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S02.E11: Dysfunction Junction

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Wow...this episode ended just so abruptly.

No word on Kathryn and Thomas, no follow-ups on anyone else, just Craig randomly high-tailing it out of town for good, and that's it. I'm glad they're doing a Reunion and all, but damn, was that ever a downer all around...

I hope this doesn't mean it's definitely the end for this show, but I dunno how it'll continue with possibly two or three of its main/most infamous original cast members potentially gone for good.

(Craig, Kathryn and Thomas)

It would be nice to see Thomas get back to his originally happy/horny self and be shown rebuilding his life, maybe romantically and professionally, ditto Kathryn.

Maybe if Craig is gone then JD or Cooper or even Jennifer could jump into the regular cast, although I've been rooting for Patricia to become an official cast member from the get-go. Better yet, get Whitney's fameho German "girlfriend" to move in and join the cast since she's such a reality TV veteran!

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When Thomas was speaking of Kathryn and said, "I loved her physicality" the image that popped into my head was Kathryn flipping the bird at Landon. Yeah, that was some "physicality" right there. As someone wrote in that episode's thread. "she put her whole body into it".

The way Thomas says "physicality" cracks me up every time. Reminds me of Apollo Nida and his mangled words like "juviality". Were he and Thomas in the joint together or something?

Edited by RedHawk
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The conversation between TRav and JD was nice. True friendship there.

Whitless, TRav just doesn't like you like that.

Kathryn showed up looking like the 40+ year old lady of the manor in that fur coat and dress.

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The conversation between TRav and JD was nice. True friendship there.

Whitless, TRav just doesn't like you like that.

Kathryn showed up looking like the 40+ year old lady of the manor in that fur coat and dress.

I seriously don't get the attraction with Kathryn---TRav was really feeling that fur coat and dress on her. Maybe he was just extra horny that night and got nostalgic thinking about old drunk bj's and sexy times with her in a fur? And then she went off on yet another one of her special crazylady public rants and his renob for her immediately died.

Actually, it'd be kinda funny if it weren't so profoundly sad, this crazy Lindsey Lohan-esque strumpet in a big Cruella DeVille-esque fur, screeching and running after an obviously embarrassed TRav. And here I thought she couldn't have come across as more bunny-boilingly psycho than when she was chopping vegetables and giving that horrified Domestic Goddess coach her "I won't be IGNORED!"/Fatal Attraction scene reenactment.

Yeah, Kathryn, way to make sure your daughter's reputation won't be embarrassed on national television.

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That ending was very abrupt. Maybe I'm just used to the real housewives and their little ending synopsis. But, good for Craig going back to Delaware to study for the bar this July. I think he's a genuinely nice guy and I would love to see him be successful.

Shep was jealous, even though their "fight" seemed a little staged. However, Whitney is the true green eyed monster. He is soooooo in love with Thomas.

I hate when people like Landon complain about not having money. She wears Prada, drives a BMW and her mother obviously has money, so she's not just some wannabe Kim Zolciak/Nene Leakes fronting rich bitch, her money runs deep. I also suspect she got a very nice divorce settlement. That home for sale was gorgeous. The staircase....

I wonder how long before Cameron is pregnant. I think she is a very pretty woman, but next to her old roommate she looked almost homely.

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Wow, it finished so fast. I guess the only thing that changed is that Craig moved.


What happened with the auction? Why did Craig not actually go on the date?


What does Kathryn want? She seems so unhappy. Same with Landon, she's so sad. Cheer up!

Edited by bravofan27
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What does Kathryn want? She seems so unhappy. Same with Landon, she's so sad. Cheer up!

I think Kathryn just wants her old life as a glamorous local "bar star" back, only with a ring from TRav on her finger so that she can be guaranteed a sweet divorce settlement and an even sweeter pad in downtown Charleston when she's done divorcing him immediately after yet another pointless drunken argument over how he doesn't respect her all-around awesomeness or the fact that she's the MOTHER of his CHILD. Just a hunch.

Landon just wants...a purpose. And maybe a speech therapist.

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Well, I honestly never expected to see Mario Buatta show up on one of my Bravo shows, but, cool. However, I had second hand embarrassment for him having to sit there and listen to them discussing Kathryn's psychotic episodes (P.E.s). In what crazy universe does a conversation with Mario Buatta not revolve around decorating and his fabulous life, but instead on that strumpet? Oh well, at least he insulted Whitney's pants.


