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I don't dislike Eric. Yes, he and his pairing with Nicole were boring, but I put most of the blame for that on the writers for making him a priest. What is a priest supposed to do on a soap? If the writers are going to put Eric and Nicole back together eventually they need to keep him out of the priesthood permanently and make him a tad darker. No one wants to see the male version of Jen.


I also like Melanie. I wouldn't complain if she were kept away from Abifail though. That girl brings everyone down.

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I'm glad Melanie is back -- I was never one of the folks who found her insufferable. I think she livens things up considerably and hopefully we'll get past Maggie fawning all over her soon. I hope she stirs up a whole lot of trouble. 

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I agree that Billy Flynn seems to be getting better writing -- or at least a clearer idea in the writers' heads about what they want to do with the Chad character -- than they ever gave Casey Deidrick. I don't think Deidrick was the worst actor; I think he had a certain lunky, stoner-ish charm. I think he was given poor direction, contradictory direction, or none. I think the character was originally supposed to struggle against the "legacy" of being a Dimera. I'm not sure the writing was ever up to that kind of ambivalence, and don't know if Deidrick could have carried that much story.


But my truly unpopular opinion is that I don't think Flynn is wildly better as an actor than Deidrick; he's competent, I guess, which makes him better than 80 percent of his castmates here, but no more. He's not THAT good-looking, either; c'mon! And I still think he looks like a runt. (But maybe that's just in comparison with Elvis and Old!Stupid Chad.)

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I wonder how much Casey Dierdrick's hair affected the kind of writing he got.


I thought his acting was kind of good when he got to act opposite Arianne Zucker, but went back to being indistinct when he decided to make his hair weird and had to try and make Abigail seem interesting.

Edited by bantering
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not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or not

   When I first started watching the show I liked Brady.  When I think about it he was always drunk or on drugs then.  So I like Brady better drunk *g

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I wonder how much Casey Dierdrick's hair affected the kind of writing he got.


I thought his acting was kind of good when he got to act opposite Arianne Zucker, but went back to being indistinct when he decided to make his hair weird and had to try and make Abigail seem interesting.


Goodness knows I wouldn't have wanted to write for OldChad's crazy emo dead wombat hair ...


What was going on there?

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When I first started watching the show I liked Brady.  When I think about it he was always drunk or on drugs then.  So I like Brady better drunk *g


Drunk Brady was a lot more fun. And he buried Vivian alive!


Sober Brady is just depressing.

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Drunk Brady was a lot more fun. And he buried Vivian alive!


Sober Brady is just depressing.


This automatically makes me think of Fun Bobby on Friends. Brady is Fun Bobby! Lots of fun when he's blitzed... and a complete drip when he's not.

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So many of you have given very well written, thoughtful takes on the WilSon triangle.  I continue to think Twinkle is playing Will big time.  The bedroom scene was for me a study in manipulation.  He threatened Will's job to come over on NYE then when Will went snorting over there realising from Kate there was something more going on, Paul talked him up as a journalist and you could see Sneasel panting over it then after sex basically called him unprofessional for doing it.  That's why his relaxed attitude others have pointed out, makes sense to me.  And the way he turns questions back on Will all the time.  Are you gay?  Do you think I'm gay?   He had sex with him for shits and giggles then dared him to write the article.  I refuse to believe Twinkle doesn't know who Will HORTON is.  I'm really dreading tiger mom...ugh. I'm wondering if she taught him to be ashamed and play these mind games.  Not that Twinkle owes Jackson any fidelity because they're not together but his actions scream that he doesn't really care and he's just about control.  He said nothing about caring for Sneasel and if he just wanted sex there's always Derick so asshat has a game plan.  I'd love for one of the starlets he dated to show up and out him because show isn't great at backstories these days but it's clear Twinkle is a master manipulator.  No pun intended.


And since I'm in UO I keep making a joke to myself about show's emphasis on what an Awesome Pitcher With Fast Balls Twinkle is.  It makes me wonder if Jackson left him in part to get in a little batting practice of his own.  I'm suspect Will was up for that.  I'll show myself out now. 


ETA  How bout dem Packrs hey? 

Edited by QuelleC
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Agreed, being with Chad has made her a more likable, sympathetic character. 


