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  On 6/17/2015 at 1:20 AM, mbaywife123 said:

Shannon used to have the recipe for the rolled roast beef with some sort of creamy horseradish filling rolled in peppercorns that David was famous for as well as her recipe for the scalloped goat cheese potatoes side dish on her website and they did indeed look mouth watering good. I just tried to go to her website and interestingly enough it has been scrubbed clean and just says coming soon?

Oh, man..that roast sounds so good.  I hope they put it back up soon!

  • Love 2
  On 6/16/2015 at 9:57 PM, Pegasaurus said:

I was CERTAIN, that when asked the name of her sparkling wine, Heather was going to say "CHAMPS"  (sounds like "shamps")


She didn't name it Champs, but she does refer to it that way on her web page.  I'm no beverage expert, but I think the only true Champagne, AKA Champs, comes from that region in France.  Also, she should realize by now that nobody is going to "follow her lead" and start referring to the stuff as Champs.



  • Love 1
  On 6/17/2015 at 7:57 PM, cherry slushie said:

Oh, man..that roast sounds so good.  I hope they put it back up soon!


  On 6/17/2015 at 1:20 AM, mbaywife123 said:

Shannon used to have the recipe for the rolled roast beef with some sort of creamy horseradish filling rolled in peppercorns that David was famous for as well as her recipe for the scalloped goat cheese potatoes side dish on her website and they did indeed look mouth watering good. I just tried to go to her website and interestingly enough it has been scrubbed clean and just says coming soon?


I've got the recipes if anybody wants them. PM me.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 1
  On 6/16/2015 at 6:42 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK, all this talk of Meghan being such a stunning, stunning, stunning incredible exceptional beauty made me go WTF? Cuz honestly, I didn't notice Meghan's looks at all whatsoever. She looked completely ordinary & average to me -- nothing noteworthy about her other than being rather tall & quite thin. Oh & that she oddly takes pride in being married to an asshole who treats her like shit in front of the Bravo cams.

So I took another (closer) look at Meghan in these 2 eps. Her clothes are mostly very forgettable & meh. Her jewelry is blah & she's got a ginormous head & a huge forehead. Her hair color is OK, if kinda bland & she could benefit from a better hairstyle, which is unmemorable & blah. Sorry, her looks don't stand out to me. Could it be she just doesn't "pop" on TV & maybe she's striking in person? Not sure.

Did someone in this thread say when they complimented her appearance that they met her in person?


Its sad that our society nowadays finds more sympathy for the person who cheats vs. The person cheated on.



I'm not sure that society as a whole sympathizes with people who cheat as opposed to the person cheated on.  Cheaters are usually still portrayed as the bad guy on tv and the movies anyway.  I've been reading just as many people chastising David for cheating as chastising Shannon for giving him a reason to on this board.  I really do think David was wrong, wrong, wrong for cheating.  The thing I have against Shannon is that she just keeps moaning and crying about it like her tears will change the past.  Either you forgive him and move on with the marriage, or if you can't live with it, leave him!  I'm tired of seeing her wipe away tears in every talking head.  If you truly forgive someone, you can't keep throwing what they did in their face and keep making them apologize for it over and over for the rest of their life. 


And stop involving your kids in the bad parts of your relationship.  To me, it's just as bad as arguing in front of them.  They only need to be involved and informed if an actual divorce is going to take place.  I have a feeling Shannon does a lot of her crying and moaning to the older daughter using her as a crutch.  If this is true, I feel for the guy who ends up marrying her. 

  • Love 7

I am not defending their decision to show the apology on camera, but I think David does owe the kids an apology for leaving them. Even though it isn't really abandonment like he dropped off the face of the earth and never contacted them again, but he did leave the house for several weeks, and I'm sure the girls were really scared and freaked out about where their dad was all of a sudden. When you are a kid, any thought of losing your family is terrifying, so I'm thinking he just left and didn't come back for awhile, never explained to his kids where he was going or when he was coming back. 


