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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Why do I have a feeling that Helena will show up for Luke's finale?


It's a given. I don't read spoilers for this show, but I have no doubt Helena will be around very soon. I really liked Lulu stomping down her parents' behavior. It seemed perfectly appropriate to me. She never once renounced them, just made her anger clear. NuDillon handled his second-day confrontation scenes quite well. New actors can often go over the top with yelling, but he was markedly restrained when chewing out Luke. I see potential. But I still want some quirk. Hopefully, it'll come with time. Dare I hope I don't have to see Tracy trampled over by Luke anymore? To think, I loved their coupling once. I just hope that Luke's absence doesn't continue to mean an absence of Jane Elliot on my screen...


I'm delighted by snarky Silas watching Franco and Nina fight. I'm enjoying the return of Silas in general, and Kiki hasn't annoyed me since she felt bad about gaslighting Michael--maybe it's the oncoming train bearing down on her, maybe it's my second glass of a delicious cab franc. Molly's double-take at "Call me Mom" was fantastic as well. Nina's big gaping wound of a desire to have a family is really kind of sad. I'm not sure I hate her anymore.


Oh yeah, Jakeson's a thing. Kinda forgot about him.


Do Nathan and Maxie exist outside of bed?

Nina's big gaping wound of a desire to have a family is really kind of sad.


it's been a pathetic failure for the first half of her contract despite taking huge chunks of story/plot time to create this character to include the creation of other useless characters.  At the very least, the writers are now apparently trying to encompass the Nina character into the general fold of Port Charles.  With another YEAR on contract, it appears that her plots will revolve all around money - which is an improvement from plots involving babies or mental illness.  While I wish the actress to treat us to some decent scenes in her episodes, I really hope she doesn't get re-sign her contract. 


I will just continue to bang my head on the table as to why RC/FV went to waste such resources on a new character that EASILY could have been shoved into the roll of a DOCTOR to replace either Patrick's brother - Dr. Matt or Dr. Stephen Larrs.

  • Love 1

They have Franco AND Dr. O after Rick? Oh, wow. They are really shit-sandwiching the character.


Shut up, TJ. If  Robin was here instead of Paris eating three meals a day and Skyping her daughter (eyeroll), she'd be bitchslapping you.


Wait, wait, we *might*  finally find out about Rosalie's secret?


Sabrina's gonna be the annoying Velma Scooby to figure everything out, just like with Britt, right?

  • Love 3

Jordan needs to stop kowtowing to TJ and slap him back to reality.  Jordan did not put Shawn in prison, Shawn put himself in prison when he shot an innocent woman in the head.  Shawn murders (or at least attempts to murder) people for money.  Shawn's friends are mostly criminals and murderers.  Shawn loved this lifestyle more than he ever loved TJ.  Shawn has corrupted TJ into thinking this lifestyle is honorable.  Shawn endangered young TJ's life on multiple occasions.  Shawn is a piss poor excuse of a role model, guardian and human being. 

We need to be best friends. 

  • Love 14

Wait, what? When did Jane Elliot and Tony play Lila and whoever in flashbacks? Granted, I blocked so much of the Felicia/memwahs arc out of my mind almost immediately as it aired*, but I don't think Jane was even on the show during that storyline.

I don't know if it was the Felicia memoirs, but I DO know there were these flashbacks of Jane as as Lila, in a fugly lime green dress and Geary as whoever, with this ridiculous pencil thin 'stache.  I'll see if I can find a clip and post it in the history thread.

Bringonthedrama, the reason Laura is equally responsible for this deception, is because it won't work unless both of them tell it and sell it. That both of them includes Laura. She is equally responsible. You don't have to have a personal relationship with someone to be responsible for hurting them. Much like she is guilty of doing something to Tracy by declaring her undying love to Luke and then walking out with her fiance. Of course Luke is responsible as well. Anyway, if Tracy's reason for believing it is her jealousy of Laura, what is everyone else's excuse ? Are they all rabidly jealous, too? Or could it just be that they recognize two douchey, selfish people when they see them ? I am calling it now: the spec that perhaps Luckys life is in danger if Luke and Tracy marry is true. I think it is Helena or even evil Nik behind it, and it's tied into ELQ. But if my spec is true, it means Laura at least knew they were about to remarry. Maybe even knew exactly what was going on and THAT is why she gave no warning about coming, because she needed to catch everyone off guard to make it look real. Of course, she'll still be excused because she's trying to save her kid. I get that. But it also proves my earlier point, that she and Luke are self serving douchey tools who think it's okay to do whatever they need or want to do to anyone to get what they want. If my spec is right, Tracy has a right to know. If they fail to tell her, they're in the wrong.

