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S10.E07: Bowling In Heels

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How much deeper in denial can Vicki get? She needs to put on her big girl pants and learn that life and death go hand in hand and be grateful that she had her mother for as long as she had. There's many people who lose a parent when they're very young. My niece was only 16 years old when her mother had a heart attack and died instantly right before her eyes. I can understand a 16 year old not being able to cope with that, but a 53 year old adult woman should be able to understand death. Accepting death is a process that people need to go through by mourning them but calling her mother and leaving voice messages for her isn't going to help much with acceptance.


I was 15 when my father died unexpectedly right in front of me (he was only 38 years old). Not once did I ever act or carry on like Vicki. Yes, it is horrible to lose a parent at any age, especially when it is unexpected. But good grief, her carrying on was so over the top.


I did feel bad for Vicki at first, until she made it all about her.


My heart goes out to Hayley.

Edited by pawsodoom
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Bringing this over from Meghan's thread so more will see it. Very sad news. 


Another article with a post from Hayley.




So tragic.  This hits home to me because my husband had colon cancer (prognosis good) but is still undergoing chemo b/c it had spread to the liver.  We feel good about his diagnosis as dose the oncologist but of course, hearing news like this makes you realize how quickly it can go south.  And sorry to pull a Vicki and make this all about me!

Edited by sasha206
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Oh no, I was truly hoping that Leann would make it. I know that sounds naïve but I was just hoping so much that she would turn things around. How awful. Just so, so sad. :(( The poor woman. May she rest in peace.


I've met Eddie a couple of times.  He is so nice.  So sweet.  Sincere.  That's why I never say anything negative or snark about Eddie.  I'm certain he can carry that gym all by himself.  Without evil eyes.  I just want to save him.  LOL  He's too sweet for her hot mess.  

I have always said that Eddie seems like a nice man and could not for the life of me understand why he married Tamra. Again, I can see why he dated/slept with her but why oh why marriage?? It just made no sense for him. I'm sure he regrets it in some ways now, due to all her baggage and her scary as hell son Ryan.

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So sad about Lee Ann Edmunds.

My first husband has his affair 23 years ago. Well, He had the one that I knew about the time. There were more, which I discovered lately. I found the proof while 9 months pregnant. I went into labor that night and our son was born. I discovered later that he has his mistress in our house while I was in the hospital. He brought me cookies, which he passed off as his. Turns out she made them for him. He brought me home from the hospital. Dropped me and My newborn off, andleft me with that baby and our 2 year old . He then went on vacation with his mistress.

Stupidly I tried to keep the marriage together. Now keep in my this is the same man who gave me HIV. I stayed for many reason, the main one being that he told me no one would ever want me because I had HIV. I believed him.

The affair turned me into an ugly person. It consumed me. I did things I could never imagine doing, like chasing after that **** in a parking lot. Obviously it didn't work out . I've been with my awesome second husband for 20 years. But still, 20 some years later, I feel pain when I think of the affair. Its effects you in ways that you can't imagine. I won't mention what it does to your self esteem. I won't tell you how foolish and stupid it makes you feel.

Shannon may not get past this for a while, even if they do split up.

I'm sorry...sorry to you and all the other posters here who were brave to share their personal stories here on this subject.

I can only imagine the rage, feeling of betrayal and difficulty trusting...I'm truly shocked at the callousness towards you while delivering your child into that crazy circumstance at a time when one would think you would be celebrating adding to your family. That's beyond cruel treatment and a level of hurt that's just mind boggling. I'm so happy you found someone who loves and truly values you Jenny.

Sasha, I hope your husband has many, many healthy years ahead of him! Prayers for that.

Yes, Sasha206, please accept my healing wishes for your husband too. Edited by IKnowRight
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Sasha, I hope your husband has many, many healthy years ahead of him! Prayers for that.


Aw, thank you!


You'd never know he was sick.  That's why I'm somewhat inclinded to give Brooks a break.  Hopefully his next scan will show the liver nodules are no more.  I get very nervous each scan and then you fall back into your "new normal."

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JennyMominFL thank you for your insight into Shannon's situation. I am terribly sorry for the way that asshole treated you. I can't imagine what you went through with him. He sounds like a terrible human being. So glad that things worked out well in the end. You deserved much better and I'm glad you found someone who treats you well like you deserve.

Edited by Granimal
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I just wanted to say I saw Shannon and Dorinda from RHONYC on WWHL last night and they both seemed like very nice ladies. Makes me wonder how much is acting for TV.

And how much is editing - think of the hours and hours of film we never get to see.