So my dvr cut off but apparently there was no more recap other than Craig going back to Mommy?  I thought they'd at least fill us in on the status of those scions of SC, the Dennis/Ravenal family.  


And Landon is just too sad to be on this show.  She's just kind of painful. I guess we'll find out where things stand now for everyone on the reunion, I hope.

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I'm glad Craig took the much needed road home to regroup and get his shit together.  I hope he makes his way to the success that he had worked so hard to reach before he fell into the Charleston party life.  Well, what I really hope is that he gets his shit together, then comes back to Charleston ready to live like a responsible adult, but still does the show because I enjoy looking at him.  He pretty.


Shep sure damaged his cool, easygoing guy reputation by totally losing his mind when Craig got a much higher bid, and from a woman who is not a married friend that took pity on him.  I presume the date the singer won with Craig was to take place another time, and not that night - I wouldn't be too pleased if I paid $5K for a date that was basically just standing around together at the fundraiser.  Would have liked hearing how much money was raised for the Wounded Warrior foundation.   Very appropriate to air this particular episode on Memorial Day.  Shep should be very embarrassed by his behavior toward Craig throughout the end of the season.  If you really care about your friend, as he claims to care for Craig, then you can be sad and frustrated watching your friend make poor decisions, but you don't berate them constantly over every little thing and repeatedly call them an idiot in front of people, and then whine that the higher bid was bullshit because your friend went first in the auction.  That was Shep showing everyone that no, he does NOT consider Craig one of his friends for life, he considers Craig to be beneath him and expects Craig to always come second to Shep.  The other way around is clearly not acceptable.  Not a good look, Shep!


I didn't realize until this episode that Cameran's ridiculously huge and beautiful house sits on the ocean.  Why has this been downplayed?  I need to see her back yard and view, dammit!  Thanks for the extended scene of her laundry room, but I'm much more interested in her veranda. 


I completely understand why Kathryn is so unhappy, and what she said to Thomas about not only wanting love, but validation of that love in private AND in public says it all.  How can you feel happy, content and secure in a relationship with someone who wants to stuff you away in a closet when it's not convenient to have you around?  Yes, she needs a lot of polishing up when it comes to behaving like an uppercrust lady, but it seems like she honestly had been trying in that regard.  He knows exactly what sets her off - she tells him in plain language, regularly - but doesn't make any effort whatsoever to change his behavior to that end, he just gets irritated because she expresses to him why she's upset.  He wants a lot from her without being willing to give her much of himself, except for when it comes to sex.  That could probably turn me into a miserable shrew, too.


Landon seemed a little hard on her mother in the talking heads.  What she told us about her mom and then what I saw of her mom were two completely different things.  I'm not saying her mother didn't encourage her to stay longer in a bad marriage because divorce just wasn't done in her day, but she seemed like she accepted it and was understanding of Landon's reasons a while ago.  I don't at all understand what a "pop-up" is - was Landon trying to call it a shop, or a gallery, or was it real estate staging where the staging pieces are for sale?  Very unclear, but also I don't care.


Speaking of don't care, bye Whitney. 

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There aren't many moments when I am thankful for Bravo, but the editing with Whitney jealously staring down Kathryn and Thomas, and then Kathryn running out of a battleship in a fur are fucking treasures.

I wish that designer was on the show full time just to insult Whitney's wardrobe.

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I think the Bravo editors were in a real quandry when it came to doing an end-of-story recap about Kathryn and Thomas. Yes, they split. But I think they get together every now and then on a weekend when he wants to see his daughter. The synopsis for those two might take two or three frames to finish.

I had to FF through Landon and her mother, because at first I didn't like her mother and then I felt sorry for her having to listen to Landon. I hate the word "like" because of Landon.

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I can understand why Katheryn wants things to work out with Thomas.  She's got this child and she wants to have a 'family'.  She's also young and naive but Thomas is way more immature than she.  He wants friends with benefits.  Geez.  And I used to like him despite his many flaws.


Loved seeing MB doing a guest appearance.  He is an icon in the decorating world.  Didn't care for Patricia's comments regarding Katheryn.


Shep, you got jealous....


After seeing Cameron's house...girl has this perfect life. 


Whitney - I just don't like you.

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OK, being a real cynic, Katherine just isn't playing her hand (or her role) very well.

Thomas couldn't keep his hands off her and has repeatedly spoken about his intense attraction. Girl needs to work that. She had him eating out of her hand tonight and squandered the capital by getting all serious. All she had to do when he suggested that they get the hell out of there and hook up was say no (gently with a subtle hit for next time, and say no then too). Instead of leaving him wanting more (and that thought being stuck in his head) as Thomas acknowledged, all she did was remind him that she drives him crazy.

