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I just feel compelled to say this. When we lose our parents and in a majority of cases, our mothers, there is that feeling that no one will love you like that again. I just want to say that is not true. You can love yourself like that. You can also give love to others like that and it will return threefold. If you have children, you do have love like that.  The fact that you had a parent that loved you like that does not mean that love has gone away-- it still exists within you. When you give love to others it also increases your capacity to give more so at some point, you will see that reflecting all the people you meet as like attracts like. That is the basis of many faiths and spiritual journeys. As in Yoga people say Namaste which is like saying I love you but instead says the love in me recognizes the love in you-- or the divine in me sees the divine in you-- as most all faith traditions believe that God/Divine/Universal force = Love but Namaste is a salutation in respect of that divine/love. I grew up in the Catholic Church an we always say to our neighbors in Mass- Peace be with you, and we all lift up our hearts. It is not just ritual and coincidence, words have meanings. The Mother is also venerated (Mary-- the Rosary) as that is such a personal experience of love that is universal. 


I often feel that grief is such a real physical sensation of loss. It is so strong it can keep us in the past or closed off because it is painful. But it does not have to be like that. That energy of self protection can be turned outwards to others - and it brings good things to your life, to love.


Sorry to be off topic. 

  • Love 18

I haven't read all the posts yet, so apologies if this has already been mentioned.  Jeana looked GREAT last night.  I really see a strong resemblance to her daughter, especially since they both have a similar hairstyle that focuses on the bangs.  I just could not get over the striking similarities.  Way to ROCK middle-age Jeana Keough! 


  • Love 8

This 100%.

When my mother had a stroke and we knew she was gone. I found a small moment alone in the hospital room alone with her. I broke down cried like I had never cried before I rested my head on her shoulder and sobbed, told her how much I loved her and how much I would miss her. (I knew that since all the family had arrived we would be taking my mom off the ventilator that was breathing for her.) in walks a very close family member and tells me "come on now, you have to be strong". I was pissed, I snapped and told her to leave the room. I didn't speak to her for weeks I was so angry.

I give Vicki a pass on what she said about who will worry about me or whatever she said. I remember telling my husband who will love me now? He said he would, and I said no not like my mom, only your mom can love you unconditionally.

Ugh, this is bringing back some sad feelings.

I am sorry. I understand. Someone said to me recently "Yeah but hasn't it been a while?" UGGGH


On a lighter note is too soon to giggle just a little about Vicki's butt at the Spa? Luvya Vicks! Signature.


Sorry if this is a duplicate thought I typed this once. hmm

  • Love 5

First of all my heart breaks for Vicki. Disgusted that Bravo showed that! I bawled along with her. such raw emotion so horrible to witness. I feel dirty after watching it.

Megan can just leave. I'm tired of the drama she brings. Her hubby sure can't stand to be around her. When she was trying to hug him he looked like he could barely tolerate touching her. I would bet money David isn't the only one having an affair. Jimmy couldn't wait to get to happy hour.  When Shannon was talking about how she cooks for people to show she cares about them I was thinking geez woman why don't you ever whip up a nice meal for your husband then? David's "I ran into the girl you saw at the beach" was very very strange. Shannon even mentioned he was talking in code. Maybe it was a woman she caught David flirting with?

Man, I was soooo shocked to hear her say she would have gone out the door & never come back if David didn't promise to never speak to the mistress ever again.  Nice words, Shannon, dear.  But I don't believe you for a second, sweetie.  Not.  At.  All.


I hate to tell Shannon but EVERY SINGLE CHEATER says the same thing. Oh that they promise they will never speak to the affair partner again. Unless it was a one night stand and no feelings were involved, no friendship etc. THEY ARE LYING. He has probably already contacted the gal and told her to keep it on the down low. Or maybe the woman was married too and they ended things because she didn't want to leave her family.  He WILL talk to her again. His mistress was probably sitting at home smirking while watching Shannon announce to the world what David promised her. Shannon does not seem to have made any progress on the forgetting part or letting go. She is nothing but totally raw over the whole thing and honestly will never get over it. Its a horrible thing to overcome and sometimes its just best to cut your losses and move on. David doesn't seem very invested in saving his marriage. I think he's just going thru the motions. I hope I'm wrong. Sad when of all the couples on the show Brooks and Terry seem to treat their partners the best.

  • Love 4

Another sobbing mess here. Geesh!

I can't even begin to imagine what I would do, say, look like if I had found out about the death of a family member, much more the death of my mother at a party! I'd be a sight for sore eyes to be sure.

I sympathize with all who have been in Vicki's shoes before. I am still very grateful to have my mother in my life, which, oddly enough I was awaiting her call to tell me she made the five hour trip to her house safe and sound with my two toddlers in tow.

I was trying to piece together what happened. Obviously Bravo edited the whole thing to highlight Vicki most of the episode. Someone made a "random" comment that Brooks was down the street hanging out if anyone "needed anything" then Vicki "randomly" asks Shannon if she has a landline she can use. Next thing we see is her talking to Brianna on the phone. It doesn't matter what really transpired but the editing was odd.

Her brother did mention he saw the car in the garage but that their mom was not in it. I took it to mean that normally the car is gone in the morning and that it wasn't was a red flag.


What I remember from this was Jeana Keough, who is a neighbor to Vicki, telling Vicki that Brooksie (how she referred to him), had called her to say how nice it was that they were right down the road in case he needed anything. Not an exact quote of course, but that was the jest of it.


I am guessing they are not allowed phone calls while filming, but Brianna as most likely trying to reach Vicki and had to leave a message with production to have Vicki call her. 

  • Love 1

Just a note-Heather did not call and arrange for Brooks to come to Shannon's.  Brooks had heard the news and had a friend drive him to Shannon's so he could ride home with Vicki.  Thankfully, there was a short period of time before Brooks arrived and was able to escort a very fragile Vicki home.  Something tells me that Brooks had probably clued in production as well what the nature of the phone call Vicki needed to make was about.

