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"The View": Week of 07/06/15


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Wow, wow and wow!  Rosie, WG, NW all crying??  It was like she learned she was being let go moments before walking out!?  It was crazy.  RS didn't get thanked but then again she is pretty new.  And it sure seemed like Rosie might have inadvertently dropped Bangs is going to be permanent.  Many hosts have said goodbye before why was this so OTT.....she needed to go though, she was painful to listen to.  

  • Love 5

The outrage about blackface (and brownface, in this case) stems from the history of minstrel shows in America. Here's an excerpt from an article that describes minstrel shows better than I can:


Minstrel shows developed in the 1840’s, peaked after the Civil War and remained popular into the early 1900s. Minstrelsy was a product of its time, the only entertainment form born out of blind bigotry. In these shows, white men blackened their faces with burnt cork to lampoon Negroes, performing songs and skits that sentimentalized the nightmare of slave life on Southern plantations. Blacks were shown as naive buffoons who sang and danced the days away, gobbling "chitlins," stealing the occasional watermelon, and expressing their inexplicable love for "ol' massuh."*


And that's the difference. There is no tradition of people expressing racist ideas by making themselves up to look like Fred Flintstone, Superman, or flying monkeys. And while there's no tradition of "brownface" or misntrel shows involving Latinos, the Latino community has faced and continues to face racism in America.


--So even if a person means no harm when using makeup to look like a person of color, it has the potential to offend many people. So should actors (e.g. Eddie Murphy, the Wayans brothers) stop putting on whiteface make-up? Possibly, but there isn't the same history of racism and minstrel shows aimed towards the white community.


*Here's the link to the article: http://www.musicals101.com/minstrel.htm

I would also like to add that some latinos are of African descent...Most latinos have African blood running in their veins..You can look at Rosie Perez and you can see that Mother Africa is in her lineage..I remember a few weeks ago, Whoopie's daughter was sitting next to Rosie as a guest co-host and they looked like they could be in the same family...


However, I don't think that Brown face is on the same level  as Black face when it comes to racial hatred....The history of Blacks in this country is very different than that of Latinos..There were African slaves in Latin countries. At one point, Cuba wanted to join the United States as a state where slavery would be legal....Spain wanted to abolish slavery and the slave masters in Cuba were against that and threatened to break away from Spain...Cuba, Puerto Rico and Brazil abolished Slavery in their lands, long after the USA...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 1

I had to ff through the whole Rosie thing. So stupid .. Yes whoop I said stupid..this show is just soo bad and the whoop is finally going to fall I think with her supporting her celeb friends. I'm sure she wasn't a victim of Cosby ..cause she spread her legs for anybody in Hollywood which she brags about. Oh and she took qualaids too.. Just so u know.

  • Love 3

I agree completely... where is NOW... The National Organization for Women??

It would seem they would have an opinion of a woman defending a rapists.... or maybe that is why they are silent... because they wont criticize a woman

Maybe NOW doesn't think Whoopi's opinion and The View itself carries any weight? I'd rather NOW didn't waste any time refuting Whoopi's ridiculous rants. They would just legitimize her.

I would love to remind Whoopi how she was already on the side of Trayvon Martin when his murder made headlines a few years back. I too was, and still am, a George Zimmerman hater. Whoopi was very clear on her stance. Her stance being that George Zimmerman was guilty.


Whoopi interviewed Zimmerman's defense team. As some of you recall, she grilled them. She didn't just interview them like she does other guests. She told them this in response to one of the attorneys saying that Zimmerman shot in self-defense -


"See, because, to me, when you kill somebody, there's an issue."


Well, Whoopi, when someone gives women drugs in order to subdue them and rape them without their knowledge, and that person ADMITS to doing that under oath, that is a major issue to me and to many other people. Strange how a person, like Zimmerman, who hadn't even gone to trial yet, was already being judged by Queen Whoopi, the person who claims that unless a person is found guilty in court, is presumed innocent.


