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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Did Ava once try to poison Michael with a dessert item? Maybe that was the meaning of the "drugging Michael" reference?


I don't think anyone knows about that except maybe Julian (and us in the audience.  R.I.P. chocolate mousse!).


This push that Kiki and Morgan have like, some, epic romance is ridiculous.  Their first relationship was based on sex and Keeks getting him into gambling (which the show seems to want to forget) and, eventually, Morgan basically wanting to hang on to her to best Michael.  And their second relationship heated up as they were planning to drug someone (if being bipolar is Morgan's excuse for "Operation Alcoholic", what's Kiki's) and was like five days old before Morgan started sleeping with AvaDenise.

  • Love 9
Sonny's powerful inclination toward denial. He's convinced himself this bull about his "Code," and blames his illness for everything. He might have medicated his mood disorder, but he hasn't done the work to deal with his past (or his present



This.  As a person dealing with bipolar disorder, medication is really not the problem once you find the sweet spot and begin experiencing results.  The real work begins when you begin to deal with the effects your erratic behavior has had on those around. And just saying "I'm sorry" doesn't mean even tho you are forgiven, the hurt and pain has been, or even can be, forgotten.  I would really like to see Sonny try to admit and try to face up to his behavior instead of blaming it on his  disease.  And people should hold him ACCOUNTABLE for his actions instead of just shrugging it off as BPD.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 5

Oh wow, Donna Mills killed Silas. #Shocked.


I laughed when Ava curled up in a ball and started crying. Was that supposed to make me feel sorry for her? Shut the fuck up freak.


Did I imagine the flashback scene were Ava killed Silas a few weeks back? This whole time I've been so confused by it--I thought we knew Ava was the killer. Was it just her imagining what it would have been like to kill Silas? Was it a delusional manifestation of my own desire for Ava to be even more despicable and own it?

This push that Kiki and Morgan have like, some, epic romance is ridiculous. Their first relationship was based on sex and Keeks getting him into gambling (which the show seems to want to forget) and, eventually, Morgan basically wanting to hang on to her to best Michael. And their second relationship heated up as they were planning to drug someone (if being bipolar is Morgan's excuse for "Operation Alcoholic", what's Kiki's) and was like five days old before Morgan started sleeping with AvaDenise.

I don't understand why RC couldn't be bothered to actually develop relationships and then create organic conflict. It's a soap - that is the entire point of it.

  • Love 5

That's always been Frankenron's line. "If people are complaining, they're watching." "If people hate stuff, that means they're tuning in." As I'm sure more than one of us can attest, I can do plenty of complaining and hating without watching a single second. They have never understood that, at a certain point, fans get tired of being angry; they get tired of being crapped on; they get tired of their faves never getting any pay off. It's supposed to be entertaining. All that hate and frustration turns into apathy; and the show gets shut off. And it takes a lot for it to get turned on again.


Exactly.  You can only hate-watch something for so long.


Sonny: Do you think I like taking my meds?  No, but I don't want to hurt the people I love.


Me: I'm pretty sure you were taking your meds when you shot AJ, and when you slept with Ava IN A CRYPT so cram it.


I hate that they're writing off every legit insistence of Morgan being pissed at Sonny and Carly and even Michael or doing anything they didn't like as manic behavior and ignoring all the valid contexts.


"it's not my fault, I'm bipolar!" is the new, "It's not my fault, it was the tumor!".

  • Love 9

Rage blackout = Sonny blaming the bipolar for being a "wrecking ball" and hurting everyone around him if he doesn't take his meds. Also, the crying inches from Morgan's face that he doesn't want Morgan to go through what he went through.  Disgusted at the addressing of BPD in this way. Morgan behaving like an asshole, and now calling Ava a disease, shows more than ever he is truly his father's son.


Alexis snarking at Ric provides a little entertainment though. Plus it's nice to see her in court rather than being all. about. Julian. 


There is nothing sweet or compelling about the two psychos in jail, looking longingly at each other and spouting...nothings.