  • Love 1
Miss Priss Heather did well in my book, she is a pain in the ass but I can see she is a "do-er", props to Heather who tiptoed away and starting DOING by getting Brooks on the phone. That was good, and strong and independent and she did it with empathy and sensitivity.



She did well. I completely give her slack now for all her silliness about her Ramada Inn, for she exposed herself as being a classy, thoughtful woman in the heat of the moment.  


My question is: Why for goodness sake, didn't Brianna or Brooks ask Vicki to come home right away so they could deliver the news privately? People have stomped off from filming for a lot less. A simple text saying "can you come home right away we need to talk?" could have sufficed. 

  • Love 6

Vicki's mom was awesome.  I did enjoy her appearances on the show.  She had such a great sense of humor. 

RIP, Vickie's mom.  :(   She was the greatest snark-er of them all! ("yellow hair!") I'm sure she loved Vicki very much, but she was never overly demonstrative. I have little doubt that could she have spoken to Vicki in her hour of grief, she would have told her to calm down and take the histrionics down a level.  ;)  She seemed very practical and down to Earth.  Sort of an anti-Vicki.


Yea I was with Vicky, rolling around on Shannon's floor sobbing, until she whined "who will worry about me now". Uh ok Vicks.

I mean the woman was 83, did Vicky have no idea that her mother was at that age when you start to think your parents might just die?

And she is just not a pretty crier. Though not many are.


See, yeah, I'm with you. I found her whole "I'm too young to not have parents" comments to be slightly strange.  Maybe because I unexpectedly lost my own mom when I was just 25 (and my dad at 31), but she kinda lost me there (as well as the "wake her up" comments.... she's not 5 years old!) Hell, my grandmother outlived both of my parents.  But Vicki is in her 50s with 2 grown children and 2 grandchildren. NOT that she didn't have the right to be sad, shocked and whatever else.  But to think she's "too young" to not have parents?  Ehhh ok. 


That was really tearjerking. However, I have to wonder if parts were a recreation. In addition to the points above (the establishment of the landline, etc), why did everyone insist that Vicki's support system come to her rather than offer to escort Vicki home? I would have imagined that the first thing one would do to be telephone a car service in order to ferry Vicki back to a familiar, comfortable environment. The tableaux in Shannon's foyer also appeared very blocked; Meghan only entered very briefly, Jeana was nowhere to be found, leaving Vicki with her three fellow veterans. I don't think this is the nadir of this franchise but the potential that this was simulated is rather discomfiting.


I assumed they had all been drinking so didn't want to drive.  And calling a car service would have meant her having to be alone when she was very upset.  So calling Brooks seemed to make the most sense.


My thoughts from the snippet we saw of the conversation I thought that Meghan was saying that it could soon be her step-daughter grieving her mother. I did not think it was insensitive from that small clip, but next week I will probably be eating my words.


I also, did not mind Meghan's "Hang in there" comment to Vicki, mainly because she hasn't known Vicki long and sometimes people do not know what to say to someone going through something horrible. 


This so much. They both need to get over their petty disagreement, which I think they were both at fault for, and move on.  The silly jabs at each other while saying they are going to move forward make them both look worse. 


I give them a pass for those comments.  Some people just do NOT know how to act or what to say when somebody is grieving and/or hysterical.  If I held a grudge against every family member/friend/co-worker who said something that could be deemed less tha comforting after the death of both of my parents.... well, I'd be holding a lot of grudges.  Not everybody has a Hallmark card Sympathy Card-like speech at the ready. 


Yeah, what a bitchy thing for Meghan to say.


Hee! Wasn't it Terry who twisted Heather's arm into getting on this show?


Ohhh, so THAT'S why that tshirt of Jim's looked familiar!


Not to speak ill of the dead, but I don't recall Vicki's mother being all that nice or supportive of her. There was the scene where she put down Vicki's hair color, the edited scene in which her telling Vicki she loved her after Vicki badgered it out of her, etc.

I give Vicki a pass on what she said about who will worry about me or whatever she said. I remember telling my husband who will love me now? He said he would, and I said no not like my mom, only your mom can love you unconditionally.

Ugh, this is bringing back some sad feelings.



I do feel you on this.  When she said "I want my mom" I was immediately taken back to how sad and alone I felt when my mom died.  It's a very desperate, soul-crushing and indescribable feeling. 

  • Love 7

She did well. I completely give her slack now for all her silliness about her Ramada Inn, for she exposed herself as being a classy, thoughtful woman in the heat of the moment.  


My question is: Why for goodness sake, didn't Brianna or Brooks ask Vicki to come home right away so they could deliver the news privately? People have stomped off from filming for a lot less. A simple text saying "can you come home right away we need to talk?" could have sufficed. 

15 minutes after I got the call that my parent died suddenly, I got a (well meaning) text from a friend who heard the EMS info, and small town rumors already and he texted me "is everything all right with your family? fatality?" I would have gotten that text before I found out if I  had been driven to the scene or a different place.

  • Love 2

I think Briana was trying to get hold of Vicky but maybe there's some kind of ban on using cellphones during filming (unless the plot is all about showing other people texts to prove somebody's lying, etc, or having a conversation over speakerphone).  Or maybe she was just aware that Vicky would have the speaker on and it'd all be recorded. So she either texted Vicky and said "I need you to call me from a landline" or Briana had to go through Bravo to talk to her, in which case Bravo set up the landline call.


But it worked in Bravo's favour, because then Vicky was in a limited space - she couldn't run off and shut the door and have her feelings kept private (albeit recorded on the mike she was wearing). I felt after the first 30 seconds it was intrusive.


I felt sad for Vicky, but even in grief it was all about her. I didn't once hear her ask her brother how he was.


