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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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I live in a largely Hispanic city.  My next-door neighbor who is probably late 20's-early 30's (I am not good at guessing ages) smokes, his wife who is Caucasian also smokes, but I have never seen any of the 3 sons smoke.  The adults also go outside to have a smoke.  Mr. X and I each grew up with 2 smoking parents, and in the 60's, smokers didn't go outside to partake.  So maybe things have improved somewhat, hopefully!

I've never heard that SludgePudge smokes, nor any of the Browns either.  Since it's dear Mariah's thread, I figured I better mention that!  

I'm envious of east coast viewers and the live chats.  I always DVR the episodes and watch first thing Monday morning.  The grand finale is tonight, and I'll be snarking in the a.m. with all of you.  Such fun!

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21 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Oh Joan!  I know there is nothing funny about a child smoking but you painted such a vivid word picture with how nonchalant he was about it, I was laughing at the incongruity of the situation.  I've heard that smoking stunts a person's growth, maybe he was actually 20yrs old.  Sweeeeet! OMG.

Maybe he was 40. 

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17 minutes ago, Sandy W said:

Oh Joan!  I know there is nothing funny about a child smoking but you painted such a vivid word picture with how nonchalant he was about it, I was laughing at the incongruity of the situation.  I've heard that smoking stunts a person's growth, maybe he was actually 20yrs old.  Sweeeeet! OMG.

It was a "deer in the headlights"experience for us.... Neither of us could believe our eyes.

A few years later I watched a documentary about street children in Brazil and they all smoked... even the very smallest and some had parents who allowed it.  😟

The parents of the little guy in the hot tub were dressed nicely and so was the toddler...they obviously weren't derelict or street people so I don't know what their dill was.... really bizarre.

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7 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

I'm envious of east coast viewers and the live chats.  I always DVR the episodes and watch first thing Monday morning.  The grand finale is tonight, and I'll be snarking in the a.m. with all of you.  Such fun!

Same!  I always think of you guys as I watch, though.  I’m kind of sad this season is ending, no new shows to snark on for awhile.  Thank goodness we have their social media to keep us entertained.  It’s hard to remember the dark ages of reality TV before social media, when you actually had to watch the show to know what the cast had been up to. 

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On 4/20/2019 at 9:24 AM, Adiba said:

I used to have a co- worker who went vegetarian (no meat or fish) during Lent and she would complain that she’d actually gained weight during it. 

I always give up fried foods, bread, rice, potatoes and any pastries in the office kitchen during Lent. I also do weight watchers and this is a good way for me to stay on track and force me to use recipes that do not include any of what I consider the yummiest food, I.e, high in fat/calories/points. This year I didn’t think it through because a week after lent started I had to have dental surgery. I had a mouth full of stitches and was not allowed to chew for two weeks. Not chewing is hard by the way. Luckily, ibuprofen took away the pain. Well, I had to break my Lenten vow and for two weeks I pretty much existed on mashed potatoes, ice cream and pasta. Wouldn’t you know it, I lost four pounds and I felt like I was eating constantly. 

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16 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I hate to say it but I think I would have gotten out as soon as possible without hurting their feelings or making them feel uncomfortable.

Trust me, we did.  Not because of their size . . . because 20 seconds with them would convince anyone that this is not a relationship that should be cultivated.

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At dinner recently there was a pretty hefty foursome at the next table and they were talking a lot about their normal food choices. The largest - a man who I would guess weighed 400+ - was explaining how he never eats bread, etc. And my husband and I were sitting there thinking, “Please. Just all of you stop agonizing and enjoy your piles of French fries.”

Honestly, they seemed like nice people who were genuinely concerned about their diets. But damn, they are doing it wrong. 

Way off topic. I hope Mariah is achieving her desired health goals. 

