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S11.E08: Week 7

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Personally, I much prefer Nick to Shawn, but I really didn't think Shawn was overly possessive, at least not based on what Kaitlyn had told him. Since Chris Harrison has actually said that Shawn -was- obviously "the One" she wanted almost from the beginning--to the point where it "threatened the show", I believe Shawn that she told him that she loved him, would choose him, slept with him because of it, etc. So I don't really blame him for expecting her to pull away a bit from the other guys, only to find her pulling away from him instead.  


I think production hurried up with the FS to quickly get rid of most of the men so Kaitlyn didn't have time to make a bad situation (she's created) even worse. "Get it down to 3 ASAP so we can get this over with" is where I think they're going now--especially because I think they're worried what would happen if Shawn found out she had -also- slept with Nick just a few days after swearing undying love.


Also, that the other men are just one conversation away from finding out she's slept with TWO other men...and that could blow up, too. A producer's nightmare, because its so out of control. I'm sure the brainstorming about the change (including the expense of logistics of camera crew placement) was all in an effort to separate the GROUP from each other as quickly as possible, to do damage control. When they have "off camera time" (wink-wink) they'll all be separated and it will be expected that she may be intimate with all of them (unlike now, when no one was expecting it). "Hometown for 2" is acknowledgement that she's really down to 2 (or maybe 1) already and isn't a good enough actress to fake "being in love" with any of the rest.


She should apologize to Nick for doubting him. I didn't see anything wrong at all with what he told the guys "we talked on the couch...intimate conversation... etc." If they don't believe him (as, for example, I wouldn't have believed Britt and Chris' two hour nap), that's on them.


The funny thing is that I think the dentist and Josh and Jerrod actually were/are feeling emotions of deep interest/longing/whatever for Kaitlyn. I don't understand it at all, because from what we've been seeing of her interactions, I'd think they'd all be feeling like Ian and be "outta here".

  • Love 4

I agree that there's been almost a total lack of backstory on Kaitlyn or any of the men. Hey, I like cat fights and drama as much as the next guy, but there's absolutely no context here. Who are these guys? What do they do? Where do they live? What's their history? I know many people disliked Andi, but she did a great job of drawing out her guys, asking questions and really listening to the answers. Even when one of these guys TRIES to discuss something serious with Kaitlyn, she doesn't appear to be paying much attention, just sits there with a smirk on her face until it's over.

  • Love 15

I agree that there's been almost a total lack of backstory on Kaitlyn or any of the men. Hey, I like cat fights and drama as much as the next guy, but there's absolutely no context here. Who are these guys? What do they do? Where do they live? What's their history? I know many people disliked Andi, but she did a great job of drawing out her guys, asking questions and really listening to the answers. Even when one of these guys TRIES to discuss something serious with Kaitlyn, she doesn't appear to be paying much attention, just sits there with a smirk on her face until it's over.

RIGHT.   And when they have "great conversations"  we have heard very little besides "I like you, we have a great connection"  types of thigns. 


My hunch - there's a lot of drinking going on, a lot of slurred speech, sloppy makeout sessions, staggering around, and the producers had to rein everything in before the whole thing erupted.  They WANTED things to get heated up, but not to the level that this season has seen.   I think we are seeing the most heavily-edited season ever, with producers working furiously to patch things together to tell a story that is different than what really happened. 

  • Love 6
My hunch - there's a lot of drinking going on


There's always a lot of drinking, that's obvious and very well known. Hell, even Meredith Phillips admitted to basically being drunk 24/7 during her stint as the B'ette and she was still charming, funny, engaging and had great conversations with the men that were on her season. Kaitlyn is not very bright and now that she has the spotlight it is glaringly obvious. 

Edited by FireFoxy
  • Love 5

Sad Gosling


Busted Gosling



Crying Gosling




What's next, Whiny Gosling?



Stage Five Clinger Gosling?


You folks are cracking me up, Thank You!


And all very appropriate in my opinion.


Personally, I much prefer Nick to Shawn, but I really didn't think Shawn was overly possessive, at least not based on what Kaitlyn had told him. Since Chris Harrison has actually said that Shawn -was- obviously "the One" she wanted almost from the beginning--to the point where it "threatened the show", I believe Shawn that she told him that she loved him, would choose him, slept with him because of it, etc. So I don't really blame him for expecting her to pull away a bit from the other guys, only to find her pulling away from him instead.


But that's just it though, was she really pulling away from him. They had their one on one in San Antonio which is the week I imagine whatever happened, happened between them. So obviously he couldn't get another one on one for the next group of dates, so he's automatically on a group date. She seems to spend as much time with him as the other guys and then she gives the group date rose to Jared and that's when Shawn seems to lose it. I didn't see Kaitlyn pulling away from Shawn but just still showing attention to other people.