Her mom was great, a fun and feisty lady, and she looked good for a woman in her 80s (with no surgery that I could see).

  • Love 4

Dang. I will never joke about pushing Mr. Lab over the railing while he's changing a light bulb for the $2 million insurance policy. That's some twisted stuff sweetie. Your brother passed, way to early, so did mine - alcoholism-roll over on the freeway - I remember thanking God he didn't hurt anyone else, it was a solo roll over, not wearing a seatbelt, ejected. And I was thankful no one else was a victim. Bizarre what we think about at a time like that. Like Heather calling Terry. I use to be a volunteer for a trauma intervention program. I've heard it all. I've walked into people's nightmares and it was my job to make sure their tragedy wasn't worsened. A little girl's drowning. A mom showing up at the accident site and I held her as she carressed her son's hand, a suicide, calming a brother down who wanted to go kill the bullies. You just have to hug, hold, listen. I've never said "You have be strong now." In a couple of days, okay. At that moment, no. Just listen, hug, and touch. My last moment, before I stopped was the drowning of a little 9 year girl in the family's pool. The police would call TIP and they were doing their job, I did mine. My daughter was 9. I was there with her sister as the parents left for the hospital. She took me into her room she shared with her sister. I'll never forget that scene...the sister's back pack hung on the bed, clothes all over, drawings, Brownie outfit. "I hope sissy comes home." Then I was there when they broke the news to her. I had to stop. So, I'm not judging Vicki's response, whether it was re-enacted or not. I hope not.

With that said, Meghead, I can spot fake sympathy when I see it. That's all.

COUGH....can we go back to snarking ;)

You stopped a drowning in a pool?

  • Love 1

I haven't made it through the entire episode, but Megan bitching about Jim not doing anything while moving when she's doing nothing but holding a coffee cup is priceless.


Megan sees to also love being thought of as the kept woman.  "I signed my name to it" (house).  


Meanwhile, there's absolutely no chemistry between the two of them.  She tries to hug and kiss him and he managed to faux hug w/o even touching her.  Did he marry her because the gay rumors were heating up again?


Poor oldest Dubrow daughter. She looks like Terry with a long brown wig.


Waaaa, the kids don't see Terry anymore because he works too much but YAY we have added another room to the mausoleum we call a house!


And please, Tamara and Vicki.  No one wants to hear "I'm not wearing grannie pants...ever" or "butthole" comments.  

  • Love 6

In all my years watching the HW, across all the franchises, never once have a shed a tear. My black heart grew 10X its size when she got on the phone with her brother Billy and you would have thought the universe had started cutting onions directly in my eyeballs. I have one sibling and I could imagine myself having the same kind of conversation with him if that ever happened and that is what opened the floodgates. I feel blessed to have both my parents. My father has had cancer twice and survived (all praise to the Great One Above) and we just celebrated my mother's 70th birthday this past June with a big backyard party with a tent rental and everything. I know that every year now is a blessing. If it hadn't been way past 11 PM (and she wouldn't have cussed my ass the hell out for waking her up - yep islandgal mum is 'bout it!) I would have called my mom and told her I loved her. I am not gonna rag on Vicki for those perceived narcissistic words used during the throes of her grief. I think all mourning in one sense or another is selfish. We mourn how that person made us feel,what they did for us, not be able to see them or talk to them when we want to, etc., Even when we know the person was incredibly old or was in great pain or suffering and their passing is a relief we still lament. It is just human nature.


If Bravo is an asshole for not turning the camera off, I am one for leaving the tv on. I don't expect them to actually. This was a rare instance of reality actually unfolding in front of the camera. It was rare and uncomfortable. More so because it was a reminder of our mortality. Look how many stories of real loss were shared in this thread by all the wonderful posters. It inspired me to spend more time with my mother this weekend because time is fleeting and we aren't promised time for good-bye so I am thankful for this reminder. I hope it inspires others to do the same. I also want to thank Vicki for sharing such an intimate moment and the posters who shared here too.

  • Love 19

Regarding David and Shannon.....

Here's how I interpreted it. Shannon ran into a friend on the beach. Maybe this friend knew the woman in the affair - or simply knew OF the affair ... either way, David ran into her also and was trying to convey to Shannon the awkwardness of that without mentioning the woman's name on camera.

It was weird that he didnt simply wait until no cameras were rolling, but maybe he was scared that someone who mention it to Shannon at the Bunco party and she'd flip out.

I hate Meghan. She is vapid and mean, and not pretty. I hate how she pretends that Jim's money is hers. 4 months ago you had nothing, my dear. Don't pretend that YOU can pick out a 10 million dollar house and Jimmy will okay it.

I also dont see any reason why they're moving every other month. It makes no sense. You cant find a long term rental? You cant put your shit in storage and stay at a hotel while you buy a house? ("I do it all. I look up the MLS and look at pictures online and visit the house myself.") Wow honey. You know how to use Realtor.com, congrats. She's loathsome.

  • Love 11

So Meghan week after proves herself to just be quite simply an idiot.  In this week's blog she claims the words "prove" and "assure" are synonyms.  It might be me but I do not think they are the same word or interchangeable.  In this instance Shannon offered her assurance Meghan she had nothing to worry about and Meghan said she wanted Shannon to prove it.  I see four more episodes of Meghan having to analyze and weigh if Shannon's invitation was genuine. 


At this point shouldn't Meghan have figured out how to move?  She has an assistant, the sorting should have been resolved four or five moves ago.  By her own admission she was moving into a four bedroom furnished house.  This means she is unpacking very little and zero concern if the furniture works in the new space.  So all this stress seems very misplaced for such a self proclaimed brilliant woman.  IIRC Meghan claimed the pre-move stress on her was Jimmy's reason for not inviting Shannon to the party. 