I am beyond angry at the way they are promoting bi-polar disorder. And, as someone who is bi-polar, I think I'm even angrier that MB keeps pushing this storyline as some sort of PSA.


Bi-polar disorder does not make you violent, it doesn't make you hateful. It makes you depressed and manic. You may damage your interpersonal relationships during those times, but you WILL NOT kill people. Like sexual assault, I genuinely think soaps should quit with the mental illness storylines, as they have made it abundantly obvious that they have no interest in approaching them with any seriousness or honesty. 

  • Love 16

Just when we thought Maxie couldn't get any more narcissistic, vain, spoiled, judgmental, shallow, and snotty, the previews seem to be telling us that her behavior is being rewarded with a nascent movie career. Here's hoping that that Dillon's gaping inexperience will guarantee a disappointing end to any fame and fortune for Maxie.


Maxie's rudeness to other people, especially young men, is cringeworthy. If she wants a career in film, she should learn that diva behavior does not a career make. A pleasant cooperative attitude is basic to grow a career in the entertainment business. The diva behavior can come along, if it must, after one has established a reputation and proven a unique talent to the world.


[Why can't someone come along and give Maxie the "swirlie" she so richly deserves?]

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

I am beyond angry at the way they are promoting bi-polar disorder. And, as someone who is bi-polar, I think I'm even angrier that MB keeps pushing this storyline as some sort of PSA.


Bi-polar disorder does not make you violent, it doesn't make you hateful. It makes you depressed and manic. You may damage your interpersonal relationships during those times, but you WILL NOT kill people. Like sexual assault, I genuinely think soaps should quit with the mental illness storylines, as they have made it abundantly obvious that they have no interest in approaching them with any seriousness or honesty. 

Yes, it's irresponsible. I have a bi-polar parent and I really don't understand MB's intentions in this storyline -as a man with BPD in real life.  Carly's lines were okay because she only talked about Morgan's choices/behavior (instead of thinking, hey it could just be my kid's a d-bag). She said they wondered if he killed Silas, but didn't say well maybe you got violent because you're bi-polar. 


I thought Sonny's lines implied that being bi-polar means you could get violent (instead of ever admitting to himself or the ass kissers around him that he's just a lying, masochistic bully on top of being bipolar.)  It seems like the writers are being lazy, saying well being bi-polar makes Sonny a human wrecking ball. It's an easy out, like saying well the tumor caused Franco to kill, or Luke would behave like a monster because he has a disorder that was caused by killing his parents. UGH!!!!

  • Love 4

Oh lord this Bi-polar stuff with Morgan is something they just sprung out of their asses. No Morgan you aren't sick, you have Sonny and Carly as parents! I just couldn't roll my eyes hard enough in those scenes, they were almost worse than Ava crumpling in a ball when Morgan dumped her ass at the PCPD. And Keeks please do us all a favor and go jump of the nearest bridge, or perhaps you can try jumping in the water (the deep end please) ala KA in her *emmy* worthy scenes last year


Fix this show new writers, please

  • Love 2


I think today was RCs last script... can anyone confirm?


Please don't get my hopes up like this.


Bah. Was not a fan of Ava crying over Morgan. We've been denied her vulture self long enough, I don't need her backtracking. If she wants to cry, let her cry because she missed Julian. I'd be better off with that.


Did anyone catch who wrote today? It was deleted off my DVR the second I finished watching, because it was really shitty. Obviously someone trying to sound hip with all the GOT references.


Kiki doesn't have much room to say anything, but I still kind of hope she tells Morgan to kick rocks. He's so loathsome to me.


Shut up, Nina.

Edited by tvgoddess

True, Sonny has BPD and can potentially pass it down genetically, which lets Michael off the hook.  But realistically, if Morgan has anything he has complex PTSD, which is caused by being raised by narcissistic and emotionally abusive parents.  A case could also be made for being the scapegoat child, spurring him to act out in negative ways for attention.  It would also cause extreme jealousy of golden child Michael, which makes his utterly stupid "Operation Alcoholic" totally logical in his skewed world view.  Morgan has a higher chance of becoming a narcissist himself than anything else.  His default defense is to become ridiculously hostile when he becomes threatened.  Also, I'm starting to think that Sonny's bullet to Carly's head when he was being born (SO romantic) passed through his little body and seriously damaged something on its way to Carly's brain.


