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S13.E06: Bunking With The Devil

Tara Ariano
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Could there have been more rounds to the IC than we were shown?  I was also surprised that Kass, Ciera, and Kimmi went twice when all 3 struggled the first time (and they knew it was a risk sending Kimmi up).  She didn't seem to worry as much this time that not eating the brains would cost her.


There most certainly was more rounds to the challenge but time wise they can't show it.

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Tasha's reaction shot to, "Oil up, Joe," was easily the highlight of the episode. Kelly Wigglesworth's demolition of that frog was pretty impressive, too. And I will admit that I laughed at Jeremy's last-second nibble of the balut.

I am, however, looking forward to the comeuppance that the editors nicely foreshadowed for Andrew. Just because I thought he "deserved" a second chance and voted for him, that doesn't mean I've ever found him likable. He is far too comfortable with and seemingly oblivious to his many social privileges.

The plug for organ donation at the end of the episode was nicely done, as was the follow-up about Terry's son.

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Kass may hate Spencer but she was at least voted for Woo. So why the hate? If she is being personal she should have voted out Spencer.

Tasha is under the radar, she won 2 or 3 immunity challenges in Cagayan.

Edited by GenL
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Argh! Kass is such a scumbag...I can't believe we are going to have to sit through her sabatoging things left and right again. ... Same goes for purported "Know it all" Fischbach...he wants to target a strong player over a weaker one with no guarantee that the merge was coming....just because he got insecurity issues? This guy needs to bounce out of there and back to Rob Has A Podcast.

Funny how things work out though. I was upset that Tasha had gotten seperated from the trio and she would be marked for the first boot...then to see her make the winning point was beyond awesome! I'm glad now that she didn't wind up with Savage because it might have been her instead of Woo that Kass and her goons targeted. As much as I love Woo I am Team Tasha all the way!

And here I thought the producers had special love for Woo that they gave him a special after boot segment instead of the short shrift one usually gets during the credits. Come to find out it was about Terry. I was like "Hold the Phone"....his son had such a serious condition that he was on a waiting list for a transplant AND YOU WENT TO PLAY SURVIVOR?! Sorry...but Terry never should have been there in the first place if they were facing such a situation. He should have graciously stepped aside and given his spot to someone else.

Oh and as for Abbie...see what a loose cannon she can be with out Tasha being there to wrangle her? If Tasha had been there I think she could have talked Abbie down from going along with Ciera's bone head plan.

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To me this was a bad MasterChef level elimination. Talk heads about how safe/comfortable you are always = going home. So to me from that moment I knew Woo was gone.


Ciera felt she waited too long to make a move last time so I was glad that she told everyone she was NOT cool with being designated the gone girl by Savage and made what she could happen. Would have been sweeter to see Savage go because of it but at least they didn't all fall for Savage's masterplan just because he said so.


I, like Kimmy, would never no way no how eat anything's brains. Prions folks. Spongiform encephalopathies are no way to go. Google it. *shudder*

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Oh and as for Abbie...see what a loose cannon she can be with out Tasha being there to wrangle her? If Tasha had been there I think she could have talked Abbie down from going along with Ciera's bone head plan.


Actually according to Ciera on twitter it was Abi that wanted Woo out something to do with him writing Abi's name down a couple times.

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I liked how Jeff said Kelly was the original in this challenge.  Yet in her season, all they had to eat was beetle larvae, which I think you could swallow without chewing it.  It was gross and wiggled, but it beats eating tarantula and scorpion.

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I love watching Spencer scramble and somehow survive for another week.


 How did he scramble?   He had no idea he was on the block and was in fact man crushing on the guy orchestrating his departure.  Had Kass not decided to clue him (rather than trying to push Ciera back to him) he would have been#zerochanceofwinningthegame.   Once Kass told him, he just voted Woo and hoped for the best.  Ciera was an idiot for wanting Woo out over Spencer.  Woo's no threat, especially at this stage.  

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There is no amount of money in the world that could convince me to eat a spider much less two giant spiders. I seriously would have ran away and said “fuck it, I'm out." I loved Woo's reaction to the spiders so much that I rewound the scene and played it in slow motion three times.

