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S17.E31: Episode 31

Tara Ariano

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OK, so let me see if I've got this straight: you hide your own veto, then you have to search for other people's veto and you keep searching until all vetoes are found but one, but it doesn't matter how many vetoes you've found because the person who didn't have their veto found wins the veto.


So...the only incentive to look for vetoes is to knock other people out? Didn't they used to do this comp with everyone in the house at the same time? It made a lot more sense that way. I found this incredibly convoluted -- I think because you could find a veto, but get no credit for it or it didn't really help you at all. At least with everyone running around at once, it made sense to try and look.


I'd pay a large sum of money for them to do a hierarchy-defining "choose who you knock out" competition, like they do on Survivor. Not those lame "choose your competition" like they do for the HoHs. Those never cause drama.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 3

OK, so let me see if I've got this straight: you hide your own veto, then you have to search for other people's veto and you keep searching until all vetoes are found but one, but it doesn't matter how many vetoes you've found because the person who didn't have their veto found wins the veto.


So...the only incentive to look for vetoes is to knock other people out? Didn't they used to do this comp with everyone in the house at the same time? It made a lot more sense that way. I found this incredibly convoluted -- I think because you could find a veto, but get no credit for it or it didn't really help you at all. At least with everyone running around at once, it made sense to try and look.


I'd pay a large sum of money for them to do a hierarchy-defining "choose who you knock out" competition, like they do on Survivor.

I agree. And I also wish the Veto winner had the power to remove someone from the block and then choose who goes up next (except for the HOH).

  • Love 3

I dont understand why they were wearing headphones.

My guess is so they couldn't talk to each other and discuss where each one was found or know who was knocked out.


James' baby story was hilarious.  He seems to be dealing with it very well.


I hope JMac and Steve get a clue and whack the three-headed monster, but I'm not optimistic.

  • Love 6

Oh big Brother you tease, we know Julia isn't going home... but, that would be all kinds of awesome esp. if the ball then rolled to have Liz or Austin go on double eviction night. But it will probably end up just being Meg and one of the remaining guys not named Austin, probably James. *shrug*

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 2

So, Vanessa... you just decided to work with Johnny Mac and Steve last week and stuck with it this week. By my way of thinking you've made two blunders in doing so. It's not like a land war in Asia but pretty bad miscalculations. She first could have said  "Sorry boys if we're going to work together secretly one of you has to be a pawn smokescreen for us to get Meg out." Instead she pissed off the Austwins most likely and she was shaky there already.


Then instead of being pissed at James realize you're shaky with the twins why not say "Vote Julia and we're good." Bringing along two more votes for yourself to stay and giving you a huge number advantage as the five of you sweep Liz & Austin off the board in the next two eliminations. THEN you can say you'll go to final 3 with Johnny Mac and Steve if that's what you want, or keep working with Meg and James instead if that looks more beneficial. Your reasoning was "James, we haven't talked/worked together before so why start now?" You started this alliance you are going with this week last week so hell, one more week one more alliance why the hell not??


But the way she's going whoopie!!! We got out Meg, the worst comps player in BB history who is a threat to herself more than she is to anyone in the house... congrats. Well played *eye roll*

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 8

Hurray for James my favorite player! However its heartbreaking knowing that this is just a temporary reprieve. Unless he wins HOH the Double Eviction will claim him.

Also despite all logic....he will never be able to flip Steve to send a twin home...possibly Johnny Mac...put Steve would never have the cajones to make a big move like that....especially since he's a huge chicken whenever Vanessa is after him.


How wonderful it would be though if he could save Meg...get out Julia and then flush out Liz in the double eviction but that I know is a pure fantasy.


Hah...Vanessa was a douche when James was telling her she was playing too hard. How delicious it would be if Vanessa gets booted just short of the final two despite all her machinations and tears.



About the comp. For once the manipulation actually favored my player but I do feel the producers introduced this comp because its tailor made for James who has been shown to hide his whole body...a tile should be a cake walk for him.


