersed with a storyline about some super evil person that is obsessed with Gibbs. 

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Forever. Charming but didn't care.

IZombie. Enjoyed it but didn't care.

Blind spot. Two episodes of bad writing was enough,

The blacklist. When hubby turned out to be evil.

Revenge. Oy. As soon as it stopped being the count of montencristo which is to say, season two. Also dogula, and the syndicate. Still angry at how much they clearly just made up as they went along. Dropped off long before dad turned out to be alive after all. So. Ludicrous.

Once upon a time. Peter Pan season. Yuck.

Greys anatomy. Plane crash. One major tragedy too many.

I dropped Survivor a once I realized I was only watching for Probst. I'm thinking of dropping The Amazing Race because every season, there are racers who are insufferable. Are they really that stupid (Rotterdam does not equal Amsterdam)?

Survivor this season was great! Then again, next season is likely to be sub-par if not bad, as always happens after a good one, but please give it a try next September, or later if the show is still on. The beauty of Survivor is that from time to time it gets so great that it makes all the lackluster times disappear :) But yeah, I get it, if it's not your thing, it's not.


I'm on the fence regarding The Amazing Race and watched a few episodes online this season because it's not must see TV anymore for me. Not because of the racers per se, but because it seems to have been quite dumbed down and that it's less fun to watch tasks when I could do a lot of them in my sleep. Plus the editing has also become less balanced - when I realized that I only got to know the name of the two people who ended up winning 4 episodes into the finale, I started thinking that there was a problem there. 


I dropped The Good Wife and Modern Family a few seasons ago and am now coming back to them when I'm bored. No interest in watching what I missed though. And it's likely that I will drop both soon again.


Really looking forward for Orphan Black to resume... 

Sleepy Hollow - about 2/3 into season 2 I realized they switched leads on me and I wasn't watching what I had originally signed up for so I quit it. 

SH has a new bunch of folks in charge and the original lead (and her sister) are leads again.  Watch the last episode of Season 2 -- you won't regret it.


I was on the verge with Sleepy Hollow but now it's gotten good again. 


Yep -- see above.

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Grey's Anatomy - about half-way through last season.  It conflicted on my DVR with two other shows and I would 'catch-up' on line on the network website or on my TV 'On Demand." However, by April, I suddenly realized I had missed so many weeks that some older episodes I'd missed were no longer being shown.  I figured if I didn't care that much to see the show a week or two after it was on TV, I obviously didn't care that much for it.  Maybe I'll catch up one day via netflix or amazon prime.


Desperate Housewives - The season Susan's husband, the plumber, inexplicably went into financial trouble and they had to rent out the house and stay in an apartment because it was 'cheaper.'


HTGAWM - I bailed after the first few episodes because I just couldn't stand the butchery to lawschool and the legal profession even worse than TGW (which I only stick with for Diane and Eli).


The Walking Dead - I bailed when I realized the little girl was going to end up being a zombie (first season?) because she stupidly ran away from the live people.


Blacklist - I like Spader, but just couldn't stand the rest of the cast and the show's premise just seemed stupid.


I tell you, I'm this close to bailing on the Librarians.  Christian Kane is pretty much the only reason I'm sticking with it (even though his character, well all of them, are just so bleh) and I can't tell you how much I so miss Leverage and its so hard to believe the shows have the same producers/writers because the Librarians' writing is really awful at times.

I dropped The Good Wife and Modern Family a few seasons ago and am now coming back to them when I'm bored. No interest in watching what I missed though. And it's likely that I will drop both soon again.


I lost interest in The Good Wife about halfway through last season, when it turned into yet another iteration of Musical Law Firms, with people moving between the 2 firms, yet again. That told me they'd likely run out of ideas. Plus I found it stupid. If my lawyer was switching firms every time I turned around, I'd wonder what the hell was going on and I'd probably seek representation elsewhere. And now I guess in the most recent episode, they came up with a way to

resurrect Willicia. Great -- that whole storyline wasn't beaten far enough into the ground the first time around? Again -- out of ideas, so they're just recycling what they've done before. Lazy.

