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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So now Felicia hawked the Inca jewelry... I wonder what ol' Levi will have to say about that. I realize I'm obsessing, but if feels like there has to be a reason they've been brought back. Of course, that conclusion does assume that there is any rhyme or reason to this writing, so it's probably nothing.

The Carly / Franco high mile club could have been worse, for sure, but it also could have taken up much less time.

Julian and Alexis were hot. And believable as two people who wanted to have sex with each other, which is rare for couples on this show.

I find that I am not at all interested in Lucy/ Kevin/ Scotty, which is a shame. I used to really like those characters, or at least care about their storyline a. I do like seeing the adult friendships, though.

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I used to be a huge Kevin and Lucy fan but I don't care so much now, especially because I don't find Lucy at all rootable in this.   But I did very much enjoy the scenes between Kevin and Mac and to a lesser extent the friendship between Felicia and Lucy.   

One would think that this would be a good time for Christina and or Serena to come to town and take sides.   Morgan's going to need somebody now that he's done with Ava, and Baldwin would go apes about his kid dating Corinthos's kid.    

So much so so so so so much autotune.  If you don't have performers who can perform, don't build a four day event around said performances.   


I know I shouldn't be surprised but the part where they made the whole ball about Sabrina and her baby?   Ugh.    Seriously?   So much hate and usually I don't have much opinion at all about Sabrina, but the nurses ball being more or less dedicated to her when she has nothing to do with HIV/Aids?    Yeah, no.   


I find myself really rooting for Britt and Nik.  I remember enjoying liric at the time, but I don't find them to have any chemistry at all now.    


  • Love 4

I know I shouldn't be surprised but the part where they made the whole ball about Sabrina and her baby?   Ugh.    Seriously?   So much hate and usually I don't have much opinion at all about Sabrina, but the nurses ball being more or less dedicated to her when she has nothing to do with HIV/Aids?    Yeah, no.   



I know! They had Emma on stage who could have talked about her mother, ROBIN, who had HIV and was one of the original reasons for the NB and yet, they go on and on and on about Sabrina with no mention of Emma's MOM?!?!?!?!?!

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I used to be a huge Kevin and Lucy fan but I don't care so much now, especially because I don't find Lucy at all rootable in this.   But I did very much enjoy the scenes between Kevin and Mac and to a lesser extent the friendship between Felicia and Lucy.   

One would think that this would be a good time for Christina and or Serena to come to town and take sides.   Morgan's going to need somebody now that he's done with Ava, and Baldwin would go apes about his kid dating Corinthos's kid.    

So much so so so so so much autotune.  If you don't have performers who can perform, don't build a four day event around said performances.   


I know I shouldn't be surprised but the part where they made the whole ball about Sabrina and her baby?   Ugh.    Seriously?   So much hate and usually I don't have much opinion at all about Sabrina, but the nurses ball being more or less dedicated to her when she has nothing to do with HIV/Aids?    Yeah, no.   


I find myself really rooting for Britt and Nik.  I remember enjoying liric at the time, but I don't find them to have any chemistry at all now.    



Yes, to your entire post, but particularly the part about Kevin and Lucy. Kevin deserves so much better than this. Lucy's reasons/excuses ("Doc is too busy with patients for me!") seemed flimsy at best. How humiliating for Kevin. Scotty's behaviour has seemed stalkerish, IMHO. She's told him "no" a bunch of times and he can't seem to take that for an answer. If Lucy chooses Scotty after all of this, then she deserves whatever she gets.

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OK kids.  Help me out here.  I'm always a day behind (pesky shop) and my DVR hates me since we had power outage last week.  What day did the baby serenade take place?  I get part of a show and the rest drops out.  I had Dr. O singing Willie, kept it (so I thought) but when I went back to watch it again it had disappeared.  I need a new DVR.  I'm trying to track the eps down on YT but they only  have the ones I've seen before.


Thanks in advance.


Just an aside....the tornado that came thru central Ohio last nite  demolished a farm 1 mile from my house.  No damage here but it was an interesting evening to say the least.

I know! They had Emma on stage who could have talked about her mother, ROBIN, who had HIV and was one of the original reasons for the NB and yet, they go on and on and on about Sabrina with no mention of Emma's MOM?!?!?!?!?!

Well, Because Robin's a terrible, terrible person for leaving her family behind and not coming home when her daughter was in a terrible accident.  Therefore, she doesn't merit a mention.

