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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Wait just one cotton pickin minute.  Just watched video with audio and JB says it's for all of her 19 children.  What happened to Michelle's letter to Jubilee where she says that from now on she will say she has 20 children (or 21 depending on which version of the letter she decides on).  Jubilee needs a spokesperson and her place on the ring damn it. 

That was a couple seasons ago. I mean geez, you can't expect them to remember EVERYTHING they've said for the benefit of the cameras over the years.

  • Love 9
FARMGAL4, ON 21 JUL 2015 - 2:00 PM, SAID:

"Her best labor yet." Honestly, WTF says that? Is it some kind of competition? Do they video every L&D and then compare them all to decide which is the "best"? These sick assholes really are obsessed with pregnancy, childbirth and babies. I've never seen anything like it. I'm still waiting for Michelle to become a surrogate for the daughter/daughter-in-law that can't get pregnant.


Okay, I just had a root canal. My 9th or 10th, can't keep count. But, IT WAS MY BEST EVER !!! This may be the Vicodan talking, teehee, but who in the HELL says "Best labor yet !" ???  Michelle, you big, big freak, just STFU and simply say it went well. How does she top herself now ?!?! Yank it out, a la Kourtney Kardashian, and then fix Joshie some pancakes ? Anna isn't a marathon runner trying to improve her time here, ya know. The root canal thing was irony, BTW - they ALL suck, obviously.


I'm childless by choice, but I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that ALL labor and delivery sucks as well, at least to a certain degree. Unless you're a Michelle Slip-N-Slide and they just fall out after the 10th or so. (Please see Monty Python's Meaning of Life for reference...)


NEGIRL, ON 21 JUL 2015 - 10:16 PM, SAID:

That is one of the ugliest rings I have ever seen. It looks like it came from a gum ball machine.

You have the start of a great "Ode to a Ring" going here. Run with it! :)


So, Tabbygirl, you'd like a poem ? How about a limerick ? Hope this is fitting...


There once was a man named JimBob

Gave his dear wife a ring like a knob

Looks like macaroni

We can all tell it's phony

But Michelle smiles 'cause it's her job


Or, how about...


They had twenty-one children to start

But JB had it in heart

To ignore the the lost two

Who sadly fell through

Nineteen stones was the most at WalMart 


Maybe I shouldn't post after dental work, but that's my take. Cheers !

  • Love 24

Okay, I just had a root canal. My 9th or 10th, can't keep count. But, IT WAS MY BEST EVER !!! This may be the Vicodan talking, teehee, but who in the HELL says "Best labor yet !" ???  Michelle, you big, big freak, just STFU and simply say it went well. How does she top herself now ?!?! Yank it out, a la Kourtney Kardashian, and then fix Joshie some pancakes ? Anna isn't a marathon runner trying to improve her time here, ya know. The root canal thing was irony, BTW - they ALL suck, obviously.


I'm childless by choice, but I'm assuming, perhaps incorrectly, that ALL labor and delivery sucks as well, at least to a certain degree. Unless you're a Michelle Slip-N-Slide and they just fall out after the 10th or so. (Please see Monty Python's Meaning of Life for reference...)



So, Tabbygirl, you'd like a poem ? How about a limerick ? Hope this is fitting...


There once was a man named JimBob

Gave his dear wife a ring like a knob

Looks like macaroni

We can all tell it's phony

But Michelle smiles 'cause it's her job


Or, how about...


They had twenty-one children to start

But JB had it in heart

To ignore the the lost two

Who sadly fell through

Nineteen stones was the most at WalMart 


Maybe I shouldn't post after dental work, but that's my take. Cheers !


Go drunk.. you're home.. *wink*


That is an ugly ring. 

  • Love 1

OK, I wouldn't have watched it either but all the comments here made me want to at least see the ring. Hot damn, that is an ugly piece of jewelry and I use the word jewelry VERY loosely. The gesture is great but... you know... some things just aren't meant to go with 19 kids and a mother's ring is one of them. Maybe a tasteful pendant might have been a better choice. Or a bracelet. Yeah. A bracelet.

  • Love 5

He should have done a necklace or a bracelet. The ring looks like a brooch hot glued onto a ring.

With so many kids, a necklace or bracelet would have been better.  Something really pretty could have been designed with the help of a jeweler.  But I think because his sons-in-law designed rings (or was it only one...I forget!), he thought that he should do the same.

  • Love 1

Side-eye me all you want, but I like the ring. That said, I'm six feet tall and have hands that match. Big rings work for me, dainty ones look stupid. A bracelet would have been more practical for Michelle...for Mother's Day, not an anniversary. 


I think they have changed, and they should just admit it. It would do both them and their crowd a lot of good. It doesn't have to be about "big" things like courtship models but I know I liked the bates, for example when they admitted they have raised their oldest and youngest children very differently because of who they (the parents) are. That was SO relatable and ordinary and honest, but didn't talk about their convictions or anything like that at all.