When we didn't actually SEE Vanessa find the tile but the last sight of her was in the room BY it...I had a hopefull feeling that it was misdirection...and it was!


Austin should have hid his tile in his laundry hamper....nobody would probably be inclined to search there.

  • Love 3

Apparently, Vanessa doesn't like that she's play the BB game hard. That was so funny that James set her off. Vanessa is off her rocker.

She was so indignant!  He was right.  She knows she is a 4th to the Austwins, why wouldn't she get them out?  This is the point in the game where you make moves.  I hope this decision loses it for her.

  • Love 6

 Austin should have hid his tile in his laundry hamper....nobody would probably be inclined to search there.

Austin owns one pair of shorts and one shirt, apparently- I doubt he even knows where a laundry hamper would be.

Vanessa going off on James was so ridiculous. It's fine for her to insult people, call them liars, tell them their actions make no sense, but James suggests she's playing too hard, and she loses her mind. And then starts insulting him. Classic Vanessa.

I'd love for John and Steve to flip but I just don't think they'll do it. We saw tonight that James and Mefg seem to (inexplicably) trust Austin and I'm sure J/S would worry that those four would team up. But really, even if Vanessa is actually with J/S, they are at best even numbers with AusTwins, and outnumbered if James sides with Aistwins, so it might be worth a shot.

  • Love 3

Liz is OCD? Really????? Cannot stand when people use that to explain their super tidy/micromanage-y personalities. And how did I never notice that Austin's mouth is always slightly open? It's almost like he's the Missing Link (but I don't want to offend the actual Missing Link).

Vanessa's mouth is always slightly open, too. Mouth breathers.

After tonight, I really dislike Vanessa. I hope she's evicted next week in the DE.

  • Love 3

The mess in that house would make me freak the fuck out! When I was little and had friends over I'd go and tell my mom they were making a mess in my bedroom (not even a mess but things were I guess 'played with and out from their regular spot') and she said 'just have fun and I'll help you clean it when they leave.' Hah!

Meg's barely-there 'jump' during hide and seek cracked me up. She maybe got 1/4 of an inch off the ground. Loved it! (I know she has bad knees or whatever it is).

Is this the first we're hearing of James' daughter?

God Vanessa, you still suck. Her personality is so unbecoming to me.

  • Love 1

So tonight was all about my conflicting feelings about Vanessa.

The Vanessa I like:
Slowly planting the seeds to the Austwins that Julia should be a pawn, and Johnny Mac was not going home on her watch.
Finding two vetoes in the competition
Keeping her eye on Meg as her target, to break up James/Meg and keeping John/Steve

The Vanessa I do not like:
Mentioning blood and hands three times before the first commercial break
Freaking out on James saying she was playing too hard after she has said much worse about other's games. Besides the hypocrisy, James is safe, so it's just poor gameplay
Gloating about because James said stuff, she was going to ensure Meg goes home. I know, I know, in this day and age, the HOH rules and the pawns don't go home, but back in the day, the pawns DID go home, and the HOH had no power over it
Her using the word incentivize. I know, I know, it's an actual word (I looked it up), it just bugs me.

The POV was interesting to me. I swear they've done this kind of comp before, but I have a bad memory about comps. But I do think keeping the Vetoes anonymous could have been an attempt to help James/Meg, because it was 4-2, and re-hiding each other's veto would definitely have happened with the majority. But the fact is, James knocked Meg out, so keeping them secret could have screwed them over as well, so I don't see some advantage.

Edited by Katesus7
  • Love 4

Vanessa came across so bad in this edit, crazy and her flip out over James true critique of her. Then her attack of Meg that she's sending her home because James gave her an honest critique. She just flew off the handle and looked really bad. She won't be well liked at all. 


James just wasting his turns to make a mess was so funny. I laughed out loud at his turns.

  • Love 8

I am so sick of Vanessa. Why in the world would she get so insulted because James told her she was over thinking the game,  In a way, he was trying to compliment her.  She does this whenever she is HOH.  I am sure she went crying to the Austwins about this, only we were spared the tears.  There is something wrong with this woman, she has some severe self esteem and emotional issues.


