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S02.E07: Rise Of The Villains: Mommy's Little Monster


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RIP Mama Penguin. I'm going to miss seeing Carol Kane.

Nygma playing mind games with himself was so damn creepy, and I loved every minute.

Oh Selina. You let Silver play you like a harp.

So I guess we're getting a Barbara story next week. Am I the only one that's not looking forward to that? She could have been a interesting villain and instead she's a dime a dozen Lifetime movie psycho. My one hope is that she'll be killed off by the fall finale.

  • Love 7

I thought this was a great episode.

Poor Mama Cobblepot! First Maroni, then Jerome, and now her? All my favorites are dropping like flies!

I love Zsasz and the Zsaszettes. The background music in that scene was giving me chills.

I liked the Ed/Riddler scenes (he isn't my favorite character, but I liked him this episode).

There was more Harvey.

Butch is trying to form his own crew.

Jim was actually pretty intelligent this episode. He figured out Theo was evil.

Loved the Penguin/Jim/Theo/Galavan standoff.

The army of Penguins was super cool and smart.

Silver is so evil! Still don't like Selina though, so I was happy that there was little of her.

Lastly, holy mother of pearl! Death by stiletto/boot heel! That was awful!

And next week it looks like we're getting crazy Babs. I wonder if she'll be the next to go. People are dying left and right this season!

Good episode.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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So . . . Mama Cobblepott gets killed, Silver is as evil as Theo and Tabby, and Two-Eyed Eddie plays with Ms. Kringle's body. At least he didn't stick her in a refrigerator. Then again, morgues aren't known for their warmth.


Massacre at a large gathering? Must be Monday in Gotham City. Seriously, the place is almost as bad as Star City. On the bright side, Oswald coopting March Of The Penguins as a distraction was a nice touch. All that's missing is a Morgan Freeman soundalike doing narration.


I'm glad Jim has a clue, because watching Theo strut can be tiring. Also, Penguin needs his payback.

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Jim was actually pretty intelligent this episode. He figured out Theo was evil.

Intelligent? More like Gordon actually got a couple brain cells this episode. Gordon and the rest of Gotham bought his entire plan hook line and sinker despite the fact that Theo couldn't be more painfully obviously a bad guy even from the perspective of the characters that unlike us don't already know almost everything about him. Both he and Silver have a very bad habit of looking, speaking, and acting as fake as plastic whenever they are trying to pretend to be good, but at least Bruce has an excuse for falling for it of being a hormone driven royally screwed up 15 year old boy, the rest of the city and especially Gordon don't.


Wow, having all his goons dress up as him and storm the place was more intelligent of a plan than I gave Penguin credit for. I was all but certain that after his uncharacteristic lack of IQ points the last few episodes Penguin would run off half cocked and get injured and barely escape with his life without even having a chance of killing Theo, but while he did barely escape Penguin also very nearly pulled it off.


Nygma... I don't know what to say with him. I'm just looking forward seeing how different he will be now that he's given in to his dark side. Maybe he won't be such a spineless wimp that never does anything now.



Good god Selina Kyle, do you have no filter, no restraint at all? I'd think at least you would be smart enough and worldly enough to see Silver baiting you into doing just what you did from a mile away.

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 3

Silver is so evil! Still don't like Selina though, so I was happy that there was little of her.

It really is a reinvention of the character though. I don't recall even a hint of Silver St. Cloud being a nasty b-word in the comics. Then again, Babara Kean isn't a crazy bisexual psycho in those stories either.

Edited by Kromm

Good episode. I am happy that Jim finally figured out the Theo's game however I think he should've played it close to the vest and not let on that he knew that Theo was the orchestrator in all this. Theo has been playing the city and I think Jim should be playing Theo.

Penguin has done some nasty things on the show he is not a good person however I cannot help but feel sorry for him in someway, especially when he had his mother lying in his arms, I won't lie I felt bad for him. A lot of innocent people died in Penguins raid tonight.

I really hope Bruce buys a clue soon because Silver is annoying the heck out of me. Hopefully Gordon warns his friend Bruce about Theo and his cronies and Bruce will connect the dots in regard to Silver. Selena however will have the last laugh once Bruce figures out that silver has been playing him this whole time.

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I felt so bad for Penguin when he held his dying mother in his hands.  What I don't understand is: why didn't Penguin bring Victor with him to rescue his mother?  Victor could have easily killed Galavan and Tabitha.


Probably for the same reason he never uses Zsasz to do anything useful; the same reason Zsasz is inexplicably still working for the Penguin when he could easily have taken over Gotham's underworld in his stead:


It wouldn't serve the showrunner's plot.

