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My thought is that if I had cancer or was sick, and someone told me I didn't look sick, was I teling the truth, I'd take it as a compliment. Who wants to look sick?

In my experience, that statement is usually meant as a denial.

Sometimes the intent is benevolent. For instance, there are days I walk into the gym and cane my way out because I've lost feeling in my legs during the workout. I didn't "look sick" coming in. In other words, they didn't know.

Sometimes the intent isn't nice. For instance, I had the misfortune of a company-wide inventory when my joints were inflamed and my muscles spasming. Having to climb, bend, lift, etc. was hell but I didn't "look sick". In other words, I was just making an excuse to get out of the inventory.

  • Love 9


There is just something so fucked up about Tamra's hairline. I don't know if it is all the botox, fillers or from actual surgery but it has such a surreal look to it sometimes that I find it mesmerizing. It is all at once crinkled, wrinkled and yet oddly smooth. It reminds me of Robocop without the helmet.

- Word. I've NEVER found Tamara attractive. She is so harsh looking...there's just no softness or femininity in that face. And that flat, ugly ass forehead does not help. She's looking more and more like her mother.


- Shannon, do you really think that he will never cheat again? You poor woman,

Edited by kitten59
  • Love 9

In my heart of hearts, I firmly believe Meghan thought she was going to be beloved by the viewers and the headbands were going to be her signature accessory that she would then market and sell to her adoring audience. She is just that unselfaware.

Otherwise I can think of no earthly reason why a person would wear knitted bedazzled headbands on a fecking tropical island.

Exactly...she believes she is going to become wealthy marketing her ugly designer headbands to the audience!?! Fat chance at that! What woman in her right mind is going to wear a thick sweat band on her head? She's really unbalanced if she thinks the TV persona she's developing will make endearing to the viewing public. What gaul she had last night to imply that Vicki & Shannon paid WWHL audiences members to vote for Tamra overwhelmingly as the shit stirrer! Even Andy was put off by her crazy accusations. She should pick up her toys, give back her orange and follow her husband right out of Orange County...leave Meghan and let the door hit you on the way out!!! Edited by talula
  • Love 9

I feel like if Shannon really wants to set a good example for her daughters, she'll get a divorce. She is just repeating the cycle of making her own kids think this type of behavior is normal. I wonder if anyone besides Vicki knows that little tidbit about the mistress befriending Shannon? Do her kids and the therapist think that David just cheated? This is the first time all season it's been mentioned.

I can't understand how or why Shannon would want to try to salvage what little is left of this "marriage." She probably thinks if they get divorced, he'll run off with the mistress and she'll have "won." So she's resisting hard because she doesn't want to admit defeat. Except she'll only end up as the loser if she keeps hanging on to him.

I don't care for Shannon at all, I think she's just far too neurotic, but she doesn't deserve that and neither do her kids.

  • Love 9



Interesting fact...during the WWHL after show Vicki tells Andy he made a mistake in hiring Meghan and should not bring her back next season. Good idea Vicki!


 Really?  I hope he listens - Meghan is a total waste of air time.


Vicki can be sanctimonious and shrill, and a know-it-all, but she was absolutely correct in her comments to Meghan about Haley.  They are not helping that child at all.  HashTagNotHelping, Meghan.


I'm also wondering if "Independent Study" really means "dropped out".



What gaul she had last night to imply that Vicki & Shannon paid WWHL audiences members to vote for Tamra overwhelmingly as the shit stirrer! Even Andy was put off by her crazy accusations. She should pick up her toys, give back her orange and follow her husband right out of Orange County...leave Meghan and let the door hit you on the way out!!!


Wow.  Just wow.  She's ridiculous. HashTag GoAwayMeghan


Next week...yet another physic.  Please Bravo, stop with the physics, unless of course, it's Allison DuBois.