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I could not possibly list them all.


I never really thought about it, but I'm an incredibly fickle TV-watching slacker. I should consider that the next time I get agro about I show I like being been cancelled -- "Oh, please. You would have gotten tired of it in four more episodes, anyway."


I made the effort to sample every new Fall network show this season and gave up on all of them except The Grinder, which I catch up on when I have time. I was particularly disappointed by Blindspot, Limitless, Code Med, Minority Report, The Player, and Quantico. Others were just startlingly bad, like Rosewood and Wicked City. For summer series, I made it through probably 5-6 episodes of Mr. Robot and Humans, but eventually couldn't be bothered.

Edited by lordonia
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HTGAWM - I bailed after the first few episodes because I just couldn't stand the butchery to lawschool and the legal profession even worse than TGW (which I only stick with for Diane and Eli).


This is one of the reasons I quit on Suits this season.  That and the lather, rinse, repeat that the show has become. 

@lordonia, well, this season was bad. Despite the endless list of dropped shows, I don't think I am fickle; I'd rather call myself discerning *cough*. Anyway, no show this season for me either. In fact, I already dropped The Magicians, which didn't even start to regularly air, and this is not a new record for me. (I cancelled Minority Report quicker, the joys of a leaked pilot.) But I still aggro that Person of Interest will likely be over after season 5; it's the first time I'm going through this and it sucks more than I thought. I have no doubts that I would stick with it for 5 more seasons to come. I've watched it 5 times already (not seasons 1 and 2 though, which I've only managed to finish more recently). In fact, it accounts for my cancelling more shows because I'd rather rewatch it than spend time on them. Case in point, The Expanse and Childhood's End - watchable genre stuff, but I can't seem to find time for the next episode of either (i.e. 3 for Expanse, 2 for CE). It is bye bye to both shows. The Expanse, you are no BSG, you are more like the latter half of Killjoys, but without hot chicks - this wouldn't have been a deal breaker, but now it is. CE, I ain't even sorry, I find you dull as dirt.


ETA: The second season of Transparent! The fact that it exists just reminded me that I never finished season 1, which... why? (Distracted is why.) That was one show I cancelled without meaning to.

Edited by Crim

I watched season one otransparent p and liked it but didn't finish it and never felt impelled to go back.

I'm a sucker for details and the kids who listened to vinyl would have to be the same age as the creator, I.e., early 50s, not late 30s. Threw me right out of it. Just set it I in the past or make them older.

Edited by lucindabelle

I was particularly disappointed by  .. Minority Report.


If they had started with the last three or four episodes (which were good and interesting and not Case-of-the-Week nonsense) and cast a better actress than Megan Good (I was severely disappointed, since I like black women, and even I had to say she was BAD -- eyecandy only takes you so far), I think it would have been much better.


I made the effort to sample every new Fall network show this season and gave up on all of them except The Grinder, which I catch up on when I have time. I was particularly disappointed by Blindspot, Limitless, Code Med, Minority Report, The Player, and Quantico. Others were just startlingly bad, like Rosewood and Wicked City. For summer series, I made it through probably 5-6 episodes of Mr. Robot and Humans, but eventually couldn't be bothered.

Well, the rest of us appreciate that there's someone out there willing to try everything. Many thanks!

Out of your list, I'd suggest sticking it out with Mr. Robot. And Grandfathered is decent.

The Leftovers. Watched all of season 1 so I gave it a fair shot but no way were they sucking me back into another season of that dreck.


The Affair. Quit about half-way through the first season. The he-said she-said gimmick got really old really fast and made everyone look like a dick.


Revolution. Suffered all the way through the first season as it just got dumber and dumber, swore I wouldn't touch the second season, and didn't.


