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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

The Politics Policy is still in effect. A participants social media is NOT an invitation to discuss their political view points. Consider if discussion of certain social media posts will cause you to violate the politics policy BEFORE you hit the "Submit Reply" button.

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I was totally thinking of that Pris/Meech video when I saw Prissy "speak" this morning. 😂

Edited by Sew Sumi
Clarity bc a post snuck in between the one I referenced but didn't quote
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I cannot watch videos of Pris because I feel so profoundly uncomfortable trying to listen to her prattle on. She is the only fundie that has broken me in this way. 

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Oh my goodness poor Priscilla. Her eyebrows and eyes as she talks. It’s hypnotic and disturbing. I wonder if anyone else in her world notices how bizarre her manner of speaking is, or just those of us outside the cult. 

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Yes, Jill, you certainly never chase around a certain family dying to fit in. Or does that mean all Duggars except for Anna and her kids have told her their not coming to her Nurie's wedding. And she's going on social media trying to show she's totally okay with it. 

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12 minutes ago, andromeda331 said:

Yes, Jill, you certainly never chase around a certain family dying to fit in. Or does that mean all Duggars except for Anna and her kids have told her their not coming to her Nurie's wedding. And she's going on social media trying to show she's totally okay with it. 

Maybe the threat of a Rodrigues wedding is the only thing that can get them to social distance. 🤣

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Does anyone else think that pic of JillR looks off? Not sure what it is about the photo, but something seems different to me.

I know it's wishful thinking, but I would love it if behind closed doors Prissy was totally in charge, swearing like a sailor, while David is in the kitchen making dinner and rubbing her pregnant feet every night.

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19 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

New baby will be 5.

She dreads the pain of labor and delivery so much that she gets emotional about it.  Has it ever crossed her mind that she can have a hospital birth with an epidural for the pain?  What’s wrong with these women?  Are they forced to have an unmedicated home birth?

Edited by farmgal4
I’m referring to Priscilla BTW.
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43 minutes ago, farmgal4 said:

She dreads the pain of labor and delivery so much that she gets emotional about it.  Has it ever crossed her mind that she can have a hospital birth with an epidural for the pain?  What’s wrong with these women?  Are they forced to have an unmedicated home birth?

And David gives her about fifteen minutes before she has to pull herself together and make a video. 

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I never considered having a home birth and I know most hospitals are doing everything they can to keep covid out of the maternity wards, but Prissy should be happy that she's done this before and can do it now, during a time when entering a hospital for any reason is a bit scary.

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Seewalds failing to socially distance. With an infant! I don't know what else to say, but they're asking for trouble.


And if as the tag indicates, they are in Little Rock, that's pretty much the center of the biggest outbreak here in Arkansas, though NWA is adding more cases by the day. 😞 

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

Seewalds failing to socially distance. With an infant! I don't know what else to say, but they're asking for trouble.


Isn't she a cop? Cops are getting hit with corona worse than medical providers in some states.

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46 minutes ago, Tasya said:

Priscilla easily looks mid 30s/early 40s. That's unbearably sad for some reason.

She is 33.  She'll be 34 in July.  If she looks mid-thirties, she is in her midthirties. 

Edited by Temperance
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Oh, look! The Seewald Family has "dear" friends, too. I have friends, even a couple I love like sisters, but I've never described them as "dear friends". Of course, I'd never put my dear friend's newborn at risk by breaking quarantine, either. 

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29 minutes ago, Temperance said:

She is 33.  She'll be 34 in July.  If she looks mid-thirties, she is in her midthirties. 

Oh I apologize then; I thought she was in her 20s based on her overall...presence.

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3 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I never considered having a home birth and I know most hospitals are doing everything they can to keep covid out of the maternity wards, but Prissy should be happy that she's done this before and can do it now, during a time when entering a hospital for any reason is a bit scary.

I think she'd be better off having the baby in the hospital. As the Duggars and other fundies we follow prove, there are so many things that can go wrong during childbirth. And it would probably be safer (these days) to start in the maternity ward than to need to be transferred in an ambulance!

Unfortunately I think a lot of women will be tempted to try homebirth and that will lead them endangering themselves. Also just because the births have safe so far doesn't mean they will continue to be safe. A fundie I know in real life started hemorrhaging after 4th baby and this had never before with the previous three births. 

I hope Priscilla gets a say in where she gives birth. Of course they probably don't have benefits/health insurance with his job. I hope she has a safe and uneventful labor. 

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23 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Of course they probably don't have benefits/health insurance with his job.

I'll bet they do. David is the Director of IBLP's Advanced Training Institute and Family Conferences. I'm sure that the boys who run IBLP take very good care of themselves. David probably insists that Priscilla have her babies at home without drugs or non-Christian medical personnel, not because they can't afford it, but because it helps project the image of the perfect Gothardite family.

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29 minutes ago, sixlets said:

Hey Jill, if you "appreciate their values" so much, don't be taking photos of them.  It's inappropriate, rude, and downright disrespectful.  Twat waffle.

And maybe not use a wink emoji, if you really mean it.

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I'm puzzled by her use of the word "refresh" in that context. Like, do they drink the Amish? Do the Amish spritz them with water on a hot day? So many questions. 

