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S06.E02: JSS

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Here is you thread to discuss the second episode of season 6 - JSS.


Episode synopsis: When it appears that things are starting to normalize in the settlement, a new problem arises for the Alexandrians.


To discuss about the episode before it airs, please go to:
                           -------------> S06.E02: JSS - Pre-Air Speculation and Live Chat

This thread will open Sunday Oct 18th, at 10 pm.

Remember - DO NOT post Comic Spoilers, Fear the Walking Dead information or any discussion about the Talking Dead. We have threads for that.

Please remember to be Civil and Respectful to your fellow posters, but always make sure you have fun!

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Damn, those Wolves are no effing joke. Dangerous and crazy, that's a bad combination. Kinda surprised me there were females in the raiding party, pretty progressive for the post-apocalypse era.
On the home team, Top badasses in their differing ways: Carol and Morgan. Although Morgan might have to break his oath with this group.

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BAMF Carol rules, but Morgan is starting to get on my nerves.

Enid is so a Wolf but Just Survive Somehow is a good motto to live by.

Maybe now these dumbass chickenshit Alexandrians will finally nut up and shut up.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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Now THIS is what I expected last week. THIS is a season premiere! The litmus test for me is whether or not I want to re-watch. Re-watching last week's epi didn't even occur to me. This one: oh, yeah!

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That was a great episode overall, but one thing made me kind of angry. The show just casually killed off Holly, a character who has pretty much done nothing on the show but had a somewhat significant part in the comics, especially in Abraham's story. What the heck was the point of introducing her to do nothing with her?

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That was a great episode but I was so fustrated with Morgan! Thank God Carol and a couple others got to the guns and started killing those sociopath 's.

We haven't heard the last from those wolves. And Carols casserole didn't burn either.

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I loved this episode.  The premiere was "eh" for me but even with out the "main" members this was one of my favorite episodes in a long time.  Carol had it going on.  Morgan, the ZA is not time to be a pacifist dude.   

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For those in the live chat wishing Carl would check on Judith: he could probably see her on the baby monitor that was on the counter. We could see her when Carol was in the kitchen.

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Another stellar episode. Those Wolves were no joke. I am sure that they were just a few of them. I think that maybe Enid is in cahoots with the Wolves.


The walkers are still on the way so next week will be more action.


Oh Morgan, I hope they are not turning him into Tyreese. Morgan was always one tough guy.


Nice job, hacking up the wolf, Jessie. She is the perfect woman for Rick. Ron is a fool. There is hope for Sam.


Carol in disguise was stellar. She should have let that guy talk though. He might have spilled something about their plans.


I am proud of Gabriel fighting off the walker.  


Deanna is the worse leader, evah! Thank goodness for Rick.

Edited by SimoneS
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Holy crap that was a bloody brutal episode!  I’m sure there were, but can’t think of another ep with that many brutal deaths.  Shouldn’t Morgan's  his stick be broken by now?

    I had forgotten what Enid looked like so  I had no idea that was her until that part with her and Carl in the house.

I was so surprised to see Merit Weaver(Zoey from Nurse Jackie!) on this show.  I had no idea she got this next acting gig. When she first opened her mouth I said…HEY! Then had really look at her because I thought maybe it was someone who looked a lot like her or something.

Badass Carol is back and is taking no prisoners. Kind of wish she didn't kill the guy that Morgan captured, just so Morgan and everyone could find out more about those wack jobs. She would have never let those people go like Morgan did, cause you know that’s gonna  back to bite them on the ass.

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Good episode. Loved Carol, again! I also loved that she showed emotion. My favorite part was when Gabriel and Morgan tied up the Wolf and then Carol just came out of nowhere and killed him. Lol.


The people from Alexandria grew up tonight. I wonder how many are left.

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.............................you let the bad guys escape, Morgan.  You let the MOTHERFUCKING BAD GUYS WHO JUST MASSACRED TWO DOZEN ALEXANDRIANS ESCAPE!  As a wise old English lady said, "What a fucking liberty!"


He was right, though, on Carol not liking killing, at least not innocents.  For all her ruthless talk, she did not like having to put that woman out of her misery.


Alexandrians continue to be pussies, but then again who could be prepared for such a thing.


I could have done without Enid eating raw turtle at the beginning of the episode, but her actress was extremely good.


But this episode shows that, in extremely bad situations, sometimes you have to kill if there's someone dead set (no pun intended) on ending your life.  It's a terrible thing and, in a civilized world, unthinkable, but The Walking Dead is not a civilized world.  And people like Morgan and Father What's-his-name and The Alexandrians have to realize that.

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I did not like this episode but at least it explained the Wolves.


I think the stupidest, most offensive thing in the entire episode was Deanna wearing that goddamn pendant in the ZA.  For that reason alone, I hope she dies soon.

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This was a completely epic episode.  


Carol going completely bad ass.  No more StepCarol.  For now on its gun training not cooking lessons.


Morgan saving FPP.  I am good with this.  The black male actors need to look out for each other on this show.

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Well, the Wolves were terrifying. 


Hell yes! More than any walkers can be.


I just kept say, "geez" whenever you'd see one of the Wolves chopping or stabbing some

poor person on the ground. 

Edited by Valny
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Okay, I'm really going to need Morgan to get over whatever he is going through because they are ruining one of my favorite characters. I get it, he went crazy, and now he has to try and be a better person. Whatever. But when people with W's carved into their forehead come running through your town, hacking anyone and everyone to death, it's okay to kill them!!! It really is. 


But at least he stopped that God awful semi horn. Talk about annoying. 


Also, annoying - Porch Dick Jr. aka Ron. "No, sorry, my teenage angst won't let me take sanctuary in your house, Carl". Sigh. Get over yourself. 


Also, Enid. What the fuck is her deal? Why is she leaving? Who is JSS? Why she gotta be such a player??? I just don't get her.


Finally, Spencer. Who put you in charge of the guard tower? Damn, couldn't even get one shot off! Useless, cowardly fuck. Remember, this is the guy who left Gabriel in charge of the gate and we all know how that turned out. If anyone with an actual name (besides cigarette lady) had gotten killed tonight it could have been him.



Kind of liking the panic attack doctor, and I'm not sure why. 


I also loved that the town was essentially saved by the women and Aaron. But Carol was the true MVP of the episode. First there was "Grieving with Carol", and then the fact that she was oh-so-right about how deadly cigarettes can be. But going incognito as a Wolf? Brilliant. I fucking love that woman so much. It does seem like she's struggling to hold it together, though, and maybe it would be nice if she and Morgan could kind of meet in the middle somehow. 


Overall, pretty good episode.

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Wow, that was crazy and intense and a lot of butchering. 


Ugh Morgan, not only did he let wolves go and run away, he let them go with a gun. Dumb dumb man, he going to end up getting one of his own killed. 


Carol was bad ass. Wearing the disguise, the 'w' on her head, killing people and saving the armory. All while her meat loaf or what ever she was baking finishes with the timer at the end to say an hour was up.


What a great episode!

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