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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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  On 5/31/2015 at 7:08 PM, JenCarroll said:

Or even if you hadn't had one -- it's a baseless and completely vile assertion.

But it sure is nice to know you're so concerned about girls having places where they can feel safe. We have those "safe spaces" for the girls in our home; we call them the "bedrooms." You should try that sometime.

If I were to interview the Duggars, I would be very careful to NOT make it about the transgendered or marriage rights issues, because that plays right into their hands.  If they can be seeing as heroes standing up for their beliefs on those issues and being attacked as a result, they will win back some conservative supporters who don't really want to believe the allegations. 

  • Love 5
  On 5/31/2015 at 7:50 PM, Mom only twice said:

I am a conservative Christian but BECAUSE of that lifelong lifestyle I have been exposed a lot to the patriarchal, anti-woman, Gothard, etc crowds pretty frequently and have come to loathe them for destroying and undermining what I believe is the Good News of Christianity as a faith. Thus my disdain for the Duggars has always been strong.

So while I don't watch much of it, I do like Fox News and I want Megyn Kelly to nail Jimbob to the flippin' WALL next week. Dig out the Gothard crap teachings that lead to this nightmare. I know a lot of Christians like me who had no conflict or hesitation in feeling immediatly that the Duggar molestion crisis is a cover up of a crime, disgusting, sad, etc.

Sadly I also know some truly blind people who want J and M to stay high, high on their purity pedestal and post hourly on Facebook about rallying to save the show. It has taken all my restraint not to open up double barreled on them for worshipping molestation enablers.


But if no one fights these enablers, they win. I say, go ahead and open up a jumbo size can of whoop-ass on 'em! :>)

  • Love 9

My biggest temptation is to say something very shocking and graphic like: Jimbob and Michelle and Josh and YOU keep calling it a mistake but let's replace 'mistake' in all your posts with 'put his hands on the bare breasts, nipples, vulvas, and buttocks of five 5-13 year old girls, including four sisters.' If you inserted that all 400 times you write mistake, you come off pretty damn disgusting as you defend him, don't you?

But I am too chicken and they being the people I know them to be would just call me out for 'swearing' or call ME a pervert.

I honestly do not tink think the enablers can 'win' because they ultimately make themselves ridiculous without me calling them out. Besides, they are right in one of their narratives, God is the ultimate judge, and sorry but the God I know and worship knows the difference between mistake, sin, crime, cover up, victim, etc and the Duggars will either have to repent legitimately or face some wrath.

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  On 5/31/2015 at 8:17 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

A Nancy Grace/Dr. Phil tag team would be perfect.

Exactly. We want the Duggars hit with hard questions. How else will people will realize how dangerous their beliefs are.

I haven't watched Nancy since the Casey Anthony case has she even mentioned the Duggars on her show?

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Okey doke, I know I'm the one who questioned why they picked Megyn Kelly, but I think I've come up with an answer.  Jim Bob and Michelle want to look sympathetic.  Now, in their screwed up mindset, women are sympathetic creatures who don't want to see anyone hurt, who hate to see anyone cry.  Man, I am lighting candles and gyrating in the prayer closet praying that this is the Ultimate Duggar Smackdown interview. 

Networks are also about the dollars.  Sooo many companies have pulled and threatened to pull advertising time from TLC if the show continues.  I know a lot of people see Fox as evil, but you really think if they portray the Duggars in a sympathetic light, they are willing to see sponsors go bye bye?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there even one company stating stalwart support of the Duggars? (Huckabee doesn't count)  Money talks, and sponsors can walk. 


And whoever mentioned Nancy Grace above?  I can't stand the woman, but I'm pretty sure ALL of us would pitch in money for that interview if they put it on Pay Per View!

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  On 5/31/2015 at 10:19 PM, Fuzzysox said:

Exactly. We want the Duggars hit with hard questions. How else will people will realize how dangerous their beliefs are.

I haven't watched Nancy since the Casey Anthony case has she even mentioned the Duggars on her show?



  On 5/31/2015 at 10:21 PM, Ivy26 said:

Okey doke, I know I'm the one who questioned why they picked Megyn Kelly, but I think I've come up with an answer.  Jim Bob and Michelle want to look sympathetic.  Now, in their screwed up mindset, women are sympathetic creatures who don't want to see anyone hurt, who hate to see anyone cry.  Man, I am lighting candles and gyrating in the prayer closet praying that this is the Ultimate Duggar Smackdown interview. 