Edited by mwell345
  • Love 8

So...the woman David was sleeping with befriended Shannon? OMG. I would be furious. I can see why Shannon is still really pissed. David is such a dick - I bet he knew the mistress was saddling up to Shannon, too. Shannon has been betrayed twice and I doubt she'll get over it any time soon.

Gawd, Meghan is such an annoyance


Quoted for emphasis. The dramatic 'storm' or whatever it is she said to Shannon was so annoying - like she was in the middle of a soap opera scene. I bet she rehearsed that line many times in her room before that night and was just waiting until she could say it. And Meghan, Tamra IS a pot-stirrer. She went to Heather and exaggerated what was said, knowing Heather would go straight to the source. STFU. And you're pot-stirrer 2.0. What a nut. Take your shitty bedazzled headbands and go away.


Did anyone else laugh at Vicki's incredulous 'Tamra!; when Heather said what was told to her? Like Vicki could not believe that Tamra, who instigates 99% of the fights on this show, would go gossiping.

Viicki said that she (and the rest of the cast) didn't see a connection between Meghan and Jimmy and Jeff Lewis agreed.


Even with the more questionable couples, like Jim and Alexis, I've seen a tiny connection. Nothing with Jim and Meghan. And if the cast, who knows them, can't see a connection either, methinks wife #4 is right around the corner.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 9

So, this is why you don't get "naked wasted" on vacation - you lay around vomiting all morning and missing an incredible diving experience. I don't know, maybe for these girls "vacation" simply means getting away and partying, and the location is secondary. But not me, I'd be eating up the experiences. I couldn't believe Tamra wouldn't even try to go down there. There are professionals with you! You're not going to drown. 


I am ready to be done with vacation Megan, though. Meaning, I don't want to see her in any more bikinis or backless dresses. Maybe she eats very healthy and has nothing wrong with her, but emaciated frame is just startling and uncomfortable to look at. 


Very interesting to find out that David's mistress actually befriended Shannon and was all up in their business. I REALLY need to know who this chick is. 


The whole ongoing fight about "she said" - "she said" was just so ridiculous to me. Please quit trying to write it off as a game of telephone. No. Things were relayed quite accurately, it's just that no one wants to take responsibility for what they said. Tamra IS a pot-stirrer, I don't care what she says. She can call it, "putting it all out on the table", but that's not really your job when it has nothing to do with YOU. There was zero reason for her to have a drunken gossip session with Vicki and Shannon and then go running to tell the other girls what was said. 


Vicki really needs to quit with her comments on Megan's life. I don't even like Megan and have my own issues with her, but at this point - enough is enough. Yes, Hayley DOES seem like a shiftless loser who doesn't even complete her school work, and lives off of Daddy's dollars. But um, I seem to remember Michael being quite the same for many years. I remember him dragging his feet to get a job, partying constantly, and mooching off of mama. So she's not really one to talk. 


Megan is just in a tough spot because she's the new girl. They've already talked about each other to death.



Best nuggets from this episode:


Tamra reading The Bible for Dummies

Heather's "I don't drive!"

  • Love 11
Vicki - you can't tell Meghan that she's not her stepkids' mom and then turn around and tell her that she needs to lay down the law with her stepdaughter.  But she's buying Brianna a Tahoe because she's cranky.


Right? How is Brianna ever going to learn to be responsible if her mother buys her a Tahoe? 


Damn, I wish all parents rewarded crankiness with Tahoes. I'd have an entire fleet by now. 


For the love of all that is holy, NO MORE VOMITING VICKI! There is not enough capslock to express my disgust.


Seconded. Also, no more of Gramballs discussing her bowel movements. 


In my heart of hearts, I firmly believe Meghan thought she was going to be beloved by the viewers and the headbands were going to be her signature accessory that she would then market and sell to her adoring audience. She is just that unselfaware.

Otherwise I can think of no earthly reason why a person would wear knitted bedazzled headbands on a fecking tropical island.


