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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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18 minutes ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Thanks for the clarification. FTR that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time.  Wouldn’t it have made more sense to change Michal to Michala or Michale? Man these people are dense! 

On their old blog, Kelly said that they used Michael and Michaela interchangeably. Some of the younger kids call her Mickey, which, if I remember correctly is the name she prefers. Not sure if that is pronounced like Mickey Mouse or like Mikey of Wheaties commercial fame.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Thanks for the clarification. FTR that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time.  Wouldn’t it have made more sense to change Michal to Michala or Michale? Man these people are dense! 

Yes, it would. It would also make sense to have read about Michal in the Bible before choosing the name. In all their Bible reading they never once did that? I can't even figure out how since Michal is part of David's story in the Bible I don't see how they could have missed her if they had actually read the Bible.      

  • Love 9

My gues is Tori didn't want to be a bridesmaid, even if her husband is the best man. (For her sister Josie's wedding). I can't blame Tori for not wanting to be a bridesmaid if that's how she feels. I think the networks chop these ceremonies down for television, but it's probably a much longer ceremony, possibly even two hours long*or longer. And then they make the bridesmaids** stand on the altar the entire time in most of the fundie weddings I've seen. So if 7-8 months pregnant Tori wants to sit most of the ceremony, I get it.  

(*A little over two hours is about the longest wedding I've ever attended and then we had to take pictures in the church before the reception.)

(** This is traditional, but not something that most young couples are doing now of days, especially if they're having long church.) 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

Yes, it would. It would also make sense to have read about Michal in the Bible before choosing the name. In all their Bible reading they never once did that? I can't even figure out how since Michal is part of David's story in the Bible I don't see how they could have missed her if they had actually read the Bible.      

Did they not know about the book “1001 Names from the Bible” or whatever it was called? Oh, right...

  • Love 4
7 minutes ago, Wishing Well said:

Josie was also a bridesmaid at the Zach/Whitney renewals, and none of the older girls were.  I wonder if she’s closer to Whitney for some reason?  I also noticed this too when Whitney made sure to bring the baby to Josie for the first haircut.

IIRC, Josie spent a lot of time at Zach and Whit's house helping with the kids. She seems to gravitate towards sensible,  grounded women, so I definitely believe she and Whitney are close, similar to how she's tight with Alyssa. 

I also agree with Temperance that these girls have been in so many weddings at this point they're probably thrilled to be off the hook and just watch the ceremony as a guest. I'm sure Erin will be pounding away on the piano and Michael will be Kelly's galley slave as usual, so they'll be involved somehow. 

  • Love 6

I may be remembering wrong, but I thought that the married Bates couples had an episode during their show where they answered questions like the newlywed game. There was a question as to which sibling(s) they were closest to and I think Alyssa and Whitney both said Josie. Whitney may have named a few that she was closest to. Then again, I could be remembering the whole thing incorrectly.

  • Love 2

Timothy is gone and NEW baby!! August 2018

Posted on August 18, 2018 by Rodrigues Family

Well, it has TRULY been an exciting summer!  We took a trip out West (all the way to Washington State) to drop Timothy off to college.  It was a wonderful trip.  Be watching for an upcoming post soon with ALL that we did on that trip with LOTS of pictures!!  However, this post is to just show and tell you some of the highlights in regard to Timothy and his future.

**Read all about the NEW BABY below!!***

The below posts are in order as they appeared on our FB page….

Every minute, hour, day, week that we travel, I realize just HOW FAR away we are going to be from Timothy! This is NOT easy! 

2.This was our caravan the entire way to Washington State…special.  We will be minus Timothy’s car (red caboose at the end) going home. 

3.  Enjoying getting to know Timothy’s church folks & this area. Helping with VBS, and getting Tim settled. 

4. It has been wonderful to spend some time here in Washington – helping to get Timothy settled, and to spend time at Moody Aviation and seeing the operation there.