As I understand it, the gold digger gets her claws in by strategically withholding the fab sex, I'm sure Patricia went that route with at least one of her husbands. Katherine is not leveraging her "best" asset, which isn't 'I'm the mother of your child' ... no way she meets expectations in Thomas' big head there, but she seems to have found the right buttons to push to appeal to the little head.

Edited by escatefromny
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What happened with the auction? Why did Craig not actually go on the date?

From the auctions I've attended (not bid, sorry, LOL) the dates are later. The girl may not have wanted that to be publicized. It's usually something set up at a later date. Poor Shep. Even a friend of mine who was nobody got more money than Shep at an auction to benefit homeless kids in Virginia.

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Landon's shoes deserve an honorable mention for being really rockin!

Yes, they were indeed!

What's the point of her pop up store? She buys stuff at other stores and resells it? I love her wine keg.

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Kathryn makes me shake my head because I find it hard to understand her. My momma raised me with the idea, "Never chase after a man" (I've since modified that to all genders), and seeing Kathryn digging her claws in, and literally, running after Thomas is just baffling. As immature as she is, Thomas is even more so. Before she succinctly outlined what she wanted from a relationship with him, all he could think about was her physicality and her red hair and after that -- split custody and occasional sex. Ugh, what a cad. I wish she could see through her anger and just drop him. Lock down custody and child support and move back in with the parents for a while. Also, complete that political science degree while Kensie's a baby and isn't calling your name every two seconds. 

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I think Landon watches a lot of the cooking competitions on Bravo and Food Network, she saw where some of the chefs have pop-up restaurants and make a lot of money on one night.... but..... I've never seen it done with art.

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Actually, I have friends who do pop-up art shows all the time and I've gone to a couple. I've seen more pop-ups being done with clothing boutiques and restaurants, but art shows aren't uncommon. The whole pop-up genre has really been trendy for the past few years. 

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Kathryn, walking in there "with confidence in what I'm wearing"....

"She's beautiful...she knows how to dress...."

Did he say that when she wore the orange bra with the see-thru YSL top at his fund-raiser?

Whitney's band sounded like shit.

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Shep was so jealous and it does not look good on him. Good on Craig for leaving, but those folks really didn't think of him as a friend.

I'm always shocked when I remember that Whitney is a producer. The editors seem to go out of their way to make him look so bad. During Thomas and Kathryn's meeting at the party, the editors seemed to delight in editing in shots of Whitney looking like a covetous red lit gremlin. And later when Whitney and Thomas were talking was that Whitney's version of the "So pick me. Choose me. Love me" speech?

Kathryn is so pathetic and has no self esteem. If she had ever achieved anything on her own, she wouldn't be clinging so desperately to Thomas.

Edited by HunterHunted
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That auction was obviously staged. There were several bids on Craig but none for Shep other than Cameran's pity bid?

The reaction to the bid was real. Shep was livid even though he knew it was fake because Craig was gloating.

Yeah it's strange the way they edited it. They didn't play up the potential cliffhanger of of Kathryn and Thomas, which you'd think they'd do if they were planning to renew the show.

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Instead of paying (though I doubt she paid anything) that lady to be her life coach (or whatever she was), I think Kathryn should spend some time with Elizabeth, JD's wife.  She has such a subtle elegance about her.  I think Kathryn could learn a lot.


Also, what a contrast between the way JD offered his advice to Thomas about life and the way Whitney offered his advice. 


Awww, the three-legged puppy makes another appearance.


My best LOL of the night:  Shep's reaction to Craig's 'auction hair.'  Followed closely by 'get that crème brulee to go."

Edited by woodscommaelle
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So what exactly is "physicality"? 


Everybody telling Kathryn how great she looked with that full length fur and massive hair extensions. Why? I thought she looked rediculous. She looked much better at her cooking lesson with the skeleton lady. She looks pretty with bangs. 


I didn't realize Cameran was so shallow. She doesn't want a baby because she doesn't want to get fat, she doesn't want to be bored with a baby, and doesn' think her  narrow little hips could handle it?

 Her house is insane. Good job hooking that Dr., Cam. Now don't screw it up with talking on camera about how he wants a baby and you don't. 


Craig went back home because he was fired at the law firm and doesn't have any money to keep paying rent. 


Shep does NOT like being second best. WOW! Green eyed monster!