Jordan was definitely salvageable.  But it figures, they finally give CS something more to do than make that worried face of doom and then she gets canned!  And to make matters worse, they're keeping her character's plastic brother and his idiot girlfriend on contract!  Chrishell is a far better actress than anyone could have guessed watching her here.  Too bad she wasn't given better writing and direction a long time ago.

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So many of you have given very well written, thoughtful takes on the WilSon triangle. I continue to think Twinkle is playing Will big time. The bedroom scene was for me a study in manipulation. He threatened Will's job to come over on NYE then when Will went snorting over there realising from Kate there was something more going on, Paul talked him up as a journalist and you could see Sneasel panting over it then after sex basically called him unprofessional for doing it. That's why his relaxed attitude others have pointed out, makes sense to me. And the way he turns questions back on Will all the time. Are you gay? Do you think I'm gay? He had sex with him for shits and giggles then dared him to write the article. I refuse to believe Twinkle doesn't know who Will HORTON is. I'm really dreading tiger mom...ugh. I'm wondering if she taught him to be ashamed and play these mind games. Not that Twinkle owes Jackson any fidelity because they're not together but his actions scream that he doesn't really care and he's just about control. He said nothing about caring for Sneasel and if he just wanted sex there's always Derick so asshat has a game plan. I'd love for one of the starlets he dated to show up and out him because show isn't great at backstories these days but it's clear Twinkle is a master manipulator. No pun intended.

And since I'm in UO I keep making a joke to myself about show's emphasis on what an Awesome Pitcher With Fast Balls Twinkle is. It makes me wonder if Jackson left him in part to get in a little batting practice of his own. I'm suspect Will was up for that. I'll show myself out now.

ETA How bout dem Packrs hey?

Call me crazy, but today was the first time I really considered that Paul already knows who Will is. It is quite a big gamble for Paul to sleep with Sonny's ex to get him back, but it just might pay off if he uses the excuse that he didn't know who Will was, blah blah blah.

In yesterday's episode, Paul was pretty good at playing on Will's doubts. If Paul can get Will to leave Sonny, then that leaves the path free and clear for him.

The red flag for me was when he insisted on Will coming back to his hotel room. On the last visit, Derrick was not able to get any photographic evidence, but perhaps this time he will be poised to catch Will and Paul in a compromising position.

Edited by 271queenie
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Here's my new unpopular opinion.  And it probably won't last.  


Don't hate me but I'm sorta liking Adrienne.  I detested her interfering behind and loved it when Sami shamed her soundless, but right now I'm enjoying her.


It's probably because we've seen more of Lucas, and NOT the Lucas that we only saw so he could disapprove of Sami, and she's been pretty even-handed with Sonny and Sneasel lately.  It will all probably change when the truth comes out, but I'll take what I can get. 

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Here's mine for now if Lucas gets involved with a married Adrienne, I may not be able to like him anymore. If he takes Sneasel's side in cheating on Sonny it'll make me dislike him even more. Lucas of all people knows what it's like to be cheated on and it's not a good feeling and don't ever give Judgy or Dingy an "I told you so" card to play...EVER!!!


Also I'm not on the Haiden train, something about this couple still bores me. When I'm reviewing the show and they're on, sometimes I forget to mention them. It has nothing to do with Bo at all. It's just something. I think it's Aiden. I still find him boring.

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I'm usually in the same boat as everyone around here, but this seems to be a big departure [+ puts me in league with the crazies that post on the DooL FB page, which is a tad worrying]...I like Paul. I've always liked Paul. I don't know if it's just because he's attractive + a competent actor + I'm a huge baseball fan...but I just like him. I don't find him too pushy or stalkerish - I just feel sympathy for him. + he's so many things that Sneasel is not [please see above: he's attractive + a competent actor] that I can't help but root for his happiness. Maybe not with Jackson...but happiness nonetheless.

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I'm usually in the same boat as everyone around here, but this seems to be a big departure [+ puts me in league with the crazies that post on the DooL FB page, which is a tad worrying]...I like Paul. I've always liked Paul. I don't know if it's just because he's attractive + a competent actor + I'm a huge baseball fan...but I just like him. I don't find him too pushy or stalkerish - I just feel sympathy for him. + he's so many things that Sneasel is not [please see above: he's attractive + a competent actor] that I can't help but root for his happiness. Maybe not with Jackson...but happiness nonetheless.