Oh Dear Lord, I just got a terrible image of Megan and Lynn Curtain trying to paddle their headbands and cuffs at some OC Home and Garden show. 

  • Love 17

I believe Vicki emphasizes Meghan's circumstances in the way she continually questions Meghan - to force her hand and make her look like a gold digger to the audience. Remember, most viewers don't discuss the housewives with others the way we do here on the boards. We read the HW articles and understand their true background, for instance, that Meghan has done Reality TV before and that her public timeline doesn't match her real life. By Vicki questioning the SAHM status of Meghan, but not Shannon, Heather, etc. it's done so that the audience might examine Meghan's choices beyond judging that specific decision. I think Vicki is commenting on that subject trying to tear down the fourth wall of an arranged marriage. Hint, Hint audience: Meghan is a fake SAHM to get on the show...

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 4

I was shocked by Shannon's story.

Now as some else pointed out his story about running into her friend at the beach seems even more cruel and strange.

David knew his side piece befriended Shannon. He had to. That is something I would never forgive. The affair is one thing, and would be hard enough to forgive. But for that woman to try to become her friend. I can't even imagine the betrayal Shannon feels.

Tamara never wear your hair up or out of your face. Please!

Meghan is annoying! It can't be said enough.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 20

What are you talking about? Meghan is a cool mom! She knows about social media, she's young, and unlike wife #2, she's a happy person! She's sacrificed so much in raising Hailey! She's been in her life for 2 whole years! You guys are just jealous haters.

I like how the thought of driving Hayley to school never seemed to have occurred to Meghan as a way to get her to attend classes.  She gave them a look like "why would I drive her to school, she has a car?"  I hope she never has a baby. the poor thing will have to drive herself to the pediatrician's office in her Barbie Jeep Wrangler.



I wonder if Hayley graduated?

  • Love 19

Meghan's TH'S are strange. Especially in that hot pink top. Her ears looked huge and also very pink! She does not come off as a nice person in general. Not someone I would like to get to know and hang out with. Her only storyline is challenging the other women.

I'm over Vicky gagging/puking. I know yo wanna whoop it up but you get to a certain age and it's just embarrassing. Tamra does it purely to draw attention to herself. Heather and Shannon handle themselves pretty well.

So, next week we find out Brooks doesn't have cancer or never had it? He was undergoing chemo in Mexico or something. Did Vicky say what kind of cancer he supposedly had? This is interesting.

I felt bad for Shannon in the promo because she genuinely values Vicky's friendship. Those tears are real. Of course, any time someone challenges Brooks, Vicky loses her shit. Wake up Vicky! The sex can't be THAT good.

  • Love 9

Wow, I really hate David. What a weasly piece of shit. He definitely knew his mistress was befriending Shannon. There is just no way he didn't know and even put her up to that. I can see David and the mistress lying in bed together, laughing at Shannon's cluelessness. It makes my skin crawl. Abusive scumbag.


Please Shannon, please let this abusive asshole go. You deserve better and your girls will fare better in the end.


I called it before that a) Meghan is on the sociopath spectrum and b) she had an affair with Jim, breaking up his second marriage. Gee, I wonder why the second wife "isn't a happy person". Meghan, you're a bitch. And I chuckled before when someone said that she might be transgender and thought that was a bit crazy (and still pretty much do) but I have to say when I watched the previous episode again and saw her in that black bikini with zero hips and broad shoulders....I don't know. It gave me a squicky feeling.


Other things that give me a squicky feeling:

Tamra saying, "I can't stop shitting"

Vicki's dry heaving.


Brianna's abusive husband

and from a previous episode: when Eddie pulled toilet paper out of Tamra's underwear and then inspected it. Um... I am feeling Vicki's dry heaves coming on....


  • Love 11

Yet she has said multiple times that she just loves both ex-wives.  Meghan manages to show her ass every week.


How delicious that Tamara shares Hayley's birthday.  So Tamara Jr. is raising her own little Tamara.