Regarding the age thing-Meghan starts out by rattling off the ages of the other women and then threw in there how she would be afraid to meet her.  I guess it was her being newly married to a baseball player, or perhaps being the sister of a widely photographed male model that would leave these women sucking up her dust as she cut through their lives.  Time for the editors to do a better job of editing Shannon's comments about Stretch being 30 years old.


UGH. I can't even deal with the "I googled it and it's the SAME WORD." I googled "Meghan" and guess what turned up as a synonym for that!


And her discussion about moving? Totally overblown. WAAAH. From her blog: "...watching this episode made me want to throw one of my empty boxes (from yet another move) at the television for minimizing the stress and overall terrible feelings that come with a move. But it's TV and since moving isn't fun to do, it can't be fun to watch."


Is this a "synonym" for "Moving is totally as hard as losing a parent. Where's MY sympathy???" 


And then she gets after Jimmy again? Yeah, that's love.

  • Love 6

Just a note-Heather did not call and arrange for Brooks to come to Shannon's.  Brooks had heard the news and had a friend drive him to Shannon's so he could ride home with Vicki.  Thankfully, there was a short period of time before Brooks arrived and was able to escort a very fragile Vicki home.  Something tells me that Brooks had probably clued in production as well what the nature of the phone call Vicki needed to make was about.

In her blog, Vicki said that Billy called Brooks before she talked to him, Billy, BUT Heather did call Brooks to get him to come to Shannon's house and she did offer to send a car to bring him there. You hear Heather ask him, Brooks, if he knew what was going on and I assume he replied that he did, she then offers to get a car to drive him there and he most likely tells her he is already on his way there. Vicki acknowledged what Heather did for her in a big way in her blog and all of the women said last season that Heather is there for all of them off camera no matter what happens during filming and that she never breaks a confidence.

  • Love 14

Onto the snark.


-  In a nutshell, I just think Meghan is a tactless person.


- Is 30 the new 19? I don't ever in my life think I have ever heard the excuse made for a woman or man saying that it was because she/he was only 30? I get that Meghan is younger than the other ladies and isn't very mature but why is everyone acting like 30 is so damn young? It isn't. The girl purportedly wasn't sheltered. She went to college, had a career in a high tech field, interacted with professionals and was, from her own mouth, well paid. She isn't fucking Kimmy Schmidt for goodness sake. I don't get making the excuse for her that she is only 30. Ridiculous!


- I am no Terry fan, but jeez give the man a break Heather. It should be about quality time. I don't think seeing Coco get layers cut into her hair really qualifies. I get exhausted just listening to his schedule. Of course that is of his own doing. But hey, I can't fault the man's apparent work ethic. He wants to be Queen of Versailles and is willing to put in the man hours to pay for it honestly. Unfortunately, his family will pay the consequences of his absence but at least they can cry about daddy abandoning them over imported marble floors that echo off 30 foot high ceilings. Very comforting.


- I am not the one that says that once a woman hits a certain age she needs to cut her hair, but damn Jeanna needs to cut her hair! Not because of her age because it looks terrible.


- Shannon says that if David talks to that affair woman again she is walking out the door and never coming back. So does that mean that divorce is an option? David I think you just found your out.


- Wow, y'all Meghan actually invented a new way of house hunting: searching the mls listings, going to see them and crossing them off the list when they don't fit Jim's criteria. Ingenious!


- One of the lighter moments in such a heavy episode: Vicki saying and waving an imaginary red flag when Meghan says Jimmy is only around 50% of the time.


- 4 months into a marriage is technically still the honeymoon stage. Why is your marriage looking like it is in its final stages? Your husband should not be so excited to see the back of you and get to happy hour. Might as well plan your vow renewal and give it the final HW death blow.


- Shannon vs. Meghan. I don't think I have ever seen a "better person off" before. I think Shannon wins this round.


- It is nice that Shannon actually wants to cook for her guests.


- Loved the minimal Tamra this episode. Does seem like the show is set on a lighter/redemption arc for her.


- Jimmy and Meghan's rental house is nice. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 19

Vicki's breakdown was so painful to watch...reminds us all that your life can be turned upside down in an instant...my mom and dad have been gone over 10 years and my husband of over 40 years passed 2 years ago, miss them all everyday...came across a quote recently that really nailed it for me: 'the hardest thing about losing someone is not talking to someone you used to talk to everyday'...so true...R.I.P. Vicki's mom...

I thought Jeana looked great....

I so feel the same way.  My Mom is up there in years and has a health condition that puts her in even more of a precarious situation.  I often think of what it will be like to lose her.  My Dad's already passed, he passed in 2006.  I think the hardest for me will be my morning commute.  That's when I always call her and we both start our day with a simple "how are ya" kind of call for 10 mins or so.  I will miss those moments the most.  Gawd, my eyes are already filling up with tears as I type this.  DAMN you Bravo and Cohen for doing this to us all.  We watch these stupid shows for silly entertainment, not for the invasive morbid-ness of last night's show.

  • Love 4

Yea, Heather can lose me with her "woe is me" tale about Terry never seeing the kids. I and several others in my circle of friends deal with the same thing. My boys probably only "see" their dad for twelve hours out of a week. He works hard so we can live in our very modest home, have food on the table, I can stay home and be mom, and the boys can do fun things every once in a while (a week long summer camp, sports, swim, etc) We still mostly live pay check to pay check but we make do. My husband isn't working 20 hour days so we can live in a museum, take private airplane rides, go to the salon weekly, etc. If Heather and Terry didn't have to be so grandiose he wouldn't have to work so hard and could spend time at home. My husband works hard so we can survive not so we can have the biggest and best of everything. 


I thought it sad that CoCo wanted nothing to do with Terry when he got home and Heather blamed it on his always being away. I swear, when my husband gets home from work I am chopped liver. Mommy who?