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OK kids.  Help me out here.  I'm always a day behind (pesky shop) and my DVR hates me since we had power outage last week.  What day did the baby serenade take place?  I get part of a show and the rest drops out.  I had Dr. O singing Willie, kept it (so I thought) but when I went back to watch it again it had disappeared.  I need a new DVR.  I'm trying to track the eps down on YT but they only  have the ones I've seen before.


Thanks in advance.


Just an aside....the tornado that came thru central Ohio last nite  demolished a farm 1 mile from my house.  No damage here but it was an interesting evening to say the least.

You can always watch the episodes on either ABC.com or Hulu. The salute to Sabrina was at the end of Tuesday's epi.

Thanks Lillybee.  I can't use ABC because they want me to identify my cable carrier.  I don't have cable.  Only air TV.  Don't know why I didn't think of HULU as I watch it all the time.  Doh!


Loved Mac and Kevin's fight.  Trash the bar and then make up with a bottle of whiskey.  Sounds like some of my guy pals.  Sweet thing for Felicia to do for Lucy.  But why do I feel we haven't seen the last of that necklace.  In my mystery-loving mind reporter ends up dead....necklace gone.  Levi involved.



And thank you BestestAuntEver.  That's as close as I care to come to a twister. 


Holy cow. The Nurses' Ball was quite a mess.


Loved 'Magic Milo'. I thought all the men looked good; however, Nathan cannot move. WTF? Such a good-looking man though. Felix and Lucas can *definitely* dance, and so can TJ.


Loved the 'Cabaret' opening. I wish Dr. O had used different accents for 'The Nurses' Ball' x3. Like Joel Grey did :)


Brad was *adorable*. I loved his song and dance and he is a *very* good actor - when he got too close to Dante and Lulu - you could see it in his face, even as he danced away!


Epiphany has a great voice. 


And, although I HATE the s/l, I loved AG's singing. He really put it out there. Not a great voice, but lots of passion and energy. It was quite eye-opening. So, kudos to him for that song.


That's about it for me.

Edited by fishsanwitt

That's what gets to me about this whole Alexis 'leave the mob' thing. She KNOWS it isn't as easy as that. You don't just wake up one morning and say 'I'm going to walk away from the mob today.' The only way that works is in a body bag. And I doubt she's advocating for Julian's death, so why harp on It? I mean, I understand the desire and her concern. But all the 'everyone you love is in danger' rings hollow when you consider that she has no problem with either sonny or Ric being around her children.

  • Love 4

Huh?  Waa?  Sonny has a CODE?  I suppose he has one for his ATM, and probably one for the lockbox he keeps his private collection of Victoria Secret panties in,  but he sure as fluk does NOT have a moral code of any sort.  I actually rewound the show to listen to that moron Shawn expound on this so-called "code" - twice - cuz I couldn't quite believe my ears.  And that meant that not only did I have to listen to that empty-headed doofus Shawn - GAWD HE IS AN IDIOT - scold Sonny for breaking the "code".  And then I had to listen to Sonny's voice get all high-pitched like he does when he's trying to make a point - while Duke, who usually is 300 times smarter than those two when he's asleep, seeming to actually believe and accept this so-called "code".  Good Lord.....I guess this was supposed to be some deep, heartfelt moral lesson being dispensed by Thuggy Moobster Shawn and Oil of Olay Sonny - and it hurt my ears.

Someone drop a house on these two STAT.


On an unrelated note - Anthony Geary SUCKS.  Full disclosure, I never liked the character or the actor much.  Never saw any charm or humor even back in the "golden" days.  But he just gets worse and worse, and this FakeLuke is his worst acting turn yet.  His Jean Harlow blonde fluffy bangs, his Jungle Red lips, his Pillsbury Doughboy complexion and his third trimester pregnancy shirts along with his continually petulant tone make him the most unbelievable mob boss since Sonny hit town.    How the hell William DeVry can play opposite this guy - or MB for that matter, and not either burst into uncontrollable laughter or despairing tears at who he has to work with is beyond me.


One more thing - this is not Nickolas' shining hour either.  He was pitching a hissy fit with Liz because she's moving out that is worthy of that little shit Spencer.  And Liz - could she get more smug??

Edited by boes
  • Love 8

On an unrelated note - Anthony Geary SUCKS.  Full disclosure, I never liked the character or the actor much.  Never saw any charm or humor even back in the "golden" days.  But he just gets worse and worse, and this FakeLuke is his worst acting turn yet.  His Jean Harlow blonde fluffy bangs, his Jungle Red lips, his Pillsbury Doughboy complexion and his third trimester pregnancy shirts along with his continually petulant tone make him the most unbelievable mob boss since Sonny hit town.    How the hell William DeVry can play opposite this guy - or MB for that matter, and not either burst into uncontrollable laughter or despairing tears at who he has to work with is beyond me.



