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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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I styled my hair JUST that way in the '80s. Blow-dried the bangs and the top with a round brush, sprayed them, and let the rest dry naturally. My style evolved a bit over the years, but not enough. My daughter finally moved me into the next century a couple of years ago, and I look back now and think, "Good God, what a mess."  I'd love to see Michelle give a new look a real chance. I lost about 10 years with one haircut. 

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I think it was just typical let's pretend we're happy, rather than thinking JB man handled him.

Agreed. Of course we don't know, but I have a hard time believing a famewhore like Boob would smack one of the kids around with the crew and cameras right there. Actually, I don't think he'd smack any of them at all. But I've had a soft spot for Josiah since that episode. He reacted honestly and probably also represented the internal reactions of some of the other kids. You KNOW they can't all be in favor of the endless procreating. 

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Other than possible blanket training, I don't think they use corporal punishment.



I don't know. It wouldn't surprise me if they used to. I just remember back in the very first Duggar special when one of the little boys wanted to go to the store with Michelle and the others but wasn't allowed. He was really upset about it Josh tried to sooth him it didn't work then Michelle went over a whispered to the boy and he looked terrified.

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Posting here as opposed to the Jill thread since it is about Michelle.  I think the extreme alteration to Michelle's mother of the bride dress was wishful thinking on her part.  After 19 kids, and delivering and nursing every single one of them, those puppies are hardly perky anymore.  Her cleavage probably starts at elbow level. that alteration was totally unnecessary.

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I have to disagree with CoofCinci.

JB actually DOES spend time w/them. And I don't watch that often, but I can name numerous times he's done things w/the kids. He was coloring w/ the little girls in the proposal episode.

That's probably the only thing I can give him a lot of credit for. Even though he has 19, he spends time doing things w/them.

And for the most part, he let Jill & Derick be a lot more touchy than Michelle would've.

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I think we need to be careful with throwing around accusations of physical child abuse with no evidence to back it up.  For all that I think these people are a little nutty, and I would never consider raising a family by those rules, I've never gotten the sense that Michelle and Jim Bob are abusive to the kids.  Michelle is crazy controlling, sure.  And I have no doubt she's the disciplinarian in the family. But beyond the blanket training thing, which they admitted to having done and abandoned, there's nothing else I've seen or heard that makes me think they are beating their kids.  I know I (and we all) would hate to be accused of something like that with no evidence.  And their lives are under such a microscope with the camera crew there, not all the time, sure, but frequently enough, that I'm not sure they'd be able to hide it for long.

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They may not be hitting their kids, but they control their children by limiting their lives. The poor kids are expected to be a part of the dog and pony show. They can say the kids have a say so and enjoy the family live, but I think some of them are afraid to speak against the Gothard way of life. Sadly, abuse does not come by hitting only.

Oh, I totally agree that abuse can be more than physical. And often psychological/emotional abuse is more damaging long-term. But a) people were specifically calling out physical abuse above; and b) a lot of families limit and control their kids in ways the kids don't necessarily like.  Some of it is healthy, some not.  But we don't usually call it abuse unless it crosses a certain line.


I agree that forcing the kids into performing on this show every week whether they like it or not is not good parenting and, frankly, something I don't think should be allowed by labor laws.  But I don't think, in this case, it crosses the line into abuse.  Now, the girls on Dance Moms who are forced to be involved in that show against their will, and can't get out of the initial contract their mom signed with Lifetime no matter how badly they're treated?  Yeah, that's abusive for sure.


Just because someone raises their kids in a way we don't agree with or understand doesn't necessarily mean they are being abusive.  JMO, guys.  YMMV, I just want to be careful about throwing around potentially reputation-destroying accusations, especially when children are involved.

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In my opinion, I think Josh enjoys being filmed most of the time since he has an ego the size of Texas, California, Alaska and Montana combined. He likes the attention and thinks he is God's gift to the Gothard movement and can help change the life of the heathen masses. Jessa cringes when JimBoob embarrassed her on the golf course, but she seems to be a female version of Joshie with her smug like attitude.


I do not agree with using Josie as a prop for the anti-abortion movement or calling the kids and grandchildren an investment in the sense of ratings and keeping the TLC gravy train rolling along, but this should not be considered abuse (stupidity and a little crazy maybe.) In the case of reputation-destroying, certain Duggars do this already when they state their opinions on certain things or by their actions, in my opinion.