Wish Shannon and Dorinda were on the same show - loved them together!

Not sure if it was previously mentioned here, but Shannon said on WWHL that the significance of the dragon bracelet is that both of them were born in the year of the dragon.

And Shannon mentioned that she had bought one for him earlier - she seemed very happy about that Valentine memory!
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Anyone else think Lizzie broke her own rib to get out of bowling?

Uh, now I got to walk down 16 stairs to grab a paper towel to clean up my diet 7-up.  Inside joke.  My husband teases me constantly when I yell to bring me some water.  "Okay, I'll walk the 16 stairs up and 16 stairs back."  So.  

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The woman who sits in the cubicle next to me at work belongs to Cut Fitness and takes Eddie's spin class 3 days a week. (She lives way out there in BFE -- I mean Rancho Santa Margarita.) She told me that she thinks Eddie is a great instructor and a genuine sweetheart, and everyone in his classes admires his technical knowledge and ability to motivate people to do their best effort.

She has said that Tams is jealous of any attention he gives to his female students -- whenever she's there.

My friend has been a member for close to a year now and said Tamra has only recently started acknowledging her "hello" when she arrives - Tams basically ignored the members completely.

So Tammy Sue's reawakened interest in selling real estate is not surprising, and I dont doubt she's doing her level best to sabotage Eddie's relative success with attracting members and keeping the place going.

Yeah, I've consistently heard Eddie is a nice guy, so I am confounded as to what he sees in Tamra. I take it Tamra isn't there by your friend's description?


Oh no, I was truly hoping that Leann would make it. I know that sounds naïve but I was just hoping so much that she would turn things around. How awful. Just so, so sad. :(( The poor woman. May she rest in peace.

I thought Lee Ann's cancer was terminal at the time they filmed this season.


Anyone else think Lizzie broke her own rib to get out of bowling?

My first thought was about an ep or two of Botched.

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I was going through the TV guide to see which repeats are being aired today. It showed this episode coming on before and after Watch What Happens. The first one is showing 90 minutes but the second is back to one hour. The description is the same, just the time difference. Does anyone know why?

Edited by MissMel
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Bringing this over from Meghan's thread so more will see it. Very sad news. 


Another article with a post from Hayley.




Oh no, this is such sad news. RIP Leanne. 


She couldn't have been older than mid-40s.  Very tragic.  This is the type of death where you would say "she was gone too soon," and "it's not supposed to happen like this." VICKI


Hayley's tribute to her on Instragram made me tear up.  http://perezhilton.com/2015-07-22-sad-death-mom-meghan-edmonds-jim-edmonds-hayley-edmonds#.VbDtxXnbJpM

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Yeah, I've consistently heard Eddie is a nice guy, so I am confounded as to what he sees in Tamra. I take it Tamra isn't there by your friend's description?


My friend said during the early part of her membership, Tams was rarely present -- it was Eddie and one assistant (the towel folder?).  When Tamra DID show up, it was with her little entourage of friends who came with her to work out, and those were the only ones she actually spoke to (besides Eddie, of course).  The members she pretty much couldn't be bothered with.

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I'm finally watching the episode now and I had to jump over here to say that, OMG--Megan is so fucking stupid.  Jesusfuckingchrist.  I can't with the whole "here's $100. Go to school one day a week and put away your dishes. Oh, and if you decide to eat my shitty home cooking you can save these $100 bills I'm tossing at you and buy yourself a purse--that you earned!"  


I LOVED the gym scene with Shannon.  Not one of those other bitches would get on a scale and play with their belly flesh like Shannon did.  I know she's been a pill so far this season, but she won me back with that. 

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So sad to hear about LeAnn. My thoughts and prayers go out to Hayley and the rest of her family. Also to any of you dealing with cancer in your lives in any form. Such a tragic disease. 

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I was going through the TV guide to see which repeats are being aired today. It showed this episode coming on before and after Watch What Happens. The first one is showing 90 minutes but the second is back to one hour. The description is the same, just the time difference. Does anyone know why?

Bravo has recently been lumping their RH shows with WWH, I guess b/c they're trying to trick people into watching the latter.

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Sad news about  Lee Anne.  May she rest in peace.


I don't know that she was watching the show, but assume she was.  I feel bad that every single episode featured some variation of "she has cancer", "she's dying from cancer", "Hayley can relate to me so much better than her mom", "this is going to be the last time she sees Hayley do x, y and z".  Imagine excitedly watching the show to see your ex-husband and your daughter, and being hit over the head constantly about your terminal illness.

