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S11.E03: Week 2

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Eight of the bachelors box one another after getting training from Laila Ali. Later, Kaitlyn takes Clint on a one-on-one date in which they take part in an underwater photo shoot; and seven of the men visit a comedy club where they are tutored by comedian Amy Schumer in how to deliver a punch line.
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Kaitlyn seems (to me) to be acting overly grateful and bowled over by the attention these guys are giving her. She's an attractive girl and I can't imagine this is her first time at the rodeo, but I feel like she's acting like an ugly duckling.

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Every B-ette should watch Emily's season since she was boring but so confident that all the men completely bought that she was a "prize". I didn't like Andi, but I thought she did a good job of being friendly and drawing them out, seeming friendly and engaged, but still making them feel she was worth competing for.


I don't think Kaitlyn is the right kind of woman for this.

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Kupah was so wrong for this show.


I simply cannot explain how much I loathe boxing in any form. It's brutal and idiotic. Laila Ali however, was gorgeous. Jared was a sweetie and dealt with the whole situation with good grace.


JJ lives with his parents? Makes him more of a loser. I hope he sticks around long enough to lock horns with Nick. That will be epic.


Tanner has definitely got the Not-Bradley-Cooper look to me. 


That black striped dress Kaitlyn wore with Clint was exceptionally ugly. I hope she burned it. And fired the stylist.


The comedy was ridiculous but Dr. Cupcake was very cute. Ian is very charismatic. The rest were kind of "whatever" for me.


Kaitlyn was quite the kissing machine. I hope Dr. Cupcake gave her some good medicated mouthwash to swish with between guys.


I was glad to see the brief Britt/Brady update.  They seriously click and are very cute.

Edited by leighdear
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That boxing date was brutal! I don't think that I would have been able to stand that whether as a contestant, the lead, or the Bachelor Nation fans in the audience without yelling out in protest to stop the cruel and barbaric spectacle. Of course if someone chooses to go into boxing, fine, but to force these guys to box--when there's no way anyone would ever say they don't want to do it on national TV--is just f'ed up. They've done this before and someone always gets seriously hurt. And now they made me feel sorry for Love Man or whatever this idiot's super alter ego was. (Speaking of alter egos, did you notice the name for the dentist: Chris "Cupcake"--so we're not the only ones calling him that, yet Dr. Cupcake, DDS is better.) Yes, Tony the healer, you tell them that love is not fighting and all that! Damn, I wish he were on that date because I bet he would have stood up in protest and gave a big speech in the ring, and I would have given him a slow clap ovation from my couch.*

Ok, 1 minute into Clint's date and we establish that he's the one who drew Harrison on a triceratops, so it goes without saying that he's now my favorite contestant ever. I guess it can only go downhill from here... And damn he's looking good in this underwater photo shoot--and "rooftop Clint" is evet hotter--so Clint stays at the top of my list.

*Oh, boy, Tony. You're losing me by saying "surprise, surprise" three times (that's 6 "surprises"!) and rambling on about how you're here for Britt. Oops. While an impassioned speech in the boxing ring would have been awesome, I'm thinking his "comedy routine" will be a disaster.**

I hate JJ--"too smart for 90% of the audience." He's just so weaselly with his jerky attitude and little rodent teeth. We have now established the bottom of my list!***

**OMG! I KNEW Tony was going to give a life coach speech instead of a comedy routine! That in and of itself was funny. He's not a good love match, but he makes for good TV. "A little this way. A little this way. A little this way..." is the new "Surprise. Surprise."

The rest of the guys did a good job. Dr. Cupcake, DDS, is adorable.

***JJ gets the rose?! What the--?! I nearly gagged when she kissed him and his weaselly rodent teeth but she's kissing everyone so surely he has to be the worst kisser in the bunch, but he gets the rose?! Yuck! <--I typed that even before he stole her away and then said how he's cockiness  wrapped in whatever. Shut up, JJ! 

Go, Ian! Yay! I still like this guy, too!

Back to JJ. Who did he "run out of the house" (two on night 1 and hopefully one tonight)? This guy is delusional. Kaitlyn picks who she likes; he's not calling the shots!  

Kupah... Wow! I don't even know what to say about that. To be continued, indeed!

Britt and Brady! Yay! They look so cute together!

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I already loathe JJ.


Kupah needs to learn to listen. Holy cow. He was all about Britt, so why does he care if Kaitlin doesn't want him?


Dr. Cupcake is pretty charming. As is Ian. 

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Kupah, aka imitation The Rock, had no bloody business being on the show. I didn't even notice him until this episode.


