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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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LW did look awesome today.


There was one line that made me literally LOL but for the life of me, I can't remember it now!

Did TJ seriously apologize to SONNY because Jordan 'betrayed' Sonny's trust? I mean REALLY????? I thought when he read the paper and saw what Shawn did, that he actually realized Jordan was right to arrest Shawn. But no, we mustn't have that.


Nina/Ric just makes no damn sense, but Sonny telling him that Nina took Avery from Ava's womb when she was 'just hours old' had to have been Mo screwing up his line. No matter how bad these writers are, I can't imagine anyone actually writing something like that!

  • Love 2

If they add any black characters I hope its either DOCTOR Tommy Hardy Jr., or DETECTIVE Marcus Taggert, or LAWYER Gia Campbell.

I've campaigned for Tommy Hardy Jr for YEAAARRSSSSSS. It don't make no sense, before Nathan and Spinelli...TJ Hardy should have shown up. I'm down for Taggart too. Don't EVEN get me started on Gia...Nikolas could lick her red bottoms for a straight year. 

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"The Butler Did It." Hee. Julian might not oversee The Port Charles Press on a daily basis, but he's clearly hired the right people, at least those who write the headlines.


Molly, lose the pageant hair and makeup.

They've been overdoing her makeup for at least a year. I think since HP turned 16.


Ric, on the other hand, looked awful. Poor RiHe. He deserves better.


Why is he wearing a shirt that is so baggy and ill-fitting?


Carly looked amazing today.


I don't like her hair like that. If she's going to go wavy, I wish they'd let LW's hair do its natural thing. Today looked like a poor woman's Farrah Fawcett do. And her sweater was too big in the bad way.


Watching Denise is like watching the worst of Lois. This is MW's Dobson. So, so bad.


Sonny: "TJ, are you sure you want to do this? The D.A. is going to paint Shawn as a dangerous, violent man." That's because he is a violent, dangerous man, especially for the people he's not targeting. And TJ can STFU.


The girl who plays Kiki was smiling behind MW when Sloane yelled out "Ava JEROME! You're under ARREST!" For once I can't blame her.

I think she was biting her lip to keep herself from laughing. It was so hilarious.


That was the best part of the entire show.

  • Love 4

Even with all the Fluke crap, the years of Sonny nonsense, I guess I'm still able to be surprised by Show.  Like today's episode.  

It not only got written - and then approved.  THEN they actually filmed it and showed it.  


It was like trying to wade through a river of sludge - dullllllllllllllllll sludge.  Carly and her best bud Jake, at least had the line of the day when she talked about Hayden.  "I wouldn't wish a coma on anyone, it's AWFUL".  At least that made me smile, because where other than Port Charles, and who other than Carly, could reference a coma like a urinary tract infection and THEN talk about how sad it was with such obvious not-give-shit-fukery.  

So that was mostly dull.


Ric and Nina were mostly awful.  Sonny stopping in upped the Coppertone and awful effect.


My apologies to my buds who are are Ava fans - I am, sometimes - but the Jersey Shore wannabe was ....... not good......


Then we had Franco and Dr. O - much worse.  


Those scenes had me doing a lot of this - no.gif


But then we had the Shawn/Jordan scenes, with that gaseous pimple on the butthole of the history of soaps DARING to give attitude to Jordan because instead of being an utterly inept and braindead mob lackey, she's actually a person with a moral center (although a deplorable taste in ham), and THEN we had to see that little TOAD TJ being all mopey about Shawn and a real dipshit about his mother,

and my finger wagging turned into this response....nono.gif


And to think we still have more of Fluke to see........


So who drugged Genie Francis into returning to this mess anyway??

Edited by boes
  • Love 9
But then we had the Shawn/Jordan scenes, with that gaseous pimple on the butthole of the history of soaps DARING to give attitude to Jordan because instead of being an utterly inept and braindead mob lackey, she's actually a person with a moral center (although a deplorable taste in ham),



This may be one of my favorite typos ever. 

  • Love 4

I think of him as a sexual assailant instead of a would-be rapist.  Because drugging a woman, stripping her naked, and laying on top of her is a horrendous act in and of itself, and no one who does that should ever get to hide behind a "would-be" label.


It took me a second to realize you were talking about Franco and not Ric.  (Ric did something like this to Carly when Carly was played by Tamara Braun).

  • Love 1

It's enough for TJ to act all betrayed to Jordan for being a cop and putting Shawn in jail for attempted murder because -- well, she's a cop and he *did* try to kill someone, and has killed in the past ----


But for Shawn to say "A black man shooting a white woman...." as to imply..... imply.....