Why oh why didn't Sierra lobby to get Andrew voted off instead of Woo? I can't stand Andrew and really want his smug ass gone even more than Abi and I really hate Abi.

Was this the first episode that the contestants have worn their bathing suits? I don't remember them before now. As much as I hate Abi I will say that she was rocking that bikini. Jeremy was looking mighty fine all oiled up too.

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Why oh why didn't Sierra lobby to get Andrew voted off instead of Woo?


I think that would have backfired on her, I'm sure Abi was still talking about the two votes he threw her way, and Woo wasn't original Bayon, he was the easy choice for her insurrection.

Edited by BigRedCheese
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Jeremy definitely is a handsome man but he doesn't get the hot guy edit. That goes to Joe. Woo looked good all oiled up as well. I guess editors just pinpoint Joe as the hot guy because last we heard he's single while Jeremy and Woo have women in their lives.

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I don't understand why doesn't Spencer do the unexpected thing and team up with Woo to vote out Savage WHO WANTS HIM GONE?!! Will I ever get over this? Then again, the only person Woo trusted was Savage.... argh!

Edited by GenL
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Well I was questioning why Woo wasn't on the Beauty tribe during his season because Bryce sure as hell shouldn't have been placed on that tribe. A reason could be though is that the women are fawning all over Joe and saying how perfect he is and what joy he brings to the tribe. Nobody says that about Jeremy and Woo is just seen as a threat for people not to notice his handsome face and loyalty to those he aligns himself with. 


I bet Savage is going to throw a conniption because his plan didn't work. Ciera should have really targeted Savage because Woo is loyal to a fault and has no gameplay whatsoever. They could see that he hasn't learned from his season in taking Tony to the end and they could have rode him to the end as the GOAT and use that argument again to win the money. Forget bringing someone who causes trouble and is no liked because that can backfire. You bring someone with shitty gameplay like Woo who's a follower and not a leader, and followers never win.

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Anyone else having a tough time getting into this season?

I know most of the players from past seasons, but I'm having trouble caring one way or the other about anything until the pre-vote scrambling.

Maybe it's because everyone already has a established personality--Chaos Kass, no-clue Woo, serial killer Abi. . .

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I'm not a huge Fishbach fan, but when he mentioned about the "golden boy", I totally got it. I think the other players in his season didn't know how much Stephen WAS J.T.'s game until the show aired. I can see why taking out Joe could be a big deal for him. I don't blame him for the tears. That's a big monkey he's feeling on his back.


I agree - that has to be a lot of regret to carry around. I think he really doesn't want to make the same mistake he made last time, and Joe is the most like JT: attractive, friendly, well-liked, and seemingly good at just about everything. Stephen seemed to be surprised at just how much emotion was coming out during that confessional, and it's understandable. Being out there has got to be so stressful both emotionally and physically, and it's not surprising that tears might come even if whatever you're talking about isn't something you'd normally cry about. But he needs to listen to Jeremy and stop bugging out if he wants to stick around much longer.

Agreed!  My dad asked that same question--"Why does she dislike him so much?"  Even though their season aired only a couple of years ago, I couldn't remember exactly why. 


Kass saying she wanted to get "revenge" on Spencer is the height of ridiculousness.  Revenge for what??  She outlasted him on their first season only to be voted out by Woo right before FTC.  Shouldn't she have wanted revenge on Woo before Spencer?  You can make the case that she did get her revenge on Woo by voting him out tonight. but that's not how her vote felt to me.  That was just her Chaos Kass crap.

I've always thought that Kass dislikes Spencer so much because she knows that he is *actually* as smart as she likes to think she is (which is a lot smarter than she actually is). I've never been a fan of hers, and her talking heads tonight reminded me why. I twitch every time I hear "chaos Kass."

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Kass may hate Spencer but she was at least voted for Woo. So why the hate?


I think it's something to do with that smug stupid face that just looks like it's dying to be slapped.

Also, there's a reason that assigning yourself a nickname was a Seinfeld storyline - it's an obnoxious thing to do!

And when she and Spencer ended up on the same team she immediately announced to everyone that she couldn't stand him - rude and stupid.