  • Love 14

I'm surprised Tamra's gym still open? Have we seen it this season? She is back trying to sell houses, I guess she has to make money.

I ff through Tamra and Vicki at the spa so I happily missed Vickers butt. I did catch a little snippet before I started fast forward. Vicki asked Tamra if she has replaced Ryan yet, and Tamra sort of rolls her eyes and says yeah a very cute young girl or something like that. Hmmm, somebody sound jealous.

  • Love 2

I so feel the same way.  My Mom is up there in years and has a health condition that puts her in even more of a precarious situation.  I often think of what it will be like to lose her.  My Dad's already passed, he passed in 2006.  I think the hardest for me will be my morning commute.  That's when I always call her and we both start our day with a simple "how are ya" kind of call for 10 mins or so.  I will miss those moments the most.  Gawd, my eyes are already filling up with tears as I type this.  DAMN you Bravo and Cohen for doing this to us all.  We watch these stupid shows for silly entertainment, not for the invasive morbid-ness of last night's show.


Yup! This just threw all the escapism of the show out the window. We can point and laugh at them with their cabinets being 6 figures over budget, not being invited to a charity function or falling down stairs to collect awards but this hits damn near everyone where they live. Death is the great equalizer. 

  • Love 8

I completely disagree with the bold part. The people on these shows have absolutely no say in what gets aired no matter how sensitive it is. Kyle begged and pleaded with everyone at BRAVO not to air the footage of her calling Kim an alcoholic. If Vicki had begged for that footage not to be shown, they would have shown her her contract and said "sorry" it serves the show. Maybe they would have said "we will be a sensitive as possible." But, there is no way the wouldn't have aired it. The second they sign the contract they lose all say in what gets aired - no matter how sensitive the material.

I think yes and no here. Yes, Kyle begged Bravo not to air the footage, just like Teresa begged them not to air Juicy's phone call and her humping him in the vineyard. It mattered not one bit because they were their own words being filmed, and they could have made different decisions. I think in this case that they would not have aired the footage if Vicki did not want them too. It added nothing to the story and just opened them up to criticism. Vicki could still have told the story and showed the agony of her mother's passing without us seeing her on the floor. As I've said before, this would have been a nightmare for Bravo were Vicki to be out there telling the public that she begged Bravo to not show her reacting to her mother's death and they refused. I think that is a line not even Bravo would cross. I remember after Russell's suicide that Andy said they left it completely up to Taylor whether or not they showed the others discussing his death (the scene with all the girls gathering to talk about it). He said she agreed it was OK, otherwise they would have left it out.

I think that Brianna sent her a text and told her to find a landline, because nothing else makes sense. The thing that is strange to me is that she let the cameras follow her, when she had to assume the purpose of having her take the call not from her cell phone was because it was private. We have seen other moments where a HW will go behind doors to deal with private stuff. Yo taking the call from David regarding Bella's DUI comes to mind. She might just have not been thinking, but that was all I could focus on - why did she let the cameras in when she should have assumed the idea behind a different phone was to keep it away from Bravo.

  • Love 3

Now that I had time to process ....


I can't fault Vicky if she wanted the news of her Mom's death filmed.  It's her choice.  

I too, don't understand why Briana wouldn't want to wait till Vicky got safely home THEN broke the news to her.   OTOH, I can't see Vicky having actual patience to wait until she got home.  She'd be hounding Briana to tell her IMMEDIATELY what is wrong.   Poor Briana probably didn't have a choice.


Meghan is a nasty piece of work, but man oh man, I just CAN'T with Shannon.  What an insecure, cranky bitch.   I understand her husband cheated and I wouldn't wish  that on my worst enemy, but come on Shannon....... either kick him to the curb or DEAL WITH IT.      And call Vicky's stylist while you're at it.  Pronto.   You look and act like a doddering awkward fuddy-duddy.   Yuck.  

And why are we even discussing Meghan's age?  Unless she's a teenager, I don't care how old she is.  She's an adult.  End of story.


Heather and Terry's kids all look exactly like Terry.  


Bunco looks boring to me. 

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 8


the breadth of that absolute.


What a beautiful and terrifying phrase.  That is certainly the very apt way to describe the loss of everything inside me the night my mom died a little over a year ago. My husband and I took care of my mother in our home for the last two years of her life.  My mom was everything to me.  I'm 51 years old.  I have a huge portrait tattoo of my mom on my back that I got years and years ago because I wanted her to see it, I didn't want it to be a memorial tattoo.  I never panic about anything, I never lose control.  At least not where anyone can see me.  But the night my mom died, I was in her room with her and I was trying to get her to relax and go to sleep because she said her stomach and back hurt.  She was quiet for five minutes and I turned on the light to check on her and she was gone.  I went and woke up my husband and when he was awake and in action, I stopped knowing how to do things, including finding my pants and putting the dogs in the extra room so the paramedics could come in.  I just couldn't function.  I just kept saying "what am i going to do NOW?????"  I stuttered for several days, which was very weird.  Anyways, this epi I did not like.  I didn't think Vicky's reaction was fake, because.....well, its Vicky, for one.  I do think their was something off about the editing but whatever.  I do not like you Vicky, I never have, I think you are a soul sucking narcissist.  But my heart broke with you and for you tonight.  I want my mommy back too.

  • Love 20
I was fully in snark mode, mostly aimed at Meghan and Heather (who managed to turn her segments into Botched commercials).


Idk, I quickly forget people who are just always so phony -- but has Heather always been this way on camera?  Is this why she leaves completely no impression on me?  Oh my goodness, she is such a fuckin' phony baloney.  She's always acting for the cameras.  She's never genuine -- for even a second.  Never anything but a phony baloney, even when she's dragging around the kids.  Btw, was there a nanny (or 10) with her when she was with kids at the hair joint?  Heather is very, very crafty/shifty/coy about showing her staff.  It's cuz she knows very well it wouldn't jibe with the image she wants to shove at us.  