And I'm oh so thrilled to report that that is my birthday as well.  My daughter's too.  Oh, and Camille Grammar's.  I don't even know what to say.

  • Love 3

I know marriages can survive affairs, even serious affairs. My Best friends husband actually left her after 18 years of marriage. After 3 months with the side piece, he realized he was an idiot, and wanted to come home. My friend insisted on counseling and dating while living apart for another 2 months before  he moved back home. He has been back home for 17 years now and the are the most together and in love couple I know and have been since the reconciliation.  They also appear to be best buddies. They do everything together, laugh all the time and the affection is not forced.


They were H.S. sweethearts and I have given him a pass for his one major screw up because I have never seen anyone try harder to

repent for their sins. As her BFF it may have taken me longer to forgive than it did her.


However, I see none of this with David and Shannon. I will not be a bit surprised when it comes out that he Is either still in the same affair or has begun another. That marriage is doomed and I feel really bad watching it die.  I alternate between disgust and sympathy every  time Shannon tells us how much David loves her, misses her and how happy they are now. Honey, if the two of you were that happy, you wouldn't have to keep telling everyone. It would show. It doesn't.


The only thing I can't predict with any certainty is which wife will find out about the affair first, Shannon or Meghan.


Only with Meghan, I wouldn't bet on it being another woman. Maybe douchebag would be less detestable if he came out and lived his life honestly.  He pings my gaydar more than Jeff Lewis.   

  • Love 12

I can't understand how or why Shannon would want to try to salvage what little is left of this "marriage." She probably thinks if they get divorced, he'll run off with the mistress and she'll have "won." So she's resisting hard because she doesn't want to admit defeat. Except she'll only end up as the loser if she keeps hanging on to him.

I don't care for Shannon at all, I think she's just far too neurotic, but she doesn't deserve that and neither do her kids.

I'll bet you're right and Shannon is thinking that if she gives David a divorce, the mistress will have "won," but at least in my case, this first chick was just one in a string of many….And yes, Shannon's girls will end up the ultimate losers if she stays with him.  What a terrible situation….

  • Love 8
Vicki might as well have been at the pulpit at the First Ebenezer Church on a Sunday morning because I was giving her all kinds of Amens when she was saying that Hailey suffered from a severe lack of parenting, structure and supervision. That girl needs accountability. Not cars, prom suites at the beach and $100 a week allowance for what? Putting her own dishes in the dishwasher. I didn't really see anything conflicting with what she said, but that is just me.



I am with Vicki on this one.  Granted we have seen very little about Hailey but from what we have seen, she does seem like she is very spoiled and rewarded for not doing much, and there is very premissive parenting happening.  There is no parallel at all with Brianna, and Vicki buying Briana a car.  Briana already graduated from HS long long ago, with honors if I remember, went to college/nursing school, graduated from that, and has been gainfully employed for years, lived on her own before getting married, and is a productive self sufficient person.  Briana is not a deatbeat, and she is not a spoiled entitled princess.  If Vicki wants to buy her grown married daughter a car so be it.  She has the means and who cares.  


Psst, Tamra, the reason Shannon called you a pot stirrer is because you didn't tell Heather what Shannon said you exaggerated it. Then Heather calls you out and you do your little weasel dancing about what you said.



I am amazed that Heather (and others) still fall for this at this point.  Tamra is a terrible gossip and pot-stirrer.  How does Heahter not get this by now, this has happeend so many times!  


When Tamra was on the boat and started talking to Megan about Wife #2 I was like oh boy here she goes.  And Megan was like "I don't talk to Heather about it, I don't want to go there", and Tamra nodded and said "Right" you could see it all over her face she was like "Oh yes we ARE going there!"  LOL.  

  • Love 12

I was shocked by Shannon's story.

Now as some else pointed out his story about running into her friend at the beach seems even more cruel and strange.