I feel a little sick that I'm looking for understanding in Morgan's terrible behavior and Scum's even worse parenting.  But since I am at the end of my patience with this show, FRANK,  and about to give up on it completely, I don't even care.  I've taken huge chunks of time off in the past, came back for MWOP and watching Sonny FINALLY take some lumps.  Now that the moobster is Our Star what with Geary leaving, I can't even.  If Geary actually returns to add his certain something something to the aroma of this pile of shit...  well, I won't be making any threats to quit.


I have a really hard time with Show pushing me to admit that Sonny and Carly are star-crossed.  This marriage is ridiculous.  If I were them I'd just live together, it's only a matter of time before lyin' and betrayin' is going on.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 6

I think that Morgan's biggest issues was that he basically was abandoned by his parents. When Snarly sent him off to military school, I don't think that she or Sonny went out of their way to see him. This could be the reason that he glommed on to Ava, maybe as a mothe figure.  Poor guy, Snarly barely mothered him when he was living with her.

  • Love 3

Well, hopefully it will last as long and be as memorable as Sam's ("Everyday People"?) TV career. 

Ever spit out a mouthful of an everything bagel with vegetable cream cheese on it?

This was worth every paper towel and computer cleaner I had to use. Thank you lol, I was beginning to wonder if I imagined Sam's here-now gone-the-next-day TV career :D

I think that Morgan's biggest issues was that he basically was abandoned by his parents. When Snarly sent him off to military school, I don't think that she or Sonny went out of their way to see him. This could be the reason that he glommed on to Ava, maybe as a mothe figure.  Poor guy, Snarly barely mothered him when he was living with her.


"What do you mean, I didn't mother my son?  Michael never wanted for anything, certainly not our love and attention.  We fought tooth and nail to keep him in our loving arms...oh, you mean the other one?  I blame Jax." 

  • Love 3
Sonny: Do you think I like taking my meds?

I think it was more like DO YOU THINK I LIKE TAKING MY MEDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It cracked me up when Sonny started shouting at Morgan. Yeah, that's going to de-escalate the situation. And Sonny saying he hates taking his meds is equally laughable, because it's not as if there's any noticeable difference from when he doesn't. He doesn't become lethargic or anything. 


For someone who claims he wants to remove the stigma of mental illness, particularly with regards to BPD, MB hasn't made Sonny a very good example. I get he doesn't write the character, but he's the one who pushed for Sonny to have BPD in the first place. You'd thnk he'd be more insistent that it gets portrayed mostly accurately. If it's just going to excuse terrible behavior, there's no point.




I think that Morgan's biggest issues was that he basically was abandoned by his parents. When Snarly sent him off to military school, I don't think that she or Sonny went out of their way to see him.


For a long time, Carly banned Sonny from visiting Morgan. This was when she changed Morgan's last name and made Sonny give up his parental rights. Carly mentioned with some regularity that she and/or Jax visited and/or talked to him. Then it became Morgan spending vacations with friends, and I think that was mainly because the show was too lazy to cast someone to play Morgan. For a long time, Morgan was supposed to be happy and thriving at military school. 


That said, I think Morgan has always known he comes second to Michael. It's a shame the writers decided to make Morgan such an idiot; I think it would have been so much more interesting for him to be really smart and looking for any way to screw over his parents and Michael. But instead we're getting a terrible redux of Jason vs. AJ, with bonus BPD to explain away Morgan's actions, because Jasus forbid Sonny have a dud son.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8
That said, I think Morgan has always known he comes second to Michael. It's a shame the writers decided to make Morgan such an idiot; I think it would have been so much more interesting for him to be really smart


In that case, they should have kept older kid Morgan, Aaron Something. Morgan seemed smarter at 12 than he does now.