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I agree with the poster who said they would love to throw a monkey wrench into Heather's "perfect" life. Doesn't she get worried, bragging constantly, that something bad will happen to her? Laws of the universe and all-I would never brag like that (I'm not a bragger anyway). She has bragged since day one about her money, perfect kids, perfect life...nauseating. And she always has that self-satisfied smirk when others (namely Shannon) are going through rough times, like a superior "I would never have to deal with this stuff the peasants do." It's hard to imagine who would be friends with the Dubrow buffoons in real life. And I too wonder how she would handle hearing that Terry was having an affair (and yes, I know the consensus is that Terry isn't attractive enough but give me a break! He's just fine and women will throw themselves at any man with money).

Maybe Heather should ask Ramona how all that bragging about her "perfect marriage" to Mario worked out for her.  

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I know she's been a pill so far this season, but she won me back with that.



There's no winning back for me.  I'm not a regular viewer, but I didn't like her the first time I watched her and like her less every time.  I used to feel sorry for her husband and kids.  Kids are fine...but he creeps me out--looks, groveling, wimpy hair--everything.

Again, I can see why he dated/slept with her but why oh why marriage??




$$$$$$ ??   He would never have the gym without her.  She would never have her 51% without BRAVO.

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Bringing this over from Meghan's thread so more will see it. Very sad news. 


Another article with a post from Hayley.



Hayley's statement tore my heart to pieces.....I cried like I knew them. Given Meghan's smugness, I pray she gives Hayley a wide berth of space and acts more like a friend than a mom replacement.

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So sad about Lee Ann Edmunds.

My first husband has his affair 23 years ago. Well, He had the one that I knew about the time. There were more, which I discovered later. I found the proof while 9 months pregnant. I went into labor that night and our son was born. I discovered later ,that he has his mistress. in our house, while I was in the hospital. He brought me cookies, which he passed off as his. Turns out she made them for him. He brought me home from the hospital, dropped me and my newborn off. He left me with that baby, and our 2 year old. He then went on vacation with his mistress.

Stupidly I tried to keep the marriage together. Now keep in mind this is the same man who gave me HIV. I stayed for many reasons. The main one being ,that he told me no one would ever want me because I had HIV, and I believed him.

The affair turned me into an ugly person. It consumed me. I did things I could never imagine doing, like chasing after that **** in a parking lot. Obviously it didn't work out. I've been with my awesome second husband for 20 years. But still, 20 some years later, I feel pain when I think of the affair. Its effects you in ways that you can't imagine. I won't mention what it does to your self esteem. I won't tell you how foolish and stupid it makes you feel.

Shannon may not get past this for a while, even if they do split up.

I'm so sorry for how badly your first husband treated you. I'm so glad you found happiness and jealous of your upcoming 6 week European vacation. Have fun!!!

Shannon is still young, and I have a hard time believing she can get over the affair---which is how I would feel, so I hope she also considers her own emotional needs and realizes she deserves a faithful husband, whether it's David or someone else.

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RIP LeAnn :-( how very sad!!!!


And now poor Haley has video of her being a complete jerk to her mom forever and forever thanks to her stupid Dad. 



LeeAnne agreed to allow Haley to be filmed and most likely knew her daughter was a spoiled brat so that is on both of them, well actually all four of them because it was Meghan's storyline and Hayley for being a brat.

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I was 15 when my father died unexpectedly right in front of me (he was only 38 years old). Not once did I ever act or carry on like Vicki. Yes, it is horrible to lose a parent at any age, especially when it is unexpected. But good grief, her carrying on was so over the top.


I did feel bad for Vicki at first, until she made it all about her.


My heart goes out to Hayley.

I was 39 when the doctor told my Dad he had 2 weeks to live--lung cancer. I cried like a baby - loudly - right there in the hospital. I feel bad for Vicki.

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RIP LeAnn :-( how very sad!!!!


And now poor Haley has video of her being a complete jerk to her mom forever and forever thanks to her stupid Dad. 


In addition to stepmom's talking heads in which she makes a comment like Hayley is lashing out at her mom b/c of the cancer or something to that effect.

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Do we know if Hayley's sister lives with her/Jim/Meghan, too, and just chose not to be filmed?  Or does she live elsewhere?

Good question, but she did graduate from college this past spring. According to Meghan, Hailey was the only one that chose to film. I imagine Allison Edmonds doesn't want her young kids filmed, plus they moved back to St Louis full time. Likely the sister lives on her own. I saw the graduation pictures on LeeAnn's Facebook page.