And the boxing date was a terrible, terrible idea. Ever heard of weight classes? You can't have a guy go up someone twice his size, that's a terrible idea.

Edited by VanSensei
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Britt and Brady crack me up.  He's like Pauley Shore's wimpier brother, but he's sincerely nuts about Britt and she seems to appreciate him, so more power to 'em I guess.


Jared was my favorite so of course he gets beat up and his beater get's a rose. Even the pro boxers don't have to fight 50 pounds over their weight class.  Dumb show.


I'm glad Kaitlyn sent that self-absorbed jerk home, he was worse than interrupting cow.

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Still not liking or feeling Kaitlin and I remain convinced she doesn't care at all about any of these guys. I think she is planning some kind of rapper/performance artist career and this is her entry. Of course all of the contestants are fake to some extent, but I think Britt seems much nicer and is prettier. I don't find Brady all that attractive, but maybe Britt likes him so yah?


Hated the boxing and Kaitlin didn't seem to give a rats ass about Jared getting hurt. She should have at least been shown calling the hospital or checking on him. Then when he returned she seemed pretty uninterested in speaking with him.


Kupah and Tony are nutso and the majority of the rest look like their faces were smushed in a vice (Sorry, I'm being kind of mean). Can't remember many of the names but we have the busted Ashton Kushner, the busted Bradley Cooper, the busted Edward Norton and the busted Ryan Gosling for a start.

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In all seriousness, if you tell a guy that something is going badly or that it feels uncomfortable, or how you feel about something, and he tells you you're wrong, it's not, and keeps talking over you? RUN. That is not healthy and it's not going to get better.

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Clint is a non busted Bridges brother.   The dumb guy with big lips is Olympic gold medalist Gar Hall Jr's cousin.    The dentist reminds me of someone, but it's not coming to me yet.


Kupah is an idiot.    I would guess he's plastered, but still, idiot.   He sucks!


JJ is the villan.   Yawn.   Don't care.

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How do the guys not see the only appropriate response to JJ's "stealing" the first date is to brush him off and not make a big deal? He wants to get their goat... that's clearly all he cared about which he proved when his first words upon walking back were, "I know I'm the most hated guy in the house." I'd love for some guys to say things like "Oh, didn't even notice you'd gone," or "More power to you but ever heard of the recency effect?" or some such dismissive thing rather than getting all riled up.


I enjoyed Kaitlyn saying to Kupa "but I'm telling you it's bad." Their whole conversation confused me.


I disliked Kaitlyn's response to Ben Z. I would have had a talk with him about his need to be so aggressive towards the guys during the fight knowing that 1. it's supposed to be fun and 2. he has 30+lbs of muscle on most of them. That was a red flag to me.


Was busted Ryan Gosling (I forget his name, although he was one of my favorite's last week) on either group date today?


I like Clint and the welder (Joseph?). I even like Kentucky a bit too.

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So far I like welder guy best, but hope he would be willing to relocate. Also I think he is one of the few who actually knew who Amy Schumer is.

But doesn't Kaitlyn still live in Canada? 

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Kupah and Tony are nutso and the majority of the rest look like their faces were smushed in a vice (Sorry, I'm being kind of mean). Can't remember many of the names but we have the busted Ashton Kushner, the busted Bradley Cooper, the busted Edward Norton and the busted Ryan Gosling for a start.

Which one is busted!Ed Norton?

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Britt and Brady crack me up.  He's like Pauley Shore's wimpier brother, but he's sincerely nuts about Britt and she seems to appreciate him, so more power to 'em I guess.



I think they make a nice couple. He looks like he has an aversion to bathing too, so they have at least that much going for them.


Of all the bad behavior on this episode, the worst came from a woman in the audience during the standup comedy date. They showed her during Tony's routine. She did that hand gesture where she waved her hand forward as if to say, "come on already, get to the punchline". Now admittedly Tony was awful and  has as much business doing standup as Amy Schumer, but he was basically forced to do this.  He certainly never claimed to be funny. For that woman to act like there was any expectation just pissed me off for some reason. 

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At the beginning of this episode I said a few times, who's that, he's kind of good-looking...they didn't look familiar to me from last week...and apparently they're not showing their names often enough because I can't identify half of them, and we're giving them nicknames to help keep track. haha

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Is ABC missing the boat with the continued boxing, wrestling, and martial arts contests on group dates? I'm having a tough time imagining the cross-section of people watching a dating show and people who enjoy seeing guys fight. Tonight's was especially bad because a guy got hurt, But what is the point? Is there a woman who looks for a husband who can FIGHT? It just seems so Neanderthal.

