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S02.E04: Even Cowgirls Get The Black & Blues

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Thanks to whoever mentioned Liv's brain cuisine fitting the theme. I noticed hush puppies this week.


I liked Minor waddling away from Major once he started snorting. Minor does not want to snuggle with you while you're doing drugs!


I'm glad they're giving Clive his own story, but it's a shame I don't like it so far.

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Was that Rose singing? She's got a nice voice. 


Still don't care too much about the cases of the week and it appears neither do the writers since Liv barely helped this week and it was a throwaway solve at the end. Looks like Clive is getting a love interest as well. Which will probably lead to her questioning Liv's psychic abilities.  


I wanted to hear what Peyton's zombie questions are instead we get Major asking for help with his drug problem, then making out with Liv. I hope Peyton does a background check on the new roomie and discovers she's Vaughn's daughter. But now it looks like Blaine has plans for her. I guess they are trying Petyon dating him and not Liv to be different.  

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I really liked the episode. I'm so happy with everything that happened with Major and Liv. Do they have a couple name? I think this is the first time we have really heard how Liv felt about Major and how hard it was for her after she became a zombie.

He finally got a wakeup call when he saw one of his kids. It reminded me how much I missed that aspect of his character. He finally asked for help. I wonder if ge will tell Liv about Max Rager and Gilda. Does he know that Gilda is Liv's roommate?

I'm so glad Peyton and Liv are friends again. I'm wary of her interest in Blaine but I'm pretty sure Liv will nip that in the bud once she finds out its him.

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I wish they would dial back the "Liv gets someone else's personality" stuff, the idea of the show was that she ate the brains of the victims to help solve the crimes. Now it seems like it's just a plot device so that she can act like someone else.

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I am so not interested in anything about Major at all. I feel like he's complete dead weight on this show, and I like every other character. Am I the only one? I don't know- the last thing I want to see is him and Liv back together.

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Gotta love that Livleen Lumpkin!  If only she'd sang "Bunk with Me Tonight" to Major instead of giving him that "I'm letting you go" speech.


Naming Major's dog "Minor" is a stroke of genius.



I am so not interested in anything about Major at all. I feel like he's complete dead weight on this show


I felt the same way about Major in season 1, but now that they've given him a better storyline, I'm liking him more.

Edited by Hollyhox
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Naming Major's dog "Minor" is a stroke of genius.

It was the best part of the episode.


Not that the episode wasn't good in general. Major finally asked help from Liv. Their kiss at the end was beautiful. While their chemistry isn't sizzling, I bought their love for each other.


After a gap of one week, Blaine is back. I hadn't realized it but I had missed him. I am huge David Anders fan from way back and totally buy that Peyton would be attracted to him. But he's a criminal who admitted to a whole of stuff in exchange for immunity. Is he the kind of person, someone like Peyton would really like and expect Liv to like too? That didn't ring true for me.


The show is finally padding Clive's role which is good. Not sure how I feel about his potential love interest though.


CotW was nothing great and Liv's personality was funny like the week before but the emotional beats worked for me.

Edited by norask
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I'm glad that Peyton and Liv are friends again. I hope that next week Peyton brings her two pages of zombie questions and I really hope that one of her questions is "Do you know any other zombies?" so that Liv can tell her about Blaine and stop that before it happens.


While I'm happy for Clive to have a potential love interest, I feel like the actress playing Dale was not the right casting choice. I can't put my finger on exactly why yet but there's something about her line readings that I don't like.


Hopefully this means the end of Major's drug spiral because I don't know how much longer I could stand watching it. I'm glad that Ravi noticed what a mess Major was becoming and told him so. I mean, I get why Major is self medicating. He found out that his ex was a zombie and let him think that he was crazy instead of telling him the truth. Then she turned him into a zombie so he wouldn't die and then cured him of zombieism and now he is being forced to assassinate other zombies. That is a lot to deal with. But that doesn't mean I have any interest in watching him go down the rabbit hole. I don't blame Ravi for being upset either. First Major just brings home a dog then stays out all night while his dog is whining and going through the trash and then he spaces out and loses the dog. If you can't be a responsible pet owner, then don't have a pet.


Does he know that Gilda is Liv's roommate?