Personally, I think David is kind of a loser, and Shannon definitely out classes him. Also, the hotel receipts and meeting up with someone during the day for sex at a hotel (I'm assuming it was in the day because David was always still home at 6 for dinner) sounds like he was using call girls. Classy. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 5
  On 6/18/2015 at 1:42 AM, bravofan27 said:

I am not defending their decision to show the apology on camera, but I think David does owe the kids an apology for leaving them. Even though it isn't really abandonment like he dropped off the face of the earth and never contacted them again, but he did leave the house for several weeks, and I'm sure the girls were really scared and freaked out about where there dad was all of a sudden. When you a kid, any thought of losing your family is terrifying, so I'm thinking he just left and didn't come back for awhile, never explained to his kids where he was going or when he was coming back. 

I completely agree about the apology. He didn't just cheat on his wife, he cheated on his family. Kids are very intuitive; while his kids may not have known exactly what was wrong, they knew something was up. His daughter didn't just pick up his cell phone one day for fun, she was trying to get answers. And congratulations, David, you have just given your daughters massive trust issues with men for the rest of their lives!

On a much lighter note, I could not get over how many times I said to myself this episode as others have mentioned, "gosh, Vicki looks really good." The current hairstyle/length is very flattering on her. She should send Tamra to her stylist, ASAP, because Tamra looks like a woman who thinks that keeping her younger style will make her look young, but in fact is starting to age her tremendously.

Lastly Meaghan. My jury is still out on her, but I think it's safe to say you'll be able to clock this marriage with an egg timer.

  • Love 4

I am in no way excusing David or saying I think he's a great husband. Far from it. But to me, Shannon is a huge pit of cling who needs constant hand holding and attention and when she doesn't get it she gets weepy and whiny and poor me all over the house. It's exhausting. And that's without the affair or anything, I honestly think that is her default setting in general. She's a damaged person who married someone who cannot meet her needs. She seems to be preset on 'pathos' and that makes me crazy.  No matter how 'right' she is and how 'wrong' David is, I cannot stand her general demeanor and way of dealing with any of it.  


That said, being married to any of these women would be a job of work. I say this as a woman myself. I just can't with any of them, but for different reasons.  The difference is the others make me want to kill them. Shannon makes me want to kill myself. Figuratively speaking. 

  • Love 10

Does anyone think that Tamra's been in touch with Briana since hearing about Brookes' cancer online before they started filming? I think they've been in each other's ear bc they both despise Brookes.

So help me, if Brookes has been lying about having cancer I am going to be so pissed. That would be about as low as you can go. I can't see Vicki going along with that, there's no way she'd want to be a party to that and hurt and deceive Brookes' family.

  • Love 1

I'm barely ten minutes into the episode but had to come here and say the Shannon/David eulogy with the freaking headstones and the playing dead was one of the weirdest things I've seen on this show... Which is saying something with these crazy bitches.

But then I just don't get bog standard therapy let alone these bizarre role playing types

Hey Shannon, imagine life without David. When you forgive, you have to actually forgive and we all know you're not going to be capable of doing that which is fine, I couldn't either. Eventually he will leave because he'll grow tired of you throwing it in his face, he'll probably have another affair too so stop prolonging the misery of yourself, your husband and your daughters because even your crazy, nagging arse deserves better than a man who doesn't even have the decency to show you enough respect as his wife and the mother of his children to end his fifteen year marriage before fucking someone else.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 8

last year Shannon wrote about how when she watched the show she realized she was a nag.  I don't think she used those exact words but close enough.  So this year the new improved Shannon is to be clingy and dependent?  Does Shannon ever watch other people's marriage.  Even Terry and Heather would be a start, if not them, Kyle and Mauricio, Lisa and Ken, Harry and Lisa, Eileen and Vince -these are just of few marriages on reality TV that seem to be working she should give it a try.  I realize that watching TV sill probably cause her to have to wear a tin foil hat but geez she is on a fricking TV show.