I'm a sucker for details and the kids who listened to vinyl would have to be the same age as the creator, I.e., early 50s, not late 30s. Threw me right out of it. Just set it I in the past or make them older.

Vinyls are "in" again with a certain crowd. I have a friend in her early thirties who loves them.

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I actually ended up watching S2 of the Leftovers over the course of a week or so after the season ended. It was kind of a soft reboot, and there was more Nora (good), but the GR was still kicking around (not good). Jill was actually being a nice person. 


Funny enough, the things I complained about in S1, which everyone told me weren't "important" or "the reason of the show" were actually kind of addressed early on, much to my surprise. And the things I complained about, most other posters complained about over the course of the season anyway. There was a meta-scene, with Kevin's wife which basically said TPTBs really didn't have much of an idea what there were doing. There was the typical everything bad happens to Matt episode, and the central mystery of the show was resolved in the lamest way possible, which everyone guessed anyway. Then there was the WTF episodes, which weren't bad on their own, but didn't really have much context.


So, because ego, I watched it just to be proven that I was right, and not that "you didn't *get* the show". I'd say don't bother watching S2. Dreck sums it up. JT's WTF reaction shots are priceless, though.



My friend was dj for a while and we always had records around to play, and one of my FB friends is late 20s and got herself a high end record player as a gift. My late 30s neighbors have an old school giant radio and record player, like the ten foot long, three foot high furniture piece that you lift up to play the radio/records. So I don't think records are that uncommon.

Edited by ganesh

I gave up after the flashback episode where Laurie spent the whole time having phone conversations that sounded like she was debating getting cancer treament when it turned out she was debating about keeping her pregnancy -- which was then raptured out of her womb. Once I realized it was the kind of show where people don't behave normally so that what they're really about to do is hidden, I dropped it.

Edited by Wax Lion
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I didn't like how TPTBs screamed from the rooftop that the disappearance wasn't actually the rapture and then had the S1 credits be so overly religious. When I was watching S1 in real time, there were more comments in the threads that were, "Well, TPTBs said this..." instead of actual commentary on viewing what was shown on the screen. If you have to tell people how they should be watching your show, then you're doing it wrong.

Edited by ganesh

Oh man. So many.


Empire. Dropped out after the 3rd episode of this latest season. I love Taraji P. Henson and have for years but this current season was just too much. Maybe season 3 will be better.


The Leftovers. Tried to watch season 1 and couldn't keep watching. I did try to watch season 2 because Regina King but...sigh. It just couldn't hold me.


The Affair. Gave up around the 3rd or 4th episode of this latest season. I'm okay with having antagonists as the main characters but I still like to root for someone. And there was a rape scene and I couldn't deal after that.


Scandal and HTGAWM. Both were just too over the top. I love the actors that they bring in (Marla Gibbs! Cicely Tyson! Viola Davis! Kerry Washington! Joe Morton! Khandi Alexander!) but the plots....it was just too much.


Homeland. Bailed out on this season when I realized I just didn't care that Carrie was being targeted for assassination.


Wicked City was atrocious. I watched one episode and bailed.


The one TV show I SHOULD have bailed on was True Detective. I watched the whole season because I kept hoping it would get better and I really like Colin Farrell but it was....man. Not good.

The Leftovers. Tried to watch season 1 and couldn't keep watching. I did try to watch season 2 because Regina King but...sigh. It just couldn't hold me.


The Affair. Gave up around the 3rd or 4th episode of this latest season. I'm okay with having antagonists as the main characters but I still like to root for someone. And there was a rape scene and I couldn't deal after that.


I loved both seasons of The Leftovers. It's a polarizing show, for sure -- people either really love it, or really hate it. I'm glad it got a S3 so Tom Perotta and Damon Lindelof can wrap up the show the way they want to.


