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S10.E11: A Psychic Surprise

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Ah, asshole Jimmy, what a charmer you are.  My goodness, but you're just such an awesome, always there husband & such a caring, truly caring father.  You bring a tear to my eye, asshole Jimmy.  I'm just so so so touched by what a truly sensitive soul you are, asshole Jimmy.  Sniff.  And thank you, asshole Meghan, for showing us your shit marriage for our viewing entertainment.  What lovely people, eh?

Totally.  I was feeling kind of sorry for my self lately that I'm not married presently.   This made me thankful.   

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Shannon is quirky and eccentric enough that producers need to just film her trying stuff normal people do. She and vicki are reality TV gold..even tamra to a certain extent can be. Hence why the three getting drunk was hilarious.

I see a mix of real and scripted on this show...it's a fascinating mix and I kind of wish the producers would stay out of the way and just let things happen organically.

In fact, I think meghan vs. Vicki is more organic then meghan vs. Shannon was. Hence why I'm intrigued to see Vicki and Meghan go at it next week since both are evenly matched..and it beats another vicki vs tamra fight.

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Every symptom in the world can be attributed to cancer.  Headache?  Brain tumor.  Nausea? Stomach cancer. This is why doctors beg us not to look up our symptoms online.  I drove myself into a tizzy for a week last winter when I incessantly looked up some symptoms online.  I was convinced I had cancer, but it turned out to be the flu.


Co sign on this. Going to Dr Internet is usually a bad idea. Last year I thought I had cancer twice and my dh had it once based on what I read online. Turned out I had a virus  and dh had a hernia. 

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I think she even said that she has been through so much lately that "the most important thing" is that Brooks was there to support her through it all.  But it's not  important for her to go with him to pivotal doctor's appointments? Sure, sounds fair to me!


No matter what my feelings are about Brooks, I will never question someone who says they have cancer.  Don't care if that person is a murderer on death row, I will just assume they do indeed have cancer, and if it comes out later they didn't, then oh well, I got fooled.  It just feels too icky and fate-tempting to shit talk the validity of someone else's possible terminal illness, and I'm not interested in carrying that grossness around.  Getting all worked up over some bullshit a "psychic" said after he was fed the information by Tamra is just embarrassing on all of them.


I am a Shannon-apologizer. I like her, can't help myself.  But even though I believe that her intentions weren't to ruin the night, I still clapped my hands over my face and said NOOOOOO! when she pulled Vicki into the restroom to tell her what was said about Brooks.  The timing could not have been worse, and I don't understand why she did it then.  When Vicki said she didn't want to know because she refused to ruin Brooks' birthday, I was agog because it was the first time I'd seen Vicki do something that was truly selfless and considerate toward another person, with nothing in it for her.  But then she ruined it anyway by immediately storming back to the table to tell Brooks that something bad was said about him.  Shannon was perfectly willing to drop it and go on with the evening, Brooks never would have been the wiser and could have enjoyed a pleasant night out, but nope.  Vicki had to go full hysterical banshee, and destroy his night anyway.  I think it was even worse to basically say, "People have said mean and terrible things about you, and the whole situation is so awful that we must now rush out of the restaurant and make a huge scene,  but I've decided you don't get to know what those mean and terrible things are!"  Why should that be her call to make?  Was the poor man even done with his dinner?  The drive home must have been so lovely for Brooks, listening to Vicki shriek on about how she refused to let anyone ruin his birthday, and how lucky he is to have her to shield him from such negativity.  By the end of the night she was probably telling him to rub her shoulders because she'd had a bad night and was still upset about her mom dying.  If Brooks really is a grifter who is using Vicki for money, I feel that he has earned every penny he's gotten from her, and then some. 


But...Vicki still made it all about herself.  She said that Brooks has been through sooo much JUST because he is in a relationship with HER!!!  I honestly thought she was going to say he had been through so much because of the cancer treatments, being ill, etc., but noooo!!  It's all about how difficult it is for him being in "love" with Vicki, and sending her daily affirmations of that love, buying her Hallmark cards, renting furs for her to wear to a party, and hanging around her house like a piece of dirty furniture!!!  


I honestly think that there was more to the conversation that Vicki and Shannon had in the ladies' room that we did not see.  I think that Shannon did actually tell Vicki what the psychic said to the others, and she flipped out, and stopped the cameras.  

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I'm over blaming everything on producers. Producers can suggest but they can't MAKE someone say something. They have free will. In the end these are CHOICES these women are making and they need to own it. The worst that can happen is they don't return to the show next year. So they are choosing the paycheck over friendship etc. And the fact is that most of them don't need the paycheck. 