Intelligent? More like Gordon actually got a couple brain cells this episode.


Yes. It would have been nice to have seen some signs of his increasing distrust in the past few episodes, rather than all out of the blue. But again, that kind of subtlety or logic doesn't seem to be part of the bailiwick of this show.


And I'm wondering when they're actually going to start developing Bruce into something remotely resembling the iconic character he's supposed to be, instead of this naive, emotional whiner.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 1

Whelp, that's a wrap for Mrs. Cobblepot already.  They sure are cleaning house when it comes to all the characters that are important to future big bad guys.  First Miss Kringle, and now her.  Granted, maybe a lot of this would have been prevented if Oswald brought more then two non-Butch people with him.  At the very least, bring Zsasz.


Jim finally uses some of his brain cells, and figures out that Theo is not a nice dude.  And then, of course, precedes to just let Theo known that he is on to him, and he is coming after him.  You know, the guy who currently has more power then him.  The same guy Jim helped get elected.  Yeah, you really aren't the brightest Gotham has to offer right now, Gordon.


Speaking of not using all their brain cells, Selina is surprisingly off her game and lets Silver play her like a fiddle, and isolate herself from Bruce.  I would care more, but since this is a love triangle consisting of a psycho, a thief who will only go deeper into crime according to comic lore, and a young easy to manipulate billionaire, none of it really is going to matter.


The two Nygmas have now merge into one evil psycho.  He was lucky though that Leslie is apparently blind as a bat, and couldn't see that he was obviously trying to hide the body from her.


Harvey Dent returns and is pretty much a Theo cheerleader.  Yeah, the sooner her gets acid thrown in half of his face, the better.  Barnes also is drinking the kool-aid already, so my respect for the Gotham law enforcement is currently at an all-time low right now.


At least there was more Bullock in this one.  Bullock makes everything better!

  • Love 2

The two Nygmas have now merge into one evil psycho.  He was lucky though that Leslie is apparently blind as a bat, and couldn't see that he was obviously trying to hide the body from her.


Harvey Dent returns and is pretty much a Theo cheerleader.  Yeah, the sooner her gets acid thrown in half of his face, the better.  Barnes also is drinking the kool-aid already, so my respect for the Gotham law enforcement is currently at an all-time low right now.


At least there was more Bullock in this one.  Bullock makes everything better!


Agreed with this. Bullock definitely makes things better- which is all the more a shame that he's been so terribly sidelined this season. Hopefully that will change.


I thought it was strange that they brought back Harvey Dent for the first time this episode only to have him be a bit player and an emcee for the new Mayor. He should have had a bigger role when bringing him back onstage.


As for Nygma, while I disagree with virtually every step of the decisions made to get him to his villainous counterpart, I do like that he is finally (apparently) there, and like the glimpse of the Riddler we saw in this episode. I wish they'd have stopped that scene with Dr Tompkins with the typically Nygma-ish dissertation on random boring trivia, though; that should have been enough of a distraction to get her to leave in and of itself (and would have demonstrated a laudable and all-too-often absent restraint for this show). 


Speaking of Leslie, I really hope they give her something more to do than to be the peppy girlfriend soon.

Whelp, that's a wrap for Mrs. Cobblepot already.  They sure are cleaning house when it comes to all the characters that are important to future big bad guys.  First Miss Kringle, and now her.  Granted, maybe a lot of this would have been prevented if Oswald brought more then two non-Butch people with him.  At the very least, bring Zsasz.


Jim finally uses some of his brain cells, and figures out that Theo is not a nice dude.  And then, of course, precedes to just let Theo known that he is on to him, and he is coming after him.  You know, the guy who currently has more power then him.  The same guy Jim helped get elected.  Yeah, you really aren't the brightest Gotham has to offer right now, Gordon.


Speaking of not using all their brain cells, Selina is surprisingly off her game and lets Silver play her like a fiddle, and isolate herself from Bruce.  I would care more, but since this is a love triangle consisting of a psycho, a thief who will only go deeper into crime according to comic lore, and a young easy to manipulate billionaire, none of it really is going to matter.


I was so impressed that Gordon seemed to have learned something from his dealings with Loeb last season and was actually playing things close to the vest with his suspicions about Theo, then he reverted back to Season 1 Gordon who can't resist calling out the dangerous person in a position of authority that he knows is dirty.


Since family is such a big theme this season, maybe we'll find out that Gordon and Selina are related somehow, and the complete lack of guile is a family trait.