I'm with you! Team Paul all the way. Even though Sneasel and Sonny got married I've never felt they had the true emotional connection that Sonny seemed to have with Paul.  That may be an unfortunate result of GW's acting choices, but it is what it is.

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I like Paul, as well. It can be hard to come out and give UOs.

I also don't mind Serena and I do think she can be quite overzealous sometimes, but it doesn't bother me that much.

I'm a Paige fan and wish the writers hadn't destroyed her the way they had since the whole thing with J.J. and Eve got started.

I also, despite everything, still like Jennifer and blame the writing for her current characterization more than the character herself.

Edited by radishcake
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No way do I think what Will did was ok however I felt his desperation when he was yelling at Paul to leave Salem. I did actually feel sorry for him even though his poor decisions got him to this point.

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another unpopular opinion here.  I loved EJami and strangely I did not hold it against them for the awful things they did to each other.  Reason being I knew Corday hated the couple and he was manipulating the viewers to root for what he wanted.  Which definitely was not EJami. 

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I also, despite everything, still like Jennifer and blame the writing for her current characterization more than the character herself.



She's one of my favorites. I also like Jennifer and Daniel together (or did, 'til he gave the most incoherent break up reason, ever). I love Melanie. I've wanted Mel and Brady together, since before stupid Dario came on the scene. I don't understand why these writers don't write her a decent story. Missy Reeves can act. I feel the same way about Nicole. Why is she being stuck in repetitive storylines, when she is (especially with Ali gone) one of the more compelling performers left on the show.

I hate Will, now, and it's because of Guy Wilson (who I tried to like, for a long time), not because Will cheated on Sonny. I want Sonny and Paul to end up together and Will to be written off, at least until the show finds an actor who doesn't make me cringe.

I don't care if Lucas has an affair with Adrienne. I'm so pleased he's finally got a story (and so far, it's been set up that Justin has given Adrienne reason to doubt him). 

Also? I like Abigail when the show writes for her. They've got to get rid of the underwear model as her s.o. If that means her taking yet another ride on the DiMera-Go-Round, so be it.

I love JJ, but Paige and Eve need to go. 


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She's one of my favorites. I also like Jennifer and Daniel together (or did, 'til he gave the most incoherent break up reason, ever). I love Melanie. I've wanted Mel and Brady together, since before stupid Dario came on the scene. I don't understand why these writers don't write her a decent story. Missy Reeves can act. I feel the same way about Nicole. Why is she being stuck in repetitive storylines, when she is (especially with Ali gone) one of the more compelling performers left on the show.

I hate Will, now, and it's because of Guy Wilson (who I tried to like, for a long time), not because Will cheated on Sonny. I want Sonny and Paul to end up together and Will to be written off, at least until the show finds an actor who doesn't make me cringe.

I don't care if Lucas has an affair with Adrienne. I'm so pleased he's finally got a story (and so far, it's been set up that Justin has given Adrienne reason to doubt him). 

Also? I like Abigail when the show writes for her. They've got to get rid of the underwear model as her s.o. If that means her taking yet another ride on the DiMera-Go-Round, so be it.

I love JJ, but Paige and Eve need to go. 


I liked Jennifer & Daniel too. Melanie actually grew on me because I damn sure hated her the first time around. Melanie is the only woman I've liked Brady with

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Did you always hate Victor, Marigold, or did it happen over time?

I hated him in the pre-Stefano days, because he was the big bad. I've liked his journey, though, and I appreciate that he says the things a lot of us are thinking, now. Also, I'm in awe of both John Aniston and Joe Mascolo, because they're still turning in great performances at their age.

DiamondErica1979, a few times, I thought they were going to put Brady and Jennifer together (probably the last time was when they helped each other with their grief after Madison and Jack died in the explosion). I think that could have been interesting. And while Jennifer is a little older than Brady, it's not decades. I suffer serious squick with Eve and JJ, probably because I have a kid about his age, and I'm younger than Kassie D. I don't mind a May/December romance (or even affair), but Eve/JJ turns my stomach. That's probably not an unpopular opinion, so I'll shut up, now.

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I love Paul.  I don't ship him and Sonny, but I could.   Really, I could.


I don't mind Adrienne and Lucas.  I don't see them in the long term but I see how that evolved and I'm fine with it.   Gives something to do for Lucas and always glad when an older woman is considered desirable in an organic way.   