Everyone is SUPER nice and God continues to blanket us with a PEACE! We are seeing God’s provision and stamp of approval that Timothy is in the center of His will! 

I am telling you, Timothy is in for some RIGOROUS study and disciplined living for the next 5 years! However, he is our most DRIVEN, determined child. He has NEVER shied away from hard work and study. 

Hence, it gives us peace to leave him to follow God’s calling upon his life- with a passion.

There is TRULY NO greater joy than to hear that our children walk in truth!  Honored Mama, Jill 

5.  We are HONESTLY thrilled at the church that Timothy found to go to here in Spokane, Washington!  It has been so refreshing being here! This is a church that truly embraces righteous and holy living; conservative values; and godly character attributes.

There are a lot of young families.  They also have a college and career class for Timothy and he already enjoyed going to an activity with his sisters.

God has been especially good to us in granting us the desire of our hearts in finding a church for Timothy to attend that is like-minded with our beliefs and the way we try to live as Christians.  Thank you, Jesus. 

Many people here have already taken Timothy under their wings and Pastor and Mrs. Boyle, plan to really “be there” for Timothy. It comforts this Mama’s heart SO much!

It also blesses my heart that Timothy expressed a DEEP desire himself to find a church just like this one!  I am thrilled at his righteous choices and that he is not just riding the “coattails” of his parent’s beliefs, but is embracing them for his OWN life!

Bud, I love you with my WHOLE heart! Stay in the saddle for Jesus, son!  Forever With Love, Mama (and Family Too)


6.  Our commitments are now over in Washington. So, we leave Timothy today!  My heart is literally aching.  I thank God for lending him to us for 18 years.

7. Last night, David and I took Timothy out for a nice dinner.  He loves Italian. (Sadie went also because it is her “week”.)

We laid our hands on him and prayed over him and blessed him- parental blessings in the name of Jesus. 

When we say that last goodbye, it is going to literally rip a piece of my heart out. That piece of my heart will literally stay with Timothy forever- until we are all back together in eternal bliss in Heaven someday.  Until then, it brings my heart GREAT JOY to see Timothy “in the saddle” for Jesus…because this is what we raised him for- to run his race well of serving our worthy Saviour Jesus Christ!  

P.S. One of the cheesecakes was for Timothy and Sadie to split. The other one, David and I split.  The waitress had JUST set them both down in front of us to take our picture. They were not BOTH for us! LOL Ymmm! Good! 

8.   We are SO honored by this young man! His calling is unique- MISSIONARY PILOT. ✈(When Timothy was 4 years old, he came to David and me and told us when he grew up he wanted to fly planes to bring Bibles to people that didn’t have them in other countries. He has stayed true to that calling for all these years!) 

Moody Aviation trains SO well that in 5 years when Timothy graduates ? from this college, he will have his mechanics license on planes; he will know how to weld;?‍? he will have Bible training; and he will have his pilots license (among having learned how be a “jack of all trades” mechanically);?‍? and he will have carefully learned how to fix the plane on his own in primitive locations, and land the plane in primitive locations with tough landing strips. 

Thank God for the knowledge he already has in this area thanks to David diligently teaching and working with him. 

“Bud, we KNOW you are in for some tough years of college…especially as you are paying your own way. But we are confident that through the power of God, you can run this race well! ? NEVER give up and know that we will be cheering you along every step of the way!” 

Our Love Forever, Dad and Mama 

9.   We literally just left our precious Timothy for good. Tears were shed and every mile we drive East, I feel the finality of it! ????

We are THRILLED that we were able to help get him all comfortably settled in his new house (student housing).  The guys there call his bedroom nook, “The Throne”. LOL. I love to decorate and Timothy is sentimental and very neat like me.  So, his area is quite cozy – (check out pics of his bedroom below)! 

Farewell, our sweet boy! You have grown into a wonderful young man!  We will profusely miss you! ?

You BIGGEST Cheerleaders, Your Family 

(Timothy had crying siblings for sure!)