  • Love 9
I'm not sure that society as a whole sympathizes with people who cheat as opposed to the person cheated on.  Cheaters are usually still portrayed as the bad guy on tv and the movies anyway.  I've been reading just as many people chastising David for cheating as chastising Shannon for giving him a reason to on this board.  I really do think David was wrong, wrong, wrong for cheating.  The thing I have against Shannon is that she just keeps moaning and crying about it like her tears will change the past.  Either you forgive him and move on with the marriage, or if you can't live with it, leave him!  I'm tired of seeing her wipe away tears in every talking head.  If you truly forgive someone, you can't keep throwing what they did in their face and keep making them apologize for it over and over for the rest of their life.


I can find fault with both of them, and feel sympathy for both of them. I don't think either has 100% honored their marriage vows. Straying is a big, big thing. But you also promise to honor/respect your spouse, and from what I've seen, Shannon really doesn't do that. She is constantly criticizing him, from the food he eats to how loudly he chews! I supposed we could hypothesize that his cheating ways created this shrew of a woman, but somehow I see her always being like this. 


They both have to take accountability for the ways they've failed each other, as we can only control ourselves, not others. 


I am not defending their decision to show the apology on camera, but I think David does owe the kids an apology for leaving them. Even though it isn't really abandonment like he dropped off the face of the earth and never contacted them again, but he did leave the house for several weeks, and I'm sure the girls were really scared and freaked out about where their dad was all of a sudden. When you are a kid, any thought of losing your family is terrifying, so I'm thinking he just left and didn't come back for awhile, never explained to his kids where he was going or when he was coming back.


Yea, the only problem I really had with it was doing it for the cameras. IMO, when you cheat on a spouse, you've betrayed the whole family. Unfortunately the kids found out, I have no problem with David apologizing to them as well. 

  • Love 9

Ok so I pretty much love everything you said and agree, so I just added my agreements along the way.

  On 6/16/2015 at 3:17 PM, essexjan said:

Ugh, Shannon is a black hole of a woman who sucks the light, energy and fun out of everything.


YAAASSSSS. She is the propellor of her own destruction. I wish she would ditch the couples therapy and Dr. Moon and seek out some real therapy where she could hopefully stop getting in her own way and maybe have a moment of happiness.


He needs to hook up with Jeana (lookin' great, girl!). I'm sure she'd be able to remind him what fun is.


This needs to happen immediately!!! 


I wonder if David had the affair knowing it'd come out on TV, giving him the excuse to leave. I think he'd see being cast as a villainous adulterer as a small price to pay to be away from the pit of misery that is his wife.


Probably. He's taken good notes from Frasier.


Meghan is one of those women who, although quite attractive, has a way about her, particularly around men, that makes her seem more attractive than she actually is. She's too thin and in ten years' time, unless she adds 20lbs to that frame (unlikely, I know), she'll be looking haggard and scrawny. 


Yes. Yes. Yes.


Katie Hamilton looks older than me and I'm 56. I thought she was definitely over 50. Sunbathing, maybe smoking, too much makeup, fake hair, none of this helps a woman look young.


She was so briefly shown, I didn't get much of an impression except that I HATE her hairstyle. I think the editors have pretty much phased her out so she will only appear in group scenes as background noise.


Vicki's looking good now her face has settled. Her dress sense has slightly improved too, although it's early days yet, so I'll hold off on that one until later on in the season. I love that hairstyle on her. Her hair looks silky and in good condition, unlike Gramball's straw mop.


She does look amazing, and I would love to send a fruit basket to whoever convinced her to STOP with the skin-tight, 2 sizes too small, clothing. Unless it was Brooks.





  On 6/18/2015 at 12:27 PM, tabloidlover said:

For reals?  Is that cuz it sounds French?  It's not even Champs, Heather!!  It's Sparkling Wine..... Get a grip..

She can't call hers champagne because it's made in California. Only sparkling wines from the Champagne region of France can technically be called champagne. Italy gets your prosecco, Spain gets you Cava, and the US gets "sparkling wine" until we come up with something more clever sounding.

