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S07.E01: The B Is Back

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I live on Long Island and I'd score Sag Harbor slightly higher than Bridgehampton.



ITA.  They have really different vibes.  I love Sag Harbor.  It's really beautiful there.  Funny thing is, at one time people in East Hampton, Southampton & even Sag Harbor would sneer (maybe just a bit) at Bridgehampton.  Hmm, what can you do?  Guess no matter how much money you have, someone is always gonna sneer at you.  Maybe Lu has finally realized this & that's why she's loosened up on her silly pretentiousness?  Anyhoo, not sure why anyone would sneer at Bridgehampton cuz it is very nice.  And since Lu did sell her Bridgehampton house for $8 mil, she did OK.  Still, she got a much smaller house in Sag Harbor, and I'm sure had to pay plenty for it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I really wonder what Jason was doing that was so horrible that she had to leave this precious apartment? I think I remember her complaining that he and his dad watched sports on the tv while she was there, and that it was horrible, and who could live like that?


Bethenny said she and Jason "were not friends" which to me is a polite way of saying they grew to hate each others guts.  When you feel like that about somebody, the sound of their breathing is enough to make a house unbearable to be in.  Tension like that is nothing anyone should have to endure.   Not Bethenny, not Jason, and especially not Brynn.


Seriously, I would have gone nuts if I'd had to deal with my ex and his father watching TV in the living room while we were in the middle of our divorce.  NUTS!!!  No way.  





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Because it was purchased when they were married, so until the divorce is finalized neither has to move out or sell the property.


It's funny that Bethany mentioned Halle Berry in this episode because both Bethany and Halle would most likely have been happier if they had just gone to a sperm bank to have their first child, rather than get pregnant in a relationship where the dad wanted to be involved. I am not even Team Jason, just both Bethany and Halle seem to think that when they split with the father(s) of their first child they thought he should just disappear from their daughter(s) lives.

Edited by biakbiak
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I wanted to throw a right hook into Sonja's face ... on Ramona's behalf.  Then say "How's that for trebledacious!"


Everyone covered all my comments on B.  Lab is pissed off.  His water comes from the sink.

Edited by Lablover27
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See, the one thing that drove me nuts about Bethenny is her bullshitting up a storm -- all while claiming to be just so honest.  


Does anyone believe she didn't like doing the talk show?  Um, BULLSHIT, Bethenny darling!  You were happy & excited to get that talk show, hun.  At least that's what you showed us in Bethenny Ever After.  So tell that crap to peeps who don't know your ass.  We know you, sweetie.  And that's just a bunch of horse crap.  You failed miserably with the talk show for too many reasons to go into here, but you obviously don't want to admit to that failure, eh?  So Beth, now you're re-writing history by dismissing the talk show as something you were not happy doing & implying you never wanted to do it anyway.  Bullshit!  What else are you gonna bullshit us about this season?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I really wonder what Jason was doing that was so horrible that she had to leave this precious apartment? I think I remember her complaining that he and his dad watched sports on the tv while she was there, and that it was horrible, and who could live like that?  I don't think Bethenney can live with anyone frankly. She's just miserable and that's her identity. That being said, I think she's great tv.

Why does Jason live in the apartment and not Bethenny?


Because it was purchased when they were married, so until the divorce is finalized neither has to move out or sell the property. 

TheFinalRose, I believe you were onto something when you said you don't believe Bethenny can live with anyone. Otherwise...why doesn't she just live there with Jason? We know of at least two Housewives that have done this in the past (Dina Manzo and Tommy, and Jeana Keough and her professional baseball player husband). If it is truly her dream space, down to the faucets and tiling, there is no way she should give that up unless a judge ordered it.

If it were me, I would be stubborn as hell and refuse to leave the apartment that was modeled on my blood, sweat, and tears. The place is humongous (didn't Bethenny obnoxiously skate through there on her show?), so they could live separately, and it probably wouldn't be bad for Brynn, as she'd be living full-time with both parents. Hopefully, both are mature enough not to be openly hostile in front of the kid, but I bet Bethenny can put up with some passive-aggressive behavior, and serve it right back. It might not be the most mature move in the world, but neither is skipping through hotel suites and sobbing in the back of cars.

It's my early, early birthday wish that Bethenny makes moving back into her apartment her storyline this year (and then just collect uber-high rent on the SoHo place she is currently renovating. Or live in them both--who cares?) and heads over there with a moving van and a camera crew. That anemic pair of slacks will be forced to put up with her, finally settle, or GTFO.

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Why does Jason live in the apartment and not Bethenny?



It's complicated & it's divorce stuff.  The answer to this would easily drive this thread way off the topic of this ep.  Good question, but maybe you might wanna ask it in a Bethenny thread.  If she's looking for sympathy with her tears at the end of this ep, she got none from me.  Look, men have been going thru exactly what she's going thru with this for hundreds of years.  It is what it is.  She made the dough & Jason didn't & now she's gotta part with a big chunk of that dough whether she likes it or not.  They're both assholes, digging in & fighting each other hard, so it'll be a long time till this shit gets settled.  Cuz neither one will budge or compromise -- that's the real reason they're in this miserable mess these 2 assholes find themselves stuck in.


