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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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Quite the coincidence there. It was from Saturday Night Live when Andy Samberg parodied Mark Wahlberg in a sketch called "Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals:" He talked to a dog, a donkey, a chicken, and finally a goat and ended them with "Say hello to your mother for me, okay?" I'm actually surprised Jeopardy! went with that reference as I didn't realize it was that well known. 

Holy cow. Now that you describe it, yes I remember that skit, but what an obscure thing to put in a clue! I mean, that's not a famous skit, is it?


As I said, I had a weather alert at the start of DJ. Did Alex not explain the demon category?

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I can’t believe flappers was a TS.

The reference in the clue to gangsters made me go with "moll" first, then I switched to flappers.  I also got rubber plant and it takes two to tango, maybe some other TS's too but that's all I remember.


I could not believe JOSH! I too thought he was imitating Matt's earlier behaviour and I wondered that nobody on the show told him to tone it down a notch or three.  I knew there would be a storm of posts here - I was looking forward to it and you all didn't disappoint:)


I liked the Demon category and even got some of them.  I also liked the Dance Idioms and Halloween costumes categories.


For FJ, I first went with Yemen for no particular reason then switched to Lebanon.  I felt bad for Michael putting Lebanon and then changing it.  Don't know if it would have made a difference.

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Unsurprisingly, new champ today. Unfortunately, he seems like a shouty "tries too hard" guy.

But he did get the FJ and I didn't. But ex-champ has to be kicking himself over crossing out correct answer.

I got "Lebanon" but it was purely a guess, and I almost went with "Jordan" instead.

Josh! at least made me smile because I knew all the Matt haters would rather have him back than this guy.


Not yet, but if he lasts very long . . .

Lots of TS. I got flapper, rubber plant, Hell on Wheels, it takes two to tango and Adlai Stevenson. I didn't understand that Demon category.


I didn't get Adlai Stevenson, but at least I knew RFK was still alive in 1965.

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I don't even have words.


WHERE are they getting these people and WHY do they keep putting them on the show?



Absolutely nothing wrong with someone having a personality and being upbeat on a show that is supposed to demonstrate one's broad knowledge base of general information & trivia.  However, 5 minutes into last evening's show with JOSH!, I had a flashback to the young lady that "danced" during the introduction and seemed more of a "Wheel of Fortune" type contestant.  Is it now a requirement to encourage the players to bring some sort of "gimmick" with them?? 

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Of course, I'm hoping JOSH! isn't around long enough to evolve into a player who doesn't bother me.


Amen to that.  If this bozo does any personal enrichment let it be on his own time, pretty please!  I've laughed hysterically at all the JOSH! posts in a manner that would rival the ladies in this Tena commercial.  He would be right at home on that old game show where contestants tried to stay away from the whammy.  JOSH! has won enough to buy some decent clothes but one day is enough, now go the fuck away!


As one poster pointed out, Jeopardy needs to go back to classic categories.  No more cutesy categories such as the ones where a certain group of letters is included in the answer and for the love of Lucy, no female oriented categories.  I'm not asking for much, am I?

Edited by pandora spocks
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I didn't understand that Demon category.



After reading here that so many had problems with the Demon stuff, I'm questioning why I so easily came up with every answer to run the category.


I think JOSH! is hilarious so will be watching every episode. I was Matt's biggest fan (even crushing on him a bit), but JOSH! is so far into left field, I have to watch just because ... well, because he's a UF, to use ClareWalks' words. 


Maybe that is connected in some way to my running the Demon category.

Edited by saber5055
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Whoever made the comparison of JOSH! to Kenny Banya from Seinfeld was spot on.  There is a clip on Youtube of his "killing" comment, but I can't figure out how to get it on this page  They are equally annoying, but at least Kenny made me laugh, not cringe !!


Maybe today JOSH! will do his "WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH OVALTINE" bit.

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For the love of Mike - never mind the Jeopardy crew telling Josh! to tone it down - didn't he have any sympathetic relatives or friends in the audience? Someone had to know how he'd be mocked


Unless, of course, this was the largest Candid Camera/You Got Punked prank in the history of the world


This poor guy certainly needs to take lessons from the members here on how to do comedy

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He would be right at home on that old game show where contestants tried to stay away from the whammy.


“No whammies, no whammies … STOP!”


Josh didn’t bug me (I was able to sort of adjust the volume in my head so that he still sounded different than the others, but it wasn’t distracting to me), but, yes – he would be perfect for Press Your Luck.

Holy cow. Now that you describe it, yes I remember that skit, but what an obscure thing to put in a clue! I mean, that's not a famous skit, is it?

I got the reference but was surprised as hell that it was on Jeopardy. Those sketches were on during the highly watched 2008 election days, so more people saw them than perhaps the average SNL bit, but still. Also I remember reading that Mark Wahlberg was not happy about it, which might have brought additional attention to it, and then he appeared on the show and mocked himself.


Maybe today JOSH! will do his "WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH OVALTINE" bit.

It's gold, Jerry!

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If a guy who's running for president of the United States can restyle himself as Jeb!, then I guess it's hard to fault some jerk on Jeopardy! (hmmm, maybe that's where he got the idea!) for doing the same thing.