Yes!  And if part of what the producers doing is ensuring drama gets filmed- isn't that still organic drama?  I've watched enough reality tv to know that it's more or less fake, and sometimes it's just shepherding people to get what they're already going to discuss on the show people are paid to help create.  If there's a side conversation, what's wrong with getting that stuff on tape (before it ends up in blogs and on Twitter and whatnot).


I also come from the Heather B. (Real World season 1) school of "they use what you gave 'em."  Hell, I watched a contestant on America's Next Top Model of all places thwart editing by only taking photos from certain angles.  Which is to say...these women aren't pawns.  


About the medical stuff and showing it on camera- I watched the last season of "Blood, Sweat & Heels" and one of the women was undergoing cancer treatments.  They showed quite a bit.  Maybe it's different because Brooks isn't a principal, but I don't think it's privacy issues preventing them from showing more detail about his health issues.  Not suggesting he's lying about having cancer, though, because I hate that that's up for debate.

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Every symptom in the world can be attributed to cancer.  Headache?  Brain tumor.  Nausea? Stomach cancer. This is why doctors beg us not to look up our symptoms online.  I drove myself into a tizzy for a week last winter when I incessantly looked up some symptoms online.  I was convinced I had cancer, but it turned out to be the flu.

They can pretty much all be  attibuted to HIV too.


As to how you would respond to someone questioning your health status, If someone actually questioned my health status I would tell them to go F##K themselves. And then I would be out the door I sure the heck wouldn't be proving it with medical records.

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What he is probably doing is taking notes on his consultations with his Doctors.  Chemo makes you foggy and messes with your memory.  The Dr. talks cover a lot of things and it can be very overwhelming.  If you do not have an advocate going with you it is a good idea to write everything down that is said so you can review it later.  This binder/notebook is not the same as actual medical records which you do have to formally request because of HIPPA laws are not easy to just call up.  So there is no discrepancy between having notes and not having your medical records.  


Also when you are sick everyone and their brother wants to give you advice and has an amazing Dr that you should see, I totally do not fault Brooks at all for not pursuing every lead.  I think Shannon should back off.  Look I don't like Brooks, he is a cheesy con, and for the most part I like Shannon, but she was super phony here.  She was too excited about having something to throw Megan under the bus with.  


Totally THIS.  I had NHL Stage 1  in my eye in 2013.  They managed to dig it all out (they think) in surgery and then it just involves checkups to make sure it's not coming back.  If so, radiation for now, maybe chemo down the line.  Everyone has an opinion-who to see, where to go, what to do, what not to do, etc.  It's overwhelming enough having to go through every test under the sun to make sure there's not cancer anywhere else in your body.  For me, there aren't enough hours in the day to go and see and do everything everyone thinks I should.

I also am not begrudging him a couple of drinks on his bday.  I really don't think he's made it all up.  I tend to lean toward the exaggeration side.  I definitely don't think his use of "had" vs. "have" is any indicator whatsoever of him faking.  Anyone who's been through it knows it can get confusing. 

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Given that tv psychics apparently have a penchant for discussing bowel obstructions, I wonder if Tam's psychic will comment on the giant stick up Heather's butt.



I thought it was Tamra who did that...




How come nobody said to the psychic, "So he's cured!" That's what my first thought would have been, i.e. "the cancer is gone." It's good news, right?

The power of "cold reading"!

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So the Beadors idea of disciplining the twins is to write a letter.  Wow.  If only I had that punishment at their age.    Also, what's up with "we are here to discuss your punishment." WTF?  When I was in trouble the law was laid down.......... I wasn't " in on the discussion."  It wasn't up for discussion.  Bah.   Those girls shouldn't be privy to anything going on with their parents marriage anyway.  WTF is wrong with these 2 losers ?   I'm starting to feel filthy paying attention this trainwreck because of the kids.   Makes me mad as hell.


Also, why is Shannon so fucking concerned what is going on with Vicki and Brooks, or anyone else for that matter??!?!?   She needs to conserve energy and clean up her own mess.     