David knew his side piece befriended Shannon. He had to. That is something I would never forgive. The affair is one thing, and would be hard enough to forgive. But for that woman to try to become her friend. I can't even imagine the betrayal Shannon feels.

Tamara never wear your hair up or out of your face. Please!

Meghan is annoying! It can't be said enough.

David is a cowardly emotional terrorist. I kind of feel like David wouldn't have gone back to Shannon if his side piece wanted to blow up her marriage too. I feel like he's keeping Shannon uneasy in case his mistress comes calling again.

Ugh, Meghan. She makes me want to get a DVR so I fast forward through her scenes, as it is, I use her screentime to wash dishes. This is a show where I can't stand any of the women and yet I loathe Meghan.

  • Love 6
There was zero reason for her to have a drunken gossip session with Vicki and Shannon and then go running to tell the other girls what was said.



And who brought up the topic of Allison anyway?  It was Tamra.  So Megan is saying in her TH "Gee these women can't stop talking about me" but it was Tamra, who she is pledging loyalty to (ha), that introduced this topic in the first place.  If this is not stirring the pot I don't know what is.

  • Love 8
However, I see none of this with David and Shannon. I will not be a bit surprised when it comes out that he Is either still in the same affair or has begun another. That marriage is doomed and I feel really bad watching it die.  I alternate between disgust and sympathy every  time Shannon tells us how much David loves her, misses her and how happy they are now. Honey, if the two of you were that happy, you wouldn't have to keep telling everyone. It would show. It doesn't.


I agree with you. David doesn't seem at all like how you describe your friend's husband. He does not seem truly remorseful and willing to do anything to make it right. It really just appears like he's going through the motions. For what reason, I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to deal with the headache of a divorce. Maybe he wants to stay for the kids, or try to look like the good guy. But I don't think his heart is in it.

  • Love 4

Shannon is a far better person than I am for not straight up murdering her husband after finding out his mistress befriended Shannon. Those scumbags probably got off on it.

If I were Shannon, In every talking head I would be outing that bitch saying 'JANE SMITH WAS THE MISTRESS' and holding a photo, lol. She has class to not do that. I absolutely would. Its one ( really shitty) thing to be the other women , but another go take it to a sociopath level and befriend the poor woman who is being cheated on. I feel like that is something MEgan would do. Ugh poor Shannon, it all makes sense and i feel bad for her.

She should divorce him and find some young new yoga teacher to hook up with.

Megan is all sorts of mean. She knows that Shannon is having hard time with life and still kicks her when she is down.

Go be a bitch to Vicki or Heather and see what happens you little brat.

Tamra subdued makes me LOL, I'm not totally hating her, Heather or Vicki this season. ( probably cause Meghan and David bring a whole new level of awful to the table)

  • Love 9
And who brought up the topic of Allison anyway?  It was Tamra.  So Megan is saying in her TH "Gee these women can't stop talking about me" but it was Tamra, who she is pledging loyalty to (ha), that introduced this topic in the first place.  If this is not stirring the pot I don't know what is.


Yup. Gramballs is very clever that way. She will very casually bring up a topic, set it on the tablet, let the other women jump all over it,  not say much herself, and then file away the conversation for later use. 

  • Love 9

Vicki - you can't tell Meghan that she's not her stepkids' mom and then turn around and tell her that she needs to lay down the law with her stepdaughter.  But she's buying Brianna a Tahoe because she's cranky.


