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Leon Brown: So Here's Me

Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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8 minutes ago, laurakaye said:

They can't film in town, you say?  Interesting - good for Flagstaff.  

With Kody's lack of foresight, I'm sure he didn't check out the possibility of filming in Flagstaff before purchasing there.  Why would he, he didn't even check the feasibility of building a mega house before having plans drawn up?  I'm sure he was crestfallen that he wasn't given the keys to the city for bringing an important industry and perking up the economy of Flagstaff.

Having lived in areas where a lot of Hollywood and television filming takes place, I can say that there are benefits to local hotels, restaurants, boutique owners and permitting departments of city hall, but the disruption to traffic flow and easy access can be a nightmare.

I agree, good for Flagstaff.  I would love to have witnessed Kody's shock and dismay that he and his four (count 'em 4) wives, along with film crews, trucks and lights weren't welcome to disturb the serenity of the city.

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, laurakaye said:

They can't film in town, you say?  Interesting - good for Flagstaff.  So no more awkward "lunches with the girls" where all four wives sit there inspecting their forks, making painful small talk before they can all jump up and escape in four separate cars?  Aw, those were so much fun to watch.

And if Meri and Kody are faking the drama for ratings - that's appalling, but I can see it being somewhat true.  Plus Meri is a much better crier than Robyn, making it all a tad more believeable.

This past season they filmed inside the building of a business that does custom embroidery when Christine was picking up custom printed pillows.  And they filmed in a restaurant, but it was just the wives walking up the path and then what looked like a tiny attic room with a little table set "for lunch".  With no other tables etc.  Pretty obviously far away from everyone.  Most all other filming was on their property or in their homes.  Even the filler shots on the show is mostly trees and mountains and lots of filming the train crossing.  They don't even seem to film while the wives are driving or anything, but they did show a map to show "how far apart" everyone is.

I suspect the drama of Meri moving in that first house, and then right back out again was all the cars and film crews etc.  She obviously didn't research the home and neighbors before plopping herself and 25 people and 12 moving trucks into a tiny little cul de sac and expecting everyone to jump for joy that their quiet little neighborhood was turned up side down.  Janelle didn't pay any attention to the placement of her first house.  She was "shocked" when she realized how far away she was from everyone.  Funny how that was such a big deal with moving into the rentals the first time around in Las Vegas....they went on and on about Meri being a whole mile away from the others and the wives being a half a block separated etc. 🙄

  • Love 11
On 6/18/2020 at 8:42 AM, Sandy W said:

With Kody's lack of foresight, I'm sure he didn't check out the possibility of filming in Flagstaff before purchasing there.  Why would he, he didn't even check the feasibility of building a mega house before having plans drawn up?  I'm sure he was crestfallen that he wasn't given the keys to the city for bringing an important industry and perking up the economy of Flagstaff.

Having lived in areas where a lot of Hollywood and television filming takes place, I can say that there are benefits to local hotels, restaurants, boutique owners and permitting departments of city hall, but the disruption to traffic flow and easy access can be a nightmare.

Well, filming for movies and "real" --as opposed to 'reality"--television shows brings in a host of other people to house and feed  which benefits local business plus there are filming permits that have to be paid to the local government.   There are only a few camera people needed to film the Browns, and I doubt TLC wants to pay much, if anything, for the right to film in certain locations.  

It would be interesting if TLC  quits filming them for a few years, and then goes back and films a  where- are- they -now update.   I would love to see that especially if Robin is in a ranch house somewhere with her younger ones,  Janelle and Savannah are living in the basement of one of her son's houses,  Meri is running the B&B on her own, and Christine has found a really nice former  Mormon who has whisked her off to New Zealand.   Meanwhile Kody is working at some hotel as a valet for the parking garage.  

Since this thread is about Mariah, I guess I should make a prediction for her.   She is living in a sketchy part of a gay community somewhere on the west coast with several other women.  She is the lesbian version of Kody--one of her "wives" goes out to work every day and finances the group (Janelle),  since they have no children yet, one is in charge of all the dogs they have (Christine),  and one is depressed (Meri).   Meanwhile she is sick of"Meri"  and is going to bring in a young, cute chick (Robyn).   I would watch this show.

