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Stupid Movies We Watch Over and Over and Over...

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Date Night. I love it, even if everyone else thought it sucked. The scene where Steve Carrell and Tina Fey confront Mila Kunis and James Franco is HYSTERICAL.

Date Night is one of those movies that surprised me at how hilarious it ended up being.  I was on the floor when Steve Carrell was trying to imitate Mark Wahlberg.


"Is that supposed to be me? Or is that, like, Fat Albert or somebody?"

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I watch Dante's Peak whenever it's on, it's a volcano movie with Pierce Brosnan and Linda Hamilton.

In a similar vein, I can't help but watch Volcano with Tommy Lee Jones and Anne Heche.  It's just so ludicrously stupid.   My favorite part is when there's lava pouring out of the tar pits, and all the news people act like they've never seen lava before.  I mean, how can you go wrong with dialogue like:


"Well, we now have a name for this crisis. It is, according to the US Geological Survey, a volcano!"

Edited by jcin617
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Reptilicus, the Danish Godzilla rip off. Giant sock puppet on strings attacks Copenhagen. The Military defenses to fight this monster are commanded by Brig. Gen. Mark Grayson (Carl Ottosen), easily the most inept soldier of all time. People actually paid real money to see this in theaters.



A strange thing happened in third grade.   The year was 1973.   I attended a small Catholic elementary school in Massachusetts.  One afternoon our regular classes were suspended and the entire student body was instructed to assemble in the school auditorium, where school plays, chorus recitals, etc. were held.  We filed in and sat down, everyone noticing that the large film screen had been rolled down.   Sometimes the nuns showed us short films about cells or geology or whatever but on that weird afternoon the staid, pinched-face nuns of St. Peter's canceled classes and showed us -- I swear to God -- Reptilicus.   I vividly remember the movie's most exciting moment, when Reptilicus interupts a farm family's dinner by putting his snout through the roof and extracting the father in his jaws, by the head.   Then, the money shot: in slow-mo, Reptilicus flicks his snout upward and the hapless farmer goes right down his throat like a McNugget.    Things like this didn't happen in Catholic school in the seventies.  It still defies explanation all these years later.   The school closed forever a couple months later.   

Edited by millennium
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When you're home with a sick pet, having "awesomely bad" movies to watch can help distract from the worry.  The programming gods have smiled upon me this week -- yesterday was Troop Beverly Hills and today Tremors.  I like to think that when there's nothing fantastically craptastic on TV, all will be normal.


Tremors is just everything.  The fantastic Kevin Bacon is almost incidental.  Reba McEntire and Michael Gross as the survivalists, "Sierra" (Finn Carter's role on As the World Turns) as a hero, the not-so-special special effects ... love.


And, for a film so silly, I find myself quite sad when Conrad Bachmann and Mimi Besch bite it.

Edited by Bastet
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Office Space is genius. It's funny because it's true.

I have worked in large corporations for most of my professional life, so the first time my daughter watched this with me, she turned to me in horror and asked, "Is working in an office really like that?" I had to tell her that yes, it is.


My stupid-but-rewatched-multiple-times movie is Evolution. Yes, the one with David Duchovny, Orlando Jones, and Juliane Moore that apparently only five other people on the planet ever saw. The science is total crap but there are so many, many scenes in that movie that I love. I giggle like crazy when Seann William Scott is practicing for his firefighter exam and performing CPR on a mannequin of some sort, and starts yelling "Don't you give up on me!" the exact same way people do in disaster movies. Duchovny and Jones as community college professors are both weirdly hot and hysterically funny. The movie never takes itself seriously and you can tell the actors were having a blast, so I don't care that it's stupid. If it comes on during my waking hours, I'm watching it.

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I have been known to watch these on a loop at times, and I don't know if I would call these stupid movies, more just misunderstood by mainstream audiences:

Idiocracy - such a cynical look at the future of humanity. But extremely dry and funny.

Innerspace - this is legitimately in my top 10 favourite movies ever. By far my favorite roles for Martin Short, Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan. Unique movie with brilliant humor!

Small Soldiers - Funny and at times quite poignant. Initially Watched this when I was 10 years old and have watched it countless times eversince. It is yet to lose it's appeal to me! I've always had a big crush on Gregory Smith, all because of this movie!

Edited to add:

I have also watched Evolution too many times to count, and will watch it each time it is on. Love it to bits! And head and shoulders saved the day!

This also reminded me of another truly aweful movie that I have rewatched to point of quoting it line for line: Eight-legged freaks! What's not to love in a movie about giant killer insects. Such a hoot!

Edited by Snipsa
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A Low Down Dirty Shame:Jada Pinkett Smith is hysterical!