10.   We left our Timothy in Washington with enough money to pay his first school bill and his next month of rent and some groceries and a prayer of faith that God would provide him a job. ? He chose (without us even knowing) to fast and pray that God would provide him the best job possible…as he will be paying his own way through college. ? On Thursday he had 2 job interviews and got hired right on the spot for a 5 day a week, night job….which fits in perfectly with his school schedule. ? It is a wholesome work atmosphere and pays VERY well! ???

We are BEYOND thrilled to see how God abundantly blessed Timothy’s prayers and diligence. Everything starts on Monday….job and college. Pray for Timothy to have endurance for the pace he must keep for the next 5 years. ? He is a guy though that requires little sleep and is VERY driven. So, he is up for the challenge!

We love you, Bud, and are thrilled to already see God’s mighty hand of provision upon your life! STAY YOUR COURSE! -Mama and Family ??

***NEW BABY announcement!!****

I am BEYOND excited! My sister – Angie Noyes Hillegass – gave birth to their (Jordan and Angie’s) precious baby boy- Chapman Ira Thomas Hillegass!!

This is their 8th child – 3 girls and 5 boys! 

This is my parents’ (Tim and Pat Noyes’) 32nd grandchild! Wow!  

He was 8lbs6oz 20 3/8 inches long. Angie had a natural, in home, water birth and Mom and baby are doing great!  I am SUPER proud of you, Angie! You did awesome and I LOVE you and my precious new nephew!  Can’t wait to meet him!  Love, Jill (Aunt Jill)

It has been a week since my beautiful sister Angie birthed her precious new baby boy Chapman (their 8th). ?

Many times when I feel alone in this old, sinful world, I am reminded how BLESSED I am to have like-minded family members.  

 Family that seeks God with their whole heart.

 Family that chooses the old paths of righteousness and truth.

 Family that chooses to view children in the light that God does- a blessing and gift from Him.

 Family that embraces the roles that God ordained to us- wives being keepers at home and men leading and providing for the home.

 Family where the ladies dress like ladies and men like men.

 Family that believes in the Old Black Book-the 1611 KJV as the inspired and preserved Word of God.

 Family that realizes that the Bible calls us as Christians to live separated lives for His glory and His alone.  II Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

 My precious family refreshes me and reminds me that there IS still a remnant of people in this world that seek after God and His righteousness.  I thank God for them AND for the many Christian friends that God has blessed me with. These are a people that…..
“Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14

When I come to think of it, YES…I am a blessed to know MANY people that love God in this very fashion…including my precious family. 

That’s all folks!       Until Next Time,  The Rodrigues Family



Some of the pictures:






  • Love 8

They may mention the dog. Although it may seem impossible, Jill has more to say.


” Be watching for an upcoming post soon with ALL that we did on that trip with LOTS of pictures!!  However, this post is to just show and tell you some of the highlights in regard to Timothy and his future. “

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, ginger90 said:

We are THRILLED that we were able to help get him all comfortably settled in his new house (student housing).  The guys there call his bedroom nook, “The Throne”. LOL. I love to decorate and Timothy is sentimental and very neat like me.  So, his area is quite cozy – (check out pics of his bedroom)




And I am THRILLED that Tim's room is not as over the top as I feared it would be after reading Jill's description.

 I agree that Jill make it sound like they will never see him again. Extreme leave and cleave or beginning stages of grifting for travel funds so they can visit frequently?

  • Love 19
4 hours ago, ginger90 said:

“Bud, we KNOW you are in for some tough years of college…especially as you are paying your own way. But we are confident that through the power of God, you can run this race well! ? NEVER give up and know that we will be cheering you along every step of the way!” 

Jill and David are such amazing providers for their family, aren’t they? 

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, CherryMalotte said:

Her week to eat?

Pretty much.  Each week, JRod and Shifty choose one child to be 'it', so to speak.  That kid gets to go with them when they go out to shop or eat, gets special treats, etc. while the rest are left behind at home to mope.  God forbid, they should've taken all of their brood out for a nice dinner with the brother they're not going to be seeing again for months and months.  

