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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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When the DD has been exposed (or both of them have in DJ), what is the point of continuing the game in the middle of the board?


And what's the point of starting the game in the middle of the board? The first question of last night's game was the DD, which does no good when no one has anything to bet. All it does is prevent one's opponents from getting it, which is a dicey strategy, IMO. I'd much rather watch the game flow organically, but that's just my preference. 


Things would have been much different if both those DJ DDs had been converted. I also noticed he refused to say "true DD" and just gave the amount.


I'd like to know what the biggest 'Clavin' disaster is in Jeopardy. 

  • Love 3

 I'd much rather watch the game flow organically, but that's just my preference.


Mine, too, but I think that ship has sailed, sadly.


Anyone who pronounces "Mont Blanc" to rhyme with "Font Flank" could stand some gentle educating.  I don't mind at all when Alex lets people know what the correct pronunciation of a word is--just the opposite, I appreciate it.  I don't even mind when he goes into a French rapture (Frapture?).  The only time I get annoyed is when he thinks he's right and he's not, and he makes a show of correcting someone incorrectly.  Don't get me started on Nabokov.

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I am surprised that the show doesn't pay for transportation to the show and for the hotel room. With the high ratings in syndication this show has they certainly can afford it. The Judge Judy Show pays for the litigants to travel to LA and their hotel accomodations. She makes $47 million a year for the no. 1 syndicated show and Jeopardy is usually no. 2 or 3 every week in syndication. I can't believe Alex makes more than Judy. This show could do better for the contestants IMO.

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I realize that the contestants are probably more than able to afford the fees involved but I still think the show could do more for them. The litigants on JJ not so much.

I don't know about other contestants, but I had to put the flight/hotel on my credit card.  The third place money eventually covered it, but it would've been nice if Jeopardy had picked up at least some of the tab beforehand.  At least second and third places get money instead of the lovely parting gifts they used to give.  (Everybody sing along: "Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat".)


I'm probably still paying the interest on that trip.  Although I did stay the whole week because I doubted I'd ever get to California again.

  • Love 3

I don't know about other contestants, but I had to put the flight/hotel on my credit card.  The third place money eventually covered it, but it would've been nice if Jeopardy had picked up at least some of the tab beforehand.  At least second and third places get money instead of the lovely parting gifts they used to give.  (Everybody sing along: "Rice-a-Roni, the San Francisco treat".)


I'm probably still paying the interest on that trip.  Although I did stay the whole week because I doubted I'd ever get to California again.

Point taken. Getting the money is better than "parting gifts." The estate of Merv Griffin and the production team must make a lot of money. Alex too. A little more money to the contestants wouldn't kill them.

  • Love 5


I am surprised that the show doesn't pay for transportation to the show and for the hotel room.

Way back in 2004, the rate they got you for the hotel room was very good - it wasn't expensive at all.  And don't forget - you get to meet Alex.  You can't put a price tag on that.


Heh, what they should pay you for is the therapy.  I spent the entire flight back from LA to Washington, DC muttering Izaak Walton to myself over and over.


I'd like to know what the biggest 'Clavin' disaster is in Jeopardy.

I have this vague memory that it didn't happen that long ago.  I remember someone doing something really really stupid in their FJ bet but I can't remember any specifics.

Edited by M. Darcy
  • Love 5

Point taken. Getting the money is better than "parting gifts." The estate of Merv Griffin and the production team must make a lot of money. Alex too. A little more money to the contestants wouldn't kill them.


^^^THIS, especially considering the $$$ they spend for the Clue Crew to travel the world to produce 10-second snippets that unnecessarily delay the game.  Most of those clues could be done in front of a green screen or even an enlarged photo.  I don't need to see the water running to see it's a waterfall. Sounds like nothing more than a great tax write-off for the show, IMO, and the contestants' expenses would be a nice alternative for its use.

  • Love 7

When Norine picked the Daily Double in the first round, she said to the camera "Oh crap".  She was in first place at the time.


Danielle was knowledgeable but she was clearly guessing on some questions where she wasn't sure.  Discretion is the better part of Jeopardy play.  Got to be reasonably sure before you ring in.


Katrina started slow but she played a steady game.  I got FJ before Alex finished reading it.

  • Love 4

I liked Norine. She was a kick. When she answered the "Everything's Coming Up Roses" clue, I thought she sounded like Ethel Merman.


I'm trying to remember the TSs I got. Lincoln Continental. Some other one. 


In the category about flower phrases or whatever, the last one was something about poppies. Cutting the poppies? I never heard of that.

  • Love 5

It's just started but I love Danielle. I just love her.

Although I could have really done without all of the flailing guessing.

Did you see she had saddle shoes on too? I was rooting for her for superficial reasons since she played with prominent visible tattoos.

I dislike the champ's camera mugging.

Going back to Alex's overpronouncing words, I think my biggest issue is we regularly don't get to clues, and his repetition of answers that are "foreign" words just holds up the game. I can handle him adding in information like first names, but generally his comments between clues are fluff.

  • Love 1


In the category about flower phrases or whatever, the last one was something about poppies. Cutting the poppies? I never heard of that.

"Tall Poppy Syndrome."  The phenomenon where people who stand out from (or above!) the crowd for their talents or accomplishments are criticized and resented.   The tall poppy gets cut down.   Similar to the nail that stands out gets hammered down.  Tall poppy may be more of a British-ism than an American-ism.


But oddly enough, the phrase showed up on a Law & Order SVU rerun this evening!    ADA Barba was prosecuting bureaucrats for falsifying paperwork (due to horrendous overwork) leading to a child's death, after being warned not to pursue the case.  The police commissioner told him "I'd hate to see this tall poppy get cut down."  Meaning, "if you stick your neck out, you may lose your head!"