I forced myself to watch S2 of The Affair, and I'm not sure I'll be back for S3. Almost all the main characters are such complete assholes. If your show is going to feature mostly assholes, they have to still be likable in some way, and no one on that show is, except for Cole. And even he has his moments.

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Vinyls are "in" again with a certain crowd. I have a friend in her early thirties who loves them.

You're right, but she was pulling out an OLD record and saying remember this,a nd it was Jim Croce. She had a memory the creator would have, because the creator is 50. Sorry, should have specified. The vinyls were her parents and she remembered them from childhood, it wasn't an audiophile or hipster thing but albums because CDs didn't exist yet.

If you're in your 30s in 2015, Jim Croce is not the music of your childhood. Someone should have caught that.

(They were off by two years in "13 going on 30," too, but I chalk that up to it took that long to get the movie into production. ...)

If you're in your 30s in 2015, Jim Croce is not the music of your childhood. Someone should have caught that.


Jim Croce may not be the music of that generation, but it could still be the music of someone in their 30s' childhood.  Our household rarely had current music in it when I was growing up. I was far more familiar with the music of my mother's generation than the music of my own until I went to college. Even though I was born in the early '70s, I consider country music from the 50s and 60s the music of my childhood as a result.

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Jim Croce may not be the music of that generation, but it could still be the music of someone in their 30s' childhood.  Our household rarely had current music in it when I was growing up. I was far more familiar with the music of my mother's generation than the music of my own until I went to college. Even though I was born in the early '70s, I consider country music from the 50s and 60s the music of my childhood as a result.

My daughter might be that way, too.  She does know and like some modern music, but the music from the late 60s-80s is her favorite.  When she was about 10 (or even younger), she asked for Creedance Clearwater Revival's greatest hits for Christmas. 

  • Love 1

You're right, but she was pulling out an OLD record and saying remember this,a nd it was Jim Croce. She had a memory the creator would have, because the creator is 50. Sorry, should have specified. The vinyls were her parents and she remembered them from childhood, it wasn't an audiophile or hipster thing but albums because CDs didn't exist yet.

If you're in your 30s in 2015, Jim Croce is not the music of your childhood. Someone should have caught that.

(They were off by two years in "13 going on 30," too, but I chalk that up to it took that long to get the movie into production. ...)


Jim Croce could be the music of your childhood if that's what your parents listened to when you were a child.  My dad listened to Billie Holiday when I was a child, even though she was dead; so I could say that Billie Holiday was the music of my childhood too.


Back to the topic:  I gave up on a lot of ABC shows because I hate that ABC fucks over Time Warner's customers.  Maybe Galavant's ratings would be better if people could watch the show the next day on their website, instead of having to wait a week.

Edited by Neurochick

That's true ut it clearly was not what was going on in that scene. Look the creator IS that age. I don't know why people are arguing with me on this. I'm 100,% convinced that just as this is somewha autobiographical she simply forgot that reference was anachronistic. They clearly are discussing what was popular then. The way people are taking me up on my words is bizarre.

I listened to a lot of Flatt and Scruggs growing up but I know it wasn't what was on e radio then and just because I listened to it when I was a child doesn't make it the music of my childhood. But fine, the music of my childhoods ERA. Jim Croce on vinyl was not the pop music of the 80s. Happy now?

And this Is the topic. I'm allowed to have my reasons for disliking a show and I don't see why this. Is being debated. The creator simply forgot and imbued her characters with her own memories, but she is a good 15 years older than they are.

Edited by lucindabelle
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I probably more or less given up on the Big Bang theory. I'm not quite sure why I'm just not enjoying it like I used to it's nothing in particular it's just not quite as enjoyable as it once was. But you can't really judge by me because I'm not really a comedy person I think I am watching maybe two now

I saw parts of the show thanks to a roommate in the barracks that would marathon the show every damn weekend. As the seasons passed, it seemed less like the show was laughing with the nerd guys so much as laughing AT them.