  • Love 24

Loved the fact that Jill just had to not only have her picture taken with TWO cheesecakes, but then had to say one was for Tim and Sadie to share. We all know they devoured those cheesecakes in front of those kids, and if they were lucky, Tim and Sadie got to share the crumbs. ;) 

  • Love 11

I like how considerant JillR is in filling up his PRECIOUS bookshelf space with a huge family portrait. Of course, it needs to be big to fit in all eleventy kids. 

Over his bed, did JillR have the audacity to place a picture of just herself?  So Timothy won't forget Sweet Mama's face while waiting til heaven!

  • Love 16
5 hours ago, doodlebug said:

Pretty much.  Each week, JRod and Shifty choose one child to be 'it', so to speak.  That kid gets to go with them when they go out to shop or eat, gets special treats, etc. while the rest are left behind at home to mope.  God forbid, they should've taken all of their brood out for a nice dinner with the brother they're not going to be seeing again for months and months.  

Heh, I read that as "Shitty."

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, beckie said:

Loved the fact that Jill just had to not only have her picture taken with TWO cheesecakes, but then had to say one was for Tim and Sadie to share. We all know they devoured those cheesecakes in front of those kids, and if they were lucky, Tim and Sadie got to share the crumbs. ;) 

I agree.  If the desserts were to be shared, why were they in front of Jill and David?


Mostly, I'm happy for Tim.  Even if he can't keep up in school, he's across the country with his own car.  He appears to be a hard worker so I'm sure he could just find a job and stay out there.  However, it was really rotten of Jill to haul the entire family out there and involve herself so that Tim couldn't just make a fresh start.  Now everyone that sees him will remember the fundy circus that is his family.  You just know that she was trying to enlist spies to rat Tim out if he dared to not show up for a church service.  


And they let that poor dog out and left her because they didn't want her anymore.  They just hoped someone would take her in and keep her.  Jill -- do the dog a favor and turn her in to a no-kill shelter.  Lots of people would love to have a nice little dog.  And they certainly wouldn't leave her beside the road and drive away.

  • Love 11
1 minute ago, BitterApple said:

Ugh, I can't believe I'm defending the Rodriguii, but if you enlarge the restaurant picture you can see there's two spoons on each dessert plate. They may have been waiting for the kids to finish their food before handing one over. 

I don't know.  As far as the Rodriguii go, I'm a cynic.  Jill might have just told the waiter to bring extra spoons for them to share so she looked like a decent person.  She's posted before about going inside the gas station when they stop and she and David having a treat.  She's never posted that they bring stuff out for the children too.  And, by the looks of both of them, they certainly ingest more calories than any of those kids.  In her latest blog post, she comments that Tim had been fasting and praying about a job.  I think Tim and Nurie started fasting occasionally (and telling Jill it was about being holy or something) so there would be more food left for the littles to eat.  


My guess is that David and Jill got the lion's share and Tim and Sadie each got a taste.

  • Love 14
55 minutes ago, NotFundie said:

And they let that poor dog out and left her because they didn't want her anymore.  They just hoped someone would take her in and keep her.  Jill -- do the dog a favor and turn her in to a no-kill shelter.  Lots of people would love to have a nice little dog.  And they certainly wouldn't leave her beside the road and drive away.

Stormy J might not find a no-kill shelter with room even if she wanted to surrender the dog; no-kill shelters tend to be overfull and have waiting lists, especially in the summer.


It bothers me that I stood up for the Rodriguii in any way. Here -- the kids creep me out. Now I feel better. 

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, NotFundie said:

Mostly, I'm happy for Tim.  Even if he can't keep up in school, he's across the country with his own car.  He appears to be a hard worker so I'm sure he could just find a job and stay out there.  However, it was really rotten of Jill to haul the entire family out there and involve herself so that Tim couldn't just make a fresh start.  Now everyone that sees him will remember the fundy circus that is his family. 