Whoopi made it clear how she felt about Zimmerman - a shooter found NOT GUILTY by the very system she touts time and time again whenever Cosby's name is brought up.


If going by Whoopi's stance that people are innocent until they go to court and are found guilty, I suppose all of those klansmen who lynched and shot and killed black people, are innocent since most of them never went to trial, and the ones who were charged and had trials, most, if not all, were found not guilty. A major black eye on this country but, in Whoopi's mind, they are innocent.

Couldn't agree with you more.


The outrage about blackface (and brownface, in this case) stems from the history of minstrel shows in America. Here's an excerpt from an article that describes minstrel shows better than I can:


Minstrel shows developed in the 1840’s, peaked after the Civil War and remained popular into the early 1900s. Minstrelsy was a product of its time, the only entertainment form born out of blind bigotry. In these shows, white men blackened their faces with burnt cork to lampoon Negroes, performing songs and skits that sentimentalized the nightmare of slave life on Southern plantations. Blacks were shown as naive buffoons who sang and danced the days away, gobbling "chitlins," stealing the occasional watermelon, and expressing their inexplicable love for "ol' massuh."*


And that's the difference. There is no tradition of people expressing racist ideas by making themselves up to look like Fred Flintstone, Superman, or flying monkeys. And while there's no tradition of "brownface" or misntrel shows involving Latinos, the Latino community has faced and continues to face racism in America.


--So even if a person means no harm when using makeup to look like a person of color, it has the potential to offend many people. So should actors (e.g. Eddie Murphy, the Wayans brothers) stop putting on whiteface make-up? Possibly, but there isn't the same history of racism and minstrel shows aimed towards the white community.


*Here's the link to the article: http://www.musicals101.com/minstrel.htm

I am no defender of Paula Deen, but I have a hard time with this. "Having the potential to offend someone" isn't the same thing as being inherently wrong. I think intent and execution have everything to do with what makes something offensive.


I understand the history of blackface and how it was used to lampoon African Americans, but from what I could see, the Ricky Ricardo costume was not lampooning Ricky. It was skin darkening in a fairly realistic way, and it didn't appear Ricky was being mocked. It wasn't the same as the cartoonish figures that the minstrel show blackfaces have been.


Paula Deen's involvement made it problematic to me. Since I believe she has ignorant and possibly racist attitudes and has engaged in discriminatory behavior in the past, I'm less likely to give her the benefit of the doubt about the spirit of the costume.


I think public figures would be wise to refrain from skin darkening costumes, but I don't believe it's inherently racist.

Edited by lovinbob
  • Love 7

I swore off the View a few weeks ago however I did want to come back here because of the whole Cosby controversy and because I saw a clip of Whoopi screaming at the panel with her opinion.


What a mess that was. Honestly, I would be afraid to be on the panel and to disagree with her vocally. I'd be afraid that if I stood up to her that she would fly across the table and punch me out. Seriously.

  • Love 4

I swore off the View a few weeks ago however I did want to come back here because of the whole Cosby controversy and because I saw a clip of Whoopi screaming at the panel with her opinion.


What a mess that was. Honestly, I would be afraid to be on the panel and to disagree with her vocally. I'd be afraid that if I stood up to her that she would fly across the table and punch me out. Seriously.


I so agree with you!  She is downright scary.  I honestly can't stand her, her voice, her gestures and Cosby is going to take her down with him.  The gurgle of the drain gets louder every time she speaks.  Today she said if it was your son people, well WG what if it were your daughter or granddaughter then.  The show is horrible.  I have also come to realize I won't watch her old movies, I want to see none of her!  

  • Love 13

maryis1, I agree with you. When Whoopi began her defense of Bill Cosby again today, I saw Michelle Collins tense up and kind of roll her eyes, but I think she was truly afraid to say anything. To her credit, yesterday she spoke up about the fact that so many women had told the same stories about Cosby, and now he had admitted giving drugs to have sex with a woman in court records, that there was good evidence that those women were telling the truth. Today I think she was really afraid to say anything because Whoopi was seething. What good is a panel of hosts if everyone is afraid of Whoopi?