  • Love 10
On 6/16/2020 at 6:06 AM, Kohola3 said:

I honestly don't think there will ever be a wedding. No mention has been made of one at all and we know that Princess puts every waking thought on SM.  I believe Kootie will shit bricks if she refuses to have one, that's his one and only selling point for a season but now that she's on a tear against the world I would think something as "conventional" as marriage will be come a target as well.  Plus she might decide it makes her look soft at a time where her sycophants consider her an Armed Warrior for All Things Evil - even though her only weapon is her foul language and phone.

Now with the inability to film anything, I wouldn't be surprised to see this gravy train get stuck at some remote location never to return.  That's my fervent wish - knock these Z list "celebrities" off of their delusional pedestals right back into the real world of paying your bills working a humdrum job like the rest of us.

Agreed.  Maybe this will be the issue that will finally open Mariah's eyes to her father's faults as a father, husband, and human being.  Maybe shell finally become "woke" to his own culpability in how easily Meri was catfished.  Doubt it, but one can dream.

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Sandy W said:

I am on the FLOOR, and not in one of Mariah's yoga poses.  Do lululemon Chicago seriously consider her an educator/ambassador/spokesperson for their brand???


11 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

OK seriously WTF??? And this is Luulemon... not LulunoWay? Un frickin believable!


10 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

an "educator" at Lululemon is just a sales person. 


And, the responsibilities include the following:

• Culture Education: ‘demonstrates’, the culture held within the company, including: attitude of fun, respect, support, empowerment, encouragement, passion, interaction with other staff, and in-store discussion of lifestyle (i.e. yoga, fitness, health and fun)


Edited by Grifter Lives
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7 hours ago, suomi said:

Promise is noted for "award-winning after-school programs and family services."

Ah . . . Would you want this loud mouthed, militant, raving shrew around your impressionable children?  No thank you.  Makes me wonder what this organization’s vetting process is like.  A simple cursory check of her SM would have been enough for me to say she may not be the right person to be working around young people.  Her foul mouth and her “my way or the highway” attitude would be enough to point me in the opposite direction.  Even if she has done this every summer for years, one would think that her more recent displays of bizarre, violent sounding armchair activism would not play well in conservative Salt Lake.

  • Love 18
23 minutes ago, Grifter Lives said:

• Culture Education: ‘demonstrates’, the culture held within the company, including: attitude of fun, respect, support, empowerment, encouragement, passion, interaction with other staff, and in-store discussion of lifestyle (i.e. yoga, fitness, health and fun)

Considering her SM tirades, why hasn't Lululemon fired her ass yet?

11 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

Wanna bet she's doing some sort of distance work for Promise?

I would hope so.  Similar organizations don't let people who use the F-word liberally be around kids.


Edited by deirdra
  • Love 9
28 minutes ago, DakotaJustice said:

Mariah just doesn't strike me as an empathetic "kid" person. At all. 

All one of them would have to do is look at her cross-eyed and she'd go off like a rocket. Remember how she flipped out when her siblings were punking her. She has zero tolerance for anything it doesn't go her way. That's why this whole Advanced degree thing is such a load of horse crap.

  • Love 11
On 6/16/2020 at 9:19 AM, deirdra said:

Given their spending habits, I wonder if the Browns are already getting desperate because the next season is not being filmed and is probably not guaranteed either, since TLC and most networks are getting a lot of essentially free mileage out of re-airing other old shows that people never watched when they originally aired.  

Since things have slowed down, networks and developers have had time to find/write/plan for some really good programs and aren’t so busy that they have to settle. I hope a lot of great new shows will come out of this break and the boring old ones will be left behind.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Since things have slowed down, networks and developers have had time to find/write/plan for some really good programs and aren’t so busy that they have to settle. I hope a lot of great new shows will come out of this break and the boring old ones will be left behind.

Not only that, but TLC has their cash cow 90 Day Fiancé (I love that show and all the iterations) so the Browns are old news. This last season was terrible.  