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Ok, 1 minute into Clint's date and we establish that he's the one who drew Harrison on a triceratops, so it goes without saying that he's now my favorite contestant ever. I guess it can only go downhill from here... And damn he's looking good in this underwater photo shoot--and "rooftop Clint" is evet hotter--so Clint stays at the top of my list.



I know!!!! I felt bad after he got the individual date card, and I said, "Him???" because I thought he had just kind of blended into the background...then when we were reminded that he drew Chris Harrison on a triceratops, I realized oh wait, I like this guy!  Funny how he instantly became so much more attractive to me once I knew he was the one with a decent sense of humor AND artistic talent.  He rolled nicely with the weird date, too.  Yes, Clint can stay.


If Britt and the singer really work out, then that's good, I guess.  I find them both to be painfully boring, and two boring people together is sort of like 0 + 0 = 0, but I certainly don't harbor any ill will toward them. 


JJ is so icky.  He is the only one of these guys who grosses me out more than Nick.


Getting a concussion because you're required to box a guy much bigger than you on a group date is some serious bullshit.  Too bad they have to sign waivers, I think the show deserves a claim against it for this one.  Especially since it's not the first time this happened!  My god, are there really no other "manly" dates to force these guys to participate in?  How about a shirts-off boulder carrying competition? 


Kupa seemed loaded for bear right out of the gate, and because he chose the second rose ceremony to start verbalizing that he didn't want to just be kept around as a token minority it makes me wonder if he was planning and preparing to have this confrontation since before he even arrived to do the show.  If he has a problem with the fact that The Bachelor/Ette Franchise has a history of bringing in very few single "contestants" who aren't white, and wanted to vocalize that he's not cool with that once he got on the show, I can certainly understand where he would be coming from and don't disagree.  I just think his timing reveals that he came on the show with this as his agenda, and was so eager to make this statement that he wasn't able to wait for a more appropriate opportunity.  He resembled LL Cool J to me, and I loooove me some LL Cool J, but you, sir, are no LL Cool J.

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I would watch the hell out of a season with Amy Schumer as the Bachelorette.

God, yes.  Best part of the episode was Amy Schumer calling J.J. a turd.  And also saying that his lack of charisma and humor made him a perfect pick for the next Bachelor.

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JJ is quite the loathsome asshat. I was hoping Kaitlyn instead overheard him, being the opposite of what she said she wanted from him (sensitivity) and in a most.dramatic.twist.ever, TB pulls the rose OFF the lapel and sends him on his way before the ceremony. (Has that been done before?) But leighdear brings up the potential entertainment of seeing him lock horns with Nick, so I'm torn about JJ sticking around.


Boxing holds absolutely no appeal to me. Brain injury of any severity is no joke. I hope Jared doesn't suffer the consequence of a stupid display of "manliness" on this ridiculous "reality" show. (As usual, I find myself questioning why I watch said show.)

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Kupah and Tony are nutso and the majority of the rest look like their faces were smushed in a vice (Sorry, I'm being kind of mean). Can't remember many of the names but we have the busted Ashton Kushner, the busted Bradley Cooper, the busted Edward Norton and the busted Ryan Gosling for a start.

This is exactly what me and my husband think. I'm shocked someone else sees Ed Norton, he looks exactly like him!! I even think one of them looks like Timothy Oliphant, but I can't remember his name. We call Jared, Ethan Kutcher we find he has Ethan Hawkes lower face and Ashton's upper.

I find Britt to be very passive aggressive this season, I can see why most of the females didn't like her last season, she has this very subtle way of giving digs with her innocent pearly white smile and trying to convince herself that she's in a better place than Kaitlyn. Not sure if anyone else sees this or it's only me?

I can't stand that little Jonathan guy, I think he's an opportunist in it for the perks and the free rides.

What's with all the sob stories within 30 minutes of knowing the other person?

I know alot of women *cough* Andi *cough* like jocks like Ben Z but they do absolutely nothing for me, I read right through these morons. "Oh I just won a fighting competition now I'm gonna sit on this couch with you and tell you I like to cook and my mom died." Ugh, /barf.

I just can't, thank god Kaitlyn calls these guys out in most cases. I don't think Britt would have been as upfront, I think she would have just sat there in front of Kupah and twirled her locks and smiled the whole time.


The way Kupah was eying Laila Ali, I knew he was interested, was funny to hear Kaitlyn call him out on it. Laila is such a beautiful woman. I wish they would cast bachelorettes that had less petite bodies, Ashley, Andi, Emily etc.. Laila look like she could knock them all out. Beautiful strong woman.

