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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I notice that "Guam" is an answer a lot whenever they are asking about US Islands.

 It was the only one I knew of so I would always yell that out and be right a lot. Then my son only knew of US Samoa so he would yell that out all the time. Now I know  these two, and I googled and we also have Northern Mariana Islands, but it's usually Guam! 


Which things come up all the time?


Amelia Earnhardt is one. US Cabinets is another. 

I'm so sorry that "So, me and my roommate" Kanye, Jr. won. Boo hiss. I would have even been happy if Niki had won over him. Niki's Mom has issues, which unfortunately, she's passed on to her kid.

I cringed when Sarah missed the John Paul Jones quote. That seemed to take the wind out of her sails. But the Obama FJ was truly a GG.

  • Love 6

I am embarrassed to say that I said Barack Obama for FJ.

It could be worse - you could have guessed it for Friday night's FJ!


I was rooting for Sarah, but when it came down to Sam vs. Niki, I was rooting for Sam, despite the Kanye obsession. I didn't have that much of a problem with Niki cutting off Alex - I just couldn't take her over-the-top reactions.


A lot of people I know think Niki's histrionics were just adorable. And I suspect that Niki feels the same way.


(I get that she was anxious, but I guarantee that virtually all of the contestants are extremely anxious. And the rest of them still manage to hold it together.)

  • Love 5

I thought FJ was Ted Kennedy. I had forgotten he was in the senate a few years before 1973. I had no idea Joe Biden was in the senate that long, but knew Obama was too young.

He was the only person I could think of - and a *much* better guess than Barack Obama - but I knew for sure that he was a senator when his brother was president, so I knew it had to be wrong.

It's what I would have written, though, just for lack of another guess that seemed reasonable.

  • Love 4

Not to nitpick (OK, maybe a little bit), but, Biden still has time left as Vice President, which means he can cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate until he leaves office. Matt didn't bug me as much as the center girl. And this was no doubt taped before Matt's hero acted the fool once again with Taylor Swift. (I blame the Kardashians.)

  • Love 5

Not to nitpick (OK, maybe a little bit), but, Biden still has time left as Vice President, which means he can cast tie-breaking votes in the Senate until he leaves office. Matt didn't bug me as much as the center girl. And this was no doubt taped before Matt's hero acted the fool once again with Taylor Swift. (I blame the Kardashians.)

Biden did resign from the Senate, though.


The specific number of votes was mentioned because without it, the answer could have been either Biden (12,810) or Pete Domenici (13,666).

  • Love 1

Biden was such an obvious answer.   

Why? My guess was Strom Thurman, though I thought he might have been a senator longer than that. My second guess was Byrd.


But I agree that Obama was a terrible guess. I suppose she focused on 2009 and thought Obama had got in some votes before he was sworn in. Still, 1973 was way too early for him.


I'm really surprised she didn't get that John Paul Jones quote. I think there was just one other TS I got: Incomplete (football).


I didn't get why the category "Around the Whirled" was anagrams. Seems it should be homophones. Oh.. Maybe it was supposed to mean that the letters of the word were whirled around to create an anagram. 


I wasn't rooting for or against anyone. 

  • Love 3

Why? My guess was Strom Thurman, though I thought he might have been a senator longer than that. My second guess was Byrd.


But I agree that Obama was a terrible guess. I suppose she focused on 2009 and thought Obama had got in some votes before he was sworn in. Still, 1973 was way too early for him.


I focused on 2009 also, and then thought who left the senate in 2009 and had been a long time senator.  Oh yeah, Joe Biden.  I should have said that was an obvious answer to me since nothing is obvious to everyone.  I've been wrong on FJ plenty of times. 

  • Love 4

Biden did resign from the Senate, though.


The specific number of votes was mentioned because without it, the answer could have been either Biden (12,810) or Pete Domenici (13,666).

Indeed. Biden is no longer a Senator. BUT he can and may still cast a Senate vote. Which means his voting record is still active.

  • Love 1

I got Biden at the last second when I zeroed in on the "January 2009" part. My first automatic guess was Strom Thurmond, as he's usually someone who comes up when mentioning someone who served for a really really long time, but I couldn't remember what year he died. (It was 2003). I busted a gut laughing at that girl's Obama guess. I was almost hoping Trebek would be a dick and passive aggressively remind her of what year Obama was born.

  • Love 2

I didn't know who Byrd was and couldn't come up with the name that ended up to be a wrong answer which was Thurmond. However, knowing that Obama is about ten years older than I am and I was born in 1973, I was confident he was not casting Senate votes at that time.