Classes start Monday at the college where I work and the parking lot, dorms, and common areas are filled with entire families dropping their kids off at college. Since Moody's is a Fundamental Christian College that caterers to homeschooled kids, I'm pretty sure that Tim's not the only Freshman with a dozen or so siblings tagging along to see big brother off.

  • Love 14
48 minutes ago, NotFundie said:

I don't know.  As far as the Rodriguii go, I'm a cynic.  Jill might have just told the waiter to bring extra spoons for them to share so she looked like a decent person.  She's posted before about going inside the gas station when they stop and she and David having a treat.  She's never posted that they bring stuff out for the children too.  And, by the looks of both of them, they certainly ingest more calories than any of those kids.  In her latest blog post, she comments that Tim had been fasting and praying about a job.  I think Tim and Nurie started fasting occasionally (and telling Jill it was about being holy or something) so there would be more food left for the littles to eat.  


My guess is that David and Jill got the lion's share and Ti and Sadie each got a taste.

When was Tim "fasting and praying" for a job offer? I hope he was done before they went out to eat. I still can't believe how much Jill stresses the whole fasting thing anyway. How long do these kids keep it up if Godly answers and blessings are not forthcoming? And do Shrek and Ofshrek (to quote the Fundie Wonderland monikers) participate in said fasts, or have a stash of squashed Twinkies under the mattress?

  • Love 12
On 8/17/2018 at 11:41 AM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

Thanks for the clarification. FTR that’s one of the dumbest things I’ve heard in a long time.  Wouldn’t it have made more sense to change Michal to Michala or Michale? Man these people are dense! 

Or even to Michel !!!

Sadly, the densest also seem to be the fertile-est. 

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Albanyguy said:

For a few awful minutes, I thought this meant that Jill was announcing that she was pregnant again! Fortunately, she was just talking about her sister's new baby.

Give her a couple of months and she will be announcing since she needs the attention on her at all times. She'll announce it saying that since Timothy is gone he has prayed for us to have a new baby to take his place, blah, blah, blah.

  • Love 5
On 8/18/2018 at 5:15 AM, ginger90 said:

Timothy is gone and NEW baby!! August 2018

Posted on August 18, 2018 by Rodrigues Family

Well, it has TRULY been an exciting summer!  We took a trip out West (all the way to Washington State) to drop Timothy off to college.  It was a wonderful trip.  Be watching for an upcoming post soon with ALL that we did on that trip with LOTS of pictures!!  However, this post is to just show and tell you some of the highlights in regard to Timothy and his future.

**Read all about the NEW BABY below!!***

The below posts are in order as they appeared on our FB page….

Every minute, hour, day, week that we travel, I realize just HOW FAR away we are going to be from Timothy! This is NOT easy! 

2.This was our caravan the entire way to Washington State…special.  We will be minus Timothy’s car (red caboose at the end) going home. 

3.  Enjoying getting to know Timothy’s church folks & this area. Helping with VBS, and getting Tim settled. 

4. It has been wonderful to spend some time here in Washington – helping to get Timothy settled, and to spend time at Moody Aviation and seeing the operation there.

Everyone is SUPER nice and God continues to blanket us with a PEACE! We are seeing God’s provision and stamp of approval that Timothy is in the center of His will! 

I am telling you, Timothy is in for some RIGOROUS study and disciplined living for the next 5 years! However, he is our most DRIVEN, determined child. He has NEVER shied away from hard work and study. 

Hence, it gives us peace to leave him to follow God’s calling upon his life- with a passion.

There is TRULY NO greater joy than to hear that our children walk in truth!  Honored Mama, Jill 

5.  We are HONESTLY thrilled at the church that Timothy found to go to here in Spokane, Washington!  It has been so refreshing being here! This is a church that truly embraces righteous and holy living; conservative values; and godly character attributes.

There are a lot of young families.  They also have a college and career class for Timothy and he already enjoyed going to an activity with his sisters.