And we're supposed to feel sorry for Beth?  Um, no.  She's made her own misery.  I agree with earlier comments that say she should throw money at this & make it go away.  Rent a place, hire a decorator & live there till the Soho place is ready,  There Beth, I solved your problem for ya.  Now stop with the whining & crying & STFU.  Fredrik looked like he had zero sympathy for her.  I don't blame him.  He just wanted to sell her a place.  Her comments about giving Fredrik & his husband an egg were idiotic, thoughtless, disingenuous (typical Bethenny) & merely an excuse for her to whine to us about wanting another kid.  Thanks Beth, for reminding why I grew to dislike you so much.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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f it were me, I would be stubborn as hell and refuse to leave the apartment that was modeled on my blood, sweat, and tears.



If it were only that simple, I would totally sympathize too, but it's complicated.  Beth knows that & she's trying to manipulate us into seeing her as a victim & Jason as a heartless villain.  I don't believe this situation is quite that simple.  Look, it may or may not be like that -- I have no idea & at this point, I don't much care.  It's her business, not mine.  She'll be a very rich woman, no matter how it plays out, so I don't give a fuck.  


Anyhoo, I'm not gonna get into deets on Beth's divorce here cuz it's too complicated, but I don't care for her manipulating the audience -- as I think she tried to do at the end of this ep.  But this is Bethenny.  If you don't realize what a bullshitter she can be, you can easily be taken in by her bullshit.  And despite her proclamations of being so honest, she lies a lot.  I'm not sure what to believe of what she says.  I just hope we're not gonna get a whole season of her taking indirect potshots at Jason & the divorce.

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Of course Bethenny will try to manipulate the way the audience sees her.  They all do it.  And I don't blame any of them for it, either.  


Depending upon their personal agendas, each housewife does what she can to make herself appear respectable or sympathetic or important or hip-cool, etc.  Why should Bethenny be any different?  


Sonja constantly tries to convince the audience what a savvy business woman she is and how high a social status she enjoys.  Luann has me entranced with her portrayal of the fabulous divorcee .   Carole is out to prove how groovy she is to us all, Heather is pushing the kickass business woman/tender hearted mother angle. Going back with the cast, remember how Jill wanted to show us all how important she was, and how desperate Alex was to come off as a socialite?  They all have an image, an angle, an agenda, and it is a constant struggle for them against editing to come off as they hope to appear.  It's nothing new. 


If we are going to take issue with someone mounting a campaign for sympathy over her awful divorce and making spurious assertions about her ex, I think that prize goes to Ramona, not Bethenny.  She really spilled the ol' tea about Mario and I don't blame her one bit.  I loved evert minute of it, in fact!  And far from dreading hearing Bethenny talk about Jason, I would love it if she were free to spill her guts about what went on in detail.  I am disappointed she can't, actually.  

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I think it's the way Bethenny phrases certain things that rubbed me the wrong way. It's like 'jeez, lady, you aren't homeless, and temporarily having to live in the presidential suite of a nice hotel just isn't something that's worth crying over in my opinion.' I can understand her frustrations with her divorce and Jason having the apartment that she worked for but I think I would have had a better response if it didn't come across in such a woe as me way. 

This. I think Bethenny should fight for the home she built, but honestly, I don't care her or her struggles. She always likes to look like the victim and it's not cute. 7+ years of her whining has made me dislike her.. The only person I feel sorry for is Brynn.

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I had to re-watch some of this to look at Sonja's jacket.  Yes!!  It was jacked up in back.  Looke like ripped seams to me, but could be anything.  I can only imagine that she attracts interns at this point casue they get to be on TV.  Thats still a draw for lots of people. What else could it possibly be?

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Dorinda is rough looking. I don't mean this is an insult to anyone but before she talked I was expecting a British accent. I think she was reminding me of Cat from RHODC. I loved her explanation of how people don't get her boyfriend because he isn't like her late husband who was "incredibly smart, intelligent,kind fun guy". Is the new one a stupid, boring, derisive asshole? He is a major creeper.


LuAnn looks good, Ramona looks like Avery (wonder how much much surgery she had), Carole is not bright and Kristen is a non entity as usual.


Beth- well Beth is Beth. I feel sorry for her daughter and employees and anyone who has to deal with her for long periods of time. She needs to cut back on the Adderall and/or coke. My God the fast pace jabbering. I think she has adopted some tough businesswoman persona. I thought she was so hip and above the fuckery in her first seasons. Bitch buy an apartment. You could have mutliple places to live in multiple cities in a heartbeat. I am a committee member for an upcoming breakfast for a woman's homeless shelter  Her crying is an insult to women who escaped terrible situations with no money, no education and the clothes on their backs. She needs a bitch slap and a reality check. That fucking apartment you lived in for a few years is easy to get over to get rid of a bad person. It's Real Estate.