Which sure, I guess you can argue that that woud be confusing to him because she supposedly said he was the one (though she seems to insist her words were that she thinks he could be the one) but again, even if she did, didn't Shawn realize the show had to go on in some capacity? Which means that she would still be required to go on dates with other guys, give other guys group date roses, etc.? I'm sorry, maybe I'm cold, but I don't want to hear about his emotional walls and insecurity issues and all that because if that is the case, once again, you don't sign up for this show. It's obviously not a natural or normal environment in any way possible and the reality is you will be competiing for someone where in the end, there is no gurantee.


Hell it's why I didn't care about Nick's show of emotion about being worried because he'd been confident the last time. And I say this as someone who likes Nick well enough but he more than any of the guys knew what he was getting himself into since he's been down that road before. So I can't feel bad for him if as he fears, he ends up getting rejected or hearbroken again. That's the risk of the show. So  I can't give Shawn a pass on his creepy, clingy and whiny behavior. You came on a show where the whole premise is someone dating multiple people. Yes, she apparently told you you're likely the one but this is still a show and she is still required to engage with and "date" these other guys. So having constant freakouts over every little thing and seeking validation all the damn time is not just exhausting for me to watch but pathetic on his part.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 6

I've taken to skipping the actual show and just reading the comments here; and the live-tweets are 10000% better than the actual show any day. I can't with these skanky people.


I have a theory: I think it was Shawn from day one, moment one, first impression rose one. I think (this is just me here) they have been knockin' boots every chance they get(on the Downlow)  and not just in San Antonio and Ireland. I think (and this is just me again!) THAT is why SHAWN  HAS A ROOMMATE NOW! I think she's been sneaking down to his room damn near nightly and the Powers that Be got sick of it and gave him a roommate, so when she snuck down to get it in? There's....Oh....HI BEN! I just wanted to hang out with YOU GUYS!!!! Thank GOD he needed a shower! And I also think Ben wasn't in the shower the whole time. He tried to hurry up and get back out there and when he opened (started to open) the door? He heard sex noises. What the hell??? So he had to "pretend" to take a loooong shower while the got it in and got their clothes back on. Then try to pretend nothing happened. Then give her a chance to confess, but that didnt' happen.


I think production is doing any and everything they can to make a show out of nothing since She's not interested in the least in any man that's not Shawn. Garlingly obviously not interested to the point the men are saying eff it and leaving on their own they're so bored. And like Ian said, horny as hell. All those men, no women, and the woman you're there to vie for only interested in one guy.


Oh...and now Nick as well....Uhhh....Nick's PENIS at any rate. That man must be DY NO MITE in bed....sheesh....they just lose all sense and reason when he's around.


At any rate, this has got to be THE BEST SEASON EVAAAHHH for the franchise.


This is the kinda crap that keeps the viewers watching and the bloggers blogging. Kaitlyn's reputation is shot to hell if she doesn't marry Shawn (or Nick), or at least stay with him for the better part of the year (until we move on to snarking about the next skank),  but hey, ratings gold! This is what the producers live for. Pages and pages and PAGES of comments on the show...It may suck like gravity, but everybody (and I do mean everybody) is talking, writing, and blogging about it. Everybody.


Oh ick.


We didn't set a PRECEDENCE did we??? OH GOD....what have we DONE???

  • Love 11

You have to wonder what all of the families of ALL these folks are thinking....

Ick's parents: Oh no, not again!  

Shawn's parents: Damn, he forgot to pack his meds.  

Chris's parents: For this we sent him to dental school?

Ben H's parents: Is it too late to get him cast in that 27th Brady Bunch remake?

Jared's parents: A European trip we didn't have to pay for? Sign him up!

Kaitlyn's parents: What happened to that nice farm boy?

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 11

Yes! That was the nicest, least competitive 2-on-1 date ever. Absolutely no animosity; no talk from JJ or Joe about wanting to win or "send the other guy home." It looked like two friends hanging out with a girl for the afternoon: no stakes, not a competition.


Without Clint there, JJ turned out to be a really nice guy.


ETA: Well, there's the cheating. Hopefully it was a one-time thing. Anyway, I think his early edit was a failed effort to get more screentime as this season's villain. I liked his easygoing friendship with Joe, and his exit was completely free of bitterness. The show was an interesting experience for him, and now it was time to get back to his life.


I did like JJ's instinctive move of concern to try to comfort her when she started weeping out of guilt and stress over sending him home.  It looked genuine to me.  What an odd season.