That, and I feel like the show really lost something after everyone got effectively paired off.

It's also produced by the same guys responsible for Two and a Half Men, which lasted two and a half times longer than it should have.

That's true ut it clearly was not what was going on in that scene. Look the creator IS that age. I don't know why people are arguing with me on this. I'm 100,% convinced that just as this is somewha autobiographical she simply forgot that reference was anachronistic. They clearly are discussing what was popular then. The way people are taking me up on my words is bizarre.


I think the problem may be that your description of the scene isn't specific enough for anyone (like me) who hasn't actually seen it.  If the character is refering to something which was supposed to have been on popular radio during her childhood, that's very different from talking about something being the music of her childhood, but when you first brought up the scene, you didn't describe that way.  I don't know about the other posters, but I certainly didn't get an accurate sense of the problem from your initial post.  I apologize for misunderstanding your original point.

Edited by proserpina65
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That's true ut it clearly was not what was going on in that scene. Look the creator IS that age. I don't know why people are arguing with me on this. I'm 100,% convinced that just as this is somewha autobiographical she simply forgot that reference was anachronistic. They clearly are discussing what was popular then. The way people are taking me up on my words is bizarre.

I listened to a lot of Flatt and Scruggs growing up but I know it wasn't what was on e radio then and just because I listened to it when I was a child doesn't make it the music of my childhood. But fine, the music of my childhoods ERA. Jim Croce on vinyl was not the pop music of the 80s. Happy now?

And this Is the topic. I'm allowed to have my reasons for disliking a show and I don't see why this. Is being debated. The creator simply forgot and imbued her characters with her own memories, but she is a good 15 years older than they are.


I was in no way trying to argue with anyone. I simply threw out a theory for discussion. It was in no way meant to imply you were wrong, should suddenly like the show and/or start watching it. There are lots of different ways to interpret these things, IMO, and everyone is entitled to their own interpretation. Sorry if I unintentionally offended.

  • Love 2
That's true ut it clearly was not what was going on in that scene. Look the creator IS that age. I don't know why people are arguing with me on this. I'm 100,% convinced that just as this is somewha autobiographical she simply forgot that reference was anachronistic. They clearly are discussing what was popular then. The way people are taking me up on my words is bizarre.



There are just different ways to interpret a scene, that's all.  Sorry if I offended, but my point was that two people can see the same scene two different ways.

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I cancelled Lost after the start of the third season -- I realized there was never going to be any pay-off for the Big Questions from the first 2 seasons and didn't want to waste my time.  I kept up with recaps from TWoP and never had a desire to go back.


I gave up on HIMYM when I realized that they missed the great pairing that Robin and Barney had -- there was one episode where they totally got each other.  I saw that was just a fluke and Robin's love-life was just a punching-bag.  I read about the last few episodes and was SO glad I bailed.

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2 Broke Girls.  I guess it's supposed to be another show of opposites thrown together, who supposedly do not like each other, but deep down they really care about each other.  Sort of the same chemistry with Two and a Half Men, the original version (not the God awful Ashton version).  


I had never even watched it while it was on primetime, but it's now on the rerun hours when the news is on the other channels.  I don't want to watch the news on tv unless something major is going on, I need something to relax by after my workday, so the endless 30 minutes of sitcoms it is.  They just recently added 2 Broke Girls to the playlist.  I gave it a shot, and honestly, sometimes it's left on if I'm in the middle of something.  


The characters are not likeable or anyone I can root for to overcome whatever obstacles.  They are not funny.  When the one blonde woman, cannot think of her name, she was in Best in Show and other movies (plays an Eastern European woman on this show) comes on, the track has everyone going nuts.  Why?  She's not funny in this show either.  Garrett Morris must need the money. The premise has many holes.  The blond lead has a degree from Wharton; she could easily get a job somewhere, maybe not an executive job, but surely a job somewhere.  The brunette is supposed to be edgy but just seems sour and bitchy - and not in a funny way.  It's supposed to show these people working hard for every dime but it's not funny.  Taxi showed people who were struggling to keep their heads above water and hello, it was funny.  I'm not sure how it's stayed on air, unless it's had huge lead-ins with the shows either before or after on the CBS schedule. 