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As much as I found Hayley's behavior toward to her mother in the prom episode reprehensible and think she's probably a spoiled, entitled kid on her best day, I do understand her in a strange way. When my friend (40 years old) was diagnosed with cancer ( receiving treatment, lost her hair, got sicker and sicker) her 14 year old son would have almost nothing to do with her. Her two younger sons (12 & 8) were constantly by her side. On the day she died at home under hospice care, I was there. Her oldest son ran off to a friend's house and didn't come home until late that night. He was furious with his mom for getting sick even though he knew intellectually that it wasn't her fault. It took him a good ten years to stop acting out, making bad decisions and flunking out of college. He came from a strong military family and was not an entitled, spoiled, snotty kid. So if a kid from that strong family background reacts that way, I can see how Hayley would resent her mom's illness. My heart breaks for both of her daughters. They'll never stop missing their mother.

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I was going through the TV guide to see which repeats are being aired today. It showed this episode coming on before and after Watch What Happens. The first one is showing 90 minutes but the second is back to one hour. The description is the same, just the time difference. Does anyone know why?


I noticed two(?) seasons ago for ATL, and the others followed the format, that they started pairing WWHL with the Housewives shows but still labeled the timeframe as an episode of HW's.


It wasn't until I started paying attention here that I realized the mystery extra 30 minutes was really WWHL tacked onto the HW's episodes...


ETA:  Ubiquitous beat me to it!  

Edited by CyberJawa1986
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Yes, and thank you both! I don't watch WWHL usually and I thought it was weird to put a repeat(?) on before a new one. I thought the tacked on ones were the pre-recorded one-on-ones. Have Jim and Meghan ever been on WWHL? It would be distasteful to repeat that right now. Not surprising, but definitely distasteful.

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Brother Billy needs the Squatty Potty. It has received positive reviews, including two heels up.


RIP, Lee Ann.

I was feeling so sad and saying a quick prayer for everyone who posted that they lost a loved one.  Crossing myself.  I truly said prayers to your sig names.  Then I read this and cough out my water.  You guys always know how to turn things  I love it..  RIP Lee Ann.

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Good question, but she did graduate from college this past spring. According to Meghan, Hailey was the only one that chose to film. I imagine Allison Edmonds doesn't want her young kids filmed, plus they moved back to St Louis full time. Likely the sister lives on her own. I saw the graduation pictures on LeeAnn's Facebook page.

Oh ok I didn't realize that Leanne's other daughter was that much older than Hayley! I guess Megan really is more like a sister to her .... or perhaps an {Dr. Evil voice} evil stepsister {Dr. Evil voice}.  

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Yes, RIP LeAnn.  She seemed like a very nice woman.  Way too nice for a douchebag like asshole Jimmy.  Hopefully she got luckier with her second husband.  And as Hayley watches herself & sees what a snotty brat she's acting like hopefully she'll wise up, but me doubts it.  She says some nice, touching things on LeAnn's death, but with only asshole Meghan & asshole Jimmy as her biggest influences I'm not holding out much hope for her, that she'd suddenly transform into the nice woman LeAnn was.  Too bad.



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Oh ok I didn't realize that Leanne's other daughter was that much older than Hayley! I guess Megan really is more like a sister to her .... or perhaps an {Dr. Evil voice} evil stepsister {Dr. Evil voice}.

According to the FB page, Lauren graduated from Arizona State University this May and the sisters are 4-5 years apart.

You learn a lot from looking at what you can find out there! I did notice that Allison Raski Edmonds made her FB private recently! You can see her "friends" though, and there's no obvious connections to Edmonds relatives, including Lauren & Haley and no FB connections or pictures with Meghan!! Another poster already said it, of course Meghan was buddies with wife # 1, but LeeAnn and Allison do not appear to have been close. I also wonder if Allison took as much credit as Meghan does for being the coolest stepmom?

You can find Lauren Marie Edmonds on FB.

LeeAnn still has an active FB page. It's so sad, she definitely seemed like a sweet lady and much too young. LeAnn Huntley Edmonds-Horton.

Edited by IKnowRight
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As much as I found Hayley's behavior toward to her mother in the prom episode reprehensible and think she's probably a spoiled, entitled kid on her best day, I do understand her in a strange way. When my friend (40 years old) was diagnosed with cancer ( receiving treatment, lost her hair, got sicker and sicker) her 14 year old son would have almost nothing to do with her. Her two younger sons (12 & 8) were constantly by her side. On the day she died at home under hospice care, I was there. Her oldest son ran off to a friend's house and didn't come home until late that night. He was furious with his mom for getting sick even though he knew intellectually that it wasn't her fault. It took him a good ten years to stop acting out, making bad decisions and flunking out of college. He came from a strong military family and was not an entitled, spoiled, snotty kid. So if a kid from that strong family background reacts that way, I can see how Hayley would resent her mom's illness. My heart breaks for both of her daughters. They'll never stop missing their mother.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. It's quite possible Hayley is lashing out like that. It's hard to say, because we've never seen her prior to her mother being diagnosed. Maybe she's always like this - maybe she was going through the worst time of her life. I do feel for the kid. Now she's stuck with Megan. Girl, get those grades up and try to get into a good, out-of-state school!