  I actually suspect they did not have enough other drama to show and that's why we're getting all these mysterious non-sensical cuts and constant implications something dire is about to happen (which hardly does, mainly guilt and fear from anyone they can get to express this).


  I think that's why they used either boom mics or inside-the-other-room or at-the-door recorders to get  sex noises (she said they had taken off their mics).  Maybe it was all they could get to make the show 'interesting' to them.  But I think that was really low of Chris Harrison and I've finally lost respect for HIM as a result.  He has played the concerned, sympathetic host for so long (and yet seems to revere the awful Andi) but what he did there was tawdry.  They didn't do this to bachelors who were sexing up the place during their seasons.

Edited by pitchy
  • Love 2
Yes! That was the nicest, least competitive 2-on-1 date ever. Absolutely no animosity; no talk from JJ or Joe about wanting to win or "send the other guy home." It looked like two friends hanging out with a girl for the afternoon: no stakes, not a competition.



I especially loved when JJ made a toast to he and Kaitlyn ending up together, and Joe raised his glass!!!!

  • Love 15

  I actually suspect they did not have enough other drama to show and that's why we're getting all these mysterious non-sensical cuts and constant implications something dire is about to happen (which hardly does, mainly guilt and fear from anyone they can get to express this).


Not enough drama?! It's all drama, all the time. Hell, we're lucky if we get two minutes' worth of "romantic journey" footage per episode. The other 118 minutes (minus commercials) is nothing but drama. But I see your point that a lot of it is people upset about impending drama. Yet, there's still drama happening, it's just that everyone has their own idea of what that drama is, so Kaitlyn is all worried about Shawn finding out about Nick but Shawn is all worried about Kaitlyn talking to anyone else, so it seems like it's much ado about nothing because everyone is worked up about something different. The only one not having a major crisis is Tanner because, hell, he was having a grand old time travelling with his new buddies. Thought we might get a tear or two from him saying goodbye to his bros, then a peace out to Kaitlyn.

  • Love 6

I agree with Truthaboutluv that Shawn should have had enough self-awareness to know he was wrong for this show. That's also why I have zero sympathy for Cupcake. In real life it truly is sad when someone breaks up with you and you didn't see it coming but he just cheapens that honest emotion when he claims it about a woman who went out with him once, weeks ago, and since then has barely looked at him, while she's been seen kissing a dozen other guys. He should have seen it coming. He also has no excuse for the kind of retching, gasping sobs usually reserved for a death in the family over this same one date. Show me a guy trying to blink back tears in his eyes and I have pity, bad acting is just bad acting. He was the man version of Britt on the curb.

" When you think of the logistics and pre-planning that go into preparing four (presumably) separate film crews to film hometown dates at four separate locations (along with the attendant bullshit phony "family homes" we sometimes see and the manufactured socialization) there must have been something significant going on to force TPTB to completely rework the format."

I just hope there wasn't any damage to those big, bright throw pillows they always use to cover all the old sofas and yard furniture. I look forward to seeing them.

"so when she snuck down to get it in? There's....Oh....HI BEN! I just wanted to hang out with YOU GUYS!!!!"

Kailyn has given us a whole new meaning to "sweet gesture," hasn't she?

[sorry,my quote thingy isn't working]

Edited by JudyObscure
  • Love 6
That's also why I have zero sympathy for Cupcake. In real life it truly is sad when someone breaks up with you and you didn't see it coming but he just cheapens that honest emotion when he claims it about a woman who went out with him once, weeks ago, and since then has barely looked at him, while she's been seen kissing a dozen other guys. He should have seen it coming. He also has no excuse for the kind of retching, gasping sobs usually reserved for a death in the family over this same one date.



Well, in fairness to cupcake, his mouth was covered by his scarf, so it could have been a voice-over and what he was actually saying was "I can't believe I rode on INSIDE. A. FUCKING. CUPCAKE. for this shit!!!"

  • Love 9

I'm reading many posts here about how Kaitlyn slept with Shawn not once but twice.   I am so confused.  This really happened?!  Why does Kaitlyn admit openly to the viewers and to the producers that she slept with Nick and it was a mistake, but she hasn't copped to giving Shawn a test drive or two?  Or is it just mere speculation based on how possessive, needy, annoying, clingy, etc. Shawn is? 


Busted Gosling, lack of confidence is not becoming.  I'm sure if he left the show now and he went back to being a personal trainer, he would have all sorts of attractive women in Lululemon workout gear falling all over him at the gym.


Hard to believe, but I'm actually pulling for Nick now if it comes down to Nick and Shawn. 


Always fun to speculate about who could make a good bachelor.  I think Ben Z definitely.  No to Cupcake - I wouldn't watch.  Definitely not boring Joe when he likely gets booted next week.