  • Love 3
  On 6/17/2015 at 7:16 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

I don't feel sorry for either of 'em.  Why feel sorry for Shannon?  She chooses to stay with him.  Look, I don't think anyone should get involved in the particulars of a relationship, except the peeps involved in that relationship.  Shannon involving the daughters, in the way I suspect she did, was manipulative & just all kinds of wrong, especially cuz they're so young.  Nobody should get involved in a relationship/marriage -- parents, kids, friends, whatever, except if there is violence going on.


EXACTLY! This is why I can't with her. I, unfortunately know firsthand how damaging it can be to be brought in to your parents drama as a child. At 6 years old my mother started taking me for long car rides, telling me all the horrible ways my dad ignored, rejected, and hurt her. I became her therapist, and her loudest advocate. I started hating my dad, the house was split in half; my brother on team dad and me on team mom until I was in the last years of high school. Imagine my surprise when I find out my Mom had been having an affair the whole time and hmm maybe thats why my Dad would work late, and not spend much time with her. My father died a little over a year ago and one of the hardest things to grapple with was how much time was wasted, baring a grudge that wasn't my own against him. (Luckily in the later 15 years of his life we became extremely close, so there are wonderful memories.) But the crazy part is I will never be able to tell my Mom how effed up what she did to my childhood was, because theres still that small part of me that is assigned to the role of her couselor and protector.

So why, after watching S/D crumbling marriage would I saddle you all with this depressing sh%t? Because I'm living proof that what she's doing to those kids is damaging as hell and no matter bad I feel for anyone that gets cheated on, the way shes handling it is horrific. If she would wipe the nonstop tears for from her eyes for a second, maybe she would see that what she's doing to get back at him is really really gonna mess those girls up.

They are the only victims here. Shannon - gets to blubber and play victim on TV , David - once pushed to the brink of emasculation will call up his side piece. 

  • Love 2
  On 6/17/2015 at 1:09 PM, zoeysmom said:

I do think Shannon must have felt awfully gaslighted last year between Heather and Tamra setting her up and David telling her she was crazy.  My sympathy for David having to endure a nag is pretty slim.


Before Shannon and David went on RHOC they had their house on the market.  I am thinking that was the motivator to appear on the show.  David most likely agreed because he would unload the albatross of a house and be free to pursue his happiness without having to feel a big financial crunch.  The $150,000.00 or more paycheck Shannon would be receiving probably didn't hurt either.  Last season after Shannon whined about not ever having an away weekend with David and then magically he invites her to spend the night at a hotel, as they got in her car he dogged her about her car being messy.  So I think the OCD and perfection thing goes both ways.  Shannon's may present itself in more of the "what will others think?" while David may be just an all around fuss budget with his perfectly gelled hair and everything in its place.  So maybe this couple who found each other later in life both had issues with being fussy and had no idea over the years how this quest for perfectionism comes off.


I am surprised with Shannon's army of feel good people, she and David didn't check with a child psychologist to see the wisdom in the children accepting apologies and the children accepting apologies on TV.  It was uncomfortable for me. There must have been some reason they decided to go to a marriage therapy situation some nine months after the discovery of the affair.   Perhaps David is a little more brutal in the finance department and it made Shannon and the girls feel insecure.  It doesn't take much for him to stop bidding on projects and surpress his income.  Shannon worry may have been that he would rather finance a bachelor lifestyle than work and support a family in the manner they had become accustomed.

I adore the term Fuss Budget. Haven't heard it in years; thanks for the smile :)

  • Love 2

You know, I'm not really down with Meghan making snarky remarks about her suspicions of Brooks not having cancer in her Bravo blog.  There is something really blech about it.  Look, he may be faking cancer.  And if he is, then wait & let him & Vicks be outed   Cuz I have no doubt if he is faking cancer for a storyline, Vicks is absolutely behind it.  I could see Vicks thinking this storyline would keep her place on the show & the Bravo paycheck, which I'm sure she could use after her painful payout to Donn.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2
  On 6/18/2015 at 1:08 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Who the heck is Dean?  I've watched this show from the beginning & I don't remember ever seeing a Dean, let alone one with a brother.  Who is this?