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Mariah looked totally over the stupid catfish questions during the tell-all.  I'm not one to defend her, but those questions should've been lobbed at Meri, not Mariah.  The host gets to go around the room asking if everyone is pregnant, but with Mariah, she's like - hey, let's open up really old wounds and talk about how your mom tried to run away from your family and how that made you fill!   

Edited by laurakaye
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On 4/21/2019 at 6:12 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I hate to say it but I think I would have gotten out as soon as possible without hurting their feelings or making them feel uncomfortable.

I watch My 600 lb Life and the participants almost always explain how they really can't clean themselves properly..... the thought of sitting in a tub with them would be difficult and hubby is a bit of a clean freak so I'm sure he'd want out immediately but also wouldn't want to make it obvious or hurt anyone's feelings.

We had a crazy hot tub encounter one year when we took the kids to Disneyland.

We were at our hotel after a long day of visiting the park,... the kids were swimming while hubby and I sat in the hot tub watching, all of a sudden this little boy (looked no more than 7 or 8 yrs old) came walking over with a bag in his hand which contained a towel.... He hopped in the tub with us and immediately struck up a conversation, after about 5 minutes he reached into the bag pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lighter, lit up and sat there smoking while continuing to visit and ask us where we were from.... at one point he leaned back, stretched out, took a huge puff and said "yup.. life is sweeeeet" like he was an old person lol.

Hubby and I sat there absolutely dumbfounded.... About 15 minutes later a couple with a toddler came walking over and said "Okay we're leaving now, get dried off and come get dressed" like they were his parents, neither one batted an eye as he packed up his smokes and got out of the tub.

We sat there stunned and didn't know what to make of the whole thing.... the family looked and sounded Hispanic and we wondered if maybe this was more common in their culture?

As soon as they left our kids came running over and were full of questions wondering if he was actually smoking like they thought..... Hubby said "Yes and don't get any ideas"  😂

I read this wrong I thought you said the TODDLER said "Okay we're leaving now, get dried off and come get dressed". I was like the 7 year is smoking like a chimney and the toddler is a dictator.  Where is the 7 year old getting money to fund his smoking??? So many questions.

Back on topic...Did Mariah ever explain what she plans on doing with her degree once she graduates?

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I don't pretend to understand gay relationships but I did think it was interesting that Mariah gave Audge the engagement ring. 

Speaking of diets, I don't think Mariah lays off enough fats and carbs.  As for fat vegans, even plant based fats can still be very fattening - hello avocados and peanut butter!

I never lost so much weight as when I had gallbladder issues and had to avoid ALL fat at any cost or suffer pain and discomfort.  The only proteins I could eat were skinless chicken or turkey breast, seafood and fish.  I ate a lot of fruits and vegetables including potatoes, either raw or steamed, or in salads with no oil, just vinegar.  I couldn't eat cheese, only fat free dairy like skimmed milk and fat free fake American cheese and yogurt.  I could have a slice of bread here and there but only if it was really low fat like no more than 1 gram per slice.  I could have grains and cereals but how much of that can you eat?  I was making myself boxed devil's food cake mix with no oil or egg, just canned pumpkin - It was really good.  I lost 20 lbs. in record time and never felt hungry.  I had to stay on the diet after surgery due to stones still stuck in my bile duct that needed 3 subsequent procedures spanning 3 months to fully eradicate.

That was a few months ago. Now I'm back to eating normally but I'm thinking of going back on the diet since just adding a little more fat and carbs to my diet has made me gain a few pounds and I'd like to lose them.  Long story short, those trendy low carb and vegan diets can keep you slim but you also have to avoid the fat, which we all know Mariah doesn't.

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53 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Oh, dear, here we go with pearls of wisdom gleaned from her yoga teachers.  Get ready for #drivel.

I can't wait! I hope the Browns are super active on social media, so that we will have something to snark about over the summer.

is school out at Loyola? It seems a bit early. Duke and UNC are still in session.