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Angie Tribeca. 10 minutes in I stopped. I can't say why, so it might be classed as the same kind of assault on my senses as the C-section without anesthesia experience that I mentally blocked.


I didn't try all that hard, but that show was very very not for me.


Something that I have tried with, going so far as to watch each episode more than once, is The Expanse. I really want to like it but it's just too murky and convoluted.

Edited by lordonia
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Angie Tribeca. 10 minutes in I stopped. I can't say why, so it might be classed as the same kind of assault on my senses as the C-section without anesthesia experience that I mentally blocked.


Me too, but I lasted through one and a half episodes just to make sure.


I love this kind of humor done right but it must take a lot more talent and experience than these guys currently have. That doesn't mean they won't get better at it, just that it's obvious that they're not there yet. And there's so much better TV on all the time I'm going to bail for now.

I'm going to have to put Jessica Jones on this list. I really did want to like it, the acting was great and it's in the marvel universe. I made it to like the 3rd episode and honestly can't go any further. However, it was way to dark for me. While I love Daredevil, this show didn't have any comic relief at all. And the whole rape thing is to real of an issue for me.  Oh well, hopefully I'll still be able to watch some of the other ones, without seeing all of Jessica Jones.

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Don't feel bad blueray. I'd say the first three or four episodes of Jessica Jones were the best and it was all downhill from there, IMO. I liked the noir feel to the first couple episodes, though, and stuck with it through the end just to see how they finally got the guy. I found it rather annoying the number of times they almost had him, but did something totally stupid so he could escape in-order for them to fill the episode order. IMO, his show is a prime example of a show that would've been great as three or four tight episodes rather than being drug out to fill 13. 

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Starsky & Hutch seems to be another one of those "wanted to like it, but don't" shows for me. I purchased Mill Creek's full-series release last year, and I've seen through the first four episodes. I dislike saying it, but it's hard to me to find the words to explain why this 1975-79 ABC police series w/David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser is not for me, other than that it apparently isn't.

Starsky & Hutch seems to be another one of those "wanted to like it, but don't" shows for me. I purchased Mill Creek's full-series release last year, and I've seen through the first four episodes. I dislike saying it, but it's hard to me to find the words to explain why this 1975-79 ABC police series w/David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser is not for me, other than that it apparently isn't


If you're just watching it for the first time now, I can totally see why you wouldn't like it.  This show hasn't held up particularly well and seems to be a cliché of every bad 70's cop show ever shown.  However, when this was in its prime, you may have liked it more. Surprisingly enough, it had some groundbreaking moments back in the day.  For instance David Soul as a cop purposely addicted to heroin by Robert Loggia was one episode that is still pretty good.  I loved it when I was a kid, and can't watch it now.

  • Love 2

If you're just watching it for the first time now, I can totally see why you wouldn't like it.  This show hasn't held up particularly well and seems to be a cliché of every bad 70's cop show ever shown.  However, when this was in its prime, you may have liked it more. Surprisingly enough, it had some groundbreaking moments back in the day.  For instance David Soul as a cop purposely addicted to heroin by Robert Loggia was one episode that is still pretty good.  I loved it when I was a kid, and can't watch it now.

I think that what you said is the closest to the truth. I had never really seen that series when it was in syndication, and I was not born yet when it was originally on, so I never really got familiar with it. That doesn't mean that I haven't liked other shows that were on long before I was born-- like Perry Mason, which, despite being on long before I was born (near to a quarter-century, as a matter of fact), was written, produced and acted so very, very well that the DVDs of it (I have seven seasons' worth) have been some of the best television discs I have ever purchased. 

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