Oh, Show. you did not go there. YOU DID NOT GO FUCKING THERE!




Even Helena ripped up That Card when Nikolas was dating Mia.

  • Love 11

It's enough for TJ to act all betrayed to Jordan for being a cop and putting Shawn in jail for attempted murder because -- well, she's a cop and he *did* try to kill someone, and has killed in the past ----


But for Shawn to say "A black man shooting a white woman...." as to imply..... imply.....


Oh, Show. you did not go there. YOU DID NOT GO FUCKING THERE!




Even Helena ripped up That Card when Nikolas was dating Mia.

I didn't catch Shawn saying that, but what do you think that line is implying?

Can someone explain it to me like I'm The Captain?


But for Shawn to say "A black man shooting a white woman...." as to imply..... imply.....

I didn't catch Shawn saying that, but what do you think that line is implying?

TJ's the one who said it.  Molly said something about Ric being a good lawyer and able to get Shawn out of trouble and TJ's comeback was that, basically saying it was a race thing, instead of a deliberate bullet to the head thing.  

  • Love 9

I don't like her hair like that. If she's going to go wavy, I wish they'd let LW's hair do its natural thing. Today looked like a poor woman's Farrah Fawcett do. And her sweater was too big in the bad way.


I haven't been liking her current hair, but I thought it looked great yesterday. I've grown to love her weird dye job tbh. I also pretty much always love Carly's clothes. She gets the best wardrobe IMO.


I actually thought he looked good today.  During the nurse's ball, before the reveal, he had this stupid goatee thing going on and his hair was mental.  At least that's gone.  


He looks really short and puffy to me. The suits they have him in are really bad. But yea, at least he doesn't have that goatee anymore. That would've been too much with the ill-fitting suits. I also think they dyed his hair again because I didn't notice that weird red spot. Thank goodness for that!


I forgot to mention this yesterday ... At first, I was amused by how KeMo was playing the scenes with Denise!Ava, but it got old real fast. I kept trying to remember if Ava had killed someone in Sam's family or done something horrible to them or something because Sam was being real extra with her hate. It was super annoying.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

I forgot to mention this yesterday ... At first, I was amused by how KeMo was playing the scenes with Denise!Ava, but it got old real fast. I kept trying to remember if Ava had killed someone in Sam's family or done something horrible to them or something because Sam was being real extra with her hate. It was super annoying.


She dared to have slept with Sam's man Silas like a thousand years before they met. 


Speaking of, not that I want to see him, but what the fuck, how does Silas let Ava...I mean, Denise...just wander back into Port Charles?

  • Love 1

I didn't catch Shawn saying that, but what do you think that line is implying?

Can someone explain it to me like I'm The Captain?




Basically that him going to jail is a racial issue rather than, you know, that he's actually guilty.



TJ's the one who said it.  Molly said something about Ric being a good lawyer and able to get Shawn out of trouble and TJ's comeback was that, basically saying it was a race thing, instead of a deliberate bullet to the head thing.  



I thought it was Shawn. Thanks for the correction that it was TJ. And still, FUCK YOU, SHOW, for going there. The Moobster is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

  • Love 1

I forgot to mention this yesterday ... At first, I was amused by how KeMo was playing the scenes with Denise!Ava, but it got old real fast. I kept trying to remember if Ava had killed someone in Sam's family or done something horrible to them or something because Sam was being real extra with her hate. It was super annoying.


If somebody I knew came back from the dead and pretended to be some Jersey Shore reject I'd probably be stank with them too. 

  • Love 4

If somebody I knew came back from the dead and pretended to be some Jersey Shore reject I'd probably be stank with them too.

You make a good point. Maybe she was just super annoyed with how fucking dumb it all was. Can't say I blame her.

Speaking of, not that I want to see him, but what the fuck, how does Silas let Ava...I mean, Denise...just wander back into Port Charles?

This though. This story is mindbogglingly stupid.

  • Love 2


I don't know why the dropped the brownstone, either. Just because Michael kicked out Lauren and Morgan doesn't mean it should be permanently shuttered. 

Michael didn't drop the clinic.  The clinic site became a crime scene and was thus stuck in legalities that will be tied to Luke's "trial," I suppose.  So the project is on hold is how Michael put it.


She seemed more Jersey than Brooklyn which is why I'm referring to her from here on out as JAva.