Dean and San Winchester are on a show that's like a manly-man version of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, except they slay demons, Someone mentioned Sarah "Cake-eater" Winchester and Tamra needing an exorcism before her baptism...


  On 6/18/2015 at 11:14 AM, remmybrat said:

I just had check out the cost of Heather's wine.  If any one is interested it cost 38 dollars a bottle.

That's what you pay for the rotgut stuff, isn't it?


  On 6/18/2015 at 3:08 PM, The Evil One said:

She can't call hers champagne because it's made in California. Only sparkling wines from the Champagne region of France can technically be called champagne. Italy gets your prosecco, Spain gets you Cava, and the US gets "sparkling wine" until we come up with something more clever sounding.

How about "Collete" or "Cocobean" or "That Bitch"?

  On 6/16/2015 at 1:38 PM, KungFuBunny said:

Heather goes to the bakery to order a cake for the Collette Sparkling Wine launch in Napa


I hate fondant - it skeeves me out thinking of the 50 people who handled it with their fingers...nothing but sugared Play-Doh


Best part of this scene was the flashback of SARA WINCHESTER....Bravo must have heard my cry...What is this world coming to?


Wouldn't it have been awesome if Sara jumped out of the vineyard or behind the wine barrels and attacked Heather?


I'm gonna go with - it happenned but was edited out....dreamy sigh

Oh did you hit the nail on the head with this statement.  It has never looked even remotely edible to me. Give me good old buttercream any day.  I also have to confess that I lose my appetite when I see anyone touching anything I might be eating.  I can't watch anyone make/spinning pizza dough.  The thought of arm hairs coming off in the dough just makes me want to vomit.  I eat pizza but just don't watch it getting made. 

  On 6/16/2015 at 4:46 PM, islandgal140 said:

Is it all you care about Shannon? Is it? Because if it was you wouldn't be nitpicking this little piddling bullshit. Shannon. can't. let. anything. go. She has too much time on her hands to over examine and analyze every little detail and supposed slight. David strikes me as the type who would and could be happy if provided with the 3 Fs - Food, fun and fucking. Out of the 3, I think she is only providing the 1st. 


Lawd, that man can't do anything right according to Shannon. He just might as well walk around wearing a huge sandwich board sign that says "I'm sorry Shannon" on the front and "It is all my fault" on the back. If the therapist didn't have an issue with it take an ex-lax and let the shit go. 


Tired of the Tamra/Vicki roller coaster friendship. Let's face it they are only back together now because of filming. It is only a matter of time before they start fighting again over whether or not Brooks has cancer. Tamra will be up to her old tricks and siddling up to Brianna for info and talking stuff behind Vicki's back. Back to square 1. 


I am really uncomfortable with the Brooks is faking cancer thing. Frankly, I don't even want to know and wish this mess was kept off screen. It is just too ugly a thing to contemplate for me.

What if you are really good at one of the three? <wink>

  • Love 1
  On 6/18/2015 at 4:44 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, I'm not really down with Meghan making snarky remarks about her suspicions of Brooks not having cancer in her Bravo blog.  There is something really blech about it.  Look, he may be faking cancer.  And if he is, then wait & let him & Vicks be outed   Cuz I have no doubt if he is faking cancer for a storyline, Vicks is absolutely behind it.  I could see Vicks thinking this storyline would keep her place on the show & the Bravo paycheck, which I'm sure she could use after her painful payout to Donn.

I get what you mean, but they are supposed to share their feelings and blog about it. That's what gives the show drama, and if they don't they don't get picked up for the next season. Peggy and Lydia were both too diplomatic, same with Lynn. In order to keep you place on this show, it seems being snarky and making comments about things that are none of your business is part of the job requirement. 

  On 6/18/2015 at 4:44 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, I'm not really down with Meghan making snarky remarks about her suspicions of Brooks not having cancer in her Bravo blog.  There is something really blech about it.  Look, he may be faking cancer.  And if he is, then wait & let him & Vicks be outed   Cuz I have no doubt if he is faking cancer for a storyline, Vicks is absolutely behind it.  I could see Vicks thinking this storyline would keep her place on the show & the Bravo paycheck, which I'm sure she could use after her painful payout to Donn.