Of course, she'll still be excused because she's trying to save her kid. I get that. But it also proves my earlier point, that she and Luke are self serving douchey tools who think it's okay to do whatever they need or want to do to anyone to get what they want. If my spec is right, Tracy has a right to know. If they fail to tell her, they're in the wrong.


In this case, if "getting what they want" is protecting/saving their son, are they really suppose to value Tracy's hurt feelings over that?


And since you're trucking in specs, how do we know Laura wasn't specifically told not to tell anyone but Luke what's going on?

  • Love 16

I never said Tracy's hurt is more important than Lucky's life. I am saying she has a right to know the truth. What real difference would it make ? Luke tells her they'll marry once Lucky is safe. I think Tracy would go along to keep Lucky safe. She might kick Luke to the curb anyway, though. I don't believe Tracy can't be told. Or rather, they may say that, but it makes no logical sense. This is a woman who dressed in a robe and wig to help Luke move Laura from Shadybrooke. Tracy would help Lucky even if she and Luke were through. It is being lied to and made a fool of that Tracy hates, and they are doing both.

  • Love 1
Sloan:  WTF.  First he's with the department of justice, taking down Anna for being mean to a terrorist.  Then he's the commisioner and she's out to get him.  Then he's got the hots for her and helps her cover a murder.  Then he's all stalky, restraining order with her.  Now he's doing Nik's bidding, to get ELQ shares from two young girls that he doesn't know, in order for Nik, a man he barely knows, can get the lions share of ELQ.  What?  If you've got to turn yourself into a pretzel to write for someone, that character is a fail.



It's like Ron had ideas for more than one character, Frank told him they couldn't afford all of them, so Ron just threw them into the blender that spit out Sloane. 

  • Love 7

Bringonthedrama, the reason Laura is equally responsible for this deception, is because it won't work unless both of them tell it and sell it. That both of them includes Laura. She is equally responsible. You don't have to have a personal relationship with someone to be responsible for hurting them. Much like she is guilty of doing something to Tracy by declaring her undying love to Luke and then walking out with her fiance. Of course Luke is responsible as well. Anyway, if Tracy's reason for believing it is her jealousy of Laura, what is everyone else's excuse ? 

1) I don't agree about Laura being responsible, so we can agree to disagree. 2) I do agree about the general idea though, i.e. the Boston marathon bomber and the people who were injured and killed. 3) We don't actually know what Laura said to Luke in private. What she told Tracy is that she wants to know who Luke is now. Dillon thought that was vague -it is - and asked for clarification. As far as we know right now, it was Luke who decided to say he was leaving Tracy for "love" (the way he delivered that made me almost positive he meant love of Lucky). 4) Everyone else's excuse is plot point stupidity. Remember, Lulu didn't figure out there was something major amiss with Maxie's behavior v. what she was saying while she was pregnant/after she gave birth to baby Georgie ... despite the enormous red flags waving in her face. Lulu also didn't get something was wrong with Luke when he couldn't remember Dante's name and then said oh, I knew it was something Italian. Dante barely knows Laura, and knows their history from what he's been told. Val just recently met Luke and has never met Laura. Dillon has not been a witness to Tracy and Luke's relationship in some years, and all he really knows about Luke and Laura is what he's been told - mostly by Tracy I assume. The ONLY people in that room who really know Luke and Laura and their history are Bobbie and Scott, who I believe left along with Sonny and Carly. 

  • Love 2

KeMo did great - so funny in dealing with The Nina, she knows the cray cray is still ever-present. The look on Sam's face when The Nina said "future family gatherings with my stepdaughter" - LOL!!