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14 minutes ago, xwordfanatik said:

Again with the cutesy pigeon-toed pose.  Yuck.

Did Sludge get to go along?  How about ESA dog?  


Mariah - I absolutely think it is OK for you to wear shorts in a hot environment.  Maybe next time you will buy some in YOUR size (also 2 or 3 inches longer would be much more appropriate.)  I see she learned fit from her mother.

I am truly not trying to body shame her - I'm just saying clothes that fit are usually a lot more flattering.

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Mariah obviously is not a Starving Student.  Those I know, even from fairly affluent families are slogging away at j-o-b-s to help out with tuition for the next year.  Airfare alone to Bali is in the range of $2000. never mind the cost of accommodations and the expense of the yoga course.

Perhaps Mariah feels that her "wellness" is important to her eventual career as a social worker, she may have better invested mama Meri's money in several therapy sessions.

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49 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

Mariah - I absolutely think it is OK for you to wear shorts in a hot environment.  Maybe next time you will buy some in YOUR size (also 2 or 3 inches longer would be much more appropriate.)  I see she learned fit from her mother.

I am truly not trying to body shame her - I'm just saying clothes that fit are usually a lot more flattering.

This is also the first thing I noticed.  I can't imagine anything more yuck than wearing body-hugging, too-small clothing in a hot and steamy environment.  Plus it looks bad.  And if Sludge isn't there with her, what did she do - find a local to snap 37 pics until she got just the right blend of cute and woke?  Or maybe she found someone in her yoga class that's just as self-absorbed as she is.

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3 hours ago, neh said:

is school out at Loyola? It seems a bit early. Duke and UNC are still in session.

I was curious, too, so I looked up the grad school's academic calendar and the semester was officially over on the 26th.  This week is finals week.  So I guess if she had no finals she's footloose and fancy free.

And yeah, it looks like she's about to experience some really painful chafing...

Edited by LilWharveyGal
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5 hours ago, LilWharveyGal said:

I was curious, too, so I looked up the grad school's academic calendar and the semester was officially over on the 26th.  This week is finals week.  So I guess if she had no finals she's footloose and fancy free.

And yeah, it looks like she's about to experience some really painful chafing...

So she bailed on finals ? How can one do that and get a passing grade ? Is Audrey there with her ? How they pay for both, who is watching the faux ASA animals ?


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3 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

What's Mariah doing in Bali?  Money must be flowing from that show!

She's going for some yoga certification, it seems.  What a speshul snowflake Mariah is!  Grad school is such a snap, she can skip finals.  

Mother Meri has $ to burn, apparently.  Could that be why Kootie & the Gang were so worried, that Meri wasn't going to move to Flag?  Like Meri would actually share her LuLaNo earnings.  HaHa.

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Not all grad school programs are the same but the only written exams I took while in grad school were in my French and Spanish courses. All the rest were small weekly papers turned in for every class, and then the ubiquitous 30-50 page term papers that were turned in at the end.  But then I wasn't majoring in Social Justice Yoga Warrier, so there's that...🤔

Edited by Rabbit Hutch
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Folks can wear whatever they want, but I find the way she's dressed somewhat embarrassing. She's an American in a foreign country, for Pete's sake. Could she had at least worn some longer shorts, or capris?  She dressed not like she's a visitor or a guest in a foreign land, but like she's down to her house clothes and therefore headed to the local laundry mat. Too, those shorts accentuate her chubbiness.  Sheesh.

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21 hours ago, laurakaye said:

This is also the first thing I noticed.  I can't imagine anything more yuck than wearing body-hugging, too-small clothing in a hot and steamy environment.  Plus it looks bad.  And if Sludge isn't there with her, what did she do - find a local to snap 37 pics until she got just the right blend of cute and woke?  Or maybe she found someone in her yoga class that's just as self-absorbed as she is.

Having traveled to and worked in the middle east, I find it disrespectful to not at least attempt to be respectful of local practices--you don't need to copy them exactly, but for shit's sake, at least try Mariah. 