This seemed disjointed. Maybe because of Beth. It's like I am expecting the magic of Seasons 1-3 but there is so many changes in the ladies lives, not to mention the new

I have always been a big Bethenny fan.  I love the fast-talking, the snark, the no-nonsense attitude.  She's smart.  She's the epitome of New York to me and I love her for that.  However, even I had a little too much Bethenny this week.  Where's Ramona with her "Take a Xanax!" advice?  Bethenny using the word homeless and going off the rails with Frederick was just too much.  I get it - she's feels homeless because Jason is in the home she paid for and set up and it's unfair.  Step back and take a breath, Beth.


Kadooz for highlighting my favorite line of the night above,   It is from Dorinda when she describes her new boyfriend as being the total opposite of her late husband and then the first words out of her mouth describing said husband are "highly intelligent".  I'm sure her boyfriend appreciates that.  Ha!

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Well, according to her sworn deposition in front of a judge Jason was acting like a vindictive POS, messing with a poor old dog like Cookie would have been bad enough but to try to teach his daughter Bryn to call her mother a witch certainly shows the real Jason.

The nice Jason is probably only a carefully constructed character for family, friends and the judge, the real Jason is the jerk who stops at nothing to make the life of the mother of his child miserable and who uses his own child to hurt her the most.

Nice Jason my ass.

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I couldn't really feel too sorry for Bethany...why not just rent a place until her new place is "done"? I guess no one buys in NYC without renovating first? You would think by now, all the apartments would have been renovated inside already...living in hotels is not the only option and also, not exactly a hardship. I wouldn't live anywhere else, if I had money.

Sonja is a selfish, self-absorbed B. No ones cares about her 9.5 year marriage that end over ten years ago. She had her pity parties, let Ramona have hers. Ramona is going through a huge shock, due to her total blinders regarding Mario. And they should not be dragging Avery into their marital mess. That is not for a child to hear. So Mario had a mid-life crisis-how original.

Carol has become awfully full of herself over the years. And Kristen always has been. She has to use "pretty" every time she refers to herself? Is she that insecure? Her little girl is cute though, for now. If she takes after Josh, that could be another story.


I think she got a lot of flak for her tagline last year about not being too smart, but at least she was pretty (or something like that).


Personally, I don't think she is all that pretty, really.  She's interesting looking, but imo, she's not really pretty.

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The storyline itself didn't bother me - it makes sense that things would be up in the air because of the pending divorce. Where I was a bit offended was the description of "being homeless", because fuck no, you're not homeless if you can afford a five star hotel  while you are being filmed for your reality show. Homeless is "can I get a bed tonight at the shelter or will I risk freezing to death" so Betthenny needs to check her fucking privilege and tone down calling herself homeless. I totally respect the concept that she's in an awkward, difficult position due to her pending divorce but the multiple scenes of her whining about being homeless as she's being driven around by a high end realtor was incredibly tone deaf.


I'm 100% with you. I have zero problems with Bethenny being frustrated over situation. I would not care if she complained about losing her home, that she DID work very hard not only to obtain, but also to design just how she wanted it. It was important to her, I get that. But please just stop using the term "homeless". You absolutely have the means to buy another home. To rent another home. To pay for a roof over your head in some way, shape, or form. A true homeless person often cannot even pay for a hamburger. So it's just offensive. 

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Well, according to her sworn deposition in front of a judge Jason was acting like a vindictive POS, messing with a poor old dog like Cookie would have been bad enough but to try to teach his daughter Bryn to call her mother a witch certainly shows the real Jason.

The nice Jason is probably only a carefully constructed character for family, friends and the judge, the real Jason is the jerk who stops at nothing to make the life of the mother of his child miserable and who uses his own child to hurt her the most.

Nice Jason my ass.



Or you know, Bethenenny exaggerated or lied? Jason probably has stories of terrible things she's done too. 


Divorce brings out the absolute worst in people so I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle. But I watched Bethenny renovating that apartment on her spin-off and Jason was very much involved. And he was involved in building her fortune too. She encouraged him to quit his job and join her team. I still like Bethenny but the more she tries to come off as completely innocent in this mess  or like Jason is wrong for not walking away quietly, the less I believe her side of things. 

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Well, according to her sworn deposition in front of a judge Jason was acting like a vindictive POS, messing with a poor old dog like Cookie would have been bad enough but to try to teach his daughter Bryn to call her mother a witch certainly shows the real Jason.

The nice Jason is probably only a carefully constructed character for family, friends and the judge, the real Jason is the jerk who stops at nothing to make the life of the mother of his child miserable and who uses his own child to hurt her the most.

Nice Jason my ass.