I'm pretty sure Josh! will be gone soon.  It's a pretty small price to pay for seeing the back end of Matt and his Mephistophelian smile.  I'm still having nightmares.

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I'm not usually one to think contestants are overly annoying, but Josh is kind of annoying.  It's not the yelling that's annoying, it's the fact that he seems to be using Jeopardy to put on his resume reel.  It's not cute or suble like how I found Matt's slow smiling or his silly stories, Josh's yelling is too self-aware, like he's hoping to go viral.

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I couldn't get over the dirty shirt. I'm surprised TPTB allowed him on the air looking like that. Every time he was called on, I thought, "Do I see stains? Those can't be stains." They were.


Not only did Josh! shout and dress like a slob, he also had bad posture. After a dicey start, I gradually grew fond of the former champ. Come back, Matt!

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He was even worse today. God. His stupid ass story about giving himself whiplash while headbanging? This guy is an UNBELIEVABLE FUCKNUT indeed. I cannot believe he won again. What a bunch of dumb shits with the FJ too. Giving all these English team names despite the clue saying it was a "translation." What a bunch of romper-room fuckery.

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Josh! Reminds me a bit of Brick on The Middle, all grown up. I didn't get a chance to watch until this morning, and all I could think of was how many people swore off watching Matt's run. Josh! has the mannerisms, delivery, AND the start-at-the-high-end strategy that all make me wish for a very short run. I missed FJ, but got several TS's , so was satisfied.

I love the comparison of JOSH! to a grown up Brick--it's perfect.

I missed Thursday's game because of stupid football, but in a way I am glad. I can't stand his shouting.

Someone must have told him during tonight's episode to lower the volume on his voice because in the DJ round, he didn't seem as loud.

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JOSH! probably won't go as far as Matt, because, despite similar tactics, his knowledge base doesn't seem that vast. I didn't get FJ, but even  had I hit upon the Angels, it would not have occurred to me to include "the" as part of the redundancy. I sheepishly admit that I ran the "cat" category based upon Catwoman's appearances in the Batman TV Show and comics, where every possible variation was used over time. Cataclysmic for JOSH!

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Damn it all to hell! I stayed up to midnight and suffered through watching that asshat JOSH! just so I could get the FJ category for the trip contest. By the time I tried to enter, it was closed. Boo hiss!

No one knew Sunset Boulevard? There were a couple of other TS, but I'm too tired and can't remember them.

I actually got FJ, though, so there's that...

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Damn it all to hell! I stayed up to midnight and suffered through watching that asshat JOSH! just so I could get the FJ category for the trip contest. By the time I tried to enter, it was closed. Boo hiss!

No one knew Sunset Boulevard? There were a couple of other TS, but I'm too tired and can't remember them.

I actually got FJ, though, so there's that...

I didn't get FJ and, as Alex predicted, slapped my forehead when the answer was given. If I'd been on that show, I would have had a Cliff Claven moment. Baseball is so in my wheelhouse that I can't remember the last time I got a baseball-related question wrong. My arrogance would have cost me big time in that game!

I went out with friends last night and asked them the FJ question, and none of them got it either. It's weird how such an easy question can be hard in 30 seconds.

Incidentally, we went to the local comedy club. There was a comedian who had been a guest star on Seinfeld, was as loud as Josh, but was a zillion times funnier. Naturally, I thought of this board.

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My arrogance would have cost me big time in that game!

Mine too, because for FJ  I was shouting louder than JOSH!: San Diego Padres. Well, at least San Diego is closer to LA than Minneapolis. I know ... close is no cigar. I could SORT of see the roundabout answer of Chicago Cubs if one wanted to toss football team names into the mix.


For the category Architects, I answered "I.M. Pei" for that DD before the clue was even revealed. There were only two clues left on the board and Pei hadn't been used yet so it HAD to be him. I mean, there are only so many known architects. Although that DD precog answer didn't make up for forgetting about the Angels. *V8 moment*


I'm totally done with JOSH! His little head-banging story went on FAR too long, and wasn't even interesting. Although it might be why the guy shouts, his hearing is shot from heavy metal and whatever else goes along with being a fan of that music.


I thought he had a shirt/tie on yesterday? I did not notice his shirt the first day, I am not one to notice clothes.


I was rooting for Zelda, and for a while there, she was out in front and I was hoping. She was nice, quiet, smart even though she did, when choosing a category, look at it like it was a Baskin Robbins menu board with SO many things, how could she possibly make up her mind. If she had won, we would comment on that here. But, alas, it was not to be.


Carpe, you need to come here to get FJ next time sports runs the show late in your area. Well, except I guess the Lindblad thing is over. So ... never mind.

Edited by saber5055
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I was out last night, so I just checked the archive. 


Josh getting the exclamation point clue is funny, but even funnier is the fact the archive has his name listed as "Josh!"


Sunset Boulevard as a TS is kind of blowing my mind.  Actually, forget the "kind of."


Cataclysm surprised me, too, but nowhere near as much (and what a doof, Josh, guessing catastrophe when "catastrophic" was in the damn clue).


The scientific achievements clues were all rather simple for DJ.  Sadly, that happens a lot with clues about science.


I live in Los Angeles and like baseball, but I missed FJ.  Anaheim is worlds away.

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