Edited by jnymph
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Hell...Shannon's comment about peeing when she runs didn't faze me - I worry every time I unexpectedly sneeze or when I laugh too hard that it will happen!!    ;-)


I didn't faze me either.  I run a lot and I don't have exercise-induced incontinence, but I occasionally have some incontinence problems when I have a long bout with bronchitis.  It goes away once the coughing fits calm down, but yay!, I get to wear depends pads while the problem lasts :p


My comment about Shannon was meant to be sarcastic.  It doesn't matter if some of Shannon's issues are real or not, including something so insignificant; it's just another thing to pile onto Shannon's shit pile.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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I think Shannon was upset and crying at the dinner because deep down inside she questioned Brooks' condition, and because of her friendship with Vicki, felt guilt about it.  When they girls brought up what the psychic said, Shannon took up for Brooks and Vicki, but she'd also made mention of the fact that his situation frustrated her because she made calls to get Brooks a consult with a well-known physician, but Brooks wasn't interested.  She had seen him do things that, for her, weren't consistent with someone looking out for his health.  Despite that, she still maintained that Brooks wouldn't make up a cancer diagnosis.  She found it galling that the girls would even entertain the psychic's idea that Brooks didn't have cancer.  I think it must've been on her mind all afternoon, and when they met for dinner, Shannon brought it up.  I think she was pissed at the girls, but still wanted to see what Brooks' response would be.  I think in voicing it, she was scared because she didn't want to lose her friendship, and also felt guilt about questioning Brooks' NHL diagnosis because things don't add up. 

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Have you bought your ticket to the Shannon shitshow?

http://previously.tv/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/sexy-mediums-and-spoiled-children/"> Read the story


I thought the exact same thing about Scott-the-skeevy-psychic's comment about Gandhi. 

Hey Heather and Tamra:  If Brooks' cancer, or lack thereof, is none of your business, then why are you gossiping about it in the first place?  Could be there was a reason you wanted to share this tidbit with Shannon?

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When Vicki was preparing to storm out of the restaurant and Brooks stayed seated, I thought the Beadors were probably paying for the meal and he was planning on getting his money's worth. He didn't seem to care at all that he was being talked about.

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It seemed to me that the psychic was vague about Brooks, yet M constantly repeats "the psychic said B doesn't have cancer."

Imo, it's nobody's business but B, and maybe V. I can sympathize with folks who have put money and effort into an illness later shown to be fake, but B, if anything, is NOT seeking attention from anyone. V's attention is obnoxious in this instance. So, upside to this? And I question whether most people under treatment would want to publicize it, in any way. Employment, etc. are affected negatively.

A person who fakes an illness is ill, you ask me, and in need of help. But YMMV. Many "so-called "storylines" have been faked on these shows. Doubt Bravo gives an eff.

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I would like to workout with Shannon.  It would be the first time I didn't look like the worst one in the room.  

Did anyone observe Tamra's form as she lead the test class?




Whether Brooks Ayers used cancer as a means to get Vicki's sympathy and to live under her roof for free, or whether Brooks Ayers really does have non Hodgkin's lymphoma, it will only be a matter of time now to find out the real truth. Brooks said that he is in stage 2B lymphoma which means he's in an advanced stage.

I thought he said he was in stage 3.

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Tamra claims Dubrow is the pot stirrer: http://www.realitytea.com/2015/08/17/tamra-judge-accuses-heather-dubrow-pot-stirrer-says-lot-meghan-edmonds-step-children-comments-edited/


I would agree that Heather's perception is not based in reality.  She totally exaggerates what is presented to her.

This is what I have been waiting for. Literally, it's the only reason I still watch this show, because otherwise, it is completely unwatchable. I live for the day when Tamra actually decides to take on Heather. I think it will be epic. She tried it last year, but Heather wasn't going to play. It can only be a matter of time before Tamra tries it again, and Heather is the one person who could take her down and make her beg for mercy. 

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It seems like Heather is the one who is afraid of Tamra.

I don't think so at all.  She took her on last year when she was making accusations about the gym deal on the news segment that Heather was doing. Looked her straight in the eye and never flinched one time as she made her case point by point. She used reason and logic, which is foreign to Tamra and she had no idea what to do. I will always believe that Vicki and Tamra planned to take Heather on last year and both of them backed down and backed down fast because she confronted both of them directly about the things they were saying and asked them to explain. They ended up giving into the pressure and by the end were both writing love songs to her in their blogs like I have never seen either one of them do before or since (well, Vicki more than Tamra). 

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 I had not heard that there was a break up till reading the forum so I went on line to get the skinny.  I came upon a really cute boyfriend Vicki had in April  of 14. 

\Now, she makes a statement that there she will not be answering questions regarding it? Must be nice to throw shit at everyone then put your foot down about what she will not discuss.   She and her daughter week on WWH and Andy asked how Crooks was and Vicki said doing well, thanks for asking.  Brianna was very cheerful bartending.