Yup, it's pretty clear Heather wants to throw at us she's an incredible mom, so she keeps the nannies in the background.  When she wants to throw at us that she's a fancy lady, she'll shove her slaves/employees/party-planners/whatever in our faces.  Eh, her persona is so predictable & tiresome at this point.  She's trying way too hard.  Her commercial for Botched was a snooze.  I'm not interested in the freak show that Botched is.  I hope she isn't gonna be pushing Botched again in future eps.


And Bravo filmed and then aired the whole thing.  Maybe Vicki gave her consent to air it, but I'm guessing she wasn't even consulted.  I have this vision of the cameras rolling while she's sobbing on the floor, and some producer saying "Keep filming, this is great stuff".


And I'm picturing one of Satan Andy's slimy minions egging on Vicks.  Or could Vcks have just been playing up her grief & acting more grief-stricken for the cameras?  Could be.  Ick.


Speaking of clueless husbands wtf David, that was all kinds of crazy! I agree with others who have mentioned this, is he trying to make Shannon breakdown


You know, I never thought of David before as evil, but he seemed to know exactly what he was doing there.  And man, that was cruel.  He completely ignored Shannon's reaction & she was quite obviously visibly shaken by what he said.  He smiled & ignored her & couldn't care less.  Yeesh, what those 2 do to each other really is horrible.  There are some that actually want these 2 to stay together?  Ugh.


Jimmy looked pained giving Meghan a hug. I don't understand Jimmy, he obviously wanted Meghan on this show. His second wife was supposed to be on the show with him. Clearly being on the show is something he wants. So why does he look so pissed off all the time? Why join a show just to show the world how uninterested you are in your new wife?


Jimmy seemed eager to do this show.  But on camera he looks absolutely miserable.  And he's coming off like an asshole EVERY single time he's on camera.  Why'd he bother to do this show?  Not only does he seem like he absolutely hates Meghan, he seems repulsed by her.  The impression we get of her is that she manages his hundreds of moves -- and that's about it.  Oh Meghan, hun, your situation doesn't sound awesome.  


I've said it before, but hopefully Meghan can get back that swell 300 thou gig she bragged about back in St. Louis.  The clock is tickin' on this marriage.  I keep expecting to read about their divorce on Daily Mail or TMZ.  I am luving how phony-baloney Heather & butt-smooching/social-climbing Miss Terry go so nuts over asshole Jimmy.  That gives me some giggles seeing them fuss over him.


Bunco looks boring to me.


I didn't understand it.  And I was completely puzzled by Shannon's over-the-top screaming.  Yikers, does Shannon ever NOT seem like a jittery lunatic?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

She did well. I completely give her slack now for all her silliness about her Ramada Inn, for she exposed herself as being a classy, thoughtful woman in the heat of the moment.  


My question is: Why for goodness sake, didn't Brianna or Brooks ask Vicki to come home right away so they could deliver the news privately? People have stomped off from filming for a lot less. A simple text saying "can you come home right away we need to talk?" could have sufficed. 


I thought the exact same thing.  Like, WHY (especially knowing how her mom is) would Brianna think it was a good idea to deliver the news over the phone like that KNOWING that her mom was likely being filmed???  Terrible decision, imo.  

  • Love 3

My heart too breaks for Vicki cuz I know what it is like.  And whoever said you turn into a little girl again when your mom dies, that is exactly right.  Didn't matter that I was 49, I was more like 9.  I wanted my mommy!


About a year later my stupid sister-in-law was telling me about one time, in her 25 years of marriage, that mom treated her badly.  I remember it and what my SIL did too.  There were apologizes made by both but I could never figure out why I needed to be reminded of this on a holiday when I just wanted to remember my mom?!  I no longer talk to that SIL.


Hugs to all who have lost their parents!

  • Love 9

I'll take the word of you guys that have lost mothers that Vicki's reaction was genuine, to me it seemed just way too over the top to be believable. I come from stoic Irish stock, my reaction would have been more like Heather's- what needs to be done etc, especially if I am on the phone with my daughter who needs me to be strong right now. Not criticizing Vicki's reaction if it was genuine, we all respond to these things differently.

That exchange between David and Shannon was so bizarre. Is he trying to gaslight her by hinting that every female encounter might be The Affair? Why would he be so vague and cryptic when describing her? If my husband ran into a woman I knew he would just say "I saw Jill at Pricechopper". No need to play secret squirrel. There was more to that conversation than we saw.

  • Love 8

I think very few people will be re-watching this episode. It was brutal. My parents both had long, lingering deaths and my first thought was that maybe someday Vicki will see what a blessing it was that her mother didn't suffer long. I'm even going to give Megan a pass (

In this case only) when she told Vicki to hang in there because she is new to this group and probably just grasping for something to say. Is Terry on a show called Botched? Because I thought I heard Heather mention Botched. But, maybe I Botched it and Heather never said Botched.

  • Love 12
- Is 30 the new 19? I don't ever in my life think I have ever heard the excuse made for a woman or man saying that it was because she/he was only 30? I get that Meghan is younger than the other ladies and isn't very mature but why is everyone acting like 30 is so damn young? It isn't. The girl purportedly wasn't sheltered. She went to college, had a career in a high tech field, interacted with professionals and was, from her own mouth, well paid. She isn't fucking Kimmy Schmidt for goodness sake. I don't get making the excuse for her that she is only 30. Ridiculous!



My daughter is 19 and she doesn't brag about the good things that happen to her or that she earns by her own efforts. She is kind and sensitive to other people's feelings, but then she would never be a likely candidate for a reality show, either. I know all I need to know about Meghan by looking at her choice of a husband.  That being said I enjoy her scenes on the show ... she brings some needed nonsense.