  • Love 7

Aaron Refvem. Yeah, that was peak Morgan as far as any sort of intelligence goes. 

And wonder if he is still acting? If they recast Morgan with him, reverted him to his original personality particularly the hero-worship of Dante, and pretty much went on as if none of BC's plots happened, I'd cheer.


ETA: Anyone else get a good laugh when Madeline called Silas—SILAS CLAY—"depraved"? I don't think that word means what the writer thinks it means.

The only time I ever liked Mags was when she said of Silas, "I could see his sneer from across nthe street".

  • Love 7

Oh lord this Bi-polar stuff with Morgan is something they just sprung out of their asses.


It's got "Ron Carlivati plot point" written all over it.


At this point I'm guessing it's safe to say we won't get any more explanation for Josslyn's kidney and Robin and Patrick watching Jake go brain dead other than, "lol Helena".


Given that those threads were part of a truly shitty "story" (Luke's exit), I think the writers would be wise to just let sleeping dogs lie as far as that is concerned.

Edited by yowsah1
  • Love 2
I am all for a Morgan bipolar storyline. I think it has real legs.


I am all for Morgan going back to school or having a full-time job - off screen.  The Corinthos family is a huge stain on Port Charles.  The show was fine before Maurice Bernard came to town, and this soap opera was fine before Tony Geary blew into town too.

  • Love 6

Don't scriptwriters have to run their scripts by the head writer for approval? I still maintain that Scott Sickles, for as bad as he's been on GH, can be a good writer. I always enjoyed his episodes on OLTL. And yes, he was still under RC then but even RC wasn't THIS bad. So with a better HW giving better direction (insisting) on less camp, more substance), I think Sickles could be just fine. He could add some humor without gong completely crazy like he has thus far.

Back on topic to Friday's show? Sonny yelling at Morgan was certainly not going to make Morgan more receptive to the possibility of seeing a shrink lol!

  • Love 3

I could actually see Dillon with this dumb Dawson's Creek movie plot (with better dialogue) when he was a teenager but he's damned near 30 years old at this point. In a story that's been idiotic since the beginning, this might actually be the dumbest, least watchable thing yet

RC should've been given a co-HW (or fired) at least a year ago

Edited by Oracle42

He should have been fired as far back as the Pickle Lila story.  In one fell swoop, he botched Sean Kanan's return, made Jane Elliot the most shrill I've seen her, and made a mockery of fans asking for a business story involving the Quartermaines.  The only good thing that came out of it was AJ and Michael's relationship, which of course got ruined when AJ was disappeared into the PC jail for months and then was stupidly killed off.  RC's writing had been crap for a long time before this latest ratings slide.  I don't understand why they let things get so bad before finally making a change.  Apathy isn't a strong enough word, really.

  • Love 13
I could actually see Dillon with this dumb Dawson's Creek movie plot (with better dialogue) when he was a teenager but he's damned near 30 years old at this point.


But...but...this is his life!


With all the anvils the stupid script is throwing, I'm surprised he didn't name his main character Layla and the guy Duncan.

  • Love 2

I could actually see Dillon with this dumb Dawson's Creek movie plot (with better dialogue) when he was a teenager but he's damned near 30 years old at this point. In a story that's been idiotic since the beginning, this might actually be the dumbest, least watchable thing yet


Dawson's Creek at its most cheesiest still had better writing than GH has had for the last three years. 

  • Love 8

Hayley Erin. It was a joke about how generic her performance and vibe is. 


Ah, so that time I spent on Google was ill-spent. Darn you, ulkis. 


I don't think anyone knows about that except maybe Julian (and us in the audience.  R.I.P. chocolate mousse!).


This push that Kiki and Morgan have like, some, epic romance is ridiculous.  Their first relationship was based on sex and Keeks getting him into gambling (which the show seems to want to forget) and, eventually, Morgan basically wanting to hang on to her to best Michael.  And their second relationship heated up as they were planning to drug someone (if being bipolar is Morgan's excuse for "Operation Alcoholic", what's Kiki's) and was like five days old before Morgan started sleeping with AvaDenise.