As someone who lives in New Jersey, NuAva's NOT sporting a Jersey accent.  We don't talk like that, contrary to popular opinion.  The word "JOISEY" has never been spoken by a Jerseyite ever.  You know who DOES speak like that?  People from Brooklyn.  They come down to the Jersey Shore to hang out at the clubs and the beaches, and so then everyone thinks people from New Jersey talk like that.  We don't.  The Jersey Shore crew, who I despise, are mostly from New York.  I have cousins galore from Brooklyn, and NuAva's accent is all Brooklyn.


Only a pang or two, I'm definitely not on board the Michael is super hot train, I am just starting to see how others can find him that way. :)


It's all subjective, but I think CD/Michael is sexy.  I wouldn't say "super hot," because that's more the beefcake stuff ala Nathan, imo.  I like sexy better anyway because it's can be both obvious and understated.  I know a lot of people think BM is the cat's meow, and I just.don't.see.it.


TJ is officially dead to me. I know a lot of people were cutting him some slack because he had a right to pissed at his mom for lying and maybe he didn't know what Shawn did, but after today he clearly knows what Shawn did (I'm ignoring that it was most likely Nik's hitman who shot Hayden because as far as Shawn and everyone else knows, it was Sean that shot her.) Instead of even having even the slightest amount of disgust that Shawn shot an unarmed woman, TJ tries to play the race card and blame Jordan solely for Shawn's predicament. Newsflash, TJ Shawn's in jail because he shot a woman. That's not your mom's doing.

I think Jordan deserves TJ's anger.  This isn't about what Shawn did because TJ knows that Shawn does for a living, and he wasn't happy about it.  The bigger issue is that Jordan LEFT her son and chose to pursue a career in law enforcement.  She couldn't manage TJ and so she gave him to Shawn to raise.  When Shawn got into the mob, Jordan didn't put an end to Shawn raising TJ.  She could have.  She could have stepped in and protected her son, but it would have compromised her "assignment."  So she let them get closer and closer.  Now she's the person that could put Shawn away for life.  TJ's anger is about Jordan not wanting to raise him and HER putting him with Shawn to raise, where he developed a loving relationship with Shawn, and now she's ripping Shawn away from him too.  Logically, Shawn is a bad person, but for TJ, it's the only parent he's ever known.


I have to say Sloane went up in my estimation when he treated Carly like the annoying flea that she is. Carly trying to pretend like she has any weight in affecting Sloane's job title was laughable.



I did enjoy that as well. I am a Sloane fan, which is part of that understated sexy thing that I mentioned above.  I'm liking him more and more, and I loved how dismissive he was of Carly.  I also liked his reaction to NotAva.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2
I think Jordan deserves TJ's anger.  This isn't about what Shawn did because TJ knows that Shawn does for a living, and he wasn't happy about it.  The bigger issue is that Jordan LEFT her son and chose to pursue a career in law enforcement.  She couldn't manage TJ and so she gave him to Shawn to raise.  When Shawn got into the mob, Jordan didn't put an end to Shawn raising TJ.  She could have.  She could have stepped in and protected her son, but it would have compromised her "assignment."  So she let them get closer and closer.  Now she's the person that could put Shawn away for life.  TJ's anger is about Jordan not wanting to raise him and HER putting him with Shawn to raise, where he developed a loving relationship with Shawn, and now she's ripping Shawn away from him too.  Logically, Shawn is a bad person, but for TJ, it's the only parent he's ever known.



In the beginning that was the focus of his anger. Now he's apologizing to Sonny for what his mother did to him, and even after seeing the headline and knowing exactly what Shawn did, he's still defending Shawn. And Molly is backing him up by saying Shawn is a 'good man.' Um, no, he isn't. He was hired to kill Jake, which in itself is a crime, and ended up taking down an innocent bystander. That's called murder for hire and is not something to be commended.

  • Love 13

TJ's the one who said it.  Molly said something about Ric being a good lawyer and able to get Shawn out of trouble and TJ's comeback was that, basically saying it was a race thing, instead of a deliberate bullet to the head thing.

With Guza I always one what his personal opinions were based on what certain characters said; with Ron, I still can't figure out which characters are his 'truthsayers', particularly when it comes to violence.

For example, if Guza had had Carly say that line, I would have known exactly what statement he was making. I honestly have no idea what Ron is trying to say by having TJ say that link. TJ 's point of view on the mob has changed so many times I don't know what he thinks nor what I am supposed to think about what he thinks.