Watching the old episodes on TLC tonight -- from right around the time the 17th kid was born, they finished the new house, and moved. I'm stunned by how much Michelle has changed from kid 16 to 19. She had a bit of baby talking them too, but didn't come across as -- the only thing I can do is stare adoringly at JB. She had some engagement with the kids, she spoke like a normal albeit conservative/my husband is my leader kind of woman. 3 kids and like 5 or so years has changed her this much?? Though maybe because these were the first specials, they didn't feel the need to put on any airs and represent the greatness of how they do everything. They may have had more of a real "we are what we are, maybe we'll get a few tv episodes out of this" view. I guess at some point that switched into -- how do we keep the dog and pony show going and maybe that's when everything got more contrived.

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I could completely see the Josie experience changing her, and then Jubilee on top of it. It seems to have gone from control and delegation out of necessity to brittle detached control freak. I.... may have developed tendencies like that in a 2-year span that included a micro, my husband's 2 hip replacements and the painful degeneration led up to them, and the death of my dad. I realized I was getting controlling about so many tiny things, and (there's no other word for it) brittle, like I was tentatively held together with glue, and I see that in Michelle. I sought out therapy for what was diagnosed as a panic disorder; I hope Michelle and JB work through it somehow, with or without therapy, because it's hard all around.

It's not unheard-of for micropreemie moms to have PTSD. It's even more common to develop garden-variety depression and anxiety. She had to go through all that, keep sweet for both the cameras and her lifestyle, all while being away from the whole giant family she's used to having.

I choose to see her one-on-ones with the kids, episode fillers that they are, as also her taking tiny steps back into the mom she used to be, because she was engaged a lot more back in the day. She's always done things that bug but to a degree easier to shrug off; lately it seems to be on a macro scale.


I'm stunned by how much Michelle has changed from kid 16 to 19.


I've been watching these early episodes as well, and I agree. Michelle seems engaged with the children in these early episodes.


The change seems to come around the time that they move into the new house. They acknowledge that TLC ponied up the money to finish the TTH, and the girls have moved on from the horrible prairie dresses, so it seems likely that there is more money available -- I wonder if that is relevant, or just a coincidence.


On an unrelated note, Jana's bangs are really unfortunate in these episodes (short and curled under). She has really blossomed in recent years, 


Have you guys ever seen the illustrations in Gothard's big red book or other materials about ladies modest dresses? Michelle's MoB dress violates every Gothard ever about drawing the attention of the eye to that area.

I sheepishly admit to having searched for ATI/IBLP literature online but haven't had much success. If you have access to illustrations of the above I would love to see them. Giant-collared frumpers, I presume?

I also have to admit that while the modesty panel is just plain wrong, I think J'Chelle did wear that MOB dress better than Kelly Bates. In her pics it's pretty apparent that not only is she not endowed well enough to fill our the dress, but in addition to her (much more reasonable) modesty fabric, Kelly added some extra stitching to close the plunging V-neck a little higher, giving it a strange sideways-Y shape.

Imagining J'Chelle in that dress with nothing underneath (shudder) I think she and I are built about the same, which is why I try not to wear plunging surplice necklines myself. It's really not that hard to find 'normal' clothing with a crew neck, seriously! Yeesh!!

Edited by sweet201

I watched all the specials as well and it's shocking to see how much the family has changed.

Josh was skinny and looked just like Michelle. I didn't realize Jinger naturally has light brownish/blonde hair. When did she start dyeing it dark brown? Hannie was a beautiful baby, you could tell Boob had a soft spot for her.

I also noticed when they prepared food they had platters of fresh fruit and veggies. I think it all went downhill when Michelle totally abdicated household/parenting duties.

I think J'Chelle's buddy system was a way for her to hump Boob as often as possible. The kids will raise them.  *Rolls eyes*,  Why do the kids always decorate JChelle and Boob's sex den for special occasions? It's like they're rubbing it in America's face that they have  a lot of sex. They have 19 kids, we know that they breed like rabbits. 


What I think is horrible is that some people really think that these two are good role models as parents.

I just hope that not many couples now just pop out as many children as they can, regardless if they can take care of them properly, because they watched the Duggar show.


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against having several children, and bigger than average families. But I think parents should stop having more kids when they realize that they are getting overwhelmed with caring for all of them decently. Which would have been somewhere around number 5 or 6 for Michelle (then when she had her breakdowns), who doesn't really seem to like children anyway. Instead, she just shoved the parenting duties over to her older kids as soon as she could and just kept having more and more and more. That's highly irresponsible.