"Well, in fairness to cupcake, his mouth was covered by his scarf, so it could have been a voice-over and what he was actually saying was "I can't believe I rode on INSIDE. A. FUCKING. CUPCAKE. for this shit!!!"

You're cracking me up, all day, Alapaki. Similarly I kept thinking Ben Z's exit speech should have included something like, "I walked through snakes for that woman!"

  • Love 4

So maybe JJ made his confession to Kaitlyn to get it out into public in general, and specifically for future girlfriends.  This way, he never actually has to have that conversation with anybody.


He can just say "Watch episode 8. 'Nuff said."  


Joe looked to me like he was a very good kisser.  No bizzare slurpy noises, no strange neck movements.  He looked skilled.   Go Joe!

Edited by leighdear
  • Love 5

Kaitlyn has to be the least-employed Bachelorette ever. (I won't claim that Britt, waitress and church volunteer--which is nice, but not a job--would have been much different.) Ali and Andi left their careers for the show, but they did have real careers. Ashley was a dental student, Jillian an interior decorator and Desiree, while "just" a bridal store employee, was working toward what she wanted to do. Emily, who is thought of as living on her deceased fiancé's family's dime, was listed on Brad's season as an event planner at a children's hospital, which sounds like a cool job.


With Kaitlyn, however, they're not even pretending that she left anything behind.

Emily was mostly a full time single mother (nothing wrong with that if you can afford it). She had helped three months before filming with a charity event at the hospital named for her dead fiance, but that's the extent of her "event planner" career. That said, what does Kaitlyn do with her time!? Anyone? Bueller? Producers?


Good point, and why would meeting the families affect the decision of who to take to the FS? And it's really sort of mean to the fourth family--like saying the men were all equal but then ugh, his family, I had to get rid of him as soon as I met them. Hurt feelings all around. I have to say I hate the meet the family dates any way--none of these people live with their families and many live far away from them, so they really aren't part of their lives. I would almost rather have meet the best friends dates.


Hometown visits are usually the most boring episode, unless the producers strike gold with a disapproving family member, or a Manny showing off how bull semen is collected. I at first thought that was the reason for the switch, but with all the rest of the weird drama, that can't be the case. It's like the producers are fed up with Kaitlyn jumping ahead to Fantasy Suite time before hometowns, so they're shelving hometowns. Or the guys refused to take her to meet their families, which makes a ton of sense to me!

Also, that the other men are just one conversation away from finding out she's slept with TWO other men...and that could blow up, too. A producer's nightmare, because its so out of control. I'm sure the brainstorming about the change (including the expense of logistics of camera crew placement) was all in an effort to separate the GROUP from each other as quickly as possible, to do damage control. When they have "off camera time" (wink-wink) they'll all be separated and it will be expected that she may be intimate with all of them (unlike now, when no one was expecting it). "Hometown for 2" is acknowledgement that she's really down to 2 (or maybe 1) already and isn't a good enough actress to fake "being in love" with any of the rest.

Well reasoned. Makes perfect sense! They probably DID fear that if the men remained together any longer, it would all fall apart. But then we do have the preview for the next episode, where Kaitlyn outs herself. Maybe just to the non-final 3 guys?


New thought - if F2 is meet the families of the men, when do they meet Kaitlyn's family? Do they meet her family, or has she been such a train wreck they are writing that off as well?

 Good question.

I agree that there's been almost a total lack of backstory on Kaitlyn or any of the men. Hey, I like cat fights and drama as much as the next guy, but there's absolutely no context here. Who are these guys? What do they do? Where do they live? What's their history? I know many people disliked Andi, but she did a great job of drawing out her guys, asking questions and really listening to the answers. Even when one of these guys TRIES to discuss something serious with Kaitlyn, she doesn't appear to be paying much attention, just sits there with a smirk on her face until it's over.

She really is the female version of Juan Pablo, who did the same thing, and ended conversations or even cut people off by moving in for a kiss. Kaitlyn did that last night during Shawn's (I think) second visit, and as someone who wanted to hear what he was about to say (for once, usually I don't care), it annoyed me. Edited by Andromeda
  • Love 6
I have a theory: I think it was Shawn from day one, moment one, first impression rose one. I think (this is just me here) they have been knockin' boots every chance they get(on the Downlow)  and not just in San Antonio and Ireland. I think (and this is just me again!) THAT is why SHAWN  HAS A ROOMMATE NOW! I think she's been sneaking down to his room damn near nightly and the Powers that Be got sick of it and gave him a roommate, so when she snuck down to get it in?