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, deirdra said:

TLC could extend SW into more of cash cow by having Comedians on Couches or former plygs snarking on Zoom while watching old episodes. 

That would be incredible!  I love C on C, it's great to hear some of those shoppers being mocked the same way I do while I am watching. 

That would be a tough decision for Kootie - hearing his Prophethood mocked might be too much of a blow to his ego.  And I would  think a better man would think twice before subjecting his wives and kids to nasty comments.

But this is Kootie and his only religious affiliation is to the Almighty Dollar.  He'd throw his own mother under the bus for a few extra bucks.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Kohola3 said:

That would be incredible!  I love C on C, it's great to hear some of those shoppers being mocked the same way I do while I am watching. 

That would be a tough decision for Kootie - hearing his Prophethood mocked might be too much of a blow to his ego.  And I would  think a better man would think twice before subjecting his wives and kids to nasty comments.

But this is Kootie and his only religious affiliation is to the Almighty Dollar.  He'd throw his own mother under the bus for a few extra bucks.

The best part is that if they're just re-airing old episodes and having others snark on them a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 the Browns wouldn't profit from it since they don't get residuals and were already paid when the episodes were delivered to TLC.


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15 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

All one of them would have to do is look at her cross-eyed and she'd go off like a rocket. Remember how she flipped out when her siblings were punking her. She has zero tolerance for anything it doesn't go her way. That's why this whole Advanced degree thing is such a load of horse crap.

THIS. This is one of the main reasons I dislike Mariah.  

How can Mariah have even gotten a job with a legitimate company that helps others? They obviously haven’t seen how she treats people and drops f bombs when she disagrees with them. 

Someone mentioned maybe that company needs to know who they hired, perhaps blindly. All her hate filled SM posts should be mailed to them. Unless, of course, they don’t care. She’s high-profile enough that you’d *think* they’d know. 

  • Love 12
On 6/22/2020 at 6:39 AM, questionfear said:

Is it possible her job is remote, so she's not directly interacting with anyone? I'm only asking because summer programs are a big question mark in a lot of areas due to COVID, so it's possible she's doing something that's not directly facing the kiddos...

I’m sorry, I cannot imagine what Mariah would have to offer a youth program, either in person or online.  Let’s look at this.  Her marketable skill in her mind is, I’m sure, her “yoga instruction.”  I have to assume that summer programs where kids/young adults are allowed to come together on site and do yoga with face masks on would be unappealing to most young people.  We all know that her marketable skill to the outside world is her mouth and her ability to make a horse’s ass of herself every time she opens said mouth, which can be alternately entertaining and infuriating.  So where do either of those skills fit in with a youth program?

Edited by HighlandWarriorGrl
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1 hour ago, HighlandWarriorGrl said:

I’m sorry, I cannot imagine what Mariah would have to offer a youth program, either in person or online.  Let’s look at this.  Her marketable skill in her mind is, I’m sure, her “yoga instruction.”  I have to assume that summer programs were kids/young adults are allowed to come together on site and do yoga with face masks on would be unappealing to most young people.  We all know that her marketable skill to the outside world is her mouth and her ability to make a horse’s ass of herself every time she opens said mouth, which can be alternately entertaining and infuriating.  So where do either of those skills fit in with a youth program?

No clue...but I was just thinking she could have a job doing data entry and claim she was working for the organization, and with everyone working remotely that seems as likely as anything else. 

Though that gave me the mental image of Mariah doing zoom yoga, and if you'll excuse me I think I need several drinks now. 

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8 hours ago, DakotaJustice said:

The best part is that if they're just re-airing old episodes and having others snark on them a la Mystery Science Theater 3000 the Browns wouldn't profit from it since they don't get residuals and were already paid when the episodes were delivered to TLC.


That's what I'd hope for.  With dollar signs in his eyes, Kootie would have signed away all rights to future use of TLC's footage.

Though I do love reading snark here, for those of us who live alone and not in Primetimer's Live Chat time zone, it would be a public service to have Snarking on Old Episodes during Covid stay at home orders.  TLC could even have viewers nominate which episodes we want to see snarked on.  Considering how little content the last season of SW had, devoting half the time to snarking and cutting out the boring and repetitive crap would be a big improvement. 