ITA with this. Also, I had my three kids in under four years and I still raised the oldest differently than the youngest because a) I learned some stuff between number one and number three and 2) my three kids have three unique personalities. It's an obvious and inexplicable illusion the Duggars are trying to perpetuate with their parenting. 


As far as Anna's shirt--IMO she can wear whatever she wants as long as she wants after what she's been through (and going through). Anna, you do you. 

  • Love 1

I was actually glad Michelle said it was her (Anna's) "best labor yet" because I was hoping it would be an easy labor. We all compare Anna's labors here, and talk about how, comparatively, Jill's labor must have been miserable. It's not unusual to put labor into labelled categories, I don't think. (Although her saying that probably made poor Jill utterly miserable.)

  • Love 1

With so many kids, a necklace or bracelet would have been better. Something really pretty could have been designed with the help of a jeweler. But I think because his sons-in-law designed rings (or was it only one...I forget!), he thought that he should do the same.

A charm bracelet would have been pretty. My grandmother has one for all thirteen of us grandchildren - a silhouette with our name and date of birth engraved on each. Cute but still tasteful.

  • Love 9

Wait just one cotton pickin minute.  Just watched video with audio and JB says it's for all of her 19 children.  What happened to Michelle's letter to Jubilee where she says that from now on she will say she has 20 children (or 21 depending on which version of the letter she decides on).  Jubilee needs a spokesperson and her place on the ring damn it. 


Jubilee only gets pulled out of the back pocket when it's convenient. 


From Pickles and Hairspray


Looks like Jill with a fro. 

  • Love 5

The ring reminds of the jewelry our children bought us at the Secret Santa Workshop when they were younger. I'm sure all of us have gushed over & worn various hideous pieces of jewelry while our children's faces beamed with pride. Boob was acting just like my 6 yr old son did when he gave me a not so pretty rose pin he picked out when he was in the first grade. And yes, that pin is one of my prized possessions & I still have it. I agree a necklace or tennis type or charm bracelet would have been better choices.

  • Love 8

Finally worked up my courage to view that ring video. The video itself was distracting me from the ring....so staged and carnival-barker cheesy. Who gives someone a gift while standing side-by-side in the middle of a room wearing matching shirts?


If JB had any kind of imagination at all, he could've gotten a Pandora bracelet with a charm representing each kid......like a camera/Jinger, airplane/John David, sewing machine/Jana, butterfly/Josie, etc. Maybe a Hamsa hand for Josh.  Of course, Mullet would have a hard time figuring out which charm meant what J-kid.


What's with Jackson (I think it's Jackson) in every single video/picture? I'm not sure what to think of that kid.

  • Love 7

I never really watched the show and so hadn't ever seen the interior of the TTH. How cozy. It looks like a bunch of people waiting for the next Greyhound. They even have the requisite tile floor for ease of hosing off bodily fluids.

ETA: I just showed the vid to my husband and he burst out laughing and said "It looks like a Super Bowl ring!" Which...may be the point! I know it will look most fetching with a polo shirt-n-skirt combo.

I laughed until I cried!


I love you all. Will you accept a side hug? XO

  • Love 8

Well now that Michelle has her retirement ring she will have to resort to being the grandmother stuck in the laundry room all day washing all of her grandchildren's clothes.

Michelle has a "missing muscle in her back". She's not doing any laundry at all. Laundry is for the little people. I'm surprised she could muster the strength to open that package, let alone wear that gaudy monstrosity of a ring.

  • Love 6

Their videos are so unnatural looking, not just in the sense of being staged, but in their uncomfortable posture (what's with the weird way the husband always holds the wife when they are both addressing the camera) and the strange way they relate to each other. Why does Michelle do that thing with her head where she rapidly looks from JB to the box to JB to the box? They are either filming these things to prove that life goes on after TLC or because they really plan to monetize their social media. Without TLC's editing, though, everything just feels very forced. Hey, did y'all know that Michelle is so much fun?

  • Love 7

Michelle has a "missing muscle in her back". She's not doing any laundry at all. Laundry is for the little people. I'm surprised she could muster the strength to open that package, let alone wear that gaudy monstrosity of a ring.

Oh yeah, check out the Duggars FB page where they show a video of Michelle roller-skating backwards outskating everyone with her 'mad' skills.  You'll also be entertained by the anniversary wishes (letters) JB & Michelle gave to each other.  Michelle calls JB transparent(got that right) and JB tells Michelle her children rise up and call her blessed.  All I see is a bunch of kids laying on the couch waiting for rescue.

  • Love 5

Finally worked up my courage to view that ring video. The video itself was distracting me from the ring....so staged and carnival-barker cheesy. Who gives someone a gift while standing side-by-side in the middle of a room wearing matching shirts?