I would love to see James & Meg go to Steve & Johnny Mac and tell them 'if any of us want a chance at winning this game, we need to break these 4 apart and getting rid of Julia is the perfect start, otherwise, our time here is just wasted because we will be handing the game right over to one of them.'.  Hopefully, Julia will get voted out & James will win next HOH and put up Vanessa & Austin.   Do they not hear when Vanessa talks to them, she is saying things like 'I need info to advance my game'. 


What does she do when someone gets her out at poker, start crying and bullying that person?

Edited by alegtostandon
  • Love 6

OK, so let me see if I've got this straight: you hide your own veto, then you have to search for other people's veto and you keep searching until all vetoes are found but one, but it doesn't matter how many vetoes you've found because the person who didn't have their veto found wins the veto.


So...the only incentive to look for vetoes is to knock other people out?


Not really; you're not "knocking other people out" because everybody continues playing until the requisite n-1 number of vetoes is found, at which point the proud holder of veto #n wins PoV.

Your goal is for all other participating HGs' vetoes to be found before yours.

The best way to achieve this goal, as so ably demonstrated by both James AND Austin (Austin's veto being the last one actually found), is twofold: spend part of each time slice searching for their vetoes, and part camouflaging yours.


I am so sick of Vanessa. Why in the world would she get so insulted because James told her she was over thinking the game,  In a way, he was trying to compliment her.  She does this whenever she is HOH.  I am sure she went crying to the Austwins about this, only we were spared the tears.  There is something wrong with this woman, she has some severe self esteem and emotional issues.


Emotion, hell. 

Vanessa wasn't actually insulted. 

V manufactured an overly dramatic emotional response to an innocuous comment to support creation of a rationalized Reason to target James at first opportunity.

  • Love 9

The mess in that house would make me freak the fuck out! When I was little and had friends over I'd go and tell my mom they were making a mess in my bedroom (not even a mess but things were I guess 'played with and out from their regular spot') and she said 'just have fun and I'll help you clean it when they leave.' Hah!

Was I friends with you in 2nd grade I remember being really offended I was invited to my friend's house as a guest but when I touched a toy, being complained at and snitched on to the mom- then never talking to that person again.

Vanessa might actually know herself or just e very lucky. She has shown time and again absolutely cannot handle criticism or disappointment. So it was fortunate she got straight A's throughout her entire life and never worked a conventional job.

For all her money she can't go to Sephora and get color matched with they're little face scanner so she has a nice quality foundation that looks natural AND hides her problem areas like acne and eye circles? She needs a whole makeover of her beauty products and the hat shit honestly.

Just because James is habitually hiding the same 2 spots doesn't mean he's good at hiding or finding objects. I think the headphones were so HG won't hear where the others were going or if anyone made a suspicious noise or talked to themself or others with a clue.

  • Love 9

I need a strategy clarification.


I don't see how Johnny/Steve/Vanessa can possibly fail to recognize that the Austwins have the bond AND the strength to pick them all off, one by one, until the Austwins are the only three left.  Why is the cannon fodder still sucking up?


If they vote off Julia tomorrow, everyone has a renewed shot at getting to the end. 


And yet, I anticipate a chorus of "I vote to evict Meg."


Could someone please explain to me?   Are the satellite individuals too afraid to have the trio+ target them and they're depending on winning crucial comps when the population is down to four or five?

Edited by candall
  • Love 6

I don't see how Johnny/Steve/Vanessa can possibly fail to recognize that the Austwins have the bond AND the strength to pick them all off, one by one, until the Austwins are the only three left.  Why is the cannon fodder still sucking up?



Seriously!  LordRott and I had a huge discussion about this last night.  If Vanessa was half as smart as she thinks she is, she would realize her only prayer is to take out Julia Right.Now, while the numbers can still be used in favor of everyone who is not a twin or screwing a twin.  I was relieved that James won the POV.  I really like him and I wouldn't mind him going all the way for the win.