That article quotes this for example :


"She also stopped picking up and dropping off Bryn with Hoppy. "Now I ask [my assistant] Leslie to do the exchange, because Jason will make faces at me and say [to Bryn], 'I'm sorry you have to go with Mommy.' I don't think it's good for Bryn to be around that kind of stress and anxiety."


There is a big difference between:

"I am sorry. You have have to go with Mommy." That's firm and in response to a kid saying she doesn't want to go.

"I am sorry (that) you have to go with Mommy" is what the article implies I thnk, and that may NOT have been the context.

In either case I might grimace or eye roll and anyway that is such a subjective thing.


None of those things should matter in the end, I personally have been through a split and it was as calm as could be. I sacrificed a LOT of physical/material things just to keep the peace and make things the best for the child. That is the real currency.


However... am I the only one on the planet that thinks that their apartment was NOT bought with "Bethenny's" money it was bought with the proceeds from the launching pad that Bethenny had BECAUSE OF JASON, Bethenny Getting Married and Bethenny having the Baby (Jesus I forgot the title already?) would have never gotten off the ground without Jason. He also had a part of Skinnygirl. Without Jason and the byproducts and the buzz she would not have the coin she has she'd be another successful housewife for sure but not to the degree she is.


Would we  begrudge any wife in a divorce getting her share in the opposite situation?

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Would we  begrudge any wife in a divorce getting her share in the opposite situation?


I hate to be so cynical but... if a wife was dumb enough to agree to a pre-nup (as Jason *did*) then I don't see why a wife or a husband either gets to bat their eyelashes and insist the pre-nup should be put aside.


Jason is a grown man, not an innocent. The only way he didn't know what the pre-nup meant is if he was mentally incompetant.

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The storyline itself didn't bother me - it makes sense that things would be up in the air because of the pending divorce. Where I was a bit offended was the description of "being homeless", because fuck no, you're not homeless if you can afford a five star hotel while you are being filmed for your reality show. Homeless is "can I get a bed tonight at the shelter or will I risk freezing to death" so Betthenny needs to check her fucking privilege and tone down calling herself homeless. I totally respect the concept that she's in an awkward, difficult position due to her pending divorce but the multiple scenes of her whining about being homeless as she's being driven around by a high end realtor was incredibly tone deaf.

Eh, she meant it figuritvely, not literally (ie; raised by wolves). The woman exaggerates to make a point. That's what she does; that's who she is.

ETA: I'm not saying I agree with it, TBH, I'm not surprised, but at this point I'm not too bothered by it either as long as she moves on from it and doesn't keep playing it like a broken record. Not holding my breath, though.

Edited by msblossom
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I think it's the way Bethenny phrases certain things that rubbed me the wrong way. It's like 'jeez, lady, you aren't homeless, and temporarily having to live in the presidential suite of a nice hotel just isn't something that's worth crying over in my opinion.'


Bethenny actually acknowledged this, more than once.  Just because the woman has money doesn't mean she's given up the right to feel sad or upset over something, whether others think she has a "right" to be sad or upset about it.

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Sonja might have offered some fashion porn -- if it was 1995.


LOL, you're killing me. But it's so true. I don't really follow fashion, but most of the time I see Sonja I have an immediate flashback to my high school years (94-98). I thought Dorinda seemed quite dated as well, but I'll give her more time. 

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Bethenny actually acknowledged this, more than once.  Just because the woman has money doesn't mean she's given up the right to feel sad or upset over something, whether others think she has a "right" to be sad or upset about it.

When & how did she acknowledge it? I must have missed it.


Jason signed a prenup? I must have missed that too.

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Eh, she meant it figuritvely, not literally (ie; raised by wolves). The woman exaggerates to make a point. That's what she does; that's who she is.


Oh I get it - and I have even defended her on the raised by wolves stuff because I think people take that far too seriously. But many woman are divorced and in similar situations without the giant income Bethenny has so yes, it's grating to listen to a woman with a lavish lifestyle whibne over her posh hotel room making her homeless. I feel the same way about Sonja's horror at having to live on the pittance her husband gave her - its so much more than many divorcees get, there's a point where I want to trot both of them down to women shelters and take away their expensive handbags that could feed a family for a money.

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When & how did she acknowledge it? I must have missed it.

Jason signed a prenup? I must have missed that too.


First question, she says that all the time.  She said in on RHONYC.  She says it in interviews.  She said it on her talk show.  That and that she is inappropriate.  The one time that stands out is during a reunion with the 'raised by wolves'.  She said, really you think that is a true statement?  Have you met me?, etc.


Yes Jason signed a prenup.  It was specifically drawn up to protect the SkinnyGirl money, name, corporation.  It might have been challengeable if he actually accepted the job with the company but alas he didn't so it stands.  What is going on now is that he is trying to find every last penny that she made that was 50% his by the calculation in the prenup with a forensic accountant.  It is costing both of them a fortune.  No one can figure out where he is getting the money so speculation runs wild there.