Edited by deirdra
  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

Is it possible someone convinced her to take a break before she had one?

I am not on IG so I don't know if they have any rules.  But if they do, she might have been banned or given a "time out" which she so richly deserves. 

Or if her adviser caught wind of some of that crap they may have warned her about it.  If you are advertising yourself as a student at a university or in a program I believe that there are some that take a dim view of those kinds of shenanigans.

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, deirdra said:

That's what I'd hope for.  With dollar signs in his eyes, Kootie would have signed away all rights to future use of TLC's footage.

There would have been no signing away rights to future use of the footage.  The networks own these reality shows to do with as they wish.  Kody had no rights to keep or sign away.  The participants aren't guild members, aren't paid residuals, and have little bargaining power unless they are on one of the few power house shows.

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

So nothing new posted on The Sisterhood of the Hairy Armpits blog ?  No new yoga poses or craptastic 1 skillet carbs-laden breakfasts ?

I think this is the longest that we've not heard anything from her.  One wonders if she got called out for her crap by an advisor or an employer.  Or maybe she's become so thoroughly unlikable that Kootie is afraid a wedding wouldn't bring in the expected viewers.

Or maybe Sludge grew a pair and dumper her sorry ass.  

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, Kohola3 said:

I think this is the longest that we've not heard anything from her.  One wonders if she got called out for her crap by an advisor or an employer.  Or maybe she's become so thoroughly unlikable that Kootie is afraid a wedding wouldn't bring in the expected viewers.

Or maybe Sludge grew a pair and dumper her sorry ass.  

If her employer is like most, they will discourage the types of posts Mariah shares. The last thing most companies want is a hateful, f-bomb-dropping representative. 

10 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Anyone fancy being patronised by a spoilt know-it-all? Read on 😉 


So, I have faced discrimination because of my skin tone (brownish), mostly in the south (it's admittedly bad in SE Missouri). Still, the last thing I want is some disingenuous twit like Mariah spouting out her f-bombs and words of hatred. It's good to combat racism, but not by spewing hate back across the lines. 

Not sure where I'd stand with Mariah. I'm prior LE (she hates me) but am also light brown (she hates me not?). Would I be neutral or would having been an officer do me in? 🤔

  • Love 18
45 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

If her employer is like most, they will discourage the types of posts Mariah shares. The last thing most companies want is a hateful, f-bomb-dropping representative. 

So, I have faced discrimination because of my skin tone (brownish), mostly in the south (it's admittedly bad in SE Missouri). Still, the last thing I want is some disingenuous twit like Mariah spouting out her f-bombs and words of hatred. It's good to combat racism, but not by spewing hate back across the lines. 

Not sure where I'd stand with Mariah. I'm prior LE (she hates me) but am also light brown (she hates me not?). Would I be neutral or would having been an officer do me in? 🤔

She just hates everyone. 

  • Love 17
20 hours ago, Sofa Sloth said:

Anyone fancy being patronised by a spoilt know-it-all? Read on 😉 


This is the first time I've read any of her rantings on this subject.  Wow, she really is that uneducated.

You guys have been listening to my rants about my lack of white privilege growing up due to experiences that I will admit that most white people out there have not had, but which IMO put me in a certain category that I am sure Ms. Justice Warrior would not know how to classify.  Having been bullied and afraid for my life both in school and in my own neighborhood routinely by black kids as a teenager, my experiences would probably be impossible for Mariah to wrap her mind around and reconcile with what she is saying here.