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I thought it was strange that they brought back Harvey Dent for the first time this episode only to have him be a bit player and an emcee for the new Mayor. He should have had a bigger role when bringing him back onstage.

No kidding. As a matter of fact I didn't even notice Dent was in the episode until people on this very forum mentioned him. You can't get any more bit player than that.

Interesting episode but enough with the female character killing, show.


Shame we lost Gertrud but I'm glad Oswald didn't kill his own mother though. His plan to get back at Theo almost worked though.


I do think the Galavan storyline will be resolved soon, now that Gordon is onto Theo. There's no way it can bleed into the second half of the season.


Butch, you'll never be a crime. Don't bother even trying. Another character that probably won't survive beyond this season.


Still iffy on Nygma's storyline but some great acting from Cory Michael Smith in this one to be honest.


I hope they have a purpose for Dent this season other than being a Theo supporter.


Bruce/Selina/Silver played out in way too predictable a fashion I thought, 8/10.

I loved the KK's hand being hidden behind packages and packages of Lady Fingers.  Oh Gotham, you do have your moments.


Selina was played like a violin and she should have seen it coming.  I hope Alfred has to apologize for punching her when he realizes that Bruce's life was put in danger by the proper young lady he approved of.  Bruce needs to learn a lesson about who to trust in life.  He currently sucks at it.

  • Love 3

Selina despite being a street smart is still a teenage girl. I can buy her being played by Silver. I did love her remark to Alfred about the tea really slapping you in the face. He should feel bad about hitting a 15 year old. His friend that tried to kill him wasn't worth it. 


I can't wait for Bruce and Alfred to figure out they are being played by the proper people. However I get that they need to separate BabyBat and BabyCat. Selina needs to start her decent into crime while Bruce starts his training. 

  • Love 3

I kind of want Talia to show up this season, and have a scene with Silver, just to see Talia no sell the threat and laugh in Silver's face.


Glad to see Gordon got smart, less glad to see that he turns that right around by letting it slip to Galavan that he's onto him, and telling Galavan he's going to bring him down.


I'm wondering if Gordon will have to bring back Falcone this season.  Falcone was concerned last season about Gotham falling off the edge, and would be interested in what's going down.  He was also presented as something of a necessary evil that wanted to maintain balance in Gotham.


The Penguins assault was fantastic.  Top notch stuff guys.

  • Love 3

I noticed that there are A LOT of disposable henchmen in Gotham. Like every other week a whole bunch of them get wiped out, and yet there are always dozens more next time.

Definitely, but that's pretty common with mooks, they get slaughtered by the dozens, hundreds, or even thousands and there is always more of them the next time bad guys need a lot of bodies to die by the score pointlessly. It's also just as common that said mooks lack the ability to hit the broadside of a barn as they did in this episode unless like with the GCPD massacre they're suddenly able to hit with pinpoint accuracy.

  • Love 2

Honestly, all I've taken away from this is that the showrunners really like killing women and shipping the ones they don't kill off the show.

I need Jim to be a bit more intelligent. He's so dumb. I mean at least pretend that you trust Theo.

I love Harvey (Bullock, duh) and Zsasz. I would totally watch a quirky sitcom with those two.

I was really hoping for Selina to bash Silver in her face, but I assume we'll get that eventually. Because I need that.

Bruce is being stupid lately to. There's something in the Gotham water supply, clearly.

  • Love 1

Is Harvey Dent already the DA? I thought he was still some kind of assistant DA - why would he be a big enough deal to be the keynote speaker at the Mayor's inauguration?


It really must have been work to get that hand into the vending machine.


Finally more Bullock, whew.


I don't know, while it still has its problems I'm pretty good with this show - I like when things just move quickly along which seems to be happening now.

Edited by ratgirlagogo

Good episode. I am happy that Jim finally figured out the Theo's game however I think he should've played it close to the vest and not let on that he knew that Theo was the orchestrator in all this. Theo has been playing the city and I think Jim should be playing Theo.



Jim Gordon =/= Master manipulator.  


He thinks something about you. He tells you what he thinks about you. 


Maybe that's why he likes Penguin.  Penguin has mad skills in areas where Jim has zero skills.

Edited by JTMacc99
  • Love 1

1. Attack of the Killer Penguins.


2. You stole my dead girlfriend


3. Machine Gun Gordon. 


Embrace the crazy,  Gotham.  Now all we need is Jerome to return from the dead.  



P.S.   The Galavans are totally some sort of incest family. I half expect  Silver to seduce Bruce only for Theo and Tigress to join them .

Edited by The Kings Foot
  • Love 4

This show is at its best when it straight up embraces the crazy.