I don't hate Kate Mansi.  I don't love Abby she' so incredibly poorly written, but I'm fine with the actress and they could do a brain tumor retcon and make her interesting and I could get behind that.   

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Did you always hate Victor, Marigold, or did it happen over time?

I hated him in the pre-Stefano days, because he was the big bad. I've liked his journey, though, and I appreciate that he says the things a lot of us are thinking, now. Also, I'm in awe of both John Aniston and Joe Mascolo, because they're still turning in great performances at their age.

I liked him years back being the big bad guy to hate but now he is just so darn cranky. The actor is great and has such boring material to work with. And the Victor/Maggie pairing is so not believeable for me. To me, the character brings nothing to the table anymore.

Totally agree, Joe Mascolo and John Aniston are good and need better material to show that off.

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I kind of always figure Joe and John have told production that they'll work a few days a month, and so production does what it can with them. That, though, is totally my surmise.

I like Maggie (I remember being a little kid, when she was brought on, so some of my fondness can be blamed on that) and I like Maggie and Victor as an unconventional couple. That said, I like Maggie, because when the writers turn her into an unbearable scold, I blame it on writer error, and don't hold the character at fault (and yes, this means I'm cheating).

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I don't hate Abigail.  I don't think Ben is a good guy (his anger is OTT to me and I always feel like he might hurt Abigail).  JMHO he should have consequences for beating up Chad.  How come everybody blamed Chad?  No matter what Chad said that beating was wrong.

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Ben absolutely should have faced the consequences for beating up Chad. He's shown his anger multiple times. It seems that the only skill Ben has is using his fists - he went after both Rafe and Chad. I wish Chad and the DA hadn't dropped the charges. At least get Ben into anger management off camera.


I have a giant soft spot for Chad.  I think that people blame him for their own actions all of the time.  People say he did awful things to Gabi - what? She all but stalked him to get him to fall in love with her.  The worse thing Chad did was reveal Ari's paternity lie and they acted like he ruined Gabi's life. I would argue her actions ruined Chad's life with Melanie to a greater degree.

Abigail had the choice not to get involved with him after Cameron stopped showing interest. Instead, there is talk about how he manipulated her into bed.

He was shitty for sabotaging Sonny's club - I still don't understand how that worked and whether it was completely his fault or a combination because Sonny didn't fully vet the contract. I wouldn't be surprised if people start blaming Chad for causing marital strife between Will and Sonny.

Chad can be a jerk but his actions have been on par with the "good" characters in town. Or at the worst a grey character.  


I dislike Rafe. Seeing him onscreen makes me want to fast forward scenes I would normally watch. Even when he is technically in the right, his self-righteousness bugs and I think he should be in jail for multiple counts of corruption.  

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I have a feeling that they are going to do Will, what they did to Nick....They are going to trash Will to make Paulson happen and they will get together and raise Ari as their daughter..The scene between Sonny and Ari was to show that she is his daughter.  Last Year they got rid of Gabi, so that Wilson could have her all to themselves...

This post that I quoted from the "Current Plots Discussion" thread leads me into my personal UO that might get me pelted with tomatoes, but I hope doesn't.  I hate what the writers chose to do to Nick and Gabi just to sacrifice them both at Will and Sonny's altar (and to an extent, Sami and E.J.'s, as well).  I hated that both of them got varying degrees of trashed just to prop up the golden boys.  And because of that, I've actually enjoyed the current story with Paul because I feel like it is a certain degree of karma and poetic justice that they are the ones getting trashed now.


Ben absolutely should have faced the consequences for beating up Chad. He's shown his anger multiple times. It seems that the only skill Ben has is using his fists - he went after both Rafe and Chad. I wish Chad and the DA hadn't dropped the charges. At least get Ben into anger management off camera.

Not that I'm a huge Ben fan, but I'm not bothered by him getting off since even with his anger issues, he showed amazing restraint with Chad at first.  But that last attack, he never would have done without provocation, and by his own admission (the part that everyone unsurprisingly seems to forget), Chad went out of his way to provide it.  Yes, Ben did assault Chad, but as it was provoked in the first place, he did have a case to get off, anyway.  It's unprovoked ones that are harder to skate from.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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This post that I quoted from the "Current Plots Discussion" thread leads me into my personal UO that might get me pelted with tomatoes, but I hope it doesn't.