God has been especially good to us in granting us the desire of our hearts in finding a church for Timothy to attend that is like-minded with our beliefs and the way we try to live as Christians.  Thank you, Jesus. 

Many people here have already taken Timothy under their wings and Pastor and Mrs. Boyle, plan to really “be there” for Timothy. It comforts this Mama’s heart SO much!

It also blesses my heart that Timothy expressed a DEEP desire himself to find a church just like this one!  I am thrilled at his righteous choices and that he is not just riding the “coattails” of his parent’s beliefs, but is embracing them for his OWN life!

Bud, I love you with my WHOLE heart! Stay in the saddle for Jesus, son!  Forever With Love, Mama (and Family Too)


6.  Our commitments are now over in Washington. So, we leave Timothy today!  My heart is literally aching.  I thank God for lending him to us for 18 years.

7. Last night, David and I took Timothy out for a nice dinner.  He loves Italian. (Sadie went also because it is her “week”.)

We laid our hands on him and prayed over him and blessed him- parental blessings in the name of Jesus. 

When we say that last goodbye, it is going to literally rip a piece of my heart out. That piece of my heart will literally stay with Timothy forever- until we are all back together in eternal bliss in Heaven someday.  Until then, it brings my heart GREAT JOY to see Timothy “in the saddle” for Jesus…because this is what we raised him for- to run his race well of serving our worthy Saviour Jesus Christ!  

P.S. One of the cheesecakes was for Timothy and Sadie to split. The other one, David and I split.  The waitress had JUST set them both down in front of us to take our picture. They were not BOTH for us! LOL Ymmm! Good! 

8.   We are SO honored by this young man! His calling is unique- MISSIONARY PILOT. ✈(When Timothy was 4 years old, he came to David and me and told us when he grew up he wanted to fly planes to bring Bibles to people that didn’t have them in other countries. He has stayed true to that calling for all these years!) 

Moody Aviation trains SO well that in 5 years when Timothy graduates ? from this college, he will have his mechanics license on planes; he will know how to weld;?‍? he will have Bible training; and he will have his pilots license (among having learned how be a “jack of all trades” mechanically);?‍? and he will have carefully learned how to fix the plane on his own in primitive locations, and land the plane in primitive locations with tough landing strips. 

Thank God for the knowledge he already has in this area thanks to David diligently teaching and working with him. 

“Bud, we KNOW you are in for some tough years of college…especially as you are paying your own way. But we are confident that through the power of God, you can run this race well! ? NEVER give up and know that we will be cheering you along every step of the way!” 

Our Love Forever, Dad and Mama 

9.   We literally just left our precious Timothy for good. Tears were shed and every mile we drive East, I feel the finality of it! ????

We are THRILLED that we were able to help get him all comfortably settled in his new house (student housing).  The guys there call his bedroom nook, “The Throne”. LOL. I love to decorate and Timothy is sentimental and very neat like me.  So, his area is quite cozy – (check out pics of his bedroom below)! 

Farewell, our sweet boy! You have grown into a wonderful young man!  We will profusely miss you! ?

You BIGGEST Cheerleaders, Your Family 

(Timothy had crying siblings for sure!)

10.   We left our Timothy in Washington with enough money to pay his first school bill and his next month of rent and some groceries and a prayer of faith that God would provide him a job. ? He chose (without us even knowing) to fast and pray that God would provide him the best job possible…as he will be paying his own way through college. ? On Thursday he had 2 job interviews and got hired right on the spot for a 5 day a week, night job….which fits in perfectly with his school schedule. ? It is a wholesome work atmosphere and pays VERY well! ???

We are BEYOND thrilled to see how God abundantly blessed Timothy’s prayers and diligence. Everything starts on Monday….job and college. Pray for Timothy to have endurance for the pace he must keep for the next 5 years. ? He is a guy though that requires little sleep and is VERY driven. So, he is up for the challenge!

We love you, Bud, and are thrilled to already see God’s mighty hand of provision upon your life! STAY YOUR COURSE! -Mama and Family ??