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The way Thomas says "physicality" cracks me up every time. Reminds me of Apollo Nida and his mangled words like "juviality". Were he and Thomas in the joint together or something?





Spell Syllables

Examples Word Origin

noun, plural physicalities.


the physical attributes of a person, especially when overdeveloped or overemphasized.


preoccupation with one's body, physical needs, or appetites.

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I think we got to see pretty much everybody's bad side in this episode. Jealous Shep. Clingy Kathryn. Asshole TRav. Jealous Whitney. Shallow Cameran. Annoying Landon. Gloating Craig. Yep. Nobody was exempt. 


I'm glad Craig decided to move back to DE. Whether it was about money or not, that auction really opened his eyes to where he stood with his 'friends'. How dare the poor guy make more money in a charity auction than the rich guy!!! How dare he?! Such audacity!!! Honestly, Craig is better looking. If you put it simply I dunno if things would have changed if Shep had gone first or not. Probably not, to be honest. And how do we know Craig never went on the date? Before he left it said "2 weeks later", so he could have went on his date and later moved. Just because it wasn't filmed doesn't mean it didn't happen.


Kathryn needs to just stop with Thomas. He only wants her for booty calls and that's it. She needs to get a lawyer and setup custody and child support and just be done with it. Thomas will never be the doting husband she wants him to be. Also, I dunno if nobody told her in the past, but you never chase a man that way, especially yelling and screaming like that. It's only gonna make him run faster. You gotta play it cool.


I get Cameran's issues with not wanting to be pregnant (I feel the same way - thing is I'm not married or even seeing anyone)...but that's something she needs to discuss with Mr. Cameran. If he really wants kids and she doesn't that could be a big problem.

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I didn't realize Cameran was so shallow. She doesn't want a baby because she doesn't want to get fat, she doesn't want to be bored with a baby, and doesn' think her  narrow little hips could handle it?




First of all, I'm sure she was being tongue-in-cheek and will have a few kids in the next 5 years.


And 2nd of all, so what if she really DID mean it?  Better than having a baby to trap a man into commitment and marriage like some other character on this show whose name I won't mention....   Oops, I mean attempt to trap a man. As her plan appears to be a big old FAIL.

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Kathryn needs to just stop with Thomas. He only wants her for booty calls and that's it.



When he said to JD, "I love her to death" I thought, those words mean nothing. Thomas' actions show that he's sick of her but can't give up the sex.


Taking more comments to the Thomas and Kathryn thread.

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Everybody telling Kathryn how great she looked with that full length fur and massive hair extensions. Why? I thought she looked rediculous. She looked much better at her cooking lesson with the skeleton lady. She looks pretty with bangs.




She just looked like Cruella deVille. IMO she should run away from TRav, not toward him. Why pursue a life with a man with a character like his? He has already promised things to Kathryn and not delivered, for sure he'll be promising things to Kensie and not deliver to her as well down the road. The man does not keep his word, or seem to have any self-discipline.  Let it go.  Seriously, Kathryn would be better off with Craig, we've seen Craig's home life so at least we know that a good  example has been set for him by his parents.


What's the point of her pop up store? She buys stuff at other stores and resells it? I love her wine keg.




I think Landon's pop-up was a way of establishing a presence in the Charleston interior design scene without having to invest in long-term retail space. I thought what we saw was an unfinished pop-up that would be more design-oriented; she said her mom was a designer and that's where Landon got her interest.  


And yikes, who did Shep piss off in production? Two years of favorable editing and then bam! We are left with the last impression of Shep acting like a class A jerk.  Oh well, never mind. I'm sure all will be forgiven at the reunion and he will charm us all over again.

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Kathryn believe Thomas when he tells you he want to "date" you and be a parent to Kensington. That is all he wants.

She definitely played it wrong that night, sure it's a conversation to have but not there.

Shep and Cam don't like Craig. They sure don't act like it.

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Kathryn looks so much prettier when she is dressed down, and with bangs (as bichonblitz already noted)!  The one talking head where she's wearing that coral dress and doesn't have makeup painted all over her face, she looks lovely.  She needs a class intervention.


Craig hitting his head on the door frame totally cracked me up.  It's totally something I would do.  But then I'd probably fall down and really hurt myself.

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Bleh, I hated the way it ended so abruptly. I would have liked to see a small re-cap of each character, what they're up to now.


I'm glad Craig went back to Delaware. I have adored Shep this whole series but was saddened by how he treated Craig at the auction. I have had those friends-that liked me to be one-down to them and when I got "above" them for a moment they were livid and made sure to pay me back somehow. Craig will be better off in DE with true friends and his family nearby.