I am sooooooooooooooooooooo jealous I didn't write this myself.  Can't stand him or his character{s}.  I don't care who he is supposed to be, I just want him GONE.

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You know, I rather like the idea of Port Charles being a town that has a female mayor, a female police commissioner, and a female COS at the hospital.*


That could be interesting, except with Ron show running they would all be in a quadrangle for [insert lame male character here], and would take turns getting baby rabies, including Anna and Dr O.



Not kidding, Alexis as DA would be great if they also let her run some stuff, but that would leave Scotty with nothing to do but be a douche.

Edited by Happyshooter

Alexis does this every fucking time and she's done it for over ten years - gets involved with dangerous criminals who excite her and remind her of the morally ambiguous Stefan, then acts shocked, shocked! when they turn out to be dangerous criminals, something she already knew going in. She knew Sonny was a mobster, she knew Ric was a psycho, Jerry a terrorist, Shawn a hitman, Julian yet another mobster. I'm tired of her faux-righteous indignation. This woman is pushing 55 at least and she still acts morally outraged, not to mention henpecked and neurotic. I wish she'd own up to who she is and what she wants instead of doing this same dumb routine for the umpteenth time.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 6

Alexis does this every fucking time and she's done it for over ten years - gets involved with dangerous criminals who excite her and remind her of the morally ambiguous Stefan, then acts shocked, shocked! when they turn out to be dangerous criminals, something she already knew going in. She knew Sonny was a mobster, she knew Ric was a psycho, Jerry a terrorist, Shawn a hitman, Julian yet another mobster. I'm tired of her faux-righteous indignation. This woman is pushing 55 at least and she still acts morally outraged, not to mention henpecked and neurotic. I wish she'd own up to who she is and what she wants instead of doing this same dumb routine for the umpteenth time.

Makes me so miss her and Ned together.  I nearly threw something at my TV when she turned down his dinner invite a few weeks ago.


Sorry, Nexis was my very first soap opera ship.  And I still haven't let go of it, even fifteen years after they broke up.

To be fair to Alexis, the town she lives in doesn't have any men who aren't psycho or criminal in her age group.  Ned is just visiting.


After years of being beat over the head with the idea you can't just walk away from the mob and Julian saying it again, he did.  Being a soap, I am rooting for him here.  I don't care about the drugs/not drugs issues, just stop with that, writers.  I'm not going to root for Sonny.  Though I don't care who wins here - In fact I'm rooting for Julian and the only one I want dead is Fake Luke.  


I liked the idea of Alexis doing something to help Julian get out.  


One thing they missed is when Julian and Alexis went to the Nurse's Ball together, and Sam was performing, unless I missed it, they did not put the camera on her parents watching her.  They did put in Sonny watching it though.  Stupid.


In terms of Alexis' love life, I HATED Nexis, so I was thrilled she hailed down that semi. That said, it seemed to go steadily downhill from there. I'll NEVER buy Alexis would EVER be hot for Sonny. It made her look like a moron.


Hypocritically, admittedly so, I did like her with Ric until the stench of Reek (Ric/Reese) and then Ram...with Ric turning into a douche and taking Molly from her sick mother. Then, I wanted him dead. But the closure scene the other day was still nice. Damn it.


All that said, including Crazy Jerry and Julian and Sean the Block of Wood, I'll forever be sad that Jax/Alexis were only teased. I LOVED Ingo and Nancy's chemistry and think that pairing could have been something special. Still, on the other hand, Guza or whomever would have fucked them over, too, and the friendship probably would have suffered for it, so maybe it's for the best that they never were given a real chance, even if I still wished the show did.

Edited by WendyR72

In terms of Alexis' love life, I HATED Nexis, so I was thrilled she hailed down that semi. That said, it seemed to go steadily downhill from there. I'll NEVER buy Alexis would EVER be hot for Sonny. It made her look like a moron.


Hypocritically, admittedly so, I did like her with Ric until the stench of Reek (Ric/Reese) and then Ram...with Ric turning into a douche and taking Molly from her sick mother. Then, I wanted him dead. But the closure scene the other day was still nice. Damn it.