Loved the minimal Tamra this episode. Does seem like the show is set on a lighter/redemption arc for her.




I've taken to skipping over the Tamra scenes because I'm tired of her saying the word "anal" every time the little red camera light goes on.  Wish I would have had the forethought to zap through the Botched scenes as well. I am getting just as tired of hearing the word "vagina" every time the little red camera light goes on as well. Body parts, haha.  Grow up you guys. 


What an insecure, cranky bitch.   I understand her husband cheated and I wouldn't wish  that on my worst enemy, but come on Shannon....... either kick him to the curb or DEAL WITH IT.      And call Vicky's stylist while you're at it.  Pronto.   You look and act like a doddering awkward fuddy-duddy.   Yuck.



My favorite part of the Shannon telephoning Meghan scene was how she walked off camera muttering, then walked back onto the stage to film the next act of re-telephoning her. Hilarious.


You know, I never thought of David before as evil, but he seemed to know exactly what he was doing there.  And man, that was cruel.  He completely ignored Shannon's reaction & she was quite obviously visibly shaken by what he said.  He smiled & ignored her & couldn't care less.



That and the preview where David is ignoring his daughters made me wonder if he doesn't have some kind of slow mental processing thing going on.  He always seems as if he's staring off into space. When he was talking to Shannon at the island it was as if he forgot to fill her in on the important details that he knew, but didn't realize she needed to understand what he was saying.  It might not have been code at all; he might be a really poor communicator.

  • Love 7

But Vicki truly believes that she is the star of this show - she has said that out loud, on camera - and as much as she craves attention, worship, acknowledgment, gratitude, recognition, adoration, love and yes, even pity, it's not any shock to me she would be okay with all of it being shown the way it was.  In her mind, it means more people will talk about her, and she would rather have a thousand people saying "OMG, poor Vicki!" than one person saying, "I'm glad Vicki chose not to have that footage aired, it was the right thing to do", any day.


Everything that came out of Vicki's mouth was about how her mother's death was so unfair for Vicki.  And maybe I'm just hardened and jaded by the enormous bunch of shit I have witnessed in my years, but when Vicki started yelling "Wake her up!" I instantly felt that the real part was over, and now she was playing it up for the cameras.  Or maybe not the cameras, maybe just for the people in the room with her, but either way, it seemed like acting to me. 


Yes!  Yes!  Yes!


While watching I was initially skeptical and feeling a bit guilty about being so cynical but as soon as she said "Wake her up!"  I knew it was for the cameras.  I'm sorry for Vicki's loss. Obviously, she was close to her mother but putting on such a display on national TV is appalling.    

Edited by AnnA
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I thought the exact same thing.  Like, WHY (especially knowing how her mom is) would Brianna think it was a good idea to deliver the news over the phone like that KNOWING that her mom was likely being filmed???  Terrible decision, imo. 

I totally agree with this.  I also disagree with this, because...why would we expect someone to make a decision in that moment, let alone a good, thoughtful one?  


That's why I hate that this aired.  They've invited us to dissect grief reactions and argue the reality of the moment, and that makes me feel uncomfortable.  I'm not faulting us in general or criticizing anyone in specific, and I hope it doesn't come off as me passing judgement.  Just in general, I find that whole aspect of things unsettling.  Which is why I'm going to awkwardly pivot to snark. 


- Is 30 the new 19? I don't ever in my life think I have ever heard the excuse made for a woman or man saying that it was because she/he was only 30? I get that Meghan is younger than the other ladies and isn't very mature but why is everyone acting like 30 is so damn young? It isn't. The girl purportedly wasn't sheltered. She went to college, had a career in a high tech field, interacted with professionals and was, from her own mouth, well paid. She isn't fucking Kimmy Schmidt for goodness sake. I don't get making the excuse for her that she is only 30. Ridiculous!


I think the "she's so young" comes from two sources, at least for me. 


First there's a really stark contrast between her maturity level and the roles she's trying to play, both in what we've seen as a wife/stepmother, and as a reality show character.  It's all so unnatural it makes her seem younger, sort of like when a little kid puts on their parents' clothes and it's so oversized they seem smaller.  

Second, I think there's a benefit to me when I say "she's only 30" as an excuse for immaturity, in that it keeps me young.  I'm 35, if she's "only 30" then I'm a frickin' baby.  If I were in my 40s I'd still only be a teenager.  Point is, it kind of keeps me in a cool space where I can (pretend to) know better 'cause I'm so much older without getting caught up in how my actual age might make me feel if I were to dwell on it as a number, if that makes sense.  

That exchange between David and Shannon was so bizarre. Is he trying to gaslight her by hinting that every female encounter might be The Affair? Why would he be so vague and cryptic when describing her? If my husband ran into a woman I knew he would just say "I saw Jill at Pricechopper". No need to play secret squirrel. There was more to that conversation than we saw.


Thank you. Something WAS left out! The whole thing had me scratching my head. At first I thought David was really just telling her that he saw a friend of hers, and I was wondering why Shannon got so panicked. But I couldn't figure out why he'd be so vague. Maybe this friend hates the show and doesn't want her name mentioned on camera? Maybe said friend isn't allowed wherever David saw her, and he didn't want to throw her under the bus? I mean, seriously, I didn't get it. Maybe Shannon will expound in her blog?

  • Love 6

Heather and her hand. I did like that she went to the party all Madonna like with the lace glove. For some reason I thought ethically wise a spouse was not to perform surgery on the other spouse. I don't know why I thought that. I guess I made that one up :P .

I'm not sure about that rule, but Terry was removing a wart from Heather's hand so I don't think that counts as "surgery on a family member". :-)


No, but in Tamra's defense (I am not one to defend her ever), you could kind of hear Vicki but couldn't make out she was hysterical crying. Shannon didn't know till she was in the kitchen.

