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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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I don't know if it's worse or if it's been so long I'd forgotten, but that was nails on a chalkboard for me tonight.

If it weren't for her voice I'd be a big fan, too. She doesn't do anything else that annoys me and seems perfectly lovely. But that voice. Ugh. At times I even her a little Wendy Whiner in it.

She sounds exactly like my SIL. I don't like my SIL. 'Nuff said. FWIW, Mondrianyone, my nickname for her is Miss Piss. Coincidence? I think not.

Edited by Seestra1
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I heard her for the first time tonight. I thought it was a Southern accent rather than any sort of affectation, although I agree it was much less pronounced in the interview. If any Jeopardy! fans from Georgia are reading this, do you know anyone who speaks like that? 


Colin's demeanor also is annoying but I can just not look at him.


What was wrong with Colin?


Disappointed that nobody knew Margaret Chase Smith. For the longest time she was the only woman in the Senate. Also Suddenly Last Summer, although it's not one of Tennessee Williams's best or most famous plays.


I thought of Thomas Aquinas for FJ. I would never have guessed Henry VIII.

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Corps, tonsils and ear were surprising TS!

Also, I have to say that I hadn't really paid enough attention last game to notice what you all were talking about with Laura's voice, but holy moly was it bad! I can't understand how I didn't notice it before. I was bothering me so much, and even when other contestants answered or called out clues, my brain superimposed her voice on top of theirs. I was actually going semi-crazy by the end of it.

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It is definitely not a Southern accent.  I'm from the South, and have lived in and traveled to a wide variety of Southern places.  I've never heard that affectation as part of a Southern accent.


Never would have guessed Henry VIII, either, but Tennessee Williams as a TS made me sad.  Also thinking Margaret Mitchell was from Mississippi.

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GreekGeek I didn't like how he stood off to the side with the buzzer over the podium. I realized I have an issue with seeing the buzzer and prefer when they keep it down. Also he had his hand in his pocket and it came off as a bored affect.

But. He could talk all day and half the night and I would be fine with him.

Laura, on the other hand, no I can't. And it was SO OBVIOUS when she was calling out clues and hardly there at all during her interview that it made me hate it even more.

The Jeopardy! mentions on Twitter are hilarious.

I'm a valley girl legit from 1984 and I do not talk like that. Don't foist her on us!

Edited by mojoween
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I would never have guessed Henry VIII.


I had a high school major in English history, did my term project on Henry VIII, and saved my babysitting money in high school to be able to go to England and visit all the Tudor sites.... so of course I guessed Thomas More.  Gah!

Edited by ChicagoCita
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I had a high school major in English history, did my term project on Henry VIII, and saved my babysitting money in high school to be able to go to England and visit all the Tudor sites.... so of course I guessed Thomas More.  Gah!

This cracks me up. I've read extensively about Henry VIII, saved my pennies for years, and when I finally got to England I, too, took myself on a Tudor Tour (self guided). I made a beeline to Hampton Court Palace. But did I remember Defender of the Faith? Noooo.

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It's not vocal fry, and it's not really a regional accent.  It's clearly some kind of affectation, but I've absolutely run up against a brick wall trying to identify it.  What it reminds me of most is something we used to call, when I was growing up in and around NYC, "Larchmont Lockjaw," although this piece by William Safire reminds me it really should've been Locust Valley Lockjaw:



I think it has a similar basis to vocal fry--wanting to identify with a more sophisticated group than the one you really belong to--but the fryers emulate people like the Kardashians and Katie Perry, and Laura's trying for the socialite, country-clubby speech mannerism.  Either way it's like fingernails on my nerve endings.  I guess I should get over it.  But I'm really hoping some speech pathologist will come out of the woodwork to explain it all to us.


She sounds exactly like my SIL. I don't like my SIL. 'Nuff said. FWIW, Mondrianyone, my nickname for her is Miss Piss. Coincidence? I think not.


There are no coincidences.

  • Love 7

She doesn't draw out every last word's final syllable that way, but I'm not curious enough to distract myself from the game by studying her words to figure out when she does and doesn't do it.


There were several TS that surprised me tonight, but Tennessee Williams tops the list.  That's something I'd have put money on at least one J! contestant coming up with.


"Identify Margaret Cho via photograph" as a $2000 clue?

Edited by Bastet
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After seeing this tweet from her --- 

Excited about returning to @Jeopardy tomorrow! Sorry @Adele that you'll have to be competing with my voice.

--- I'm less annoyed by her voice. It's still noticeable, but I find it amusing and perplexing rather than annoying.


For FJ, I did a WAG of Thomas Cromwell, but seeing Henry VIII made me slap my forehead.


Let's see... For TS's I got Tennessee Williams, aglet, Georgia (Margaret Mitchell)... I can't remember what else.

  • Love 2

Let's see... For TS's I got Tennessee Williams, aglet, Georgia (Margaret Mitchell)... I can't remember what else.


Yikes, I'm hallucinating; I had it in my mind that was answered incorrectly (Mississippi?), but then someone got it, rather than it being a TS.  So, yeah, that one is right up there with Tennessee Williams for me.  In fact, above it on the, "Really, none of you?" scale.  Margaret Mitchell = Gone With the Wind = Atlanta (=Georgia).

