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Jeopardy! Season 32 (2015-2016)


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12 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Didn't the clue have "LTD" in it?  And they couldn't come up with Limited?

When Alex said the "three letter words with two vowels" category, he said "only" two vowels.  How many words do you know that are three letters and all vowels?  That amused me.

I thought the same thing! I got LTD, Landcruiser, and got the name of the movie correct for FJ, but couldn't recall the other composer's name. Matt reminds me of an ex of mine, so I was okay with him winning.

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15 minutes ago, mojoween said:

When Alex said the "three letter words with two vowels" category, he said "only" two vowels.  How many words do you know that are three letters and all vowels?  That amused me.

How about "eau"?  Or "aye"?  "Yea"?  A little bit cheaty, but I think they'd have to allow them in Scrabble.

My old boyfriend was in Amadeus, so that was a no-brainer.

Raise your hand if you took one look at Matt's hair and didn't need to hear his job description.  It's been thirty years since Gekko.  Shouldn't these guys have a new hairstyle by now?

  • Love 7

I knew Matt was going to drive most of you nuts.  I was watching on my office TV, which is fairly small, so the swaying was slight to me and didn't bother me.

Legs and thighs was a pretty easy guess based on the clue, but since legs encompasses thighs, I'm annoyed like the above poster.  I got some other TS, too, but I can't remember them.

I said Land Rover instead of Land Cruiser.  Oops.

I've never seen Amadeus, but assuming that was the film being referred to and thus thinking of Mozart, I figured it had to be Salieri.

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Again I missed some of the show when I was fetching drinks and such for people. *sigh*

I think the only TSs I got were samovar (at the last second) and pink.


2 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

Not only did Matt's swaying irk me but he relied on the conversational crabgrass of "you know" in his interview...

Conversational crabgrass. I like that phrase. 


2 hours ago, YoureSoUrban said:

I cannot even with Matt the Gordon Gekko throwback.

Yeah, I couldn't stop thinking of that. 

I didn't care for the swaying or hairstyle, but he's smart enough, so I won't condemn him yet. :)


2 hours ago, mojoween said:

When Alex said the "three letter words with two vowels" category, he said "only" two vowels.  How many words do you know that are three letters and all vowels?  That amused me.

"Amused" is not quite the word that describes how I felt. When he said "only" I thought that was ridiculous and unhelpful.

FJ was pretty instant for me. 

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3 hours ago, mojoween said:

Emily is my spirit animal because I also have made a pilgrimage to Bangor to see Stephen King's house and saw other places related to him.  Also, I have a Stephen King tattoo.  I am not a stalker!

Are we talking face, or something related to one of the books?

If it weren't for the hair and the side-to-side (swaying connotes something less jittery, but I'm not up to figuring out the perfect word), he actually seemed like a decent enough guy. Maybe he'll tone it down next episode.

Edited by clanstarling
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On 7/5/2016 at 8:41 PM, CarpeDiem54 said:

I don't think they should have accepted jeans for that pants clue.  I've heard stretch pants a lot.  Stretch jeans?  Not so much.


On 7/5/2016 at 10:15 PM, YoureSoUrban said:

Even though I'd never heard of "ditto jeans" I guessed jeans for that clue. No way they should have accepted jeans for pants.

Finally caught up on Tuesday's show.  

All jeans may be pants, but not all pants are jeans.  What are high-water jeans ? Or high-water pants for that matter.  Is that a brand ?

I figure 'marks' was pretty much the only answer that clearly met all 3 parts of the clue.

Learned about Annie Jump Cannon from the recent version of 'Cosmos' with the great Neil deGrasse Tyson.

I whiffed on FJ on Tuesday.

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2 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Now floods I have heard of, but never ever have I heard them called high-water pants.

High water pants are on Urban Dictionary, so they must be a thing.

I RUSHED to my computer after watching tonight's show because I knew I'd find kindred spirits here in my annoyance with Matt. The only thing I liked about him was his gutsy DD wagers.

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, Roaster said:

Watching today's show, all I could think about was how much the previously.tv crowd was going to hate  Matt with his swaying and blatant DD hunting.  The man is fast on the buzzer and has broad knowledge - gotta give him that.

FJ was quite easy if you saw the movie Amadeus.