If I'm not mistaken, the contestants are usually paired together in rooms until it gets down to very few. I think even up to 6 or so some are still rooming together and then at 4 it is hometown and then at 3 it is FS where each person has their own room. There have been many extra scenes and stuff that confirm this. Carly and someone else was in the room when Chris came very early to get Britt for their date. I remember Arie and Jef talking about rooming together during Emily's season, and Andi and Kat mentioned how surprised they were to see the Juan Pablo/Clare hookup during the season because they never even heard Clare leave their room that night. So it's very unlikely Shawn had his own room that Kaitlyn was just coming down to all the time. I think it's more likely that he had been to her room a few times.


Or is it just mere speculation based on how possessive, needy, annoying, clingy, etc. Shawn is?


Just speculation. Last week we found out that she and Shawn spent 6-7 hours or whatever alone together and most just figure it's unlikely nothing happened during that time. Now there's the whole issue of her coming down to his and Ben H.'s room and it's clear she was really involved with Shawn, more so than we've seen. So some are just speculating that that would explain his over the top reaction. Though it doesn't make him any less weird if you ask me.


Hard to believe, but I'm actually pulling for Nick now if it comes down to Nick and Shawn.


Last night confirmed to me that this is between Shawn and Nick (not a stretch I know) and that Kaitlyn probably chooses Shawn. Which sure, I think he's coming across as a needy weirdo but hey, whatever floats her boat. There were a few things I thought were telling. One, the fact that she seemed convinced that Shawn's over the top behavior was in response to Nick telling about what happened. Then when she finally realized it wasn't, while she admits that she should not have given Shawn so much reassurance and talks about the fact that other guys haven't had nearly as much as he had but are so positive, she still makes it obvious and clear that she still Shawn there and it would devastate her if he left. This is someone she states is constantly seeking validation, comes to her room when she is exhausted and upset and is still whinging and she is still very positive in how she talks about their relationship and connection.


On the flipside, despite realizing that Shawn was not talking about what happened between her and Nick, she still questions Nick about talking to the guys and is very accusatory I feel, in her tone. And I was confused with her saying one of the guys gave her that feeling or something to that effect, and she seemed very defensive and cold when he said if he could ask her who and she asked him if it mattered. And she almost sounded annoyed and irritated when he understandbly defensively stated, "I would be happy to never talk about our relationship with the guys, ever" with the way she said, "okay, okay..."


I honestly felt like Kaitlyn treated Nick like he was an itch she'd wanted badly to scratch (possibly proving that they indeed had never met in person before the show) and now it happened, she just wanted him to keep his mouth shut but didn't think he would, likely because of his ATFR bombshell. And I think Nick definitely took it that way with the way he reacted when she first asked him about talking to the guys. .I think he was probably hurt because the whole point of his supposedly coming on the show to take a chance with her, was that they became friends and got to know each other and she stated that she realized he wasn't anything like people believed. So for her to come at him in such an accusatory way, likely surprised him.


And the fact is, I don't remember Nick ever being accused of talking about his dates or time with Andi during her season. If anything, one of the (many) things he got accused of was that he didn't talk about Andi enough or at all and instead only talked "strategy" and about the show. So I believed him when he told Kaitlyn that left up to him he'd be happy to not talk about the dates at all but that's the show. But yeah that whole exchange and so many little things said here and there (and yes with the wonky editing who knows when exactly each thing was actually said), I think Kaitlyn's made up her mind to choose BustedGosling and his creepy, territorial behavior over her, likely won't change that.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 6

I seem to remember in the Chris/Kaitlyn season that they couldn't do a true hometown date because Canada wouldn't let Chris in - he had some kind of misdemeanor several years ago that got in the way of his entrance to the country.  So Kaitlyn's hometown date was where she was living somewhere in the States, as I recall - maybe meeting some of her friends?


I also thought I read there was some estrangement between her and her family?  We may be seeing some of the root of that problem in her presentation of herself on the show.

  • Love 2

Yeah, Chris S. has an arrest record so couldn't get into Canada. I remember Kaitlyn's family being in Arizona where they had a (fake) dinner around a fire pit that looked really neat for making s'mores on. Maybe it wasn't Kaitlyn's family, my memory doesn't always retain things about this franchise.


Kaitlyn was a "dance instructor" in Chris's season. Remember when she was teaching him break dancing? Then she was a rapper and had a rap-recording date. Now that she's the lead, I guess they can't come up with an occupation since "Dog Lover" is already taken. "Famewhore"?

  • Love 6
I remember Kaitlyn's family being in Arizona where they had a (fake) dinner around a fire pit that looked really neat for making s'mores on. Maybe it wasn't Kaitlyn's family, my memory doesn't always retain things about this franchise.



It was her mother, her stepfather and her father (and maybe a stepmother? Can't recall). My recollection is that they get along really well. I remember thinking that her family was very loving and supportive of her, more expressive of that than the other families. But maybe I'm totally remembering wrong. It's happened before.