Agree. Don't like Megan but she really can not win. She's scolded for wanting to be the kids' mother and put in her place that she is clearly not their mother and should not act like one because she's crossing the line. But then when Vicki finds out Haley is rebellious and not in regular high school, she criticizes Megan for not putting her foot down and "mothering" Haley.  Um, technically Haley is Jim and Leann's daughter and they are the ones that need to lay the smack down on Haley. Megan is a glorified babysitter and its not her job to parent a 17 year old. She can enforce rules that Haley's parents make but can not singlehandedly make the decision to take away Haley's car etc. Megan doesn't (and should not) have that kind of power)

I feel new empathy for Shannon. David is one sick fuck. He definitely knew his girlfriend befriended his wife and he probably laughed about it. He is a very cruel man. Shannon, honey, those I love you texts that you are bragging about. They are fake. He doesn't love you. He IS STILL CHEATING ON YOU. I can almost guarantee this.  I've been cheated on before. While your partner is cheating, he could care less about you. Doesn't care if he upsets you, if you are unhappy. Is kind of bold in his uncaring attitude. Because he's happy and he's enjoying life with someone else apparently and doesn't give a shit how you feel. As long as he doesn't get caught. But when your partner gets caught they fake that they are sorry even though they are only sorry they got caught and now have to face consequences. Then when David is pretending to be all lovey dovey and giving Shannon what she wants, its just to keep her off his back so he can have fun with his side piece again. He always looks so beat down and miserable when Shannon is around. now she was gone for a week or whatever and he probably spent some time with his sidepiece or a new one and he's refreshed and happy again so he tosses a few bones to Shannon so she wont' suspect anything. And it seems to be working because Shannon is all happy and babbling about how he's so attentive now and that calms her fears and meanwhile David has been banging someone else all weekend. Their marriage is over. David knows he has nothing to lose because Shannon found out about the mistress (and that she was a friend) and never left him. When David left Shannon was begging him back and now she's attached herself like a child to his leg. "don't leave me" she's hanging on for dear life and she could probably walk in on him having sex with another woman (that's probably the next thing he has planned to abuse her) and still say divorce is not an option. David knows now that he has "permission" to do as he pleases. He doesn't give two shits about Shannon or hurting her. I don't see any true remorse in him.

Lizzie looked great. That is all.

  • Love 12

I was cringing at Shannon acting all giddy and gleeful over David adding a few "Xs and Os" to the end of his text messages to her.  Girl, how many of those do you think he sent to his mistress over the course of their affair?  My guess is: lots. Shannon, you do annoy me from time to time but you deserve better than his cheating, lying ass.  Get thee a good divorce attorney and enjoy the rest of your life not constantly worrying 50 (or 100?) times a day if he's still in contact with his side piece (which, yes, he probably is)


As for Vicki, did anybody find her talking head when she was saying something to the effect of "I wish Don and I had worked on our marriage instead of getting divorced" when she's supposedly sooooo in love with Brooks strange?  I certainly did!

  • Love 16

I wonder what Brooks gets when Brianna gets a new car, I bet he pouts till she gives him something.


I realized that Tamara never once mentioned her brand new grandchild during any of the vacation.


Meghan and her head gear have earned a place in that fashion mag where they have the fashion do's and don'ts with the black bar over her face...fashion don't.

  • Love 5
In my heart of hearts, I firmly believe Meghan thought she was going to be beloved by the viewers and the headbands were going to be her signature accessory that she would then market and sell to her adoring audience. She is just that unselfaware.
Otherwise I can think of no earthly reason why a person would wear knitted bedazzled headbands on a fecking tropical island.

Not sure about the headbands, but I do think that in her deluded brain, she fashioned herself as the spokesperson for the masses, and she decided she was going to spew crap about the cast members because she  read crap on discussion boards and on social media. She would then become the darling of the show to audience. Then maybe come out with a line of headbands or whatever. I think that she fashions herself as the Bethanny of the OC. I think it's hysterical that quite the opposite has happened, that the cast and the audience see her an a little bitch who says stupid pointless shit, stirs the pot for no reason and looks like a fool because she  hasn't a clue about parenting whilst saying that she is hashtag greatest mom ever.


As far as the show, I am so done with Tamra. Nothing she says or does interest me.I cannot stand to look at her. 