Then you should see that fool in Kingdom Come, as Anthony Anderson's wife Charisse.  The minute she comes on the screen I'm laughing my ass off.

The car scene with her and Anthony Anderson has me dying with laughter no matter how many times I watch it. I definitely think Jada has a talent for comedy, and I enjoy her much more in those roles than I do her dramatic ones. Even in Woo, which sucked, Jada was hilarious as the straight woman.

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The Dewey Cox Story--for some reason, I love this film. John C Reilly is perfect in it, and his singing voice is just magical. I love the scene with the "Beatles" (Jason Schwartzman, Jack Black, Justin Long and Paul Rudd).

Whenever I'm down, that's one of my go-to movies.  I simply can't help but laugh.   "I'm Dewey's twelve year old girlfriend!"    Everything about the song "Let's Duet." So many great lines.

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9 to 5 is not stupid.  You take that back right now!


Ahem.  I'm okay.  (Although, really, I would never classify it as a stupid film.)


I expected The Money Pit to be a low-rent knockoff of Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (a film I grew up on and adore), but I wound up enjoying it.  I don't see it on TV often, but it popped up recently and I watched it, as I do any time I come across it.

Edited by Bastet
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I expected The Money Pit to be a low-rent knockoff of Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House (a film I grew up on and adore), but I wound up enjoying it.  I don't see it on TV often, but it popped up recently and I watched it, as I do any time I come across it.


Your mention of Mr. Blandings reminds me of two Cary Grant movies that are totally stupid, yet I watch over and over.


Operation Petticoat. A movie set during WWII featuring a pink submarine and a lot of nurses. And Father Goose.. Leslie Caron and a bunch of schoolgirls are stranded in the middle of the South Pacific war zone with only a drunk Cary Grant to rescue them.


He made it work somehow.

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A big one for me is Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. I saw it back in theatre in 1985 and have watched it countless times since. I have it on bluray but I still have my VHS copy since I love the fact that on the full screen VHS version you can see how Pee Wee is able to get all that chain out of the compartment on his bike. I showed it to my daughters this weekend (a 2 year old and an almost 5 year old). They loved it. They were laughing a lot and dancing to the Tequila scene. They didn't even flinch when they saw Large Marge. 


Although the funniest part was all the questions my eldest had. She didn't understand why so many people were riding bikes without helmets. or how you could go to a movie theatre that was outside. Plus when Pee-Wee was in the biker bar she thought the bikers were pirates.

Edited by Kel Varnsen
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Oh lord, how long has it been since I watched Operation Petticoat? My dad introduced me to that movie when I was a wee young thing, along with Bringing Up Baby and Arsenic and Old Lace. It was a bit of a shock to me when I got a little older and discovered that most people think of Cary Grant as a romantic lead rather than a hapless straight man.

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I've lost count of how many times I've watched The Other Woman. Kate Upton isn't much of an actress but her comic timing is pretty decent and I think she's hilarious in it. I lose it every time she does her arm in that circular motion when Cameron Diaz talks about how the three of them have what it takes to take him down.

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Not really impressed with how often Office Space is mentioned here.  That's my favourite movie.  I had no idea people could actually consider it stupid in any form.    I think that most of my top 20 movies have been mentioned here!


I'd argue that the following movies are actually 4 or 5 star movies :  Office Space, Clueless (more like 6 out of 5 stars), Mean Girls, and Something Borrowed for instance.   Something Borrowed was ravaged by critics but as someone who has read the book I thought the movie did a fantastic job.  I think my favourite supposedly "stupid" movie is Tommy Boy -- that's a 5 star movie for me.... Dumb and Dumber too, goes without saying.


I've been watching some really good ones lately.  "Blue Streak" with Martin Lawrence and Luke Wilson is very funny.  If they had inserted more comedy instead of action I'd go ahead and call it perfect.  The comedy is spot on.  I rewatched "10 Things I Hate About You" and it was way better than I anticipated.  It's so clever and the actors are very good.


I have a good recommendation... "I Spy" with Eddie Murphy and Owen Wilson.  I've watched it a bunch of times and it is very enjoyable and funny.   Mark me down as another fan of Evolution and Idiocracy.  I have a friend who considers Idiocracy one of the smartest movies he's ever seen :)


I know people say Gwyneth Paltrow is a mega bitch in real life, but since I have never met the woman, or heard any of her quotes, I can only appreciate her acting, which in this movie is great!


I always enjoyed her movies.  I've also watched A Perfect Murder (not stupid) and A View from the Top (Kind of stupid) a bunch of times.  For anyone who likes those girly movies, I'd recommend giving the second one a whirl; just don't expect it to be Oscar Worthy.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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