Edited by TiaLou
  • Love 3

I seem to remember in the Chris/Kaitlyn season that they couldn't do a true hometown date because Canada wouldn't let Chris in - he had some kind of misdemeanor several years ago that got in the way of his entrance to the country.  So Kaitlyn's hometown date was where she was living somewhere in the States, as I recall - maybe meeting some of her friends?

Chris met her family in the States, but it was definitely her family, not just friends. 



I honestly felt like Kaitlyn treated Nick like he was an itch she'd wanted badly to scratch (possibly proving that they indeed had never met in person before the show) and now it happened, she just wanted him to keep his mouth shut but didn't think he would, likely because of his ATFR bombshell. And I think Nick definitely took it that way with the way he reacted when she first asked him about talking to the guys. .I think he was probably hurt because the whole point of his supposedly coming on the show to take a chance with her, was that they became friends and got to know each other and she stated that she realized he wasn't anything like people believed. So for her to come at him in such an accusatory way, likely surprised him.

I agree with this assessment, and I think the ATFR reveal is a good point and would explain why she seems so preoccupied with the possibility of Nick letting it slip that they had sex but not about Shawn (or Ben H) revealing that they spent time alone off camera. 

Edited by atlanticslide

Sad Gosling


Busted Gosling



Crying Gosling




What's next, Whiny Gosling?



Stage Five Clinger Gosling?


You folks are cracking me up, Thank You!

I like Stage Five Clinger Gosling the best! I was thinking while watching last night that Busted Gosling sure is a Stage Five Clinger. I'm glad I'm not alone in my feelings. I understand that with all that's edited that we're not privy to everything that happens, and Kaitlyn definitely said (and possibly did) some things that would lead Shawn to believe that he is the one. I agree that she has lead him on way more than the viewing audience is aware of. But, Shawn should've realized when he signed up that, first and foremost, this is a TV show, and she can't flat out tell him that he's the one until they complete production. She has to date other dudes until the end. If he didn't realize what he was getting into, that's on him. They still have "hometown dates" and the "fantasy suite" to get through. In real life, if you found the one, you could stop dating other people. That's not reality on The Bachelor/Bachelorette and one of the many things that make this craptacular show such a laughingstock.


Shawn looked constipated the entire episode. That may be his look of love, and I actually believe that there are genuine feelings there between Shawn and Kaitlyn that are in stark contrast to the other contestants who just want to win or have the pseudofeelings created by the Stockholm Syndrome this show creates. Let's face it. Nick is just there for a shag and dramatic purposes so someone is there to shake things up and to create a barrier. Peter Brady 2.0 is way too good for Kaitlyn and so is Country Kid Joe and busted Ashton Kutcher even though his facial hair is annoying. Crybaby Cupcake and Big Ben were too. But Busted Gosling seems suitable for Busted Lacey Chabert. Besides Shawn threatening to go home only to become the "winner" is one heckuva redemptive arc, so IMO it has to be him.


I don't think Kaitlyn has done a very good job of carrying this show, which is why they're changing the rules and trying to end it ASAP. I believe actress Britt would've done a better job of faking interest in more men and maintaining interest from them. Cupcake's histrionics withstanding, I get the impression that most of the guys don't feel like there's a lot at stake here when they lose Kaitlyn. A lot of guys left on their own accord and a few others like JJ didn't seem too bummed about their exodus. Despite Kaitlyn kissing most of the guys with those duck lips, there's just not a lot of believability in her role as the Bachelorette.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 10

... But I see your point that a lot of it is people upset about impending drama. Yet, there's still drama happening, it's just that everyone has their own idea of what that drama is, so Kaitlyn is all worried about Shawn finding out about Nick but Shawn is all worried about Kaitlyn talking to anyone else, so it seems like it's much ado about nothing because everyone is worked up about something different. The only one not having a major crisis is Tanner because, hell, he was having a grand old time travelling with his new buddies. Thought we might get a tear or two from him saying goodbye to his bros, then a peace out to Kaitlyn.


You said it so well.  It's more like 'virtual drama' -- everyone (especially The Unreal TheBachelor showrunners) amping up everything and not showing us anything else.  'Impending' ... is the word.  Living on fear ... (which the showrunners know will have people tuning in even if they don 't like the main participants) though it's "like much ado about nothing".  And it's working for them.


Those who praise Unreal's breakdown of the fictional processes pushed apply it to everything except to anything Kaitlyn does or says (this is considered 'real') -- but they're all affected by the storylines favored.  It'll be interesting to see what really went on or didn't, someday.