In another article she mentions Shannon had put them in touch with  "holistic doctors which means he will not do chemo with it."  I thought it was a his cancer specific oncologist at COH.   Brooks mentioned in a casual report to Vicki that he had gone to COH and they want to do 3 rounds of Chemo.   He can't keep his stories straight, he needs a binder. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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Shannon looked ridiculous in that gym class. I cringed when she did the deadlift with her back curved. That's a great way to get injured. I've been the obese, uncoordinated mess in a gym class before so I felt her pain, but it really doesn't seem like she was trying. Anyway, I never realized until this episode how muscular Meghan is.


In the real world, in a real fitness class, a real instructor/trainer (at least one whose class is worth going to) would be walking around and correcting bad technique. 

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When Vicki was preparing to storm out of the restaurant and Brooks stayed seated, I thought the Beadors were probably paying for the meal and he was planning on getting his money's worth. He didn't seem to care at all that he was being talked about.


At first I thought Vicki wanted to stick the Beadors with the check, then I remembered it was Brooks' birthday so maybe the Beadors were going to pay all along; but either way I agree - it looked as if Vicki would have to drag him kicking and screaming before he had a 3rd drink and dessert!

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Tamra Judge has to be the biggest mass of brainless matter sucking up oxygen and taking up space on the planet. Snails have more intelligence. She just never fails to trump herself by throwing down another stupid-card on the pile. After last season Tamra insisted that she has learned from her mistakes and will no longer be the victim of she-said/she-said drama. That didn't last very long  because as Heather, Meghan and Tamra were about to have a nice lunch together, the fist thing that Tamra says to Heather is that Meghan told her that Shannon said she (Tamra) is a pot-stirrer. (hello, that's a she-said/she-said drama) Tamra Judge has found Jesus in the form of a bald, semi-good looking guy named Scott that she talks to on FaceTime a few days a week for about a year.


Suddenly Scott the Psychic appears out of nowhere (maybe he was hiding in the men's room waiting for a cue) and like a horse in the Kentucky Derby he sprints right out of the gate and commences talking about Heather's grandmother and some kind of folderal about Meghan finding her place and yadda yadda, etc.  Then boom, it's Tamra's time to ask her Jesus-God about Vicki and her boyfriend with cancer. But OMG!!! Scott closes his eyes and concentrates really really hard and claims that the 'cancer issue' is wishy-washy. "So, he doesn't have cancer??!!"  Scott sees how astounded they are and covers his tracks really fast "but but here's the thing, I'm not saying he is (faking) but I just don't see it, it doesn't mean it's not there, I don't want to offend somebody if it's there".


So, WTF did Jesus Scott just say anyway?  Basically he said he doesn't know shit-squat about whether Brooks has cancer or he doesn't. Hey Tamra, nice way not to be a pot-stirrer babe. Way to go. I wonder how rare and unusual it is to find Scott-Psychic types in Southern California?

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I think her last name is Hamilton (unless Edwards is her maiden name, but I don't see her going by that anywhere)


No, you are correct.  I was positive about her first name, just not her last.

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In the real world, in a real fitness class, a real instructor/trainer (at least one whose class is worth going to) would be walking around and correcting bad technique. 

I noticed that Eddie was walking around the class and I am really surprised he didn't correct her or suggest an alternate move.

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I thought the exact same thing about Scott-the-skeevy-psychic's comment about Gandhi.


yeah. I also forgot about Tamra's calling him her "spiritual advisor."  I don't know what Scott Garcia's background or credentials are, but wouldn't you think a spiritual advisor would be someone like a religious person or religious counselor, or some kind of Iyanla Vanzant person?  Not a psychic.  Maybe he claims to see or hear spirits, but does that make him a spiritual advisor?


ETA: what does Gandhi have to do with Brooks and his cancer?

Edited by zenme
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This is what I have been waiting for. Literally, it's the only reason I still watch this show, because otherwise, it is completely unwatchable. I live for the day when Tamra actually decides to take on Heather. I think it will be epic. She tried it last year, but Heather wasn't going to play. It can only be a matter of time before Tamra tries it again, and Heather is the one person who could take her down and make her beg for mercy. 


This is so funny. Early in the last season, I kept hoping that Heather would wise up and team up with Shannon to take Tamra down. Both of them had been done dirty by Tamra, but both of them were too focused on their own feud to see it and just take the bitch down. 