I wonder if little Miss Justice Warrior might have a more mature perspective on these things if she'd had my experiences.  Interestingly my high school, even though it was one of THE best schools in the city and even the nation given that you had to pass a test to get into it, had a lot of persons of color in attendance back when I attended it.  Since I had the time today, I took my yearbook and counted up the number of seniors, then the number of black seniors and seniors of other races.  It turns out that fully 16% of my graduating class was African American, and another 12% was split up pretty evenly between Hispanics and Asians (including East Indians).  There were several people I didn't know how to classify or could be mixed race that I didn't put into any category.  It looks like at least 28% of my graduating class at The Bronx HS of Science in 1976 was non-white.  That's a pretty high percentage when you consider the fact that there were NO affirmative action programs, no quotas, no grading on a curve or anything to give persons of color any advantage in getting into the school, plus this was and still is one of THE hardest schools to get into anywhere in the country.  As some of you probably already know, one of my classmates was Neil DeGrasse Tyson, the famous African American astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium at the Museum of Natural History in NYC.

As I looked through the photos of my classmates slowly I realized that back then NONE of us white kids, most of whom were Jewish (I was in a very small minority being a White Christian), segregated ourselves from the non-white kids.  We didn't even think of their color at all.  They were our friends and classmates, individuals like everyone else, included in our groups and friendships with no separation.  Despite the white kids fearing for our lives at the hands of some black and Hispanic street kids, we never lumped them in with our non-white classmates.  We saw everyone as individuals.  

I can say, as can my husband and a lot of other kids who grew up in my place and time, that Mariah's statements below do not apply to us:


When I say that you (and I) have white privilege, is that we have not faced hardship because of the color of our skin.


White privilege does not equal zero experience of discrimination. White privilege equals no discrimination based on skin color. 

I can say beyond any doubt or exaggeration that yes, I have faced hardship and discrimination because of the color of my skin.  Being routinely bullied, beat up, in fear for my safety and my life, unable to take the bus to school, being afraid to walk home from school, being routinely cursed at and called racial slurs, sneered at, excluded and being made to feel uncomfortable every time I went into a store or walked down the street.  That was my LIFE for decades until I finally left NYC in 1991 for CT.  What a relief to find out that in CT I could live in peace and not feel hated and in danger all the time just because of the color of my skin. 

My husband recently confessed how many times he was beaten up by Black street kids when he was young.  He had never given me the gory details until then and it actually shocked even ME.  Believe me, we bear the emotional and psychological scars of this situation to this day, and it's no joke.  Back then NO ONE cared, no one protected us, we weren't snowflakes whose parents rescued us from every scraped knee.  We were on our own.  We used to call this "growing up in the school of hard knocks".  Yes, it was.  And yes, in our case some of it had to do with being White in an area where you were hated and picked on because of the color of your skin, or routinely denied fair treatment because of being white in an area where minorities were the majority and had the power over aspects of your life down to whether you got a job or got to re-register your car, or collect unemployment insurance or food stamps.  I don't think a lot of these young privileged SJW's of either color can wrap their minds around the role reversal that was the case where I lived starting in the 1970s when the Bronx rapidly changed over into a place where minorities were in the majority of the population.

And despite this I have NEVER lumped all persons of color together in prejudiced terms.  If anyone has reason to be prejudiced it would be white people who had similar teenager-hoods and young adulthoods as I did, but perhaps because of the fact that we were educated against it, plus we knew so many non-white kids growing up, we naturally saw and treated all persons of color as individuals since we knew better than to lump them all together.

My father was half Jewish on his father's side, although brought up a Christian.  He once told me that people that had been racially persecuted and victimized could be even more prejudiced than those that weren't.  He was definitely referring to both Jews and Blacks.  I think it's understandable to have hard feelings toward those of other races and religions that are identified as oppressing you.  But my husband and I were little kids that were brought up to love and accept everyone.  We weren't the privileged White people that perhaps deserved their hatred.  But we certainly WERE the targets of it.  I bore the scars intended for the real racists and privileged Whites, even though I wasn't one myself.

So perhaps that's why I pretty much despise those privileged White people most of all, especially when they try to tell me that because I'm White, I'm one of them and have never experienced discrimination and hardship based on the color of my skin.  Speak for yourselves, assholes!