That five days old thing? That's the meat of it, right? I mean it is ridiculous that their "love story" is being pushed as epic, but the real problem is that Morgan had been back with Kiki for about 15 minutes when he fell into bed (and Denise). If they wanted Morgan to be anything less than vile, he could have just dumped Kiki with an, "It's not you; it's me," sort of thing, then he could have continued to boink her Auntie Mama.



This.  As a person dealing with bipolar disorder, medication is really not the problem once you find the sweet spot and begin experiencing results.  The real work begins when you begin to deal with the effects your erratic behavior has had on those around. And just saying "I'm sorry" doesn't mean even tho you are forgiven, the hurt and pain has been, or even can be, forgotten.  I would really like to see Sonny try to admit and try to face up to his behavior instead of blaming it on his  disease.  And people should hold him ACCOUNTABLE for his actions instead of just shrugging it off as BPD.



Right! And even besides dealing with the results of his erratic behavior during either manic or depressive periods, Sonny has problems above and beyond his brain chemistry. The brain chemistry makes everything harder to deal with and I truly empathize with that. I'm not bipolar, but I've got my own stuff. Sonny's other problems stem from being abandoned by his bio-dad, and then being raised by an abusive asshole. Even if he hadn't had the misfortune of his brain chemistry, he would have issues. He's a violent man, because he was raised in violence. His diagnosis just means it is even more difficult for him to reign it in, than it would be for non-bipolar abuse survivors to reign it in. Then you factor in his life choices (the mob, the wrong-for-him-women, etc.) and the dude just needs a live in therapist for the next decade.


But do we trust the brainiacs writing this mess to remember that? ;)

These are the same geniuses who forgot most of Holly's early 90s run revolved around her relationship with Bill




I don't trust the writers to remember it, on their own, but the way Morgan's statement was worded, he was blaming his own actions on Ava. Morgan didn't know Ava planned to trigger Michael's allergies with dessert, so he shouldn't/couldn't have been blaming her for that, in his spiel. He was talking about how he and Kiki drugged Michael, and it was somehow then-seemingly-dead Ava's fault.

The writer didn't forget Holly's earlier involvement with Bill Eckert. Emma Samms and Tony Geary forgot it, and so Emma changed the line. Granted, no one in production caught it, but Emma tweeted about it, at the time, with a big mea culpa.


I don't understand why RC couldn't be bothered to actually develop relationships and then create organic conflict. It's a soap - that is the entire point of it.


This! This! This! I've been watching 1998/1999 Liz and Lucky clips. That relationship was a thing of beauty. It was the most romantic thing I've ever seen on a soap and there wasn't even a drop of sex (although there were responsible conversations about same). It developed so organically, and oh, those kids were precious. I'm just now realizing that Becky Herbst has 5 years on Jonathan Jackson, so our little boy was actually 16 when he was acting out those scenes, while she was 21. I wonder if it was weird for her to kiss him, cozy up to him, etc.? If so, her performance never betrayed that.


I think today was RCs last script... can anyone confirm? I want to start watching the show again but decided not to jump back in until his so called writing is gone. I think I read somewhere that next week is simply 'fill in' writers before the new material starts playing after Labor Day.


If I recall correctly, Frank said this coming week's episodes are the episodes produced without a head writer.


Exactly.  You can only hate-watch something for so long.



"it's not my fault, I'm bipolar!" is the new, "It's not my fault, it was the tumor!".



Soap-diagnosis wise, I actually have more sympathy for Franco's tumor-induced violence than for Sonny's BP induced violence. Sonny has been living with his illness for a long time, now. It was one thing when it was new, and Carly and Jason were trying to convince him to get help. He's been on the show for 3 decades, now. Bipolar Disorder has been a fact of Sonny's characterization for almost that long. Franco didn't know he was walking around with a soap tumor  pressing on his brain.



I am beyond angry at the way they are promoting bi-polar disorder. And, as someone who is bi-polar, I think I'm even angrier that MB keeps pushing this storyline as some sort of PSA.