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 18

About the Deen controversy. After everything she went through with the last brouhaha that brought her down you would think that now in building up her career, brand, and name again that she would absolutely STAY AWAY from anything that could be used against her.


I saw the picture and Desi Arnaz was NEVER that brown skinned first of all. Secondly, if I were in her shoes I would stick to cooking and cooking stuff and leave anything that had to do with that kind of stuff alone.


Regarding Whoopi across the table. Thank you for Michelle Collins' name. I didn't know who she was. But in the clip I saw, Michelle Collins was visibly shaken and used her good sense to not continue with her opinion.


Today would have been Whoopi's chance to tone it down and be more thoughtful in what she had to say. Cosby ADMITTED to what he has been accused of by so many. I remember back when Barry Goldwater defended Nixon over and over again. But when he heard the evidence, he changed his tune and called for Nixon's resignation. Cosby admitted it. He proved himself guilty. There is no question now. Whoopi missed her opportunity to moderate her outrage and to reach some sort of middle ground. She truly jumped the shark today. And if anyone follows my posts here, I was a fan of Whoopi's.


I'm not anymore.

Edited by maryis1
  • Love 13

I would also like to add that some latinos are of African descent...Most latinos have African blood running in their veins..You can look at Rosie Perez and you can see that Mother Africa is in her lineage..I remember a few weeks ago, Whoopie's daughter was sitting next to Rosie as a guest co-host and they looked like they could be in the same family...


However, I don't think that Brown face is on the same level  as Black face when it comes to racial hatred....The history of Blacks in this country is very different than that of Latinos..There were African slaves in Latin countries. At one point, Cuba wanted to join the United States as a state where slavery would be legal....Spain wanted to abolish slavery and the slave masters in Cuba were against that and threatened to break away from Spain...Cuba, Puerto Rico and Brazil abolished Slavery in their lands, long after the USA...

Of course I'm aware of, and understand, the entire story and sensitivity of blackface.  I sincerely don't think the Paula Deen Halloween photo should be interpreted as racist.  They just had a shitty make-up department.  Ricky Ricardo always had that golden tanned complexion.  If they where smart, they would have just bought some of that busted Kardashian Glow product and all would be well :)

  • Love 5

Haleth, very good point at remembering the outrage when Whoopi's then-BF Ted Danson appeared in blackface at the NAACP awards and there were a lot of nasty comments about Whoopi's role in that.  Of course she sees herself as the victim.


Isn't it funny that she is always the victim, yet has no sympathy for actual victims?


She's quickly becoming the crazy relative at the family reunion.  ABC/Disney needs to give her another "vacation" similar to the one she took after she came back to the show stoned out of her mind after surgery.  Hopefully never to return.


I really want to watch the show because the weekly summary said The Flamingos would be on, and they sing my favorite song ever, I Only Have Eyes For You.  Now I'm afraid, very afraid, to watch on my DVR.  Can someone tell me, were they on?

  • Love 4

Wow, I watched the clip of Rosie P announcing her departure and saying goodbye.  Rosie, it's been a great what, 2/3 years.....oh wait, it's been 11 months (if that)....yes that's right, months you stupid dingbat.  Good lord, the way they let her go on it was like she had been on the show since the beginning.  


Rosie P's tearful announcement/exit today reminded me of a job I once worked where a girl came in and worked w/us for almost 3 months then left for another job.  When she announced she was leaving, via work email, she made a huge to do after she sent the email and started crying saying how much she loved working with us all and that she hated to leave us.  The rest of us were dumbfounded by her tears and empty platitudes.  Come to find out she did this often, as she flit from job to job.


So no doubt, she was given the Bitsy exit right?  She was actually told they weren't renewing her contract and gave her the chance to exit gracefully, but the she did this.  Luckily she has her acting/boxing career to fall back on.


For the love all ABC, cancel this damn show!!!