No, he hasn't met her new roommate yet because they haven't been on good terms since all the events of the season finale. Their interactions since then have mainly been Liv calling him or showing up at his house. She has also been using different names. The girl who works at Max Rager is named Rita and Liv's roommate is named Gilda. I'm really hoping that her two names are for Rita Hayworth and her role as Gilda.


Was that Rose singing? She's got a nice voice.

According to the Inside the Episode video posted above, yes.

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then he spaces out and loses the dog.


I did not think Major spaced out-I thought he deliberately left the dog out because it would tie him to the murder of Minor's owner.  The dog was on the news with the owner.


I think everyone is doing a good job with the show but I am just not in love with it.  I think it is because Liv becomes basically a new person every week so it is harder for me to get invested in her.  And it strains belief that Clive is okay with all her transformations.  I think the point where I got totally fed up with the thing was when Liv became the old racist man.  I do not think Clive would be able to let that go.  I can believe Ravi would because he knows what happens when she eats the brains but I still think he might harbor a little residual anger.

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I felt the same way about Major in season 1, but now that they've given him a better storyline, I'm liking him more.



I liked it so far but I didnt want to see him jump into redemption train ! 


I wanted him to keep spiraling down and down into dark places, but the end of last episode suggested he may get himself out of it, and I would have prefered otherwise.


In other remarks... c'mon, Clive gotta have noticed that Liv's erratic behavior is synched with the victims they investigate on each time !

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I'm surprised Peyton didnt at least consider her crush maaaay be, possibly, a zombie. All with the white hair and all (well, even if it's just an act).

I know! It seemed like Peyton did side eye Blaine for a bit because of his appearance. Did he tell her his real name? I don't think we saw an introduction, did we?


I'm really hoping that her two names are for Rita Hayworth and her role as Gilda.

I can't imagine that's anything but intentional.

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[Major] hasn't met [Liv's] new roommate yet. She has also been using different names. The girl who works at Max Rager is named Rita and Liv's roommate is named Gilda. I'm really hoping that her two names are for Rita Hayworth and her role as Gilda.

Major didn't act as if he'd woken up at Liv's apartment (they cut directly from Rita's bedroom to Major walking through his own front door), so either Gilda has another home or she took him somewhere else, like a hotel.

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It'd make sense that she had another home, her renting with Liv being a mission and all. During the final scene I was waiting for Gilda to walk in or out or somewhere in view. I hope this gets resolved soon because it's becoming too much with Peyton and Blaine too.


Does Peyton know what identifies a zombie? I forgot what Liv told her back then - though I suppose they could have already had that page-long list of questions talk off-screen. Anyway, I'd handwave it that Blaine's skin color is no longer zombie-like in person.


Clive gotta have noticed that Liv's erratic behavior is synched with the victims they investigate on each time !

Maybe he did and thinks it's part of her psychic thing, which fair enough. He isn't too concerned with how it works, or maybe he asked and got used to the idea that Liv won't/can't explain. He doesn't seem to have noticed that she never gets visions quickly though, because he still asks her about it at the crime scene.

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No, he hasn't met her new roommate yet because they haven't been on good terms since all the events of the season finale. Their interactions since then have mainly been Liv calling him or showing up at his house. She has also been using different names. The girl who works at Max Rager is named Rita and Liv's roommate is named Gilda. I'm really hoping that her two names are for Rita Hayworth and her role as Gilda.

I thought Rita was the other girl who was Vaughn's assistant.

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I'm glad that Peyton and Liv are friends again. I hope that next week Peyton brings her two pages of zombie questions and I really hope that one of her questions is "Do you know any other zombies?" so that Liv can tell her about Blaine and stop that before it happens.

I can't imagine either of them getting hit with the stupid stick hard enough for Blaine's name not to come up during the "So, how'd you turn into a zombie?" portion of the conversation.

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I could have sworn that the teasers for this episode made it sound like Liv was going to bomb on stage, so I was kind of surprised she ended up being good.  And that really was all Rose McIver?  She's got a nice voice!  Then again, it's getting close enough to the point I think Rose could do most everything.


Raphael Sbarge!  Yep, an episode with three former Once Upon A Time folks, between him, McIver and David Anders.  Maybe Meghan Ory could show up!  Or Robbie Kay, once he's done with that lame Heroes: Reborn stuff.