  • Love 3

"Tall Poppy Syndrome."  The phenomenon where people who stand out from (or above!) the crowd for their talents or accomplishments are criticized and resented.   The tall poppy gets cut down.   Similar to the nail that stands out gets hammered down.  Tall poppy may be more of a British-ism than an American-ism.

Thanks. It did sound more British than American to me.


What was the wool that Alex was asking the champ about (thus bringing it back to his story, not hers)? 


Gads! It irked me to no end that he took over the story.


I thought he said dachshund.  Then I couldn't concentrate, thinking about the poor little dachshunds that don't often have much fur anyway...


How funny! The long-haired dachshunds might work. :D

  • Love 6
When Norine picked the Daily Double in the first round, she said to the camera "Oh crap".



I thought that was what I heard! Such a natural reaction. I liked all three contestants, but Danielle lost me a little when she named Long Island as a NYC borough. 


I thought Karina looked much better last night. In her first game she was wearing kind of a frumpy blouse and had kind of an unmade bed look going on. She dressed much smarter in her second appearance and staged a nice recovery to win again, too. Good game for her. If she made a several game run, I wouldn't mind. At least she doesn't mash the buzzer like a maniac.

  • Love 2

Pro and Dar, you two are hilarious! Sorry if we boarders were too hard on you--lol. Where oh where are the funny contestants nowadays? Or, for that matter, the good ones?

Fortunately I didn't know about this board or TWOP when I was a contestant.  Given that my very first answer was a dumb one born from nerves, I suspect the commenters wouldn't have been kind.  Plus, who knows what kind of weird quirks I displayed?  ;-)

Apparenty I know diddly squat about Walt Whitman.  (In my defense, I've never read any of his work and my taste in poetry leans towards 16th-early 19th century British poets.)  The only answer I got right in that category was 'soul' and that was a guess.

  • Love 4

In the category about flower phrases or whatever, the last one was something about poppies. Cutting the poppies? I never heard of that.


I read an interview with Sam Neill years ago where he talked about becoming a successful actor in Australia, and he mentioned how the Australian press was very fond of cutting down poppies who grew taller than the rest of the field, meaning that they liked to harshly criticize actors whose success separated them from the average.  I thought of him right away when I saw that clue.

On a purely shallow note: I'm so glad that the girl on the far right lost, because I hate tattoo sleeves and really didn't want to look at that for another game.  She's probably a very nice person and seemed smart enough so I shouldn't judge but it is what it is.

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All the board-hopping, and they didn't manage to find the DDs until the end!  Hahahahaha!


I was surprised no one knew The Lottery, but was not surprised to see Scarlett O'Hara's final words in the quote category.  But the Scrooge DD was way too easy.


Had to think about FJ, but got it near the end of time.  I initially misread/misheard the clue and thought Constitution, but then re-read the clue more closely and finally came up with the right answer.  I wonder if Katrina did the same thing.


Not happy with Gordon, mostly because of his not starting at the tops of categories.

  • Love 2

I couldn't believe the Scrooge DD either! "Bob Cratchit" just gave it away.

Also, Scarlett O'Hara/Gone With The Wind comes up enough that I identified the correct answer based on Alex's fake accent. I've never read the book or seen the movie and really know nothing about it whatsoever, except what I've learned from Jeopardy.


I also had no idea for FJ, but at least I knew that the US Constitution wasn't ratified in the 1800s (though it was the only possible response I could think of).

  • Love 2

I am pretty sure someone here on this very board told me the US Constitution was ratified in 1788 so I didn't give that as an answer.  I really had no idea on the answer but guessed Emancipation Proclamation.  The parallel wording given in the clue should have given it to me if I had thought really hard.


Congrats to the new champ.  Katrina put up a good fight but just couldn't pull it off. 

  • Love 2

Alex, STFU! You don't have to make a comment after every.single.clue. Sheesh! And why did he even bother to ask Katrina a question since he hijacked her interview and made it about him?

I'm not too fond of the new champ, what with his weird board hopping. Here's a clue, Gordon, when Alex tells you there's a minute left, you don't say, "a minute left" and then just stand there!

That Scrooge DD was ridiculous.

FJ was an instaget for some strange and unknown reason. It must be to make up for the fact I was clueless most of the week.

  • Love 5

I also had no idea for FJ, but at least I knew that the US Constitution wasn't ratified in the 1800s (though it was the only possible response I could think of).


Just guessing here, but I wonder if the old champ simply lost sight of the title of the FJ category when she answered "the Constitution". It just didn't click with her that they were asking for "19th Century Documents" and she just went with historic, maybe?

Edited by Tunia

Just guessing here, but I wonder if the old champ simply lost sight of the title of the FJ category when she answered "the Constitution". It just didn't click with her that they were asking for "19th Century Documents" and she just went with historic, maybe?


I assumed that was it as well.  I almost did the same thing--my first thought was the Articles of Confederation, and then I looked at the category again and realized that wasn't it (aside from the fact that it's unlikely the Articles would be talking about a strong federal government).


I was surprised Wayne Industries was accepted, but I did some Googling after I watched.  Evidently Wayne Enterprises has a zillion subsidiaries named Wayne X, where X is whatever they need for that particular storyline, and Wayne Industries is one of those subsidiaries.  

  • Love 3

Alex me laugh with the Les Miserables clue, there was another French word in the question, now I forget what - does anyone remember? He really was showing off it was ridiculous! I had to rewind it was so pretentious!


As a poodle lover, I loved Norine's (OH CRAP's) USE YOUR NOODLE, GET A POODLE!! she was a very fast clue picker too. I think she was unlucky with the categories not in her wheelhouse.

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