  • Love 6

I saw the picture and Desi Arnaz was NEVER that brown skinned first of all



Exactly maryis1....I thought the same thing.  That dopey show (sorry I never liked it) was on when I was a kid.  While I could see Desi being depicted as Spanish in his coloring, he never seemed the stereotypical 'brown' color we associate with all Caribbean, Mexican, Central and South American citizens.  And there is a huge range of "color" among all those populations.


So, to my way of thinking, it was completely unnecessary to put 'Desi' in brownface.  The act would have been recognizable w/o the makeup.

  • Love 6

Haleth, very good point at remembering the outrage when Whoopi's then-BF Ted Danson appeared in blackface at the NAACP awards and there were a lot of nasty comments about Whoopi's role in that.  Of course she sees herself as the victim.


Isn't it funny that she is always the victim, yet has no sympathy for actual victims?


She's quickly becoming the crazy relative at the family reunion.  ABC/Disney needs to give her another "vacation" similar to the one she took after she came back to the show stoned out of her mind after surgery.  Hopefully never to return.


I really want to watch the show because the weekly summary said The Flamingos would be on, and they sing my favorite song ever, I Only Have Eyes For You.  Now I'm afraid, very afraid, to watch on my DVR.  Can someone tell me, were they on?

Yes they performed.

The Flamingos were great ChicagoCita  , A favorite of mine too. Nicole just stopped Rosie in her rant by going on and on about the butter and Crisco in Deen's biscuits and how she has her cook books.  So what?


The best part was Whoopi saying at sign off thanks to the viewers because they make them really really good at their job. 

Just crap could not sign on from my ipad ( always using sign on from TWOP) so sat on the remote to get to my laptop now my tv is wonky and  I have no idea what I did but figure its a half hour jammed in the corner behind it.

  • Love 2


I really want to watch the show because the weekly summary said The Flamingos would be on, and they sing my favorite song ever, I Only Have Eyes For You.  Now I'm afraid, very afraid, to watch on my DVR.  Can someone tell me, were they on?

ChicagoCita,  The Flamingos were on and they were fantastic.  Two new members in the group, but they sound just like the originals.  Watch and enjoy!

  • Love 1

Desi Arnaz Sr. was never dark skin. Ever. Lucy may have been lighter than him but, that doesn't mean Desi was dark skin due to his Cuban status.  Lucy was lighter than Desi simply because of her pancake make-up and her natural skin color which was extremely light, or pale, whatever one wants to refer to it as. Desi, being of Cuban descent, was like many Cubans of his time, and many today, who are light skin. Not all Cubans are dark skin. Not all Latinos are dark skin or even brown skin. Many are light or pale-skinned.


I am not even bothered by the Paula Deen issue. She could have done the act without her son even wearing make-up. It isn't as if people wouldn't know who he was. All the times Ricky Ricardo/ Desi Arnaz has ever been imitated, never has the guy/actor ever been made up to be "brown skin".



The history of Blacks in this country is very different than that of Latinos..There were African slaves in Latin countries. At one point, Cuba wanted to join the United States as a state where slavery would be legal....Spain wanted to abolish slavery and the slave masters in Cuba were against that and threatened to break away from Spain...Cuba, Puerto Rico and Brazil abolished Slavery in their lands, long after the USA...

Just because Latinos, Hispanics, Mexicans, Cubans, etc. weren't forced off their countries on ships to be slaves here in America, that doesn't mean they were never on the same level as Blacks as far as how they were treated (and still are treated) by our country back in the days. I won't go into detail because this is not a topic about the U.S. and how minorities have been treated here over the years. Every group has been subjected to misdeeds and criminal acts on this great land of ours.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7

I really want to watch the show because the weekly summary said The Flamingos would be on, and they sing my favorite song ever, I Only Have Eyes For You.  Now I'm afraid, very afraid, to watch on my DVR.  Can someone tell me, were they on?