Networks are also about the dollars.  Sooo many companies have pulled and threatened to pull advertising time from TLC if the show continues.  I know a lot of people see Fox as evil, but you really think if they portray the Duggars in a sympathetic light, they are willing to see sponsors go bye bye?  Correct me if I'm wrong, but is there even one company stating stalwart support of the Duggars? (Huckabee doesn't count)  Money talks, and sponsors can walk. 


And whoever mentioned Nancy Grace above?  I can't stand the woman, but I'm pretty sure ALL of us would pitch in money for that interview if they put it on Pay Per View!

No idea if Nancy Grace has mentioned the Duggars, because I just can't take her intensity or her obsession with certain cases, but she hates any sort of person who harms children and who comes off as a smug liar, so I think she'd be perfect to rip Josh and his parents a new one, plus I think she could put some sense into Anna and the J'slaves into letting them know this whole situation is not normal and they have options to leave.


I originally said Nancy and Dr. Phil, too, because I'd like to see him scream at Jim Bob. 


Plus, both are Christians, white, conservative and Southern, so Jim Bob couldn't pull any of the Heathen Liberal Yankees are out to get me cards.

  • Love 10

Your right Nancy hates people that harm children. She would hit them hard leaving Boob crying. She wouldn't mess around doing a fluff piece she would go in for the kill and blame Josh as well as his parents for sweeping this under the rug.

Hmm maybe I'll send a PM to her on FB you know to get her interested in going after them. :)

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 6
  On 5/30/2015 at 7:03 PM, SomePity1066 said:

Oh, Cheerio, in the midst of all this sadness and deception you made me belly-laugh. Loudly. Like enough to wake up my dog, who did the "What the what ?!?!" head-tilt that dogs are so good at...


There are SO many things I want, and DON'T want to happen at the interview, if it does, in fact, happen. Here's my short list while I'm on a tear:


  • JB and Michelle - Do NOT wear matching outfits. We already think you're freaky cult members just this side shy of purple shrouds and matching Nikes. You can look like a couple without looking like twins, which only adds to the incest creep-factor here.
  • For the love of Jeebus, Michelle, do NOT gaze adoringly at JB while he speaks. Your "Headship" obviously sank. Be your own woman, be a MOTHER, for once, you Stepford Clown Car. And for once, try to look like you didn't just get Tasered. Be involved. Nod appropriately. Keep your eyeballs in their sockets. And try using a normal voice. I'm pretty sure you had one once.
  • If you dare say "We prayed it away" I swear I will shoot my TV like Elvis did. That goes double for "We purposed to..." or "It was placed on our hearts...". 
  • Don't even TRY to lie your way out of this ! We know the timeline, the multiple coverups, and the backtracking. Fox News may give you a pass, but it will be minutes - maybe even SECONDS - before your next try at deception hits the Internet. Resistance is futile, so 'fess up, already.
  • If the girls, any of them, are blamed in any way, there's not much I can do, but I'd hope there would be two lightning bolts on their way to the Fox studio with your names on them. 
  • "Modesty" or any of your deluded variations of it, is verboten. Just shut the fuck up. You preach and preach about modesty and how women are solely to blame for tempting the menfolk to lustful thoughts, while men and their hormones and erections (a totally NATURAL occurrence, BTW) are given a pass. For a religion so centered on control, control, control, where, oh where, is the SELF control ? The girls' modesty dress, back in the day of the prairie dresses and Peter Pan collars, could have not been more covering and nun-like. But your Joshie found his way though that, didn't he ? WHILE THEY WERE SLEEPING ! He harbored unnatural lust for the only victims he could access, regardless of their dress. And for a five year-old. Really ? REALLY ? What temptress was she made out to be ? Was she told to be less "sexy" while she played with her blocks and dolls ?
  • Explain where Josh REALLY was. Not an ATI camp, not in therapy. He was at a friend's house helping with home renovations. The logic of that boggles the mind. Does "hard work" erase a crime. Does Joshie hanging drywall all day give any peace to the survivors of his sexual assault ? And then he's off to a "stern talking to" by a Police Officer/child pornographer. Wait, what... ? [snip]
  • You are piss-poor excuses for parents and human beings. Your brand of Christianity would make Jesus himself gag. It's time to recognize your numerous offenses and mistakes and CHANGE. As in TOTALLY change. Away with ATI, IBFP, Gothard, and all the rest. You have a chance to rebuild your family, most probably without Josh, but in a way that doesn't harm the clueless, indoctrinated Anna and her innocent children. You can admit, finally, that the homeschooling was a sham and a failure. That holding back the kids from further education was cruel and narrow-minded. The blanket training and use of a rod for punishment was a mistake. The buddy-system and onerous responsibilities put on the older girls was not unlike slavery. You've been wrong and misguided since the day you hooked up with Gothard, himself a sinful molester, so it's time to beg for forgiveness from your children and start over again. 
  • If the survivors of Josh's crimes choose not to forgive, then so be it. Let them go on to live their own lives, and WITH the money they've certainly earned for a decade of this TLC charade. For the little ones too young to leave, you bet your ass people will be watching, so be careful. Let them go to a REAL school, or hire a real homeschooling teacher, one that won't just shovel those worthless ATI workbooks onto the SOTDRT and hope they can read by the time they're ten. I want to see history, literature, science, art, not freaking BANKRUPTCY. 
  • If they're all just "over it", let Jill and Derrick, Jessa and Ben, and any of the other kids that want out just GO. I know it would be hard, but plenty of us have left home/escaped and turned out just fine ! JB and Michelle have ABSOLUTELY no control over their adult kids, you know ! They can pack up and leave at any time, free housing be damned ! JB CANNOT hold them hostage. Arkansas isn't New York City - you can find rentals at ver reasonable rates, so if they choose to go then God Speed. And, I'm POSITIVE there would be more than ample backup to help them make new lives - the former-Gothards, former-Fundies, and hell - even people like ME would contribute to them starting a new life. Just lemme get me checkbook...