I agree that Kathryn doesn't know how to work it with Thomas. She makes him "weak" and he loves her "physicality". She could get more TRav with honey than her usual vinegar.


Whitney is just a creeper. Leave Thomas and Kathryn alone, let Thomas figure it out on his own, geez dude.


Cameran was such a turnoff the way she talked about pregnancy and having to be stuck home all day with a boring baby-her idea of hell. Very shallow. And her body type is the type that almost ALWAYS bounces right back after pregnancy so please no complaints about getting "fat". Sorry Cam, to keep the rich doc you're going to have to suck it up and be changing diapers soon. Looks like Cameran should have married Shep after all. They would've happily remained childless.

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Bleh, I hated the way it ended so abruptly. I would have liked to see a small re-cap of each character, what they're up to now

I am wondering if they are going to put together a season three in the coming months? It's the only reason I can figure for them not doing the usual recaps at the end.


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I don't see what the big deal is with Cameran not being interested in having a baby. Some women just don't want to be mothers or have very little maternal instinct, and personally I think that's great if you know that about yourself. If you don't want to get pregnant you can take steps to avoid it. Definitely better than having a baby and later resenting it because it isn't what you wanted for yourself. Of course she is free to change her mind, but if she's not ready I don't see how that's a very big deal to anyone (except maybe her husband). Nobody should put her down because of her feelings on it.

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When Cam started talking about the pregnancy/motherhood thing, I KNEW she was probably going to catch a lot of flack for it.  As a mother of two, I actually didn't think it was shallow of her at all.  At least she has the self-awareness to know that pregnancy isn't going to be a picnic for her.  And that being a SAHM to an infant/toddler is not always sunshine and roses.  I hated being pregnant, both times.  It sucked.  I didn't especially like spending all day alone with babies either.  But I love my children to distraction and managed to get one through college and married, and the other is in high school, with minimal damage I hope.  ;-)


I just think it's very unrealistic to expect all women to just LURVE being pregnant/miracle of life/SAHMotherhood is so fullfilling, blah blah blah. 


P.S.  I'm about as Southern as a Southerner can get, geography-wise.


ETA: fliptopbox and I were posting at the same time.  Amen!

Edited by mjstrick
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I was kind of underwhelmed with the finale!!  I always am looking for the captions with updates at the end of the season, and there wasn't any....it just seemed kind of disjointed, to me.


At first, I was thinking that Cameran was sounding shallow, but I had to give her props for speaking those thoughts out loud, for everyone to hear, and also give her credit for knowing, at this point, that she is not ready for a baby.  I understand those feelings, because I went through them with both my pregnancies, but never vocalized them.  I wouldn't change anything for the world, and love my children more than life, but I was not a "happy mother to be", either~~I hated being pregnant, hated feeling fat, was sick a lot of time.  I wasn't one of those "glowing, happy pregnant ladies", so I get where she's coming from.  


Cameran sees Kathryn and how unhappy Kathryn is, plus, Kathryn gained a lot of weight with Kenzie (I think), so it's understandable.  I think she will have children, but not until she is ready to accept everything that goes along with it.  Again, imo, she is smart and brave to admit that at this point in her life, it is not something she wants.


Whitney - oh, poor, poor, Whitney!!  He is such a lost soul, isn't he?  He really seems to be living out his teen/early 20's still!!  He's in a "band"....yeah, right - that band sounded like shit we listened to in some dive bar where the band played for free (or free drinks), or coming out of someone's garage back in the 80's!!


He is sooo jealous of Thomas' attraction to Kathryn, the jealousy seems to seep out of his pores.  Such a case of unrequited love there, imo!! He needs to man up and just announce to Patricia that he is gay - maybe he can hook up with Cooper!!  


Kathryn - she is such a hot mess, it is sad at this point.  She really thought that Kenzie was going to be her gateway to refined living, with a ring on her finger, and all the rest of the trappings that would come from being part of the Ravenel dynasty.  Now, she realizes that she is just another young, single mother with her social life at a dead end because of one night.  Instead of wanting Thomas to "put a ring on it", she should have insisted that he "put a condom on it" one and half years ago!!