Here you go, you don't have to watch the show, lol:  http://abc.go.com/shows/the-view/video/pl5554876/vdka0_xn4oqx40

  • Love 1

When Whoopi made the comment about "the 80's"   I thought that perhaps, she had, in the 80's, partied too hard, taken some quaaludes, and not been too sure who she had sex with.  Maybe her view is that everyone was taking all kinds of drugs and hooking up with whomever, so what's the big deal?  

(I mean, after all it's not rape-rape).  


I don't know, but Whoopi's defense of rapists always makes me wonder about her own experiences.  There was a time when society only considered it "rape" if the woman fought back, the man had a weapon, there was violence, etc.   I remember hearing "you cant thread a moving needle"  as a way of saying if the man was able to penetrate, then the woman wasn't really unwilling. And accusations of rape were countered with wondering about a woman's sexual history, what she was wearing, why she was out in the evening, etc.  As a society, we have evolved, and women are empowered to choose whether or not they want to have sex.   Whoopi is stuck in an earlier view, and I wonder if someone close to her was  accused of rape.  

  • Love 12

Dr. Heathcliff Huxtable was an obstetrician, not a gynecologist. 

They are virtually always combined OB/GYN.  When creating the characters and "story bible" for the series, he could have been any white-collar, academic profession, but he chose to create a character that essentially examines women pelvically (sorry if that's too gross--didn't know how else say it).  It just automatically conjures a picture.  


They could have made him a heart surgeon or the attorney and  Mrs. H. the physician.  Or a judge or a Professor at Columbia…you know what I mean.  Just seems a little eery when you think about what he was doing at that time and what we know now.  Probably also meant he had an excuse to audition different women every week to appear as patients.  Think about it. 

  • Love 13

I used to delight in listening to Sherri’s ignorant drivel but now I’m wondering if I should have paid better attention to the big whoop.  She’s a bloody freak.

A comment to those of you who want the show cancelled – No! I just found this forum and I’m enjoying the snark immensely. Please don’t take my sunshine away. Not yet anyway.


Now, I’m off to prepare funeral potatoes for Rosie’s wake. Snark on!

  • Love 14

I used to delight in listening to Sherri’s ignorant drivel but now I’m wondering if I should have paid better attention to the big whoop.  She’s a bloody freak.

A comment to those of you who want the show cancelled – No! I just found this forum and I’m enjoying the snark immensely. Please don’t take my sunshine away. Not yet anyway.


Now, I’m off to prepare funeral potatoes for Rosie’s wake. Snark on!

So cute.

  • Love 2

I agree with almost all of the postings here about Whoopi. She believes she is invincible because of her star status, but she's gone too far this time and I think she will suffer for it, especially when non-viewers of The View see clips of her angry tirades.


I thought that Rosie was still scheduled to be on the show until  August 6. This was certainly an over the top goodbye. I like her, but come on, it's not that big of a deal to leave this dumb show, and does this mean she won't be back now, because what will they do on August 6 to top this tearfest?


I'm no fan of Paula Deen, but I think the reaction to an 2011 Halloween costume photo ( they dressed like that on their show for Halloween) is pretty extreme. Rosie acted like that was the most degrading thing that a Latino could ever face. I understand the aversion to black minstrel shows, but this didn't seem to be the same issue to me.

Honestly I dont see what the big deal is either..... but I am also realistic.... I dont understand racism either..... and if someone of color speaks of something they consider degrading.... I am not going to question them about it or deny how they feel because I have no point of reference for it.

I have to admit Im pretty ignorant on the whys

  • Love 3

I thought Rosie Perez was waaay out there with her 'farewell".  She wasn't on the panel even a year and she carried on as if she'd been on since its inception.

Re: Paula Deen - I was offended by the picture.   Hispanics come in all shades and Desi  was Cuban - he came from a very well-to do family who if I remember correctly were almost aristocratic and he was fair skinned.  I have seen other skits and costumes of people who dressed up as Ricky Ricardo but not one of them every put on "paint" to portray him, yet when others saw them, they knew exactly who they were pretending to be. So I thought it was in poor taste and showed exactly how Paula Deen thought of people of color (whether African American or Hispanic - waiting to see if there is anything in her repertoire about Asians).