The way she seems to do everything just to cause controversy and get smug-muggy camera time

Talking about herself in the 3rd person

She's just an ass :(

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I'm pretty happy Woo is gone. The more bad players gone, the better. He was at all but one TC, and actually knew who was getting voted out how many times? Once? Possibly twice? Dude just wanted to hang out, do the challenges, and have someone tell him what to do. Good riddance. Although I'm not feeling Spencer all that much either. When dumbass Savage said he had to go because he was such a good player, I just had to laugh. He's not! He really isn't. He's just always lucky enough to be the second best choice to boot.

Stephen. Sheesh. I get it, I do, and I'm an emotional nutcase who would be curled up in a ball crying my eyes out by day five (reason #86 I would never do this show), but come on. Joe is not JT. Play the long game, don't get all butthurt when your emotional short game doesn't work.

Oh, hell, fucking Chaos Kass is back. She just couldn't help herself. She's put into the position of being the swing vote, and all that rush of power from her last season came back to her, and she's reveling in it. She's going to be pretty insufferable from here on out, I can tell.

Every time Savage does not get what he wants, I break out into a happy dance. More please!

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First and foremost, it's wonderful to hear that Danny is doing well after his transplant.  I can't even fathom how terrifying that late-night visit had to have been for Terry.  It's great that things are going smoothly for the Dietz family and that everyone is healthy.


Kass and Spencer need to form a secret alliance ASAP, and in a way they already have.  They've played up the "bitter rivals" thing so much that none of the other tribe members would believe they were covertly working together.  Clearly they're not THAT angry at each other since they worked together here, and it wouldn't be the first time that Survivor players have put aside personal differences to team up.


Actually according to Ciera on twitter it was Abi that wanted Woo out something to do with him writing Abi's name down a couple times.

So let me get this straight.  Survivor spends multiple episodes hammering home Abi's feud with Woo, but when it finally comes time for Woo's elimination episode, that ENTIRE SUBPLOT is completely ignored when it may have been the reason Woo was sent home??  Watching the ep, I was wondering why Ciera was targeting Woo instead of Savage and figured that it was because it would be an easier sell to get rid of Woo (the ex-Ta Keo) than Andrew (the ex-Bayon).  But no, it looked like Abi's feelings were again the focus and yet the show ignored it to push the 'Ciera is a player' narrative. 


This being said, dumb move by Savage in just naming Ciera as the would-be vote without any discussion or consultation.  Doubly dumb move to just waltz back into the merged tribe and assume he was the 'leader' of the former Bayon crew.  Let me add a giant LOL that teaming with Abi inevitably came back to bite Savage in the ass....gee, who saw that coming?  (besides everyone)


I get wanting to win but his whole speech about the golden boy beating him and how much his second chance means to him and all the tears that he could barely talk just made me very uncomfortable. It's not that serious dude.

I have to laugh that Stephen's tearful obsession with losing S19 of course gets aired, whereas Kelly is reportedly getting spitefully frozen out of camera-time since the producers and Probst are all mad that she's not obsessing over her loss to Hatch.  Kudos to Kelly for being a mature person.


That being said, I can't totally fault Stephen for his emotions.  Unless you've been out there, you can't really know what the whole Survivor experience does to one's mindset.  Stephen as a student of the game must have gone into that FTC thinking he was going to win, so to lose a shutout had to really rock him, not to mention going back and watching the season and realizing that JT had it in the bag all along.  (And then watching JT's bed-crapping performance in HvV and thinking "I lost to THIS GUY?!?!")  Beyond Stephen's "golden boy" issues, it must also be incredibly frustrating when you're in Survivor and trying to swing a logical vote but the others simply aren't having it.


Was this the first episode that the contestants have worn their bathing suits? I don't remember them before now. As much as I hate Abi I will say that she was rocking that bikini

Damn.  I didn't get the whole "Abi is eye candy" vibe since I've never found her attractive but....damn.

Edited by Trick Question
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.his son had such a serious condition that he was on a waiting list for a transplant AND YOU WENT TO PLAY SURVIVOR?! Sorry...but Terry never should have been there in the first place if they were facing such a situation. He should have graciously stepped aside and given his spot to someone else.