All that said, including Crazy Jerry and Julian and Sean the Block of Wood, I'll forever be sad that Jax/Alexis were only teased. I LOVED Ingo and Nancy's chemistry and think that pairing could have been something special. Still, on the other hand, Guza or whomever would have fucked them over, too, and the friendship probably would have suffered for it, so maybe it's for the best that they never were given a real chance, even if I still wished the show did.

Will have to agree to disagree on Nexis, but my god, what a waste with Jaxis!  My second favorite pairing for her, and with the loving family she never got!  Though I do admit liking her with Jerry and Rexis until Ram.


I just hate that she tends to fall for the psychos (Sonny, Jerry, Julian).  But then again, it probably goes back to Stefan.

To be sure, they have dumbed Alexis down, but not nearly as much as Tracey. I mean, they have stripped her of all her senses and smarts by making her a sniveling pawn for fluke. The real Tracey wouldn't act so whiney and needy. The only half way powerful woman is Anna, and Im thinking any minute they're gonna make her a Duke zombie. But then, there's always Ephinany.

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I don't like Epiphany at all.  I think she's bossy and interfering and intimidating for no other reason than she can.  I know the show isn't a showcase of realism, but all I see is a bully who works out her own issues by verbally beating up on others.  That Mr. Marbles thing was the end.  I wish Mac had smacked her one for that.  Then, they have her coming on to Milo.....I admire the actor and feel bad for what they make her do, because the character could be a solid supporting character.  Instead, she fulfills Ron C.'s need for ......something, although I don't have a clue what that is.


Now, if she actively hated Felix and persecuted HIM, and Sabrina, shallow person that I am, I'd probably give her a pass.  But picking on Mac is beyond the pale.

  • Love 3

In terms of Alexis' love life, I HATED Nexis, so I was thrilled she hailed down that semi. That said, it seemed to go steadily downhill from there. I'll NEVER buy Alexis would EVER be hot for Sonny. It made her look like a moron.


Hypocritically, admittedly so, I did like her with Ric until the stench of Reek (Ric/Reese) and then Ram...with Ric turning into a douche and taking Molly from her sick mother. Then, I wanted him dead. But the closure scene the other day was still nice. Damn it.


All that said, including Crazy Jerry and Julian and Sean the Block of Wood, I'll forever be sad that Jax/Alexis were only teased. I LOVED Ingo and Nancy's chemistry and think that pairing could have been something special. Still, on the other hand, Guza or whomever would have fucked them over, too, and the friendship probably would have suffered for it, so maybe it's for the best that they never were given a real chance, even if I still wished the show did.


I blame Riche for this. I think/think I heard Guza wanted to do them (and I believe that because to him Alexis wold be hot enough (to him, recond rate) player Jax. damn, that was such a wasted opportunity. instead we got lame ass Chloe and Jax.


Alexis does this every fucking time and she's done it for over ten years - gets involved with dangerous criminals who excite her and remind her of the morally ambiguous Stefan, then acts shocked, shocked! when they turn out to be dangerous criminals, something she already knew going in. She knew Sonny was a mobster, she knew Ric was a psycho, Jerry a terrorist, Shawn a hitman, Julian yet another mobster. I'm tired of her faux-righteous indignation. This woman is pushing 55 at least and she still acts morally outraged, not to mention henpecked and neurotic. I wish she'd own up to who she is and what she wants instead of doing this same dumb routine for the umpteenth time.



Shawn was only working at Kelly's when they first started dating, but otherwise, yeah, agreed. I didn't actually mind this habit of hers until now with Julian. SHE KNEW going in and now she's complaining? I love NLG but shut up, Alexis. It doesn't help that this pairing has the least chemistry out of all her pairings except for Shawn. It's like, this is what you're going to bat for? Not worth it.

Edited by ulkis

I don't like Alexis at all. When she knowingly filed coerced papers to keep AJ from his son and give him to Sonny. Seemed like she just wanted to get in Sonny's bed. The next year she was doing her best to keep her daughter away from the mobster Sonny? Hated her ever since. He wasn't good enough to raise Kristina but Michael who cared. When Ned was keeping her away from Kristina I rooted for him. Of course Lane Davies playing Cameron helped me keep watching. Till he left.  Alexis is Sonny in drag. Always right. When Sonny wouldn't help save Kristina boo hoo. What goes around , comes around. Alexis is the most self righteous character on the show. No Shawn but Julian is fine. ? Tells Julian's secrets to Sonny. .Guess I will never be an Alexis fan. Didn't care for her on Santa Barbara either.JMO. Do I have to leave the board now ? Don't throw any rotten tomatoes at me.........Me ducking

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