OTOH, Shannon is the bestest to watch. From her herbs to zen, to her situation with her husband. She's also not stupid, which is refreshing. I saw Issac Mizrahi on WWHL once and he said that Shannon was by far Shannon was the best dresses howife of all the franchises and I agree. I wanted to reach through the TV and steal the necklace she was wearing in her THs.

If Heather would drop the pretense, I'd like her better  too. Loved her coverup, but why dangly earring to Snooba? Vicks is just Vicks. Cannot wait for the fake cancer drama next week. That white prom dress she wore to dinner did her no favors. Lizzie's white dress was awful also.

  • Love 10

I was cringing at Shannon acting all giddy and gleeful over David adding a few "Xs and Os" to the end of his text messages to her.  Girl, how many of those do you think he sent to his mistress over the course of their affair?  My guess is: lots. Shannon, you do annoy me from time to time but you deserve better than his cheating, lying ass.  Get thee a good divorce attorney and enjoy the rest of your life not constantly worrying 50 (or 100?) times a day if he's still in contact with his side piece (which, yes, he probably is)


As for Vicki, did anybody find her talking head when she was saying something to the effect of "I wish Don and I had worked on our marriage instead of getting divorced" when she's supposedly sooooo in love with Brooks strange?  I certainly did!

Maybe I am wrong but when Vicki and Tamra went to Mexico a few seasons back, wasn't Brooks the guy in the pool flirting with Vicki and all while she was still with Don?


Shannon will keep telling herself that she and David are in a much better place because of the affair till she believes it...she does not believe right now so she is spinning every X&O in to something deeper than the bone David is throwing her.  Her friends see it I am sure.


What is so wrong with Heather and Terry being friends with Jim's previous wife?  Meghan has been around about 20 minutes, has no history with H&T.  Neither one of them seem to have taken sides in that divorce and are friendly with both...it takes nothing away from Meghan's friendship with Heather well except for the fact that Meghan is not really likeable.

  • Love 2

I'll bet you're right and Shannon is thinking that if she gives David a divorce, the mistress will have "won," but at least in my case, this first chick was just one in a string of many….And yes, Shannon's girls will end up the ultimate losers if she stays with him.  What a terrible situation….

I thought David wanted to leave Shannon for the mistress but she wouldn't leave her husband. At least that's what I heard. It could be all wrong, who really knows the truth except that dirt bag David. 

  • Love 1
As for Vicki, did anybody find her talking head when she was saying something to the effect of "I wish Don and I had worked on our marriage instead of getting divorced" when she's supposedly sooooo in love with Brooks strange?  I certainly did!


I did as well. I've long thought Vicki kicks herself for letting Donn go. Donn is not a perfect male specimen or anything, but he's better than the grifter Brooks who can't even come to family functions because no one likes him. 


Why does Heather always give Tamra a pass? I don't get Heather at all.


Fear. It's my firm belief that Gramballs has something on the Dubrows that Heather wants to keep locked down. 


Or playing "spot the penis"


Thank you! Good Lord, they're being treated to some fun displays of local custom, and all that idiot can think about is dick. All men have them, get over it. 

  • Love 10
I did as well. I've long thought Vicki kicks herself for letting Donn go. Donn is not a perfect male specimen or anything, but he's better than the grifter Brooks who can't even come to family functions because no one likes him.


I find Vicks' need to be in a relationship, even a bad one, the saddest part of Vicks. She even admitted that she cannot be by herself. I find it surreal that someone who has a successful business, has money to do whatever she wants, is a reality TV star,has friends, has kids and grandkids  and is healthy is willing to put up with such shit just to be in a relationship or "fill her love tank". My wish for Vicks to decide that it's ok to be alone. 

  • Love 7

What are you talking about? Meghan is a cool mom! She knows about social media, she's young, and unlike wife #2, she's a happy person! She's sacrificed so much in raising Hailey! She's been in her life for 2 whole years! You guys are just jealous haters.