My understanding of the timeline of events I've read from news articles and others here is that Terry's son did not develop symptoms that ultimately led to the son needing a transplant until the time that Terry learns of the issue on Survivor as we saw tonight.  Someone who knows better can correct me if I am wrong.

Edited by pennben
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There most certainly was more rounds to the challenge but time wise they can't show it.

How? Wasn't it first to four wins? Unless you're saying that Jeff said "four" when he really meant "nine". Wasn't he saying the score throughout? Or are we suggesting that was dubbed as well?

I was wondering how the contestants were chosen. I am assuming it was random pick by the producers? Everyone has to go at least once. I think Keith cheated. When he opened his mouth it seemed like he had a huge bulge of stuff either under his tongue or at the side of his mouth. I noticed he didn't stick out his tongue. Then when he turned away, he was seen visibly still chewing.

I am not a fan of Dim Bulb Woo so I'm happy to see him go. However, the tribe is now at a physical liability. Andrew is strong, and maybe so is Kelly Wiggles, but everyone else seems physically weak.

Loved Spencer's comments. "My fate tonight rests in the hands of Khaos Kass. God help me."

So sick of Joe. We have to get treated to a shot of Joe lovingly oiling himself up. Ugh.

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So glad Terry's son is ok! I had to look it up right away to see what happened and if he made it. Glad they did an update at the end. Nice touch.

The multiple tribe switches have me befuddled. I can't recall at this point who started out with whom or where are the relationships and alliances are. Argh.

Loved savage's look of supreme confidence get taken down a peg or two at TC! And he was so sure he had it in the bag, he he he.

And why did ciera not turn it around and go for savage? Why woo? Now you have and angry scheming savage whereas woo would have kept going right along with them.

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First and foremost, it's wonderful to hear that Danny is doing well after his transplant. I can't even fathom how terrifying that late-night visit had to have been for Terry. It's great that things are going smoothly for the Dietz family and that everyone is healthy.

Kass and Spencer need to form a secret alliance ASAP, and in a way they already have. They've played up the "bitter rivals" thing so much that none of the other tribe members would believe they were covertly working together. Clearly they're not THAT angry at each other since they worked together here, and it wouldn't be the first time that Survivor players have put aside personal differences to team up.

So let me get this straight. Survivor spends multiple episodes hammering home Abi's feud with Woo, but when it finally comes time for Woo's elimination episode, that ENTIRE SUBPLOT is completely ignored when it may have been the reason Woo was sent home?? Watching the ep, I was wondering why Ciera was targeting Woo instead of Savage and figured that it was because it would be an easier sell to get rid of Woo (the ex-Ta Keo) than Andrew (the ex-Bayon). But no, it looked like Abi's feelings were again the focus and yet the show ignored it to push the 'Ciera is a player' narrative.

This being said, dumb move by Savage in just naming Ciera as the would-be vote without any discussion or consultation. Doubly dumb move to just waltz back into the merged tribe and assume he was the 'leader' of the former Bayon crew. Let me add a giant LOL that teaming with Abi inevitably came back to bite Savage in the ass....gee, who saw that coming? (besides everyone)

I have to laugh that Stephen's tearful obsession with losing S19 of course gets aired, whereas Kelly is reportedly getting spitefully frozen out of camera-time since the producers and Probst are all mad that she's not obsessing over her loss to Hatch. Kudos to Kelly for being a mature person.

That being said, I can't totally fault Stephen for his emotions. Unless you've been out there, you can't really know what the whole Survivor experience does to one's mindset. Stephen as a student of the game must have gone into that FTC thinking he was going to win, so to lose a shutout had to really rock him, not to mention going back and watching the season and realizing that JT had it in the bag all along. (And then watching JT's bed-crapping performance in HvV and thinking "I lost to THIS GUY?!?!") Beyond Stephen's "golden boy" issues, it must also be incredibly frustrating when you're in Survivor and trying to swing a logical vote but the others simply aren't having it.

Damn. I didn't get the whole "Abi is eye candy" vibe since I've never found her attractive but....damn.