About Whoopi's rant:  Bill Cosby ADMITTED in ACTUAL COURT DOCUMENTS that he drugged someone in order to have sex with them!! HIS OWN WORDS!!! What part does she not understand?? He said it, it was recorded, and she still insists that he is innocent??  (Shakes head)

  • Love 7

I don't know, but Whoopi's defense of rapists always makes me wonder about her own experiences.  There was a time when society only considered it "rape" if the woman fought back, the man had a weapon, there was violence, etc.   I remember hearing "you cant thread a moving needle"  as a way of saying if the man was able to penetrate, then the woman wasn't really unwilling. And accusations of rape were countered with wondering about a woman's sexual history, what she was wearing, why she was out in the evening, etc.  As a society, we have evolved, and women are empowered to choose whether or not they want to have sex.   Whoopi is stuck in an earlier view, and I wonder if someone close to her was  accused of rape.  

I just had an argument with a friend-of-a-friend on Facebook who also claimed that without evidence, he was inclined to think nothing really happened. Even that he was "raped" once, because a woman tied him up and he "relaxed and enjoyed it." Of course Cosby's accusers were all young woman, who made the mistake of going to his home, his "turf," and so probably blamed themselves even before anyone else knew what had happened. Attitudes about young women and sex have come a long way since the 1970s, but there still will be men - and women - who will blame the woman for not coming forward. And when they do come forward, those men - and women - are the first to blame them. 

  • Love 5

I really want to watch the show because the weekly summary said The Flamingos would be on, and they sing my favorite song ever, I Only Have Eyes For You.  Now I'm afraid, very afraid, to watch on my DVR.  Can someone tell me, were they on?

The show started with the women all walking out to the song, "Lovers Never Say Goodbye" bawling their eyes out because they had to say goodbye to RosieP. Then Whoopi announced that the Flamingos would be back later. It was practically Niagra Falls on the set; their gushing tears could have reversed the California drought. 

  • Love 6

Does WG realize that she is the only person (that I have seen) standing up for Cosby? Or even understand statue of limitations?

And OMG, Rosie was so upset this morning.....it really made me uncomfortable. 9 MINUTES! Plus I never believe fake tears....this time from WG and NW.

Loved the Flamingos today.....but I just can't take WG's "nice" voice which fortunately we don't hear that often.

So....Raven is the only "safe" one?

I think the show needs to buy out WG....especially since Disneyworld removed the bust of Cosby. As I mentioned, WG is the only person to support Cosby. I can actually see Raven's hesitancy but no real support of him.

  • Love 4

Judd Apatow tweeted he will address his feelings about Whoopi's defense of Bill Cosby when he visits the show on Thursday.

Considering he said, “We shouldn’t need Bill Cosby to admit it to believe forty people who were victimized by him. I am sure there are many victims who have not come forward. Maybe now more people in show business and all around our country will stand up and tell the people he attacked that ‘we support you and believe you.’” My guess he will be a last minute "cancelation" but it won't be mentioned. Or if he's taping tomorrow  for Friday, it will be edited.

  • Love 4

When Whoopi made the comment about "the 80's"   I thought that perhaps, she had, in the 80's, partied too hard, taken some quaaludes, and not been too sure who she had sex with.  Maybe her view is that everyone was taking all kinds of drugs and hooking up with whomever, so what's the big deal?  

(I mean, after all it's not rape-rape).  


I don't know, but Whoopi's defense of rapists always makes me wonder about her own experiences.  There was a time when society only considered it "rape" if the woman fought back, the man had a weapon, there was violence, etc.   I remember hearing "you cant thread a moving needle"  as a way of saying if the man was able to penetrate, then the woman wasn't really unwilling. And accusations of rape were countered with wondering about a woman's sexual history, what she was wearing, why she was out in the evening, etc.  As a society, we have evolved, and women are empowered to choose whether or not they want to have sex.   Whoopi is stuck in an earlier view, and I wonder if someone close to her was  accused of rape.  