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This is so funny. Early in the last season, I kept hoping that Heather would wise up and team up with Shannon to take Tamra down. Both of them had been done dirty by Tamra, but both of them were too focused on their own feud to see it and just take the bitch down.

I think there is still hope. Shannon has said on Twitter that she had a lot of fun with Heather this season and they have become friends.

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Megan is getting all the blame but it was Tamra's psychic and she started the convo at CUT. AND she even texted the psychic later to clarify that he meant Brooks didn't have it. How can Tamra possibly blame this on Heather for crying out loud? She barely said anything.

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How is that Meghan can figure out that Brooks is faking cancer but she can't figure out that Jim Edmonds is faking marriage?


Maybe because she doesn't see Jim, but just the divorce settlement in her near future??  

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Maybe I've been watching too much UnReal, but this all seemed so fake this week.


- the psychic says he "can't see" Brooks' cancer.

- we'd better not mention it, okay?

- bigmouth mentions it.

- second bigmouth mentions it.

- big argument, tears, accusations.


The whole thing seemed so scripted and predictable. The most natural scene was with Tamra, her mum and Eddie in the kitchen.

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Scott Garcia


Scott  Cruz, maybe?


I don't know what Scott Garcia's background or credentials are, but wouldn't you think a spiritual advisor would be someone like a religious person or religious counselor, or some kind of Iyanla Vanzant person?  Not a psychic.  Maybe he claims to see or hear spirits, but does that make him a spiritual advisor?



"Spiritual Adviser" is a nebulous term.  In my book, one's spiritual adviser (SpellCheck wants this spelling) can be anyone she chooses--from Pope Francis to Mrs. Rita GinBlossoms.   To each her own...lift one's spirits, contact spirits, advice on drinkable spirits, help to contact the dead, develop some school spirit.  I don't have, need, or one one (or many).  As for "credentials," I'd like to see some.

Edited by Former Nun
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Hey Heather and Tamra:  If Brooks' cancer, or lack thereof, is none of your business, then why are you gossiping about it in the first place?



They're paid to?   This is just part of the job...and the more salacious the gossip, the happier Satan Andy is.

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I agree with everyone else who has pointed out that Vicki seems generally unaffected by what Brooks is going through.  Especially considering how hands on she was when she had him get extensive cosmetic dentistry.  She was standing there dictating to the dentist everything she wanted done, and even added more suggestions that the dentist hadn't thought of.  But I don't think this means that Brooks isn't really sick.  I think it simply shows, yet again, how extremely self-centered Vicki is.  The cosmetic dentistry was going to help Brooks make her look better.  When Vicki took Brianna in for surgery on her thyroid, the event was all about Vicki, not how Brianna was feeling.  And, of course, the exploitation of her mother's death so that all eyes were on you-know-who.  I'm assuming Vicki is not involved with Brooks' medical appointments because she and Brooks are not really close enough for Vicki to make it all about her, as she was able to do with Brianna's illness and her mother's death, and that's why she's unemotional about the situation.  Unless she can make a situation revolve around her, she's mostly indifferent about it.  She may care on some small level, but she really does seem to lack empathy toward other people.

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They're paid to?   This is just part of the job...and the more salacious the gossip, the happier Satan Andy is.


Then they shouldn't complain about being called shit stirrers or for getting criticism about a lot of what goes on on these shows.  And this goes for all of them, not just Heather and Tamra.


ETA: I tend to agree with the view that while some of it is scripted it probably doesn't fundamentally change the people these women are.  For better or worse, what goes on just amplifies already existing characteristics and traits.

Edited by Lyra Angelica
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A woman that was in my class in high school went on to try to be an actor for years, but it never panned out.  Once she finally decided that it was time for a new career, she suddenly declared herself to be a psychic medium and spiritual advisor.  There's a reason these two "jobs" tend to go hand in hand, and it's amazing to me when anyone puts any kind of real stock into what they say.  The only time I kind of get it is when someone has suffered the loss of a loved one, and is desperately searching for something that will give them some peace and acceptance.  Of course you want a "professional" to assure you that the person you lost is in a good place, knows how much you loved them, is watching over you, is proud of you, etc..  If the "psychic" who tells you these things has a soothing and comforting presence, then I imagine the whole experience could be helpful emotionally.  But literally EVERYTHING else that a medium provides?  How can anyone not dismiss it as pure baloney?  Tamra is the perfect example of the kind of idiot who relies on this kind of advisor.  She's on the phone with this guy several times a week at $100 a pop?  Eddie must love that.