Edited by Bastet
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Yikes, I'm hallucinating; I had it in my mind that was answered incorrectly (Mississippi?), but then someone got it, rather than it being a TS.  So, yeah, that one is right up there with Tennessee Williams for me.  In fact, above it on the, "Really, none of you?" scale.  Margaret Mitchell = Gone With the Wind = Atlanta (=Georgia).

Laura did get Georgia after Mississippi was guessed.

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Well, Lauraaaaaa is from the next county over from mine in Georgia and I live a couple of miles from the Margaret Mitchell House, so knowing THAT would be expected. I just finished Wolf Hall and immediately guessed Thomas More, so I am happy I am not alone! Not too exciting a game, but I need someone to unseat the champ! It is like fingernails on a chalkboard!

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Oh, good grief. I'd forgotten she's from Marietta.  I lived there for 11 years when I first moved to Georgia.  Nobody there sounds like that.


I went to jeopardy.com to check out the contestants.  I never knew they did this - they post ALL the contestants, by day, for the entire week.  So if you click on a particular day later this week, you may or may not see a new champ. Tomorrow, it's 3 women, all with long, dark hair. LOL.

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I went to jeopardy.com to check out the contestants.  I never knew they did this - they post ALL the contestants, by day, for the entire week.  So if you click on a particular day later this week, you may or may not see a new champ. Tomorrow, it's 3 women, all with long, dark hair. LOL.

They only do that when they screw up, which they are doing right now. The champ spot for future days is usually a blank with a question mark.

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   Well, I am from Marietta, Ga, like our favorite contestant and, no, no, no, that is definitely not a regional accent.  Have never heard anything even remotely like that here.....ever......

   I hope her quip about rivaling Adele makes her realize how unattractive that speech pattern is and she will try really hard to lose that.  

   If that is supposed to be making her sound smart or classy or anything else to be envied, it fails miserably.


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A long time news anchor on one of my local TV stations used to draw out the last syllable - mostly on the final word of each sentence - not a southern thing way up here in the northeast!


I just finished reading The Taming of the Queen about Henry VIII & his last wife - book is filled with their religious plotting & the various factions & yet, I still didn't guess him as the FJ answer

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I had a high school major in English history, did my term project on Henry VIII, and saved my babysitting money in high school to be able to go to England and visit all the Tudor sites.... so of course I guessed Thomas More.

My first thought was Thomas More but then I figured even if More actually wrote it, Henry VIII would take the credit for it so it would have been known as the "credited author".   FYI, I just I looked it up on Wikipedia - it looks like both of them worked on it along with John Fisher.

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Laura, on the other hand, no I can't. And it was SO OBVIOUS when she was calling out clues and hardly there at all during her interview that it made me hate it even more.

I'm a valley girl legit from 1984 and I do not talk like that. Don't foist her on us!


My sister, who'd missed her first appearance, rushed into the living room, pointed at the tv and JOSH-shouted at me:  Is that the woman you were talking about?!  I nodded.  We proceeded to laugh our asses off until the interview, when my daughter entered the room and asked what was so funny.  See, my daughter couldn't hear it because Laura in the interview is not game-Laura.   Which convinces me that she's doing it intentionally.  It's too inconsistent not to be conscious.   Hun-dreeeee'AD and Romeeeeoooo have nothing phonetically in common.  Maybe our resident Jeopardynistas can confirm that a memorable potential contestant *hook* isn't required, per se, but clearly doesn't hurt.  Whatever it is, it's driving my labyrinth crazy <- ya'll see what I did there?   I Monica Geller-ed when she won.  This isn't faiiiiiiiiiiir-a.    I want her buzzer to shock her each time she extends a word beyond its natural syllabic end.  In lieu of that, I'd the show to make a one time exception and bring back TOC Alex to get rid of her.

  • Love 6

I got FJ - all my obsessive viewing of Wolf Hall paid off.

My first thought was Sir Thomas More, but then I realized that 'credited author' of a religious treatise was the most important part of the clue, implying that the answer wasn't someone who was an acknowledged writer.  (That and the irony of the Pope dubbing him Defender of the Faith.)  So Henry VIII seemed the only possible answer to me.  Yay me!


I was yelling "it's DuPont you idiot!" at the tv for that DD - can you tell I live right next door to New Castle County, Delaware, where every third building seems to belong to DuPont?  (Plus, it has three magnificent DuPont estate museums, Winterthur, Nemours and Hagley; see them if you're ever there.)


Oh, and I hadn't seen Laura before, so last night was my first exposure to her vocal mannerisms.  I don't know vocal fry so I can't say whether she has that or not, but the dragging out the end of words thing is mega-annoying.  Too bad, because otherwise she's okay.

Edited by proserpina65
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My linguistics background makes me very sympathetic about regional diction, and I am even forgiving of the horrifying "worsh" pattern found in certain Midwestern and Appalachian areas. Laura's speech pattern ain't regional. It isn't consistent. I suspect she IS putting it on, and if I had to guess a reason, it might be because she thinks it makes her seem younger. If I weren't looking at the screen, I would guess she is about 14 years old.

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I don't really think that Colin was deliberately imitating Laura on his "pear" answer, but it would be pretty funny if he were.  I imagine it might've gotten slightly more annoying to have to stand next to that for an entire show than just hear it on TV.



Okay, now I'm done making fun of her.  If she wasn't aware of it before, she sure is now.  Maybe she'll figure out how to stop.

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