Edited by Phei
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Ian is a cutie. He'll most likely disappoint me but he'd be a great Bachelor.


I agree.  I think he's beautiful and very natural, something we don't often see on this show.


Good voice too.

Edited by pitchy
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Kupah, Kupah, Kupah. What the hell were you talking about? To be honest, I was surprised they showed all 47 minutes of him talking in circles.

However, I burst out laughing at:

Kaitlyn: I'm going to have to let you go.

*Kupah takes casual sip of his drink*

Kupah: I don't want to go home.

After that punch to the face, I guess Jared's an even MORE busted version of Ashton Kutcher amirite?

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I thought it was pretty funny that when Kupa was backpedaling like a mofo, trying to convince Kaitlyn to keep him around, one of the big reasons he said he wanted to stay was because he had already committed to being there for a longer period of time.  Oh, well in that case, she should probably keep you around at least for some of the international travel, guy who says he doesn't want to be kept around for no reason and then basically says he does want to be kept around for no reason.

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I did get a little more respect for Kaitlyn tonight seeing her toss out Kupa after he was so loudly (and imo disrespectfully) oversharing with the other men. You could see it wouldn't take much for him to become like Bentley was with Ashley--except that he wanted to milk this opportunity longer and suddenly realized she might actually have the nerve to send him home.


As he was getting a little belligerent with the cameraman/interviewer out front while leaving, I was surprised Kaitlyn headed out to talk to him about it. She's very small (no Laila Ali!) but she -does- seem fearless. I like that (and I think she'll need it because this isn't an easy show, dealing with the inevitable unexpected happenings, some quite unflattering).


I just saw Amy Shumer's interview with Sharlene (JP's season) and she got me laughing. Obviously, as she said, a big fan of the show (if by "fan" you mean "like to snark at it"). It's so jumped the shark, that I think they should retire CH (hanging Clint's awesome drawing in the Bachelor mansion in his honor) and have a comedienne like Amy or Kathy Griffin (another snarky fan) take over hosting duties. It needs help--maybe humor and parody would do it.

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I'm also in the "Amy Shumer for Bachelorette" camp. I loved how she "reassured" JJ that he wasn't smarter than 80% of the audience.


I know Kaitlyn doesn't actually plan the dates, but when she kept saying how she didn't want anyone to get hurt, I yelled at the TV "then don't make them box, idiot!" Seriously.


I thought the under water photography date was extremely cheesy, and when the "conceptual underwater photographer" made Clint and Kaitlyn "warm up" I had terrible flashbacks to Chris and Carly's "love guru" date. Show, please never do anything like that again. BTW, I think Clint is a (very) busted Chris Hemsworth. 


When Kupah was getting more and more resistant to being sent off, I thought I saw Kaitlyn glance off to the side, most likely at a producer, like "help me out here". Guys who don't take no for an answer make my skin crawl.


The bleachable moment of this episode was the outfit Brady wore in the super-contrived "so in love" montage with Britt at the end. The skinny jeans, sweatshirt tied around his waist and the shrunken red beanie on his head - even Britt must have had a hard time pretending to love that.

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I HATE boxing. I don't understand how hitting someone is a sport, and I think it's awful that this show has guys who aren't choosing to box for fun, and put them in the situation where they would be wimping out if they didn't want to fight. Because boxing another guy is how you prove yourself worthy of dating a woman? Yeah, they kept saying the guys needed to prove they had "heart"._

Plus, if I'm recalling it correctly, the final matchup had a 225 pound guy box a 170 pound guy, and give him, I assume, a concussion. WTF?


I hate it, too!! My husband said he would have refused to do it -- he hates it as much as I do. Yuck! Why can't the show come up with more interesting, less violent date ideas?!


I am skeptical that Britt is that into that guy, I think her pride just doesn't want to look like she is going home empty handed.

I think that's exactly what's going on. They both are getting more air time because they're running around town on a "date" or two -- instead of being packed to the airport to return to their respective homes. Edited by Andromeda
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The show should tone down scripting "I can see my husband/wife in the room" multiple times within the first episodes. Such silliness


Kaitlyn could hardly even say that scripted line with a straight face.  Whatever her motivations are, finding a husband is the last one on the list.

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Other than the horrific boxing, I enjoyed the show tonight and it's the first Bach/ette show I sat right through in a long time. Kaitlyn is more self confident and comfortable in front of the camera than I thought she'd be. A couple of the guys even seem to have a little bit of promise of being slightly interesting too.