It really shocks me to see what's going on in this country today.  I feel like things have gone backward since I went to high school.  Even my high school doesn't have half the African American kids going there as it once did, prompting African American groups to push for getting rid of the admission test altogether.  Why did this happen?  What happened in society to make it even harder for African Americans to get ahead and go to such great schools as this one?  It's certainly a complicated situation with many contributing causes that I can't begin to figure out, but it is really sad.  It hurts me to know that close to 50 years ago in many ways we were headed in the right direction but it didn't last.  In some ways it HAS gotten better but in others it got worse, and by this time I would have thought we would be a lot less divided.  It's even sadder to see that people like Mariah, who are well intended but really have no clue think they can come out of their lily white cocoons and pass judgment on everyone ELSE who lives in a very similar lily white, privileged cocoon without even realizing that there actually ARE white people that aren't from that cocoon and shouldn't be lumped in with all the privileged types.

Edited by Yeah No
  • Love 11

I want to believe Mariah is trying to help, but her overall message always comes off as self-serving.  LOOK AT ME!   I get she’s trying (not all that effectively) to describe systemic/institutional racism, microaggressions, and their consequences that affect someone’s entire life.

My problem with Mariah is that she rarely explains whatever her actual points are without coming across as a somebody that just rattles off her theories, but personally doesn’t really do a whole lot of anything to help fix the problem. How is she an ally?  What is she personally doing besides telling all of us what we need to do?

I wish Mariah would say I did a,b,c to actively fight against racism, sexism, gay bashing or whatever she is speaking about that day.  I think people seeing what she does would inspire more change that her musings on IG.  Even if she didn’t know how to go about it, she could find some actual people creating change and offer to showcase them on her fairly large platform, although I think she’d probably spend a good amount of time interrupting them.



Edited by Irate Panda
  • Love 13
On 6/28/2020 at 2:28 PM, Irate Panda said:

I want to believe Mariah is trying to help, but her overall message always comes off as self-serving.  LOOK AT ME!   I get she’s trying (not all that effectively) to describe systemic/institutional racism, microaggressions, and their consequences that affect someone’s entire life.

My problem with Mariah is that she rarely explains whatever her actual points are without coming across as a somebody that just rattles off her theories, but personally doesn’t really do a whole lot of anything to help fix the problem. How is she an ally?  What is she personally doing besides telling all of us what we need to do?

I wish Mariah would say I did a,b,c to actively fight against racism, sexism, gay bashing or whatever she is speaking about that day.  I think people seeing what she does would inspire more change that her musings on IG.  Even if she didn’t know how to go about it, she could find some actual people creating change and offer to showcase them on her fairly large platform, although I think she’d probably spend a good amount of time interrupting them.



Mariah demonstrates a lack of observation, a lack of empathy and comes off as disingenuine. She is not very articulate when she is angry, and no one actually listens to people when they are throwing out f-bombs and "yelling" via social media posts. I cannot believe she is going into the profession she has chosen given how she handles written communication. 

It's ok to be angry about racism--we should be--about ALL racism and discrimination. How we correct it is a bigger deal, it's part of human evolution but we can move past it with proper upbringing and education. That's the hard part. 

Edited by TurtlePower
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1 hour ago, TurtlePower said:

It's ok to be angry about racism--we should be--about ALL racism and discrimination. How we correct it is a bigger deal, it's part of human evolution but we can move past it with proper upbringing and education. That's the hard part. 

And all the ranting and raving mean nothing without a solid plan on what to do about it.  That's what is sorely lacking so much of the time.  Give us something USEFUL to do.  Give us concrete ideas on how to change things. Otherwise it's just hot air that will drift away.

  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45,

Leon is transgender and uses they/them pronouns. As defined in the GLAAD guidelines, they are a they, were a they, and will be a they unless they ever tell us something different.  Per those guidelines, referring to them as a woman or a girl or as she is not okay, regardless of any modifier placed before these words or the time period being discussed.  Referring to them by any name besides "Leon" or "Leo" is not appropriate, regardless of the time period being discussed. Intent matters and people may slip up. Let's strive to respect their identity.

Please review the guidelines of the site regarding the Hate Speech and Insensitive Language Policy, which includes guidelines from GLAAD for the LGBTQ+ community.

Also remember the Golden Rule of Primetimer is Be Civil.

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