Did Vanessa actually get through a show without crying?  Of course, we had three "blood on my hands" comments so it was kind of an even swap. *sigh*  When she got all pissy with James, I couldn't believe that was the best she could do as a reason to get mad.  He as being NICE and paying her a compliment about her game play.  Because he said the word "too" instead of just saying she was playing the game "hard", she went off on him?  Bitch was stretching it on that one.


I did love when Meg said "I am your queen, apparently" in reference to Vanessa's block reasoning speech.  The look on her face combined with her tone just made it really apparent that she thinks Vanessa is a moron. 

  • Love 6

So, Vanessa... you just decided to work with Johnny Mac and Steve last week and stuck with it this week. By my way of thinking you've made two blunders in doing so. It's not like a land war in Asia but pretty bad miscalculations. She first could have said  "Sorry boys if we're going to work together secretly one of you has to be a pawn smokescreen for us to get Meg out." Instead she pissed off the Austwins most likely and she was shaky there already.


I need a strategy clarification.


I don't see how Johnny/Steve/Vanessa can possibly fail to recognize that the Austwins have the bond AND the strength to pick them all off, one by one, until the Austwins are the only three left.  Why is the cannon fodder still sucking up?

She didn't piss off Austin and the twins. Julia volunteered to go up as a pawn. Vanessa wants Meg out because Meg (and James) are both coming straight at her. Julia isn't. They also think Meg will float her way to the end, because that's what weak HGs do. And any strong competitor on the block against her will go home. With Julia still in the house, she and Liz are still huge targets and easy options for a pair on the block. Vanessa, Steve, and John also believe that they (as a group) have a better shot at winning comps collectively than Austin and the twins.

  • Love 3

I would love to see James & Meg go to Steve & Johnny Mac and tell them 'if any of us want a chance at winning this game, we need to break these 4 apart and getting rid of Julia is the perfect start, otherwise, our time here is just wasted because we will be handing the game right over to one of them.'.

THIS THIS THIS!  I cannot believe that those 4 are so intimidated by Vanessa that they would blow a perfect opportunity to get Julia out and weaken Vanessa and the Austwins.  If they don't, James/Meg/JMac/Steve should just pack their bags and take themselves out of the rest of the game.


I SO VERY MUCH wanted James to yell back at Vanessa when she started in on him in the HOH room.  Why does every houseguest hand over their spine in the presence of Vanessa?  I get that it's next to impossible to shut her up once she gets going, but yell back!  She seems to have such a weird stranglehold on everyone in that house.  It's disturbing.


And one more thing: is it completely lost on the Austwins that if Vanessa puts up Julia, PERHAPS she has a little something on the side with a couple of the other houseguests?  They have to see that, right?  RIGHT?  Or are they all really that dense?


I'm sorry, I don't mean to YELL IN ALL CAPS.  But this episode enraged me more times than I can count.  And yet, I continue to watch.  Help.....

  • Love 6

Not really; you're not "knocking other people out" because everybody continues playing until the requisite n-1 number of vetoes is found, at which point the proud holder of veto #n wins PoV.

Your goal is for all other participating HGs' vetoes to be found before yours.

The best way to achieve this goal, as so ably demonstrated by both James AND Austin (Austin's veto being the last one actually found), is twofold: spend part of each time slice searching for their vetoes, and part camouflaging yours.



Emotion, hell. 

Vanessa wasn't actually insulted. 

V manufactured an overly dramatic emotional response to an innocuous comment to support creation of a rationalized Reason to target James at first opportunity.

Perfectly stated.  She has done this so many times - to me, the most dramatic was when she cornered Steve and made him hyperventilate.  She's a bully, but at the same time, the other HG's don't have to take it from her.  They could agree that Vanessa gets no more one-on-one time with anyone who doesn't feel comfortable with it.  If Vanessa wants to talk to you alone?  Just don't agree to it!  She gets the advantage as soon as the door closes.  It drives me nuts.