My guess is that by constantly featuring psychics in all the different franchises, someone in charge is hoping to recapture the magic of the RHoBH Dinner from Hell with Allison Dubois, but that was a very specific set of circumstances that led to one of the most memorable scenes in Housewives history.  You can't just throw any old psychic to any old wall and expect them to stick!

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Megan is getting all the blame but it was Tamra's psychic and she started the convo at CUT. AND she even texted the psychic later to clarify that he meant Brooks didn't have it. How can Tamra possibly blame this on Heather for crying out loud? She barely said anything.


Tamra set this whole thing up. I have no doubt. This is what she does best - drops little bombs, then hides while others get the blame. 

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Oh, I don't feel sorry for Tamra, either.  I never feel sorry for her, I think she is absolutely vile.  I just think it figures that she is dumb enough to basically employ a psychic for her everyday needs.

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I haven't read all of the comments yet, but holy hell, I am watching now and the scene at lunch with the pyschic.  I really wish that the pyschic, instead of making up bullshit about Heather's grandmother, would have told her that Heather's grandmother said that heavy, heavy black make up is making her look like a fucking clown.

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I can't decide if Vicki's seeming lack of concern about the cancer is that she can't find a way to make it about her, or that she's just (finally) over it with him.  God knows they've been through it over the past 4 years.  The whole thing is so weird, with them being broken up now after all the stuff she's said this season about him being her soul mate, etc.

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Shannon is quirky and eccentric enough that producers need to just film her trying stuff normal people do. She and vicki are reality TV gold..even tamra to a certain extent can be. Hence why the three getting drunk was hilarious.

I see a mix of real and scripted on this show...it's a fascinating mix and I kind of wish the producers would stay out of the way and just let things happen organically.

In fact, I think meghan vs. Vicki is more organic then meghan vs. Shannon was. Hence why I'm intrigued to see Vicki and Meghan go at it next week since both are evenly matched..and it beats another vicki vs tamra fight.

ITA.  Watching Vicki Tamra and SHannon get drunk, hilarious. Watching them all do the booty class, totally hilarious ( Yoga Teacher and 'Sculpt" teacher here- trust me, there are people just as spazzy as shannon out there...i was LOLing so hard at her, she was cute)


Watching Shannon confront Vicki about the rumors and vicki flip out? painful. The Psychic? Painful. Meghan vs everyone? Annoying

Can we just watch Heather get drunk and go shopping? Champs please!!!!

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Based on her cynical reaction to Vicki's psychic, I figured that one of Tamra's very few redeeming qualities was a healthy skepticism toward this kind of lame hocus pocus nonsense. Wrong. He simply wasn't Tamra's own psychic. Both Meghan and Heather seemed to hang on Scott's every pronouncement too. The fact that a fraud might have begun the process of unveiling another fraud is truly ironic.

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Wasn't Jim's ex wife, who passed away, remarried?  I thought I saw a stepfather kind of person at the hotel during the silly prom dressing up crapola.  If so, I wonder why it doesn't seem as if he hasn't anything to do with this awful girl?  Why is it all put on Meghan?  


Can't stand Andy Cohen and can't understand how he wields so much power at Bravo.  I find him skeevy and totally unappealing, and no, it's not homophobia.  It's just him and his personality I can't stand.  Put any other gay man on this show, and I'd have no problem.  But AC seems like a user.

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How is that Meghan can figure out that Brooks is faking cancer but she can't figure out that Jim Edmonds is faking marriage?


Er, maybe being a beard makes ya pretty itchy -- and cranky?  Could that be why Meghan is just such a charmer?  Hmmmm.

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How is that Meghan can figure out that Brooks is faking cancer but she can't figure out that Jim Edmonds is faking marriage?

she also can't figure out that Jim is faking at being a heterosexual.  


ETA:  Too freaking funny - I didn't even see ScoobieDoobs post when I posts.  I didn't follow my own "read all posts before posting" rule.  This quote was just too good to slip away.  

Edited by TV Diva Queen
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Shannon looked ridiculous in that gym class. I cringed when she did the deadlift with her back curved. That's a great way to get injured. I've been the obese, uncoordinated mess in a gym class before so I felt her pain, but it really doesn't seem like she was trying. Anyway, I never realized until this episode how muscular Meghan is.

I noticed how muscular Meghan is on TV and in photos also. She appears manly to me no matter how many bedazzled headbands she wears she can't change her build...the way she walks, stands also. So far Shannon asked Meghan if she had balls under her dress when they were arguing...interesting question. Edited by talula
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