I figured that both cases were going to tie in together, so I wasn't surprised by the outcome.  I did find it kind of interesting that Liv's visions really didn't play a part in solving it.  All of her visions were just about the creepy bar owner, which ended up being a fake-out.  Instead, a lot of it was just luck, and Clive putting the pieces together.  I guess that's good for him, but it was just a bit weird.  Then again, the cases of the week really seem just plot points and excuses for different versions of Liv, so I'm not all that upset over it.


Glad that it seems like Peyton really is glad to see Liv again, and wants to be friends.  I wish we got more of her "zombie questions" though.  But, really, show?  You're going to have her develop a crush on fucking Blaine?  I'm really going to find it hard to believe that she doesn't find out about him very soon.  I can't see why Live wouldn't mention him at some point, considering all the things that played a major role in what's been going on (turing Liv, the Major drama, etc.)  Of course, I also suspect Ravi isn't fully over her yet.


If this isn't an all time low for Major, I don't know what else is.  Looses Minor and gets Ravi mad at him.  Has Liv chew him out.  And then buys drugs, only to find out the dealer was someone he tried to save?  Yeah, that has to be crushing.  I hope this is it for the drug story.  But I have to think Gilda, Vaughn, and Max Rager is still in play.


Blaine's doing what he does best: being an evil bastard, of course.  I still wonder what his grand plan is with this Boss guy, and how ratting the organization out to Peyton is a part of it.

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It seemed like Peyton did side-eye Blaine for a bit because of his appearance. Did he tell her his real name? I don't think we saw an introduction, did we?

We joined the conversation "already in progress," so we don't know who Peyton thinks Blaine is. (I assumed John Deaux of Shady Plots funeral home.) Peyton's exact words were, "It says here you were slinging for Stacey Boss, but are now a local business owner."

Speaking of Blaine's businesses, he said losing those two customers ("it's the friggin' rich zombie rapture") means he's out $50,000 a month. So he's highly motivated to take out the zombie hunter.

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I wish they would dial back the "Liv gets someone else's personality" stuff, the idea of the show was that she ate the brains of the victims to help solve the crimes. Now it seems like it's just a plot device so that she can act like someone else.

I read it the other way, actually. I am more interested in Liv acting zany than I am in the actual cases, and I think the writers are playing to that. The murder mysteries were established as a way to make sure she keeps eating interesting new brains every epsisode, that's all. Otherwise, she'd load up on the most normal boring brains she could find and just eat those.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I can't imagine either of them getting hit with the stupid stick hard enough for Blaine's name not to come up during the "So, how'd you turn into a zombie?" portion of the conversation.


Considering the many, many at-best questionable things that Liv has done in the season and a half we've known her (let Blaine live, allow Major to think he was going insane in imagining zombies, turn Major into a zombie, use one of her only two samples of a cure on Blaine, and the other on Major, not lie better about why she couldn't give her brother a blood transfusion, etc. etc.), I could most definitely see her not state Blaine's name as the one who turned her. Especially since he's cured now. 


Even when it comes to something relatively little like wanting company on her birthday, Liv doesn't just open up and say "It's my birthday Friday...wanna hang?" 


Whether it's by design because of her zombiedom or because Plot, Liv is often not very smart or straightforward about how she does things, and bottles some stuff up that she should really be open about.

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I did not think Major spaced out-I thought he deliberately left the dog out because it would tie him to the murder of Minor's owner.  The dog was on the news with the owner.

I wondered about that, too, though he did genuinely seem spaced out. Minor's going to have some significance.


After a gap of one week, Blaine is back. I hadn't realized it but I had missed him. I am huge David Anders fan from way back and totally buy that Peyton would be attracted to him. But he's a criminal who admitted to a whole of stuff in exchange for immunity. Is he the kind of person, someone like Peyton would really like and expect Liv to like too? That didn't ring true for me.

You're right, she's an ambitious district attorney. Some guy who just demanded immunity for a bunch of crimes doesn't seem like her type.

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I don't know why it didn't strike me sooner that Blaine can still make new zombies, despite having been cured. He still knows lots of zombies who can do the scratching for him. I'm so angry that Liv didn't shoot him, and then that she wasted the cure on him instead of (again) shooting him or locking him down. I don't enjoy his character at all, but I guess the show thinks the actor is charismatic and that they need him to be the Big Villain. I wish I could agree, but I just don't see it. I find him to be a one note scenery-chewer. Vaughn/Max Rager is plenty of villain for me, and I don't think they need Blaine at all.