  • Love 2

It was her mother, her stepfather and her father (and maybe a stepmother? Can't recall). My recollection is that they get along really well. I remember thinking that her family was very loving and supportive of her, more expressive of that than the other families. But maybe I'm totally remembering wrong. It's happened before.


And the first thing she did when told she'd be the bachelorette, after being told to take some time bo herself to adjust to her new reality, was to phone her mother, who was very supportive.  (Probably not so much now.)

I especially loved when JJ made a toast to he and Kaitlyn ending up together, and Joe raised his glass!!!!

LOL.   Joe's been over it for a long time.    A couple of episodes back, she was nattering on about something, and he actually rolled his eyes.      Maybe Joe and JJ drew straws to see which one (the lucky one)  got to use the cheater story and tap out?   Maybe the "loser" was whisked away to a hotel and got to spend the rest of their time in Ireland alone and that's what they actually competed for.    Not one fuck to give between the two, and Joe seems like a very decent sort.    truly, she must suck. 

  • Love 10

Kaitlyn looks worse and worse each week (both literally and figuratively).  At this point she and whiny ass Shawn deserve each other, let's just end the show now so he doesn't have a complete meltdown and she can have all the sex she wants without having to feel guilty.  


I thought Cupcake was laughing at the end of that date!  There were no tears and he kept putting his hand/scarf over his mouth.  So fake.


I totally agree with the people who said they must have bribed these guys with a ticket to paradise or by dangling "The Bachelor" apple.  Joe, JJ, Tanner - go meet Jade.  Cupcake, Ben Z, Ben H - start your auditions now.

  • Love 10
I did notice the birds they showed when we first saw the cliffs.  I remembered Kaitlyn's fear of birds.  I was waiting to have a bird fly at her and we would be treated to Kaitlyn running around hysterically in circles on the cliff with Cupcake chasing after her and the bird.  Now that would have been entertaining.


Can you please become a producer on the next season of The Bachelorette?  Because I would 1 million times rather see your scenario than anything we've seen the last few weeks.

  • Love 3

One small glimpse of "normality" last night when Ben Z looked at Kaitlyn & said "Can I steal you for a moment?", then took her away to talk.  It surprised me, as we've gotten so little of those. 



I was glad to see that, but I also thought even this was awkward. It seemed like they were all sitting there silently for an uncomfortably long time before he did that. I was relieved someone finally talked.

  • Love 1

You have to wonder what all of the families of ALL these folks are thinking....

Ick's parents: Oh no, not again!  

Shawn's parents: Damn, he forgot to pack his meds.  

Chris's parents: For this we sent him to dental school?

Ben H's parents: Is it too late to get him cast in that 27th Brady Bunch remake?

Jared's parents: A European trip we didn't have to pay for? Sign him up!

Kaitlyn's parents: What happened to that nice farm boy?

LOL! Thanks for this.

Well, in fairness to cupcake, his mouth was covered by his scarf, so it could have been a voice-over and what he was actually saying was "I can't believe I rode on INSIDE. A. FUCKING. CUPCAKE. for this shit!!!"


I still agree with some posters' theory that he may have even been laughing. The Concerned Producer may have been there just to up the drama what with the nearby cliffs and all. When I saw that heavy coat she was wearing I felt kinda bad for both Cupcake and Kaitlyn - it looked like it must have been freezing up there. Maybe that's part of why the date seemed so short.

  • Love 1

I can't believe I almost forgot to mention my favorite awkward moment of the show. I can't remember exactly who Kaitlyn was talking to (one of the Bens maybe?), but they were talking about how "something" had happened and you could see Kaitlyn frantically trying to figure out if they were referring to the Shawn situation or the Nick situation while she fumbled over her words. I laughed so hard watching her scramble to basically ask "what do you think happened?" rather than "I've done a couple of things, which one did you mean?"  I thought for sure she was going to accidentally confess to the wrong thing that the guy didn't already suspect.

  • Love 12

MISSING: The Bachelor(ette)

IDENTIFYING MARKS: Actual dates, changes of locale and a weekly elimination ceremony during the last 10 minutes of the show. Attempts at tricky editing as to not telegraph the ending and the ability to name more than three contestants heading into hometowns. (My God, I know more about Ashley Eyelashes!)

IF FOUND: Return to ABC or shoot on sight.

REWARD: At this point none. It used to be my guilty pleasure, but there is no pleasure in 70 minutes of weepy men and Kaitlyn, and max 10-15 of fun scenery.

QUESTIONS: did they have to mangle the edit this badly because her final 2-3 were so obvious, though it seems very much like 2 already? If the point was to make all of her relationships equal - why not dole out 6 one-on-ones ....or one on ones for all of the "underdogs?" And seriously, did she have to take Cupcake to the Cliffs of Moher before the dumpage? She didn't know that 2 hours beforehand? That's cold and due to his weeping....improving his Bachelor odds.