  • Love 4

Man, that Veto had me worried. I could have sworn Vanessa was last shown in the living room, and then running outside with the Veto. I was convinced she had James's Veto and was literally shocked when it was Austin's. Happily shocked, though. I kind of love this Veto comp for the fact that allies can take each other out without knowing. However, I'm totally with Liz on the actual mechanics of it. I have OCD too and that mess would have sent me running from the house. I wonder, do they clean it up? Or does production send someone in to do it? Either way, I'd be happy to be HOH that week and be able to retreat to a nice, clean sanctuary. 


I was pleased to see Vanessa put Julia up as a replacement. I know she's insisting that she's not the real target. But at this point, Vanessa is working with everyone left in the house, and I think this move shows she is more interested in working with John and Steve going forward. Maybe she is finally realizing that her attachment to Austwins serves them, but not really her....at this point. 


Still don't like the girl, though. She's so flipping arrogant and overdramatic. The way she flipped out on James? Talk about uncalled for. Vanessa is constantly trying to give others game advice and tell them what moves to make. But if someone gives HER advice they're insulting her? Literally? Get over yourself. James was very nice and polite, but just trying to let you know you're overthinking things and you need to calm down a bit. I'd wager everyone in the house agrees. 


How crazy that James didn't find out about his kid until after she was born. 

  • Love 3
So if James weren't Asian, he would have never known he had a daughter.


Ha! Pretty much. 


Unless the babymama went on Maury and brought every guy she'd slept with that month, and James got the results - "James, you ARE the father!" 




Just because James is habitually hiding the same 2 spots doesn't mean he's good at hiding or finding objects.


I love James, but I actually thought his placement was the worst out of all 6 and would be the first found. Boy was I wrong. I'm glad I'm not in that house. 

  • Love 2

Did Vanessa seriously Meg is James' número dos. My mastery of the Spanish language is elementary but I'm positive its número uno.



So...the only incentive to look for vetoes is to knock other people out? Didn't they used to do this comp with everyone in the house at the same time? It made a lot more sense that way. I found this incredibly convoluted -- I think because you could find a veto, but get no credit for it or it didn't really help you at all. At least with everyone running around at once, it made sense to try and look.

They did the same PoV in BB8. I don't remember if everyone hide at the same time.
I love James, but I actually thought his placement was the worst out of all 6 and would be the first found. Boy was I wrong. I'm glad I'm not in that house.


What helped is that he pushed his veto card to as close to the center of the rug as he could, rather than just putting it near the edge.  That's what helped.  its easy to lift of up the edge of the carpet to check (and I saw at least one HG do that - Vanessa maybe), but it would have been a lot harder to keep lifting and move furniture to check even further.


I guess the upstairs must have been off limits.  I thought most of the hiding places were pretty good, except for Meg, who obviously didn't realize how much furniture did get moved around.  I loved the one in the pizza box.

I agree with the two above who felt that Vanessa blowing up at James was 100% strategy. When she flipped out at him and started yelling, I got annoyed, but when you think about it, it is kind of her MO. I mean, didn't she flip out on Jace that first week or something to ensure everyone turned against him and he was unanimously evicted? But yeah, she's blasted various people in order to "justify" her subsequent actions. Here, targeting Meg fully.


HOWEVER… I would like to think that putting up Julia is her way of casually getting rid of one person in that triumvirate. Because I would be extremely disappointed if James couldn't convince Steve and John to vote out Julia over Meg. You have the opportunity to knock out a person in the last super-strong alliance in the house (and I'm talking about Julia/Liz, not the Austwins), so you TAKE IT. And this way, Vanessa can act all shocked and squeeze out some crocodile tears as she whines about how the house flipped on her and Julia was supposed to be 100% safe and how did this happen oh my God this is terrible boo hoo. This would keep her hands clean. Well, clean-ish.


Unfortunately, the way this season has been going, it's like last year. Super-predictable with just a few moments of "Wow! That was a surprise!" The house will vote with Vanessa's wishes, and Meg will go home on Thursday night. Although I would LOVE to be proved wrong. PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG, HAMSTERS!

  • Love 3

I need a strategy clarification.