If Megan Kelly has a brain and a conscience she'll not be lobbing softballs. It would be a HUGE slap in the face of Josh's survivors of abuse, and contribute even more to Fox's reputation of being misogynistic, Fundie-friendly apologists. Though I sincerely doubt it would happen, there's certainly an analogy to be brought up between JB and any other number of cult leaders, none of which ended well. 


If JB and Michelle pull the "typical" Duggar bullshit, then they deserve whatever comes their way. She can crazy/breathy/squeaky talk until the cows come home, they can nod-nod, wink-wink about still trying for blessing #20, and then watch all of their "flowers" leave for another garden. 

I love this post so much I want to marry it. OMG, I laughed out loud over the Church of the Holy Storage Unit. ;-)



Edited by Missy Vixen
  • Love 9
  On 5/31/2015 at 2:31 AM, becca3891 said:

 I really hope Megyn Kelly has done her homework and will at least touch on the topic of Gothard and his so-called sexal abuse counseling, but I have a bad feeling she won't.

See, I think it doesn't really matter how much homework she does (and WHO, in their right mind, wouldn't be cramming like crazy to have all the facts down with an interview like that coming up? I'd wager she knows the duggars better than the Duggars know themselves by now). They will be sitting in their cozy nest, snuggled up and being the Duggars. Probably dressed alike (which drives me CRAZY!). She'll be cooing, he'll be teary eyed, and we'll be gagging. The whole REASON this will be a taped interview is because JB wouldn't do it otherwise. It won't MATTER what they're asked, or even what they answer. Only what they agree to will be shown. I betcha ANYTHING that was a stipulation to interview. GEML made a good point when she said "at this point, they need the media more than the media needs them", but this interview was a catch. They were being silent, and to break silence was leverage. We will see EXACTLY what JB agrees to.

That's what I think anyway. I'm really beyond disappointed that it's a taped interview. Boo!

  • Love 6

I would have loved to have seen the looks on Derick and Ben's faces as they sat around the table with Ma and Pa Duggar discussing how they were going to "spin" this.


My guess is that they will try to make it all about evil liberals trying to smear the name of a good Christian family because they are willing to stand up for what's right ,

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  On 6/1/2015 at 12:16 AM, cmr2014 said:

I would have loved to have seen the looks on Derick and Ben's faces as they sat around the table with Ma and Pa Duggar discussing how they were going to "spin" this.