I get Stephen's frustration to a point...it's annoying but being an anxious person I kind of get it. However, I do not see how voting Joe out at this point in the game when you need your stronger players to help your tribe is all that logical. If he waits an episode or two he will have at least five other people who will be ready and willing to put Joe's name down. Plus, his whole argument to Jeremy seemed to be focused solely on "Bayon strong" and come on, at this point, why is that still a salient point? Joe is not JT, this is not the same season - you have a whole group of people who have played this game before, you are not likely to have a JT situation happen in this season.

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I'm still waiting for Spencer to actually do something. He continually lands on the bottom, and is always saved by someone else's machinations. I feel like the female version of Spencer would be given an invisible edit and we'd never see her again.

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Noticed that everyone get new bathing suits tonight! They used to make such a big deal about finally getting clothes. Now they just quietly appear.

I forgot Wiggles was in the tribe when probst called her up first to vote :(

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For those keeping track at home this is now the 4th alliance that Abi has flipped on at tribal council.  She has also sent the person home she voted for every time (except for when her alliance split the vote between Spencer and Shirin). She is like the anti-Woo in this regard.

Edited by LanceM
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While I enjoy the "secret alliance" between Spencer and Kass, I still think it is a wrong move. Spencer is more of a strategist, Woo on the other hand, is more a follower. Funny but Kass saved Spencer in early days of Cagayan too. Ciera for me has a pre-alliance with Spencer that is why they got rid of Woo. 


I am enjoying this season. 

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I don't think Spencer can do much of anything to save himself at this point because everyone is gunning for him. They see him as a major threat especially when it comes to individual immunity challenges. If Spencer goes to anyone with a gameplan that person will more than likely will go to their alliance and tattle and therefore he'll get voted out. The best he can do is just lay back and let other players slit their throat just like Savage did by pointing out Ciera being the go to fake vote. Spencer just needs to fly under the radar as much as possible.


I can't blame Ciera for being upset that Savage just put her name out there like that without talking to her first. To her that could mean that she's at the bottom and is expendable and the tribe won't hesitate to get rid of her. She could be at the bottom of the 5 member alliance that Savage wanted.

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But no, it looked like Abi's feelings were again the focus and yet the show ignored it to push the 'Ciera is a player' narrative.
From what I gathered from Ciera's Twitter, Ciera did orchestrate everything. She targeted Woo instead of Savage because Abi made her issues with Woo clear enough that Ciera felt confident Abi would flip to vote out Woo. Ciera did not feel confident that Abi would flip to vote out Savage. IMHO, that's great people reading by Ciera.


I don't think Kass or Ciera were in an alliance with Savage on old Bayon, so I kind of understand why they want to undercut his leadership. But like with Kimmi's orchestration of the Monica boot, it may have been good short-term play but bad long-term play. I really don't know, because again, this is where the absolute lack of insight we got into old Bayon dynamics come into play. When merge happens, is Savage going to be able to ringlead people into a revenge boot of Kass/Ciera if he chooses? Or is this likely to be water under the bridge, especially given they just switched the vote from one member of old Ta Keo to another (and Stephen/Jeremy seem to genuinely like Spencer, so may be grateful that Kass/Ciera did that)? Maybe this is just like when Russell ousted Danielle to regain power in his dynamic with Parvati... Parvati wasn't happy about it, but ultimately she couldn't afford to target Russel for revenge due to the other dynamics.


Spencer just needs to fly under the radar as much as possible.
I think that's true, but it's irritating from a gender and editing perspective that Spencer is still getting tons of screentime while playing an under the radar game. Women who play under the radar games get edited as invisible, regardless of how strategic their under the radar play is and regardless of how long they last in the game.
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Kass and Spencer need to form a secret alliance ASAP, and in a way they already have.  They've played up the "bitter rivals" thing so much that none of the other tribe members would believe they were covertly working together.  Clearly they're not THAT angry at each other since they worked together here, and it wouldn't be the first time that Survivor players have put aside personal differences to team up.