I thought the quaalude reference was a bit mysterious too.  First we have Candace whatever her crazy saying she doesn't know what quaalude is, what it looks like, blah blah, and then, as I recall, Whoopi did her 80s reference and quaaludes, whatever.  It seemed to me that she implied that everyone was taking quaaludes in the 80s.  Which I don't think is true.  I inferred from what she said that maybe the women Bill Cosby, who was/is married, was with were taking quaaludes willingly.  Thus, not rape rape. 

They are virtually always combined OB/GYN.  When creating the characters and "story bible" for the series, he could have been any white-collar, academic profession, but he chose to create a character that essentially examines women pelvically (sorry if that's too gross--didn't know how else say it).  It just automatically conjures a picture. 

They could have made him a heart surgeon or the attorney and  Mrs. H. the physician.  Or a judge or a Professor at Columbia…you know what I mean.  Just seems a little eery when you think about what he was doing at that time and what we know now.  Probably also meant he had an excuse to audition different women every week to appear as patients.  Think about it.



In real life doctors will be OB/GYN, but on The Cosby Show, the gynecological end of Cliff's profession was virtually never referred to. For the audience's purposes, Cliff delivered babies. And that is about all we ever got regarding his profession. And in any case, his career was more referenced than portrayed. I could probably count on my fingers the number of episodes that showed him at work. And I think I would have plenty of fingers left over. 

Edited by reggiejax

Thank you, everyone, for letting me know about The Flamingos.  Gotta watch, but will have a very heavy fast-forward thumb.


Maybe I should make some funeral potatoes while I'm waiting.


I had no idea The Flamingos were even around anymore, but I'm really looking forward to seeing/hearing them.  Didn't know they were from my own hometown, either.

  • Love 1

I think it is too late for WG to watch her step.

Sheryl has said before that Cosby was known for giving quaaludes a long time ago on the comedy circuit.

I think it is too late for WG to watch her step.

Sheryl has said before that Cosby was known for giving quaaludes a long time ago on the comedy circuit.

I seriously dislike Sheryl on The Talk, but today she did add something to the dialogue.  I also loathe Mrs. O who is equally as bad as Whoopi in her judgemental behaviour, but had none of Whoopi's talent.  


I think Sheryl is not the first female comedian who has acknowledged that it was known amongst women comics what Cosby's deal was--who was the other?  Cannot remember.


  • Love 2

I haven't posted in a while here. I have DVRd the show from time to time just to watch certain guests. Today was the young girl by the name of Jazz. I love how she presented herself and I look forward to her reality show. I have known of her since she first appeared on the scene. I wish her great success and a very happy life. She looks like she is extremely happy.


Thanks for the reminder of this lovely girl, with her grace and sincere articulation. Unfortunately, her polar opposite is grabbing all the attention. Take note, Miss Whoopie Goldberg. There are those far greater than thou.

  • Love 3

Roseanne Barr was another one who mentioned that scum was known for questionable behavior. If I am not mistaken, she said she might get in trouble for speaking the truth. She said people in Hollywood such as waiters and waitresses to the biggest people in Hollywood, knew he was up to no good. I believe her. There were other comedians who mentioned there was talk in the comedy circuit about Cosby. The thing is, it is not just Cosby. For sure there have been other people in Hollywood who have committed rapes.


Someone upthread mentioned big names in Hollywood might have been victims of Cosby. Very true. One of those victims was a former Hollywood executive named Cindra Ladd. She is married to another big time Hollywood producer, Alan Ladd Jr. who won an Academy Award for the move Braveheart. 


For Whoopi to not know any of this, while other comedians are talking about it, it makes her just as big a liar as Cosby. Her comment about "everyone taking qualuudes", as if to justify Cosby for having possession of those drugs, just makes her black ass more ignorant because it is not him being in possession of drugs that people are up in arms about. It is the fact he used those drugs in order to rape women.

  • Love 16

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