The table? Derick and Ben aren't at any table.

There's no way Derick, Ben, the daughters/victims --- even Josh were included in the discussions. Decisions were made by Jim Bob, under the advice of his attorney and the crisis PR people they eventually contracted. JB will tell everyone what to do -- and they'll do it.

  • Love 8
  On 5/31/2015 at 8:17 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

A Nancy Grace/Dr. Phil tag team would be perfect. 


OMG, Nancy Grace would grind Boob and Me-chelle to dust!  Now, I'm not much of an NG fan. She's overly dramatic and a bit of a fame monger in her own right. A lawyer friend who works in personal injury law told me once that all trial lawyers are frustrated actors and she's the worst case of that stereotype he's ever seen. But she would be absolutely spot-on perfect for this interview...

Edited by AmandaPanda
removed "famewhore"
  • Love 6

JB will tell everyone what to do -- and they'll do it.


Exactly. I'm not sure how much of the interview was his lawyer's idea or PR though. I can see both advising him once he agreed to the interview on how to control it. But I can't see any good lawyer or PR recommending an interview in the first place. There's just no way that could come out good for their clients. But JimBob knows best.

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  On 5/31/2015 at 11:21 PM, Happyfatchick said:

See, I think it doesn't really matter how much homework she does (and WHO, in their right mind, wouldn't be cramming like crazy to have all the facts down with an interview like that coming up? I'd wager she knows the duggars better than the Duggars know themselves by now). They will be sitting in their cozy nest, snuggled up and being the Duggars. Probably dressed alike (which drives me CRAZY!). She'll be cooing, he'll be teary eyed, and we'll be gagging. The whole REASON this will be a taped interview is because JB wouldn't do it otherwise. It won't MATTER what they're asked, or even what they answer. Only what they agree to will be shown. I betcha ANYTHING that was a stipulation to interview. GEML made a good point when she said "at this point, they need the media more than the media needs them", but this interview was a catch. They were being silent, and to break silence was leverage. We will see EXACTLY what JB agrees to.

That's what I think anyway. I'm really beyond disappointed that it's a taped interview. Boo!


Yeah, this is what I think will happen, too. Plus, when people really don't want to answer a question, they just don't answer it. They can just say something out of left field and she'll be helpless. An interview's not a court of law. Nobody will force them to answer. And if she keeps repeating a question, they can just keep giving non-answers until she gives up or everyone falls to the floor in exhaustion. There really is no way to make people truly address questions if they don't want to. And the Duggars are past masters at repeating meaningless bullshit as if it means something. So even if she keeps going after them on some point, eventually she'll just have to go with one of their meaningless bullshit answers, I think. Otherwise, she won't have an interview to show at all.

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  On 5/31/2015 at 8:17 PM, RazzleberryPie said:

A Nancy Grace/Dr. Phil tag team would be perfect. 


I'd also like to propose an assist from Candy Finnegan and Ken Seeley from Intervention to get everyone the help they need. Jeff VanVonderen can watch the kids while everyone is gone and remind them they're loved like crazy. 

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Hey folks - some of you have no doubt noticed already, but we've posted a thread specifically for speculation on the Megyn Kelly specials here.  Please do all further speculating on the specials in that thread.  We won't be moving all the existing posts about it to that thread, but that doesn't mean you need to repost your thoughts there - we're all doing a lot of repeating each other as it is :)  Just post there from now on if you're discussing the upcoming specials.  We'll also be opening an episode-style thread for the specials Wednesday night.



  • Love 4

I am not going to watch the interview.  I don't want to hear JB and the uterus talk about Josh's "youthful mistake."


Wouldn't that be MISTAKES, plural?  Because he did it repeatedly.  How many times do you get to be "curious" before you are a pervert?  And as young as some of those girls were, instead of praying it away, he should have had his ass beaten with that rod, then sent for some REAL counseling!


I emember reading on one of these forums that the Duggar girls are not allowed to use tampons because they must "maintain all purity."


Guess having your brother grope your genitals is OK though. 


I get angrier about this every day.  I don't want this to be forgotten.  And how do we know the girls forgive him?  They may only parrot what they've been told to say.  I hope many more people feel the way I do, and I hope their interview backfires big time.