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First question, she says that all the time.  She said in on RHONYC.  She says it in interviews.  She said it on her talk show.  That and that she is inappropriate.  The one time that stands out is during a reunion with the 'raised by wolves'.  She said, really you think that is a true statement?  Have you met me?, etc.


Yes Jason signed a prenup.  It was specifically drawn up to protect the SkinnyGirl money, name, corporation.  It might have been challengeable if he actually accepted the job with the company but alas he didn't so it stands.  What is going on now is that he is trying to find every last penny that she made that was 50% his by the calculation in the prenup with a forensic accountant.  It is costing both of them a fortune.  No one can figure out where he is getting the money so speculation runs wild there.


That is standard in divorce proceedings. Forensic accountants exist for a reason, people need them because spouses hide money all the time.  


All of our information about these proceedings are from leaked online reports, and there are reports that make either side look terrible or look like the victim, depending on which you choose to believe. I don't know how anyone can judge either one of these people harshly on the basis of those leaked accounts. Litigation can last a very long time, it's true, but Jason has a claim here. 

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I don't blame him. I hope the Forensic Accountant is calculating every minute & every Nielsen rating etc of her 2 heavily Jason related Bravo spinoff shows that generated buzz for her brand as part of the 50%. Those "ads" wouldn't have existed without Jason. His participation in both, a huge invasion of privacy is worth something.


Her acknowledgement rings false with me. Her parents had to hear that. Wouldn't it have been kinder to say "I am estranged from my parents and I am left feeling like I had a rough, transient upbringing from parents who did their best."


Thank  you for the further info.

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Her tweets indicated that the suite upgrade was totally due to filming.  So it sounded like Essex comped them because they were going to be on tv.


She also mentions the room being upgraded in the episode (I believe it was when she and her assistant were getting on the elevator).

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Not a heck of a lot to add here. I can't believe Sonja was once my favorite. I think that as long as Ramona's around, the show will keep Frick n' Frack together, but really, Sonja's way past her expiration date with what she brings to RHONY. I never found the intern thing funny and Sonja's "I used to be classy. Now I'm kind of trashy" really should be her tag line. I would have been fine with Sonja and Kristen not being on the show this season.


I really hope RHONY doesn't become "Bethenny and the planets orbiting her." The homeless spiel actually didn't bother me so much. It was a poor choice of words but what B really was getting at was losing her sense of home and sanctuary, a place where she belonged and felt centered. Which I get, but it's hard to feel much sympathy for her.


I liked Dorinda, although I hope her annoying daughter's appearances on the show are limited. Dorinda strikes me as someone very comfortable in her own skin. I liked the matter-of-fact way she described her boyfriend. I liked that she's not trying to prove the "I still got it!" point of dating men much younger men (Sonja), and she's not trying to pass off their relationship as some longtime love fest (Ramona).  And on a show where women are always interrupting or talking over each other, I liked her conversation with Ramona.


Her boyfriend isn't just your neighborhood dry cleaner, btw…this morning I read an interesting article about him and Madame Paulette. (And FWIW, he's not Italian but Armenian.)

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I don't blame him. I hope the Forensic Accountant is calculating every minute & every Nielsen rating etc of her 2 heavily Jason related Bravo spinoff shows that generated buzz for her brand as part of the 50%. Those "ads" wouldn't have existed without Jason. His participation in both, a huge invasion of privacy is worth something.


Bethenny was already a big star when Jason signed on.  He knew who she was, and, unless he's a complete idiot, he willingly signed up for this "huge invasion of privacy".  He didn't have to do that; no one made him do that.  And no major corporation takes over a brand like Bethenny's because she's on a basic cable reality show -- or even 2 or 3 of them.  If they did, then all the other "Housewives" who've tried such things would also be enormously wealthy now from selling their own brands.  Bethenny is famous and successful because of Bethenny.  If Jason had never existed, Bravo would have still found ways to build a show or shows around her, because she's compulsively watchable, and probably more so without her sourpuss ex. 


Her acknowledgement rings false with me. Her parents had to hear that. Wouldn't it have been kinder to say "I am estranged from my parents and I am left feeling like I had a rough, transient upbringing from parents who did their best."


Because she doesn't think they did their best, at all.  Not even remotely.  By the way, her father is dead, and I doubt they get Bravo wherever he is.

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I'm 100% with you. I have zero problems with Bethenny being frustrated over situation. I would not care if she complained about losing her home, that she DID work very hard not only to obtain, but also to design just how she wanted it. It was important to her, I get that. But please just stop using the term "homeless". You absolutely have the means to buy another home. To rent another home. To pay for a roof over your head in some way, shape, or form. A true homeless person often cannot even pay for a hamburger. So it's just offensive. 