Meghan knows not of what she speaks.  Many, many chemo patients are on a three week course of treatment.  They get their chemo they are sick for two or three days 0 as in vomiting and then they have two weeks until the next treatment.  Meghan is incredibly irresponsible even insinuating anything about Brooks condition.  As to him not talking about it - did she expect him to rattle off the cocktail he is receiving?   


I don't even think Vicki would go along with my lover has cancer as a storyline.  Thankfully in California cancer facilities have fairly strict rules about paparazzi shooting photographs of patients.

  • Love 3

I am going to go on the record as someone who doesn't think that Brooks is faking cancer. Brooks is a shyster and a con, but all cons know what they can and can't pull off. No way he would sign Vicki's pre-nup without the nup and not realize that Vicki would know he was faking. Vicki is just not going to leave anything to chance when it comes to this relationship with him, and he has to have worked her long enough to know that. Granted, Brooks may not be a smart con, but I think he has been smart enough to know his limits so far. 


Also, Brooks has been burned too many times with his history coming out to risk becoming an even bigger pariah by faking cancer. I'm curious to see what Tamra's blog is going to be like. She has made up with Vicki, and now she has to explain Eddie's "bullshit" cough. So that should be interesting. 

  • Love 4
  On 6/18/2015 at 9:05 PM, MatildaMoody said:

I am going to go on the record as someone who doesn't think that Brooks is faking cancer. Brooks is a shyster and a con, but all cons know what they can and can't pull off. No way he would sign Vicki's pre-nup without the nup and not realize that Vicki would know he was faking. Vicki is just not going to leave anything to chance when it comes to this relationship with him, and he has to have worked her long enough to know that. Granted, Brooks may not be a smart con, but I think he has been smart enough to know his limits so far.

Also, Brooks has been burned too many times with his history coming out to risk becoming an even bigger pariah by faking cancer. I'm curious to see what Tamra's blog is going to be like. She has made up with Vicki, and now she has to explain Eddie's "bullshit" cough. So that should be interesting.

I agree. While Brooks may not be the brightest crayon in the box, he's smart in a manipulative kind of way and I believe he's more than aware of his limits. I don't think he's so delusional to believe he can fake cancer and get away with it when his past has already resurfaced in the media several times. From what I can remember that was stuff that wasn't even on the show, and still, it was dug up and put out there whereas this is front and centre of the show/Vicki's storyline.

Vicki may pretend he bought her a fur coat but I don't think she'd go along with a fake cancer as a) a storyline for her and b) to invoke sympathy for her polarising boyfriend. Plus Vicki has been in the reality telly game a long time now, she knows how it works and if it turned out to be fake the backlash would smack her in the face too. Even if she wasn't aware of it and Brooks was conning her too, they'd be too much speculation that she knew and played along - either way she would never recover in the eyes of the viewers.

Ultimately, Vicki is going to protect Vicki.

Edited by FaithsMum
  • Love 6
  On 6/18/2015 at 10:54 PM, FaithsMum said:

I agree. While Brooks may not be the brightest crayon in the box, he's smart in a manipulative kind of way and I believe he's more than aware of his limits. I don't think he's so delusional to believe he can fake cancer and get away with it when his past has already resurfaced in the media several times. From what I can remember that was stuff that wasn't even on the show, and still, it was dug up and put out there whereas this is front and centre of the show/Vicki's storyline.

Vicki may pretend he bought her a fur coat but I don't think she'd go along with a fake cancer as a) a storyline for her and b) to invoke sympathy for her polarising boyfriend. Plus Vicki has been in the reality telly game a long time now, she knows how it works and if it turned out to be fake the backlash would smack her in the face too. Even if she wasn't aware of it and Brooks was conning her too, they'd be too much speculation that she knew and played along - either way she would never recover in the eyes of the viewers.

Ultimately, Vicki is going to protect Vicki.