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Pickles and Hairspray has a story up about a woman Jim Bob threatened with eviction in 1998 for not allowing his political signs (when he ran and won the house seat) in her yard. Jim Bob wasn't even her landlord, just friends with her landlord. There are more identifying details, and the story seems to check out. Oh, and the landlord was related to the Judge who ordered Josh's records destroyed. Ugh, such slippery snakes.

  • Love 9

Pickles has always mentioned that Duggar producer John Rotan worked on the production of I Am Jazz. I think MEchelle needs to sit in her room and watch it to educate herself. After that she should offer an apology to the whole trans community.



  • Love 2

Given that they have public confession at church, and we now know what they have confessed, and it's been speculated that a church member might be the one who sent the email to Oprah, I think we finally have the answer as to why the Church of JimBob is invitation only. Someone fooled him once, so to speak, and shame on him, but fool him twice? Not going to happen.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 11:46 AM, roamyn said:

This interview as probably the biggest mistake they could've made.

Instead of dying down in the media, it's brought the full focus on Me-chelle & Boob, instead of Josh. And shown them to be liars and fake.


Doing it just shows their desperation and their arrogance. I'm sure JimBob truly thought that they could religion and virtue it all away and get the gravy train back on track. Certainly hope he failed. Very sorry that the girls are going to have to go through a second round of this, too, whatever the outcome.

  • Love 5

I know it's irrational, but I hate Michelle's hair so much. Michelle and I are about the same age and I lived through terrible 80's hair 30 years ago. Why anyone would want to revisit the massive bangs + crunchy curls is beyond me. It probably takes her back to her glory days of being a cheerleader and defrauding the neighborhood with her bikini. I don't think she has experienced any personal growth since then.

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I thought it very telling that when MK asked the couple what they think the future plans are for the Duggars, and Jimbo went right into, "We don't think it's fair that the other kids should have to suffer for what one did."  Then they went on to say that with or without the show they'd be just fine.  So, they're first thought is the show.  I would think they'd be thinking, "Screw the show.  We just want a happy and healthy family," but the family was the last thing they mentioned--along with enjoying the grandbabies, of course. 

  • Love 6
  On 6/4/2015 at 6:55 PM, zenme said:

I thought it very telling that when MK asked the couple what they think the future plans are for the Duggars, and Jimbo went right into, "We don't think it's fair that the other kids should have to suffer for what one did."  Then they went on to say that with or without the show they'd be just fine.  So, they're first thought is the show.  I would think they'd be thinking, "Screw the show.  We just want a happy and healthy family," but the family was the last thing they mentioned--along with enjoying the grandbabies, of course. 

The very existence of the interview is proof they are concerned about the show first and foremost. Otherwise, why would they feel they owe answers to anyone? They could just retreat into a quiet, private life.

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  On 6/4/2015 at 7:09 PM, Absolom said:

I thought Michelle had new poofier hair pieces just for that interview.  :)

Ha, I found that rather distracting. Why is the top so much darker than the bottom? And it seems like they really do not ever cut their hair--not even a trim--because it seems to have gotten longer with time on all of them.

  • Love 1


I thought Michelle had new poofier hair pieces just for that interview.  :)

You're not the only one. I stared at her hair, and the headline crawl during the interview. They made the trainwreck watchable. That was new hair and a pro makeup job.


She's gonna have to make that new mop head last another 30 years. Lots of luck with that.

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  On 6/2/2015 at 8:07 PM, sometimesy said:

Wish TMZ would approach (ambush) these two fools.


That would just give them an excuse to play victim and blame the LGBTQ community.


  On 6/2/2015 at 9:56 PM, Sew Sumi said:

I doubt they've left the property, probably sending the older girls and Howlers who can drive out to run their errands. 


The other neighborhood fundy families probably have a meal & grocery delivery schedule in place for them. Poor kids are probably climbing the walls more than usual.

  On 6/4/2015 at 1:47 PM, AnJen said:

Guys, someone on Jezebel noticed that Michelle's face is a perfect hybrid of Elaine and Kramer, and now I will never be able to un-see it. It's uncanny!



Yeesh. Mechelle is wearing wayy too much blush. She really is starting to look like a clown. The ombre things is a nice touch though.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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