I don't mind B lamenting/whining/crying about her difficult divorce situation.  Not at all.  Although I guess if I had to pick a side I'd be "Team Jason" but he's been just as much of an asshole as she has.  What rubbed me the wrong way was when Bethenny was crying about being homeless and referencing the fact that she picked out all the faucets in the apartment Jason now inhabits, she picked out the tile, etc.


Ugggh, effing God if there's one thing I have learned is that multi millions of dollars = multi millions of choices.  About 25 yrs. ago I was employed full-time by an extremely wealthy couple in LA.  I lived in their home.  They were probably worth (maybe a little more) or equivalent to what Bethenny's purported worth is today.


With the kind of money Bethenny has - damn, you want to recreate step-for-step an almost identical apartment that you shared with Jason, have at it.  You have the money to snap your fingers and hire a team of top architects, decorators to do it.  (Just snap your fingers and order them around dismissively without making eye contact like you did the bellhop at the uber-luxury, 5 star hotel you were busy being homeless at).


You want to find the exact same faucets and the exact same tiles you so painstaking picked out at the apartment you shared with Jason?  The exact same furniture, oh-so-lovingly picked out with all your blood, sweat and tears? (or whatever the fuck you were saying in the taxi).  Well have at it.  Hire a team of top decorators, have them do the research and buy the fixtures and the furniture to recreate the old apartment.  Even better - buy a nicer apartment than you had when you were with Jason (after the divorce is finalized) and make an amazing home for you and your child.


Millions and millions of dollars = endless choices.  I have a dear friend that at 50 just finalized her divorce and got basically nothing.  She and her 2 kids are living in her parents basement.  Basement.  Get real.  GTFOH.  That's all I got.

Edited by beesknees
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That People article is not objective. I bet Bethenney glared at Jason with a menacing look many times too. And if Brynn was crying and didn't want to go with her mom then maybe Jason would say "I'm sorry but you have to go."


The stuff about Cookie, though, why did Bethenney leave Cookie with Jason anyway if he was so horrible and not the dog's primary caretaker? I have two dogs and I leave explicit instructions with my husband when I leave him with them, purely because the hubby is not attuned to their routines. The throwing the dog in a bag in a cab and sending it/her/him to a doggie hotel...well, maybe Jason was going out of town and they doggie hotel said put Cookie in a cab and we'll take it from there? IDK. Alls I know is that I saw Jason on those spin off shows, and he was a pretty decent guy. The things they were fighting about were not unusual negotiations in a marriage. I've seen Bethenney, and she is prickly and demanding, so good luck trying to paint Hoppy as the devil.


Back to Dorinda (Dorito, Doroda, Dodi-Diana), I got claustrophobic as soon as Ramona walked into her apartment, with the kitchen right there by the door and then the table two feet away.  I also get crazy when I see Kristin's apartment and those kids running around screaming in there. 

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Dorinda actually seemed "real,"  I'm not sure why she'd need a housekeeper for that shoebox of an apartment.  Are there really two or three bedrooms there?  We could see one right off of the kitchen and tiny living room.  I'll be interested to see if she has a Hamptons House.  Her annoying daughter can go away.  She's taken a break from college to go shopping?  I guess Mommy will pay for everything.


Ramona looks like she's in hell.  I do feel sorry for her, it seems like Mario blindsided her and then blamed her.  Watching Ramona on the show it's easy to see how he could've felt that way, but it's hard to see that Ramona didn't see it coming.


Where was Heather in this episode?


Love that Luann is back, she brings a little class and some funny judgments.  I do wonder if she really downsized because she wanted to...Why is she still talking about Jacques though?  Haven't they been broken up for a couple of years at this point?


Sonja is a trainwreck, jump off while you can interns!


Carole lives in Carole's world.  Didn't it take her 10 years to write a sequel to her first book?  Why would she sign a long term contract when it clearly takes her so long to be inspired again?  I would guess the money went to pay for her renovation.


Bethenny, I'm glad that she's back, she brings some needed energy to the show.  Whining about being "homeless" is ridiculous though.  Why doesn't she just base herself out of the Hamptons until the apartment is finished?

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Or you know, Bethenenny exaggerated or lied? Jason probably has stories of terrible things she's done too. 


Divorce brings out the absolute worst in people so I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle. But I watched Bethenny renovating that apartment on her spin-off and Jason was very much involved. And he was involved in building her fortune too. She encouraged him to quit his job and join her team. I still like Bethenny but the more she tries to come off as completely innocent in this mess  or like Jason is wrong for not walking away quietly, the less I believe her side of things.

Nice Jason might be an act, but imo Nice Bethenny doesn't exist at all.
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Ramona looks like she's in hell.



On the shallow side, I think she's never looked better, physically, than she does now. I like her new hairstyle and toned-down makeup. No jewel tone eyeshadows in sight!