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You know, this show is not going to stop until I hate each and every character.  TJ sticking up for criminal Shawn instead of his mom who has been putting her life on the line to stop the bad guys??  Bye, TJ.


And don't even get me started with implying Shawn is getting a bum deal based on race when, you know, he's actually GUILTY.  Don't even go there TJ!!

  • Love 8

In the beginning that was the focus of his anger. Now he's apologizing to Sonny for what his mother did to him, and even after seeing the headline and knowing exactly what Shawn did, he's still defending Shawn. And Molly is backing him up by saying Shawn is a 'good man.' Um, no, he isn't. He was hired to kill Jake, which in itself is a crime, and ended up taking down an innocent bystander. That's called murder for hire and is not something to be commended.

But that's my point.  TJ is only looking at Shawn as the guy who raised him and put him first.  I remember when TJ wasn't happy about Shawn's choice to go into the mob, but what was TJ going to do?  Shawn was his guardian.  SO he eventually accepted it, and just like Michael and Morgan and Molly and everyone else who has criminal parents, they come to accept that world and still love their parent.  For TJ, he sees Sonny as a friend, I think, because he's there to help Shawn whereas Jordan is trying to put him in prison.  It's not logical thinking, but I get where TJ is coming from emotionally.  I'm not upset with TJ.  He's a kid.  Jordan has been lying her ass off for years.  First she refuses to raise TJ (and yes there was her choice), then she gives her son to Shawn to raise, and never tries to pull TJ out once Shawn joined up with the mob, and NOW we find out she also lied to Shawn and TJ about TJ's paternity because she wanted to save her marriage.  Yes, I get that Jordan is a cop, and she is one of the good guys, but she has also completely trashed TJ and Shawn's life because had Shawn known he had a son, he might have made different choices, and TJ would have had a parent 24/7 even during Jordan's undercover years.


And don't even get me started with implying Shawn is getting a bum deal based on race when, you know, he's actually GUILTY.  Don't even go there TJ!!



TJ was referring to how the judicial/court systems work when a black man is accused of a crime, especially against a white woman.  Molly was trying to give TJ encouragement that Shawn might be able to beat the charges since every other criminal in PC (Franco, Julian, Duke, Sonny, etc) has managed to walk away, and TJ pointed out the facts that black men don't usually get a break.  

Edited by Bishop
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TJ 's point of view on the mob has changed so many times


It's always basically been Sonny = good mob; Julian = bad mob.


Shawn never got the what-for working for Sonny that TJ has given Jordan.



had Shawn known he had a son, he might have made different choices,


Shawn was TJ's guardian. Shouldn't that have been enough to get him out of the mob? Why does TJ have to be his son? And really, shouldn't working for the mob be a bad idea in and of itself, even if children aren't involved?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 16


I forgot to mention this yesterday ... At first, I was amused by how KeMo was playing the scenes with Denise!Ava, but it got old real fast. I kept trying to remember if Ava had killed someone in Sam's family or done something horrible to them or something because Sam was being real extra with her hate. It was super annoying.

Ava has always been a complete bitch to Sam, so I didn't have a problem with how Sam treated her. If I recall correctly Sam even tried a few times to connect as family, but Ava was always super bitchy and cold to her.

  • Love 3

Except Shawn is not guilty of this incident. He is guilty of many things but I don't think he shot Greenlee or what's her name. It was Nick's hired gun that did that. 

As long as he's being charged with attempted murder, he is guilty. He took the shot, just because he shot at FrancoJake and hit a planter beam in the ceiling and Ava?Nik's hitman was actually responsible for shooting OliviaGreenlee, doesn't mean that he didn't attempt to murder someone. 


And, why does everyone say that Ron repeats storylines? That's just silly.

  • Love 17


It was Nick's hired gun that did that.

I'm not completely certain on that.  (And Ron won't be until sometime next year when he remembers about it and brings it back, along with "flashbacks" that will have been shot the day before).  


 Nik's hired gun told his boss what his boss wanted to hear, that the woman had been shot in the head and would not be an issue anymore.  

  • Love 2

I don't understand this 'Shawn is the only parent TJ has ever known ' stuff. Jordan raised him for most of his life...the hell?


She's a woman*, silly, what could she possibly contribute to her child's life? Criminal father-figures are the bestest, truest parents ever!


*Mothers may not count for much, but a woman who is not a mother is basically subhuman. Sometimes I think Guza never left.