I was wondering throughout the episode if they already had this plan before starting the game.  Something about their talking heads seemed...over the top, pre-planned.  I dunno.  I don't follow Twitter religiously, but the few times I did dip in after their season I sort of thought they were getting to a point where their feud was more pretend, teasing each other type of thing.  

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(I did NOT cry when Stephen did, because crying over the idea that others might not play the game the way you want them and thus save your second chance is not emotionally stirring.)


Stephen. Fucking Stephen. Not emotionally stirring at all. In fact, I found it weird and indicative of his complete lack of perspective on life. If he had been crying about something that mattered, I'd feel for him. To cry over a game show because people won't do what he thinks they should (for his game, of course) shows just how out-of-touch he is. Never liked the guy. Didn't like he nastiness about Monica last week. Hate his sniveling over not getting his way this week. The only thing that slightly redeemed him was his willingness to go after Joe of the Stupid Hair.

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 Plus, his whole argument to Jeremy seemed to be focused solely on "Bayon strong" and come on, at this point, why is that still a salient point?


Especially since Stephen took so much joy in booting Monica last week, and rubbing it in her face on social media this week. But it's "Bayon strong" this week? He's so awful

Edited by azshadowwalker
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Many past players have been smug and power-hungry without being cast as villains, but when Kass does it she is just so unlikable. I think this is partly because she always seems to be plotting against amicable people and partly because she seems like the type of person you want to run away from at a party. I don't see many redeeming qualities from her as a Survivor player, so this episode left me feeling horribly unsatisfied. Hopefully her comeuppance is coming.


Savage's biggest problem is that he can't take a back seat. Why suggest the Siera misdirection? Just shut up and let the group tell you how they are planning on handling Spencer. You don't have to tell people what to do all the time.


Abi is a horrible challenge player. She quits during every challenge at the first sign of trouble. She has the worst determination I have ever seen on this show.

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I missed part of Stephen's teary confessional.  He was crying that his alliance wouldn't back him and vote out Joe, because he's afraid Joe might be the next JT?   Has Stephen met Jeremy?  Based on the edits, I'd pick them for #1 and #2 so far.  And Stephen's not #1.


I like Kass.  I think I even kinda liked her in Cagayan.  If it's 'chaos' to keep one former castmate with zero allies, sign me up.   


I was really hoping when Kimmi refused to even try to eat the brain that she was going home for it.  I hope that bites her in the ass.  But I'm afraid with King Jeremy and his loyal page Stephen on her side, she's going to be their Erinn and go deep.  

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From what I gathered from Ciera's Twitter, Ciera did orchestrate everything. She targeted Woo instead of Savage because Abi made her issues with Woo clear enough that Ciera felt confident Abi would flip to vote out Woo. Ciera did not feel confident that Abi would flip to vote out Savage. IMHO, that's great people reading by Ciera.

The weird thing is Andrew kept saying he, Woo and Abi were unbreakable.  Did he mean Abi was 100% loyal to him and so was Woo?   Or did he think Abi was loyal to Woo, while she was actively campaigning to get him out and shaming him for writing her name down twice?  


My teen daughter said, "Look, it's battle of the manbuns," when Joe and Woo paired off on the slip n' slide.  


The weird thing about the "Joe oils up" reaction shots was I thought they were showing us Keith's appreciative leering, and I didn't even notice Tasha!  

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I'm not a huge Fishbach fan, but when he mentioned about the "golden boy", I totally got it. I think the other players in his season didn't know how much Stephen WAS J.T.'s game until the show aired. I can see why taking out Joe could be a big deal for him. I don't blame him for the tears. That's a big monkey he's feeling on his back.


I understood the tears and frustration too.  They cast Type A personalities who want to win. I bet there are lots of tears filmed every season, but Steven is getting a bad edit this time and they're showing his.


Andrew's overly white dentures are looking worse, as he gets skinnier and skinnier.

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I think my favorite line was, "oil up Joe!" 


I'm still surprised that Wigglesworth isn't getting much camera time. If the stories are true that they have been trying for years to get her back on, you'd think they'd get her on air more. Or, she could just be really boring. 