What does it say about me that I felt sorry for both Penguin and Nygma? The acting by both was brilliant. Those last moments when Bad Nygma was asking himself how he felt almost getting caught and he whispered "beautiful" might have been my favorite moment.

It ain't a season of Gotham unless Jim is going up against the Mayor. That's going to end in tears and blood.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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There were so many brilliant scenes in this episode, and yes, Gotham is at its best when it allows itself to be crazy and cartoonish and when it makes zero attempts to apologize for it. "Predictable" does not equal "substandard". I predicted the events of practically the entire episode weeks in advance and I was blown away by the quality of the execution.

  • Love 3

I was about ready to write this off until Jim Gordon got a clue and put Theo Galavan- for once- on the back foot. I was disappointed in Harvey Bullock- usually I'd peg him for figuring out the shady one, not Gordon. Not like Bullock to play the idiot. Cynical, yes, but he's much smarter than this.


So too is Bruce. Probably the most ironic line of the night was Bruce telling Selina that he "thought she was his friend". Perhaps I could let it go to him being 15, but how he can't see through Silver St. Cloud is maddening.


Poor Mama Cobblepot...I lost my mother too, a few months ago (not to a stabbing, mind you), so that was tough to watch. I also think it's a waste of a character...imagine what Carol Kane could have done on this show. Aside from meta reasons, what really bugged me was wondering how the Galavans knew Oswald Cobblepot had broken into the warehouse...that was awfully convenient of them to be there at just the right time.


Speaking of Oswald, it was good to see him have to think on the fly, and he was pretty good at it this time around. Conveniently lucky, yes, but this time he didn't flinch when tough times sprang up, unlike last year. I also have to hand it to him- his "army of Penguins" storming the Mayor's victory celebration was a stroke of genius. He knew he was a marked man so he hid the best that he could- and it worked.


As for the massacre- that too was entertaining to watch, even though I think the Penguins got in a little too easy. I think it was also mighty convenient for the Plot Armour to be deployed, so that the only ones killed were guests and police officers who meant nothing, but it did bring an enjoyable change of pace to the hour and got Theo to finally crack a little. Didn't like that another Strike Force guy went down- way to beat over our head the idea that these guys are just there to get mowed down.


Lastly...Jessica Lucas. She was a lot of fun as Tabitha, and after she got things to do, she shined. In fact, I think she should have been the one taking charge with Theo in the background- I could buy Tabitha as the psychopath who could charm the city and still be a ruthless, cunning killer at the same time. Lucas has more energy and warmth than James Frain's one-note delivery...Tabitha needs to do more.


In the end, it was good, although much of the success tonight will depend on whether or not they can keep up the momentum from this episode. If things go back to the way they were in 2.08 where Theo's one step ahead of everyone and no one challenges him than this episode will be a waste. Hopefully 2.08 will see him forced to improvise and face obstacles.


Truth be told, this episode felt a lot like 1.07, "Penguin's Umbrella"- this was the episode that Theo was unmasked as the fraud he is, with Penguin doing the honours to tip the scales. Just like how "Penguin's Umbrella" tipped the scales against Falcone. Hopefully, this means the Penguin-Theo war is heating up.

. Aside from meta reasons, what really bugged me was wondering how the Galavans knew Oswald Cobblepot had broken into the warehouse...that was awfully convenient of them to be there at just the right time.




It was thier plan  all along for Butch to bring Penguin to the warehouse. Butch actually switched sides last episode when Tabitha conditioned him. 

It was thier plan  all along for Butch to bring Penguin to the warehouse. Butch actually switched sides last episode when Tabitha conditioned him. 


I remembered that Butch was "deprogrammed" last week...don't know why I didn't clue in that Butch would have given away Oswald to Theo. I guess I see Theo as way too omnipotent so I let my biases deceive me.


I also realized I forgot to mention in my last post- loved how Lee joked to Jim asking him "if he has a place". LOL. Good to know the writers have caught on to "Jim Gordon's couchsurfing habit" like we did.

  • Love 1

Seriously. You're watching this show with blinders. Remember all those people Theo brought out of Arkham Asylum? Guess who's the only one left? Yup, that's right, the girl. 


That reminds me- there should still be one besides Barbara alive- the bald bruiser that roughed Jim up in the alley. What happened to that guy?

Honestly, all I've taken away from this is that the showrunners really like killing women and shipping the ones they don't kill off the show.

I need Jim to be a bit more intelligent. He's so dumb. I mean at least pretend that you trust Theo.

I love Harvey (Bullock, duh) and Zsasz. I would totally watch a quirky sitcom with those two.