***NEW BABY announcement!!****

I am BEYOND excited! My sister – Angie Noyes Hillegass – gave birth to their (Jordan and Angie’s) precious baby boy- Chapman Ira Thomas Hillegass!!

This is their 8th child – 3 girls and 5 boys! 

This is my parents’ (Tim and Pat Noyes’) 32nd grandchild! Wow!  

He was 8lbs6oz 20 3/8 inches long. Angie had a natural, in home, water birth and Mom and baby are doing great!  I am SUPER proud of you, Angie! You did awesome and I LOVE you and my precious new nephew!  Can’t wait to meet him!  Love, Jill (Aunt Jill)

It has been a week since my beautiful sister Angie birthed her precious new baby boy Chapman (their 8th). ?

Many times when I feel alone in this old, sinful world, I am reminded how BLESSED I am to have like-minded family members.  

 Family that seeks God with their whole heart.

 Family that chooses the old paths of righteousness and truth.

 Family that chooses to view children in the light that God does- a blessing and gift from Him.

 Family that embraces the roles that God ordained to us- wives being keepers at home and men leading and providing for the home.

 Family where the ladies dress like ladies and men like men.

 Family that believes in the Old Black Book-the 1611 KJV as the inspired and preserved Word of God.

 Family that realizes that the Bible calls us as Christians to live separated lives for His glory and His alone.  II Corinthians 6:14 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

 My precious family refreshes me and reminds me that there IS still a remnant of people in this world that seek after God and His righteousness.  I thank God for them AND for the many Christian friends that God has blessed me with. These are a people that…..
“Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” Psalm 34:14

When I come to think of it, YES…I am a blessed to know MANY people that love God in this very fashion…including my precious family. 

That’s all folks!       Until Next Time,  The Rodrigues Family



Some of the pictures:






That little girl is so thin that it makes me want to cry.

Stay in the saddle for Jesus, son.  I'm surprised some Christian rock band hasn't snatched that up for their band name.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 8
On 8/18/2018 at 5:35 AM, kalamac said:

The weird bit about leaving Tim literally ripping out a bit of her heart, and how they’ll all be together again in heaven, makes it sound like Jill isn’t planning on ever seeing Tim again while they’re all still alive.

I would love to see someone LITERALLY ripping a piece of their heart out.  A person would have to pull it out, rip a hunk out and stick it back in the chest.  It must flap like an old shoe.  Ole' Jill Rod looks pretty healthy for someone with a flappy heart.

  • Love 12
On 8/18/2018 at 6:45 PM, ginger90 said:

This reminded me, I forgot to include these pictures. There’s a decent kitchen, and two refrigerators.



Someone is doing something on a computer , do they have unfiltered Internet there ? 



On 8/18/2018 at 10:14 PM, louannems said:

I like how considerant JillR is in filling up his PRECIOUS bookshelf space with a huge family portrait. Of course, it needs to be big to fit in all eleventy kids. 

Over his bed, did JillR have the audacity to place a picture of just herself?  So Timothy won't forget Sweet Mama's face while waiting til heaven!

poor Timothy will have nightmares before heaven .



14 minutes ago, lookeyloo said:

I'll meet you 

I bring snacks.

  • Love 5

And a photo of his mama on the wall.  That ones coming down quick I imagine.  Or not, I don’t know what kind of sick nonsense Jill’s taught them.  After all, aren’t the Duggars all about finding men who are as godly as Blob?

I have no doubt the parents ate the majority of the dessert.  Remember that video where they found a coconut, and mama got to have the first taste?  Mama tasted 50% of the whole glass while the children stared at her like hungry hyenas. 

  • Love 7

I never got the sense that Jill and David feel they owe their kids anything. They don't seem to focus much on food, education, housing and the usual stuff that parents care about. It's almost that the kids owe them. Jill certainly enjoys it when one of the kids gives up a meal or spends money to buy her a gift or throw her a party. 

  • Love 22
Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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