I knew who they were looking for but couldn't come up with the actual name of the composer.  All I had was "that guy from Amadeus, not Mozart but the one whose name started with 'S' and ended in 'I', but not Scarlatti".  Argh.  And yes, I hated Matt.  Please let him be one and done.

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Maybe it is regional.  High water pants was a very common expression where I grew up.  It just means your pants look too short.  I've never heard it in reference to jeans and I don't think that should have been accepted.  

Matt is very intense.  i think his swaying was to relieve some of his internal tension.  I knew there would be snarky remarks here.  He was gutsy with his wagers.  I didn't care for all his "you knows" either.  (conversational crabgrass - good one!)

  • Love 7
20 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

What are high-water jeans ? Or high-water pants for that matter.

You of all people don't know this one?! ;) https://comingupmilhouse.com/

19 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Now floods I have heard of, but never ever have I heard them called high-water pants.

OK, phew!

Woohoo, Bonnie! I liked her a lot.

  • Love 4

Yay, Bonnie!  Although I will say that two large dogs will fit without too much difficulty in the backseat of a car as large as a police cruiser.  I used to have two Great Pyrenees, and they rode in the backseat of my Toyota Corolla, and each mostly stayed on its own side.

I got Clark (and why no one else did after Bonnie missed with Lewis, I'll never know), postpone and oxygen.  Not too many TS overall, though, so in that respect (as well as Matt losing) it was a good game.

And clearly I haven't read enough -- I completely blanked on FJ.  For some reason I went to Kipling as the author and couldn't think of any possible characters of his that were in multiple novels and were old enough to have war wounds.  Oh well!

  • Love 7
37 minutes ago, SeanC said:

The Magna Carta? 

I knew Neil had made a really bad guess at something but forgot what it was - this was it!

I saw the show earlier and was going to post "Rejoice, people!" but thought you would all like to see Matt lose for your selves.

Lots of ts's.  I got e.e. cummings, Clark - and why neither of the two men said Clark after Bonnie eliminated Lewis, I'll never know; postpone, Shannon and oxygen, which surprised me that they didn't even guess at it.

I like Bonnie very well for herself but taking Matt down was really great too.

Instaget FJ. I guess the two guys didn't read the clue thoroughly - I just knew Bonnie would get it right.

eta:  I posted without reading others' posts (except SeanC) and posted almost exactly what Browncoat did re Lewis!

Edited by Trey
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Thank you, Bonnie!  I'll post your bail next time you and/or your dogs are arrested.

I got the Clark TS because Bonnie said Lewis.  I kicked myself over FJ.  I was clueless and I've read most, if not all, the Sherlock Holmes books.  I guess it's time to crack them open again.  Sheesh!

Methinks Matt is a tad delusional.  His parents bought him a set of encyclopedias at the age of one year to keep him from reading his mother's  psychoanalysis books?  Gimme a break.  I noticed he had to throw in his mother was a PhD, too.

  • Love 13
On July 6, 2016 at 8:44 PM, shoregirl said:

  Matt looks like the villain in  a 80s teen movie.  I was only half watching during the the interview portion is he really a investment banker? Did he become one try to dress like every cliche of investment banker? 

17 minutes ago, Jesse said:



Yes, he reminded me of Biff from Back to the Future (with a tad bit of my cousin thrown in for good measure). He really didn't do so well this game after having such a great game yesterday! I was surprised he wasn't a week long contestant.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Methinks Matt is a tad delusional.  His parents bought him a set of encyclopedias at the age of one year to keep him from reading his mother's  psychoanalysis books?  Gimme a break.  I noticed he had to throw in his mother was a PhD, too.

I didn't hear the whole interview, but I was wondering if I heard correctly that at one-year old he was looking thru her mother's psych books. Okaaaay. I think this qualifies as a humble-brag.

I'm so glad Bonnie won. She seems nice. I couldn't believe my BIL was rooting for Matt. I asked why. He said he liked his swaying. (My BIL was drunk, btw.)

I can't remember what TSs I got. Postpone... uh... I dunno. I'm pissed I missed e.e. cummings. I thought the first letter was capitalized, so I dismissed him.

I didn't get FJ. Argh. I'm glad Bonnie did.