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I think that's true, but it's irritating from a gender and editing perspective that Spencer is still getting tons of screentime while playing an under the radar game. Women who play under the radar games get edited as invisible, regardless of how strategic their under the radar play is and regardless of how long they last in the game.



Only thing is, Spencer is not under the radar.  He's almost the polar opposite.  He's been right in the middle of the action -- both generating it and as a potential pawn of it -- for the majority of the game.  First episode he was one of the two-person decision-making team that booted the strongest physical person on his tribe.  Then the power structure flipped and he became one of the top two targets for the next boot.  Since then his butt has constantly been on the line.  He's repeatedly looked dead in the water, only to live to fight another day.  So much so, people are marveling at his 'nine lives.' 


He's performed great in challenges.  He's been a major target at tribal, time after time, yet has survived.  In what way is this under the radar? 

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I'm still surprised that Wigglesworth isn't getting much camera time. If the stories are true that they have been trying for years to get her back on, you'd think they'd get her on air more. Or, she could just be really boring.

Editing. That indicates to me she'll be around for a while.

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Wtf was with Jeff asking each person who was a parent how they would feel in Terry's situation? What are they going to say. "fuck the kid, I'm winning Survivor!"? That was just a waste of time & meant nothing.


Man, I hate those gross eating challenges, I would be just like Kimmy, just give up to the other person.

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Wtf was with Jeff asking each person who was a parent how they would feel in Terry's situation? What are they going to say. "fuck the kid, I'm winning Survivor!"? That was just a waste of time & meant nothing.


Basically a perfect description of nearly anytime that Probst tries to get introspective. He still wants to be a talk show host. 

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How? Wasn't it first to four wins? Unless you're saying that Jeff said "four" when he really meant "nine". Wasn't he saying the score throughout? Or are we suggesting that was dubbed as well?


Yeah, they dub the scores. Or rather, after the challenge they'll film Probst in separate shots announcing various possible point combinations, and then in the editing room they'll decide how many points they have time to show and splice in the corresponding Probst shots. Or something like that. I don't know the details, but the fact that they edit some of the points out of challenges is old news.


The weird thing is Andrew kept saying he, Woo and Abi were unbreakable.  Did he mean Abi was 100% loyal to him and so was Woo?   Or did he think Abi was loyal to Woo, while she was actively campaigning to get him out and shaming him for writing her name down twice?  


Certainly the former at least (Woo said in the show that he wanted to work with Andrew, and probably it was Abit's lingering loyalty to Andrew that kept him in the game this week). But he probably also imagined he could get Abi and Woo to play nice with each other for at least a vote or two. Nope!

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If Terry had not gotten pulled from the game:


Bayon probably would have won the RC.  Terry could have taken Stephen's place, e.g., and likely have won. 


I'm guessing Bayon still wins the IC.  Woo still gets booted at Ta Keo. 


The tribes stay split for one additional episode.  Bayon is the overwhelming favorite to win the next IC.  Ta Keo at tribal again would have been fascinating.  They would have entered merge down two.  But this season that might not have mattered so much. 


Merge would have come with more alphas than I ever recall:  Terry, Joe, Jeremy and maybe Savage.  The individual ICs and boots would have been real, real interesting.  Could the strategists have set things up so they go deep, while each alpha who did not win got booted?   


Back in real Survivor, the individual ICs and boots should still be real interesting: the remaining cast is incredibly well-rounded, strategically, socially and physically.  This was another great episode.  Savage's biggest mistake was (again) assuming he holds the reigns of power, and trying to dictate strategy.  IMO he's a somewhat above-average player, not great, who is eclipsed by many others this season. 


Ciera showed she has some chops, by engineering the Woo blindside.  But I'm not clear that she made a good move.  As many have pointed out, Woo is far easier to manage than Spencer, who is a multi-level threat to beat her in every aspect of the game.   


Abi again got her way, and bounced another player who crossed her path.  (I'm assuming she is the reason Woo got the target.)  The Abinator, as someone so aptly named her, has already left a trail of bodies in her wake.   


All these shuffles have blurred the alliances so much, it's hard for me to understand which players are together and which are not.  Jeremy's and Kelley's HIIs look like gold to me. 

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