My money is on Peter Brady for next Bachelor for his "testimony" that he was in the room with Shawn and Kaitlyn for those 6-7 hours. Shawn earlier described it as alone or private time, not me, My roommate and Kaitlyn time. No guy is that whipped on date 3 (or really his first one on one) without being taken to the boneyard.

Edited by The Evil One
  • Love 13
I'm reading many posts here about how Kaitlyn slept with Shawn not once but twice.   I am so confused.  This really happened?!  Why does Kaitlyn admit openly to the viewers and to the producers that she slept with Nick and it was a mistake, but she hasn't copped to giving Shawn a test drive or two?


I don't get it either.




Speculation based on Shawn's statement last week about spending "hours" alone with Kaitlyn (given that Kaitlyn can't seem to carry a conversation for minutes, the assumption is that there must have been some "intimacy" during that time); and then Ben's reveal that Kaitlyn visited the room with him and Shawn "off camera" and that while he was taking a shower something went down that left Shawn "happy".  A "happy ending", if you will.

  • Love 2

I don't normally watch the B'ette seasons (don't know why it bugs me, when a bunch of desperate women don't, plus I can never tell any of the men apart), but broke down and watched last night's episode.  I saw the first one, and have been reading here to stay current, but man, what a mess! I can't figure out ANY reason that ANY of the remaining guys are still around, other than to wait it out to be the next Bachelor. Every time someone bails out, the odds improve.  I think the comments about production having to splice things together and switch around the format just to produce SOMETHING (and have it end early) seem spot on. Kaitlyn would not have been my choice in the first place based on last season, and I've seen nothing of substance in the snippets (and comments here) that make me feel any differently. She was cute and spunky, but I didn't see her as lead potential.   For the bits I've caught, and seen in the recaps, most of the guys seem to know the script well ("I think there is something real here between us" "I think I'm falling in love!" etc.) As does Kaitlyn.  And if I had heard "we were intimate" one more time last night I think I would have thrown a shoe at the TV. Me thinks she was told to alter her vocabulary...


Also bugged me that when Shawn went back to her room, her response was "What now?! I can't handle this" or some such, rather than, "Oh, good, a friendly face at the end of a horrible day."  If he's "the one" wouldn't she be glad to see him, above anyone else?


To me, these shows have become more of a casting project to see who will be the next lead, rather than about someone looking for "love" on TV.  Rather telling, also, that the best moment of the show was a commercial for a different program!  Glad to see the Raccoon has become a star. Hope he got his SAG card.


Maybe they can switch things up and ONLY bring on the crazy ones. That might be worth watching.  In the meantime, thanks to those of you who suffer through it each week, and report back here. Brave souls, you are.

Edited by SandyToes

I have never seen a group of more miserable men on the Bachelorette.  They always look upset and doomed whenever they are together with Kaitlyn, or after Kaitlyn make yet another announcement, or if they are on group dates with Kaitlyn.  They just look and seem miserable.  Maybe they should have gone with Britt.  I think she wouldn't have been as joyless as Kaitlyn is.


For someone who demands so much honestly a,d calls people out in front of each other in the name of honesty, and wants people to put it all out there to her...well she sure seems eager to keep her secret about sleeping with Nick under wraps. I don't really like her, I wouldn't trust her, and I think she says and does a lot of things to mess with these guys' minds.  Some of them can't afford to have their minds me scrambled anymore than they already are.


Shawn is quite good-looking in my opinion, but I'm beginning to understand why his good-looking self is still single and going on a show like this.  He seems pretty clingy and insecure and in need of constant validation.  This guy has underlying issues.  I bet he was an awkward child or an ugly-duckling as a kid and despite looking good now, hasn't escaped his earlier issues with insecurity.  There I go, psycho-analyzing him...


I must say, the "Men Tell All" episode is bound to be epic.  Between guys leaving, guys telling her that she is shallow (Ian), and guys she has already slept with, there is bound t be drama.  Not to mention guys who put it all out on the table for her and got rejected in return despite this.  The MTA episode is going to be more interesting than the rest of this has been, for sure!

  • Love 11

Did anyone else notice the ring Nick was wearing?  It looked like a woman's ring, I've never seen a man wear that kind of ring the way he was wearing it - on his ring finger.   Just looked a little strange to me.  Also, I got the impression that he was purposely putting his hand in a place where the camera would catch it.   


That was the ring he and Kaitlyn bought during their one on one. It's a claddagh ring and they're all pretty small and shaped like that.

  • Love 1

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