I'm wondering if it's more of a reenactment situation than a total fraud. I'm thinking he does/did have cancer and did undergo treatment, but that he was in remission by filming. I could see Vicki getting talked into pretending he was still going through treatment when he wasn't for the camera without feeling like it a lie-lie. If I'm right than its one of those situations full of what I like to call "Housewife Truth". Everyone in the fight with just enough technical truth to go around so that everyone feels justifed going to the mattresses about whatever dumbass point they're trying to make. IMO that sort of thing is much more typical of these shows that someone completely fabricating either a storyline or an accusation of a fake storyline.

  • Love 1
  On 6/18/2015 at 11:35 PM, FozzyBear said:

I'm wondering if it's more of a reenactment situation than a total fraud. I'm thinking he does/did have cancer and did undergo treatment, but that he was in remission by filming. I could see Vicki getting talked into pretending he was still going through treatment when he wasn't for the camera without feeling like it a lie-lie. If I'm right than its one of those situations full of what I like to call "Housewife Truth". Everyone in the fight with just enough technical truth to go around so that everyone feels justifed going to the mattresses about whatever dumbass point they're trying to make. IMO that sort of thing is much more typical of these shows that someone completely fabricating either a storyline or an accusation of a fake storyline.

I can see that, if it was anything *but* cancer. Do you think Vicki lacks so much self awareness that even though it's a case of playing semantics rather than an outright lie that she wouldn't realise that they'd be backlash from it? I'm not sure, tbh. Vicki has lasted ten seasons and knows how to play the reality game but at the same time I can see that since she knows better than any of us how much is faked/exaggerated/re-enacted on these shows that she may not see that it wouldn't be accepted in the same way as all the other bullshit they feed us is.

Sometimes I think the problem with the reality "stars" who have been in the business a long time is that while they know how to play the game to keep themselves on their shows, they also get caught up in the exaggerated/re-enacted bubble and fail to realise that the audience is not oblivious to it, and will continue watching despite knowing a lot of it is semi-fake but it isn't a free for all, there is a line and some things - like this - would cross it.

It's almost 1am. I'm not sure if I'm making any sense, sorry!


She admitted she did the show in the first place because she thought it might help her marriage to see if all played out on TV.



Well, that's a horrible idea!


Having David apologize to the children *on camera* was also horrible.


Meagan's husband can't stand her. Ouch!


Hate to admit it, but I'm on the Vicki and Brooks train. They've been together several years now, and if he makes her happy, then so be it.

  • Love 1
  On 6/18/2015 at 8:32 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

Seeing that.the season is starting out more sad and with that continuing..I hope more fun things are shown to balance it out.

Makes me miss Lydia and hippie mom Judy...we need some fairy dust sprinkled on.Shannon and David.

True - a little fairy dust is definitely in order!

Wish Lydia and her mom were still on - I really enjoyed them.


The eulogy segment made me laugh because at times when I would get annoyed with Mr. Final Rose he would tell me to pretend he was dead and remember all the things I liked about him.  LOL. That always cracked me up and broke the tension because it's so true. So I agree with all the posters here who thought they would have cracked up at the eulogy thingee too.  


Shannon and Dave are just doomed. They may stick it out for now but they will never make it past the last child leaving for college because they find no joy in each other.  What are they offering their children in that case? I totally believe in the sanctity of the marriage vow, but I agree with the poster upthread who said you also promise to love and to cherish each other. It would be wonderful for the Beador girls if their parents loved and cherished each other on a daily basis in front of them, but we somehow have missed those slice of life scenes from the Beadors. What they have shown us is just the opposite and Shannon wants to lock down that dynamic for the rest of David's life for her girls' sake? Where is the logic in that? I think Shannon does not want to fail and will beat David up to keep from facing failure.


I still like Shannon but I'd like her to get to the root of what she is seeking and why she is so needy. I have been the SAHM and it's not a bed of roses but Shannon's got money to buy herself some happiness and she can't do it. 


There is too much Dr. Terry Dubrow on this show. Every time he says something I seethe with dislike. "Hey small child, remember when you were an infant and Mr. Big Pro Baseball Player Who Is Famous was at our house and held you by the pool?" "No, daddy, and you are an idiot."  