I was fine with Sam winning because Nicki was so irritating to me. I was really rooting for Sarah though but she just seemed to lose all confidence after that true Daily Double.

  • Love 4
To me Nicki was just rude and I'm glad it didn't help her win.

I totally agree.  I understand she wants to get in as many chances to answer as possible, but didn't she learn any manners as a kid?  You don't do that.  Now get off my lawn. :-)


Really, I've never actively rooted against a college student before her, so she gets that distinction.

  • Love 6

I got Biden at the last second when I zeroed in on the "January 2009" part. My first automatic guess was Strom Thurmond, as he's usually someone who comes up when mentioning someone who served for a really really long time, but I couldn't remember what year he died. (It was 2003). I busted a gut laughing at that girl's Obama guess. I was almost hoping Trebek would be a dick and passive aggressively remind her of what year Obama was born.

Even though Sarah's answer looks like a really GG, the January 2009 was what led her to that,and she was actually on the right track.  Obama is the first person I thought of, too, and then realized immediately that was ridiculous.  But in this year of presidential politics, thinking of Obama first made me realize the clue perfectly fit the new vice president, Joe Biden. 

  • Love 3

I was rooting for Sarah, but blanking on who John Paul Jones was on that Daily Double just killed her. Poor Niki said more than she ever hoped to with that story about her mother. 


As for Sam? It was quite the couple weeks for him, he got to express his love for his idol, win a boatload of money and play with himself, all on national TV. 

  • Love 7

Finally caught up with both halves of the final.  Didn't especially like or dislike any of the contestants, so I was perfectly fine with the outcome.   I had forgotten about the comments regarding Sam's arm movements, so I never explicitly looked for it.  I didn't notice anything on my own, though.  And I didn't mind NIki's speed run at the end of the round.  She knew she was behind, so she plowed through and did what she needed to.


I did enjoy how, in the second game, Alex commented how he always lets contestants talk about whatever they want in the interview segment, and then proceeded to ask them each a specific question anyway.

  • Love 5

I got tonight's FJ just before the music ended -- I probably wouldn't have had time to write it down -- although I said, "Go west young man" since that's the way I've always heard it.  I wonder if I would have been ruled incorrect?


Well, they accepted 'Great Firewall' instead of 'Great Firewall of China', and '400m race' instead of '4x100m race', so why not ?  Why let small details like facts get in the way ?

  • Love 4

I got tonight's FJ just before the music ended -- I probably wouldn't have had time to write it down -- although I said, "Go west young man" since that's the way I've always heard it.  I wonder if I would have been ruled incorrect?

The clue said it was a two word phrase so they may have ruled against you.  Or not, as ottoDbusdriver points out:)


Go West actually passed through my mind but I didn't choose it as my answer so I cannot claim credit for it.


There seemed to be a lot of clues left at the end of DJ round.


I didn't bother writing down any TS's I got (maybe there were none) but I did get the missed DD of guttural.

  • Love 1

I didn't like the shoe story only because they don't make an adult's size four, so I can assume she wears a kids size four which is about an adult six. Same size I wear and I don't feel that I have tiny feet.

The light-up back was funny though.

It was driving me bonkers how the two ladies were just guessing over and over at the beginning. They were even guessing when they were right.

Overall I was underwhelmed.

  • Love 2

I missed most of the episode. I'd played the FJ early at the Jeopardy site, and was surprised to see it was a TS. It seemed the obvious pick for me although I did want to append "young man".


Missed the college ending show. Sam seemed like a nice guy, although there's still hope he may outgrow his Kanye crush. Still, he wasn't my pick.

Liked the shoe story better than escalating issues story but shoe lady (sorry blanking in her name) was distracting from her remarks by having her eyes either closed or downcast so far they looked closed. I couldn't tell if she was just awed to be speaking to AT or if she actually had a visual impairment. I liked her more as the show went on but was kind of relieved she didn't win.

Boo Hiss!


Biden was such an obvious answer.   

I guessed Strom Thurmond.  Not because I thought it was right, but because I couldn't think of anyone more recent who'd been in Congress for a long time.  Not a man, anyway.

I was rooting for Sarah, but when it came down to Sam vs. Niki, I was rooting for Sam, despite the Kanye obsession. I didn't have that much of a problem with Niki cutting off Alex - I just couldn't take her over-the-top reactions.


I would much rather Sarah had won, despite Sam being from Maryland (my home state), but I really didn't want Niki to win due to my objection to her (imo) incorrect semi-final FJ answer being accepted.

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