Absolutely no tomatoes!  I always save those for blt's - and NOT from Kelly's.  

I think Show would have told a much better story with Nick if they had let him learn from what he first tried with Will and not turned him into the EVUL that they did.  It was a waste of a good character and a better actor.  Gabi, for me anyway, was more disposable.  But then again I never liked her much to begin with.

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Guess it's time for me to come out and say...I like Paul & Sonny together, and hope they can make a go of it. Can't stand Will at all, and couldn't care less who he winds up with.


I also enjoy Dr. Dan and Jennifer. Sorry to see Dan's "George Michael" beard shaved. I thought it was sexy and looked good on him. Don't understand why others call him 'dirty'...just because they don't like that look doesn't mean he's 'unwashed'. 

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This post that I quoted from the "Current Plots Discussion" thread leads me into my personal UO that might get me pelted with tomatoes, but I hope doesn't.  I hate what the writers chose to do to Nick and Gabi just to sacrifice them both at Will and Sonny's altar (and to an extent, Sami and E.J.'s, as well).  I hated that both of them got varying degrees of trashed just to prop up the golden boys.  And because of that, I've actually enjoyed the current story with Paul because I feel like it is a certain degree of karma and poetic justice that they are the ones getting trashed now.


I am so there with you. I don't care how irrational it is, I will always hold it against Will that the Nick character destruction happened. Even more irrationally, I don't hold it against Sonny as much (mainly because FS looked like he was trying to sell Will/Sonny, but I never got the impression that CM was, necessitating an outside source to make me root for them). Plus, as hard as I tried, I could never bring myself to actually like Will. In theory, I should have, since I loved Lucas and pre-EJ Sami. How their spawn could be so utterly devoid of brains and charisma is one of life's greatest mysteries. 

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The destruction of Nick had nothing to do with the recast of Will. You guys forget that Chandler was still in the role when Nick was trying to get Gabi to go to New York with him and the baby...I have always blamed Melanie for his destruction.....

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There were so many things about the Nick SL that bothered me.  At least when it involved, NIck, Will, Gabi, Sonny, Chad and Melanie, it was believable.  However, when they pitted Nick against Sami, Lucas, Kate and EJ, and I was supposed to believe those people wouldn't have squashed Nick like a bug, it was ridiculous.  Also, there was no need to revisit the SL three different times.  The first go around with Will getting shot, Sonny delivering Ari, and Nick/Will resolving their differences should have been the end, and they all should have moved forward.


Although that would mean, we wouldn't have gotten the SL of Kate, Sami, Gabi tossing Nick in the river, and those scenes were excellent.

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The destruction of Nick had nothing to do with the recast of Will. You guys forget that Chandler was still in the role when Nick was trying to get Gabi to go to New York with him and the baby...I have always blamed Melanie for his destruction.....

I'm not forgetting. I don't think CM was a strong enough actor--or simply didn't put an effort into it--to handle the storyline with Sonny. Iit seemed to me that the show decided the coupling needed something else to make it rootable, so they made Nick an asshole to garner sympathy for Will. Just because another (even less likable) actor is playing the character now, it doesn't change my opinion that Will was propped by making Nick a jerk, and I'm still holding it against the character. Plus, even CM's Will never caught on with me. He was just as insufferable then as he is as played by GW.


I blame Melanie for Nick's character assassination as well, but he was never truly awful until they inserted him into Will and Sonny's story. He was desperate, and obsessive, and all kinds of emotionally screwed up, but totally redeemable before that.

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This post that I quoted from the "Current Plots Discussion" thread leads me into my personal UO that might get me pelted with tomatoes, but I hope doesn't.  I hate what the writers chose to do to Nick and Gabi just to sacrifice them both at Will and Sonny's altar (and to an extent, Sami and E.J.'s, as well).  I hated that both of them got varying degrees of trashed just to prop up the golden boys.  And because of that, I've actually enjoyed the current story with Paul because I feel like it is a certain degree of karma and poetic justice that they are the ones getting trashed now.



The destruction of Nick had nothing to do with the recast of Will. You guys forget that Chandler was still in the role when Nick was trying to get Gabi to go to New York with him and the baby...I have always blamed Melanie for his destruction.....