Edited by TheFinalRose
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Oh, I know it's mean, but I have to admit, Shannon's jittery shit gives me a wicked giggle.  When she gave a frozen look to the camera (in her TH) & said, with an incredibly phony smile & tightly gritting her teeth, she was just fine with Meghan, I burst out laughing.  Oh man, is she gonna beat the fuck outta her or what?  You go, Shannon.  Whip yourself some tall skinny girl ass.

  • Love 4
  On 6/18/2015 at 10:54 PM, FaithsMum said:

I agree. While Brooks may not be the brightest crayon in the box, he's smart in a manipulative kind of way and I believe he's more than aware of his limits. I don't think he's so delusional to believe he can fake cancer and get away with it when his past has already resurfaced in the media several times. From what I can remember that was stuff that wasn't even on the show, and still, it was dug up and put out there whereas this is front and centre of the show/Vicki's storyline.

Vicki may pretend he bought her a fur coat but I don't think she'd go along with a fake cancer as a) a storyline for her and b) to invoke sympathy for her polarising boyfriend. Plus Vicki has been in the reality telly game a long time now, she knows how it works and if it turned out to be fake the backlash would smack her in the face too. Even if she wasn't aware of it and Brooks was conning her too, they'd be too much speculation that she knew and played along - either way she would never recover in the eyes of the viewers.

Ultimately, Vicki is going to protect Vicki.


Yeah, I am on board with this one-thousand percent.  You so eloquently hit the nail on the head.  There is no way Vicki's going to go along with a fake cancer story to secure herself a seat on some reality show.  Vicki has other means of income and is probably not so pressed for a Bravo check like some other reality stars are.  Vicki has a favorable business reputation I assume and would lose too much face and too many clients in the insurance industry if the cancer situation turned out not to be true.  Vicki needs to fall back on her insurance business once her reality show ends.  Plus, didn't Briana have a cancer scare with her thyroid issues?  Nah, not buying Vicki willingly getting on board with any of that.  She's got too much to lose.


As to Brooks' "Does he or doesn't he have the big C" - I will take him at his word (for now).  For as low as Brooks can go, faking cancer is even a little beneath him if that is possible.  If it comes out that Brooks is faking cancer?  God and all that is Holy help him.  The world is going to turn on him en masse.  I think it was really wrong of Briana to say stupid shit like "Well, he (Brooks) doesn't look sick" as a reason to not believe Brooks has cancer.


Briana's a nurse not a lay-person.  She should know the face of cancer takes many forms.  The fact that Briana thinks because one has cancer they need "to look like it" makes me give Briana the side-eye and question her ability as a nurse.  Not everyone who has advanced cancer looks like they're at death's door.  I volunteer at a hospice.  All are dying, not all look sick.  For now, Brooks and Vicki get the benefit of the doubt from me.

Edited by beesknees
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  On 6/19/2015 at 5:25 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Oh, I know it's mean, but I have to admit, Shannon's jittery shit gives me a wicked giggle.  When she gave a frozen look to the camera (in her TH) & said, with an incredibly phony smile & tightly gritting her teeth, she was just fine with Meghan, I burst out laughing.  Oh man, is she gonna beat the fuck outta her or what?  You go, Shannon.  Whip yourself some tall skinny girl ass.


Yeah, and whip that ass, Shannon, while you're sipping a SkinnyGirl cocktail.  Might take the neurosis down a bit.

Edited by beesknees
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I've not watched this season and accidentally tuned in, mid-episode, last night.  And who was gracing my screen?  My 2 least faves - Tamra and Heather.  And Tamra was crying.  To borrow a phrase from Ramona:  "I can't I can't I can't...I CANNNNNNNNN'T"  When did those 2 become besties?


I won't miss the screaming and bad behavior but I will miss being up on all the OC malapropisms and nonsense that inspire the inside jokes that tend to spread through these forums.  For instance, if I didn't understand the origins of "Family Van!"  I'd think y'all were just nuts.

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