I wonder if the utopium-dealer/xtian convert/new zombie will turn up in Ravi's orbit somehow, and ally with Liv, or if he'll just rage out and become another casualty or foe.


Major and Ravi should say they found the dog wandering, it's a plausible scenario and wouldn't have to necessarily tie them to the murder of the dog's person. What I find more problematic is that the dog is not afraid of Major, after having seen him kill his person. Of course, if they found the dog wandering, they'd do well to try to reunite it with its person-- post signs, look for an ID chip, ask vets and shelters if anyone had reported a dog lost fitting Minor's description-- they should do that even if they know where the dog came from. to cover their tracks. But Major isn't thinking clearly or doing anything sensible, these days.


Major also needs to tell Liv about being asked to kill people. His willingness to kill others to save her doesn't add up. Even if it was a good idea, it has a time limit because I'm sure Vaughn will dispose of her as soon as Major finishes with the others, and no longer needs to keep Major on the hook. Vaughn should be looking for a cure, too, shouldn't he? Why kill when you can cure? Is the plan to monitor all drinkers of their product and then kill the ones who turn zombie? It's a terrible business plan.

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She isn't going to date him. That would require us to believe waaay to much bullshit. That doesn't mean he isn't interesting. Think the writers are actually playing with our expectations here, because a lot of lesser shows *would* go there. But Blaine isn't on a redemption arc, which lots of people also expected, so I think it's just misdirection. 


.. and a pinch of the female version of "No homo". Because that scene up to that point was just.. very, very ship baity. 

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I think the show thinks they need to prolong the angst and estrangements, because they're worried about how to keep the show going if the characters successfully solve the central problem. But I think it would work fine-- and better than what they're doing-- if they allowed the gang to work together as a team. They could have plenty of adventures on the road to the cure, and then tracking down all the scattered zombies that were created "back in the day." The zombie genie is out of the bottle. Even if they eventually take down Max Rager, and Blaine, and Utopium,find a cure for zombies, and catch all the people who were involved in the various conspiracies, there are still lots of zombies running around the world, and lots of fallout to be cleaned up. I don't think the show would suffer from turning itself into more of a caper than an angst-fest. They could still have a case of the week, a long story arc, and not keep the friends/heroes/hunters apart. Clive, Ravi, Peyton, Major, and Liv could be an awesome, hilarious, and creative team. Maybe deal with Liv's family drama and bring her brother on board, too. But maybe they think the angst is inherently interesting. I just disagree.

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We don't know what crimes Blaine confessed to, but a mortician named John Deaux who's broken the law in a world where Peyton knows zombies exist--she really ought to be asking Liv if she knows anything about him. She needs to ask Liv her two pages of zombie questions stat!


Ravi in country & western wear was cute.

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Blaine's doing what he does best: being an evil bastard, of course.  I still wonder what his grand plan is with this Boss guy, and how ratting the organization out to Peyton is a part of it.

Blaine wants to take over the market for utopium. Boss is his big competition.

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Seems like taking a prominent role as he is doing to take Boss down is not a good path for Blaine. First, if Boss has so much of the police, prosecutors and judges in his pocket,. there's no guarantee that Boss will get convicted.


Even assuming he does, how are Boss's former minions (or his own present or future minions) going to trust that Blaine's not going to rat him out? One would also think that the authorities are probably take a greater interest in what Blaine is doing, after his big confession.

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I do love David Anders and think he's really good with the snarky dialogue. He's a good villain. Kind of reminds me of Spike in the early Buffy years, before the whole Buffy crush, when he was just a really entertaining bad guy.

Edited by Ruby25
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Maybe it helps if you've seen the actor in something else? Because I haven't, and I really don't love to hate Blaine either. And it's all the worse that he's written as if he's someone we want to see more of. Because, not so much.

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While I'm happy for Clive to have a potential love interest, I feel like the actress playing Dale was not the right casting choice. I can't put my finger on exactly why yet but there's something about her line readings that I don't like.


It might be because the character is named Dale Bozzio who is/was the lead singer for Missing Persons.   It has to be an intentional choice, but I'm not sure why.  


  <-----------  very 80s video.   
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I liked Liv/Rose's singing, but I'm also glad they didn't break out the "quit your job and become an overnight star" trope.  There are a lot of very good singers without recording contracts (though if they ever do a musical episode, cool.)