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I bet Jill is secretly jealous of the Amish people. Maybe she should join them, then we’ll never have to hear about her or family again. 
I wonder what the Duggars think about the Amish? Maybe jealousy too? Or are they all going to hell unless they follow the great Bill Gothard 🤮

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Looking at the screen in the background makes me wonder if Jessa's mommy-and-daddy-are-great posts on IG were prep for whatever she talked about with JB and M.

I have no idea what those coloring pages are either.

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8 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Behind the scenes at Embassy Live. I can't make heads or tails of what the kids were supposed to be drawing.


I believe the coloring page is titled "The lie of a greedy servant"  - I think it is from the story of Naaman visiting Elisha. Naaman is cured of leprosy, offers Elisha gifts, Elisha refuses because Jehovah cured Naaman. The Greedy servant, Gehazi follows Naaman as he leaves town, tells a lie saying Elisha wants the gifts. Upon returning home Elisha knows what he has done and he is told the leprosy Naaman had will come upon him and it does immediately.


Now there's a story I always wished was in my kids coloring books

Edited by crazy8s
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11 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

I believe the coloring page is titled "The lie of a greedy servant"  - I think it is from the story of Naaman visiting Elisha. Naaman is cured of leprosy, offers Elisha a gift, Elisha refuses because Jehovah cured Naaman. The Greedy servant Gehazi follows Naaman as he leaves town, tells a lie saying Elisha wants the gifts. Upon returning home Elisha knows what he has done and he is told the leprosy Naaman had will come upon him and it does immediately.


Now there's a story I always wished was in my kids coloring books

They couldn’t color Noah’s ark?  Or Jesus telling the apostles to let the children come to him? Or walking on water? 

They just love the scary God stories, don’t they?  ‘Behave yourselves, kids, or God will give you an ugly skin infection’

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2 hours ago, GeeGolly said:


I have no idea what those coloring pages are either.

There's a title at the top of the page that says "The Life of a ^*(&^(*&^(*^  ??Peasant?? (maybe?)"

The picture is a guy walking up to a king-looking guy in a chariot who seems to have some soldiers or guards behind him. 

It smacks loudly of the Wisdom-Book "concepts" and artists to me. Looks to me as if it may be something they just reproduced from there, both the drawing and whatever obscure, convoluted "idea" they imagine they're getting at.....

Which would show exactly how much they've moved on from Gothard's nutso garbage (as the Bateses love to claim that they have).

He's their guru. And while the lawsuits mean they have to pretend they've abandoned him, he's still all they've got. (Plus, his shit worked for all these diehards, including by getting JB, M and Pop-and-Lolli's little girl J on the TeeVee.)

NOTE per Crazy8s' informative post above: So "life" is "lie" and "peasant" is "servant"! .... Definitely a Gothard-type concept....or more likely something they dug right out of the old man's books. That''s his kind of song-and-dance all the way. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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I've never understood the fear God aspects of Christianity. Apparently the Duggars and others want their children to fear everything else as well.

As many of us are getting a taste of living with fear during this health crisis, I'm guessing many would agree it's not a pleasant or healthy way to live temporarily, nevermind long term. 

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if i am right on the story for the coloring page, they couldn't have went with naaman was miffed elisha's servant told him to dip in the river 7 times , but did it anyway and thus was obedient and cured from leprosy??

waiting for a coloring page titled "the wrongful pecan thief" haha

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4 minutes ago, Albanyguy said:

Or "The Girl Who Mowed her Lawn in a Bikini".

so many possibilities for coloring pages for duggar sweet friends -

10 pounds of makeup at aldi's during a pandemic selfie coloring would need a lot of crayons

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3 hours ago, crazy8s said:

I believe the coloring page is titled "The lie of a greedy servant"  - I think it is from the story of Naaman visiting Elisha. Naaman is cured of leprosy, offers Elisha gifts, Elisha refuses because Jehovah cured Naaman. The Greedy servant, Gehazi follows Naaman as he leaves town, tells a lie saying Elisha wants the gifts. Upon returning home Elisha knows what he has done and he is told the leprosy Naaman had will come upon him and it does immediately.


Now there's a story I always wished was in my kids coloring books

Isn't this more of a lesson in epidemiology? Hang out too close to a leper, get leprosy?

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41 minutes ago, questionfear said:

Isn't this more of a lesson in epidemiology? Hang out too close to a leper, get leprosy?

no bible scholar here, but i know the story but will have to re read the crazy

2 Kings Chapter 5

I don't believe the servant who lied was the same servant who gave Naaman Elisha's message to bathe in the river 7x.  He seems to be a servant who overheard the offering of gifts after Naaman was cured, came back to offer gifts, left town for home and servant chased him down, lied, wanted the gifts and was thus cursed by Elisha to immediate leprosy

Edited by crazy8s
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On 4/26/2020 at 6:52 PM, louannems said:

This is my gateway to Princilla!  Enjoy!

Michelle looks like she is the next heroin addicted person highlighted on Intervention.  MeeMaw does Smack.  For those my age, yes it IS a take off on Dinky Hocker Shoots Smack.  

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In other news - per Lawson Bates' instagram and twitter April 25, he finally got a pilot's license.

daddy will probably gift him a plane or helicopter to fly to disaster areas to cut down trees


Edited by crazy8s
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21 hours ago, Tasya said:

Oh I apologize then; I thought she was in her 20s based on her overall...presence.

If I hadn't seen a picture of Priscilla I would have thought she was 10 based on voice alone.

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