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Megan did pretty much call it that Haley is acting out because she's mad that her mom is sick. I think Megan is annoying and dumb, but I don't hate her with Haley. I actually think she has a decent handle on what's going on with Haley. I'd say a much better handle than her parents since they made the choice to dump her with a step-parent and a TV show. None of that was Megan's call.

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Understandable behavior, but inexcusable behavior. I would've shut that shit down, for the sake of the mom *and* the kid. I could not live with the guilt if I were like Haley and treated my mother poorly while she was sick.

ITA, to have that scene forever on film is heartbreaking :-(

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Just so sad about LeAnn.   Way too young, way too soon.   My SIL died last week (cancer) and her funeral was yesterday.   It was interesting to see people's reactions.  Some were uncontrollable, some only wanted to remember good times.   Her godmother died within 15 minutes of her, which was really strange.    The godmother's caregiver came up to me and told me two days before she (they) died, the godmother had been taking a nap.  Woke up and told the caregiver she had had the strangest dream.  A woman who she didn't know had made two beautiful dresses for herself and Cathy (my SIL), and they needed to put them on because they had somewhere special to go together.    Now, this caregiver had no clue who Cathy was.    (cue twilight zone music).

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Just so sad about LeAnn.   Way too young, way too soon.   My SIL died last week (cancer) and her funeral was yesterday.   It was interesting to see people's reactions.  Some were uncontrollable, some only wanted to remember good times.   Her godmother died within 15 minutes of her, which was really strange.    The godmother's caregiver came up to me and told me two days before she (they) died, the godmother had been taking a nap.  Woke up and told the caregiver she had had the strangest dream.  A woman who she didn't know had made two beautiful dresses for herself and Cathy (my SIL), and they needed to put them on because they had somewhere special to go together.    Now, this caregiver had no clue who Cathy was.    (cue twilight zone music).

So sorry for your loss. What an amazing story - soul mates, part of what they call a soul group!
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Oh no, this is such sad news. RIP Leanne.

She couldn't have been older than mid-40s. Very tragic. This is the type of death where you would say "she was gone too soon," and "it's not supposed to happen like this." VICKI.

Hayley's tribute to her on Instragram made me tear up. http://perezhilton.com/2015-07-22-sad-death-mom-meghan-edmonds-jim-edmonds-hayley-edmonds#.VbDtxXnbJpM

Meghan's head looks like the biggest head in the world in that picture.

I was unmoved by Hayley's Instagram salute. It's easy to say that shit now Hayley, we all saw the way you treated your mom. That girl better be seeing a counselor to cope with the fallout of this show. I'm sure she's already getting an earful.

Please don't tell me she's only seventeen. I was seventeen when my dad died, and I was definitely not a bitchy little spoiled brat. Unlike Hayley, my financial situation was iffy, and I didn't have multiple step parents, siblings, or wealth to comfort me. Jim and Meghan - get her off of this show.

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No one can convince me that Vicki was not performing for the camera to some extent, with her over the top grief and off the wall remarks. I don't believe her for a second, other than that she is of course grieving for her mother. But her "wake her up" and "gone too soon" etc...sorry, not buying it. She knew she being filmed and wanted to make headlines, which she did.

Anyway that is jmo and I can't stand Vicki or Crookes, so I am not exactly unbiased lol.

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gimmimepizzauoldtroll- I don't know how to quote people because I'm so sad when it comes to technology. Sorry. I believe I said her behavior was reprehensible and she's a spoiled, entitled brat on her best day. That's due to how her parents reared her. I personally don't believe her behavior is inexcusable. She's 17 years old, apparently hasn't been taught how to be polite, considerate and thoughtful of others. We can't blame her for that. And I hope when she actually grows up and remembers how she treated her mom, she'll be so remorseful. If she isn't, that's on her for the rest of her life. I just know from my own experience that my friend's son was so ashamed and sad about how he acted when his mom was sick. He's in his late 30's now and is a fine man. Will she be a fine woman in her 30's? Who knows. I certainly hope she tries to make her mom proud. 

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