I also liked that they resolved that skills Liv gets don't stay; she was losing her ability to play guitar.  In one sense that's sad, but it keeps them from having a super-zombie (that might be an option for a zombie with an eidedic memory.)

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Ugh. I think I've enjoyed Blaine's scenes more than some of Liv's, which is a first for me. His mute henchman is hilarious.


The singing was nice though. And Ravi is the. best.


Please stop with Major/Liv show, unless you have the guts to kill him in the season finale. I've been over this romance since the pilot.

Edited by FurryFury
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In one sense that's sad, but it keeps them from having a super-zombie (that might be an option for a zombie with an eidedic memory.)

The skills not staying was the only thing that makes sense in a world where zombies haven't taken over everything imo. We saw that Blaine was willing to kill to get brains with exceptional memories, and zombies paid a lot for that. How much would anyone pay to get great skills for the rest of their existence? Who wouldn't? (In a zombie with eidetic memory on the other hand, if the skills stay, memories and personality traits should too - that would be pretty debilitating after awhile, and interesting.)

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Ruby25, on 28 Oct 2015 - 01:58 AM, said:

I am so not interested in anything about Major at all. I feel like he's complete dead weight on this show, and I like every other character. Am I the only one? I don't know- the last thing I want to see is him and Liv back together.


You are not alone.


Hollyhox, on 28 Oct 2015 - 02:05 AM, said:

Naming Major's dog "Minor" is a stroke of genius.


I'm not going to lie, that totally didn't click for me until I came here. 



I felt the same way about Major in season 1, but now that they've given him a better storyline, I'm liking him more.


I still don't like him.  I've finally decided it's the actor.


FurryFury, on 29 Oct 2015 - 10:35 AM, said:

Ugh. I think I've enjoyed Blaine's scenes more than some of Liv's, which is a first for me. His mute henchman is hilarious.


The singing was nice though. And Ravi is the. best.


Please stop with Major/Liv show, unless you have the guts to kill him in the season finale. I've been over this romance since the pilot.


Mute henchman was funny.   I agree they need to stop with Liv/Major.  They keep saying how Major is the love of her life but I just am not buying what they are selling.  The two of them don't have the right connection to make me believe they are meant to be.  Liv's chemistry with everyone else is good to spectacular.  But Major?  Nope.  I don't need sizzling, burn my screen up chemistry but I do need to feel like there was/is something between them and I just feel like it's two people going through the motions. 

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What exactly are the rules for zombie transmission? We know a scratch turns the victim into a zombie. What about swapping saliva? Because I was getting really worried for Major at the end there.


I liked this episode because they dialed down the wacky Liv antics. You could see the country singer coming through in her metaphors and she had the big singing scene, but other than that she was basically the same. And we got a lot of actual plot development happening.

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I couldn't help but feel happy every time Sac n Pac was mentioned (Wallace!). Ravi was pretty darn adorable in his cowboy outfit, too, but I'm having some difficulty caring about Major.


And yeah, I didn't get the Minor thing until this thread. My excuse is I'm sick. Yup, that's it.

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The case of the week was why the episode had heart. Major asking for help and getting laid instead, not so much. 


They never tell each other anything, so I can see Major talking zombies to Babineaux. On the other hand, that might get him back into psych instead of death row when they find the dog.

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What exactly are the rules for zombie transmission? We know a scratch turns the victim into a zombie. What about swapping saliva? Because I was getting really worried for Major at the end there.

Unlikely. We've seen Blaine's zombies continuing their normal life at this point. Wasn't any of them married? The victim's blood is needed (and only theirs, so a bite or a scratch infects), so hickeys should be ok as long as the zombie doesn't break the skin.


It would be so much bitter, bitter irony if Major got himself zombified due to his addiction leading him to a tainted batch at some point. It doesn't seem to go there though, what with his requiring help now.

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It might be because the character is named Dale Bozzio who is/was the lead singer for Missing Persons.   It has to be an intentional choice, but I'm not sure why.  

I laughed out loud when the boss was like "This is FBI agent Dale Bozzio...she's looking into a string of missing persons cases."

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I laughed out loud when the boss was like "This is FBI agent Dale Bozzio...she's looking into a string of missing persons cases."

I totally missed her name. HAHAHA this is awesome.  Except for the part where I now have Walking in LA stuck in my head.  But it's worth it.

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