TJ in handcuffs in the interrogation room because he knocked over a cop in his determination to visit Shawn at Pentonville. Um, that cop wasn't wrong. Look how TJ disrespects his police commissioner mother but feels loyalty to Shawn and Sonny. Blech. Kinda glad that TJ will be sitting in a cell for acting like a hot head. Jordan should not be apologizing to her son for his own stupidity resulting in consequences. 


The Michael/Jakeson talk about him, and Danny, and Edward and Danny, made me roll my eyes. Yes, irony, so brilliant Ron. 


Elizabeth is now acting re: her deception, like she did when she was having an affair with Nik. So. Tedious. Yes, you're being a terrible person and your best friend is a douche. 


Sabrina's hair looks fantastic. And she held her own with Rosalie.

  • Love 6

Dante: this is the dumbest thing I've ever been a part of!


No dear. Far from it. Unfortunately. 


Molly: I can't believe Dante arrested you!


Molly, Dante just arrested his own brother a week ago. I know you've been off-screen girl but pay attention.


I like Sabrina didn't go the bad soap stereotype and slap Rosalie when she called Sabrina hooker, but just pretty much rolled her eyes at the obvious ploy.


Jeez Jakeson, the story of Jason being an asshole and driving into the Quartermaines' living room isn't THAT funny.

  • Love 10
LMAO Liez has to distract Jakeson with sex so he stops thinking about his son that she's keeping him from. She's so gross.


They're both gross idiots. Liz is a desperate loser (and I like Liz), and Jakeson continues to show absolutely no curiosity about his past.


TBH, I just don't care. This is the relationship she signed up for - again. This isn't out of character for Luke or his relationship with Tracy.

I lost sympathy the fourth time she gave this speech and then jumped right back on this merry-go-round


Tracy's going to be jealous of Laura and Luke/Laura no matter what. I don't blame her, but if she's tired of being treated like shit by Luke, she has to stop letting herself be treated like shit by Luke.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 10

TJ in handcuffs in the interrogation room because he knocked over a cop in his determination to visit Shawn at Pentonville. Um, that cop wasn't wrong. Look how TJ disrespects his police commissioner mother but feels loyalty to Shawn and Sonny.


They should have said the cop provoked TJ or something, or went to hit TJ and then lied and said he was just reaching for his coffee or something.


Or better yet, we should have seen the freakin' scenes! They can't afford to get a grey wall and put a sales rack in front of it? They couldn't've brushed this shit off out of storage?*



*oh, fine, I know it was probably sold for parts around 2002.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

Ugh, totally.  They'll be the town pariahs and turn to each other for comfort when, really, Liz should see a shrink and Nik should see the inside of a jail cell.


Oh, Nik should totally be wearing prison overalls. But then, so should Franco (UGH!), Sonny (double UGH!), and the other assorted criminals that populate Port Charles. So I expect nothing. And we saw how Ron did prison stuff the last time.


Still, yeah, the neon signs basically scream Niz will be on the way if/when Jakeson ever gets his head out of Liz's ass and stops coddling her.

  • Love 2

1) I don't agree about Laura being responsible, so we can agree to disagree. 2) I do agree about the general idea though, i.e. the Boston marathon bomber and the people who were injured and killed. 3) We don't actually know what Laura said to Luke in private. What she told Tracy is that she wants to know who Luke is now. Dillon thought that was vague -it is - and asked for clarification. As far as we know right now, it was Luke who decided to say he was leaving Tracy for "love" (the way he delivered that made me almost positive he meant love of Lucky). 4) Everyone else's excuse is plot point stupidity. Remember, Lulu didn't figure out there was something major amiss with Maxie's behavior v. what she was saying while she was pregnant/after she gave birth to baby Georgie ... despite the enormous red flags waving in her face. Lulu also didn't get something was wrong with Luke when he couldn't remember Dante's name and then said oh, I knew it was something Italian. Dante barely knows Laura, and knows their history from what he's been told. Val just recently met Luke and has never met Laura. Dillon has not been a witness to Tracy and Luke's relationship in some years, and all he really knows about Luke and Laura is what he's been told - mostly by Tracy I assume. The ONLY people in that room who really know Luke and Laura and their history are Bobbie and Scott, who I believe left along with Sonny and Carly. 

speaking of did anyone find it a little weird that Val stayed at the party but yet Bobbie who was bitching about laura ruining her brothers life left along with lucy whom lives for drama lol.Obviously they didnt want to pay the vets another day lol.