Bi-polar disorder does not make you violent, it doesn't make you hateful. It makes you depressed and manic. You may damage your interpersonal relationships during those times, but you WILL NOT kill people. Like sexual assault, I genuinely think soaps should quit with the mental illness storylines, as they have made it abundantly obvious that they have no interest in approaching them with any seriousness or honesty. 



Bipolar Disorder does not make you violent or hateful, but speaking as a person who was once involved with someone with Bipolar Disorder, my experience is that BP can exacerbate whatever other illnesses/baggage/issues a person has. That's true for any mental illness. So, you can treat the main pathology, but treatment isn't going to produce a perfectly well person. Life doesn't happen in a vacuum. I can understand how Sonny could blame his flaws on BP, even if the BP didn't cause it, because I can believe Sonny has that shallow of an understanding of his own psyche, you know? (By the way, I'm not abbreviating Bipolar Disorder as BPD, because, in my understanding, BPD is the abbreviation for Borderline Personality Disorder.)

My secret fantasy is that the shade Mo threw at "the writer" at GH Fan Club Weekend was inspired by how poorly RC and Co. misrepresented a storyline that is dear to his heart. I've read and watched a lot of interviews with Maurice 


Oh lord this Bi-polar stuff with Morgan is something they just sprung out of their asses. No Morgan you aren't sick, you have Sonny and Carly as parents! I just couldn't roll my eyes hard enough in those scenes, they were almost worse than Ava crumpling in a ball when Morgan dumped her ass at the PCPD. And Keeks please do us all a favor and go jump of the nearest bridge, or perhaps you can try jumping in the water (the deep end please) ala KA in her *emmy* worthy scenes last year


Fix this show new writers, please



I think Carly's dialogue has done a decent job of highlighting some of the impetuous things Morgan has done, which have led her to question whether or not he has inherited his dad's illness. Also, even though I basically hate Sonny, I felt for him when he admitted to Carly that he doesn't want to think he has passed his illness to his child.



Who is this 'Monica' you are talking about?  What is her profession?  The 'Q's'?  Do they currently have any family members locked up at a non-General Hospital - hospital or prison?


Oh, I'm sorry. I must have been remembering fan fiction that had that whackadoodle crazy idea that a show called General Hospital focused on a hospital and the doctors and nurses who work there, as well as their patients. I must have over-identified with some fan fiction writer's Mary Sue of a Cardiac Surgeon, whose name was Monica. I don't think her eyes were violet, though… :)

Edited by General Days
  • Love 2
I'm just now realizing that Becky Herbst has 5 years on Jonathan Jackson, so our little boy was actually 16 when he was acting out those scenes, while she was 21. I wonder if it was weird for her to kiss him, cozy up to him, etc.? If so, her performance never betrayed that.



I think probably not, actually. Everyone always talked about how mature Jonathan was in those days, and like you said, there was nothing really sexual there until the very end. Man, it took them 6 months to even kiss. (A year if you were rooting for Lucky and Liz since she had first come on instead of when the rape storyline started.) Now that was a slow burn.

  • Love 1

It was a slow burn and it was wonderful. I want to sit down the GH and DOOL writing teams, make them watch the whole (first) Lucky and Liz arch, and then say, "Now go do something this good."

I'm old. I've 'shipped a lot of soap couples in my day, from Doug/Julie (when I was almost a fetus) to (well, nothing currently, because the writing is lacking). Laura/Scotty. Luke/Laura. Patch/Kayla. Bo/Hope. Kim/Shane. Marlena/Roman. Adrienne/Justin. Frisco/Felicia. Marlena/John. Sami/Everybody. Jack/Jennifer. 

While Jack and Jennifer (from DOOL) hold a special place in my heart, no couple will overcome GH's Liz/Lucky, and I was a grown ass, stay-at-home mother, by the time their story aired. It started when I was 30. That was a really beautiful romance. Today, the shows don't take the time to develop character-driven plots. More's the pity. There's also no romance. There's just sex. And it happens quickly and seems to be the point. This is what (or at least one of the things) GH is getting wrong, today.

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