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Bethenny was already a big star when Jason signed on.  He knew who she was, and, unless he's a complete idiot, he willingly signed up for this "huge invasion of privacy".  He didn't have to do that; no one made him do that.  And no major corporation takes over a brand like Bethenny's because she's on a basic cable reality show -- or even 2 or 3 of them.  If they did, then all the other "Housewives" who've tried such things would also be enormously wealthy now from selling their own brands.  Bethenny is famous and successful because of Bethenny.  If Jason had never existed, Bravo would have still found ways to build a show or shows around her, because she's compulsively watchable, and probably more so without her sourpuss ex.

IIRC, Bethenny was already in talks with Bravo for a spin off when she met Jason (which is why Jill was upset) and the focus changed to accommodate her pregnancy and marriage to Jason. Jason knew who she was when he met her and hitched himself to her bandwagon as fast as he could, he showed up in the opening credits for the housewives as soon as they started dating. I don't see him any differently than the woman who gets knocked up by the rich celebrity to ensure 18 years of child support. The fact that he won't move out of the multi million dollar apartment paid for by Bethenny tells me everything I need to know. Jason is a goldigger.

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Okay, every reality show needs a narcissist (among other train wrecks), but this show has a few too many - get rid of Sonja, Ramona and Bethenny.

Find some New Yorkers with good color and good character - for God's sake, this is NYC, you can find them by the millions!

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On the shallow side, I think she's never looked better, physically, than she does now. I like her new hairstyle and toned-down makeup. No jewel tone eyeshadows in sight!


Her hair appeared darker too, kind of a honey-d look. I liked it.

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New girl Dorinda:

I agree with posters who think she is out of place. On RHONJ she would be the new Queen...in Uptown Manhattan? no, not so much. I did like her convo with Ramona, she was very kind to her. Her daughter was scary, let's hope she saw the tape and headed straight to Stacy or Clintons office for a voluntary make-over. I can see her hanging around with Teresa & Nicole from RHONJ, or their mother. She definitely looks older than her age. Most of my friends and myself are in this age group, and Dorinda looks older than her age to me.



I think in some shots, she looks like she could be in her 40s, and others more like mid-50s. So when you average it all out, I think she looks like a 50-year old woman. Did a poster already say she was like the "2 face girl" on Seinfeld?  Good call! 


Like, I think she looks really good in this photo. Which, of course, I'm sure has been edited/photoshopped to some degree (like all the Bravo-lebrities).  I also think she's MORE attractive than her daughter (who was really annoying and painfully "aware" of the camera)


If I had worked my whole life and busted my ass to make my dreams come true, if I had compiled since I was in my 20s clips of the favorites things I wanted in a house, if I had pay for the down payment and every mortgage payment , if I had worked with the constructors and the decorarators to make sure my vision came to life and I had finally gotten my dream house and then my ex (fully knowing he can't afford the mortgage payment or has put a penny towards it is staying in that house and making my life miserable while living there ) then you better believe that I will be complaining to everyone and anyone who had ears.



I hear what you are saying.  I've always admired Bethanny's hustle, and I do believe she's earned that incredible fortune that she's amassed.  And not getting to live in your dream home - while your ex does -- is far from an idyllic situation! I mean, it downright sucks. However, in the grand scheme of life, those tiles, those fixtures, those faucets and everything else in that dream home are just, well, things.  Inanimate, replaceable material things. 


To put it in perspective: I know of a family in Maryland whose house was randomly hit by an airplane about 6 months ago, in which the mother, toddler and infant were killed. The father and eldest daughter were not home at the time. All the $$ in the world (and believe me, people have been INCREDIBLY generous in donating to the is family) will not *replace* what was lost there.  That is a real, horrific tragedy.  Bethenny having to find a new apartment? A nuisance. An inconvenience, certainly. But not something I'm going to get too worked up in the sympathy department for.


She still has the things that are NOT replaceable--her beautiful healthy daughter, her own health, and on yeah don't forget the WEALTH. (ok maybe that last one is replaceable!) I know that's what got me frustrated with her in this episode, and I believe others saw it in a similar way.

Edited by Duke2801
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I think in some shots, she looks like she could be in her 40s, and others more like mid-50s. So when you average it all out, I think she looks like a 50-year old woman. Did a poster already say she was like the "2 face girl" on Seinfeld?  Good call! 


Like, I think she looks really good in this photo. Which, of course, I'm sure has been edited/photoshopped to some degree (like all the Bravo-lebrities).  I also think she's MORE attractive than her daughter (who was really annoying and painfully "aware" of the camera)



Whenever they showed pictures of her onscreen, I thought "Wow she looks so great in those pictures!" I think she's photogenic but in motion something looks amiss. Still I appreciate her look. All of the NY women actually still have their original faces for the most part and I can appreciate that. 


I didn't think the daughter was ugly by any means, and it is the popular thing at the moment to have crazy dark/thick eyebrows, but I don't want to see more of her at all. Dorinda is interesting to me, with her meaty boyfriend who runs a dry cleaners and her rather small apartment. Different for this show but I kind of liked her, at least so far. 