I think that Gabi and Nick's characters were sacrificed for both Melanie and Will.  When Nick was first on the show I thought he was nerdy, endearing, and had tons of charm.  I think that writing wise, he did lose out in his relationship with Melanie. There was a chance for him to be redeemed many times since he had the backing and support of all of the Hortons. His character was absolutely destroyed when he tried to keep Will away from Arianna.  At his worst, he still had charm but he was turned into someone who you feared and was so malicious that I was relieved when he was thrown in the river and ultimately shot dead.


I think that Gabi's character was also sacrificed for Melanie and then Will/Sonny. When she first came on screen, she was a normal, bubbly teen girl. She had spunk and had normal crushes/relationships with Chad and Will.  I also liked her dynamic with Rafe and sister Arianna.  I know that they changed up her character when Camilla Banus came on, but I don't think it was for the better.  They had Gabi go completely psycho to restart her relationship with Chad and Melanie was the good friend who tried to protect Gabi from a made up stalker unknowing that Gabi was after her boyfriend. It seemed like that story line was used to make Melanie even more sympathetic and to show that she was spunky and strong even when in peril. I actually liked Gabi up until the point where she misdirected the search team away from where Melanie was being held. I didn't care as much about her after Rafe helped cover her role in the kidnapping and explosion.

The relationship that Gabi had with Will was so established and reinforced through the years that there was no way that she would keep Arianna away from Will. She was being used as a pawn by Nick but it never made real sense since he had Rafe, Sami, Kate and EJ to protect her against Nick. The writing went back and forth too much on her.  

I think that the writing was used to make Will sympathetic, but his want to keep Arianna's paternity a secret did him no favors.  Making Nick homophobic is what made me want to get Arianna away from both Nick and Gabi. It was just strange writing all around.


In regards to Chad and Ben, I do think that Chad intentionally manipulated Ben in their altercation. However, I don't think that physically assaulting him was in any way appropriate.  Ben could have one upped Chad had he recorded him or simply repeated what Chad said to Jordan and Abigail. That could have led to blackmail. Why was it even kept a secret? The show made it seem like Chad said the worst thing ever. I would hope that a court wouldn't say to Ben, "Chad compared two women in bed? Well, you sir are free of all charges." It was also a series of Ben assaulting people that made me cheer that he was actually going to face consequences for hitting people.  He knew what Chad was doing and chose to hit him.  I just am tired of certain people assaulting others and getting away with it - Abigail is another example. 

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I agree with you...Gabi and Will were always best friends..She was very sympathetic when he was struggling with his sexuality..She was always rooting for him and Sonny to be happy together, despite her disliking him...I always felt that the show should have explored their mutual dislike of one another. It could have given us better stories for Wilson and Gabi....I wonder what would happen if Gabi were to get out of prison, could she take Arianna away from Wilson....

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The relationship that Gabi had with Will was so established and reinforced through the years that there was no way that she would keep Arianna away from Will. She was being used as a pawn by Nick but it never made real sense since he had Rafe, Sami, Kate and EJ to protect her against Nick. The writing went back and forth too much on her.  


I think that the writing was used to make Will sympathetic, but his want to keep Arianna's paternity a secret did him no favors.  Making Nick homophobic is what made me want to get Arianna away from both Nick and Gabi. It was just strange writing all around.


In regards to Chad and Ben, I do think that Chad intentionally manipulated Ben in their altercation. However, I don't think that physically assaulting him was in any way appropriate.  Ben could have one upped Chad had he recorded him or simply repeated what Chad said to Jordan and Abigail. That could have led to blackmail. Why was it even kept a secret? The show made it seem like Chad said the worst thing ever. I would hope that a court wouldn't say to Ben, "Chad compared two women in bed? Well, you sir are free of all charges." It was also a series of Ben assaulting people that made me cheer that he was actually going to face consequences for hitting people.  He knew what Chad was doing and chose to hit him.  I just am tired of certain people assaulting others and getting away with it - Abigail is another example. 


Good points.  When NIck turned into the big homophobe, his character was over for me.  I also thought it was ridiculous - though there were some entertaining moments, particularly his fight with Sami - but she and EJ and Lucas and Kate would have pulverized him in two seconds flat.  


And they had Gabi all over the place.  One day she's afraid of him, the next she's defending him, then back to fear, etc., which ended up making her look mentally deficent, at best.  My sympathy for her was exhausted by that point.