Thomas is no prize - I don't think Kathryn would be able to tame that beast.  I don't think he would be able to be faithful and show her the respect she wants.  At this point, he would wind up resenting her, because even though he seems to truly love Kenzie, I think he would feel that Kathryn trapped him by getting pregnant (and, really, isn't that what she did do?), and he would become angry and bitter.  Plus, from what we've seen, Kathryn is a bit of a trainwreck, and has a lot of maturing to do.  She constantly does the one thing that Thomas not need - she constantly embarasses him (and herself) with her drunken outbursts and escapades. Thomas does not need a wife/girlfriend to do that - I think he accomplishes enough of that on his own. 


Craig and Shep - wow!!!  My Shep love really dropped a few points last night.  Shep was really envious of Craig getting more money at the auction - I was so surprised at that.  Shep always seemed so confident and laid back.  I wondered if maybe he was getting a lot of grief from Craig and other guests, and that was why he seemed so angry and jealous??  I like Craig, too, but it would not surprise me in the least if, off-camera, Craig was throwing digs at Shep about the auction.


I'm pretty sure that Craig went home not because he wanted to, but because he had to, for financial reasons.  I hope he gets his act together.  He needs to grow up and start facing life as an adult who needs to support himself, and not a party boy.  I hope his Mom and Dad will be able to guide him in the right direction.  It was nice to see a small glimpse of the Craig from Season One as he was packing and driving home.  


Patricia - she sometimes annoys the hell out of me with her "lady of manor" attitude.  I used to think she was interesting, now, at times, I find her to be tedious, judgmental and extremely elitist (even though some of her comments still make me laugh, and every time I see her butler cracking ice in that bag, I want to be her, even if it was just for a few weeks, LOL!!)  I thought that the fundraiser for Wounded Warriors was a great idea - I loved that she did that, but it appeared to me to be a little sparse in guests...maybe it was just the venue?  Having an event on a ship that size should have had a guest list of hundreds....it just made the whole event look underattended to me.


Landon and her Mom - wow!!  Landon is annoying and now we know why!!  I'm sorry - her Mom looked to be around my age, and I don't know of anyone my age who just stayed in an marriage that was as bad as Landon makes hers sound!!  Her Mom also sounded kind of condescending toward Landon and a little selfish, too.  


I think JD and Elizabeth are a wonderful couple, and Thomas should take lessons from and listen to the advice from his one true friend, JD.  I really think there is a loyal, true friendship between the two of them, and not between Whitney and Thomas.


Just a few thoughts I had - I'm sure I'll have more!!  :-)

Edited by njbchlover
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I thought Kathyrnn's talking head was the most telling. I'm paraphrasing here but when she was complaining "Thomas said I would live in a mansion, he would get me a car and a lifestyle I so crave without working" . This explains 100% to me all the seething anger I get from her.

She had that baby, not because she loved Thomas, but because she believed if she did she would be married and living the life. Now this doesn't excuse Thomas if he did promise those things ( I think he's a dirt bag) but WOW it expalins her fury. How sad she wasn't smart enough to do things in the proper order and insist they be married before she got pregnant. Her best bet now is child support but I think she is figuring out now that it won't make her rich enough to live an entitled life and she's pissed. What a mess they are.

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I remember feeling exactly like Cameron when I was in my 20's.  Some women don't automatically yearn to be mothers, and are definitely afraid of the "alien" taking over their bodies and causing all kinds of uncomfortable, painful and undesirable things to happen to it.  I remember thinking of it as a parasite, not an alien, but the sentiment is the same in not wanting my body taken over and out of my control.  She may change her mind as she gets older; people do change their minds about things over time.


And Cameron is 1000% right that the only people who should have babies are the ones who yearn to be parents.  Creating children shouldn't be something that people just do because they're supposed to or because it's time.


So I totally get her, and I have no doubt she has shared her fears with her husband.  Cameron doesn't seem the type to keep things to herself or to hide her thoughts and feelings.

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I don't know when this was filmed, but, this is the beginning of party season in Fenwick Island, DE. It will be interesting to see if Craig actually takes the bar in July. Maybe his parents influence will help him finally do it. I don't have a problem with Cameron's feelings about motherhood. It's much better than having a baby, that's basically being raised by your parents, to use as a pawn to trap an unwilling man to marry you.

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Kathryn is so pathetic and has no self esteem. If she had ever achieved anything on her own, she wouldn't be clinging so desperately to Thomas.



I agree, it's painful to watch her.  She's a babymomma, like those I used to watch on Basketball Wives; she's no different than those women.


As for Cameran not wanting a baby no; nothing wrong with that.  I mean having a baby just means you had a baby; Katheryn thought it would mean Thomas marrying her, but no so much.  I don't think it's shallow, or selfish not to want a baby just because other people want you to have one.  

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