Edited by Sundaymorning
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Funny story: Today I was watching the Little Rock epi where Michelle had to call 911 and rush Josie back to Children's due to low heart rate.

My mother, who only knows about the Duggars peripherally, was watching with me. When Michelle was being fawned over at the hospital my mother's response was "Boy, she plays that martyr role to the hilt, doesn't she?"

That epi was also funny because Michelle blathered on about how lonely she was without the rest of the family, but it was so obvious she was thrilled to be alone and not have to deal with the nuisance of the little ones and Howlers.

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I've read in various places now, Michelle has help staying with her while everyone is on the mission trip. Uh, for what? As far as I can tell, only Jessa went with all the boys. I have yet to see where Jana, Jinger, or Joy are. And even if they all went, it would only leave Jackson and the little girls at home (Hannie, Jennifer, Jordyn, and Josie). She should be able to manage 5 of her kids. 

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What I find interesting with these two nitwits, is the fact they were using birth control after getting married because they could not afford to start a family. They were able to be convinced quickly by the fact that the birth control caused a miscarriage. They decided after that to let God control the size of the family, and to let God help them learn to love children the way he does. Seriously, this boggles my mind. If you have to ask God to help you love children, then maybe this is a clear message you should not be humping like rabbits and have nineteen children.

So, is there also a resource to actually find out the answers to the "eye trap" quiz in that link? Because I'm not all that well-versed in all the do's and don'ts, and can't even imagine what the problem would be with any of these other than, maybe, the lace and possibly the cinched waist in the first dress, and the little bit of slit in the skirt of the one at the bottom. But the others look completely dowdy and matronly. I mean, isn't it pretty much impossible to put any sort of design detail in a dress without it being in the general vicinity of some body part or another? Color me confused!

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Clearly I have a dirty mind, I figured out the problem with every single one.   

1.  Lace line right at the breast drawing attention to that area.

2.   The points of the top come together right at the breast drawing the eye ot that area with only a fig leaf sized piece of fabric over each breast like a bra.

3.   Same as 1 except the lace is overlaid, again drawing the eye right to the line.

4.   Slit showing part of the thigh.

5.   V neck with bow drawing the eye to the breast area.

6.   V neck drawing the eye to cleavage.

In watching the early specials this past week I noticed that Michelle spoke relatively normally - her voice was a more normal pitch and she spoke like an adult. Funny that her voice is so high pitched and light now - she speaks in a much different way these days. I'm not sure what you would call it, but it seems a ploy to me to sound much younger and sweeter than she really is! ;)  Very strange, in my opinion....

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People with very sick minds who see sin in everything.   Who don't want anyone to enjoy life or this beautiful world God gave us, but would prefer we all going around condemning everything as wrong and evil.

This. Its often projection. People who are obsessed with sex (or something else, like homosexuality for that matter) will make such a big deal over it and see it everywhere. These examples are truly showing, cause I don't think anyone would think anything wrong if they saw a women dressed like in those examples, only people with oversexualized minds would ever come up with such ideas.

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In watching the early specials this past week I noticed that Michelle spoke relatively normally - her voice was a more normal pitch and she spoke like an adult. Funny that her voice is so high pitched and light now - she speaks in a much different way these days. I'm not sure what you would call it, but it seems a ploy to me to sound much younger and sweeter than she really is! ;)  Very strange, in my opinion....

Yes, her voice has become so affected and fake all the time.  It used to be that way only when speaking to the "little ones".  I have a feeling she thinks this makes her sound more "sweet", that and psychotropic medication may be involved.

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Okay, I posted on another thread that I am just getting into the Duggars and have started watching the first season (I am now on Season 2) and listening to the first book that (God help me) is narrated by Michelle.  I am calling total bullshit on the homeschooling.  I think that the kids do get some because they can obviously read and write, but the main problem that I have is that I feel it is all bible study all the time.  I also find it hilarious that they say that they study law and anatomy.  I really feel bad for these kids.  I know that many home school kids have activities and friends outside of the home, these poor kids do not. 


Listening to Michelle talk about the buddy system and the "jurisdictions" make me sick.  She is just flat out addicted to being pregnant and her and Boob make the rest of the children pay for her addiction.  Also, her voice sounds so bat shit crazy, that it is making me crazy and I can only listen in small doses.


I will say that I almost peed my pants laughing at the episode where they went to a Christian film festival and met Kirk Cameron.  They were sooo very impressed with him being humble when he is such a big movie star.  I especially loved when Jim Bob said that the movie was the best movie of all time. Hahahaha!

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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