If JB had any kind of imagination at all, he could've gotten a Pandora bracelet with a charm representing each kid......like a camera/Jinger, airplane/John David, sewing machine/Jana, butterfly/Josie, etc. Maybe a Hamsa hand for Josh. Of course, Mullet would have a hard time figuring out which charm meant what J-kid.

What's with Jackson (I think it's Jackson) in every single video/picture? I'm not sure what to think of that kid.

A hand for Josh? I nearly pissed myself reading that.

Charms for each child is a neat idea but these self-involved 'parents' don't know anything about their children's personalities - well, the ones that have personalities. Poor Jana's charm would be a blank hunk of metal.

  • Love 13

Since birthstones are traditions established by the Jewish historian Josephus, and/or by the Hindus, and/or by the Catholics, but latterly by various jewelry and gemstone associations, I am shocked (shocked!, I tell you!!) that such a Nike thing ever occurred to JB.  Poor Mechelle and her quandary - reject this heathen gift from her headship, or accept the will of said headship?

  • Love 7

That ring is so ugly I wouldn't be surprised if they had it special ordered from My Sister Wife's Closet. Wouldn't that be a special pairing? Have the KoDouche Brown clan travel to Arkansas so they can visit the Duggars and do a Celebrity Wife (Wives?) swap. Hilarity ensues.

Oh honey, you plucked that thought right out of my head. This is exactly the kind of hideous crap the Browns shill at their online swap meet.

  • Love 6

Since birthstones are traditions established by the Jewish historian Josephus, and/or by the Hindus, and/or by the Catholics, but latterly by various jewelry and gemstone associations, I am shocked (shocked!, I tell you!!) that such a Nike thing ever occurred to JB.  Poor Mechelle and her quandary - reject this heathen gift from her headship, or accept the will of said headship?

I don't think that much thinking goes on in her head.

  • Love 3

Oh yeah, check out the Duggars FB page where they show a video of Michelle roller-skating backwards outskating everyone with her 'mad' skills. You'll also be entertained by the anniversary wishes (letters) JB & Michelle gave to each other. Michelle calls JB transparent(got that right) and JB tells Michelle her children rise up and call her blessed. All I see is a bunch of kids laying on the couch waiting for rescue.

Annnnnnddd she is skating to the gay national anthem YMCA!!! She has no clue and the floor is being lit up by rainbow color lights. LOVE it.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 21

Oh yeah, check out the Duggars FB page where they show a video of Michelle roller-skating backwards outskating everyone with her 'mad' skills. You'll also be entertained by the anniversary wishes (letters) JB & Michelle gave to each other. Michelle calls JB transparent(got that right) and JB tells Michelle her children rise up and call her blessed. All I see is a bunch of kids laying on the couch waiting for rescue.

Also from their Facebook page:



It's nice to see that they let Jackson hang around with his sisters.

  • Love 2

Why do those children always look like nobody cares? Josie is ALWAYS wearing the same damn dress. Even shopping at thrift stores you can get more attractive clothing...when we had to take custody of our granddaughters in an emergency (that's a whole 'nother story), I went to the local thrift store and bought them GORGEOUS clothing, most with the tags still hanging on them. I spent 50 bucks and came home with 2 brown grocery bags FULL of the most adorable stuff (and toddler sized clothes don't take much room so just imagine how many little outfits I bought). 

  • Love 10

Why do those children always look like nobody cares? Josie is ALWAYS wearing the same damn dress. Even shopping at thrift stores you can get more attractive clothing...when we had to take custody of our granddaughters in an emergency (that's a whole 'nother story), I went to the local thrift store and bought them GORGEOUS clothing, most with the tags still hanging on them. I spent 50 bucks and came home with 2 brown grocery bags FULL of the most adorable stuff (and toddler sized clothes don't take much room so just imagine how many little outfits I bought).

Because nobody cares.

  • Love 16

Why do those children always look like nobody cares? Josie is ALWAYS wearing the same damn dress. Even shopping at thrift stores you can get more attractive clothing...when we had to take custody of our granddaughters in an emergency (that's a whole 'nother story), I went to the local thrift store and bought them GORGEOUS clothing, most with the tags still hanging on them. I spent 50 bucks and came home with 2 brown grocery bags FULL of the most adorable stuff (and toddler sized clothes don't take much room so just imagine how many little outfits I bought).

In a couple of the photos in the car, Josie doesn't appear to be wearing the dress.

Is there a picture of the ring for those of us who don't want to watch the video?

If I knew how to post pics, I'd get a screengrab. But alas, I don't. :(


As for Jackson hanging with the Littles, I guess they still haven't graduated him to the Big Boys' table, despite the fact that he's 11, and Justin was a Big Boy by the time he was about 9. I wonder about Jackson, but I'll take that to the Other Kids thread.

  • Love 2
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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