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Look, the full quote from Bethenny was something like she was the "wealthiest" homeless person in Manhattan. It was tongue in cheek. She's not homeless, and I don't think for one minute that she's comparing her situation to being truly homeless. She's not actually homeless and I think she knows that. She has a bazillion dollars and can afford to do anything, but, divorce is a tricky thing, and, financially a lot of things - sometimes everything - is up in the air. Or, even locked down with the courts. And, a lot of time people have difficulty making decisions in the middle of a divorce. I think it will be interesting to see how she navigates this.

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New girl Dorinda:

I agree with posters who think she is out of place.



I've been seeing the RHONJ comments and still don't get it. Is it the Edie Falco comparisons? The unrefined boyfriend? (Nothing wrong with working with fabrics, as Bobby Zarin could tell you.) I agree with what Dorinda told the NY Daily News last month - "I'm not going to be that ball of yarn that appeared out of nowhere." She lives on the UES, has known LuAnn and Ramona for some time, and also knows Heather from Ramona's favorite place - the Berkshires. Also, her former husband, Richard Medley, was George Soros' former partner and a known variable among Wall Street hedge funds.


I live in Massachusetts and once I realized that Dorinda was a Mass. native, I could see it (the minimal fuss hairdo, the lack of extensions and fillers, and was that a plaid dress she wore in one scene?). I love New England, but have no problem saying that it's not known for being fashion-forward or glamorous. (I think there's a reason why there's no "RH of Boston" franchise either - conspicuous consumption is not the art here it is in other parts of the country.)

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I think in some shots, she looks like she could be in her 40s, and others more like mid-50s. So when you average it all out, I think she looks like a 50-year old woman. Did a poster already say she was like the "2 face girl" on Seinfeld? Good call!

Like, I think she looks really good in this photo. Which, of course, I'm sure has been edited/photoshopped to some degree (like all the Bravo-lebrities). I also think she's MORE attractive than her daughter (who was really annoying and painfully "aware" of the camera)

I hear what you are saying. I've always admired Bethanny's hustle, and I do believe she's earned that incredible fortune that she's amassed. And not getting to live in your dream home - while your ex does -- is far from an idyllic situation! I mean, it downright sucks. However, in the grand scheme of life, those tiles, those fixtures, those faucets and everything else in that dream home are just, well, things. Inanimate, replaceable material things.

To put it in perspective: I know of a family in Maryland whose house was randomly hit by an airplane about 6 months ago, in which the mother, toddler and infant were killed. The father and eldest daughter were not home at the time. All the $$ in the world (and believe me, people have been INCREDIBLY generous in donating to the is family) will not *replace* what was lost there. That is a real, horrific tragedy. Bethenny having to find a new apartment? A nuisance. An inconvenience, certainly. But not something I'm going to get too worked up in the sympathy department for.

She still has the things that are NOT replaceable--her beautiful healthy daughter, her own health, and on yeah don't forget the WEALTH. (ok maybe that last one is replaceable!) I know that's what got me frustrated with her in this episode, and I believe others saw it in a similar way.

Yes, Dorinda is like that Seinfeld character...too funny. It might be her style of dress or the way she talks, but maybe that is what is aging her to me?

She does seem to have a kind heart...so far. If she is for real, we could use more people like that on this show. I do think her daughter is milking her, her step dad died 3 years ago, time to get back to college or get a job and give your mom a break! Plus, sounds like her biological dad is still in the picture.

Edited by IKnowRight
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Sorry...Dorinda's daughter IS a Butterface, as is Dorito...she is going for a poir man's Lady Di...and is unsuccessful

Ramona does look better

Bethany is a COMPLETE nightmare

Downtown Julie Brown? That phrase is so played out BY HER....it wasnt funny the first million times u said it...

She talks so fast...its like she is on speed...and Her Poor Girl cant find a jome is ridic. Ive always wondered why theae people have to remodel EVERYTHING!! Im sur the place is a freakin palace already. Heres a thought...move in

So u have a fucking HOME....then really look at what u want to change and do it slowly...a remodel taking two years? IDIOT!

Sonja...always thought there nay be a nice person in there...wrongo! Her state of self absorbedness with Ramona speaks volumes

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Well, hello there, Heather. For all of thirty damn seconds. Not cool, show.


Also uncool, showcasing one HW in practically every other scene, when there's a cast of eight.


I went into the episode open-minded about Bethenny, but my gosh she's annoying. I was not impressed with her and her skinnyrichgirl problems. She did make me laugh when she compared herself to Oprah and Bill Gates, but only because it was so ridiculous. The woman needs to get some perspective and count her blessings.


Dorinda seems alright, and could be interesting. I'm not understanding the notion that she'd be better suited for RHoNJ, as she didn't seem to be somehow more characteristically like those bozos than the NY ladies.


Ramona looks great, wow.

Edited by jaync
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