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My ABC has been acting weird the last three weeks so I've had to wait the next day to catch the episode. Haven't seen it yet but quick question, is JJ the one with the huge nose and I think has a little girl? Because if so, not surprised he was an ass in this episode because dude was flashing huge tool signs very bright and clear to me during the two night premiere. I can't remember the specifics but I just remember being really annoyed with him and eventually groaning everytime he was shown and he spoke. So yeah, good to know my first impression was right.

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I laughed heartily for a good twenty minutes trying to picture my husband and I doing an underwater photoshoot.

The dentist reminds me of Donny Osmond, so of course I think he's adorable...

Edited by sistersledge
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I thought it was pretty funny that when Kupa was backpedaling like a mofo, trying to convince Kaitlyn to keep him around, one of the big reasons he said he wanted to stay was because he had already committed to being there for a longer period of time. Oh, well in that case, she should probably keep you around at least for some of the international travel, guy who says he doesn't want to be kept around for no reason and then basically says he does want to be kept around for no reason.

Another thing that struck me, in spite of all the competition surrounding him, he thought that all he needed to say to Kaitlyn was that, after losing his first choice, he had decided she was sort of pretty--well, at least, her eyes were pretty -- so he didn't mind staying and giving her a chance to "open up," to him.

After a day of hearing men tell her she's beautiful and gorgeous it must have sounded like being damned with faint praise to her. What kind of out of control ego does this guy have that he thinks he can talk over a woman, dismiss everything she says, give her some grudging compliment and she'll still be thrilled to have him around?

Now, my sweet, brain damaged, Jared should just go home after not getting a date rose for submitting to that pounding. I don't think he looks like Ashton, to me, he looks like a younger, thinner Tom Cruise -- back when Tom was normal. Hey! Maybe he got hit in the head, too!

Watching that horrible boxing I thought of all the cute, fun challenges the Bachelorette men have done. The Highland Games, boat races, riding donkeys. Instead of brutal and life threatening, the sort of thing that invites humor and a chance to see who's a good sport and able to laugh at himself. The only thing boxing demonstrates is which big lug might hit a much smaller man as hard as he can. That lesson was evidently lost on Kaitlyn.

I think Clint and Dr. Cupcake are too good for Kaitlyn.

Yes, JJ Under-bite has a daughter.

Does anyone else think it's odd, the way Kaitlyn gets so excited when someone says they have a child? I'm not like Kaylon, I don't think a child is baggage, I had a son from a previous marriage when my husband and I met, but if he had acted like I had just said I had a yacht, I would have been worried. Being a step-parent is hard, serious business.

Edited by JudyObscure
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My husband noted that Clint seems to be the only one of these guys with a true job and education (architectural engineer). He and I are both side-eying JJ as a 'former investment banker'. What is the 'former' about?

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My husband noted that Clint seems to be the only one of these guys with a true job and education (architectural engineer). He and I are both side-eying JJ as a 'former investment banker'. What is the 'former' about?


I'd add Chris the Dentist to the list of a true jobbers but yeah, its slim pickings on those that aren't "fitness instructor", etc.


And just a guess on the former in JJ's job title; he either:


1. couldn't get the time off to go on the show so quit his job

2. quit/was fired for other reasons hence living with the parental units and hadn't found a new job before leaving for filming

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I had flashbacks to the love guru, too, when the photographer was coaching Kaitlyn and Clint.  At least it was coaching specific to an underwater shoot.  I was also relieved the photographer provided outfits.  When I saw the previews I thought they were jumping in wearing their regular clothes.


I think Tony is doing a bad audition for being the next Bachelor with his long-winded pontifications.  And then he says "Britt" instead of "Kaitlyn."  He would be saying the same speech no matter who was the Bachelorette (and he did say the same speech to both!), just insert the relevant name. The guys are pretty patient, putting up with all that hot air.


I wish they would have showed more of the stand-up.  I expected it to be a lot worse than it was.  The guys weren't that bad considering it was probably their first time. Amy Schumer was great! JJ = turd. I guess he's the J-Turd.


I think Ian would make a great bachelor but I kind of don't want him to be because he is so nice. Being the Bachelor or Bachelorette seems to wreck that person's niceness.


ETA: Kupa - he and Will from Survivor must go to the same church.  He will probably tell Kaitlyn she has no soul and she has no family that loves her. His arrogance and inability to stick to a point were amazing. I'm glad Kaitlyn stood up to him.

Edited by Lamb18
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