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9 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Having traveled to and worked in the middle east, I find it disrespectful to not at least attempt to be respectful of local practices--you don't need to copy them exactly, but for shit's sake, at least try Mariah. 

She's so self-absorbed she thinks the world revolves around her.  No need to be respectful because, well, Princess Pudge is the the bestest and greatest and smartest and coolest.  And everyone wants to be her.

Plus I'm not sure she's bright enough to know that there are any other cultural mores outside of her universe.

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15 hours ago, Rabbit Hutch said:

Not all grad school programs are the same but the only written exams I took while in grad school were in my French and Spanish courses. All the rest were small weekly papers turned in for every class, and then the ubiquitous 30-50 page term papers that were turned in at the end.  But then I wasn't majoring in Social Justice Yoga Warrier, so there's that...🤔

When I went to Social Work school back in the olden days, a lot of our "finals" were, like you said, big papers at the end of the semester.  And, sometimes the "final" would be the last day of class, just depending.

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4 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

Having traveled to and worked in the middle east, I find it disrespectful to not at least attempt to be respectful of local practices--you don't need to copy them exactly, but for shit's sake, at least try Mariah. 

She is in Bali not the middle east.  I do NOT know enough about the local culture to know if shorts are inappropriate.  However, she really should wear shorts that fit her properly.

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4 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

She is in Bali not the middle east.  I do NOT know enough about the local culture to know if shorts are inappropriate.  However, she really should wear shorts that fit her properly.

Hinduism is the primary religion in Bali and modesty in clothing is one of the core values.  I don't know if shorts would be considered immodest but as you say, they should at least fit her properly.

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2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

She is in Bali not the middle east.  I do NOT know enough about the local culture to know if shorts are inappropriate.  However, she really should wear shorts that fit her properly.

Yeah, I know it’s not the Middle East. I realize how that could be misinterpreted and didn’t mean to imply that’s where I thought she was. Just in general, know local customs, religion and dress before traveling. Outside touristy areas, shorts are generally not recommended as the locals tend to dress more modestly in Indonesia. 

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26 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

Outside touristy areas, shorts are generally not recommended as the locals tend to dress more modestly in Indonesia. 

Do we really think she is enrolled in a serious yoga course outside of a touristy area?  I think in her mind foreign country equals more legitimate instruction.  She does seem to be flexible and quite dedicated but we don't really know.  And in her family, they don't always seem to work for real achievements (Janelle's life coach "certification" being a prime example.)  She could be doing the foreign equivalent of a class at the local YMCA.  

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21 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

I think in her mind foreign country equals more legitimate instruction. 

I think she's like the rest of these idiots, falling for the latest fad and believing everything she's told as long as she sees it on Facebook or Twitter.  

Think LuLaNo, the contact paper fingernails, and the goodie boxes.  Doesn't take a lot of research to know that none of them are worth the powder to blow them up.

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2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

If she says it's for schooling wouldn't the trip be a tax write off?  Just thinking.

Well now, you've hit upon something the Brown Clowns don't do a lot of.  Thinkingk.

The "k" was intentional.  I am guessing that the Brownies do not use Janelle for their (most-likely?) creative tax returns.  Lord only knows what they get for deductions, besides their dependent kids.  

If Mariah isn't a certified yoga instructor, with legitimate credentials, I don't see how this trip could be a tax write-off.  But what does a lowly monogamist worked-for-over-30-years-of-my-life person like me know about it?  

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13 hours ago, SongbirdHollow said:

I follow a lot of yogis on Instagram and Bali is a popular place for retreats and courses. Bikinis are the standard uniform so she's  practically a nun here.

Ugh, just got a visual of Mariaduh practicing yoga while wearing a bikini! 🧐  I can only imagine how painful the chafing is, and in some very intimate places, to boot.  😧

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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