The girls were still playing and taking pics so I think wherever Vicki was on the phone was out of earshot from the other women. Shannon's reaction was the most genuine.

Does anyone know how far Vicki was from the party? I wondered why one heard her carrying on and they only knew when Shannon wandered into the kitchen to grab something (or was she checking on where Vicki had disappeared to)?


I had to laugh when Tamra claimed she was back in the real estate business. I wonder if she'll help Meghan and Jim at some point this season?

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I think Briana was trying to get hold of Vicky but maybe there's some kind of ban on using cellphones during filming (unless the plot is all about showing other people texts to prove somebody's lying, etc, or having a conversation over speakerphone).  Or maybe she was just aware that Vicky would have the speaker on and it'd all be recorded. So she either texted Vicky and said "I need you to call me from a landline" or Briana had to go through Bravo to talk to her, in which case Bravo set up the landline call.


But it worked in Bravo's favour, because then Vicky was in a limited space - she couldn't run off and shut the door and have her feelings kept private (albeit recorded on the mike she was wearing). I felt after the first 30 seconds it was intrusive.


I felt sad for Vicky, but even in grief it was all about her. I didn't once hear her ask her brother how he was.


Her mom was great, a fun and feisty lady, and she looked good for a woman in her 80s (with no surgery that I could see).



I'm not sold on the whole text - land line story and the bolded part just screams set-up to me.

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At this point shouldn't Meghan have figured out how to move?  She has an assistant, the sorting should have been resolved four or five moves ago.



Ha ha - yes to this.  When she said in her TH "It's not like there are these magical moving fairies" I was like, uh, yes there are, it's called hiring professional movers.  With their money why don't they do that?  Cry cry.


The scene where they hugged was so weird!  He looked so stiff and pained to have to hug her.  Married 4 months and dated how long before that?  They've known each other less than a year probably?  Eeep.


I feel sad for Vicki - and my heart goes out to her.  I know everyone grieves in their own way, but you can't take the Vicki out of Vicki, when her first words are "Why did she have to go and die on me", as if this was an act of aggression against Vicki.  Awful though, that was painful to watch.  

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 4
My favorite part of the Shannon telephoning Meghan scene was how she walked off camera muttering, then walked back onto the stage to film the next act of re-telephoning her. Hilarious.


I know -- that gave me a giggle too, but what I was really noticing was Shannon's house.  Man, just when you sorta forget, they remind us how enormous that joint is.  I'm fascinated with how big it is.  Idk, to me it looks so charmless & cold & uninviting -- like a museum.  Looks totally symbolic of Shannon's personality & very much a reflection of that horrible marriage.  And Meghan calling her 5 bedroom rental . . . er, "cute"?  OK then.


This stuff with expecting so little of 30-year-olds is extremely bizarre to me.  Shannon just can't shake this disrespectful attitude & I'd like to know why.  If Meghan weren't such a big, huge, relentless, non-stop, flaming ole asshole, I'd side with her, but no.  Just no.  Never.


Oh Tams, enough with the anal talk.  We know you're trying desperately hard to shock & get noticed, but it's boring & tiresome.  Anal talk = yawns.  Move on, Tams.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5

Did he ask her how she was, though? Honestly, both of them seemed completely and utterly shocked, and I don't think they were thinking too clearly. 

When our dad died unexpectedly, my brother called to tell me and 1 of the first things is said/asked him was "how he was". As shocked and saddened as I was, I also was concerned about my mother/siblings, after the call I then called our 2 other siblings to check on them, then I lost it and cried to/with my husband/son. So I did find Vicki's lack of concern about her brother, who actually found their mother dead, odd. JMO

  • Love 6

This is what I don't get.  Supposedly Briana tells her mother to call her on a land line so she can tell her mother the news without being on speaker.  So, she knows that Bravo is filming.  Why the heck would Briana tell her mother this while Vickie is with a group of women filming?  That was just stupid.  Briana knows her mother well enough to realize her mother is going to have a major breakdown when she heard the news.  Meanwhile, Billy called Brooks according to Vickie's blog:


Brooks had gotten a call from my brother Billy and knew that I was at bunco at Shannon's. He knew that I was going to be a mess, so one of his friends drove him to Shannon's so he could ride home with me. Having Brooks there for me within a half hour of getting this horrible news was so nice. It's times like this you really know who you can count on and I am thankful he was there for me.


Maybe I'm just different but I would have coordinated between Billy, Brooks and Briana to get Vicki out of Shannon's house and get her home and then tell her in private.  At that point how many other people would have known besides the immediate family?  Text the family member not to contact Vicki, make an excuse and get her out.

  • Love 5

Vickie's reaction made tears run down my face. I knew, we all knew what was going to happen on this episode but when you see someone in such emotional agony it felt like no other episode that I've ever seen.

On Feb. 25, 2011 my cell phone rang at 11:45pm. Our phone never rings at that hour. The caller ID had my ex-husbands name. I was confused for a second followed by knowing the only reason he would call at that hour was because of our 28 year old son. It took everything I had to answer the call. He told me to sit down, that our son had been in a serious accident, had 8 broken bones one of those being his cervical spine and was on a ventilator. I went to the floor and was sobbing "I can't do this....I won't do this."

The mind can be very protective when needed. At that very moment I couldn't fathom the reality. However within minutes I was like Vickie and knew I had to get "home".

I don't think I will watch this episode again but I won't ever forget it.

Ok, I am ready for Tonight's New York episode.

Edited by Abby2197
  • Love 13

Thank you. I'm so relieved to learn that I'm not the only one who felt that way. After reading all the sympathetic posts in this thread, I hesitated to post my opinion but I just couldn't stop myself.

There were aspects of the scene that made me feel it was a reenactment too. However, I just don't want to believe that everyone else in the scene was in on it. It's too awful.

  • Love 5

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