I was really hoping for Selina to bash Silver in her face, but I assume we'll get that eventually. Because I need that.

Bruce is being stupid lately to. There's something in the Gotham water supply, clearly.


FAR more male characters have been killed off and written off the show

Edited by J----av
  • Love 2

Gotham has been rocking it this season. While not a fan of Leslie ever, I do wish she had more of a role than being Jim's girlfriend. The penguin and Nygma stuff was great, I especially like how Cory was able to play both sides of Nygma and make them really distinct yet still related. If It's rare for a show to have lost my interest in season 1 and for it to come back stronger, but Gotham has done it.

  • Love 2

Honestly, all I've taken away from this is that the showrunners really like killing women and shipping the ones they don't kill off the show.


Starting to get a strange sense of deja-vu...this debate came up last season too. Seems like this show hasn't really improved much in this regard.


It does seem like this show is falling for gender-based stereotypes on both sides though:


1) Need scores of randoms killed? Make them men, because men's lives don't mean anything.

2) Need someone to die for dramatic effect? Make them women, since women are precious.


I still think it's hard to argue that men and women are equal on this show. I have yet to see a single female character (other than maybe Selina) who isn't dead and whose story wouldn't exist without a male present, while male characters- like Bullock and Falcone- can have stories that don't need a female character. More men may have died, but it's pretty much only men in the spotlight.

  • Love 5

I'm not sold Bruce is as dumb as he seems right now. If they're setting him up to become the world's greatest detective, he's got to have better instincts. My guess is, he's playing it low key, letting Silver and Theo think he's fooled.


Lastly...Jessica Lucas. She was a lot of fun as Tabitha, and after she got things to do, she shined. In fact, I think she should have been the one taking charge with Theo in the background- I could buy Tabitha as the psychopath who could charm the city and still be a ruthless, cunning killer at the same time. Lucas has more energy and warmth than James Frain's one-note delivery...Tabitha needs to do more.


I agree, but I'm not worried. I think she'll end up outliving him and grow into her villain status while Theo is completely expendable.

  • Love 1

James Frain is a miles better actor than Jessica Lucas. Everyone knows this. Jessica Lucas would say so herself if asked. James is specifically selling a cartoonish villain type to specification of the show. This is evidenced by his deliberate overacting in giving his speeches. If Jessica was tasked with playing James' role she'd be given the same assignment.

  • Love 2

I liked this episode overall.


I felt for Selina and I don't feel the need to be hard on her: I was actually impressed she knew Silver was clearly trying to manipulate her, as I expect Silver's plan A was simply to make Selina feel so insecure she'd leave. Selina trusted Bruce enough to believe he'd believe her... and she went the wrong way in outing Silver, yes, so Silver got what she wanted. I'm not going to be upset that a 13 year old sneak thief does not behave yet like suave, sophisticated adult Selina Kyle. These are exactly the experiences she needs and the mistakes she needs to make to get there, and I have every confidence she'll get her own back in the end. Likewise, Bruce is not grown-up Batman and behaved the way most 13 year old boys would--and likewise, he has hard lesson coming that will likely ensure he will not make a similar mistake again.


So sad for Mama Cobblepot but knew she wasn't long for this world. Someone I think in the last episode thread suggested he might kill his mother himself so he would no longer have any weaknesses, and I almost wish it would have turned out that way--not that I want to see a son kill his mother, but it would just be a badass villain sort of thing I'd expect from the Penguin. Still, I loved his plan at the end, and I expect Tabitha in particular is going to die in an especially painful and gruesome way at Penguin's hands (although if she survives and continues to evolve into Tigress as others suggest, that's okay too). Again, many other villains' mistakes is underestimating Penguin and I like seeing him come out on top---his perseverance is what makes him an admirable villain.


Still disappointed that Kringle was just a fridge-catalyst for Riddler---I REALLY wanted her to turn out to be evil and tempt Nygma into embracing his dark side and it almost seemed like they were going there, and the actress deserved a chance at such a fun role... but instead the writers just went for the boring, predictable, lazy route. *sigh* They can do better and I'm so very disappointed they didn't.


I DO like how they set up Riddler's MO -- I expect what's going to happen is his evil persona is now in charge, but in a reversal of what happened in this episode, it will be his good persona who leaves the riddles at his crimes in hopes of getting caught. So that realization is cool and all... but other than that, I am no longer interested in Nygma at all.


Otherwise looking forward to the next episode... SO glad Gordon wised up to Galavant. Things are going to get interesting.

Edited by DeathQuaker
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