I don't see how Johnny/Steve/Vanessa can possibly fail to recognize that the Austwins have the bond AND the strength to pick them all off, one by one, until the Austwins are the only three left. Why is the cannon fodder still sucking up?

If they vote off Julia tomorrow, everyone has a renewed shot at getting to the end.

And yet, I anticipate a chorus of "I vote to evict Meg."

Could someone please explain to me? Are the satellite individuals too afraid to have the trio+ target them and they're depending on winning crucial comps when the population is down to four or five?

Present situation = three semi-disparate groups in the House. Groups and relative voting strength/weight are:

  • Austin/Liz/Julia tight, Vanessa loose, on the bottom of the totem pole: 3.5
  • John/Steve fairly tight, Vanessa loose, on the top of the totem pole: 2.5
  • James/Meg tight: 2
Julia and Meg are OTB, and Vanessa is HoH (can't vote). That means 5 votes are in play - Austin, Liz, John, Steve, and James. Julia has a fairly solid lock on 2 (Liz solid/Austin less so) and Meg has a solid lock on 1 (James), leaving two swing votes (John/Steve) in play. What are our possible outcomes?

- Option 1: Steve and John vote to evict Julia. Julia leaves on a 3/2 vote. Result is Group 1 strength drops to 2.5, Group 2 stays steady at 2.5, Group 3 stays steady at 2. Looks pretty even on the surface - however the Group 1 remainder is both weakened and enraged at John/Steve's flip, while Group 3 is scared and enraged at Vanessa to putting Meg in serious peril of eviction. Strong possibility of Group 1 cutting V loose and allying with Group 3 for a week or two, creating a four-strong alliance to John/Steve/V's three. Analysis: bad move for John/Steve/Vanessa.

- Option 2: Steve and John vote to evict Meg, and Meg leaves on a 4/1 vote. Result is Group 1 strength stays steady at 3.5, Group 2 stays steady at 2.5, Group 3 drops to 1. Groups 1 and 2 are ok with the outcome, but Group 3 - aw hell, let's just call him James - is vulnerable and open to forging a new alliance. Strong possibility of James allying with either Austin in Group 1 or John in Group 3. V follows James in either case, because wherever James goes he will be lower on the totem pole than her. Result is either (a) Group 1 strength of 5 vs. Group 2 strength of 2, or (b) Group 1 strength of 3 vs. Group 3 strength of 4. Analysis: definitely good move for Vanessa, possibly good move for John/Steve.

- Option 3: Steve and John split their votes (1 Julia, 1 Meg). Meg leaves on a 3/2 vote. Result is Group 1 strength stays steady at 3.5, Group 2 stays steady at 2.5, Group 3 drops to 1. Because Julia - contrary to assurances - came within one vote of going home, Group 1 is enraged at (a) either/both John or Steve because ONE of them flipped, and (b) Vanessa because her use of Julia as a pawn almost resulted in her eviction. James is vulnerable, enraged at Vanessa for putting up Meg, and enraged at either/both John or Steve because ONE of them was the deciding vote sending Meg out the door. Strong possibility of Group 1 cutting V loose and allying with James, creating a four-strong alliance to John/Steve/V's three. Analysis: bad move for John/Steve/Vanessa, because now they're EVERYBODY'S target.

So - best pick for John/Steve? Option 2.

Man, that Veto had me worried. I could have sworn Vanessa was last shown in the living room, and then running outside with the Veto. I was convinced she had James's Veto and was literally shocked when it was Austin's.

That misdirection was the idea. Good sneaky editing, eh? :>

ETA: I thought about including the possibilities if Austin were to flip on Julia, but decided not to. This post was already too long. Besides - Austin would need his balls for that maneuver, and I don't think Liz is giving them back any time soon.... ;>

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4


Oh big Brother you tease, we know Julia isn't going home... but, that would be all kinds of awesome esp. if the ball then rolled to have Liz or Austin go on double eviction night. But it will probably end up just being Meg and one of the remaining guys not named Austin, probably James.

Can't say I've seen that many seasons, but wouldn't half of the next double eviction be comp-based, e.g. whoever gets eliminated first or does the worst while playing for HOH? That would make it dependent on how production skews the comp, rather than any choice of the HG's.