  • Love 3


I think Jordan deserves TJ's anger.  This isn't about what Shawn did because TJ knows that Shawn does for a living, and he wasn't happy about it.  The bigger issue is that Jordan LEFT her son and chose to pursue a career in law enforcement.  She couldn't manage TJ and so she gave him to Shawn to raise.  When Shawn got into the mob, Jordan didn't put an end to Shawn raising TJ.  She could have.  She could have stepped in and protected her son, but it would have compromised her "assignment."  So she let them get closer and closer.  Now she's the person that could put Shawn away for life.  TJ's anger is about Jordan not wanting to raise him and HER putting him with Shawn to raise, where he developed a loving relationship with Shawn, and now she's ripping Shawn away from him too.  Logically, Shawn is a bad person, but for TJ, it's the only parent he's ever known.


I think Jordan deserves some of TJ's anger. If TJ's anger was solely based on the fact that she'd lied to him for so long and he was angry that she chose her job over him, that would be one thing. But TJ's attitude has mostly seemed to revolve around Jordan being a snitch and how dare she actually arrest Shawn when he's guilty of the crime he's being convicted of. I guess TJ is officially one of those hypocrites who thinks the law only applies to everyone else and not that themselves or their loved ones. Did he seriously expect Jordan to look the other way when Shawn is actually GUILTY.


And "only parent he's ever known?" Someone correct me if I'm wrong here, because I mostly missed Shawn and TJ's introductions because my GH viewing was sporadic at best at the time, but didn't TJ show up when he was around 14, 15 years old? How does that make Shawn the only parent he's ever known? And instead of getting pissed that Jordan may be responsible for putting Shawn away, shouldn't he be just as pissed at Shawn for actually doing the crime in the first place. Jordan sure as hell did not put that gun in Shawn's hand.



For TJ, he sees Sonny as a friend, I think, because he's there to help Shawn whereas Jordan is trying to put him in prison.  It's not logical thinking, but I get where TJ is coming from emotionally.  I'm not upset with TJ.  He's a kid.


I don't even know if TJ really considers Sonny a friend given that he was railing to both Jordan and Molly about how unfair it was that Sonny, Julian, et al. are free while Shawn isn't. I think if Sonny were the one going away, TJ wouldn't bat an eye. And TJ is not a kid. He's in college and is adult enough to be responsible for his backwards thinking and ridiculous behavior.



TJ was referring to how the judicial/court systems work when a black man is accused of a crime, especially against a white woman.  Molly was trying to give TJ encouragement that Shawn might be able to beat the charges since every other criminal in PC (Franco, Julian, Duke, Sonny, etc) has managed to walk away, and TJ pointed out the facts that black men don't usually get a break.


And black men shouldn't get a break when they're guilty of the crimes they've committed. Race really has nothing to do with this. Scott has gone after Jason with even more vigor than he's gone after Shawn.



Shawn was TJ's guardian. Shouldn't that have been enough to get him out of the mob? Why does TJ have to be his son? And really, shouldn't working for the mob be a bad idea in and of itself, even if children aren't involved?


Exactly! Out of all the people who've joined the mob on this show, Shawn's reasons were the lamest and most ridiculous. Alexis begged Shawn to get out, but instead Shawn acted like he'd finally found his purpose in life in killing for Sonny. He had TJ to think about and he still choose this life. No one is to blame for where that choice landed him, but Shawn.

  • Love 11

LW did look awesome today.


There was one line that made me literally LOL but for the life of me, I can't remember it now!



Since I pretty much multitask when I have TFGH on my TV, I can't say for sure, but I could swear I heard Carly say something along the lines of "Sonny's too stupid to.....blah blah blah". When I heard that I laughed so loud I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. I could watch it OnDemand but I prefer to just go with "Sonny's too stupid" .


As someone who lives in New Jersey, NuAva's NOT sporting a Jersey accent.  We don't talk like that, contrary to popular opinion.  The word "JOISEY" has never been spoken by a Jerseyite ever.  You know who DOES speak like that?  People from Brooklyn.  They come down to the Jersey Shore to hang out at the clubs and the beaches, and so then everyone thinks people from New Jersey talk like that.  We don't.  The Jersey Shore crew, who I despise, are mostly from New York.  I have cousins galore from Brooklyn, and NuAva's accent is all Brooklyn.



YES!!!! So much this. I hated that people actually believed the Jersey Shore cast/crew from New York actually represented my home state. NO. Absolutely NOT. The only time I ever heard "Joisey" in my family was from a great uncle who lived near Brooklyn and then Long Island - never spent a day in New Jersey.

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