  • Love 6

Yes, he reminded me of Biff from Back to the Future 

Oh, right, THAT'S who he reminded me of!  Thanks!

I don't usually notice mannerisms/body language, but that swaying was a bit much.

Bonnie's great, so calm & cheerful.


 I'm pissed I missed e.e. cummings. I thought the first letter was capitalized, so I dismissed him.

I got e.e. cummings -- but almost dismissed it myself for the same reason.  

Edited by The Wild Sow
  • Love 2
3 hours ago, SierraMist said:

Just like almost everyone here, I couldn't believe the two guys knew they were talking about the Sherlock Holmes stories, but didn't know that Holmes was never the narrator and he never was wounded in the war.  And even Bonnie expected someone to ring in after she got Lewis wrong.  Love Bonnie's calm demeanor. 

I haven't read many Sherlock Holmes novels - and those I did were a very long time ago. I got the answer primarily from watching Sherlock.

So glad Bonnie won.

  • Love 3

 His parents bought him a set of encyclopedias at the age of one year

He said he was "one years old."  I said to the cats, "Wow! There's a brain trust!"  I got the impression that at "one years," he was manhandling the books themselves, not reading them.  Then I decided the swaying is 'cause he's so excited, he's gotta pee.

Bonnie was so cool. I love her.

  • Love 13

I got the answer primarily from watching Sherlock.

That's why it really surprised me that two of them missed it.  There's a shoutout to Watson's moving around injuries in the pilot episode.  And, Watson walks around with a cane during that episode.  Please, even if you don't watch the tv series, Watson is obviously the narrator of the stories.

I really like the new champ! 

Heh, it was funny that the Shannon River was a TS (at least I think all three missed it).  Yesterday was the anniversary of my Jeopardy show and one of the two DDs I missed on my episode had an answer of the Shannon River.  (I did get the 3rd one right though!).

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The dog catcher stopped and asked if I understood what "dog at large" meant.  I said "Surely, it doesn't mean being in the front yard with my dog? Doesn't it mean running amok with foaming jaws and menacing growls?"  The answer was no....Big ticket.....

Oh that is just so wrong.

I don't think Alex got Bonnie's "at large" joke. But at least the audience did - I heard laughter.

Agreed with everyone that she's a great (pleasant) champ. May she get on a nice, long roll.

  • Love 6

I noticed Matt was swaying like a banshee during the opening intros. The game hadn't even begun yet! So long, Biff. Glad you made like a tree and got outta there.

It's always interesting when a player demolishes the competition one day, then spends much of the next day in the red.

TS's were e.e. cummings, Tim Lincecum and oxygen.

The Magna Carta??? That guy in the middle kind of lost me with that guess, though I still would have preferred him winning over Biff.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, illini1959 said:

I call them wobblers. You know...Weebles wobble but they won't fall down? ;) HATE it. Stand.Still.!!

Between that and the DD hunting yeah he needs to go.

I usually cut swayers some slack because it might be due to back pain, foot issues, etc. (I know that's why I do it), but Matt was a smug jackwad, so no break there.  

Nothing personal, but that Weebles line makes me see red, because I was a fat kid who got tormented with it all the freaking time when those horrible things first came out.  (My last name was similar so . . .)

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On ‎07‎/‎06‎/‎2016 at 11:30 PM, Bastet said:

No, high water pants are another way of calling pants "flood pants" -- basically, pants that don't fit right and are too short for the wearer's legs.

I said "mark," though.

I said pants, because I owned quite a few of them (all hand-me-downs) as a child.  Yeah, my childhood could be rough.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Judois said:

Yay! Bonnie! I can't believe those other two couldn't get Watson. So glad she did to get rid of the swayer. 

I didn't get it, but I haven't read much Sherlock Holmes.  I said Gulliver but knew full well that it wasn't right.


Yay, Bonnie!  Although I will say that two large dogs will fit without too much difficulty in the backseat of a car as large as a police cruiser.  I used to have two Great Pyrenees, and they rode in the backseat of my Toyota Corolla, and each mostly stayed on its own side.

Police cruisers often don't have full backseats.  I found that out when a friend had to wait in one after a car accident.  She said it was more like a very narrow bench.

Edited by proserpina65
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