Yeah, I'd guess 2nd level was off limits, taking out the "hid in plain sight" option of putting your veto under the chess board... but I was thinking you could maybe wedge yours on the underside of the steps? Can't imagine anyone looking up for it.


But yeah James was good because he pushed it to the center of the rug and you had to move the couch(es) to really get to it.


I also bought the fake out of Vanessa being in the living room when they cut away thinking she had James' card.

James' story about his daughter's birth really got me thinking.  Obviously, his "one night stand" from the bar thought that someone else was the father of her baby.  James said that her whole family was gathered around her at the birth, which I figure also meant her boyfriend (assumed-to-be-the-daddy) and his family.  Then, out pops an Asian baby.  THAT must have been an awkward moment for everyone!  "Oh, it must be James' baby!  Ya'll know James, right?  You know, Captain Camo?  Yeah, yeah, now that I think of it, there was that ONE time we went home together, maybe 9 months ago or something.  Let me get my phone and give him the good news."

  • Love 6

I SO VERY MUCH wanted James to yell back at Vanessa when she started in on him in the HOH room.  Why does every houseguest hand over their spine in the presence of Vanessa?  I get that it's next to impossible to shut her up once she gets going, but yell back!  She seems to have such a weird stranglehold on everyone in that house.  It's disturbing.


It's human nature.  Everyone left in the house (except Vanessa) are betas.  In fact, there were very few alpha personalities this season.  I think we're seeing this behavior in Vanessa because Day and Audrey are gone, leaving Vanessa as the strongest personality.  The HGs know Vanessa is older and smarter than them, and I'm sure they've realized that she has money.  This can be intimidating.  She's always absolutely adamant that she's right, which convinces the wishy-washy betas that she knows best.


I liked Shellie because she was always calm and refused to back down.  I loved when she held her finger up to Audrey, and said - Audrey, that's a lie, and I'm not going to let you convince me it's true.

  • Love 2

I would think they would all band together to vote Vanessa out just because she's EXHAUSTING to be around. 


Her strategy is to ask someone a question, then take their answer and twist it to mean something else, then be outraged at her own mis-statement of what was said, then go to another person, repeat her own interpretation of what was said, get a response, mis-interpret THAT response, get upset, etc, etc.  

she has  an alliance with EVERYONE,  tattles on everyone  to everyone else, confronts people to make them defend something they didn't do, then she CRIES.  

It seems to be working.  

  • Love 6

I would think they would all band together to vote Vanessa out just because she's EXHAUSTING to be around. 

The thing is, I think being aligned with Vanessa makes them feel safe, in more ways than one. First of all she's still a big target. She's a bigger personality and a better player than most of the house. She also has very little chance at winning the game due to a bitter jury, so she'd be a great F2 for almost everyone left. And then there's also the fact that Vanessa can win comps and if you're on her good side, chances are she's going to protect you as long as your interests align with hers. History shows that she will get out anyone she perceives as a threat to her game, whether they are weak (Meg) or strong (James). If John and Steve think they have a solid 3 with Vanessa, I see no reason for them to turn on her. If the twins think they can continue to use her as a shield, there's no reason for them to get rid of her. And Austin is clearly planning to use her to break up the twins. Something he wants to happen but can't actually do himself. She also is very good in game conversations with her allies. She makes them feel safe and she makes them feel smart and like they have a good strategy going.


So, while she might be exhausting to people watching her on the feeds and the episodes, no one who's been aligned with her has actually complained about it AFAIK, except when they were on her bad side. 

Edited by Ceeg
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I was watching where people hid things, and thinking about burglars. Burglars were probably laughing -- "gee, no one ever hides anything inside the sofa cushions. Bwwhahahahah!" I heard of a lady who hid her jewelry inside a cream container in her refrigerator, came home from vacation, and threw away all the expired food. Yup, she did.


I wonder if Vanessa's partner at home is thinking how quiet and peaceful everything is with Vanessa gone.

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