#haters #dontbejelly


Heather cracked me up when talking to the scuba guy about how the headgear (I'm sure there is a better name for this!) worked.  "I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for how this works but he's not giving it to me.  I'd google it if I have my phone.  But I don't have my phone."  Something about her delivery had me giggling.  And then, in true Heather-on-vacation fashion, she just tried it anyway even though she wasn't convinced.  Love vacation Heather!

  • Love 21

From Meghan's blog: "I have to say it, I can hardly stand the scenes in which Shannon talks about David's affair. It makes me so sad. I honestly fast forward through them because I can't handle it. In no way do I fault Shannon for talking about her affair and my heart goes out to her. But it's one thing to listen to a friend confiding in me and another thing to watch someone discuss it on television. I just don't like it."

It makes you sad because it's your fucking future, Meghan! Ugh, this woman is giving me gray hairs.

What is actually going on with Brianna? It gets mentioned in passing and then glossed over. I wonder if something bad is going on.

I thought they were referring to her continued dislike of Brooks, and that Vicki's mom was making some progress getting her to accept Brooks. AFAIK she still refuses to be in the same room with him. But, Ryan has rage issues himself, and on WWHL Brianna did say she hated Oklahoma, so it could be that.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Well Meghan has managed to achieve something that no other Housewife on this show has managed, not even Gramballs.  I am done.  I just can't anymore with her or the rest of these "ladies" (with the exception of Heather - maybe she comes off a bit pretentious at times, but she owns it and I love her obsession with champs).  Lizzie's a non-entity this season, Shannon is just a hot mess of anxiety and neuroses that makes me depressed every time she's on my screen, Meghan is even more useless to me than she is to Jimmy, and Vicki and Gramballs are...well, Vicki and Gramballs.  I have the last three episodes on my DVR and apart from watching the First Look last night, those three episodes remain unseen.  I have no desire whatsoever to view them.  Instead I will read the recaps and forum here.  Much more entertaining and I won't have to hear any of their screeching.

The one thing I like about the show is the fact it's kept the individual narrative.

Without it, tamra would be totally unlikable and we wouldn't get a kick of shannon eccentric views on life (still loved her comment on her relationship with the scale). Plus, it explains why meghan is such an unlikable pot stirrer since where newbie husband is never around and her step daughter basically dislikes her. Even though meghan is working by being on the show, it would be best if she got a job especially one that she could work from home. It just seems like she has nothing going on in her life hence why she is making quite a stir on the trip.

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Heather cracked me up when talking to the scuba guy about how the headgear (I'm sure there is a better name for this!) worked.  "I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for how this works but he's not giving it to me.  I'd google it if I have my phone.  But I don't have my phone."  Something about her delivery had me giggling.  And then, in true Heather-on-vacation fashion, she just tried it anyway even though she wasn't convinced.  Love vacation Heather!


I already love Heather but I love Vacation Heather even more!  I adore that she's absolutely willing to try anything once.

  • Love 10

I find Vicks' need to be in a relationship, even a bad one, the saddest part of Vicks. She even admitted that she cannot be by herself. I find it surreal that someone who has a successful business, has money to do whatever she wants, is a reality TV star,has friends, has kids and grandkids  and is healthy is willing to put up with such shit just to be in a relationship or "fill her love tank". My wish for Vicks to decide that it's ok to be alone.



If she would dump Brooks she might be able to find a decent guy who, hmmm, I don't know, maybe has a job and his own teeth.


I kind of feel sorry for "Megan King Edwards." Obviously, she is not quite all there to have married a guy who does not care about her. She shouldn't be on this show as her age and her life circumstance make her unrelatable to the other cast members and to most of the audience. As for Shannon, the way she was saying David started his affair when filming started and then this woman befriended her and was asking all about her marriage, it made me wonder if this woman appeared on the show at some point. Maybe she was in the background of the Beador's party?  Shouldn't take too long for her to be revealed in this day and age.

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