I wasn't bothered - still aren't - that Chad manipulated Ben into punching him.  Especially since Ben had hit him, and God knows how many others with little or no provocation.  Plus, that gomer was always running his mouth with opinions about people in Salem he didn't even know, parroting whatever that troll doll Abigail thought.  Guy is a violent idiot with a better opinion of himself than he deserves.  

I only wish that Abigail - and Jenn, for that matter, were also brought up on charges for assault.  Eve may be a train wreck, and Theresa at times too, but I would have loved it if either one of them had just hauled off and slugged those harpies right back.  No sympathy from me for Ben - ever.  

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I love John Black and Drake for all the wrong reasons and I don't care. His interpretation of his character for the past 20 odd years is basically a Saturday Night Live sketch of everything that is bad and over the top about soap opera style acting and it gives me life. I love everything from the perma squint that looks it may have been caused by grapefruit juice being squirted into one eye to the Batman voice. 


I am underwhelmed by Chad. I still think the actor is very good and has potential but the character lost what seems to be damn near all its momentum after EJ left the canvas.  He isn't written as intelligent or even self sufficient. Just a daddy's boy that is counting on daddy Steffy to come up with all the plans not only to get even with Kate (why because I don't remember Kate doing anything in particular to him) but also Abby. Come on now. Grow a pair!! 

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If it weren't for characters like John Black, this (and any soap, to be honest) would lose so much of its, um....charm? The cheesiness is what keeps me coming back. I can get bad writing and nonsensical plot twists anywhere, and I don't put up with it. But throw in people like John and families and characters I grew up with...well, then, you have me for life.

Honestly, I'm pleased when I get the rare combination of good acting, good (or not horrible) story telling, and appealing characters, but it's not the draw for me. 

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I think quite a few characters were dumbed down and written OOC in last few years in order to move the SLs forward, and the SLs with Nick are just one example of that.  Nick, Gabi, Will, Sonny, Chad, Stephanie and Chelsea were all sacrificed at some point for Melanie, only to have the actress leave the show.  It's a formula the writers keep repeating.  They sacrifice popular and established characters for their favorite of the moment.

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At the time, even though I was glad to see her go, I was pretty bitter about all the work the show went to to connect Melanie to a core family only to have her leave. 


I believe I may have said somewhere on here once that I didn't hate Daniel. Consider this a formal retraction of that statement.

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They sacrifice popular and established characters for their favorite of the moment.


I hope they continue to follow this pattern at trash Sparkle at some point and then then throw him down a mineshaft once they no longer have any use for him.


Sometimes I get annoyed with how much of a Mary Sue Sonny is. And despite making him a cheater and an attempted murderer I still feel like they kinda write Will as a Mary Sue too. It's like they're scared to let the gay characters lie and scheme like everyone else because they're worried about backlash.


I don't care how much they trash Will, I'm always going to root for Lucas and Sami's kid to get it together and will always want him to be happy. With or without Sonny.

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You're right there is a pattern of destruction that happens every few years. Is it based off of the changes in the writers' room or just because the writers want a storyline a certain way disregarding the characters' histories?  Based off Sonny/Chad's friendship history, Chad would have never tried to torpedo Sonny's second club.  Chad valued their friendship too much.  I also don't think that Nicole would be messing around with Daniel anymore.  She is too much of a fighter and had a backbone. Kate definitely would not be with Clyde. 

I agree that they don't need to create story lines that tie characters to core families. I liked Melanie's storyline when she found out Daniel and Carly were her parents. That could have anchored her and Daniel enough. Tying them to Maggie was just overkill since Daniel also had his connection to Victor and Maggie isn't a blood Horton. So in my mind they should never have been tied to the Horton family to the extent of getting ornaments. 

I can't remember why I was happy that Melanie was coming back into town.  I know I rooted for her and Nathan to be together and liked her when she was with Philip, but the writing this go around has made me retroactively dislike her.  There are some characters that I can back despite all of ridiculous things they do, Sami was that person for me and Theresa is going that way, but I just can't with Melanie.    

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I kind of like Melanie. I have the feeling that if she were to see even someone she loathes (Anne, Theresa, Chad) having a medical crisis on the street, she would help them as much as she can, as she seems to have a kind enough heart, despite her antics and quirks.

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