  • Love 7

Is GH really gonna try to tackle race relations with this TJ thing? Cause all GH watchers I'm pretty sure know criminals can be black, white or orange.

I hate that I think like the show sometimes. When Sabrina popped up in the middle of the day without the baby she is the nanny of, I actually thought of that Seinfeld when Jerry was dating his maid, "What did I just pay for?" ...and then Rosalie went there.

Edited by Gigi43
  • Love 2

speaking of did anyone find it a little weird that Val stayed at the party but yet Bobbie who was bitching about laura ruining her brothers life left along with lucy whom lives for drama lol.Obviously they didnt want to pay the vets another day lol.


That cracked me up. "There - now that everyone we have to pay extra for has left between scenes, we can continue our conversation." Can't cut into that Michelle Stafford paper!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3

I can't believe they're going for the 'shopping while black' story. And that JordN actually apologized to TJ for keeping him locked up! He shoved a guard because he was late getting to the PRISON to see Shawn. Like he couldn't possibly have gone tomorrow instead? Like maybe he could show some respect for authority? And the guard wasn't wrong that because TJ is the connissioners son, they'll try to sweep it under the rug. That's exactly what Jordan tried to do until the mayor said no.

There is no way Ron is going to do this story justice, not that it even deserves it. Does it happen IRL? Sure it does. But GH is not the show to shine a spotlight on it.

  • Love 10

Minus the Niz whining, today wasn't half bad. I liked Sam and Nina, and Michael and Jake. Sabrina's reaction to being called a hooker was refreshing because she was pretty calm about it.

TJ couldn't wait a few weeks to see his hitman caretaker/father? Because he was impatient he pushed a security guard and now is being booked, and it's all going to be Jordan's fault. Of course it's about race too, because the commissioner and mayor are also black. Give me a freaking break.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 3

The TJ story is just...no.


I really wish Liez could stay off screen until it's time for her and Nik to be exposed. Having to listen to her constantly whine about Jason is nauseating.


I hope Rosalie dies.


It would have been so cool if a bomb had gone off in Dr. O's office. Nothing big, just a little something to kill everyone in the room.

  • Love 4

There is no way Ron is going to do this story justice, not that it even deserves it. Does it happen IRL? Sure it does. But GH is not the show to shine a spotlight on it.


Oh, you have no idea. Rumor says it turns out the salesperson who thought TJ's card was fradulent was actually

Rafe reincarnated, trying to enact his revenge on TJ. (TJ buying expensive earrings for Molly is supposed to be a hint - because Rafe wore earrings too.)



not really. But I couldn't resist


You just know will end up being something like that though.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

Sabrina's reaction to being called a hooker was refreshing because she was pretty calm about it.

I think Linda & Teresa have great antagonistic chemistry, and it's great to see two wimmins fighting without resorting to slapping and hair pulling.

That said, I'm all for them calling a temporary truce and teaming up to beat the shit out of Keeks & AT LEAST NINE OF US NEVER CARED.

I'm still rooting for Sam to burn down Wyndemere

So long as Spenthaw is locked inside. Then his pweshush mwuthah can drag him to hell with her.

  • Love 4

Jake is the dumbest person to walk the earth.  "I had this strange flash again about Sam and Danny.  How odd."   10 minutes later "I wonder if I will EVER have any memories of my old life???" 


That is all.


Oh wait...STFU Liz.  Nobody cares that you "feel" guilty.  Maybe if you actually stopped screwing him and told him the truth you'd have a leg to stand on.

  • Love 14

speaking of did anyone find it a little weird that Val stayed at the party but yet Bobbie who was bitching about laura ruining her brothers life left along with lucy whom lives for drama lol.Obviously they didnt want to pay the vets another day lol.

It's especially stupid because they'll pay the vets for some D-grade tween pseudo-story but they won't pay them to be part of a legitimate story. Heaven forbid that happen.

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